A5 fell into the water what to do. What to do if you drop your smartphone into water. What to do if the phone falls into the water Samsung, LG, Lenovo, Xiaomi, Meizu, iPhone, Sony, ZTE, Asus, Android

Drying the gadget on a central heating battery

Many owners of touchscreen phones who have fallen into the water are trying to dry the gadget on a conventional heating battery. Although this is the simplest option, it is hardly a successful one. The water that is still inside the device will heat up from contact with the battery and thus only accelerate the corrosion inside the phone, so that most of the contacts will immediately oxidize. If you still want to know how to dry a phone that has got into water using a heating battery, then pay attention to this instruction:

  • first completely disassemble the device;
  • wipe it with a completely dry cloth;
  • put on top of the battery overnight.

In the morning, collect everything again and make a new attempt to turn on the device.

Problems with a phone that falls into water

The phone cannot be turned on after being dropped into water

It often happens that the gadget falls into the water and does not turn on. However, this does not always indicate a breakdown of the device. Very often, after getting a phone in water, its battery is immediately discharged. And after that, he no longer takes a new charge. Some phones today come with 2 batteries. You can try to replace it. And if that did not help, then pay attention to the connector for charging the device. If it has time to oxidize, then it is advisable to replace it. It is unlikely that you will be able to make a replacement yourself, so it would be better to take the phone to a service workshop.

The sensor does not work on a mobile phone that has been in water

In this case, the phone itself can even turn on, but not respond to any touch. In this case, a short circuit could have occurred, so the screen will most likely need to be replaced, since drying it is unlikely to help.

If the speaker does not work after the phone is in water

Then we can assume that you are very lucky, since its repair will be inexpensive. This is a minor breakdown that does not take a long time to fix. The speaker has a small hole in which moisture flows. In a repair shop, a defective speaker can be replaced right in front of you. Unfortunately, you cannot cope with this breakdown on your own.

The camera does not work in the phone due to water getting into it

When the camera fails after getting into the water, this is a big problem. For example, in Chinese clones, cheap analogs of cameras are used, which are practically not repaired. Subsequently, you will have to shoot only with a camera designed for selfies. It is located on the front of the mobile phone. In branded devices, you can replace a faulty camera, but it will cost a lot. And if you are lucky, then everything can end only by cleaning the contacts.

What to do if the microphone refused to work

Often such a malfunction occurs after water gets there. First clean the hole with a fine needle. You can also use a regular toothpick for these purposes. However, if experience is not enough, then it is better not to do this on your own, since there is a great danger, pierce the microphone membrane.

Attention! The ideal plan of action is to quickly pull the phone out of the water, remove the battery and SIM card, if possible, blot the inside of the gadget with a dry napkin and immediately go to the service center. They will be able to disassemble the phone, dry the insides, which ordinary users cannot reach.

You will have a chance to save your phone that fell into the water if you make a quick decision and don't get confused. Only you can decide what to do in this situation - use rice or just disassemble the phone in its normal state. But the best and safest way for a phone will always be to contact a service center if you can contact it within the next 24 hours.

Until several centuries ago, when there were no mobile phones, we did not suffer from such a problem as getting a landline telephone wet. However, time passes, technologies do not stand still, and today almost every inhabitant of the planet has a mobile phone. We show up with a cell phone everywhere - on the street, in the pool, on the beach, and even in the toilet. And it is not surprising if, in this mode, he accidentally falls into the toilet, a puddle, if a glass of water is poured onto him, or if he is completely washed in the washing machine.

Many people think that getting a cell phone in water is tantamount to its complete failure. But this is not the case. If the phone falls into water, it can still be saved. In this situation, it is very important to act instantly.

What to do if your phone falls into water

  1. As soon as the phone enters the water, water instantly enters through the headphone ports, charging ports and other openings. Therefore, the very first thing to do is to pull the device out of the water. If the cellular device fell into the toilet, you cannot hesitate and waste time looking for rubber gloves. You can wash your hands a little later. The ability to save the phone depends on your reaction time.
  2. After that, the phone must be turned off immediately. If it doesn't disconnect from the button, just pull out the battery. Never try to test the device's functionality and do not turn it on when wet. This can lead to short circuits and the phone will simply burn out.
  3. After turning off the device, try to disassemble it as much as possible. At a minimum, you can take out the battery, memory card and SIM card, remove the back cover. If the phone is not touch-sensitive, but older models, you can disassemble the device completely, remove the rubber buttons. The touchscreen phone can also be disassembled, but this requires a special small screwdriver. In general, remove anything that can be removed, but be careful not to rip or break some of the delicate parts. If you completely disassemble the device, do not forget what was filmed and in what sequence. It is better to take a few photos while parsing the phone.
  4. Then take paper towels or dry napkins. Wipe down every part of the phone thoroughly. Try to reach hard-to-reach places with flagella rolled up from napkins. Never wrap a napkin around the tip of a pencil or pen to remove moisture trapped in a corner. It is unsafe for small parts of the phone, and it will not do much good.
  5. After thoroughly wiping and drying all parts of the device with dry napkins, leave the phone for several days. Remember that the phone cannot be switched on until it is completely dry. And this may take more than one day.

If you want to speed up the drying process of your phone, you can do it using the following methods.

In order for the phone to dry quickly and come to its senses, it must be placed in an adsorbent composition.

  1. Figure: This is the most popular cereal, which quickly absorbs excess moisture. Take a bowl of dry rice and place your phone there. Bury the case itself, the battery and other parts completely in the rice. Leave it overnight. In the morning, the phone will be completely dry, and the moisture will remain in the rice. Rice dust can be wiped off with a rag or vacuum cleaner.
  2. Cat litter. If there is a cat in the house, then there will be no problems with drying the phone. Put the device and its parts in clean filler, and it will draw excess moisture from the phone in a few hours.
  3. Silicogel. You have probably found silicone balls in the box with new shoes, which are placed there specifically to absorb excess moisture. Place the phone in a container with silica gel so that the balls completely cover the device. This is a quick and safe way to dry your appliance.

Is the phone wet

In order to check if the phone is wet and whether its components have been damaged, refer to the operating instructions for the device. Most modern models have a special indicator that changes color when wet. If in the normal state it is a white square or circle, then when wet it is a pinkish speck. It is usually located under the battery in the corner near the charging port.

If the phone was charged when it got wet, unfortunately it will most likely fail to save it. The fact is that during charging, most of the indoor units are activated, which immediately burn out when wet. Be careful when removing your phone and charger from the power supply - water is an excellent conductor of electricity. It may be advisable to disconnect the apartment from the power supply and only then carry out all the manipulations.

Can I dry my phone with a hairdryer or vacuum cleaner

Among the tips for drying a phone that has fallen into water, you can find confident recommendations to dry the device with a hair dryer. However, you should not do this, even if you are going to dry the device with a cold stream of air. The fact is that the hair dryer blows out air and, under the influence of a strong jet, moisture sits even deeper in the small details of the device.

If you want to use household appliances, use a vacuum cleaner. Slide the narrow nozzle onto the pipe and bring it to all crevices and hard-to-reach places. The vacuum cleaner will thoroughly draw out all excess moisture and dry the device.

If you dropped your phone not into water, but into juice, sweet tea or salt water, you do not need to rush to rinse the device under running clean water. You need to dry the cell according to the previous recommendations, and then wipe all parts of the phone with wet wipes.

After dropping the phone into the water, do not rush to run for a new device. A wet phone can be reanimated. If after thoroughly drying the phone does not turn on, take it to the technician. And so that the next time such an incident does not happen again, be more careful. Indeed, sometimes, in addition to an expensive device, you can lose photos and video frames of dear and beloved people.

Video: a way to dry your phone

All the same, this is a high-tech device that probably costs several hundred dollars, and there is a very high chance that it will not work after getting inside moisture. Unless you have one of these amazing waterproof smartphones like LG G6 or.

Attention! You should definitely familiarize yourself with the list of their characteristics and prices. 🤩

Although more and more phone manufacturers have started to release smartphones with waterproof casing over the past two to three years. However, not all of us have the ability to buy a waterproof smartphone, which means we need to use other ways to protect it.

The best way to protect your phone from water is to take precautions ahead of time by using something like a waterproof case for situations where you know you will be in contact with water.

What to do if your smartphone still falls into the water?

To begin with, you should know that it costs 50-50 to rely on the phone to work inside which water gets inside. There is no guarantee that the smartphone will actually be saved.

With the following tips, I want to increase the likelihood that your phone will get out of this unfortunate situation. So let's get started.

Dropped your phone into the water? Take it out of the water and make sure it's turned off!

I know it's hard to react quickly, but you have to pull yourself together! The longer your device stays underwater, the less chance it will survive. You must remove the phone from the water immediately.

As soon as you get your phone out of the water, make sure it's turned off. Even if it seems that everything is fine with him ... just in case, disable it. If the phone is still on, just turn it off or remove the battery if you can. Then place it in a safe place, preferably on a flat surface on top of several paper towels.

The good news is that even non-waterproof smartphones today tend to be slightly more water resistant than older phones, and therefore there are a few things you should or shouldn't be doing.

What not to do after water gets into your phone

  • Don't turn on your phone! As I wrote above. Water is a good conductor and must be turned off to avoid short circuits.
  • Don't press any buttons... This could cause further water penetration into the phone. It is best to try to shake it as little as possible.
  • Do not shake or blow on the device... It can also push water into deeper areas of the phone. Especially try to avoid impact dryers - not only because of the blowing part, but also because of the next point.
  • Don't heat your phone... Please be aware that excessive heat can also damage your phone.
  • Don't move your phone too fast... Everything is the same as in the previous paragraphs, so that water does not move inside the phone.

Disassemble the phone that fell into the water

Make no mistake at this step: What I mean is that you have to delete anything that a regular user can delete. If the back cover is removable, remove it. Likewise, try removing the battery (if possible), SIM card and SD card. Place it all on a paper towel.

If you are a seasoned tech expert and know all the ins and outs of a phone and are not afraid to lose your warranty, you can go ahead and disassemble the smartphone completely. This will help dry every part faster. Just be careful, if you don't know what you are doing, then you will do more harm than good.

Try paper towel dry

First we need to try to get rid of the water with a paper towel to dry each component. Just make sure you don't mess with your phone too much. Dry everything gently without shaking it too much.

Suck up the water with a vacuum cleaner

Of course, there are areas that cannot be reached with a paper towel. I told you not to blow on the phone, I did not tell you not to suck the water out. In fact, a vacuum cleaner can suck up water droplets from the phone without much risk. Just make sure that the suction does not cause excessive shaking of the phone.

Time to dry

The hardest part is that the phone cannot be touched for an extended period of time. This means that you will not be able to use your smartphone! If you have another phone that you can pick up, just make sure the SIM card is completely dry and insert it into the work tube. Otherwise, just use public telephones or smoke bombs.

Now it is a very common practice when the phone is covered with bags of rice and allowed to lick for about 2-3 days.

But why rice? Mainly because it is in every home. The idea is that rice absorbs moisture very well, which makes the environment around the phone drier and therefore helps dry the device faster. But there are alternatives that could be better.

So you've done your best, and it's been a few days. It's time to see if all your hopes have been met. Remove the phone from where you left it, insert the battery, etc. Then try turning on the phone. If it turns on and all buttons are working, congratulations!

Tell us about your experience!

Have any of you tried these methods? What other tips do you have not listed above? Write in the comments! Thanks!

01.10.2017 15:00:00

What not to do with a phone that has fallen into water

Before telling how to save a drowned phone, it is worthwhile to dwell on what should not be done in any case:

  • Do not disassemble the phone if you do not know how to do it, especially if the gadget is under warranty.
  • Do not dry your phone with a hairdryer, on a radiator, or near a stove. Excessive heat can melt delicate parts and contacts, and a jet of air from a hair dryer will simply drive water droplets even deeper into the phone.
  • Do not use sugar to dry. Despite the fact that it absorbs liquid well, grains of sugar can stick to important parts of the phone and completely ruin it.
  • Do not be lazy to go to the service center, even if you could fix the phone yourself. Experts will tell you for sure whether the phone will still serve or is it worth changing it.

Phone connected to the network

If a phone falls into the water while it was connected to the mains, be sure to disconnect the charger. Water is known to conduct electricity very well. So, if you get the connected phone out of the water, you risk getting a strong blow.

Basic procedure

Now let's move on to the main steps that will help reanimate the phone that fell into the water:

  1. If the phone has been switched off after being dropped in water, do not switch it on. A short circuit can burn all the gadget's microcircuits. The switched on phone must be turned off after falling into the water.
  2. Wipe your phone with a dry towel or tissue.
  3. Remove everything that can be removed from the phone: battery, SIM cards, memory cards. Make sure these parts are dry.
  4. You can shake the phone a little to remove as much moisture as possible from it. However, do not overdo it, otherwise fragile contacts may come off from strong shaking.

How to dry your phone

After all the preparatory work has been completed, you can proceed to the process of drying the phone. This can be done in several ways:

Method 1: The easiest one, for the patient.

Place your phone on a dry surface and wait for the water to dry on its own. This method is suitable in cases where a little moisture has got into the phone, for example, when water or tea is spilled on it.

Method 2: Use a vacuum cleaner.

As already mentioned above, in no case should you blow water into the phone. However, excess moisture can be pulled out of the cell phone. This can be done with a vacuum cleaner:

  • Take the narrowest nozzle
  • Turn on the vacuum cleaner at minimum power setting
  • For about 10 minutes, blow through the phone and each removed part

Please note that when drying in this way, you cannot hold the suction tube close to the phone. It is best to keep it 1 to 1.5 centimeters apart.

Method 3: use rice grits

Rice is known for its hygroscopic properties. Every housewife knows that rice perfectly absorbs water. And many photographers dry their cameras and lenses in rice after shooting in the rain. To remove water from your phone using rice, you need to do the following:

  • Pour the rice into a small bowl
  • Place the phone there with the case removed
  • Close the lid and leave for a few days

Method 4: use rubbing alcohol

To dry the phone, such a property of alcohol as its ability to evaporate moisture is suitable. Of course, you don't need to dip your phone in a glass with alcohol. Take a cotton swab, make-up removal disc, or small tissue. Blot it with rubbing alcohol and gently wipe the damp parts of the phone.

Method 5: use silica gel

When buying new shoes, you can often find a special absorbent material in the box - a silica gel in the form of small balls. It can also be used to dry your phone. As in the example with rice, take a small cup, pour silica gel into it, put your phone in it, close the lid and leave it for about 10 hours. During this time, the absorbent must draw out all the water.

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Now you know what to do if your phone falls into water. In any case, you need to take into account under what circumstances the liquid got into the phone, and what it is. So, if your mobile phone is in sea water, there is a high probability that it will no longer be possible to save it, since salt water causes severe metal corrosion.

In the next tutorial, we'll show you how to install applications to a memory card. Do not miss!



If the device has a removable battery, remove it immediately without wasting time turning off. Leave the phone unassembled. If the device cannot be disassembled, then simply turn it off. This will reduce the chance of a short circuit.


If your phone is still wearing a case, remove the accessory to dry the device faster.


Remove the SIM card and memory card if they were inside. This will help dry them out and protect them from moisture that remains in the device.


Place the gadget on a dry horizontal surface and gently wipe the connectors and the entire open surface of the device with paper towels.

What not to do if water gets into your phone

  • Do not try to turn on the phone: when electricity passes through the microcircuits, it is easier for water to destroy them.
  • Never connect a wet device to the mains - for the same reason. Wait 48 hours, only then try turning on and charging the phone.
  • Do not move the apparatus unnecessarily, do not press buttons or blow out the air. Water from these actions can spread all over the phone.
  • Do not use heaters or hair dryers to dry, as excessive heat can damage the device.

If a dry phone does not turn on or does not work correctly, you will have to show it to a specialist. The foreman will clean the device and, possibly, offer to replace the damaged parts. But, you guessed it, these services are paid.

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