How to create a folder in email. How to create a new folder in Yandex mail. Use email aliases

  • Settings, filters - automatic distribution of letters into folders and protection from spam
  • Add mailbox - receive letters from other mailboxes, via mail
  • This section is intended for creating new folders in e-mail mail, for distributing letters. Folders help you organize your mail by categorizing emails by subject or other parameters. Folders also allow you to close access to certain emails by closing the folder with a password.

    We go into the settings - the button in the upper right corner, next to the "Exit" button or press the "More" button and select "Settings".

    We select the "Folders" section either in the list on the left or on the right with an icon in the form of a yellow folder with a lock drawn on it.

    The page contains a list of existing folders. At the top of the list is the "Add folder" button, by clicking this button, you can accordingly create a new folder for letters. Let's create a folder "Personal" for example, click "Add folder".

    In the first field, write down the name of the new folder (you can do anything, but I'll create "Personal"). In the second line, select the nesting level, that is, it is like in the operating system, either this folder will be visible and it will be equal to the others, or it will be inside another folder. To make it clearer, let's create a folder nested in the existing Inbox folder. I open the First Level Folder field and select the Inbox folder.

    Now we select the folder availability. "Not available for mail programs (POP3)" - this means that if you check this box, then you will not be able to open this folder from email programs such as Bat, Microsoft Outlook, and the like. In this case, letters from the folder can be opened only in Mail.

    You can create a password if someone else has access to your mail. To create a password, put a check mark in the "Password protected folder" column.

    Additional lines appear for filling in - we enter the password for the folder twice (you can see how to create a password in the "registration in mail" section), after the password we enter a secret question, the question is not selected, but comes up independently. The following is the answer to this question. The answer and the question do not have to be logically interconnected, the main thing is that you can later remember this answer. The answer is intended for password recovery, I do not advise you to write anything, because one day you will definitely forget your password.

    In the bottom line, enter the password from the Mail mailbox, that is, from the mailbox in which you are now. If you do not remember your password, go to the "password recovery" section. After all the data has been filled in, click the "Add" button.

    Now in the list of folders there is a new one called "Personal". If you hover over a new folder, then two buttons appear on the right, - settings, and - delete a folder. In the folder settings, you can rename the folder, make it inaccessible to mail programs and close it with a password. In general, this is all that we ask when creating a new folder.

    If you hover the mouse over the main folders that already existed at the entrance, then two buttons also appear - "Clear" and - settings. You can only delete those folders that you created yourself. When you clear a folder, all messages that are stored in this folder are deleted.

    Now we go to the main menu to look at the result of our actions, to go, click in the list on the left "go to the inbox."

    A new one appeared among the folders - the one that was created. The Personal folder is located below the Inbox folder and can be hidden or shown using a triangle in the Inbox folder.

    In some circumstances, you, as a user, may need to send any data through the use of postal services. We will tell you how you can send documents or an entire folder later in this article.

    Touching upon the topic of transferring various kinds of data through the operation of services for exchanging mail, one cannot fail to mention the fact that such an opportunity is literally on every resource of the corresponding type. At the same time, in terms of use, the functionality can be strikingly different, confusing even experienced users.

    Not all messaging services are capable of working with full file directories.

    Please note that we have already touched on the topic of data transmission via mail. In particular, this applies to videos and various kinds of images.

    If you need to transfer documents of the specified type, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the relevant articles on our website.

    Yandex Mail

    Previously, Yandex in their mail service introduced functionality for users that allows you to send files to other people in three different ways. However, to access additional options, you will have to acquire Yandex Disk in advance.

    Going directly to the heart of the matter, you need to make a reservation that documents can be sent by mail only as attachments to a message.

    The Yandex mail service still limits its users regarding the maximum data volume and upload speed.

    Another way to send data is to use documents that were previously added to Yandex Disk. At the same time, entire directories with many folders can be attached to the letter.

    Do not forget to activate Yandex Disk first and put the data you are sending there.

    The third and last method is rather additional and directly depends on the activity of the Disk. This method consists in using the data that was sent from other messages.

    1. In the twice mentioned panel, use the element with popup caption "Attach files from Mail".
    2. In the dialog box that opens, go to the folder with letters that have attachments.
    3. The names of the sections are automatically translated into the Latin alphabet.

    4. Having found the document to be sent, click on it to select it and press the button "Attach".
    5. You can add only one file at a time.

    6. After completing the addition of data, and generally working with attachments, use the key "Send" to forward the letter.
    7. The user who receives your letter will be able to download, add files to their Drive or view documents.

    You can only view the contents of a folder with other files.

    Due to the lack of any other means of sending documents, the analysis of this topic can be completed. mail in its functional structure does not differ much from the previously mentioned service. As a result, in the process of using this e-mail box to send documents, you will not have additional problems.

    The administration of this site does not provide users with the ability to download file directories.

    In total, has two full-fledged upload methods and one additional one.

    1. On the first page of in the upper side part, click on the inscription "Write a letter".
    2. If necessary, after completing the preparation of the letter for sending, find the data loading panel under the block "Topic".
    3. Use the first link provided "Attach file".
    4. Using the explorer, select the added document and click on the button "Open".
    5. In this case, multi-loading of data is supported.

    6. does not support attaching empty documents.
    7. The speed of uploading data does not allow you to instantly add files, since the mail service has a basic set of restrictions.
    8. After adding data, some of them can be opened directly in the Internet browser.
    9. Sometimes a processing error may occur due to certain problems of the document itself.

    For example, an empty archive cannot be processed by the system.

    In the case of the second method, you will need to create Cloud in advance and add files that require attachments there. To familiarize yourself with this functionality, you can read the corresponding article.

    The last, but for many users quite a useful method, will require you to have previously sent mail with attached data. Moreover, for the purpose of attaching documents, received rather than sent messages are quite suitable.

    The recipient of the message will be able to perform some actions on the files, depending on its format and type:

    • Download;
    • Add to Cloud;
    • Look;
    • Edit.

    Also, the user can perform several general data manipulations, for example, zip and download.

    We hope you managed to figure out the process of sending files using mail from


    Although Google's mail service is compatible with other well-known resources, it still has a lot of differences. This is especially true for downloading, adding and using files within messages.

    Gmail is more versatile because all of Google's services are interconnected.

    The most convenient method for PC users is the method of sending data through loading documents into a message.

    Be careful when sending large amounts of data. The service has some restrictions on the maximum size of attachments.

    The second method is more suitable for those people who are already accustomed to using Google services, including Google Drive cloud storage.

    1. Use the button with a text signature "Insert links to files in Google Drive".
    2. Switch to the tab through the navigation menu.
    3. Using the download options provided in the window, add data to Google Drive.
    4. To add a folder, drag the required directory to the download area.
    5. One way or another, the files will still be added separately.
    6. When the upload is complete, the documents will be placed in the image of links in the main body of the message.
    7. You can also attach using the data you already have in Google Drive.
    8. Having finally finished the process of downloading the attached information, use the button "Send".
    9. After receiving, the user will have access to all sent data with a number of options.

    This method is the last way to send data via email from Google. Therefore, work with this mail service can be completed.


    The Rambler service in the Russian-speaking market of similar resources is of little demand and provides a minimum number of opportunities for the average user. Of course, this directly applies to sending various kinds of documents by E-Mail.

    Unfortunately, sending folders via Rambler mail is not possible.

    To date, the resource in question provides only one method for sending data.

    This mail resource does not offer any more remarkable functionality.

    In addition to all the information provided in this article, it is important to note that if necessary, you can attach the data folder, regardless of the site used. Any convenient archiver, for example, WinRAR, can help you with this.

    After packing and sending documents as a single file, the recipient can download and unpack the archive. This preserves the original directory structure and minimizes overall data corruption.

    Add folder

    1. Click Add Folder.
    2. In the Name field, enter a name for the new folder.
    3. In the Folder Location field, select:
    • Top Level Folder if you want the folder to appear in the list of other folders.
    • The name of the parent folder if you want to create a subfolder.
  • Set additional parameters if required.
  • Click Add.
  • You can also set a password for the folder. To do this, check the box next to "The folder is password protected" and fill in the fields:

    Empty folder

    If you want to clear a folder from letters, hover the mouse cursor over the name of the required folder and click “Clear”. Letters from the folder will appear in the "Trash" folder.

    Delete folder

    You can delete any folder except the system folders: Inbox, Spam, Sent Items, Drafts, and Trash.

    To delete a folder, hover the mouse cursor over its name and click the icon.

    The folder will be permanently deleted, and all messages will be in the "Trash".

    It is not possible to delete a folder if it contains subfolders. First you need to delete the subfolders and then the folder at the top level.

    Rename folder

    You can rename personal folders. To go to the page for editing a folder, hover the mouse cursor over its name and click on the icon.

    Rename the folder and click Change.

    The folders "Inbox", "Spam", "Trash", "Sent Items" cannot be renamed.

    Make the folder inaccessible for downloading by mail programs using the POP3 protocol

    To make a folder unavailable for downloading via POP3, move the mouse cursor over the name of the required folder and click the icon. In the window that appears, check the box next to "Not available for mail programs (POP3)" and click "Change".

    You cannot download messages by email programs using the POP3 protocol from the Sent Items, Drafts and Trash folders.

    Make folder archive

    If you move old letters to the Trash, they may disappear: the letter is deleted from the Trash after 30 days. To keep old emails always available, create an archive folder.

    To do this, check the "Make this folder an archive" box. The folder will appear in the list after Drafts and will have its own icon -. Put old unclaimed letters in this folder so as not to clog your Inbox.

    Set a password on a folder

    To set a password on a folder, move the mouse cursor over the name of the required folder and click on the icon. In the window that appears, check the box next to "The folder is password protected" and fill in the fields:

    The password for the folder will help to further protect the letters that it contains. However, if someone has access to your mailbox, he will not completely secure the letters. Enable secure SMS login in your mail so that no one gets into your mailbox.

    Folder order

    Mail folders are automatically arranged in alphabetical order. The first folder is always "Inbox", then folders with names from 0 to ∞, then - from A to Z and at the end - from A to Z. The service folders complete the list: "Sent Items", "Outbox", "Drafts", " Archive "," Spam "," Trash ".

    If you want to put folders in their own order, add numbers at the beginning of their names: 0, 1, 2, 3, and so on, until you mark the desired folders.

    An example of manual order of folders with numbers at the beginning of names

    If you have a problem with entering the folder, use our assistant .


    This article will show you how to create a new shortcut for emails in Gmail. Gmail shortcuts help you organize your emails and make them easier to find.


    Part 1 Create shortcuts in Gmail

    1. 1 Open the Gmail website. Gmail labels are similar to folders with the only difference that you can assign multiple labels to one email at once. Labels can only be managed on the Gmail website; you cannot create new labels in the Gmail mobile app.
      • If the Inbox service page from Gmail has opened, open the menu in the upper right corner of the screen and click "Mail".
      • Unlike the Gmail app, the Inbox mobile app lets you manage your labels and filters; read about this in the third section of this article.
    2. 2 Find the email you want to label. The label can be assigned to any letter. Open your inbox and find the email you want.
      • To assign a label to several letters at once, check the boxes next to the corresponding letters.
    3. 3 At the top of the window (above the list of letters), click Labels. This button has a label (tag) icon. All available shortcuts will be displayed, including pre-installed ones.
    4. 4 The name of the shortcut can be entered directly in the menu that opens in the appropriate line. After entering the name, click "Create" (displayed under the line with the name).
      • You can also check the box next to an existing label to assign it to the selected emails.
    5. 5 Consider if you need to add a new shortcut to the existing one. When creating a new shortcut, the system will prompt you to add it to an existing shortcut (this is similar to a folder and its subfolders).
    6. 6 Click "New" to create a new shortcut and assign it to the selected email. A message will appear on the screen stating that a label has been assigned to the letter (s).
    7. 7 Review the flagged emails. Labeled emails can be quickly found by clicking on the label in the left pane. To display a list of all available shortcuts, click More (below the shortcut names in the left pane). By clicking on the label, all letters to which it is assigned will be displayed; emails will be sorted by the date they were received.

    Part 2 Filtering emails by labels in Gmail

    1. 1 Create filters so that specific labels are automatically assigned to relevant emails. In this case, certain incoming letters will receive this or that label automatically. This will greatly simplify the sorting of incoming messages and speed up the search for the desired letters.
    2. 2 Open your Gmail settings. Click on the button marked with a gear icon and select "Settings" from the menu.
    3. 3 Go to the Filters and Blocked Addresses tab. A list of active filters will be displayed.
    4. 4 Click Create New Filter. This link is located below the list of active filters.
    5. 5 Enter the criteria according to which a specific label will be assigned to the letter. Emails can be filtered by sender address, recipient address, subject, keywords, attachment and size. As you enter the criteria, the corresponding letters will be displayed in the main window. You can specify several criteria at once to create a highly specialized filter.
    6. 6 Click Create Filter Based on This Request. In the window that opens, select what to do with the letter that meets the specified criteria. Check Apply Shortcut and then select the shortcut you want. You can also choose to skip your inbox or automatically mark the email as read.
      • Select the "Apply filter to matching message threads" checkbox to apply the filter to messages you have already received.

    Part 3 Create and work with shortcuts in Inbox

    1. 1 Open the Inbox website or mobile app. You can create and manage shortcuts both on the Inbox website and in the mobile application, and the user actions are very similar (the website design imitates the mobile application design).
      • Inbox is Google's new email service. It works in conjunction with Gmail and serves to work with an e-mail box.
    2. 2 Open the menu and click Create. To open the menu in the mobile app, swipe from left to right. The menu is open by default on the website. The Create button is located at the bottom of the menu.
    3. 3 Enter a name for the shortcut to create. Do this in the window that opens.
    4. 4 Click "Add" to specify the criteria according to which the label will be assigned to letters. Here you can choose almost the same criteria for filtering emails as in Gmail, including the sender's address, email subject and keywords. Open the From menu to select specific criteria.
      • Use the AND menu options to add additional criteria. In this case, the letters must meet all the specified criteria.
      • As you enter the criteria, matching emails will be displayed.
    5. 5 Save the new shortcut and rule. You will be returned to the shortcut settings window and the new rule will be displayed at the top.
    6. 6 Decide whether to group emails in your Inbox. In this case, all letters marked with one label will be grouped. This will make it easier to find and work with multiple emails that have the same label. If you don't want to group messages, they will appear in your Inbox as usual. If you have activated the grouping of letters, specify when to move the group of letters to the top of your Inbox (each time you receive a new letter, once a day or once a week).
    7. 7 Find emails with labels. The list of shortcuts is displayed in the Inbox menu. Click on a label to view a list of matching emails. Grouped messages also appear in your Inbox if there are unread messages in the group.
    8. 8 Assign an existing shortcut to the new email. If you receive a new message and want to quickly assign an existing label to it, do it directly from the letter.
      • At the top of the open letter, click the "⋮" button.
      • Select the shortcut you want. You can also create a new shortcut in the drop-down menu.
      • Choose whether new emails sent from this address are tagged with this label. This is optional, but it automates the sorting process.

    Let's answer this question in detail.

    It's not a problem. The main thing is to decide where to create it and what to call it, and everything else is a matter of technology.

    There are two main options for placing folders: on the Desktop or somewhere on your hard drive. The difference is obvious. On the Desktop, this folder, along with its contents, is always easily accessible, but it gets underfoot and spoils the look of the Desktop. Let's say on disk FROM:\\ -it is not so accessible and is kept away from prying eyes.

    In general, everything is like in real life:

    • Some prefer to "clutter up" the desk and have everything at hand, but they pay with the time spent searching for the missing papers.
    • Others prefer to store books and papers in cabinets and drawers and never lose anything, but pay for neatness by spending extra time cleaning.

    The truth, of course, lies in the middle. For those documents that you need to always have at hand, you can create folders on the Desktop, and for archives, you can create folders on local drives ... So let's get started:

    The easiest way to create a folder is with a combination: Ctrl + Shift + N,move on:

    Create a folder on the Desktop:

    1. Right-click on an empty space on the Desktop and select the following items from the context menu: Create\u003e Folder- the folder icon will appear on the screen:

    2. When the icon is created, it gets a standard name New folder.

    It can be replaced immediately by entering a new name, for example My works.

    The name is completed by pressing the key ENTER.

    4. If it doesn't work out again, don't despair. Try the operation again. Subsequently, you will perform it in a matter of moments.

    Create a folder on your hard drive

    1. On the panel Switching layoutssee what key combination is used as a toggle. Possible options:
    • ALTleft +SHIFT;
    • CTRL+ SHIFT;

    If there is no layout indicator on the Display Panel, check the box in the Language bar tab for the future - Display the language indicator on the taskbar.

    • Close the dialog by clicking the button OK.
    • Close the window Control Panel.
    • Check how your favorite toggle combination works by observing its action on the layout indicator in the lower right corner of the monitor.

    P.S. I hope you enjoyed this computer tutorial. All the best.

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