disqus wordpress comments. Installing Disqus on WordPress. What's wrong with Disqus

Disqus is one of the best services in terms of both administration and commenter experience. However, it is not free. Even the "Free" plan isn't, because instead of a fixed service charge, Disqus displays ads in the comments on your site.

The service remained free only for non-commercial sites. This means that if you are, then the Disqus administrators will sooner or later activate the display of ads in the comments for you. And as a result you will get a similar picture:

Your ads may contain your competitors, unwanted topics, and other issues. Webmasters who earn on the CPA model may lose a buyer because of such a click, since the cookie with your marker may be rubbed off by another marker from the advertisement.

Even for small projects, this approach brings problems in the long run. All that remains in this case is to pay for the service or find an alternative solution.

As of January 2019, two paid plans are available:

Plus Pro
Page views per day Up to 50,000 Up to 150,000
Price 10$/month 99$/month

Tariffs differ among themselves not only in the number of page views per day, but also in the available features. Unlike the free plan, in the paid ones, in addition to the lack of advertising, the following is available:

  • Additional tools for moderation;
  • Improved single sign-on;
  • Deeper analytics;
  • Subscribe to comment updates.

Ads can be blocked with a little jQuery code:

(function($)( setInterval(() => ( $.each($("iframe"), (arr,x) => ( let src = $(x).attr("src"); if (src && src.match(/(ads-iframe)|(disqusads)/gi)) ($(x).remove(); ) )); ), 300); ))(jQuery);

The code must be integrated on all pages where you have a Disqus form installed. This method works as of April 2018, but will only work until the plugin developers close the loophole. Therefore, migration with unwillingness to pay for the service is a matter of time.

WordPress has a built-in commenting system.

The embedded system has the following advantages:

  • Absolutely free;
  • Does not require additional steps for installation;
  • Stores all data on your server;
  • Does not contain ads;
  • Working.

You don't need to install anything extra, it's a built-in feature. But in the form in which it is originally, it is of little use. The basic features are not enough even for small projects, because without an additional extension, you can get bogged down with only one spam.

Cons of this solution:

  • Requires customization and manual improvements;
  • To combat spam, you need to install additional tools;
  • Moderation is only possible inside the WordPress dashboard;
  • The reader of your site needs to enter his data, because. there is no support for a "single account" for all sites;
  • Creates unnecessary load on the server.

You can get a good commenting system built on top of the built-in one, but you'll need to improve it. In conjunction with the built-in functionality, you can use:

  • To combat spam: Akismet ;
  • To deal with the load: Lazy Load for Comments .

Also, you can and will most likely need to customize the visual display. This is configured in each template. But even in this case, you will not get the same level that is available in Disqus and its analogues.

wpDiscuz is a free alternative to Disqus

The solution is also available on other popular CMS:

  • Joomla
  • Bitrix;
  • Drupal
  • And some others.

The extension is paid: 200 rubles per month or 2000 rubles per year (for a one-time payment). This is the cost of the basic configuration, which includes only the most basic: 3 moderators, search indexing, the ability to send comments to social networks and SPAM protection.

If your site works with an SSL certificate (i.e. opens at http s://), then you will definitely need to purchase an SSL option and the cost in this case will be 500 rubles per month or 5000 rubles per year. Earlier we told and. If you listened to our advice, then the minimum cost of Cackle for you will increase from 200 to 500 rubles.

Additional options:

  • Analytics - 200 rubles;
  • Priority support - 100 rubles;
  • Single authorization - 400 rubles;
  • Remove the link and Cackle logo - 300 rubles;
  • SSL support - 300 rubles.

It turns out that in the maximum configuration, the solution will cost 1,500 rubles a month or 15,000 rubles a year. Which is still cheaper than Disqus.

This is a good choice for those who need an inexpensive tool with built-in SPAM protection, advanced analytics and the ability to cross-post to social networks. The latter will allow you to set up automatic posting of a message in the comment author's feed if a person logs in to your site using Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki or another social network.

A nice difference from Disqus is that you can (albeit at an additional cost) hide the logo of the service and remove the link.

What to choose

For paid but more affordable alternatives to Disqus, take a look at Cackle Comments. If you don't need serious analytics and don't be intimidated by the presence of a plugin label, then wpDiscuz is one of the best free features. In the upcoming versions, the wpDiscuz developers promise to add authorization through social networks out of the box. And the inscription can still be hidden by digging into the extension code.

01/28/2012 Romchik

Good day. And we continue to set up our blog on CMS WordPress. We have already installed WordPress. We got acquainted with the administrative part. Made the initial settings for WordPress. And today we will talk about comments in wordpress . Comments are an integral part of any blog. Comments are reader feedback. So comments in WordPress should be given special attention. Yes, and I would also like to note that search engines like blogs to be commented more often.
There are many plugins for comments in WordPress. But I settled on the Disqus plugin. Below I will talk about its advantages (why I like it) and some of its disadvantages. And also let's dwell on the consideration of its settings. And so, let's go...

Let's talk about the pros first.
Firstly, the built-in comment system is not very convenient for commenting, you must constantly enter your e-mail, name and the comment itself (sometimes also a link to the resource). And if I entered into a discussion with someone, I need to fill in these fields with each answer. No thanks - I'm lazy and time is a pity for such nonsense. The commenting system for WordPress Disqus makes life easier for readers in this regard - register once and that's it. Now, where is the Disqus commenting system, you can safely comment without entering all these data, just confirm your account in this system.
Secondly, Disqus is a global commenting system. This is where a good fight against spam comes in. This WordPress comment system also uses the Akismet anti-spam plugin. Which I talked about in the article “Akismet - anti-spam plugin”.
Thirdly, all comments are stored outside of your blog, and this saves disk space. For some, this is significant.

Now let's look at the cons.

As with any product, along with the pros, there are also disadvantages. I'll be objective, so I'll talk about the cons.
The first one is the most important. If the Disqus service falls, then your blog will lose the commenting system. And this is a tragedy for a live blog.
The second minus is not so significant, but also very important. Search engines do not index this comment system well. The search engine can follow links from Disqus. But you can fight this, though not as easy as with the built-in commenting system.
After weighing all the pros and cons, I still decided to install Disqus. You can download this commenting system for CMS WordPress from the official website. Installation takes place in a standard way without any “dancing with a tambourine”.
After we have installed and activated this plugin, we proceed to its configuration. Click on "settings".

Go to the “Advanced options” window and click on “Install”

Go to the “Install Disqus Comments” window. Since we do not yet have an account on the Disqus service, we follow the link “don’t have a Disqus Profile yet?” for registration. And we get to a page on which we are offered to go through authorization using “Twitter”, “Facebook”, “Google” or simply by entering an e-mail.

I chose to register via e-mail. But my email is on Google, so the following window popped up, where I clicked “Allow”

In the next window, I was asked to enter my e-mail, username and password. After entering the data, click “Create profile”

We have created an excellent profile on the Disqus service. Now we can go to the settings of our plugin. Let's go to the settings of our plugin. And we see that we still need to add our site. (This is where the problem will arise for those who install Disqus on a local server and nothing can be done about it). Follow the link “create a site”.

And we get to the site registration window. In this window, you must enter information about your site: URL, site name and a short name for the site. Then click “Continue”

And we get to the “Quick Setup” window, in which we configure Disqus. In the "Language" field, select the language we need. In the same window, we specify that our WordPress commenting system uses Aksimet (you need to enter the API key for Aksimet). After installing all the necessary options, click “Continue”.

Salute, friends! Lately, everyone has been talking. This week I counted about five fresh articles about the Disqus commenting system on various blogs. Is this the new trend of the season? Then I, perhaps, will join True, my post will not be so enthusiastic at all.

A year ago I tried to install Disqus on a couple of my sites. At first, of course, I really liked the easy installation and how well the comments fit into the overall design. But a month later I demolished all this beauty, because it finally dawned on me what a stupid thing I was doing.

What can I say, the system is excellent. And yet, Diskus (like almost all external comment systems) has three main disadvantages that overlap all the advantages. And they are especially critical for bloggers.

Tell me (only honestly, as if in spirit) do you often comment on sites where you can’t leave a link to your blog? Well, you may not admit it, but you must admit, if there is no way to promote the blog, you will only respond if the article is sooo hooked. And most importantly, there are many of us!

Sites and blogs that have installed Disqus instead of the standard commenting system are no longer so attractive to a large part of the active audience.

The key word here is “active”, that is, you will still have readers in any case, but commentators may be missing. Yes, we are so greedy, we comment for the sake of a link, but have you ever done this?

By the way, one more detail that you might not know about. If you find the site where Diskus is installed and click on the name of the author of the comment, this picture will open.

Cool, really! You can not only see which sites a person comments on, there is a “Follow” button. That is, anyone who clicks on this button will know where and what you are commenting on. I apologize to Mr. Terekhov for the fact that his account was included in the screenshot, but in the end, this is open information that is available to absolutely everyone.

I understand that if you wish, you can find everything about everyone on the net. But why so frankly "Follow"! Do you want to be followed? Personally, I don't. "Big brothers" around and without that enough. That's why I closed my profile. You can do this in the settings.

And here is another significant minus - the admin panel in English, however, not only the admin panel.

2. Terrible notifications

Take a look at the screenshot of the notification letter about the reply to the comment.

Not only does the text look like it was written by an emigrant from Russia, who has already begun to forget Russian, but does not yet fully know English. In a letter three times Disqus is mentioned and only one times the site on which the comment was left.

Maybe someone will say that these are trifles, but very often people make up the general impression of your blog from such details.

3. Risk of losing all comments

This item applies only to those who have a site not on WordPress, but on a different management system. All comments will be stored on a third-party server, they will not be in the site database. And if suddenly your account is hacked / banned or (what the hell is it) Discus has some kind of malfunction, it will not be possible to restore them. Believe me, readers do not forgive such jokes.

You can, of course, use the export function of comments. Once I did just that. An xml file was sent to my email. Do you know what to do next with it? Me not.

There is a suspicion that it is needed only so that you find a programmer who is ready to write a script for transferring comments from this file to the site database, find out the cost of such work and return to Diskus again

Leaving comments for safekeeping in the wrong hands is a very wasteful thing. Especially if you value the opinion of your audience.

Perhaps, for some sites, all these disadvantages are insignificant. But not for a blog, where a lot depends on whether the author has managed to establish a connection with his reader.

Therefore, I believe that there is no better comment system for a blog than the standard WordPress comments yet. And there is nothing to reinvent the wheel. Why the hell do you need this Disqus when you can communicate with the reader directly, without intermediaries!

What do you think about this topic?

Good day, dear readers. I know that a lot of newbies not only in blogging, but in general on the Internet, are reading me. And that is why I decided to pay attention to the most common things that are directly related to blogging, but cause questions and misunderstandings among some users. As you understood from the title, we will talk about how to comment on blogs through Disqus. Let's start with a little plan:

  • What is Disqus.
  • Advantages and disadvantages of Disqus.
  • How to leave a comment on a blog with Disqus.

I'll start in order.

What is Disqus

Disqusis a blog commenting system that is easily integrated into many well-known blogging platforms and CMS.

In all blogs, as we know, it is possible to leave comments on articles. And there is even such a side of blogging as the content of the article is not so important. All blogging services and CMS provide commenting. But, the reality is that many developers pay little attention to the development of a convenient, flexible commenting system with great functionality. And third-party developments are born that are easily integrated into various blog services and blog engines and have more features than inline comments.

Disqus is probably one of the most advanced commenting systems out there, especially when you compare it to Blogger comments.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Disqus

I can not list all the advantages of this system, there are a lot of them, and it does not make sense, because. It is better to try once personally than hear 100 times. I have been using discus for several months now, since May 5, and even wrote an article (although there was a period when I was forced to temporarily abandon it, but I don’t want to remember it anymore). But what attracts me most in Diskus, as a regular user, is tree-like comments, when you can see who is responding to whose comment. Indeed, in most inline comments, this is not the case. You look at the comments to the article, and it is not clear where what is written for what. And in the discus everything is structured and very convenient.

Another big advantage for me is that you can set up spam filters. Blogger, even with the latest innovations, doesn't have that. Diskus has the ability to set up white and black lists, set censorship. For example, add obscene words to the list and prohibit the publication of comments that contain these words.

In general, I have only one filter for comments - this is the mandatory moderation of comments containing links. Such comments end up in the spam folder and are not published until I look at them. Often you have to edit such comments, because. I personally don't want my blog to turn into a link dump. Empirically, it was found out that Disqus comments are indexed by the Yandex blog search robot, and all links are taken into account by Yandex as links from blogs. And as many may know, links from blogs affect the position of blogs in the rankings. So I decided to check all the links in the comments.

And here's another benefit of Disqus, comments can be edited. Yes, I can open and edit any comment left on my blog. I try not to take advantage of this, but as I said above, sometimes I have to.

Well, the last advantage that I appreciate is the blocking of objectionable commentators. Had to use it once. I do not like arrogance and rudeness. After all, I am friendly to my readers, why should I tolerate comments on my blog from people who have no idea about politeness.

Well, what are the disadvantages of Disqus? I do not know. This does not mean that they do not exist and, perhaps, that more advanced users with programming skills are aware of Deekus's shortcomings, but I, as an ordinary user, do not see any shortcomings.

How to leave a comment on a blog with Disqus

Discus is very easy to use, and I will prove it to you now.
So, you went to the blog and saw comments that are unusual for you, let's figure out how to use Diskus.

1. If you often see Diskus comments, read blogs in which this system is installed, then you should think about the most convenient way to register in this system and create your own profile. To do this, simply click on the Disqus icon.

Click on the button "Register" and you can immediately leave your comment on the blog as a registered user of Disqus.

As you can see, everything is very simple. And then it will be even easier. In fact, it is not necessary to register, you can comment on blogs without creating a Disqus account. I have several different ways to connect to discus set up on my blog. Let's consider some of them in more detail.

2. You can leave a comment by logging into the Diskus with your Twitter account. If you are currently logged in, then you will only need to agree to connect to twitter, if you are not authorized, then you will need to log in using your data on twitter.

Unfortunately, some of my readers write that the OpenID login does not work for me. I've checked all the settings, but I don't know what's wrong. I also tried logging in with OpenID. I declare that some sites connect without problems, and some do not want to any, especially Blogger.
So I connected via OpenID to the LiveJournal blog just today when I was writing an article.

I will look for a solution to this problem, but in fact there is an easy way out.

4. You can leave a comment without registration and any other additional actions. To do this, simply enter your comment and click on the button "Send on behalf of...". A window will appear in which you specify your nickname and email. Next, if you want your nickname to be a link to your site, click on the link "Optional: Link to your website", an additional field for entering the address of your blog will open. Don't forget to tick "Receive all comments by e-mail" otherwise you won't know that I replied to your comment.

How to leave a comment without registering

Here is such a convenient and simple commenting system on Disqus blogs. Even a child can cope with it, but some adults give in to it, probably mainly due to the fact that it is not fully translated into Russian, and simply because they think it is difficult. And there is nothing complicated at all.

At the very top in paragraph 1 is the code that we must place on our website. Copy it, then create a new chunk discus and paste the code.

In paragraph 2, we are given a link to additional DISQUS parameters that are needed for dynamic sites, i.e. we also need these parameters.


This parameter is already present by default in the code we copied. Its value is the short name of our project, which we entered in the first registration step.

var disqus_shortname = "my-short-name";


On our site DISQUS will be connected on many pages. This parameter contains the identifier of these pages so that the script can distinguish between our pages and display comments where necessary. You must ensure that the value of this parameter is unique. It is not recommended to use the URL of the page as an identifier, as the page may be renamed and this will lead to an identifier conflict.

In MODX, each document has its own unique ID. Here we will use it as the value of this parameter:

var disqus_identifier = "[*id*]";


This parameter contains the title of the current page. If the parameter is not specified, the content of the tag will be passed as the value. , and if the content cannot be passed, then the URL of the page will be used.</p><p>var disqus_title = "(!LANG:[*pagetitle*]"; !}</p><h3>disqus_url</h3> <p>Contains the address of the current page. If not set, takes window.location.href as the value. This option is used to search for or create topics when disqus_identifier is not used. This parameter is highly recommended because if the visitor is at http://example.com/helloworld.html?123 , DISQUS may show a different comment thread than http://example.com/helloworld.html . The value must be absolute addresses:</p><p>var disqus_url = "[(site_url)][~[*id*]~]";</p><h3>disqus_category_id</h3> <p>Contains the number of the category to be used for the current page. The parameter is used when the thread is created. And categories are created in the administrative panel of your account Admin -> Settings -> Advanced -> Categories . This parameter is optional, but we will consider its use in more detail. Let's create some categories, for example SPORT and BALET:</p> <p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/i--gu.ru/assets/images/doc/disqus/5.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>There are many options to pass the desired category value to the parameter and they depend on the structure of your site. One of the most versatile options below.</p> <p>Let's create a TV-parameter catDisqus in the possible values, specify:</p><p>Sport==2566388||Ballet==2566398</p><p>We mark the templates in which DISQUS comments with these categories will be connected and put down the categories in all documents.</p><p>var disqus_category_id = "[*catDisqus*]";</p><p>All additional parameters are specified under var disqus_shortname , in my case the disqus chunk will look like this:</p><p> <div id="disqus_thread"></div><br> <script type="text/javascript"><br> /* * * CONFIGURATION VARIABLES: EDIT BEFORE PASTING INTO YOUR WEBPAGE * * */<br> var disqus_shortname = "my-short-name"; // required: replace example with your forum shortname<br> var disqus_identifier = "[*id*]";<br> var disqus_title = "[*pagetitle*]";<br> var disqus_url = "[(site_url)][~[*id*]~]";</p><p> /* * * DON"T EDIT BELOW THIS LINE * * */<br> (function() {<br> var dsq = document.createElement("script"); dsq.type = "text/javascript"; dsq.async = true;<br> dsq.src = "//" + disqus_shortname + ".disqus.com/embed.js";<br> (document.getElementsByTagName("head") || document.getElementsByTagName("body")).appendChild(dsq);<br> })();<br> </script><br> <noscript>Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus.</noscript><br>comments powered by <span class="logo-disqus">Disqus</span></p> <script>document.write("<img style='display:none;' src='//counter.yadro.ru/hit;artfast?t44.1;r"+ escape(document.referrer)+((typeof(screen)=="undefined")?"": ";s"+screen.width+"*"+screen.height+"*"+(screen.colorDepth? screen.colorDepth:screen.pixelDepth))+";u"+escape(document.URL)+";h"+escape(document.title.substring(0,150))+ ";"+Math.random()+ "border='0' width='1' height='1' loading=lazy loading=lazy>");</script> </div> </article> <div class="entry-footer"> <span class="entry-meta__comments" title="Comments"><span class="fa fa-comment-o"></span> </span> <span class="entry-meta__views" title="Views"><span class="fa fa-eye"></span> </span> </div> <div class="b-share b-share--post"> <div class="b-share__title">Liked the article? 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