How to connect an analog TV. Digital TV without a set-top box via Smart TV. Setting up digital television

Digital television broadcasting is deployed almost throughout the country - in most regions it is conducted in the DVB-T2 standard and only in a few, where broadcasting was started back in 2008-2011, while the DVB-T standard is still used. But in the very near future, the standard will change in these regions.

The standard is the standard, but what does the digital switchover mean for the average person? Most importantly, a huge leap forward in the quality of reception and variety of television programs. It may seem strange to a resident of a large city, but less than a third of the population of Russia can watch more than two terrestrial television channels in analog format. Reception of one digital television package allows you to immediately increase the number of received programs up to 10, and then up to 20-30 with the ability to receive high-definition television.

What can you watch? Multiplexes

A multiplex is a package of television and radio channels broadcast by one transmitter. The entire multiplex usually occupies the bandwidth of one television frequency channel, but contains up to ten television programs and several radio stations. Typically, the multiplex data stream contains the program guide of each television channel.

As of December 2013, two multiplexes were approved in Russia - “RTRS-1” and “RTRS-2” (the first and second multiplex, respectively). The first multiplex is mandatory for broadcasting in all types of digital terrestrial, cable and satellite television throughout Russia. The composition of the packages (multiplexes) is presented below:

"RTRS-1" (first multiplex)

  • "First channel"
  • "Russia 1"
  • "Match TV"
  • "NTV"
  • "The fifth channel"
  • "Russia K"
  • "Russia 24"
  • "Carousel"
  • "Public television of Russia"
  • "TV Center"
  • radio "Radio Russia"
  • radio "Mayak"
  • radio "Vesti FM"

"RTRS-2" (second multiplex)

  • REN TV
  • "SPAS"
  • "STS"
  • "Home"
  • "TV3"
  • "Friday"
  • "Star"
  • "World"
  • "TNT"
  • "Muz TV"

What equipment do you need to receive digital TV?

You need to understand that the transition to digital may require the purchase of additional equipment or a new TV. Everything is very similar to the launch of color TV broadcasting: a black-and-white TV continued to receive a "color signal", but it could no longer display color on its screen. And if there was a desire to see a color "picture", then you had to buy a color TV.

Digital television is broadcast in the decimeter wavelength range (UHF) and in most cases does not require replacing the receiving antenna. Let's take a look at the steps to take, depending on the antenna you have:

MW antenna

You will need to replace the antenna with a UHF band antenna. The best choice would be to purchase an antenna optimized for digital television reception.

UHF antenna

Antenna replacement is not required. The antenna is already optimal for digital TV reception.

All-wave antenna

Antenna replacement is not required. This antenna has the ability to receive digital TV.

The above is true for both outdoor antennas and indoor antennas - if your indoor antenna confidently “catches” analog UHF channels, then digital television will be received without problems.

The issue with the TV itself is somewhat more complicated and varied: the country has a huge park of TV receivers of completely different ages and capabilities. Moreover, the age of the TV is not always decisive for the ability to receive digital television in the DVB-T2 format. Below are the most typical situations:

Modern LCD (LCD, LED) TV equipped with a built-in DVB-T2 module

To receive digital TV in the DVB-T2 standard, it is necessary and sufficient to enable this function in the TV menu. After that, it will switch to receiving digital multiplexes (packets).

Modern LCD (LCD, LED) TV, equipped with a built-in DVB-T module or without it

Such a TV will not be able to independently receive broadcasting in the DVB-T2 format. Even if such a TV has a module for receiving a digital signal of the DVB-T, DVB-C or DVB-S standards. To watch digital TV, you need to purchase a digital receiver (receiver), which can be connected via HDMI, RCA or SCART connectors of your TV. The antenna is then switched from the TV to the digital receiver.

Legacy TV with RCA or SCART connectors

To watch digital TV, you need to purchase a digital receiver (receiver), which can be connected via RCA or SCART connectors on your TV. The antenna is then switched from the TV to the digital receiver.

Legacy TV with only antenna connector

Unfortunately, there is no way to watch digital programs on such a TV. We'll have to replace it with a modern LCD TV, the most optimal will be the presence of a built-in module for receiving a digital signal of the DVB-T2 standard.

Users of our Internet provider have the opportunity to connect digital television without a set-top box and thus save on purchasing or renting a receiver. At the same time, the signal quality obtained with a direct connection is identical to that received by users connected via the TV-2 module.

To get access to the whole variety of TV channels available to viewers, you will need:

  • tV with built-in Smart TV or Internet TV functions;
  • broadband high-speed Internet access and a modern router that distributes Wi-Fi without reducing the speed;
  • if the small diagonal does not bother you, an alternative can be your tablet PC or smartphone running iOS or Android operating systems;
  • register after downloading the Wifire TV application and select the channel package you are most interested in.

To start using digital TV without a set-top box, you need to download the Wifire TV app for Smart TV, iOS or Android. Registration of a new user is as simple as possible, taking into account the requirements for providing authorized access and secure storage of your personal information. Access to viewing channels is provided in packages supplied at various prices, with the possibility of expanding the basic channels with additional ones. This allows each user to customize the required number of programs with their preferred content without unnecessary spending.

Benefits of connecting digital TV without a set-top box

The main advantage of our proposed connection method is that there is no need for a prefix. Thus, you save about 2 thousand rubles one-time or reduce the monthly fee for the cost of renting the device.

Other important advantages of connecting a TV without a set-top box:

  • simple intuitive interface with the ability to record broadcasts, stop and rewind them;
  • flexible configuration of available channels with the ability to expand the standard offer with thematic packs;
  • convenient viewing control with a single remote control.

The app is available for most modern LG and Samsung TVs. Due to the use of wireless technology for connecting the Internet, the clutter of your apartment with wires is reduced.

Frequently asked Questions

What internet speed does digital TV require without a set-top box?
To correctly answer this question, it is necessary to take into account a number of additional factors:

  • the number of users and devices connected to one access point;
  • the criticality of the drop in access speed for any connected device;
  • features of the router used.

The more devices and the more critical the drop in speed for each, the more high-speed Internet will be needed. For a small family using Wifire TV on a TV, the minimum recommended rate is Wifire 100 at the appropriate speed.

What diagonal of the device display is required for comfortable viewing?
It depends on your personal preference. In our opinion, in order to enjoy watching TV with Wifire TV, you need a device with a diagonal of 7-7.5 inches or larger. However, no one bothers you to launch it from smartphones with a smaller diagonal and enjoy high-quality content while watching your favorite channels.

Is there a situation when connecting via a set-top box is preferable?
If your TV does not support Smart TV technology, connecting via a set-top box is the only option that exists at the moment. We recommend that you carefully study the capabilities of TVs before purchasing them, first of all paying attention to the availability of technologies recognized as the most promising.

The tariffs and services of Net By Net Holding LLC can be changed by the operator. Full up-to-date information about tariffs and services - in the "tariffs" section or by phone indicated on the website.

So, you wanted to connect digital TV. What needs to be done for this, and what to pay attention to? I will answer all your questions. I'll tell you right away that we are talking about terrestrial digital TV (prefix, antenna, air), about cable - it's not here)

How to connect digital TV? In fact, it's very simple!

I suggest you simple algorithm, following which you can easily connect and tune 10 or 20 digital channels on your TV yourself. But, since each step has its own nuances, I wrote separate articles on them. Carefully study everything that is written here, and you will be happy - free digital television in your home. All links open in a new window.

So let's go.

The first three steps when connecting to digital TV, or "Where to start"?

  1. Read this short introduction to the topic written by me. This will give you a rough idea of \u200b\u200bthe question in general.
  2. Watch on terrestrial digital TV. Maybe you expected more or something different? If you are not satisfied with what is being broadcasted there, you can close this site and go about your business)
  3. Make sure you have a DVB T2 digital TV near you and that you are in the broadcasting area of \u200b\u200bone of them.

If the first three points did not discourage the desire, then we will continue. Most likely, further steps will be costly, so check the coverage area well and think if you are not planning all this in vain.

All you need is a TV (I took it for 1100) and (I took 700 rubles with an amplifier). In total, the issue price is 1800 rubles, which pays off for a year of a cable TV subscriber. And if you don't buy an antenna, then it's generally great. Yes, and the TV may already have a built-in receiver for connecting digital TV.

Further steps to connect the "numbers"

  1. We solve the issue with.
  2. We solve the issue with
  3. Having everything you need on hand! (Hooray!)
  4. If there are more channels than it should be (takes!),.
  5. If something did not work out, and nothing was caught, then we do not despair.
  6. If all else fails, then we call or write an email to the local customer support center. I wrote, and from there they really answered my questions. Well done!

Connecting digital television is not launching a spacecraft into space, and I think that it is available to everyone who has such a desire and very little money)

Here is a short manual with a bunch of pitfalls. I hope it was helpful to you.

The development of technology does not stand still: terrestrial analog television is being replaced by digital. Digital television uses a method of transmitting signal and sound by encoding it. For encoding, the mpeg data compression standard is used. There are several ways to become a user of such television: by connecting to terrestrial television and radio broadcasting or to satellite television. Which type of connection to choose depends on personal preference and where the signal is received.

Connection to terrestrial television

There are several ways to connect to TV. Regardless of the method, one of the main attributes is the antenna. Transmission of digital terrestrial T2 channels, despite the format and quality used, is carried out at frequencies of the decimeter range.

Different types of antennas are used depending on the location of the received device, compared to a television tower:

If you have a TV with a digital tuner installed in it, you just need to connect an antenna to its input and start scanning channels. A TV tuner is required that supports the type of signal coding used. Recently, the T2 type standard has been used. The received signal can be open or closed. A closed signal implies its special encoding. In order to be able to watch it, a decoder called the CAM module is used.

This module is an electronic map. Its appearance resembles an ordinary bank card with a special chip. Installation is performed through the Common Interface slot or through a special CI adapter (included with the TV), which is connected to the back of the TV. The card with the module is available separately from your cable TV service provider. The installation itself is straightforward and should be described in the instructions. It is important to note that it is advisable to carry out all actions with the television device disconnected from the electrical network.

After connection, using the TV menu, channels are scanned automatically. When finished, all searched channels are stored in memory. The setup is complete.

How to connect the receiver to a TV

If the TV receiver does not have the required tuner for connection, you will have to use a special device: a set-top box or receiver with DVB-T2 support.

The name comes from the English set top box (box in the machine). This equipment is designed to receive a digital signal with its subsequent decoding and conversion to analog type. These devices are often referred to as decoders due to the use of mpeg-2 or mpeg-4 signal compression technology. The undoubted advantage of the set-top box will be the availability of great connectivity options. The main connectors that may be present on the tuner are analog RCA (tulip) or SCART (legacy), as well as digital HDMI.

The receivers themselves are different not only in appearance, but also electronic components. The components used allow the use of additional features, such as watching IPTV, connecting various storage devices, online cinemas, YouTube, game mode, etc. For this, the devices are equipped with an additional network connector, USB ports, Wi-Fi module, bluetooth. There are also prefixes by types:

So, having any kind of TV at home, a digital tuner and an antenna, you can set up a high-quality signal broadcast.

First of all, you need a physical connection between devices. Connection is made depending on the availability of the available input connectors on the set-top box and tuner. For this connectors the corresponding cable is inserted into one and the other device:

If suddenly the same connectors no, it can be connected using various adapters. The adapter can simply consist of a wire and connectors, or it can have a complex electronic circuit inside, a controller. It can be active or passive, for example, RCA-SCART, RCA-HDMI, DVI-HDMI, etc. Preference should be given to digital transmission of HDMI signal, it provides the best resolution and, accordingly, image quality.

After the physical connection of the set-top box with the TV, the antenna is connected to the receiver and only after that all the required devices are connected to the 220 V power supply network.

It happens that you need to connect a modern television to an old television that does not have any connectors other than an antenna, that is, a high-frequency (HF) input. In this case, you can use a conventional VCR. The VCR has an RF input and output. To do this, its output is connected to the antenna input of the TV, and the tape recorder itself, using RCA or another possible connection, is combined with the tuner.

The second stage will be software configuration. On the TV, using the remote control, you switch to the used interface. According to the instructions for the tuner, it starts scanning the frequency range. After a certain period of time, all available channels will be found and stored in the receiver's memory. In the future, navigation between channels, sound adjustment will be made using the remote control set-top box. The system is ready for use.

When using a VCR, you must first find on the TV at what frequency its signal is transmitted. Usually this is the 36th channel with a frequency of about 600 MHz, and then carry out the steps described above.

The peculiarity of the connection will be the use of its own type of antenna and a receiver with a tuner supporting the DVB-S / S2 standard. The signal can be encoded in HD-format (high definition video) and in mpeg-4, the former is preferable.

The antenna is a kitconsisting of the following elements:

  • Plate. It has a different diameter, depending on the location of the installation and the type of satellite used.
  • Converter. Collects the reflected signal from the dish. It can have several outputs.
  • Dissek. Used to connect several convectors.
  • Antenna cable. Connects to the receiver using the F-connector.

When choosing an antenna, special attention should be paid to the diameter of the dish: the larger it is, the better the signal reception. The best material for a plate is aluminum. It is less susceptible to corrosion and is lightweight. Converter location - offset ... This will enable the installation several convectors on one plate, increasing the number of visible satellites.

A characteristic feature when choosing satellite TV will be the ability to choose a program package yourself, using one or another satellite. Another advantage is that you can also get the Internet via satellite. For example, Tricolor TV will provide Internet access at speeds up to 40 Mb / s for incoming traffic and up to 12 Mb / s for outgoing traffic.

The receiver connects to the set-top box in the same way, as in the case of on-air reception.

Connection example

Let us have a standard indoor decimeter antenna, a BBK LED 2272FG TV, a BBK SMP 124HDT2 tuner. The receiver is a product using the Ali 3812 chipset. Supports the DVB-T / DVB-T2, mpeg-2 / mpeg-4 standard, as an add-on has a built-in media player and the ability to record the received signal. Recording occurs through a connection to the USB port of any media.

We connect the antenna with a coaxial wire to the Ant-in socket. So, the antenna is connected, then you need to connect the digital set-top box to the TV. For this we connect the receiver to the TV using an HDMI cable. We connect everything to the 220 V. We switch the TV to the HDMI interface and scan the channels using the remote control tuner. After a few minutes, all available channels will be found. For example, in Russia 20 channels are broadcast, divided into two packages in the DVB-T2 format, multiplex. Both are free. There are 32 free channels in Ukraine, including 10 HD channels.

As can be noted, connecting and configuring digital TV broadcasting is not such a difficult task. Any user of a TV receiver or DVB receiver and antenna can install it.


A couple of years ago, many doubted that digital would come into existence so quickly. However, it is already safe to say that it happened. High picture quality, reliable signal - now this is the prerogative of not only cable networks and satellite TV. And naturally many people have a question: "How to connect digital television."

People who have heard about the introduction of digital TV in the region and who want to connect it, have many questions: what kind of TV do you need, what kind of set-top box, what kind of antenna should be, how much the set-top box costs. Let's try to answer all the questions, including such frequently asked questions as: "Connecting a set-top box for digital television", "How to connect digital television of VGTRK" and so on.

To immediately clarify some issues, I will say that digital TV broadcasting is completely free and is being introduced instead of the outdated analog signal in the SECAM standard operating in Russia.

Connecting digital television from a set-top box

We all connected video tape recorders, a DVD player, so the question of how to connect a digital TV set-top box will not put you in difficulty. Installation of the set-top box is extremely simple, you just need to connect the antenna from the TV to the set-top box and connect it to the TV using a cable, through standard SCART, HDMI or "tulip" connectors without overpaying for a wizard call and installation, as is the case with satellite or cable TV.

A cable for connecting digital television needs a completely ordinary one. The set-top box comes with a cord with tulip-type connectors (usually), but if you do not have this type of connection on your TV or it is busy, then there is the possibility of connecting through other inputs, since there are enough of them on the set-top box. Connecting digital television to a TV can be seen in the figure

How to connect digital TV

All that is required to connect digital television is the purchase of a set-top box - decoder, and if your TV receives a signal of the decimeter range (UHF), then no additional equipment is needed. If not, you will have to spend money on a UHF antenna.

As for the price for a set-top box, it is low compared to satellite or cable and starts at about 1000 rubles. and higher depending on the options in the STB. The purchase of an antenna is also inexpensive.

Watching on TV

If you are interested in how to connect digital television without spending money on a set-top box, then it is possible to purchase with an internal DVB-T2 tuner, which is even more convenient, control with one remote control, you do not need to allocate space for the receiver. Picture tube (CRT) TVs with this tuner are not available, they are built only into modern LCD TVs. In this case, the connection diagram is even simpler, the UHF antenna is directly connected to the TV. It can be both external.

Digital cable TV connection

Unlike terrestrial, cable will not be free, although cheaper than satellite. Connecting this type of service is advisable when receiving terrestrial TV is impossible or extremely difficult. For example, the house is in the lowlands.

In this case, you need to find out if it is possible to connect cable TV and contact your provider. They will provide the equipment or, if it is possible to view it on TV, a special smart card that is inserted into the CI slot on the TV.


It is up to you to decide whether to connect digital television, but there are plenty of advantages for choosing it, especially for setting the number to.

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