Updating wi-fi router tp link. Identifying TP-Link hardware version and firmware version. Firmware via USB port

Any router, like many other complex devices, is equipped with a flash memory with a set of firmware that are necessary to start, configure and operate the device. At the manufacturing plant, each router is flashed with the latest BIOS version at the time of release, and until a certain point this embedded software is enough for correct operation in various operating conditions. But the hardware manufacturer can release a new version of the firmware with broader capabilities and fixes for identified bugs. So how to properly and safely flash a TP-Link router?

The ability to independently reflash a TP-Link router, if necessary, can be very useful to any user of network equipment. There is nothing very complicated in this process, the main thing is to observe the consistency and sequence of actions. Exercise healthy caution and sensibility, as a failed firmware can damage your router, and you will lose your right to warranty repair of the device.

So where do you start? We connect a personal computer or laptop to the router using an RJ-45 cable. A wireless connection over Wi-Fi is undesirable due to the relative instability of data transmission. Ideally, it is very good to take care of uninterrupted power supply for the flashable device and PC, if possible in your environment.

  1. First, we find out exactly the model of our router. If the accompanying documentation for the device has not been preserved, then this information can always be viewed on the back of the router case.
  2. Then on the same label we read and remember the version of the router's hardware revision. Any router model can have several of them and the firmware is mutually incompatible. Therefore, be careful!
  3. Now we know exactly for which device we need to find a new firmware and go to the official website of the router manufacturer.
  4. On the TP-Link website, go to the section "Support", where we will find everything that we need to flash the device.
  5. On the next web page, go to the block "Downloads".
  6. In the search bar, we begin to type the model number of your router and move to the page of this device.
  7. Then we confirm the current hardware version of your device and click on the link "Firmware".
  8. From the list of firmware versions, select the latest, most recent version by date and start downloading the file to the computer's hard drive or other media.
  9. We are waiting for the complete download of the file and unpack it in the archiver. We remember the location of the resulting file in BIN format.
  10. Now in any Internet browser in the address bar, type or and click Enter to log into the router's web interface. In the authentication window that appears, enter the username and password, by default they are identical - admin.
  11. In the opened web interface of the device, in the left column, click on the line "System Tools".
  12. In the drop-down submenu, click on the graph Firmware Upgrade, that is, we are starting the process of updating the firmware of the router.
  13. On the right side of the page, left-click on the button "Overview"to specify the path to the installation file.
  14. In the Explorer window, we find the BIN file previously downloaded from the TP-Link website, click on it with LMB and confirm the selection by clicking on the icon "Open".
  15. At the push of a button "Upgrade" start the router firmware upgrade.
  16. In the small window we finally confirm our decision to update the firmware version of our router.
  17. We are waiting for the upgrade progress bar to be completely painted over. It takes a few minutes.
  18. The device reports on the successful completion of the firmware update and goes into automatic restart. We are patiently waiting for the router to reboot.
  19. In the graph "Firmware version" we observe information about the new firmware of the router (build number, date, release). Done! You can use it.

Rollback to factory firmware

In case of incorrect operation of the device with a fresh version of the firmware and for other reasons, the user of the router can at any time roll back the firmware of the router to the factory one, that is, installed by default. You can read more about how to do this in another article on our website by clicking on the link below.

At the end of the article, let me give you one more piece of advice. During the BIOS upgrade of the router, try to exclude the use of the device for its intended purpose, for example, by disconnecting the cable from the WAN port. Good luck!

Hello dear friends. Let's continue the topic of Wi-Fi routers today, I'll tell how to flash a Wi-Fi router and I'll show you how to do this using the example of a router TP-Link TL-WR841N... I will also write a few words for what all this is needed and what result can be obtained after flashing the router.

For a long time I already wanted to write this article, and with each new comment on the article How to connect and configure a TP-Link TL-WR841N Wi-Fi router? my desire only grew stronger. It's just that a lot of problems arise in the process of setting up and operating Wi-Fi routers, and not only TL-WR841N. In the article, the link to which is above, I described a little the process of flashing the TL-WR841N, but for some reason it seems to me that everyone who configures the router according to this instruction simply does not pay attention to the process of updating the software on the Wi-Fi router.

When I installed the router at home, I immediately updated the firmware, and for almost six months of work I have not had a single problem. And judging by the comments to the article on setting up the TL-WR841N router, people have a lot of problems. Most often, this is the Internet connection, a network without Internet access, or simply devices do not want to connect to Wi-Fi.

Of course, you shouldn't blame the Wi-Fi router for everything, there may still be problems, both with the devices you want to connect and with the Internet connection itself. But the more stable the router will work, the less all these problems, which I wrote about above, will be.

Where am I leading? And to the fact that Wi-Fi routers need to be updated, not just necessary, but necessary. It's not just that manufacturers release a software update, in these updates they fix errors, thereby increasing the stability of the router itself, there are, of course, exceptions that errors are not fixed, but added, but this is a rarity. Moreover, the firmware is not complicated and takes several minutes. Now I will demonstrate.

As I already wrote, I will show you how to update the software on the TP-Link TL-WR841N router, but if you have a different router, read it anyway, since the update process is not very different. I was just about to write this article, went to the site and saw that there is a new update for my router. Great, let's update!

Attention! You only need to flash the router by connecting it to the computer via a network cable. You cannot update the firmware via Wi-Fi! If your computer has Wi-Fi, turn it off. Do not turn off the router while flashing!

Attention! Make sure you select the correct firmware. If the firmware is not for your device, then you may lose the warranty and the router itself.

Attention! At the time of the firmware, disconnect the cable from the router from the WAN socket (cable from the provider).

Attention! All settings will be reset to factory defaults, but that's okay, you can set it up in a couple of minutes. You can also make a copy of the settings before flashing, and after flashing, just restore them. I wrote about this in the article “How to save the settings of the router and restore them if necessary? On the example of a TP-Link router “

Before downloading the firmware, we need to find out the hardware version of our router. If you upload a firmware of a different version, then there may be bad consequences, be careful. We take the router, turn it over with the antennas down and see which version is indicated there.

You see, I have it written “Ver: 7.2”, which means I need to download an update for version 7. Remember which version you have.

We go to the site (in our case) http://www.tp-linkru.com and in the search bar on the site we write the model of our Wi-Fi router, by the way, the model is also indicated at the bottom of the device itself.

We look at the search results and select our router. I need TL-WR841N.

Go to the "Downloads" tab.

So, now where “Software” is opposite the version of our router, we select “Firmware”, I chose it for V7.

Download the first firmware on the list, according to the idea, this is the newest. You can still look at the date. To download, just click on the link and save the file, for example, to your desktop. As you can see, the firmware is small, 3.1 MB.

Now we need to extract the file with the software from the archive that we downloaded. You can just pull the file to your desktop like I did.

That's it, the firmware is there, you can start updating.

The process of updating the firmware on the TL-WR841N Wi-Fi router

We need to go to the router settings. It must be connected to the computer via a network cable. How to get into the settings, I have written more than once in other articles. We enter in the address bar of the browser, you can also try Then we enter the login and password to access the settings (standard admin and admin). Click "Send".

Go to the “System Tools” and “Firmware Upgrade” tabs.

Click "Browse ...", select the update file that we extracted from the archive, and click "Open".

Click on the "Upgrade" button, a message will appear, click "Ok".

We are waiting for the firmware update process to finish and the router reboot.

The router will reboot and a window will appear asking for a username and password to enter the settings. Since all settings have been reset to factory defaults, we use admin and admin to login.

All firmware versions on the router have been updated! Now all that remains is to make some settings. I just specified the name and password for the Wi-Fi network, and also changed the data for entering the settings.

Well, it seems that I wrote everything I wanted, I think that my instructions will be useful to you. Good luck!

Surely many users are interested in how to reflash a router. However, first of all, it is worth noting that this task is not so simple (although quite feasible) and requires certain knowledge and skills. Unqualified user actions can lead to malfunctions of the router, up to and including its complete failure.

When you need it

The need to rewrite the router can be caused by several reasons, among the most important are the following:

  • The need to update the firmware. Manufacturers often give users this opportunity, thereby increasing the stability of the Internet connection, adding new functions.
  • If the selected Internet provider is not supported by the device or is not supported correctly, then the situation can be corrected by flashing it.
  • If the router is unstable or too slow.

A few general rules

It should be remembered that before reflashing the router, you need to make sure that there are no problems with the power supply. A sudden power outage during the flashing process itself can lead to device failure.

In addition, you need to remember that you cannot reflash any router via a wireless Wi-Fi network. This can be done only by connecting the router to the computer.

You need to download update files either from trusted resources or from the official websites of the manufacturers.

You also need to remember that before reflashing the router, you need to remove the WAN cable (provider cable) from the socket.

You also need to find out the current firmware version. Usually it is indicated on the device itself, on a paper label. Find an inscription of the form: Ver 2.0. The numbers and will mean the version of the current firmware. It is recommended to rollback to a previous version only if absolutely necessary.

Compliance with these simple rules will allow you to perform a flashing quickly and painlessly, as well as relieve you of unnecessary headaches as a result of an unsuccessful operation.

Flashing TP-Link router

This router model is well known in the market and widespread, and therefore it is not surprising that many users are often interested in how to reflash a TP-Link router.

The procedure here will be as follows:

  • first, you need to download the firmware file and place it in any convenient folder for use;
  • then you need to turn on the router and connect it to the PC via an Ethernet network cable;
  • then you need to open any available browser and type in its address bar the IP address:; if this address is not working, then you can try: - should work;
  • on the offer to enter the authorization parameters, you must enter the login and password in the appropriate fields: admin and admin;
  • a window of standard settings will open, where you will need to go to the System Tools tab and select the Firmware Upgrade item;
  • in the upper part of the window you need to find the File item, you can type the local address of the location of the downloaded firmware file manually, but the easiest way is to just click on the "Browse" button and specify the unpacked firmware file in the dialog box that opens;
  • then you will need to click on the Upgrade button and OK;
  • all that remains is to wait for the download and firmware status bar to fill up to 100%, and then the router will either reboot itself, or it will need to be done manually.

Attention! All the settings of the router will be reset to the factory settings, and therefore, before reflashing the TP-Link router, you need to either remember or write down all the settings on a separate sheet. If the previously installed software allows, you can save the setup file in advance.

Dir router flashing

First of all, it is important to know that routers of this model revision B1, B2, B3 are incompatible with routers of revisions B4, B5, B6 and B7. Therefore, you cannot download the firmware version intended for B1, B2, B3 and use them on B4, B5, B6 and B7 routers or vice versa. Failure to comply with this rule will result in device failure.

The D-Link Dir router belongs to several old models, and therefore the need to change its firmware can be caused by many objective reasons.

And, quite naturally, many owners of this device will be interested in how to reflash a Dir router. However, the flashing process, in this case, will not be fundamentally different from changing the firmware of other router models:

  1. First you need to download and unzip the firmware file. When unzipped, it should have
  2. Turn on the router itself and connect it to the computer with the help of the provider, while it must be removed).
  3. Next, in the browser you need to type: or
  4. After that, the router will offer to save the password and login for security. They are standard for these cases: admin and admin.
  5. In the settings window that opens, select the "System" tab and then - the "Software update" item.
  6. At the next stage, you need to click on the "Browse" on-screen button, specify the downloaded firmware file and click on the OK button.

If everything is done correctly, after the reboot, an updated interface window will appear indicating the current firmware version.

Updating the D-Link router

As for how to reflash a D-Link router, here the algorithm of actions will be the same: download the firmware file, connect the router to the computer, type the above address digits in the browser.

Then you will need to click on the "Advanced settings" button in the settings window to access the necessary "System" and "Software update" items.

Further actions will be similar to those described above - click on the "Browse" button and specify the downloaded firmware file, then click on OK and wait for the installation process to finish.

The last step in the flashing will also be to reboot the router.

If "everything is frozen"

It is possible that those who are puzzled by the question of how to reflash a Dir 300 router from D-Link will face the fact that the browser or the router itself has "frozen" during the flashing process. However, you should not be afraid of this, it is just that during the installation of updates, the router loses connection with the computer for a while, but it restores it. The interruption time can be different, it depends both on the speed of the computer itself and on the router, but on average it takes no more than one or two minutes.

Of course, if the interruption continues for too long, it is possible that there is a serious problem or that this update version is incompatible with the router model. You can try to forcibly restart the router and carry out the installation again, before that making sure that the correct firmware version is being installed.

Under no circumstances should you turn off or unplug the router at this time from the outlet!

Flashing the Asus router

Asus routers are also common in the network equipment market and also require systematic software updates. Therefore, everyone who is interested in how to reflash an Asus router needs to follow these steps:

  • connect the router to the computer using an Ethernet cable;
  • enter in the address bar: or;
  • specify the required username and password;
  • now you first need to return to the factory settings, for this you need to go to the items: "Additional settings" - "Administration" - "Save / Load / Restore settings";
  • here you must first make a backup copy of the existing settings and only then perform a factory reset;
  • then you need to go back to the browser settings window and navigate through the items: "Additional settings" - "Administration" - "Firmware update";
  • specify the downloaded firmware file;
  • after installing the new file, you will need to go to the settings page for the third time and reset them to the factory settings again.

Re-flashing the Kyivstar router

There is nothing special about how to reflash a Kyivstar router. After all, this operator uses the models of TP-Link routers, the flashing of which was already mentioned above. However, there are some features and nuances that should be considered:

  1. To get to the settings window, you need to enter not just numbers in the browser, but:
  2. As a username and password, you need to enter a bunch: kyivstar and kyivstar.

Other steps are the same as when updating TP-Link routers.

Re-flashing routers from Beeline

But those who are interested in how to reflash a Beeline router can breathe a sigh of relief - flashing their devices is also no different from the process of updating software for everyone else: the same local IP in the address bar and the same familiar link “admin - admin ". To get to the window with the firmware file, you will first need to click on the "Advanced settings" button, then - "Others".

In the window that opens, first you need to click on the "Select file" button, and after selecting - on "Run update". After rebooting, the router will be updated.

It is also necessary to remember: when trying to carry out a custom flashing, so that routers from Kyivstar or Beeline work with other operators, the subscriber will automatically lose the warranty on the device.

As a result of the performed manipulations, the stability of the device may increase, and some new functions may also be added. And yet, before reflashing a router, you must clearly understand the whole procedure. If you are not confident in your own abilities, it is better to contact a service workshop.

Hello, in this article I would like to talk about the routers of TP Link companies, more precisely, how to update the firmware of the routers of this company. Although I have already written more than once about how to do this. But a message comes to my mail from people how to do this and whether they need to re-ask their tp link router. Therefore, I decided to write a detailed guide to this part.

First, do I need to re-ask the router? Here I ask you to think for yourself, the TP Link campaign never stands in revenge and always follows the trend in the world of wireless technologies and networks. Therefore, it regularly releases updates for its entire line of routers. In them, they patch up the gifts of safety and improve work productivity. Since the world of network equipment is not worth sweeping, and your ISPs are wearing more and more changes to pile the network. Router companies have to change their equipment all the time. So I think that you should update your router software as soon as you notice a malfunction. This will most likely fix the problem.

Let's proceed to the update on our router tp link. First, we need to download the firmware. Of course, I advise you to take the firmware from the official website of the TP link companies. Go to the official website https://www.tp-linkru.com/support/download/. Now you need to find out the series of your router, you can do this by looking at the instructions for the router or at the label attached to the router itself (it is usually on the back panel).

As you probably already understood, we will be interested not only in the full name of the router but also in its version, it is written after the letter "V" or "Ver". Now that we have decided on the name and version of our router (for example, tp link TL-WR841ND V8), follow the links and fill in the fields on the page.

By clicking on the "Search" button, a page with available firmware for downloading will open in front of us, click on the link and download the archive with the sewing in a convenient place for you, unpack it there.

After that, let's start uploading the firmware to the router. To do this, open any browser on your computer and in the address bar write the address of the default router on all TPs, the link is or "https://tplinklogin.net". The authorization window will open, if you have not changed the login and password will be admin / admin. After entering the parameters, click on the "Login" button.

Now as you entered the left menu of the interface, select the "System Tools" section and go to the "Firmware Update" item. Now, by clicking on the "Select file" button, find and select the file with the .bin extension, downloaded and unpacked by you earlier. Then click on the "Update" button.

We are waiting for a couple of minutes until the new software is installed; during installation, in no case do not turn off the router from the outlet. For those who are in scrap to read a good video.

How to properly and quickly reflash a TP-Link router


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