Xbox game console. LightShot - on the fly editing

Often, computer and Internet users are faced with the need to take a snapshot of what is happening on the computer screen, in other words, take a picture of the screen or part of it. Such a picture is scientifically called a screenshot (from the English word screenshot).

A screenshot is a screenshot, that is, an image (photograph) of what a person sees on a computer monitor.

Here are some examples of when and why you might need it:

  1. You are faced with some kind of computer problem or question and decided to ask a friend for help by e-mail. Explaining everything that happens on your computer in words is too long and not always appropriate. But to photograph and demonstrate the "problem" moment - just right. It is both fast and convenient!
  2. You write instructions for working with a specific computer program. It will be just wonderful if you add illustrations to it (like in this article, for example).
  3. You are a student and want your work in a computer discipline (abstract, coursework, diploma) to be highly appreciated. In this case, illustrations will be a big plus.
  4. You love to play computer games and would like to capture interesting moments.

How to take a screenshot in Windows. Print Screen button

If you need to take screenshots from time to time, that is, not a lot and not often, then the easiest way is to use the Print Screen button (also called "Prt Scr") on the computer keyboard.

As a rule, after clicking on it, nothing happens - no clicks, no flashes. But the photographed screen will already be "fixed" in the computer's memory.

Then you should open some image manipulation program (Paint, Photoshop or other similar) or Microsoft Word and insert the photographed screen inside.

I will show you how this is done in Paint, since this is a standard program, and almost every computer has it.

Finally, open Paint (

Click on the "Paste" button or on the "Edit" item and select "Paste".

That's all - the screenshot is inserted! Now it remains to save it on your computer (File - Save As ...).

In the event that you want to insert this picture into Microsoft Word, place the blinking cursor in the desired place on the sheet, right-click and select "Insert".

Let's summarize. If you want to do full screenshot, need to:

  • press the Print Screen button on the keyboard
  • open Paint, Photoshop or Microsoft Word
  • insert a snapshot into it
  • save on computer

In the event that you need to do snapshot of only one window, which is open at the moment, press the combination of Alt and Print Screen keys, paste into the desired program and save.

This method is universal, that is, it is suitable for any version of Windows.

Screenshot via "Scissors"

If you have Windows Vista, Windows 7 or 8 installed on your computer, there is a more convenient way to “take a picture” of the screen. This is a small program called the Snipping Tool. Let's talk about it in more detail.

Click on the "Start" button in the lower left corner of the screen.

A list will open. Select from it the item "All programs" ("Programs").

A rather long list will appear. Select "Standard".

Finally, open the Snipping Tool.

If you do not have such a program, it means that it is simply not “built-in” into your system. In this case, take pictures using the previous method.

Most likely, a small window will appear, and the rest of the screen will seem to be "clouded".

The cursor will be in the form of a plus sign. With this plus sign, you need to select the desired part of the screen or the entire screen, that is, press the left mouse button and, without releasing it, drag over this part. As soon as you release the left mouse button, the selected part will be “cut out” and “added” to a special small program.

In it you can make some edits and save the resulting screenshot to your computer (File - Save As ...).

Screenshot software

In the event that you need to take screenshots often, it is better to use special programs for creating and editing screenshots. There are a lot of such programs. There are great paid options like SnagIt or FastStone Capture. But there are also great free versions.

I have tried many of them. I'll tell you about those that I especially liked and which I use myself.

Screenshot Maker is a very handy, fast program with many features. You can “photograph” the entire screen or a part of it, change the resulting image, save it in different formats and with different quality settings.

You can download this program (Free version) from the official website or by clicking on the link.

Hot Key Screenshot is perfect for those who love computer games. It will quickly create a screenshot using the assigned key and save it to your computer in a special pic folder (located in the program folder). No installation required.

It happens when it is necessary to show something to someone, to confirm, and this can be done only with the help of a screenshot, I also often receive messages in the comments and in the mail with the question "how to make a screen on a computer." This is what I will teach you in this post.

In general, the entry turned out to be large, but each paragraph contains the answer to your question. I wrote the answers to all your questions in one place, and now you have all the ways to take a screenshot.

To save time, use the "content" block on the right side, and go to the method convenient for you.

How to take a screenshot of the screen with the keyboard

This method is the standard, most convenient and widespread. In order to make a screen with the keyboard, you just need to press the " PrintScrn», « PrintScreen"A slightly different name is possible:" PrtScr ", PrntScrn, PrtScn, PrtScr or PrtSc.

Whatever it is called on your keyboard, these names are similar and the screenshot button is practically in the same place. For an illustrative example, let's look at different keyboards in the photo:

  1. Standard Keyboard - Press: Print Screen (or the above key).
  1. Apple - Press: cmd + ctrl + shift + 3

  1. Logitech - Click: Print Screen

  1. Screen on laptop keyboard - press: PrtSc. In general, I have already written a whole article about. You can read it, there is a lot of useful information.

Similarly, on other keyboards (Oklick, Genius, Defender, Microsoft), as you can see, the plus or minus key is located in almost the same place.

Screen of the active window

Screen of the active window is a snapshot of an open folder, program, browser, i.e. without toolbar and backgrounds. It is done in the same way, only now you need to press two keys at once: " Alt» + « PrintScreen". An illustrative example:

Where the screenshot is saved

Also, the frequently asked question: I pressed the print screen and nothing happened. The answer is that it happened, you just didn't notice it! The screenshot is stored in the clipboard, just like the text you copied on the Internet or in a file. You cannot find it in any way, but you have the opportunity to insert it in any editor, which we will talk about below.

How to save a screenshot

Everything is quite simple, I would even say it couldn't be easier. Just open for example, Paint(Start, All Programs, Accessories, Paint (Icon: palette with a brush)), then press Ctrl + V. That's it, you have inserted your screenshot, it remains only to save "Ctrl + S" and confirm with the "Enter" key.

In fact, Pain is far from the only way you can save screenshots. You can also use MS Word, Photoshop and other editors.

That's not all, if you took a screenshot in order to send it to someone, it is not even necessary to save it. Immediately after clicking " PrintScrn», Open a letter in the mail or correspondence in the social. network / messenger with the person to whom you want to send the picture and press paste (Ctrl + V) and you can send.

Business screenshot with standard program

Congratulations, you're in luck today. And then there is no program to download, there is no need to install. The thing is that your computer already has a standard program called "scissors" .

To open it, go to the start menu -\u003e all programs -\u003e standard -\u003e scissors.

We open them and you don't need to click anything else. You can already use the cursor to select the area you need for the screen. Just select an area of \u200b\u200bthe screen and release the mouse. After that, click in the top menu “file” and select save.

How to make a screen in the browser

In most cases, when you need to take a screenshot, your browser is open. Of course, you can take pictures using the methods listed above, but the browser add-ons are also convenient and you should not miss this moment. As an example, I will give only the basic programs that I myself use, but I think others do it according to the same principle.

Screenshot in Yandex Browser

In order to take pictures directly in the browser, you need to install a special extension. Don't worry, it's quick and easy. Open your browser, click settings, the "add-ons" tab, scroll to the bottom of the screen and click "Directory of extensions for Yandex.Browser".

You will be redirected to the page - and now write "Screenshoter" in the search.

Install any (I use the first one) by clicking on it, and click "Add to Yandex Browser".

Now, in the top panel you have a button for taking snapshots directly in the browser. If necessary, click on it and select the area of \u200b\u200bthe screen for the snapshot. After that, it will automatically appear in your clipboard, and a button for loading an image will appear.

Screenshots in Opera

If you have an up-to-date version of the Opera browser, then on the left side of the screen (sidebar), at the very top in front of the social. networks you should have a camera icon. Click on it, select the area of \u200b\u200bthe screenshot and click "Capture". Immediately after the shot, you will have the opportunity to change it (make it blurry, put a pointer / arrow, add a smiley) and, of course, save.

If you have an up-to-date version of the program and do not have this add-on, then: press "Ctrl + Shift + E" and you will be taken to the extensions directory, or follow the link - Next, in the search, write "snapshot" or "screenshot", and then install the extension as in the case of Yandex.Browser.

Screens in other browsers

I see no reason to write separately about each browser. it's all done the same way in everyone. The only difference is the graphical shell and the word install / add. If you are using Chrome or Firefox, do the same as in the example above and you will have a handy plugin.

Make a screen online

With this method, you can take pictures without bothering at all. No installations of programs and extensions, nothing to open and paste, just click and the screen is ready.

Let's look at the most convenient sites and how to work with them, with which you can take a screenshot online:

  1. - Without registration

To get a screen, make the pages, windows, programs you need using the "PrintScrn" button, open the site and press "Ctrl + V".

Done. Now you can: download, get a link to it, edit and delete.

  1. - No registration

Everything is exactly the same as in the example above. Only this site is in English (nothing complicated, you don't even need to read it) and has more functionality.

  1. - No registration

A cool tool with which you can take a screenshot of the whole site. By "whole site" I mean a full-height image, not just the visible area of \u200b\u200bthe screen.

To take a snapshot of a page, go to the site and paste the link to the snapshot page. Wait a couple of seconds and you're done. Now you have a snapshot of the entire site, and you can download it or take a link to it.

It is not uncommon for computer users to have problems with the operating system. When they turn to friends and acquaintances, they often hear in response: "Send a screenshot of the screen." There can be many situations when you might need a screenshot of the screen. But what is it and how to make a screen on a computer?

Screenshot is a snapshot of your computer display. It can be obtained in a variety of ways, ranging from standard operating system tools to third-party programs.

Taking a screenshot in Windows

1. Print Screen button

Perhaps the easiest way to take a screenshot on a PC is to use the Print Screen button on your keyboard. Depending on the size of the button (abbreviated on laptops), Print Screen may be labeled differently - PrtScr, PrtSc or PrtScn.

Find the "PrtSc" button on the keyboard and click on it. It is usually found in the top row after the F12 button. After clicking it, a screenshot of your screen will be copied to the system clipboard.

Then open "Start / Start", find the folder "Programs → Accessories" and open the "Paint" application. Everyone knows that Paint is the "standard" Windows paint tool. After opening "Paint" click "Edit" (in Windows XP) and "Paste". You can use a combination of "ctrl" and "V" buttons on your keyboard.

After this action the screenshot "will appear" on your screen. Click the "File" tab → "Save As" or the icon for saving the file as a floppy disk and save the picture to any place convenient for you.

For more information about capturing a screen using the Print Screen button, see the following video:

2. The "Scissors" program in Win7

Windows 7 has an interesting program called "Scissors". It allows you to get rid of the above manipulations. Open the "Start" menu and find the "Scissors" application in standard programs. After launching the program, select the desired area and click "Create".

3. Taking a screenshot from the screen in Windows 8

In the latest operating system from Microsoft, taking a screenshot of the screen has become much easier. Just press the Win (Microsoft logo button) + PrtScn button on the keyboard at the same time, and the screenshot will be automatically copied to the My Pictures folder in the Image Library.

Taking a screenshot in Mac OS

How to take a screenshot on a computer if Mac OS is installed on it? Don't worry, the developers at Apple have worked hard to make this process easier. It is enough to press simultaneously on the keyboard 3 buttons - ⌘ Cmd + 3 + Shift, and the screen will appear on the desktop. If you only need a snapshot of the active part of the screen, you will have to hold down the "Space" button.

Using software

As you can see, the process of taking a screenshot from the computer screen does not take more than 1-2 minutes.

Screenshot (English screenshot) - literally translated as "screenshot", saving the current image on the monitor as a picture. For different types of devices and operating systems, screenshots can be saved in different ways, with their own characteristics. In addition to the built-in functions of the operating system, third-party programs can be used to take screenshots.

Screenshot creation is used both for entertainment purposes (saving an interesting moment of a video or game) and for work (sending a screenshot with a message about a problem, creating a report or presentation on a completed task).

How to take a screenshot on a PC

By default, to create a screenshot on personal computers, the Print Screen keyboard button (often abbreviated to PrtScr) is used. The button is on the right half of the keyboard, next to the Scroll Lock and Pause / Break function keys.

Clicking saves the current screen image to the clipboard without compression. To view and save, you need to paste the screenshot into any graphics editor like Paint, Photoshop or GIMP.

If you need to immediately save screenshots in series, without being distracted by pasting from the clipboard and saving, then third-party software is used for this.

If you need to take a screenshot quickly or there is no way to install applications into the system, you can use online processing services. The most famous and easy-to-use one is, the rest work on the same principle.

Screenshot creation using standard Windows tools

To save the screen or its element in OS Windows, two methods are used: Print Screen to save the entire screen and the Alt + Print Screen combination for the active window.

To save the screen or its element in OS Windows, two methods are used: Print Screen to save the entire screen and the Alt + Print Screen combination for the active window

To take a screenshot using standard OS tools, you need:

  • press the Print Screen key;
  • open MS Paint (located in the Start menu, Program folder - Accessories) or any other graphics editor;
  • paste the screenshot into the working area with the Ctrl + V key combination;
  • save the image via the File menu - Save in the required extension.

Important! The clipboard image disappears when you restart your computer, save another image or text. Save the screenshot to a separate file as soon as possible to avoid data loss.

Taking a screenshot using the Scissors program

With the release of the Windows Vista operating system, an additional application "Scissors" has appeared, which saves in a separate file and edits a selected area of \u200b\u200bthe screen on the fly.

Scissors open through the Start menu - All Applications. By pressing the Create button, a frame will appear on the screen, outlining the boundaries of the screenshot. After choosing the sizes, Scissors offers to save the file in one of the available formats. The functionality of the program is very simple and minimalistic; additional functions include a marker, a pen and an eraser for editing.

Note that unlike Paint, scissors automatically save the username and creation date in the picture properties. In some cases, this can be important: for example, to control employees or maintain anonymity when posting a picture on the Internet.

How to take a screenshot in Windows XP and 7

Windows XP and 7 are not supported by Microsoft and no longer receive scheduled updates. For XP users, there are only two standard ways to take a screenshot: using Print Screen together with Paint or installing additional programs.

The method using PrtScr → Paint → Ctrl + V has already been described above.

Windows 7 comes with the Snipping Tool or Snipping Tool as standard. Scissors cut out a fragment of the screen of your choice, removing unnecessary information from the screenshot and saving time for editing.

Installation of additional software or editors is possible. Win XP and 7 users usually cannot boast of modern hardware, so it is recommended from third-party software Lightshot or one of the many online services.

In addition to Scissors, the standard PitScr + Paint method, as well as the installation of additional programs, work for Windows 8/10. In addition, the active key combination Win + Print Screen has been added, which saves the file bypassing the clipboard. The finished screenshot can be found in the Pictures - Screenshots folder.

In addition to Scissors, the standard PitScr + Paint method, as well as the installation of additional programs, work for Windows 8/10

The "Ten" boasts a set of free applications in the internal Windows Store. Free among 36 apps Nimbus Screen Capture.

MacBooks are positioned as the best devices for designers, so built-in services for saving and editing photos are given a special place here.

A screenshot of a part of the screen (similar to Scissors) is built into the kernel and is invoked by pressing the Shift + Command + 4 keyboard shortcut. The result is saved to the desktop by default.

The entire screen is saved by the combination Shift + Command + 3

Shift + Command + 4 also comes in handy if you need to "take a picture" of a separate window. After the crosshair appears, press the space bar, this will turn the cursor into a camera. Then click on the window with the left mouse button or trackpad. The same combination works for context menu snapshots.

How to take a screenshot in Linux

For most Linux systems, there is no standard way to take a screenshot. It is understood that the user will install the necessary software himself, if necessary. The most commonly used applications are:

  • Gnome-Screenshot;
  • ImageMagick;
  • Shutter;
  • GIMP.

For details on installing and using these programs for various systems, look on the Internet. The picture below shows a screenshot saving window for the Gnome-Screenshot application after pressing the PrtScr key.

Screenshot saving window for Gnome-Screenshot application after pressing PrtScr key

Special programs for taking screenshots on a PC

Of the programs for saving a picture from the screen, you can select:

  1. LightShot Is a universal program for OS Windows, which can also work as a plugin in all popular browsers. Among the main features - a quick screenshot, the ability to share a public link to a screenshot taken in the cloud, change "on the fly" in the built-in editor, search by fragment of a picture.
  2. PicPick -semi-professional free image editor. Among the features, one can single out excellent work with cloud services, one-click repost in FB and Twiitter, screenshot redirection by mail. Capturing multiple windows is useful, allowing you to keep a long entire page of your site.
  3. Greenshot Is a free open source application that runs on all major operating systems. In terms of operation and capabilities, it is similar to PicPick, one of the best applications for Unix systems.
  4. Fraps - a small utility for capturing video and taking screenshots, distributed on a shareware model. Most often used for taking screenshots in games, it stands out for its simple settings and low load on the system.
  5. Joxi Is a Russian cloud-based tool for taking screenshots and working with them online. All the functionality of the program is tailored for joint use with frequent exchange of images, the program is popular among web developers and testers. There is a plugin for Google Chrome for saving site pages without installing the main Joxi, a convenient image editor is available.

In addition to these five programs, there are dozens, if not hundreds, of similar applications on the web. When choosing, first of all, focus on ease of use, available functionality and price.

Taking a screenshot on a mobile device

Saving screenshots on mobile phones and tablets is implemented using the system for both OS Android and iOS.

To take a screenshot for an Android phone, you need:

  1. Open the screen from which you want to save the image.
  2. Hold down the power and + volume buttons.
  3. When you hear a click sound and the save icon appears, release the buttons.
  4. The message "Screenshot saved" appears on the notification screen.
Hold down the power and + volume buttons and everything will work out

The save order for Apple products looks like this:

  1. Open the required screen.
  2. Hold down the Power and Home buttons.
  3. After clicking and white flash on the screen, release the buttons.
  4. The image can be found in the device gallery.
Save order for Apple products

Special services for screenshots in the browser work according to the already familiar principle PrtScr → editor → Ctrl + V, replacing the second step. In addition to editing and saving the file, many sites offer a convenient one-click repost on social networks or save your screenshots in the cloud.

The simplest and one of the most popular editors PasteNow ... Created for quick exchange of screenshots, after inserting and editing it provides the user with a short link and the file itself for downloading. Screenshots are stored for 6 months after the last viewing.

The simplest and one of the most popular editors

Snaggy foreign counterpart and the most used site on the Internet for creating screenshots. The principle is the same: copy the entire screen or the active window using Alt + PrtScr, paste it into the service, edit, save. Working with an album of images is possible after registering an account, screenshots are stored for six months.

The most used site on the Internet for taking screenshots

There is no standard way to take a screenshot for games. Of course, you can save the screen with the PrtScr key, pause the game and insert a picture into the editor, but this is too long and the wrong approach to the question. A computer is needed to simplify a person's life, and not complicate it with unnecessary actions.

There is no standard way to take a screenshot for games.

Some games understand pressing the Print Screen button and save the screenshot to the installation folder or "My Documents". This is not very convenient: every time you have to search and copy files to a different location, so that after deleting the game the screenshots do not disappear. Win + PrtScr on the latest Windows OS versions is also not very convenient: if you use this combination often, chaos in the "Pictures" folder is guaranteed to you.

The most popular software for capturing game video and screen images is Fraps... Fraps works in the quality you need, saving a screenshot with a timestamp and the name of the game in which it was taken. The program uses very few computer resources and performs its tasks perfectly.

For Steam users, screenshots are taken with the function button F12

For service users Steamscreenshots are taken with the function button F12. You can find them in the installation folder of the program or through the settings menu.

Screenshots are saved only when the overlay is active - if the Steam menu does not appear on top of the game when pressing Shift + Tab, then screenshots will not work.

Greetings, dear readers. Sooner or later, every computer user is faced with the task of taking a screenshot (snapshot) of the desktop. Sometimes you may even need to do it very urgently and send it over the Internet. To be honest, I had to take a screenshot myself recently, but I did it on a tablet under the Windows operating system, and here I did not have a screenshot button on the keyboard. Moreover, when I started asking friends, I realized that even experienced users cannot take screenshots of their screens. But it doesn't matter, all issues can be resolved. Therefore, we will analyze two ways to do this.

How do I take a screenshot of a computer screen using Windows tools?

So, first, I'll show you how to take a screenshot of the screen in Windows using the keyboard.

To take a screenshot, just press the PrtScr key, which is to the right of the F12 button. It also happens that this key is signed like this: Psc or PrtSc, but it is pronounced like this - Print Screen.

After you press this key, Windows will take a screenshot to the clipboard. But how do you take a screenshot of a computer screen so that it is saved as an image? To do this, after clicking on the Print Screen key, you need to go to the paint editor (Start-\u003e All Programs -\u003e Accessories -\u003e Paint, or just click Start and enter Paint in the search), then click on the word Edit -\u003e Paste or just press Ctrl + V on your keyboard.

After the image is inserted, you can save it, File -\u003e Save, select the location, image format and name. Now you can go to the place where you saved the picture and check it.

Even before saving the picture, you can make various notes or underlines or highlights on it. You can also cut out the desired fragment of the screen, but you can immediately take a screenshot of a part of the screen, I will write about this below. All this is in the standard Paint. After that, we already save according to the scheme described above.

There is another kind of screenshot in Windows, this is a screenshot of the active window. When is this feature needed? It is needed when you need to take a screenshot not of the entire screen, but only of some small program window. For example, as shown in the picture below: !!!

Of course, you could first shoot the entire screen, and then cut off all unnecessary in the same Paint. However, if you can make it easier, why not take advantage of it? In order to remove a separate window, you first need to make it "active". What does this terrible word mean? The active window is the window in which you are working at the moment, if suddenly you are not sure, then click in this window, with the left mouse button, on any place, for example, on the area that is slightly to the left of the minimize, maximize and close buttons (Minimize button). Then hold down the Alt button and, without releasing it, press the Print Screen key.

Well, then go to Paint, and follow the same procedure that I described above.

Pros and cons of taking screenshots with Windows:


  • The most important advantage is that the picture can be taken instantly. It all depends on your reaction, i.e. how quickly you press the Print Screen button.
  • You don't need to install any special software.


  • Not fast saving. After removal, you need to separately open the graphics editor and insert a picture there.
  • You can only take a screenshot of the entire screen or the selected window. It is not possible to remove any small piece.
  • If suddenly there is no keyboard (as happened with me), it is difficult to take a picture.

These are the main pros and cons, the rest you will see for yourself when you start using this function.

How to take a screenshot of the screen on a computer using third-party programs?

On the Internet, you can find many such programs for different needs of users. But in my article I will analyze one program to imagine what it is and what it is eaten with. And then you will already have an idea and decide for yourself what and how to use. And so, let's go.

In my opinion, the simplest and most convenient program Lightshot ... In addition, it is free, weighs little and does not waste resources, works on Windows and Mac. It's insanely simple to use. You can download it from the official website. After going to the site, click the "Download for Windows" button and the latest version of the program will start downloading. The installation proceeds quickly, at the end do not forget to uncheck the boxes so that the program does not put us a bunch of unnecessary garbage from Yandex. Everything, you can work.

Immediately after installing the program, it automatically starts and will turn on after each boot of your computer, that is, you will not need to start it manually every time.

In order to take a screenshot, press the PrtScr key on the keyboard (if this key is not convenient for you, you can set another one in the settings). In order not to use the keyboard, you can right-click on the program icon in the menu bar (bottom right) and select "take a screenshot".

As soon as you press PrtScr, the screen will darken and now you need to hold down the left mouse button and select the area on the screen that you want to save in the screenshot. The selection will have a normal color.

To cancel the screenshot creation, for example, if you accidentally selected the wrong area, press the Esc key on your keyboard, or the cancel button on the toolbar.

A window for preparing a link to a screenshot will appear at the bottom right of the desktop. When the link appears, click "Copy".

When creating a screenshot, you can design it in the simplest way, for example, highlight something, underline, write text. To do this, the corresponding tools appear next to the area that you selected for the screenshot. Use them if you need a screenshot.

Through the Lightshot program, you can log into your own account so that all screenshots are saved there (it will not take up space on your computer!) And so that you can always see all the screenshots that you previously took.

If you do not log into your account, then you can also take screenshots in the same way, however, you will not be able to see then the entire list of screenshots you uploaded.

You can log into your account either through your Facebook account or Google+. Thus, you must already have an account created on one of these social networks.

To enter your LightShot account, right-click (hereinafter "RMB") on the Lightshot icon in the tray and click "Enter".

Then you just need to enter the login and password from your account in the selected social network and you will be taken to your personal account on LightShot. Now, every screenshot that you upload to the server through LightShot will be saved in your account, and if something happens, you can enter your personal account on the site and see all the screenshots you made earlier.

There are also more advanced programs, for example Hyper Snap... It is filled with a lot of settings, its own editor, various formats for saving pictures and much more. But there is no official Russian version, of course you can find a crack. Also, this program is conditionally free, which means that you can download it for free, use, but not all functions, in the paid version all the features of this program will be available, and there are a lot of them. I will not describe in detail, this is a separate whole article.

Also, I would like to note that if you use Yandex disk, then there is also a screenshot function, and it is very convenient and fast. Also, through the PrtScr button, you can take a screenshot of the entire screen or area of \u200b\u200bthe screen, and you can save both to a computer and to a Yandex disk, very convenient, nothing needs to be installed additionally. I have a separate article on Yandex services, if you are interested, please visit.

Now the advantages and disadvantages of taking screenshots using third-party programs:



In my opinion, there are no shortcomings at all, only advantages.

I think everyone will draw their own specific conclusions, but note that there are two ways to take a screenshot of your screen: standard Windows tools and third-party programs. Moreover, the programs have a full flight of thoughts and fantasies. Here you can not only work with screenshots, but also have fun.

In conclusion, I will present you with a video on this topic:

How to take a screenshot of the screen on a computer in Windows in two ways? updated: December 6, 2017 by the author: Pavel Subbotin

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