Satellite Internet is unlimited. Tariffs for two-way unlimited satellite Internet for individuals. Antenna diameter. Rates

Today it is impossible to imagine life without the Internet. But sometimes, due to the difficult terrain, lack of conditions and remoteness of the place of residence, it is difficult to connect to the World Wide Web. In this case, satellite Internet turns out to be irreplaceable. With your own hands, it is enough to simply configure it. If something doesn't work out, you can always call a specialist.

Satellite Internet: what is it

The named type of the Internet is an Internet connection via satellite. In this case, the signal from its terminal is fed to a special antenna, which has a built-in receiver, and only then to the computer. It travels across the network at a fairly high speed.

Equipment for setting up satellite Internet is not cheap, but the quality fully justifies all the costs. You can connect satellite Internet with your own hands, for this you just need to buy a set of equipment and follow the instructions.

All necessary programs are installed on the computer. And after the installation of the equipment, all that remains is to test the equipment, choose a provider, tariff and pay for the service.

Types of satellite connection

The Internet broadcast from satellite is divided into two types: one-way and two-way. You can set up both the one and the other satellite Internet with your own hands or call a specialist who will do it much faster.

In a one-way connection, the incoming signal comes from the satellite, and the outgoing signal goes through terrestrial telecommunications or through the mobile Internet. The speed of one-way (asymmetric) Internet is not so high compared to two-way, but the cost of tariff plans is democratic. This is due to lower costs for return traffic.

With symmetric Internet (two-way) or VSAT, the incoming and outgoing channels go through the satellite. Communication is carried out through a modem-transmitter tuned to the signal. The satellite dish plays here the role of a teleport, transmitting information at a speed of 1 Mb / s. Such Internet is expensive, but the quality is excellent.

Due to the high cost, two-way is rarely used, mainly for organizations located far from large cities. The asymmetric version is more popular and affordable for ordinary subscribers.

Operating principle

If you connect the satellite Internet with your own hands, then the principle of its operation will be as follows. The user uses a proxy server or virtual VPN network to send a signal to the provider, which redirects it to the satellite. The received stream is amplified several times and enters the satellite dish receiver. As a rule, each satellite covers a certain part of the globe, which is equal to an area of ​​several thousand square kilometers. In this case, the flow rate increases towards the center, and decreases closer to the edge.

The receiving head or convector on the plate is connected to the DVB-card located in the PCI slot of the computer. From here, the converted signal is sent to the user. A satellite can have multiple providers. Before connecting to the Internet, you must select the satellite and the corresponding Internet provider.

Equipment for one-way Internet

To connect one-way satellite Internet with your own hands, you need to purchase a set of equipment. It usually includes:

  1. PCI / USB DVB-S / S2 card. It is distinguished by the fastest possible transmission of the stream from the satellite. Decodes the signal and transmits it to a personal computer.
  2. Satellite antenna. Its choice depends on the provider and the satellite from which the signal is broadcast.
  3. Converter. It is in focus of the satellite dish and receives the signal. Redirects the received stream to a DVB card, where it is further converted. Ku-band converters with linear polarization are often used. On rare occasions, a circularly polarized element is used.
  4. Coaxial cable. The converter and DVB-card dock together. To do this, use special connectors with an F-connector.
  5. Modem or telephone. It is used as an outgoing channel for one-way technology. It can be a USB modem with EDGE (GPRS), fiber-optic or ADSL telephone line, dial-up connection.

The ready-made set of equipment can only be installed according to the instructions. By the way, the device for transmitting the outgoing stream is purchased separately.

Equipment for two-way

When VSAT is connected, data reception and transmission occurs only via satellite channels, and there is no need for additional terrestrial sources. If you install a two-way satellite Internet with your own hands correctly, then weather conditions will not affect its work. To install, you need to purchase:

  1. Ku-band satellite dish. It receives and transmits a signal. The standard diameter is 1.2-1.8 m.
  2. Blocks. Transmitting BUC signal and receiving LNB stream, which are mounted on a satellite dish irradiator. They are universal and suitable for all types of antennas. They are not tied to a satellite terminal.
  3. The terminal responsible for receiving and transmitting a satellite stream.

Two-way Internet allows you to develop high speed data transfer. Works independently of ground equipment. A significant disadvantage is only its high cost.


It is not difficult to install free satellite Internet with your own hands, it is enough to familiarize yourself with the instructions that come with the equipment. The main advantages of such a connection are:

  • low traffic price compared to GPRS and DSL;
  • good speed even with poor performance of the land line;
  • the ability to develop faster than terrestrial types of connections such as GPRS and DSL;
  • the ability to connect to satellite TV;
  • connection to the Network at any point in the area related to the satellite coverage area;
  • quick commissioning of equipment;
  • ease of use.

You can feel all the positive aspects of using satellite Internet only if you independently use this service.

Negative sides

Free satellite Internet with your own hands can be connected in a matter of hours. But this type of communication has its drawbacks:

  • the receiving antenna must be strictly oriented to the satellite, otherwise the signal will stop feeding;
  • due to the large distance from the earth (about 36 thousand km), there is a large ping;
  • terrestrial Internet is much cheaper than satellite, especially in big cities. Satellite maintenance costs are quite high, and part of them falls on the shoulders of subscribers;
  • some satellite companies provide an inappropriate IP address, which causes search engines to malfunction.

Despite the above disadvantages, satellite Internet remains in demand, and the equipment necessary for its transmission is constantly being improved, which creates a great future for it.

About satellite providers

It is not difficult to set up satellite Internet and TV with your own hands, but at the first stage you should decide on the provider who will provide the service. The most popular are:

  • SatGate;
  • "Rainbow-Internet";
  • "Tricolor-Internet";
  • StarBlazer;
  • Skyds;
  • Lansat;
  • "STV";
  • Gazprom Space Systems;
  • Helios;
  • OpenSky;
  • Spectrumsat;
  • GxSat.

All of them work on satellite DVB-S or DVB-S2 sources. This type of connection allows you to carry out the most popular operations - surfing, sending and receiving data, watching video files. For legal entities, there are individual connection schemes, IP addresses are allocated.

Basically, all providers turn to satellites such as HorBird, Sirius 2, Astra 19.2, Eutelsat, Astra - 2C, Yamal-200-2, etc. in their work. There are a variety of rates in terms of speed and price. There are limit and unlimited. To choose the right provider, you need to determine what function the Internet should perform.

How to connect free satellite Internet with your own hands

Setting up satellite Internet with your own hands is carried out in several stages. First, fix the satellite dish on the wall or roof of the building. The antenna mirror is oriented towards the satellite. The compass will help you choose the desired position, and the satellite coordinates are determined using the Satellite Antenna Alignment program.

The service is installed free of charge and well in advance of equipment installation. The exact coordinates of their location and the location of the satellite are entered into the program. The service provides the angle, azimuth and other data necessary for the correct orientation of the antenna.

Then the DVB-card is inserted into the PCI-slot of the computer. It acts as a satellite modem, receives, converts and transmits a signal.

After the equipment is installed in the system unit, they begin to debug it. This is a complex and time-consuming process. To do this, one person is in front of the computer and monitors the signal from the satellite, which the program will show when it is detected, and the other adjusts the position of the dish.

If the setting is carried out by one person, then in the program he can select the function of sound notification, and he himself will adjust the antenna. Instead of a DVB card, an external card is installed in a laptop, connected via a USB connector. After installing all the components, the equipment is tested.

To completely resolve the issue of how to make satellite Internet with your own hands, it takes a professional about two hours.

Free Internet via a satellite dish with your own hands: myth or reality?

You can set up free Internet via a satellite dish yourself if you have certain knowledge. But for these purposes, you will need special equipment.

The satellite does not transmit a signal to any one device, but sends a stream to all devices capable of receiving it. Subscribers paying for the service receive already filtered information corresponding to the client's request. Foreign traffic bypasses it.

Those who want to use satellite Internet for free should take into account that this type of connection will have a very specific format. There will be a lot of haphazard traffic, which will cause certain difficulties. And although there are filters that can select the necessary files in this situation, this type of communication is unlikely to give pleasure and will allow you to enjoy all the possibilities of the Internet.

About tariffs

After you have connected the Internet via a satellite dish with your own hands, you should decide on the provider and tariffs. All tariffs are divided into the following types:

  • with payment for the amount of consumed traffic;
  • conditionally unlimited, where a certain amount of traffic is already included (exceeding the norm is paid additionally);
  • unlimited, with a fixed subscription rate;
  • for legal entities.

At night, the Internet is cheaper than during the day, and can be unlimited. Each subscriber in his personal account is given the opportunity to independently manage services, increase the speed, and switch to another tariff plan.

For one-way connections, additional upstream charges may apply. The cost of incoming traffic for 1 MB fluctuates around 0.5-1.5 rubles. The price for an unlimited tariff, depending on the speed (from 500 Kb / s to 4 Mb / s), varies from 500 to 1200 rubles.

Two-way satellite Internet will cost more, but the data transfer rate is much higher here and reaches 10 Mb / s. The monthly subscription fee ranges from 600 rubles. up to 20 thousand rubles

Cost of equipment

You can also connect satellite Internet to a private house with your own hands. The price of equipment based on asymmetric technology, together with a modem for an outgoing signal, will be about 5 thousand rubles. Ready-made kits are more expensive. The price of finished equipment for two-way reaches 30-70 thousand rubles. Each kit contains a subscription to a specific provider.

Due to the large number of wireless networks, satellite Internet is losing its popularity. However, in those regions where it is not possible to use the services of terrestrial operators, it remains the only alternative.

The level of equipment with the Internet in Russia reaches high values, but huge parts of our country still do not have access to the world wide web. There is a lack of infrastructure, but satellite Internet can solve the problem of its deficit. It has a number of advantages over “cable” and mobile communications, it is becoming more and more affordable, and the equipment that provides access to it only gets cheaper over the years and becomes more and more simple to install.

What is satellite Internet

Today, Internet access is possible via satellite (AES), the signal from which goes directly to the user's computer connected to the "dish". This access method, however, should not be equated with a wired connection to the provider, which itself takes data from the satellite - in this case, a trunk channel is leased, which has incomparably more powerful traffic than when using a "dish". Satellites, as a rule, are located at (less often - at medium-altitude and low).

Access to the World Wide Web from the "dish", as a rule, is comparable in its speed characteristics with broadband lines and significantly surpasses 3G and GPRS methods of connection. What the last two types of satellite Internet connections have in common is the technology-driven traffic limitation. However, with such tasks as reading letters, sending documents, working with online banking, the "plate" copes well. It is also irreplaceable outside the city - where there is no connection from cellular operators or its quality is insufficient. Modern equipment for communication with satellites is becoming more and more simple to operate; an ordinary user does not experience problems with how to connect the satellite Internet on his own.

History of satellite Internet

The first experiments with Internet access via satellite began in the early 90s. Various technologies were offered to the market, but in the end, access to the World Wide Web was chosen through geostationary satellites - the same class that are used for telephone and television communications. Gradually, the cost and size of terrestrial satellite networks became cheaper and decreased, they ceased to be an expensive prerogative of the state, business began to use them.

As a result, the term "VSAT" (terminal with a very small aperture) arose, meaning a compact and mobile device for receiving a signal. With the improvement and further reduction in the cost of technologies, VSAT modules became available not only to business, but also to ordinary users, there were also “home” antennas - the very same “dishes” on the windows, and satellite Internet, reviews of which began to be printed on the pages of the press about technologies.

Asymmetric access

Asymmetric access is one of the two main formats for using satellite Internet. It implies connection to the World Wide Web through two channels of different speed and technology, and the "dish" can be only one of them. The second is, as a rule, a terrestrial connection (sometimes with a much lower main advantage of asymmetric access is the price. 1 Mb.

Incoming traffic, thanks to the satellite, is served at a very high speed. As a rule, from the same satellite it is possible to receive a television signal as well (some providers include television and satellite Internet - "Tricolor", for example) from the same satellites. The main disadvantage is the presence of a terrestrial channel, which simply may not be available. The outgoing speed depends on the type of connection. It may not be high enough to perform a number of tasks - sending large files, communicating via video calls.

Symmetric access

There is also symmetric ("two-way") satellite Internet. Feedback from users about him is the most positive. Within the framework of it, the communication kit is equipped not only with a receiving antenna, but also with a device (subscriber station) capable of transmitting a signal to the satellite. It has all the same advantages as the asymmetric version, but it does not have the disadvantages associated with the second channel. True, the speed of outgoing traffic is, as a rule, lower than that of incoming traffic (the subscriber station is not always powerful enough), but it is enough to comfortably use the main Internet services.

Among the more significant drawbacks is a very high price, several times higher than that of sets with asymmetric access. But there is also an undeniable advantage: the Internet can be accessed from virtually anywhere on the planet. Fans of round-the-world expeditions sometimes have no alternative but to connect satellite Internet with symmetric access.

Satellite Internet Speed

As a rule, there are no standard speed indicators guaranteed by the tariff by the satellite Internet provider - but the user has the right to expect "incoming" traffic at the level of 5-10 megabits / sec. One way or another, it all depends on the degree of congestion of the channel. At the same time, an interesting fact is that with a satellite connection, the download speed of different objects is "summed up". For example, if a user simultaneously downloads 100 images, each of which has a volume of 1 MB, then he will spend the same amount of time as if he downloaded one “megabyte” image. Incredibly, this is satellite Internet. Provider tariffs, by the way, do not take into account this feature and are always charged upon the fact of the downloaded data. However, this interesting property also depends on the throughput of the land line, since the satellite will require a response from the computer for each of the received images: if this does not follow, the image will not be transmitted. If the equipment supports two-way access, then the speed of the satellite Internet on the outgoing channel, as a rule, is comparable to the indicated figures and can reach values ​​of 8 megabits / sec.

Market overview in Russia

Experts point out that asymmetric Internet access via satellite has not received proper distribution in Russia. There are a number of reasons for this: firstly, the lack of the necessary technological infrastructure among providers, secondly, the complexity of connecting devices, and thirdly, the underdevelopment of the very second in the country. At the same time, the market for two-way satellite access is growing very actively in Russia (although its figures, in comparison with the indicators of wired Internet, are still small).

There are forecasts that by the end of 2016 the number of Russian users will grow to 35 thousand people. In many ways, this trend is associated with the reduction in the cost of equipment that requires satellite Internet. Feedback from consumers of this service allows many market experts to look optimistically at the development of the segment. Leading providers of this technology see as their main target audience owners of private houses in suburban communities.

Why is "satellite" better than "cable"?

We have already mentioned the advantages associated with geographical coverage. Let's just note that, according to a number of experts, in many Russian regions, including those located in the European part of the country, there are problems with competing solutions - 3G, fiber.

The most important advantage of satellite communications is the cheaper infrastructure that may be needed to allocate channel resources to other users. Satellite Internet is able to "diversify" access to the World Wide Web, and this property is irreplaceable, first of all, for businesses. Including those who work in cities: it often happens that the provider refuses to work, and the ability to receive or send the most important documents on time may be much more important than the costs of installing satellite equipment.

And what, accordingly, is worse

Firstly, purely physically, the antenna works only when it “looks” at the satellite. If, say, the user's office or home is located on the wall opposite to the "flight" of the satellite, then the connection cannot be established. Secondly, when exchanging data with the participation of a satellite, as a rule, a rather large "ping" (signal delay between sending and receiving) is observed. This property can bring discomfort, for example, when making audio and video calls, as well as when using entertainment services for which many people go to the Internet: the network of game "polygons" for fans of multiplayer action games can, for example, freeze with a long response. Thirdly, the IP-address of the user who "caught" the satellite does not always correspond to the country and city where the connection is established. This can interfere with working with Internet services that require accurate geolocation (for example, search engines, social networks). Fourth, many experts speak unflatteringly about security - it is not always high when satellite Internet is used. Experts' reviews indicate potential vulnerabilities in terms of intercepting traffic from satellites.

An innovative look

Systems of access to the World Wide Web through satellites, as mentioned above, are constantly getting cheaper and improved. Several years ago, Russian providers set themselves the task of creating satellite Internet, tariffs for which would be comparable to those offered by "wired" operators. The government has allocated several billion rubles for this purpose. With these funds, projects of innovative communication satellites were created (in total, it is planned to introduce four of them). Infrastructure on the ground is also envisaged, which will include a control center and several communication stations with satellites.

The project will be managed by the largest state-owned telecommunications companies. With the help of cheap satellite equipment, the government hopes to create a "people's Internet" available throughout Russia. The client audience of this service is estimated at 2 million subscribers. People, according to experts, need satellite Internet, the prices for which will be lower than the current market indicators.

Two-way (synchronous) satellite Internet works both for receiving and transmitting information from the satellite. It looks like this: the user makes a request to the Internet, the receiving and transmitting station processes the request and sends it to the satellite, the request is redirected from the satellite to the provider, then to the Internet, when a response is received from the Internet, the incoming information from the provider's server is sent to satellite, and from the satellite to the user's computer (see diagram).

Scheme. Two-way satellite internet.

Thus, to work with two-way satellite Internet, there is no need to connect an additional channel for outgoing communication, the function of receiving and transmitting information is performed by satellite Internet equipment - the user's receiving and transmitting antenna. This connection is more reliable and stable, in contrast to the one-way type of access, because the user does not depend on outgoing channel failures (GPRS on a mobile phone, Ethernet, ADSL, Dial up), the request is instantly processed and transmitted to the satellite. This is the main advantage of two-way access.

2. Sets of equipment from the satellite Ka Sat

The ka sat satellite has a large capacity and can provide subscribers with higher speeds, lower tariffs and equipment costs.

Kit standard:

  • Satellite dish 0.75 Tooway
  • SurfBeam2 Modem
  • 3W transceiver
  • Cable 15 m
  • Wall bracket
  • 2f connector

Kits for connection from ku-band satellites

Kit standard:

  • HughesNet 9200 modem
  • 2W transceiver
  • 2x10 m cable
  • Wall support
  • 4f connector

Price without installation: 21,000 rubles.
Price with installation: 26,000 rubles.

Set standard 2:

  • Satellite dish 0.74 m Tooway
  • HughesNet 9400 modem with two independent ports
  • Wall support
  • 2W transceiver
  • 2x10 m cable
  • 4f connector

Price without installation: 26,000 rubles.
Price with installation: 31,000 rubles.

Business kit:

  • 2W transceiver
  • Wall support
  • HughesNet 9200 modem
  • 2x10 cable
  • 4 f connectors

Price without installation: 42,000 rubles.
Price with installation: 52,000 rubles.

Business video kit:

  • Satellite dish 1.2m Tooway
  • 2W transceiver
  • Wall support
  • HughesNet 9400 modem
  • 2x10 cable
  • 4f connector

Price without installation: 45,000 rubles.
Price with installation: 55,000 rubles.

3. Antenna diameter. Rates

The choice of antenna diameter depends on the geographic location of the subscriber and on the selected satellite. The following satellites of the ka band are used for the operation of the Internet: Ka-sat 9 degrees east longitude, covering the European part of the Russian Federation; and satellites of the ku range: yamal 402 55 degrees east. duty. (the entire territory of the Russian Federation, except for the Far Eastern Federal District), Express AM 22 53gr. east duty. (European part of the Russian Federation), Yamal 200 90 gr. east duty. (the entire territory of the Russian Federation, except for Kamchatka and Chukotka), Express AM 140 gr. east duty. (Far Eastern part of the Russian Federation).

Who are the users of the two-way satellite Internet? These are, first of all, educational and medical institutions, hotel complexes, hunting and fishing clubs, owners of country houses and cottages and other structures located in areas with insufficiently developed communications for connecting wired Internet equipment. Two-way satellite Internet is also ideal for connecting remote company branches into a single network, for using video conferencing, monitoring remote objects ...

In addition to high-speed Internet services, subscribers using two-way satellite Internet can also use telephony services. This is important, especially when organizing business outside cities with their developed infrastructure. Organization of dedicated SCPC satellite channels is possible. The cost of projects for the organization of dedicated channels is calculated individually for each Customer according to specific tasks and requirements.

The speed of the incoming communication channel of the two-way satellite Internet can reach up to 10 Mbps, the outgoing channel up to 819 kbps. The tariffs depend on the selected speed and the included monthly traffic.

Two-way satellite Internet supports Internet speed depending on the tariff chosen by the user and on the amount of downloaded information. Speed ​​is calculated using FAP technology. ...

The disadvantages of symmetric access include the high cost of satellite Internet equipment and work on connecting the system.

We, as your provider, only work

Satellite Internet

Synchronous operation of a two-way satellite provides data output and data reception. Data from the user is transferred to him and then to the provider, after which the transfer to the servers takes place. The exchange is carried out for microwave frequencies in the Ku band. Such stations are also called VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal). At the moment, they are widely used on ships, aircraft and cars. However, satellite Internet in a private house, the price of which will not fully correspond to the speed provided, raises questions. Our company is well versed in its business, we insist that establishing a wireless connection is a more rational option.

The strengths and weaknesses of this choice

Two-way satellite Internet, like everything else in our world, has pros and cons. First, let's take a look at its disadvantages:

  • high price;
  • low signal level;
  • bad weather can increase the delay time;
  • a full response time of 0.8 seconds is great for TV and radio, but not enough for games.

As you can see, for certain purposes, this is a completely rational decision. But, it also has pluses:

  • continuous communication;
  • does not depend on cable lines, which in one way or another require maintenance and repair work;
  • no need for inter-satellite communication;
  • coverage of a large surface with just two satellites.

Alternative proposal

With wireless internet you will not be affected by the weather and will pay extra for not the highest speed. Installation of equipment, and the whole kit, also does not take much time. This process, like everything genius in this world, is simple. You are separated by just a few simple steps, in several stages:

  1. Leave a request on the website or your mobile number, we will call you back within a minute.
  2. The specialist will communicate, consult, select the tariffs and technologies you need.
  3. On the same day, an engineer with a group of foremen arrive at the scene. A signal test is carried out, everything is installed, installation is done, you are connected to the network.

Stages of work

1. Signal test Specialists come to you and measure the signal level.

2. Equipment installation Outside the house, without damaging the finish, an antenna is installed and directed to the tower, a cable is led into the house.

3. Network setup A router is installed in the house and WI-FI is set up.

Connect the Internet with us quickly and inexpensively

Already long-term in this segment of the provision of services. Over the years, we have acquired everything necessary to provide our customers with high-speed Internet at a loyal price, which includes the tricolor and TV service. Our team is working for you. We value our reputation, so even a banal call center works around the clock. The courteous staff will help you deal with any problem within a couple of minutes. With us, you will not need to call for weeks to restore access, in case of loss. We use original equipment, highly qualified specialists in the staff, affordable prices. Join the team of leaders and you.

What guarantees do we provide?

  • Checking work before installation Before installation, the engineer shows you how the Internet works at your address. You are not getting a pig in a poke.
  • Test week You are given a test period of 7 days: at this time you can check the work of the Internet, if you don’t like it, return the equipment and return the money.
  • Lifetime service Equipment warranty under the contract - 1 year. In the future, you can always use post-warranty service, we have the cheapest prices.
  • Solution flexibility If the work of one of the cellular operators at your address deteriorates, you can always replace it with another.

Variety of tariff packages

We do not confront the fact, as our competitors do. In our arsenal there is a convenient line of tariffs where you can get the desired product at a loyal price. Also, only with us:

  • connection in just a day;
  • test period, where you can get acquainted with the speed / quality for free (from the mts operator);
  • excellent service;
  • high, uninterrupted speed.

We rightfully bear the status of a leader in this area. If you were looking for an excellent provider of two-way Internet services, your search was crowned with success. As you can see, our line of packages is a profitable monetary contribution.

Large coverage

Ordering our services opens access to the network not only in Moscow, but also in the region and in sparsely populated areas. With us, satellite Internet for summer cottages is a daily routine that we have been successfully performing for many years. Villages, dacha cooperatives, country houses - all this, and not only, is possible only here. We do everything on a professional level, with a quality guarantee and a low price bar. Leave a request on the site and place an order.

Other rates and offers

Our company installs unlimited satellite Internet throughout the Moscow region. Such a connection will help to be on the network even in those places where the signal from the base stations of cellular operators is completely absent. Our craftsmen will promptly assemble the necessary equipment and select the optimal tariff based on your needs and financial capabilities.

A feature of satellite Internet is the relatively high cost of both the equipment itself and the services for its installation. A set of such equipment plus installation work costs about twice as much as a wireless connection.

Unlimited tariffs will also cost a lot for the user, since you will have to pay for each Gigabyte of received data. In some tariff plans, you can immediately pay "wholesale" for a certain amount of traffic, and then pay extra for additional GB (and sometimes Megabytes). Thus, before connecting to a specific tariff, you will need to estimate the upcoming traffic consumption as accurately as possible.

When connecting to satellite Internet, you will have to face such a problem as limiting the speed - from 5 to 40 Mbps for receiving and 5-10 Mbps for sending data (depending on the selected tariff plan). And here we mean the maximum possible speed, which in reality may turn out to be several times less. This can be influenced by precipitation and large clouds, high congestion of data transmission channels and many other technical nuances.

In addition, due to the large ping (signal delay time), it will not be possible to work in real time with such an Internet on the network. This is due to the fact that the satellite is at a very large distance from the earth, and it takes more than 600 ms to pass and process the signal.

Due to the above problems, we install unlimited satellite Internet only in cases where there is no other choice (or as a backup communication channel). In most situations, we offer our customers a more profitable and stable 4G wireless network connection, which is much cheaper and provides much more options.

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