What is a domain name. What is a domain? How to register a domain name

Domain name or domain is the name of the site. You enter it in the address bar of your browser when you want to visit the site.

The address bar looks like this:

Browser header Domain Address bar

Domain names were invented to make it easier to find sites on the Internet. Previously, you had to remember the digital website address in order to open it in a browser. A numeric address or IP address is a combination of four numbers separated by dots. The IP address points to the server where the site is located, and looks like this:

You can remember a couple of these numbers, but try to keep a couple of dozen IP addresses in your head, and the numbers will start to get confused. Computers don't care, they will remember as many numbers as they want, but for people they came up with text names.

By the same logic, we do not learn phone numbers by heart, but save them to the phone book. And at the right time, all you have to do is find the name on the phone, and the phone itself will understand which number to call.

Everything that comes after "http: //" is a domain. In our example, the domain is the site.

For a computer, this is the same address, but it is easier for a person to remember letters

https: // site

How a domain differs from hosting

Hosting is the place where your website files are stored. And the domain is the name of the site. To make the site work and make it easier for people to enter it, you need both a domain and hosting.

Imagine that the site is a collection of paintings. Then hosting is the house where the paintings are located, and the domain is the address where this house can be found.

What does a domain name consist of?

Any domain consists of levels. Domain levels are the parts that separate the dots. They are needed to organize the work of domain names.

The registration department is responsible for the first level. It stores information about the second level. The domain registrar is responsible for the second and subsequent levels - this is the company from which you bought the domain. This hierarchy helps the browser to quickly find the required server and open the site.

By default, each domain consists of two levels, but there may be more - three, four, five, etc. Levels are usually counted from right to left. Let's take a closer look at them.


Domain first level

... It is also called the upper level. The first-level domain is the part of the name that is to the right of the last dot. When registering, you cannot come up with your own first-level domain. We'll have to choose from the existing ones.

A complete list of first-level domains is kept on the website of the Office for Assigned Numbers on the Internet. Here are some of them: .com, .net, .org, .biz, .info, .ua, .ru, .me.

www.hostiq .ua

Second domain level

... This level is also called the main or mother level. A second-level domain is the part of the name to the left of the last dot. Hostiq is a second level domain in the site name.

www .site

Third level domain

... It is also called a subdomain or subdomain. The third-level domain is the part of the name that is to the left of the penultimate dot. Subdomains are used when they want to assign a unique address to different sections on the site.

Subdomains will make the site structure clearer. Let's say your site has two versions: Russian and English. Each of them can be assigned its own subdomain: ru.site.com and en.site.com. Then it will be easier for users to go directly to the desired version of the site.

And search engines index each section separately. This means that you will be able to promote different sections of the site in search engines.

Let's say a company launches a blog on its website. In order not to go first to the main page, and then look for the "Blog" section, you can take it to a separate address: blog .site.com. Then the blog can be accessed directly, and the search engine will index the page separately.

Following the same logic, the part to the left of the third level domain will be the fourth level domain or sub-subdomain.

You can create subdomains as long as the domain is owned by you. The most common subdomain is www. It is sometimes mistakenly considered a required part of a domain. Although it is not really necessary to enter it. Examples of other subdomains are: account, shop, support.

What are the domains

Domain names are divided into two groups: general and national.
Domains of different groups have different registration requirements. Let's consider the features of each group.

Are common

Popular generic domains are easy to register

Generic domains mean some kind of business. For instance:

Com - for commercial enterprises, short for company;
.org - for non-profit organizations, short for organization;
.edu - for educational enterprises, short for education.

Over time, .com domains became so popular that not only commercial enterprises began to register them. Therefore, this is a conditional division. Nobody will stop you from registering a .com domain if you are not doing business.

The main feature of the popular generic domains is easy registration. .Com, .net, .org, .biz, and .info domains have no registration restrictions. They can be registered by any legal or natural person. No documents are required for registration.

Registration offices are constantly adding new top-level domains. Now there are over 1000 of them. So don't be discouraged if.com is already taken. Check the domain with a different ending, it may be free.

Most often people choose names in common areas

Hello to all readers of my blog!

If you are reading this article, then perhaps you have already come to the period when you need to create your blog? Where does a blog start? Of course, from the domain! So let's discuss this topic: “What is the domain name of the site? » so that you do not have gaps in this question! After all, the future admin of a web resource must be competent in these concepts!

In the article, we will cover the following questions:

  • IP address.
  • About the domain name in simple language.
  • Domain zone.
  • Domain name levels.
  • Where and how much are domains bought?
  • Brief conclusions.

IP address

What does an IP address mean? Let's look at an example. Do you have a passport? There is. Good. Is your data recorded there: name and surname? But the passport has its own number (and series), by which you can find out your name in the passport service. Similarly, on the Internet, any point (server, computer, smartphone and your blog) has an IP address - its own unique number.

How to find the IP address of your blog? Let's, for example, define the Yandex IP. Go here www.cy-pr.com, enter "yandex.ru" in a blank field and press "Enter". After reloading the page, we see the data of this resource, among which its IP is visible.

We get Yandex IP: Now check the IP of your blog! Happened? Perfectly!

These addresses are handled by special web resources - a guide to the address space of the web, of which there are five in the world:

  • ARIN - North America;
  • LACNIC - South America;
  • APNIC - Southeast Asia;
  • RIPE NCC - Rest of Asia and Europe;
  • AfriNIC - Africa;

But such numbers are difficult to remember. Therefore, we came up with domain names.

Domain name in simple language

Domain name - this is a more convenient version of the IP address, i.e. you can access any web resource by IP and domain name.

Again I give an analogy:

1. Every store in your city can be found at its address. Right?

The blog on the net can also be found at the IP address.

Note. Although this was the case in the early years of the internet. Now technologies are moving forward, the situation is changing and not everything has remained in its original form. There are many "buts". The site for entering the IP may not open due to the fact that many of them are "sitting" on shared hosting. Shared hosting technology allows you to host multiple sites on one IP.

2. In addition, any store can be found by name. Truth?

You can also find a website by its name, or rather by its domain name, by entering it into the address bar of the browser.

Of course, in a big city this can be problematic and the names can be repeated. But this is just an example! So let's suppose, ideally, that all stores have unique names, and each taxi driver knows any of the stores you need by name. Did you agree?

Domain names are maintained by the Domain Name System, which contains all the necessary information about them. It also converts the IP address to the registered site name.

The main DNS database contains information about the owner and registration date of the domain name, as well as the IP.

The unified Internet directory is located in an organization located in the United States. It is called SRI International - Menlo Park.

Domain can contain letters, numbers and symbols

But not all letters and symbols can be used. At the dawn of the creation of the web, only Latin letters could be used, since she went from America. Today, you can give a name also in Russian letters: announcements.kom.rf. The characters are dash and underscore. Spaces are inappropriate here!

In particular, on this blog, the domain name is "int-net-partner".

It costs money to register this name. Which ones? Small: now it can be done for 300-700 rubles. in year. But there is also much cheaper - 99 rubles, but read about that below.

Domain zone

The domain zone is also a domain name. It combines other lower-level names. Confused? Let me explain now.

Here we can again draw an analogy with a name: if "int-net-partner" is a name, then "ru" is a surname. But, unlike human names, here in one surname there should not be two identical names. But if I choose a different surname (ie domain zone), say "su", then for the site I can buy the same name "int-net-partner". Then the site name will be int-net-partner.su.

Domain name levels

What do these levels mean? On the vesti.ru news resource: “ru” is the first level, “vesti” is the second. That is, in other words, the first level is a zone.

They are called in this way: "first-level domain", "second-level domain". Clear? Here, like the Arabs: from right to left. In the same way, we can write a domain one level below. For example, here “society.yoread.ru”: “society” is already the third level.

Let's break down the vrn.org.ru domain into parts. Here it turns out like this: ru - the first level (root); org is the second, vrn is the third.

Domains can be divided up to 127 times at the levels, but it rarely goes beyond the third level. The entire length of the name cannot be more than 255 characters. But who will read such a "snake"? Remember: "Brevity is the sister of talent!" - as noted by A.P. Chekhov.

First level domain structure

They are divided into general and national.

Generic domains (generic TLDs) are divided according to their professional affiliation or focus, namely:

  • gov - governments of states;
  • edu - universities;
  • com - commercial structures.

Service domains of various directions can also be attributed to the category of general ones.

National domains (country code TLDs) are divided according to the territorial principle, namely: ru (Russians), fr (French), de (German), etc. There are now more than 200 country code domains in the world

There are national domains in the language of their nationality, for example, the RF zone.

RU is in 10th place in the world by the number of second-level domains registered in it: 3.5 million.

Now any Internet user has the right to register a first-level domain. Let's choose, say, this: "dom". Then the name of the blog will look like this: int-net-partner.dom.

But it costs fabulous sums, so only transnational corporations and megacities purchase such a product.

Domains of the 2nd level are registered ICANN accredited organizations. A list of them can be found here: www.icann.org.

What is a subdomain? Let's just say I decided to create a subdomain named "forum". Then the address of another resource of mine, which I will place on a subdomain, will look like “forum .. If I have a website, then I can create subdomains with any name, and for free.

Where and how much are domains bought?

It is better to buy names for your domain from accredited registrars, which you can find on this page: www.cctld.ru/ru/registrators.

Today, every hoster (website hosting service) tries to give you a domain as a gift if you paid for hosting a year in advance.

A tempting offer, but there is a “flip side of the coin”!

The point is that when you decide to change hosting, the question may arise: "What to do with the domain?" Therefore, so that this does not create an additional "headache", I register domains separately from the hosting. For registration, I recommend using the following resource: webnames.ru or 2domains.ru (the cheapest).

Are domains free?

Yes. Free names of the third level are offered to be obtained, for example, on ucoz.ru.

Which domain level is better for a website?

Naturally, if you have a choice, then take the 2nd level. Take the 3rd? Also an option, even cheaper, and sometimes free. But in terms of promotion, the second level is better.

Which domains are better indexed: 2nd or 3rd level?

There is no consensus here: the 2nd level is indexed well, although the 3rd level can do you a good service if you make a great site!

Business cards and homepages will do the tier three.

What is DNS? Let me explain again with an example from life. Have you, I hope, seen any phone book? It contains phone numbers, and by phone number you can find out the name and address of the owner. This data can also be obtained from the help desk, where all this information is embedded in the database. A similar service exists on the internet. We already mentioned it above - it is the DNS system, which consists of a network of servers around the world. These servers constantly exchange information with each other.

NS server... When you buy a domain, NS servers of the registrar itself will be registered for it, which will convert the IP into the site name. But you won't see your web resource right away. Why? Because you have to wait for the root DNS server cache to update with your information. This time can be up to 72 hours, but most often it happens much faster. In my practice, this happened during the day. When you have this process, type the name of your site in the address bar of your browser, and you will see a miracle: your resource will become a part of the World Wide Web! (unless, of course, you created it)

Each hosting service has its own NS servers that will be offered to you. You should use this service. On the registrar's resource, in your domain settings, enter NS from your hoster. Please note that here again you will need to wait up to 72 hours! Therefore, in the course of its activity, it is not necessary to change the NS data unnecessarily. But don't worry too much about this, because the site will not disappear from the network: it will function until the moment of switching. After switching it will start working from other NS (usually there are two).

I wrote in detail about how domains and sites themselves on the Internet work? "

Greetings, colleagues!

Join our team of Russian bloggers! Register a domain, post interesting content! I wish you to find yourself in the internet!

Create, experiment! Remember: the web resource you have created will bring you satisfaction only when it will be useful to other people, not just you!

I hope you will figure it out with Internet technologies. But will you understand yourself? First of all, your success depends on it! Go ahead, friends!

On my blog, you can always find new information for yourself! You can ask questions to this article below, in the comments field. Good luck in your endeavors!

P / S

Best regards, Alexander Sergienko

In this article, we will consider in detail the question of what a domain is and why is it needed. Let's touch on the issues of domain zones, levels of domain names. We will highlight the procedure for registering and buying domains. We will give instructions on how to check before buying and registering. We will tell you how you can make money by buying and reselling these domain names.

(detailed video instruction)

What is a domain in simple words

Domain is a unique name for a website on the Internet. Truly unique, one and only in the whole world. In simple terms - the address of a website on the Internet. It's like the coordinates of any point on the globe. For example, recently I was in Portugal and visited the westernmost point of Europe - Cape Roca. The coordinates of this point will be 38 0 47 'north latitude and 9 0 30' west longitude. If you enter 38 0 47`N 9 0 30`W in the Yandex search engine, then Cape Roca will be shown on the map.

Portugal - Cape Roca

Likewise, the domain name of the site, the one and only, by typing which anywhere in the world, you get directly to the resource located on this domain.

All Internet resources have their own IP address in the global network, it looks like this - "". If these numbers are entered into the address bar of the browser, the main page of ruinterdiz.ru (the blog you are visiting) will open.

The Internet address in the form of numbers is not convenient, it is difficult to remember, it is not readable, therefore human-readable domain names were invented. See for yourself: ruinterdiz.ru is much easier to remember than the numbers, and such an entry looks more attractive.

Due to the uniqueness, readability and recognition, the number of regular users increases, and accordingly the number of regular visitors to the Internet project grows and behavioral factors improve.

In view of this, the address of your future site must be approached very seriously and creatively. As you name the site, so it will float across the Internet.

That's actually what kind of animal such a domain is.

Domain Name Zones

The obligatory component of a domain name is the zone in which the site address is located. For general development: the site name is machine readable from right to left.

Domain zones in the world are divided by country. That is, each country has its own zone. So, for example, Russia will have it ru, in France - fr, Portugal will have pt, Italy - it, Kazakhstan - kz, etc. You cannot buy a domain zone, unlike its name, but you can choose from the offered ...

In addition to the division by country, there are also zones ..com - commercial, .biz - for business, .org, .info and many others. The cost of zones is different, so for example zones.com and.biz will be much more expensive than zones.ru. If your project does not comply with all Russian laws and is located in the ..ru zone, then it may be closed. And you will have to either fix the problem, or move the site to another zone, or put up with it and forget about your site. In fact, there have been a lot of laws lately on the conduct of Internet projects.

So, for example, many promoted online movie resources were closed and moved to other zones. Also, Russian legislation has affected many popular torrent trackers. Be careful with the domain zone, so as not to get into a mess.

Changing the zone later is a complete change of the site address, which entails a drop in positions, attendance, and not a competent move to a complete departure from the issue.

There are also zones such as.gov - government structure, .edu - educational. To register in these zones, you will need an appropriate package of documents. Confirming the status of a state or educational institution.

About 10 years ago, national zones and domain names appeared. That is, the site address can be registered not in the Latin alphabet, but in the national language .. rf. The use of national zones with the spelling of domain names in the language of a particular country does not affect promotion, but it has a lot of disadvantages.

So, for example, in the zone.rf it will be difficult for a European to navigate. The link is automatically recoded into English characters, for a person it is not visible, only a machine reads it. If such a link is copied from the address bar of the browser and pasted somewhere, then a complete gibberish like http: //xn--90ahhbc1atdqh.xn--p1ai/ will be released; therefore, this zone is not popular and is used extremely rarely.

As mentioned above, the machine reads the site address from right to left. Let's take a look at what a website address consists of. Example:


  • .ru - Domain zone, it is not sold, not bought, it is provided by the registrar when the name is purchased. Part of the first level domain name.
  • .ruinterbiz - The domain name itself. It is it that is registered and bought, is the site address and is unique. it second level domain.
  • .forum - Domain of the third level... It is a subdomain. It is not paid in any way, it is attached to the main second-level domain by means of special settings that are beyond the scope of this article. May contain a completely different site.
  • edu - Domain of the fourth level... The same as the third level.

For general development, it must be said that there is also a root zone (empty area), this is a point (.) After the domain zone, an empty record .. But it is always omitted, only the machine sees it.

Domain name registration

You can find and register a domain name even in Argentina, even in the United States, or even in Europe. Each country has accredited domain name registrars. Let's just talk about the main technical point. If your project is focused, for example, on a European audience, then it is better to register somewhere in Europe, using the zone.com, .org, etc. If for Russian visitors, then register in Russia. This is due to technical indicators. For example, our project, registered in St. Petersburg, will open much faster in central Russia than in Vladivostok or America. Plays the role of the location of the data center from the place of opening. St. Petersburg gives good indicators for Russia and Europe. And the site loading speed is one of the important ranking factors.

There are not so many registrars in fact, but they all provide services through hosting providers and data centers. We have been using Majordomo hosting and servers for over 10 years. There were no problems, so we can recommend it to you and show you how to find a domain name using their example.

Video instruction on registration, configuration and management

Your promo code is TZS52983 (just copy and paste when registering)


It is best to select a website address through the selected hosting provider. This is due to the dns settings. If, for example, you register a domain on RegRu, and take the host from Majordomo, then you will have to reconfigure the DNS servers and records. By checking the name directly in Majordomo and registering the domain through them, this problem will disappear.

The principle of choosing a name for the site, as well as setting up your project for hosting is described in detail in the article "". Here we will dispel the myth that the domain name somehow affects the promotion and ranking of the site.

It is not true! More precisely, many people misunderstand this point. The ranking has a small signal of the presence of a key in the Latin alphabet in the full address of the page .. html The presence of a key after the slash has a small effect for promotion, to the line, no.

You can take a domain by surname or first name. For example, vovkinblog.ru and promote it.

Consider the selection of a domain name through the hosting provider Majordomo. To do this, go to the official site for selecting domain names Majordomo and enter the desired name, select a zone and check.

Selection of a domain name on the Majordomo platform

If the domain is free, then you can register and pay. Payment is made once and the name is provided for one year. Upon expiration, the domain is renewed. The first payment for a year is always cheaper, the subsequent extension is twice or three times more expensive. Due to inflation and dollar growth, the extension is also growing. For example, the renewal in 2012 cost 199 rubles, and in 2017 it was already 599 rubles.

Domain name search result


Documents are required for registration. If you are registering for an individual, then you need a scan of your passport. If for a legal one, then a package of documents for a legal entity. face. We recommend that you prepare the necessary copies of documents in advance.

The host can be paid on a monthly basis, or you can purchase an annual subscription. When paying for hosting for a year, it is much cheaper. But do not rush to pay and register a domain name right away, you need to check it. Why and how read on.


Our free lessons describe in detail the procedure for launching your Internet project, from a blog to an online store. By subscribing to our blog at the end of the article, you will receive a complete step-by-step instruction from the lessons. A full description of the lessons is here.

How to check a domain before registering

The success of the resource promotion largely depends on the history of the domain name. So, for example, if a low-quality resource was located on a domain (there are a lot of them on the Internet), then nothing good will come from such an address, even if the name is beautiful and memorable. The fact is that search engines keep the history of the site in their databases for a long time. If, for example, you grab the domain vovkinblog.ru, and before it was a worthless resource, links to indecent sites were placed, mass unwanted letters were sent to purchased and downloaded databases, then nothing good will come of it. Therefore, it is necessary to verify the domain name before registering.

You can check the history of the domain name, namely, what kind of sites were on it, through archiv.org. A project on the Internet that stores almost all sites on earth that are not blocked by robots.txt from its robot. Here is an example of checking the domain vovkinblog.ru

Domain history check

Drive the domain of interest and press enter, it will be transferred to the calendar of saved copies, then click on the blue circle.

Archived copy of the past site
Archive search results
Domain name verification results

From the information received, it can be seen that the domain is, in principle, clean, no negative elements are observed. We can conclude that the domain was taken, but the matter did not go further, the lease of the name and possibly the host was over, the site was never filled with anything. Perhaps a beautiful and sonorous name was taken for the purpose of resale, that is, to make money on domain names. This will be discussed further. Conclusion, you can take and use this domain name.

The screenshot below shows, for example, the Yandex 2005 archive page.

Yandex domain check and archive copy of 2005

In addition to the domain name, you also need to check the IP address. This is done through special services, for mass, unauthorized mailing and the presence in black lists, you can check this service https://www.dnsbl.info/ If the IP is listed in the black lists, then you can try to clear it by following step by step instructions or ask question to the host provider.

checking ip for cleanliness

The fact is that on a regular web hosting on one IP there are several thousand sites. And if there are sites that are blacklisted from this IP address, then your domain will also be listed there. The Majordomo provider monitors IP addresses and does not provide black IP addresses.

Earnings on buying and reselling domain names

There is quite a lucrative business of selling domain names on the Internet. It consists in the fact that some beautiful name is registered, for example, kojgalantereya.ru. Further, links from trust sites are placed on the domain and within two or three abdates the TIC is increased to 30-50 points. Then it is sold through special exchanges such as telderi.

Also, corporate promoted sites are often closed on the network, due to bankruptcy and company closure, and domains are released. These domains are called Drops. These names often have high TIC and PR values. There are whole schemes for catching such Drop domains. That is, he caught such a domain, applied for himself for 150 rubles and put it up for sale for 3-4 thousand hazel grouses.

We do not recommend buying such domains! Since the indicators were increased by buying links to certain pages. And when buying a domain without all the pages, the structure will be different. Almost all links will disappear and all puzomerki will disappear in 2 - 3 months. You will simply lose money and time.


Choosing a domain name is a very responsible and creative process. This is your ship in the ocean of the Internet. As you name it, you will float. When compiling, it is necessary to take into account a number of points, namely the domain name should be:

- Easy to read;

- Memorable;

- Be able to further branding promotion;

- Be sure to contain a good story;

- Have a clean IP address, as this is the same as a domain;

That is actually all that we wanted to tell you about domain names and why they are needed, in simple words.

Successful projects on the Internet.

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Welcome to the Online Business Blog.

Choosing the right domain name is an important step, no matter what type of site you want to create. Yes, exactly, the selection of the domain name will begin immediately after the selection of the site theme.

Today, let's talk:

What is a domain

Someone said words have meaning and names have power. Therefore, the domain name is becoming important in the era of internet marketing and branding.
So, a domain is a symbolic (Latin alphabet) unique name that identifies an Internet resource on the World Wide Web ..

In 2014, the number of active domains reached 271 million, according to Wikipedia.org

The domain name is part of the URL (uniform resource locator) http: // site

Url Is a unique full site address, which consists of a protocol, domain name + path.
The domain name serves for the convenience of remembering the address on the Internet, the ability to transfer a website to various hosting services, as a simple label to indicate ownership or control over a resource.

Domains are formed according to the rules of the domain name system (DNS)... Any name registered in DNS is a domain name. DNS system provides correspondence between network addresses (IP addresses) and symbols.

You can determine the IP address of the server by domain here.

There is a strict hierarchical arrangement of the domain on the network. First-level domains (upper ones, for example .RU ..

Domain zone selection, depends on the territorial and linguistic affiliation of the site or thematic (general use). This ending after dot.ru For example, in Russia it is desirable to use the ru or rf zone when registering a domain name.

Example: google.com and google.ru are located in different domain zones.
Example, thematic affiliation info - information sites, com - commercial organizations.

Where to buy a domain

Typically, domains are purchased directly from domain name registrars or hosting companies. Register a domain in your name.
When you purchase a domain name, you get ownership for one year. Do not forget about it and renew your domain rights in time.
By the way, you can buy domain.ru at a price of 140 rubles per year here.

Domain selection here

Coming up with a nice domain name. Selection rules


  1. The domain name should be close to your line of business or brand.
  2. Short, preferably one word, length can vary from 2-63 characters.
  3. Catchy and easy to remember.
  4. The name is easy to pronounce and write by ear.
  5. It is easy to write a name in transliteration, for example online, photo.
  6. Different from competitors, for example, numbers (from 1 to 9 (7gnomov.ru) or symbols (for example, a hyphen)
  7. Contains keywords at the beginning of the domain name.
  8. Not someone else's trademark.

Free online service of ready-made beautiful domains Frishki.ru

Coming up with a beautiful domain name can be difficult at times. While surfing the Internet, I recently discovered an interesting free online service called Frishki.
FREE is known to be translated free / free. The service publishes various free domains by parameters, categories and topics.

Let's get to know the project frishki.rucloser. Let's take a closer look at the possibility of choosing and purchasing a memorable domain.

  • 1. First, we decide on the domain zone, the project will offer you the most popular domain options from ru, com, net, org, info, biz. You need a specific zone, then put a tick in front of the desired one, choose, do not hesitate.
  • 2. Length of characters. Everything is clear here, the shorter the domain name, the easier it is to remember. Of course, do not forget about the information content and your topic.
  • 3. Section "Exclude Domains". Allows you to use a filter that excludes domains with numbers and dashes.
  • 4. Subject department, allows you to quickly filter out unnecessary domains.

I decided on the search filters, chose the topic "business". The Frishki service offered 18 free domain names. Next, move the cursor to the domain name, three icons will appear. See screenshot.

  • It will be possible to view all the domain indicators on the PR-CY.ru website - Seo analysis (titers, PR, links).
  • View domain history in the web archive.
  • View metrics history on Recipdonor.com. I think you are registered there, if you use it, if not, you will have to register.
  • Next, consider the buttons on the right.
  • 1. "Suggest" your description, allows you to edit the domain.
  • 2. "Verify", allows you to instantly look at the employment through the nic.ru service.
  • 3. "Already taken"if you checked in the previous step that the domain is busy click on this button.
  • 4. "I take away", confirm your intention to purchase a specific domain and start going through the registration process.
  • 5. Price, displays the real price when registering a domain with a specific registrar.

On the service, you can not only find an attractive domain, but also add your own for sale. The rules can be found on the service.

That's all. Come up with, choose, register your unique, beautiful domain name. Additionally, you can read the article “

19.04.18 1181

New to building a website or just starting to master internet marketing? The tips in this article will help you avoid common mistakes. You will also learn about the principles according to which it is worth choosing a domain for a website.

What is a Domain Name?

A domain name is the address of a website on the Internet. He is unique. It can be compared to a physical address in the real world.

If a site is well known, many will link to it with only the first part of its name: Amazon, Google, Facebook.

A domain name is a structured label that contains the domain name and its extension ( first-level domain, eng. top-level domain, TLD). This label is associated with the specific IP address of the server that hosts the site. Therefore, when you type in the address bar of your browser “ yourdomain.com”, It should find the corresponding IP address.

For example, you can enter the IP address to visit Google. This address will take us to a Google search page. But which is easier to remember: 6 letters or 11 numbers with dots?

Since surfing the Internet is done by IP, any address that you enter in your browser is connected to the domain name servers ( DNS). These servers run an extensive database that links domain names to IP addresses.

Which domain should you choose?

Let's take a closer look at why it is important to take your domain name choice seriously.

  • This is the first thing that site visitors see.
  • A domain name that is easy to remember increases the credibility of your business.
  • It is unique - there can be no identical domain names.
  • Affects Search Engine Optimization - A keyword in a domain name can be beneficial.

Make it branded

Choose a short, unique name that is easy to remember so that it stands out from others. If a domain name is easy to remember, it will be found faster and recommended to others.

To choose a good domain name for your website or online store among the options available, creativity is needed. You can use the brand name, no keywords or description are added to it.

It's a good idea to have a word or a few words in your domain name that are related to your product or business. If your domain name does not include an accurate description of your site, it will provide more flexibility in the future development of the brand.

The most famous brand name is Google.

Imagine if you chose a long description for your domain instead. They would now be known as thebestsearchengine.com ( from english best search engine.com) or topsearchresults.com ( topsearch.com). Then the domain name would be limited to search results only, while other lines of business would have to look for other domain names.

Apple is another good example. The name does not give the slightest idea of \u200b\u200bwhat this company does. They started with computers, moved on to cell phones, garments and who knows what they'll be doing in the future. And everything is contained in one domain name!

Alternatively, you can choose a generic domain name or one that contains keywords. But don't put all the keywords in it. Such a name will not give any advantage in the eyes of search engines and will look unnatural.

The shorter the better

A short name is easier to write, pronounce, remember, and will not be abbreviated when mentioned on social networks.

Domain name can be up to 63 characters long. But practice shows that it is better if it contains less than 15 characters.

Easy to write and pronounce

It should be such that the user can easily write it and avoid mistakes. It is better if the domain name has only one possible spelling. In this case, it will be easier for the user to find your site.

It is not necessary to use a domain name, which will be deliberately added with spelling errors. Spelling is a big problem for some, and misspellings can confuse them even more.

Must be unique

Don't copy other bloggers or use someone else's brand name. You don't want to change your domain name as a result of a copyright infringement lawsuit!

Therefore, do not include brand names or even words similar to famous brand names in your domain name ( facebook helper, buildapple app, printwithhp).

No hyphens or numbers

The domain name must consist of one word or several words without dashes and numbers. You can forget to indicate the hyphen in the address bar, and then the user will be taken to someone else's site. As for numbers, it is sometimes difficult to understand how they should be written: in words or in numbers. So only use letters!

Which domain name to choose - .ru or.com?

There are now many different extensions ( TLD) available for use in the domain name. How to choose the right domain zone?

Here are just a few examples:

  • country code: .us, .uk, .ca, .za, .ru or.rf;
  • general top-level domain: .academy, .biz, .eco, .name, .property, .shop, .travel ...;
  • geographic: .barcelone, .london, .paris, .boston, .vegas, .sydney ...;

If your business only serves locals, you can use a geographic domain. But a site with a domain name agreatplumber.boston (experienced plumber. boston) looks strange. It's better agreatplumberboston.com (experienced plumberboston.com).

If your business is targeting an international audience, you might be tempted to try one of the new extensions. But for many years we have been typing in .COM. So the first thing to do is try to come up with a name with a .COM extension. If a domain name with this extension is not available then use .NET or .ORG.

Don't use double letters

Do not use multiple letters in names. It increases the likelihood of typos and loss of visitors. It's easy to make a mistake when writing names like poollab.com or wordpressseo.com.

Using keywords

It is better to have a keyword in the domain name by which users, as well as search engines, can determine what your site is about. Use a mix of keywords and other words to create a powerful title.

Think long term

A domain name can be registered for a minimum of 1 year and a maximum of 10 years. Which registration period to choose depends on many factors.

  • If you are a beginner blogger, there is no need to register a domain for 10 years. First you need to make sure your blog is successful. Therefore, at first, choose a 1-year domain registration period.
  • If you buy a website for a specific event, you need a domain for a limited time.
  • The budget decides a lot. If you are seriously going to promote your site, register a domain for several years in advance, as you can get a good discount.

Don't be limited to the site

Don't tie your domain name to any topic. Over time, you will most likely want to expand in different directions.

For example, there is a site about garden tools. His domain name handmowerparadise.com (handmowers.com). But once you start writing about other tools on your blog, it can be challenging to attract readers to your new topic.

Make sure the domain will be available on social media

Moving your site to a new domain can be a tricky process, and if you don't do it right, you will lose traffic and your search engine rankings. Much better to spend a little more time choosing a good domain name using the tips above.

Something else

Protect your brand

Stealing a business is not difficult at all, and even worse, a competitor can ruin your reputation by using a domain name similar to yours.

Domain registration and hosting are cheap. This allows anyone to launch a website using variations of your domain name or brand name. If the domain is free, there are no ownership or trademark checks.

To avoid this, many people buy other popular extensions along with the .COM domain, especially .NET and .ORG. Some go even further and buy options with very similar spellings, such as lawcounsel.com and lawcouncil.com. These additional domains are then redirected to main domain b.

Others also buy negative variants of their domain name, such as lawcousnelsucks.com or lawcounselscam.com.

Automatic renewal of domain name registration

If you forget to renew your domain registration, it will become available for purchase again. To prevent this from happening, it is advisable to use the automatic renewal of services provided by domain registrars.

Take care of your privacy

Domain privacy, also known as WHOIS Guard, hides your personal data: name, address, phone number, email ... If you do not activate the privacy option, then after buying a domain your personal information will be available to every visitor.

With protection and sufficient privacy, you:

  • Avoid unsolicited email or cell phone messages.
  • You hide personal information from people who may cause you problems.

Minuses :

  • Cost. Prices depend on registrars
  • If the domain name was previously registered without privacy protection, then personal information may continue to be publicly available.
  • Visitors and customers can be distrustful if they see that you are hiding your personal information.

Take care of getting an SSL certificate

SSL certificate provides the most secure way to transfer data. If you are creating a new site, it is worth getting one. After that, the browser in the address bar will display https and a green lock, indicating the security of the site. Having an SSL certificate has a positive effect on the rating.

Domain name generators

It so happens that you come up with a catchy domain name for the site, and it is already taken. All over again! How to choose ? In such a case, specialized free online tools can come to the rescue.

Enter a word or more in one of the following tools, and the generator will offer a list of possible domain name variations.

  • namemesh.com
  • leandomainsearch.com
  • bustaname.com
  • domainpuzzler.com


While the success of a website isn't just about choosing the best domain name, it can have a huge impact on how your business grows.

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