Baby. Sale of diplomas and certificates Templates children's theme

The template called “Healthy Food WordPress Theme” has a very bright blood red background with a slight darkening of the texture at the top. The name of the website is highlighted with a burgundy oval area with a wooden border that extends to the main menu. The header of the layout depicts all kinds of vegetables - tomatoes, peppers, carrots and asparagus a la broccoli.

The header of the WordPress theme “Gardening Theme Wp 6″ contains an illustration depicting a green field, a couple of trees, a lone white cloud, flowers, leaves and a farmer with blue pants and a rake against a blue sky. Almost all layout elements have rounded corners. The inner parts of the widgets are colored yellow. Their titles are highlighted in red.

The WordPress template, referred to as “Finance Security” a la “financial protection”, has a solid black background with a blue cap, where on the left is a hand in a white and gray glove, which on a platter holds a large metallic shade of the currency icon under called "American dollar". A little to the right is the main menu, which has rounded items. The sidebar is on the right side of the described layout.

The background of the “Australian Real Estate 1″ layout is fixed, with silhouettes of grass painted in blue and blue. At the top of this WordPress theme is a wonderful harmonious picture with images of a dandelion flower on the left side of the header and a beautiful two-story residential building with wind power generators on the right side.

On a seamless neat background texture, small icons of snowflakes and gift boxes are depicted in blue tones. The header illustration of the WordPress theme “Winter-Fun-Theme” features a winter photo of a smiling child wearing a safety helmet with goggles, brown pants and a green jacket with black and white stripes on the sleeves.

The thin line in the design idea of ​​the WordPress theme called ‘Hex’ is hexagons. In particular, they highlight the main menu, the block of widgets and the search form, which alternately drop out or expand from the top of the screen. Post statuses are also marked with the already mentioned geometric shapes. The left side of the layout is decorated with a stripe. The background of the entire web page is greyish-beige.

Don't know how to make a website for a children's website? But it’s not at all difficult, even a beginner in the field of site building can handle it.

The first step is to register a website domain and choose hosting. Then you need to decide on the site engine. The most popular and free are WordPress and Joomla. They can be downloaded from the official websites and installed on the hosting. But some hostings already provide for the installation of different engines, so you can deal with this in two clicks. I will not describe in great detail the process of choosing a domain, hosting, installing an engine, since my goal is to present templates that I personally made for children's institutions sites and are suitable for different engines. All templates are easy to install, bright and very, very childish.

How to make a website for a children's site - choosing a template

All templates for children's sites are installed through the admin panel.

For joomla, it is important to know that in order for the vertical (side) menu to be displayed as I intended and look more attractive, and not in the form of dull links, it is necessary when displaying the module of this menu, in the settings (in the admin panel) in line, write the suffix of the CSS class of the module - art-vmenu. To display the main horizontal menu, the position of this module must be “position1”.

1. Template for the children's site "Masha and the Bear"

A bright template of a pleasant green-light green hue, in the cap of which the main characters of the famous cartoon. Up to 3 columns are provided.

2. Children's template "Merry Rainbow"

A very beautiful template that plays with all the colors of the rainbow. Sunny, positive, as a resource for children should be.

3. Children's template "Girl in the clearing"

Nice template in eye-catching green-blue colors. Some blotches of red and yellow give the template expressiveness and brightness.

4. Template "Magic children's world"

Violet-pink tones, vintage babies, butterflies, a small flash effect in a hat in the form of flickering lights fill the template with invisible magic and happiness, immersing you in the world of childhood, happiness and carelessness.

5. Template "Polar Night"

Another children's template for sites on joomla and wordpress. The main colors of the template are white, orange-blue. The design is reminiscent of a sweet childhood dream, with snow, a polar bear and, of course, magic in the form of a shimmering flash effect.

6. Children's template for Joomla and WordPress "Flight of the butterfly"

A very concise template, for those who do not like variegation and excessive bright heaps. The template is in pastel violet-blue tones, in the hat there is only a beautiful butterfly, the sky, a cloud, a peeping sun and a small flash effect in the form of flickering lights.

7. Watercolor Template

More suitable for sites of creative and artistic orientation, from studios, children's circles. But the bright and cheerful raccoon still leaves no illusions that the template is absolutely childish, which is facilitated by the prevailing sunny colors.

8. Template for children's sites "Sunflower"

A great choice for a kindergarten website that includes the word sunflower in its name. After all, the template itself is yellow and the hat is simply dotted with children's characters and beautiful sunflowers.

9. Pattern "Rainbow"

Simple, flowery-rainbow, cheerful and positive. This is what a site for children and about children should be.

10. Template "Girls gatherings"

Pink-yellow sweet tones, flowers and a dreamy mood. A very girly template, although it can be just for children's websites.

11. Template for kindergartens "World of childhood"

The template is just perfect for a children's website, because its components are kids, children's toys and the predominance of yellow, green and orange shades.

12. Scrapbooking Template

Children's template with an interesting texture in the form of suede. The hat is essentially scrapbooking, as it is assembled from separate elements and characters, but in the same design and the same color scheme.

13. Template for children's sites "Funny swing"

A template with an original design that gives the impression that the entire site is a huge swing, with children swinging on them in a hat. The template is good for both children's sites and online stores.

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You might think that a site on children's topics in its specifics is a technically thankless and difficult task. But it's not! With the help of thematic templates for Joomla, the Internet resource for the younger generation will look fun, bright and entertaining. For example, there are templates for these websites: a creative website, a children's online store, a developing or educational website, a game catalog, etc.

There is even a business card website template for a company (organization) engaged in charitable activities among children. All such templates are easy to operate and easy to navigate.

Juicy, original and cheerful color schemes, adored heroes of cartoons and children's films, characters of popular fairy tales - the appearance of the web page will surely delight both parents and the growing inquisitives of all ages.

For the use of sites by children themselves, special, simplified navigation systems, unloaded interfaces have been developed that allow the child to independently navigate the web page. The creators of templates on children's topics for the Joomla online content management system have made an effort to make the template original and as clear as possible to any child, using a positive design, including audio and flash modules.

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