How to turn off the beep times and forever. How to turn off the melody on the beeps operator MTS

One of the leading modern cellular operators, MTS, provides its users with many additional services. One of these services is the service "beep". Thanks to this option, each subscriber can replace the standard audience sounds for making a call on any melody. Someone this function will have to do, but many consider it an excessive waste of money. Below we will tell you how to turn off the melody instead of the beep on MTS.

What is this service

The "beep" service is an entertainment option, when activated which the subscriber calls you instead of standard short beeps will hear music in the phone tube. Users of such a service have the ability to independently choose the composition of the composition from the proposed options or use several tunes in a row. This service is provided on a paid basis and its value varies depending on the conditions chosen by the subscriber.

The "HODK" service on MTS has its own website, going to which you can activate or deactivate the service, choose or change the melody, find out the information about the subscription fee, create your own list of favorite compositions, etc.

It often happens that the mobile operator during the next promotion provides you with the right to use the service for a certain period. Many subscribers connect this option, they use it a month for free, and then just forget to disable. After time, they understand that from their balance every month certain funds are written off. In the event that the company's customers do not want to pay for this service, they have the need to deactivate it. How can this be done we will tell on.

How to disable service

Method number 1.

The easiest way to deactivate the service is to type the keyboard key on the keyboard of the mobile device: * 111 * 29 #. By making a call to this number, you turn off the "Hoom" service on MTS.

Method number 2.

You can get rid of the unnecessary option otherwise. Take your passport and visit the nearest MTS office, there you can contact your profile specialist and ask him to help you deactivate this service.

Method number 3.

If you want to disable the "HODK" service without leaving the house, call the call center operator. Here you will need to choose the appropriate option for you:

Method number 4.

In addition to the above methods, you can use one more: resort to Internet assistance:

We have listed all the simple and affordable ways to deactivate the "HODK" service on MTS. Choose any of the most suitable option to you.

The "beep" service allows MTS subscribers instead of the usual beeps of the number expectation to set the melody that the callers will hear instead of ordinary beeps.

The "beep" service can be connected in several ways:

  • Phone call;
  • Online service;
  • USSD combination.

Phone call

To connect this feature you need to make a call to number 0550 or 07701. Next, the voice robot will provide you with detailed instructions for connecting the option. You can also call the operator's client support or an information and consulting center, where the same instructions will voiced by a live center operator.

Online service

Connection can also be implemented using a personal Cabinet of the MTS user either through the service. On the site you can familiarize yourself with the conditions for using this function and manage it. Also on the site you can listen to the proposed samples of the musical design of your horses.

USSD combination

To connect the service directly you need to dial a combination * 111 * 221 #. Next, in the context menu, you can choose a melody to your liking.

How to disable MTS Good'ok?

To disable MTS Good'ok, there are also several ways. These are all the same:

  • Phone call;
  • Online service;
  • USSD combination.

Phone call

To remove the MTS Good'OK feature, call the customer support service number number 0890 and ask you to disconnect this function from your phone.

Online service

You can also cancel the "beep" on your phone and with the help of the personal Cabinet of the MTS user either through the service. On the site you can familiarize yourself with the conditions for using this function and manage it. Also on the site you can listen to the proposed samples of the musical design of your beeps, choose music to your liking and replace the current.

USSD combination

To disable you directly you need to dial a combination * 111 * 29 #. Disconnection will automatically.

Some important clarifications on the MTS Good'ok service

By default, this service is included in the packages of several tariff plans. It is also automatically connected during the transition from its tariff plan to the one in the package of which the service is present. The service life of the MTS Goodok service is three days from the moment of connecting or transition to the tariff plan, which includes it as an option in the package. After the initial connection, the user is given a melody for a certain period. After this period, the service is automatically extended for a month at the cost specified in the tariff. Tariff size, connection conditions, connection duration, time start withdrawing the board for using the service, the terms of use of the option is present in addition to the description of your tariff plan. With detailed information, you can also find on the site by the official company either on the website.

Good time! Today, in the framework of the study of MTS services, let's talk about such a service as "beep". This service is optional, but paid and fairly intrusive. Moreover, it may suddenly connect automatically. In principle, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe service is interesting. When you call someone, instead of ordinary standard beeps, hear the popular (or not very) melody.

However, since the service is paid, not many want to connect it. Moreover, if you do not pay attention to this option, you may find that you have very well written off the means. Most melodies are paid for daily. Now the cost of melodies is from 50 rubles per month.

Moreover, depending on the melody, their cost may vary. So in most cases this service is turned off by subscribers. How to do this will be told in this article.

Disable the service of the beep via SMS

Disable the service of the beep with the help of SMS simply. To do this, open a new message, enter the number 0550 , and in the message text we set the number "0". After that, send SMS-ku and wait for the result. By the way, you can simply call the number and following the voice menu instructions, disable the beep service.

Free shutdown of the beep function using the USSD command

Disabling services using the USSD command is the simplest and most popular action. Everything happens instantly. The main thing is to know these very commands.

So, gain *111*29# and call. This is a direct command, the result will come a message that the service is disabled, or. If you do not have it, then it will be reported too.

We cancel the beep through my personal account MTS

For active Internet users, turning off the service in the Personal Account - the most favorable option. We go to your office through the company's website. Next, select "Service Management"\u003e "All connected services".

Disable GoodOk service through My MTS application

By installing the application to the smartphone, use the login and password to enter it from the MTS personal account. If you request a new password through the application, it will change to enter your account.

Entering this directory, you will find a list of all options connected with you, broken into two categories: paid and free.

In the "Paid" section, those services that can be disabled if desired are displayed. We find our service (find this service in the list, it is indicated as good'ok) and turn off the red switch.

Everything is easy. Good luck to new meetings!

Want to remove music that replaces the beeps during your dialing? This will not be difficult, using the automatic system instead of the recommendations of our consultants. Refusal to the service "Bead" is free. Dial the service command on your device. *115*0# . After sending this USSD code, the signal during the expectation of your communication with the subscriber will become standard - long intermittent beeps.

Daily debugging for the service from your subscriber account will be discontinued at the same time.

How to connect the "Gudok" service on tele2 - music instead of beeps

If during the expectation of your connection with the subscriber you would like to hear the musical composition instead of standard beep, join the "Hoom" service. As in the first case, this will do it yourself. Dial the free command on your mobile device. *115*1# .

After sending, processing and accepting the query by the system, the default on your phone will install the "day melody". As follows from the name, every day it will change to another. If you are not satisfied with the unpredictable playlist and you want to stay on the same melodies, listen to other options and select the desired one. To do this, make a free call on number 0550.. There is also the opportunity to choose "your" composition out. This base includes more than 1000 compositions of different musical genres.

Turning off the service of the beep (good'ok) from MTS

To fully disable the service of the beep and restore standard beeps, instead of musical compositions, dial on your mobile phone: USSD team *111*29# Call prompt key (free). Detailed information about Goodok service on the official website.

Turning off the "Replace hound" service from megaphone

To shut down the "Replace Hall" service you need to call your mobile phone by number 0770 Or type command *770*12# . Detailed information about the service on the official website.

An additional service, the function from the mobile operator is only good when it appears on the phone, the smartphone is exclusively at the request of the user and, in fact, pleases with its utility and advanced features.

That's the Good'Ok service on MTS, some comrades are home and celebrate: they say, that's how great and well listen to music, new and old hits of your favorite performers instead of monotonous, completely identical beeps. But others somehow do not really rejoice. In particular, if the melody instead of tar installed by default. Bought a sim card MTC, and there this function is connected ...

If you, dear reader, read this entry, ranked myself with the second group of subscribers, and sincerely want to remove the Good'OK service from my phone, then this is a guide for you. It will help to return the standard beep on MTS (we consider ways for subscribers living in Russia and Ukraine).

MTS Russia

Method number 1: Sending a USSD team

1. To remove the beep in the form of a musical track, type on the phone - * 111 * 29 #.

2. Wait a little while the query is executed.

3. Click OK in the application message.

4. Everything! Now all MTC subscribers, calling you, will hear only standard beeps.

Method number 2: via voice menu

1. Call the short number - 0550.

2. Carefully follow the autoinformer prompts to disable the "Good'OK" option.

Method number 3: Call to contact center of the company

Call the company's technical support department (number - 88003330890) and ask the operator to delete the service from your number.

Method number 4: online

2. Deactivate the feature in the Personal Account in the Service Management section.

Method number 5: contact the salon workers

If you cannot complete the disconnection of the musical beeps, go to the nearest MTS corporate salon and ask the consultant to fulfill this procedure.

MTS Ukraine

Most recently rebranding a Ukrainian branch of a telephone company. Now it is called Vodafone UA.

However, the Options "Good'ok" did not affect this event. It is still safely functioning.

Complete ringing melodies is done like this:

Method number 1: SMS

Send an SMS-ku with the text "OFF" by number - 700.

Method number 2: Challenge

1. Call the number 700.

Send to the number 700 sms-message with the format - Endxxxxxxxx (X - Musical Track ID).


Successful phone settings!

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