What is Twitter, instructions on Twitter in Russian. Twitter registration as a fashion trend

Many novice users are wondering why you need Twitter. Social networks around the world are developing very quickly. In just a few years, a large number of various sites have appeared on the Internet. Each has its own pros and cons. Some are intended for ordinary communication, some are primarily for the exchange of textual information. What about the Twitter page? Why do users need it?


What page are you talking about? The thing is, Twitter is a generation. It has won the hearts of many users. It is itself a somewhat non-standard "social network" that allows you to send small text messages, SMS, photos over the Internet.

In general, the word twitt in translation from English means "to chat" or "tweet". The main advantage (or feature) of the site is that all information on the user's page is publicly available. Why is Twitter needed? To conduct your microblogging and exchange short messages!

Distinctive features

Each social network has its own advantages and disadvantages. What makes the site under study stand out from the rest? The thing is that it does not look like the usual social networks. Why do you need Twitter and how to use it? To understand this, first you need to decide how good the proposed resource is. The distinctive features of "social" will help to judge this characteristic.

Among them, at the moment, there are:

  1. Fast messaging and notification of new information to subscribers. Here, publications are spreading faster than on all other social networks.
  2. All posted materials are open to users who have their own Twitter account.
  3. You can make a so-called "tweet" in an instant. This kind of mobility delights users. You don't need to write posts for a long time. You can share messages and information almost anytime, anywhere.
  4. Fashion is another advantage. It is fashionable to be a Twitter user now. Therefore, many are interested in this social network and use it, even if in fact there is no urgent need for it.

Perhaps these are all the main advantages that can only be identified. What else is important to know about this social network? How to use it?

Twitter Rules

Why is Twitter needed? To communicate! There are some rules for understanding the principle of publishing the so-called "tweets". In fact, everything is very simple.

First of all, the user must register (about the registration principles a little later). After that, he will have his own account. It takes a few minutes to complete your profile. Further, a person can log in to the proposed social network at any time, and then leave a short message in his microblog.

Remember that people can write a variety of posts. You don't have to be limited to words only. Additionally, the "tweets" are inserted:

  • images (most often);
  • links to various sites;
  • photographs (even just taken);
  • event announcements;
  • video.

Accordingly, you can make Twitter interesting, varied and engaging. What elements should be familiar to every user who plans to create a page in the studied social network?


Now it is clear why you need Twitter, and what you can do if you have an account on this site. There are some terms to help you get comfortable with this social network.

"Tweet" is the first concept to be aware of. This is the name for short messages that are left in the studied social network. "Tweets" - posts in the microblog.

"Follower" is a subscriber. He represents a user who has a Twitter account. A person subscribes to the page and sees news from this or that user in his update feed.

Twitter Rules

Regardless of the version of Twitter (there are mobile and regular), the social network has a number of its own rules that will have to be followed. We are talking about the peculiarities of registration, as well as the use of the page, and about the behavior towards users.

What items are required? In the vastness of the microblogging being studied, you will have to adhere to the following rules:

  1. It is forbidden to impersonate another person. A user who decided to create a "fake" page (fake) may be permanently blocked.
  2. Private information of third parties, as well as their personal files (for example, photos), cannot be published. This is a violation of the law not only in Russia, but also in other countries.
  3. Calls for violence and rebellion, as well as threats, are prohibited. Applies to both own "tweets" and "retweets".
  4. No copyright infringement. Criminal liability is not excluded.

What else is important to know? Some are interested in how to communicate correctly with their subscribers. There are no clear rules in this regard. But users, especially successful ones, offer their own method of behavior.

How to deal with followers

There are certain rules of etiquette recommended on Twitter. Or, as they say, behavior. The point is that, in principle, there are no restrictions on this social network - it is important not to publish threats, insults and calls for violence.

But you need to communicate with followers somehow. What do successful users recommend? Among the basic rules of communication are:

  1. Compliance with culture and etiquette. It is recommended to thank subscribers for "retweets". Also, you need to pay attention to those who read the user account.
  2. It is worth doing "retweets" when the message is liked. There is no need to be ashamed, it is for such publications that the studied social network was invented.
  3. A lot of "tweets" in a short time is bad. It is recommended to refrain from this phenomenon. It is better to publish posts regularly, with small pauses.
  4. Spam and social media ads are discouraged. On Twitter, this rule also applies.

There are no more restrictions and essential tips. Maybe update Twitter regularly. Some users register here just because it's trendy and then forget about their account. You won't be able to collect many followers this way.

About registration

Now you should pay attention to the registration process. This is a mandatory item that allows you to access the site's resources. On the Twitter page, registration will take only a few minutes. It is important to remember that one user cannot have a huge number of accounts. One person - one profile.

  • username;
  • phone for binding;
  • email;
  • invented password on the English keyboard.

You do not need to indicate both mobile and mail. One thing is enough. The second option is most often chosen. Then you can register several profiles, but preferably under different names. Only one account can be linked to one phone number or mail.

After filling out the previously indicated fields (all of them are required), you need to confirm your profile on the Twitter website. Registration will be completed after entering the confirmation code or clicking on the link that came to your email.


That's all, nothing else is needed. It remains only to fill out your profile, put an avatar and save the changes. Twitter is ready to go! If you have problems downloading data, you can use a special application for phones - Mobile Twitter. It allows you to quickly manage your social network account with maximum comfort.

Should I register here? It is recommended to use this page if the user likes to share the latest news and events from his life. Why is Twitter needed? To exchange just short messages. You should not create an account here if the person is not used to constant communication.

Today, the social network Twitter (Russian Twitter) is very popular among many Internet users. With it, you can both send tweets and read them. Log in to your page to read tweets and write your own.

What is Twitter?

Tweets (from "tweet") are short messages that are 140 characters long. So, with their help, users of this social network write various laconic texts, publish hashtags, as well as links to images and videos. Tweets can be addressed both to all subscribers (followers), and to a specific user on the network.

Many famous people from different parts of the world have their Twitter account. Thanks to this media, celebrity fans will find out the latest news from the lives of celebrities.
Owners of smartphones, iPhones, tablets, and iPods very often log into Twitter from these gadgets when they have access to the Internet. It is very comfortable not only at home, but also at work during a break, on vacation, on public transport, etc.

Twitter login to your page

The first step is to open the browser you are using. In the address bar, enter the address of the official Twitter website: twitter.com ... You will see the main page of the web resource, where you need to enter a phone number, username or e-mail, as well as a password for your account. In the event that you do not yet have your Twitter profile, then on the same page you can go through the procedure to create one.
So, first enter your first and last name, enter your email below and come up with even lower login password... Then click on the button " registration". Next, you will be redirected to another page of the site, where you can edit the data that was entered in the previous step. If everything suits you, then click on the blue button with the inscription "Registration".

Next, the system will prompt you to secure the created account. To do this, you need to enter your mobile phone number. If you do not want to do this or indicate the number later, then you can safely skip this step and move on. On the new open page, you need to come up with your nickname (name) in your account. Remember, you can change this name at any time or specify later. If you enter your nickname immediately, you will need to click on the blue button labeled "Next". Thus, the registration procedure is over. By entering the email address specified during registration, you will open a new email and confirm your account.

How do I follow Twitter?

If you want to follow the news that are published by an interesting person for you, then you must first go to the page of this user, and then click on " Follow" ("To read").

How to write tweets - messages?

In the upper right corner, click “ Tweet"(" Tweet "). A window will open in front of you where you can write whatever you want and if you want, then add a photo, video, poll or gif-animation. You can also indicate your location, i.e. where you post your tweet from. Twitter users can send private messages, so communication takes place one-on-one.

How to repost on Twitter?

Register on the Twitter social network, subscribe to interesting pages and write what you want in your account.

Social networks are more popular today than ever, and every second inhabitant on earth already has his own page. But many who have remained on the sidelines are only now showing a desire to register on the Twitter social network, but do not know how to do it. It is for such people that this article was written.

Following our instructions, registration will not take you even 5 minutes of time as it is very simple, free and in Russian!

Registration instructions (free)

Go to the official website in the account creation section: twitter.com/signup

In the appropriate fields, you must enter the data that will be displayed in the profile and with which you will log in.

  • Name and surname - it is desirable to enter real data. On them, you can then be found by friends and relatives.
  • Phone number or email - this data is necessary for the system in order to further identify you and prevent the possibility of losing the page.
  • Password - with its help you will be able to log into your created, personal account.

The system will also prompt you to enable or disable the "Adapt Twitter based on recently visited web pages" option. By default, it is enabled, and this allows the social network to slightly adjust the "world around" based on your priorities (you will fill them in at the next stages of registration).

After all the fields have been filled in, press the "Register" button and continue the process.

Email activation for an account

Without fail, you must confirm the Email that was entered. It is better to do this right away, because at the end of the registration process, an annoying notification will appear on the page and will hang until the mail is verified.

This is quite easy to do. Log into your mail, in your Inbox, find a message with the headline: "Confirm your Twitter account ...". If you cannot find it, look in the "Spam" folder or use the internal search by entering the address as a request for letters

Having opened it, there you will find the button "Confirm now" - click on it. The system will open the activation URL in a new browser tab and after a few seconds your page should appear with a message “ Your account has been verified. Thanks! ».

Now you will receive important notifications on it about actions taking place in your profile - this is enabled by default. You can disable or configure alerts in the settings, in the “ Email notifications ". The settings contain 4 sections where you can control all notifications:

  1. Actions related to you and your tweets.
  2. Actions related to your retweets.
  3. Actions of your friends.
  4. News from Twitter.

Entering a phone number or without

The next step is to enter and confirm your mobile phone number. Of course, you can ignore it by clicking the small "Skip" button, but sooner or later you still have to do it. Without this, we will not be able to fully use our page.

Twitter tells us that our phone number keeps our account safe, brings us closer to our friends and makes it easier to log into the site. We cannot but agree with this, so we will execute it and enter our number:

After selecting the country in which you are from the drop-down list, enter the number in the appropriate field and click "Next". After that, you will be sent a confirmation code to this number. SMS messages may be charged at the standard rate (if you have paid incoming messages).

Having received an SMS with a 6-digit code, enter it in the field below and click "Send".

If the code did not come within 5-10 minutes - request it again using the button " I didn't receive the code »(It is located under the input field). On the page with a repeated request, it will be possible to select the method of receiving it through a call. If everything was done correctly, the system will offer to switch to the newly created account.

It is also worth noting that by reporting the social. network your number, you can, do not worry about the number becoming visible to everyone - it will not.

Mobile notifications

All alerts in the Mobile Technologies section are disabled by default. But this is not surprising, because each SMS costs money, and, as you know, you always want to save money.

If we want the system to inform us about important events occurring on the page through short messages. Text notifications can be connected for 3 categories:

  1. Tweet alerts.
  2. Announcements from Twitter.
  3. Reading advice.

By checking the box "Disable during these hours", you yourself can set the time at which it will be most convenient to receive SMS notifications. After everything is configured, we save the changes and enjoy comfortable communication in social microblogging.

Setting up the created page

After the account has been created, by default you will receive a login that is generated from the name of the specified e-mail. To change it, use the profile settings, namely, this section .

In the "Username" line, specify the login that will be displayed in the address (https://twitter.com/Login) and in mentions (@Login).

There you can also select your country of residence, customize the display of content, select a language or time zone, and many other functions that we recommend that you familiarize yourself with.

add a photo

You can upload the first avatar to your page as follows: go to the main page and click on the image of the camera and a drop-down menu will appear in the window where the photo should be, where you need to select the item "Upload photo". Next, through the explorer that opens, select the desired image on your computer and save the changes.

Photo to Twitter header

Adding an image to the top of the page is the same as

Today I want to talk about such a popular phenomenon as Twitter. When applied to webmasters, this social network can help attract additional visitors to your site, as well as other social networks. For example, such as, and, as well as Twitter can serve as a kind of analogue.

For example, as far as I know, many visitors to my blog site follow its updates precisely through this microblogging service. But in order for it to work as it should, you will need to understand what Twitter is, how to register in it and how to use it.

By the way, recently the registration form and interface of this service have been completely translated into Russian, which is good news. True, when this article was written, this social network was not at all friendly with the Russian language, so I had to rewrite and supplement something.

What is Twitter and how do I use it?

So, what is Twitter - first of all it is a service for communication. It has replaced (or in addition to) traditional social media that has set the teeth on edge, and its audience is growing like a snowball. Now it is probably already difficult to meet a person who has never heard of him or similar microblogging services (FriendFeed, etc.).

Nevertheless, for many, the essence of these services is still not clear, and therefore it is worth answering the question "What is Twitter" in a little more detail. In this series of articles, I will try to tell you in detail how to register in it (now in Russian), how to work with it, how to gain subscribers (followers), how to automatically post titles of new materials on your site into it (it will be) ...

Twitter was created in 2006, and by the beginning of 2007 it had already gained sufficient popularity. It is sometimes described as microblogging due to the fact that the size of the message left in it is limited to 140 characters. Due to this limitation, in Twitter messages using special services up to something like this: http://bit.ly/4J2b1R.

Due to the short message length, it is very convenient to communicate on it from a mobile phone. Actually, Twitter was designed for this, tk. it has a limit of 140 characters per message, while in a mobile phone, as you know, the limit is 160 characters (in SMS messages). The remaining 20 characters can be used for the sender's name.

But for this you will have to provide a username and password to access your Email. My main mailbox is located just on Gmail, but I somehow did not dare to transfer his password to Twitter.

If you decide to take this step, then, apparently, based on your address book, all users from it will be found who also have an account in this microblogging service. Well, and you can add them to your friends.

During the time that has passed since this article was written, Twitter has managed not only to start supporting the Russian language, but has acquired a new interface. Therefore, immediately after successful registration you will be taken to a page, at the very top of which there will be icons of your next steps.

The step described in the previous paragraph is now called Friends and is numbered 3:

The new interface has a new step that opens after registration - "Interests". On this tab, you can tell which topics you are interested in. Having opened one of the proposed topics, you will see the tapes available in it.

To subscribe to them, you just need to click on a button "To read"located nearby. As a result, the button will change its appearance and the inscription "Reading" will appear on it:

How do I change the background for Twitter?

By default, the background of your profile will be decorated in blue tones, but you can change it, as well as the color of the panels, the color of the font and links on your page at your discretion. For example, my Twitter looks like so.

You can also see how the interface of this service looked before. To do this, you will need to select the option "To old Twitter" from the drop-down list next to your "Username" (located in the upper right corner):

To customize the design of your page, select the "Settings" item from the top menu (see the screenshot above), and in the window that opens, select the "Design" item.

To customize the background of your Twitter page, you can use the suggested options by simply clicking on them. If none of the suggested backgrounds suits your taste, then you can use your graphic file as.

To do this, click on the "Change background image" button under the thumbnails of the backgrounds, click on the "Select file" button and find the required graphic file on your computer.

By clicking on the "Change design colors" button in the Twitter settings on the right under the thumbnails, you will be able to:

  1. fill the background with one color, which you can choose by clicking on the square labeled "background"
  2. set the color of the text on the pages of your account by clicking on the square labeled "text"
  3. choose a shade for the decoration of all links by clicking on the square with the words "links"
  4. you can select the background color and border color for the right sidebar on your Twitter web page by clicking on the "panel" and "border" boxes, respectively

After you finish doing aesthetic delights, do not forget to save the changes by clicking on the appropriate button at the very bottom. I didn't notice it at first and, as a result, I had to set up the background and design of my Twitter account again. In the same settings window on the "Profile" tab, you can attach an avatar by selecting the desired picture in the "Image" area.

Select "Profile" from the top settings menu. Here you can make changes to the existing data of your profile, and I also advise you to add the address of your web project to the "More Info URL" field. Remarkably, it will be.

But recently, search engines can still take into account, to one degree or another, backlinks from this microblogging service, which has.

How to use Twitter (now in Russian)?

By selecting the item "Notifications" from the top menu of settings, you can configure: about what events you will receive messages by E-mail, for example, when someone subscribed to your feed (will follow you). Directly from the sent letter, you can go to this person's web page by clicking on his name:

After reviewing the content of his messages, you can decide to subscribe or unsubscribe to his Twitter feed. To subscribe, you will need to click on the button "To read" (in the English version of the interface - "Follow", from where the legs of the terms follow, follow or follow) in the upper part of the window:

To subscribe to messages of any user or, in other words, "Follow" someone on Twitter (Follow) means to add someone to your list of contacts. This is what we just did by clicking on the "Follow" button.

But this user will not be able to see your news until he adds you to his contact list. The easiest way to create a Twitter contact list is to add people with similar interests. You add them, and they add you.

To do this, you can use the Twitter search - http://search.twitter.com/. Enter your interests in the search box and as a result you will get a huge list of the inhabitants of this service who are interested in the same. Requests, of course, can be entered in Russian too.

As soon as you start adding users to your contact list, their messages will appear in your feed. To get into your news feed you just need to go to TWITTER.COM, click on the Login "link at the very top of the window and enter your username and password specified during registration.

If the browser has memorized the username and password, then after going to the above address, you will immediately be taken to the news feed with messages from those Twitter users you are following.

If you don't like the posts of a user and you do not want to read them anymore, you can unsubscribe from receiving messages from this user by going to his page (feed). To do this, you will need to click either on his name or on his avatar in the message. On his Twitter page, move the mouse cursor over the "Reading" button, which will change to a button "Cancel", and click on it:

There are a few more small buttons that will help you receive messages from this user on a cell phone, etc. You can write your message on Twitter in the form provided for this at the very top home page with an inscription "What's happening?"... When you start typing a message, you will see to the bottom right of this form the number of characters that can still be typed. B, but for this you will always have to have them at hand, because you will not find a built-in tooltip like Vkontakte on this social network.

In order to reply to an existing message on Twitter, just move the mouse cursor to it and click on the inscription that appears at the bottom of the message "Reply" (in English - "Reply").

After that, the name of the user to whose message you are going to write an answer will be automatically added to the response form, and before this name there will be an @ sign, which means that this is, in fact, a response.

Often, messages are read through specialized programs, and not through an Internet browser. There are quite a few such programs. Can send private messages via Twitter that other users won't see. To do this, the addressee must follow you, then you can on his web page, by analogy with the unsubscribe method discussed just above, click on the arrow next to the button resembling the sun and select the "Direct message username" from the drop-down list.

Summing up, we can summarize and say that Twitter is a service that is an explosive mixture of a blog with ICQ. Still, it's not really a blog. He is precisely a means of communication and obtaining information. With it, you can get to know people you are interested in, even if you are not added to each other's contact list.

If the person you need is not subscribed to your updates, you can still reply to his messages by simply pasting him into the reply form name with @ in front... As a result, he will notice you and you can finish in any form convenient for you (icq, etc.).

Well, besides this, of course, Twitter can bring visitors to your site in an amount proportional to the number of your followers, if, for example, you set up automatic posting of the titles of your new materials. But I will tell you about this and that, and set up the posting of titles of new articles from your website in the next article.

By the way, Twitter developers have recently launched another social project, albeit aimed at users of mobile gadgets -. It is now rapidly gaining popularity, so I advise you to familiarize yourself with the article on the link in order, so to speak, to keep up with life ...

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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This article describes how to recover your password from your Twitter account.


Authorization method in " Twitter»In general, practically does not differ from similar methods of entering other social networks. Therefore, the arising problems with the entrance to " Twitter»Can also be similar, as well as the reasons for their occurrence. But if you lose your password, do not panic, this issue can be solved quite simply.

In this review, we will talk about how to restore the entrance to " Twitter»Account in full version on the computer and mobile version on the phone, if you have forgotten your password, login, phone number, etc.

Reasons for problems signing in to Twitter

Problems logging into " Twitter"Can be different:

  • Lost / forgot login
  • Lost / forgotten email address
  • Lost / forgot password
  • Lack / loss of linked phone number

We have listed the most likely causes and now we will proceed to ways of solving them.

How do I log into Twitter if I forgot my login?

Any authorization involves entering a username and password from your account. AT " Twitter»A nickname (in Latin characters or numbers), phone number or e-mail can serve as a login. Therefore, if you have forgotten your nickname, you can replace it with a phone number or email address. If you forgot your mail, you can enter a nickname as a login, and so on:

How to sign in to Twitter on your Twitter page - full and mobile version of login with and without password. How to log into Twitter if you forgot your password

How to sign in to Twitter on your Twitter page - full and mobile version of login with and without password. How to log into Twitter if you forgot your password

How do I log into Twitter if I forgot my password?

If we cannot log into our account from " Twitter"Because we forgot the password, then we will have to follow the following instructions:

How to sign in to Twitter on your Twitter page - full and mobile version of login with and without password. How to log into Twitter if you forgot your password

  • The system will identify our account and offer to change the password, that is, reset it and send the appropriate instructions to our e-mail, which we linked earlier to our account. Click on " Proceed».

How to sign in to Twitter on your Twitter page - full and mobile version of login with and without password. How to log into Twitter if you forgot your password

  • Next, we will see a new page with this message

How to sign in to Twitter on your Twitter page - full and mobile version of login with and without password. How to log into Twitter if you forgot your password

  • After that, we can go to our e-mail and find the received letter there (it may appear in the folder “ Spam»).

How to sign in to Twitter on your Twitter page - full and mobile version of login with and without password. How to log into Twitter if you forgot your password

  • We go to the letter and click on “ Change Password»

How to sign in to Twitter on your Twitter page - full and mobile version of login with and without password. How to log into Twitter if you forgot your password

How to sign in to Twitter on your Twitter page - full and mobile version of login with and without password. How to log into Twitter if you forgot your password

How do I log into Twitter if I changed my phone number?

In the event that your account in " Twitter"The mobile number was not linked, or if the phone number was changed, you can follow the instructions above and restore the login to" Twitter". Next, when you log into your account, we recommend that you do the following:

  • At the top of the site, click on your avatar and in the drop-down window click on the settings item

How to sign in to Twitter on your Twitter page - full and mobile version of login with and without password. How to log into Twitter if you forgot your password

  • Further in a new window in the left column in the section " Phone»Enter your current mobile number (or change the old number to a new one) and press« Proceed».

How to sign in to Twitter on your Twitter page - full and mobile version of login with and without password. How to log into Twitter if you forgot your password

How to sign in to Twitter on your Twitter page - full and mobile version of login with and without password. How to log into Twitter if you forgot your password

How do I recover my Twitter login from my phone?

Recover lost password in " Twitter»Using your phone, you can:

How to sign in to Twitter on your Twitter page - full and mobile version of login with and without password. How to log into Twitter if you forgot your password

  • Next, select the option to restore the number using your phone, as shown in the screenshot

How to sign in to Twitter on your Twitter page - full and mobile version of login with and without password. How to log into Twitter if you forgot your password

How to sign in to Twitter on your Twitter page - full and mobile version of login with and without password. How to log into Twitter if you forgot your password

  • Next, on a new page, enter a new password in the appropriate field and confirm it

How to sign in to Twitter on your Twitter page - full and mobile version of login with and without password. How to log into Twitter if you forgot your password

Video: How to get back an account banned by Twitter?

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