Connecting subscribers to the Internet. Types and types of Internet connection. Benefits of a wired internet connection

The modern Internet is developing so rapidly that almost everyone can connect to it. True, everyone has different opportunities, and the choice of how to connect to the Internet depends on them. If you are reading this lesson, then you already know at least one way to connect to the Internet Ten years ago, the choice was small - one, two, and miscalculated. Now I counted eight ways of connection known to me. Let's take a brief look at each of them.

Here are eight ways to connect. I'll start with the most ancient and end with the most modern, in my opinion. So:
1. Connection via Dial-Up modem.
2. Connection via ADSL modem.
3. Connection via mobile phone.
4. Connection via cable TV.
5. Connection through a dedicated channel.
6. Radio Internet - connection using a special antenna.
7. Connection via CDMA or GSM modem.
8. Satellite Internet - connection via satellite.

Now a little about each type of connection.

Connection via Dial-Up modem.

This is the oldest but still widely used connection method. Modem (dial-up) connection is now used only where there are subscriber telephone operators providing dial-up connection services, and there are no other methods of connection.

To connect in this way, you need a dial-up modem and a landline phone.
This connection method has the following advantages: it is the very ability to connect to the Internet, the low cost of the modem, ease of setup and installation. But there are much more disadvantages - low data transfer speed, if you are connected to the Internet, then no one will get through to you - the phone will be busy, you have to pay both for the Internet and for the phone, it is almost impossible to download large files due to low quality data transfer, and expensive.

Connection via ADSL modem.

This is a more modern way to connect to the Internet. Here, as well as with a Dial-Up connection, you need a modem, though already a digital ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line), and a landline phone. In addition, you must have a stem card installed on your computer.

The disadvantage of this connection method is the high cost of connection. But there are more pluses - high-quality, high data transfer speed, the phone is not busy, even if you have a blocker, the ability to connect to an unlimited package.

Connection via mobile phone.

Due to the rapid development of cellular communications, almost every person has a cell phone, so this particular method of connection is becoming increasingly popular. To connect to the Internet in this way, you must have a mobile phone with support for GPRS or EDG protocols (any modern, not older than 2-3 years old mobile phone supports these protocols) and means of communication with a computer - USB cable, Bluetooth, infrared port.

An undeniable advantage of this method is mobility. The speed and quality of data transfer depends on the means of connection to the computer and the communication protocol, and are generally quite acceptable. The downside of this connection is of course the cost, unfortunately it is still high.

Connection via cable TV.

With this connection, special cable modems are also used. This method may be of interest if you have a cable TV operator in your house (if your TV is tuned from thirty to a hundred channels, then there is a cable TV operator in your house) and there is no Internet service provider directly.

The quality and speed of data transfer is at a high level, the prices for services are not high. True, the modem itself is a bit expensive, but some operators offer modems for rent with subsequent redemption.

Connection through a dedicated channel.

Now many providers provide Internet connection services through a dedicated line. To begin with, I will clarify who the Provider is. In short, the Provider is a company that provides an Internet connection service.
In order not to go into technical details, I will simply say: a leased line is a communication line (as a data transfer channel).

With this connection, data transfer is carried out using a special cable (optical fiber or twisted pair), which on the one hand is connected to the provider's equipment, usually located in the basement or in the attic of the building, and on the other hand to the network card of your computer. And also data transfer can be carried out wirelessly, using a WiFi connection, which is very convenient when moving within the building.

I myself use this connection method and see only pluses in it, this is a high, very high-quality data transfer, and low cost, and the ability to connect an unlimited package, mobility with a WiFi connection. The only thing you need is a network card and if there is WiFi, then you need a WiFi adapter.

Radio Internet - connection using a special antenna.

This type of connection is used if the provider, for some reason, cannot extend the cable to the desired place to use the Internet, but can provide a wireless access point. The access point must be within line of sight, at a distance of no more than 5 km from the desired place to use the Internet.

If all the conditions are met, you can install a special antenna, just like you would put a television antenna (on a roof, pole, tree ...) and direct the antenna horn directly to the access point. The antenna itself is connected by cable to the radio card on the computer.

The quality and speed of data transfer is acceptable, however, may depend on weather conditions. Of course, you will have to spend money on equipment.

Connection via CDMA or GSM modem.

The advantage of this connection method is mobility and independence from a mobile phone. Any CDMA or GSM operator provides Internet services, you can also buy a modem from him. The characteristics of the speed and quality of data transfer are the same as when connected via a mobile phone.

Satellite Internet - connection via satellite.

More recently, this connection method was practically not available to ordinary users. Now the situation is changing. The number of providers providing satellite Internet connection services is increasing every day and, as a result, prices for services are falling.

Satellite internet is used when there is no other connection alternative. You can be anywhere: in the desert, deep taiga, on a desert island - you will have satellite Internet!

Satellite Internet can be one-way (works only for reception) and two-way (reception and sending). The advantages of satellite Internet connection are, first of all, the very low cost of traffic. The cost of a set of equipment and connection is currently available to almost everyone and is approximately 200-300 US dollars (meaning one-way connection). The data transfer speed varies greatly depending on the provider and the tariff plan chosen by the user. Satellite Internet providers offer a very wide range of tariff plans, including unlimited ones. A very nice bonus is also the possibility of free reception of satellite TV.

The disadvantage of a one-way satellite Internet connection is the need for a channel for outgoing traffic - a telephone line or a telephone with GPRS support. However, now it is not such a big problem. The disadvantage of two-way satellite connection is the high price of equipment.

To connect satellite Internet, you need the following equipment:
- satellite antenna;
- satellite modem;
- converter for signal conversion.

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The Internet has long become not only the norm, but even a necessity in our lives. A lot of things are tied to the use of the World Wide Web. But it is impossible to connect to it by simply plugging the cord into the outlet. Consider what types of Internet connections exist.

Over time, obsolete Internet technologies are replaced by more advanced ones.

Cable connection

Twisted pair and optical cable

This is the most popular connection type. A cable is laid to your apartment or office, through which the Internet signal is received. Two connection options are used: twisted pair and optical cable.

In the first case, a high-capacity fiber optic cable is run from the service provider to the house or junction box, and a twisted pair cable is brought into the apartment itself, which is a copper wire with a special crimped end that is plugged into a computer or router. The connection speed in this case most often does not exceed 100 Mbps.

In the second case, an optical cable is installed in the dwelling, connected to the switchgear. Among its advantages, much higher speeds are distinguished, up to 1 Gbps. Using this cable, you can simultaneously receive Internet, telephone and television services - that is, one cable instead of three. A cable connection has two options for organizing a network: local and virtual.

The local network

The essence of the local network is that the provider assigns you a separate IP address. All computers, by and large, are a large network that has access to the Internet through a provider. There is access with dynamic and static IP.

Dynamic IP

For you, this is the easiest type of communication. All settings for each connection are assigned by the provider, and you do not need to configure anything further. You just plug the cable into your computer or router and start using the Internet.

Static IP

With this type, the user needs to enter in the settings of the network card or router the parameters that the provider issues and which are unchanged during each communication session. This is quite handy for online services asking you for a permanent IP address. You can find out the type of connection in the technical support of the provider, on the website of the service provider or in the contract. When using a router, most models can detect the connection type automatically.

Virtual VPN

VPN stands for "Virtual Private Network". This technology encrypts data exchange between the subscriber's computer and the provider's server, significantly increasing security.

The most popular VPN connection type. All you need to know to use it is your username and password. The Windows operating system treats this connection as a high-speed dial-up connection.


Less popular types of VPN connections. In addition to login and password, you need to find out the server address provided by the telecom operator. The difference between them is only in the encryption method, which is selected in the advanced connection settings. The most famous provider working with this standard is Beeline.

Combined connection

Combines several types of connection for access to the Internet and to the resources of the provider. VPN is used as the main type of connection, dynamic or static IP - as an additional one. The difference between them is in the manual entry of the local address or its automatic determination. Such a connection is considered the most difficult, therefore it is rarely used. You can find out the parameters from the technical support of a specific service provider.

Phone line

Despite the fact that cable connection has dominated in recent times, in many areas it is not economically feasible to install a separate Internet line. In this case, the presence of a telephone line saves, you can only connect to the Internet through it. There are two connection types: ADSL and Dial-Up.


Modern standards provide access to the Internet at a speed of several tens of megabits, which is quite enough for most tasks. The bottom line is that with the help of a splitter, the signal is divided into different frequencies: low - for voice communication, high - for the Internet. Accordingly, you can call and use the Internet at the same time.

A modem is used to organize communication. The connection scheme is quite simple: a telephone cable that is brought into the room is connected to a splitter, a home telephone and an ADSL modem are connected to the appropriate connectors.


This type of connection has come to us since the nineties of the last century. It is very outdated, because when it is used, the telephone line remains busy, and the average speed is about 56 kilobits. By today's standards, this is very little. However, in some areas this type of connection is sometimes used.

It works as follows: the modem is connected to the telephone line and to the computer, the number of the modem pool is added to its settings. The modem calls this number, and after the connection is established, the subscription gives you access to the Internet.


This type of connection provides internet via TV cable. Undoubtedly, it is much more convenient for one company to pay for the Internet and TV. The cable is brought into an apartment or house, using a splitter, the signal is distributed to television and the Internet. The Internet signal is sent to a cable modem connected to a PC or to a router.

Modern standards allow you to get Internet speeds up to 300 Mbps. Despite the relatively low popularity of the technology, the telecommunications service provider AKADO connects subscribers using it in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg.

Mobile Internet

The development of 3G and 4G standards allows you to use the Internet at a speed comparable to a home connection. In many cities of Russia, the 4G standard is available at speeds up to more than 100 megabits. Where it is not available, 3G operates at speeds up to 40 megabits.

Recently, unlimited tariffs have been offered, albeit rather conditional. No wires are needed, and you can connect relatively cheaply anywhere coverage is available. You can use a USB modem, mobile router or smartphone/tablet as a modem. The firmware can also determine the network settings.

Satellite Internet

The most expensive, but at the same time the most ubiquitous. Allows you to access the Internet even far from communications, even in the middle of the taiga. The only condition is the visibility of the satellite.

Everyone is familiar with satellite TV. Antenna dishes can be seen in almost every home and in huge numbers. The same plate is used to access the Internet. There is one-way and two-way satellite Internet.

With one-way access, outgoing requests are transmitted over a terrestrial communication channel, for example, through a mobile network, and incoming data comes from a satellite. With two-way access, all exchange takes place over a satellite channel. To do this, you will need an antenna with a transmitting head.

The access speed reaches several tens of megabits. The main drawback is the huge price for a set of equipment and rather high tariffs.

WiMax and WiFi

Almost everyone is familiar with Wi-Fi, almost everyone has a router at home, and there are free hotspots in many public places. WiMax allows you to cover those areas where it is difficult to provide a cable connection in every home. This is applicable in the private sector or cottage villages. To provide coverage, base stations are used that provide coverage within a radius of several kilometers.

To connect, you need to have a special receiver, and when moving away from the station, an amplifying antenna. The technology has not been widely used, since it still requires a cable to be connected to the village. Where it is more expedient to use the mobile Internet.


We have listed all possible types of Internet connection. If you live in a city, most likely the provider will connect you via cable. This is the cheapest type of connection in multi-storey buildings. The equipment setup will differ for different types of connection, you can read more about this issue in our article How to connect the Internet on a laptop. In addition, never hesitate to contact the technical support of the service provider to find out the network access parameters.

What type of connection are you using? Are you satisfied with the quality of communication? Write to us in the comments.

In the modern world, there are practically no people left who would not have a computer or other similar device that can connect to the Internet. Therefore, many are wondering how to connect.

If earlier the choice of connection option did not make it difficult for anyone, since it was reduced to only one type of communication via a telephone line, then at present the choice of methods is quite wide.

Anyone, almost anywhere in the world, has the opportunity to access the World Wide Web.

It is only necessary to choose the correct type of connection, based on the specific conditions and place of residence of a person. The following describes the main techniques on how to implement this venture, as well as their advantages and disadvantages.

Existing connection methods

Internet connectivity technologies are advancing at breakneck speed.

The choice of the method of accessing the global network depends on the user's requirements for the indicators of the traffic provided by the provider, as well as on the geographic location where the connection will be used.

Of course, one should also take into account the capabilities of a particular user in terms of financial costs for the implementation and operation of the connection.

The classification of subscriber types of connection can be represented as follows:

It is easy to see that the main disadvantage of the second type is that if a single cable breaks, not one client will suffer, but the entire group of users at once.

Next, we will consider in detail each connection method, which is most widely used today in our vast country.

via satellite

A person remote from the benefits of the civilization of large cities is not deprived of the opportunity to use the resources of the global network, even if he lives in the most remote part of the taiga forest.

The main condition for the successful implementation of the connection is the visibility of the satellite. The main disadvantage of this method is its high cost.

Only for the equipment you will have to pay about 300 hard-earned dollars, and also, when a person finds out the prices for tariffs, he quickly loses the desire to organize his leisure time at current prices. Of course, if satellite Internet is necessary for work, then in the absence of alternative options, this method would be a logical solution.

The method using asynchronous connection provides only one-way access (data from the network is only received). To organize outgoing traffic (synchronous connection), you will need to use equipment at a significantly higher price than that indicated above.

Or, if there is cellular communication coverage in the area, the organization of outgoing traffic transmission via the GPRS channel.

The quality of data reception is affected by weather conditions. During bad meteorological conditions, communication may be completely interrupted.

Via phone

Due to the prevalence of telephone lines already laid everywhere, this connection technology is preferred by many modern users.

The types of connection via telephone should be listed:

  1. dial-up;
  2. ADSL.


This outdated connection method is still used to access the World Wide Web in areas remote from high-speed lines, for example, in the private sector far from the city. Provides for the use of a modem and telephone line.

The main advantage of the method is the low cost of equipment, and the connection is usually made by the telecom operator for free. Also, many users are attracted to a simple connection setup.

Even the cost of an external modem does not exceed a thousand rubles, and if you use an internal one, then the cost of equipment will be about 300 rubles.

However, the disadvantages greatly outweigh the existing advantages, since the speed of information exchange over the network is important for a modern person, and it averages 4 kb / s. But the main thing is that while using the Internet, the phone does not work, as the line is busy.


Significantly superior in quality of communication technology "Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line" or briefly "ADSL". It is faster and at the same time allows you to use a landline phone.

The modem comes with a “splitter” that separates the frequency channels for the Internet and the phone.

If the PBX to which the user is a subscriber has a multiplexer, then he can enjoy the benefits of this method. As a rule, connection equipment is not very expensive, and it is sold everywhere.

The speed of receiving information is already calculated in megabits per second and can reach 8 Mbps.

In areas where there are no other alternatives to the telephone line, providers often inflate the cost of tariffs, therefore, despite the availability and ease of setting up equipment, this technology is gradually being replaced by more modern alternatives.


The development of modern wireless communication technologies allows you to get freedom of movement in space and at the same time stay in touch with the Internet.

Wi-Fi and WiMax communication standards, as well as 3G and 4G, allow you to work in networks at speeds close to a wired connection. The absence of the need for cables and Internet access anywhere covered by the coverage area makes the wireless method in demand.

Given the variety of tariffs and low costs, even owners of a home connection use air communication in mobile gadgets. When you are in the zone of a Wi-Fi signal access point, for example, in public places, communication can be free.

Unfortunately, WiMax has not yet become widespread in our country, since in order to connect it requires laying a cable to the village, and also requires special equipment. Sometimes it is more expedient for users to use the mobile Internet.


One Wi-Fi access point is capable of covering a zone with a radius of one hundred meters with a signal.

Users at home have several PCs and electronic devices with the function of accessing the network through Wi-Fi technology.

A home Wi-Fi router allows you to deploy your own local network while simultaneously connecting a dozen gadgets and computers to the Internet that have a built-in or plug-in wireless module.

The router itself is connected to a cable coming from the organization that provided communication services.

Wi-Fi networks are common in parks and public places. The user is required to have a laptop or mobile gadget with them to connect to an existing infrastructure. In the bulk, at such points, the use of Internet access is free for the user.

Through a mobile operator

Cellular operators provide tariff plans with conditionally unlimited conditions. It is easy to connect to them wherever there is mobile network coverage.

There are two ways to access the web through an operator:

  1. Using a cell phone;
  2. Using a modem, which either connects to a computer's USB port, or is a mobile Wi-Fi access point.


It is difficult to find a person without a mobile phone, which means that everyone has the opportunity to connect to the Internet using a cellular device with GPRS support, even if it has long been more like a brick than a smartphone.

An old mobile phone can be used as a modem, you only need a usb cable to connect to a PC, or this is done via Bluetooth or infrared.

Of course, the speed of this type of connection cannot be compared with 3 and 4G, however, due to the availability of the equipment used and the presence of existing mobile operators, it is still used by users.


The 3G standard already allows you to use the Internet at speeds up to 40 Mpbs.

Not only owners of modern smartphones can use this type of connection, but mobile operators offer subscribers the option of connecting a computer via a usb modem.

Or purchase a compact router with Wi-Fi support.

It is convenient to have your own Wi-Fi point anywhere, wherever the user is. Some portable Wi-Fi points allow you to connect up to 8-10 devices to them: laptops, smartphones, tablets, etc.

However, when a mobile operator provides a connection according to the fourth generation standard for connecting several 4G gadgets at the same time, it will be more appropriate to use.


In large cities of the Russian Federation, the 4G standard has already been introduced, which provides a speed of 100 Mpbs, and in the future it will be several times more.

Just like in the previous case, the use of usb modems is available for clients.

These "whistles", as people call them, are already loaded with applications for communication with the computer's operating system.

If you need to provide access to the Internet for several PCs and gadgets at once, then a Wi-Fi modem with an installed operator's SIM card will allow you to stay in touch even in a country house where telephone or fiber optic wires are not connected.

In the near future, the transfer rate according to this standard can reach 1 Gpbs.

Cable connection

Finally we got to the most popular connection method. A wire is laid in the subscriber's home, which serves as a source of the Internet. There are only 2 types of connection:

  1. twisted pair;
  2. fiber optic cable.

An optical fiber is laid from the provider to the apartment building, and a twisted pair cable is pulled directly into the subscriber's home. It is inserted into a PC network card or into a router.

Relatively low speed - 100 Mpbs, compared to a direct connection to the optics makes this method a little less attractive, however, the copper wire is less sensitive to mechanical damage and cheaper to replace in case of a break.

Optical fiber

In this variant, the optic is guided to the client's apartment and inserted into the distribution terminal. The technology ensures the provision of several services simultaneously over one communication channel, while ensuring a high speed of information exchange, which is important when broadcasting audio and video.

The technology involves the use of a light channel to transmit information via fiber optics. This circumstance imposes disadvantages, although the advantages of the technology more than cover the accompanying disadvantages.

It allows you to achieve speeds up to 2.5 kbps. To connect, the client needs to install the "Optical Network Terminal" (ONT).

ONT is provided by the provider itself. The terminal is equipped with Wi-Fi, so there is no special need to stretch the cords around the apartment further from the device. This terminal is designed to convert the fiber optic interface to an Ethernet interface.

Terminal models have different functionality, so before installation, you should clarify the possibility of connecting devices via Wi-Fi channel, IPTV, telephony, etc.

To transmit a light pulse through a special cable, it does not consume as much energy as when receiving and transmitting data over a metal conductor.

The downside is that the optical fiber is simply damaged by mechanical impact on it, and the replacement results in a round sum of money.

    The options for basic internet connections are wireless, Wi-Fi, or wired.

    Wireless accesses for communication with a SIM card of a mobile operator or a USB modem. Access to the Internet via Wi-Fi does not require SIM cards and modems, you need a router for distribution, the main thing is that the devices (laptop, tablet, smartphone, etc.) have a built-in Wi-Fi module. Wired - ADSL, Dial-up, fiber optic.

    Internet access has become such an everyday thing that you don’t even think about it. By the way, here is what I remembered:

    1) Connection via a fiber-optic network, via a dedicated line, using a modem specially purchased from a provider;

    2) Connection via a mobile USB modem of mobile operators MTS, Beeline, Megafon;

    3) Cable Internet complete with cable TV, connects the technician of the company providing such services;

    4) Internet access through a Wi-Fi router.

    5) Internet access via mobile phone.

    I will not analyze and compare methods, something suits everyone, depending on living conditions, prices and personal preferences.

    1. Connection via fiber-optic fiber (Ethernet - up to equipment twisted pair);
    2. Connection via fiber-optic fiber (PON - optics to the apartment);
    3. Wireless connection via radio signal (Ethernet - up to equipment twisted pair);
    4. Wireless connection via radio channel (Wi-Fi);
    5. Wireless connection (GPRS, EDGE, 4G LTE);
    6. Copper cable connection (ADSL);
    7. Connection via telephone line (Dial-up);
    8. Electrical connection.
  • There are not so many ways to connect to the Internet by the user at the moment. For example, if you arrange them in chronological order, starting with the earliest, then the following chain will line up approximately:

    1. Via dial-up modem. This is the oldest type of connection through a telephone line, those who were born in the 80s remember. Very slow when viewed from a height of real time (maximum speed 64 kb / s) and inconvenient (telephone connection turned off during use).
    2. Through an ADSL modem. The same connection via a telephone line, but more modern. It is still in use today. When using it, you can use the phone, and the modern generation of ADSL allows you to reach heights of 30 Mb / s or more in speed.
    3. Connection via a conventional power line, the so-called PLC. A very old method, popular in America in the late 70s. Until now, in Russia, companies such as Spark make connections through it. Unreliable, not fast.
    4. Connection via a cable similar to an antenna from a TV, the so-called DOCSIS (God save me from him in the central part of Russia). They are connected via a cable absolutely not intended for the Internet, usually along with cable TV. Old type of connection, low speeds, unnecessary problems that no one needs.
    5. Developed, developed the Internet connection and docked with mobile communications. And now the connection via GSM, EDGE, 3G enters the arena. With the help of transmitted protocols through mobile providers. Unreliable. The speed can drop from everything, although Megafon already offers speeds up to 300 mb / s. This is something ultra-modern or a regular publicity stunt.
    6. Satellite connection. The thing is not their cheap. There is one-way when download is made via satellite connection, and upload via any other method. There is a two-way one, when the satellite does everything. The speed is low, the prices are vice versa. But it's awfully prestigious.
    7. WI-FI connection. Relatively new communication protocol. Already well established. A very big plus in mobility and high data transfer speed.
    8. WI-MAX, aka 4G protocol. The Yota provider connects through it. Big brother WI-FI. The pros and cons are the same.
    9. Ethernet connection. Yes, yes, the same cable is twisted in the apartment. Crimping RJ-45 through a network card. Another such method is called dedicated. Conducted by Beeline, Rostelecom and many others. Reliable, cheap, fast. It is a pity that the connection takes place only in large cities.
    10. FOCL (dedicated fiber optic communication line). This is not when, as in the case of Ethernet, the optical cable only goes to the house, and a twisted pair cable is brought into your apartment, but when an optical cable is brought into your apartment. As far as I know, at the moment they are connected only in Moscow. Because it is very expensive and very fast. Imagine speeds up to 100 Gb/s.

    In principle, I have listed all the main methods of connecting to the Internet that exist at the moment. You can also come across methods such as CDMA (see point 5. Slightly different format), such as radio-ethernet (see point 9. For the user, the speed will only be slightly lower), such as Public WI-FI (see point 7. For the user, everything is the same), such as LTE (see paragraph 8. This is what Yota calls WI-MAX).

    I hope this information will help someone in choosing a connection method.

    You can connect to the Internet in many ways, depending on your desire and technical capabilities:

    • connection via satellite- satellite connection,
    • connection via GSM or CDMA modem,
    • connection using a special antenna-radio internet,
    • connection through the communication line, the provider provides the ability to connect through a dedicated line,
    • via mobile phone, which supports GPRS or EDG protocols, via USB cable, infrared port, Bluetooth,
    • connection via ADSL modem or via Dial-Up modem.

    There is a choice, if you work on the Internet, then it’s definitely not convenient to do it from the phone, the old version of connecting via a modem is still relevant for home Internet use.

Good time!

Russia is a big country, and the problem of communication between different parts of our country has always been relevant. With the development of Internet technologies, this problem is partially solved, but even here everything is far from simple...

In this article, I decided to look at various ways to connect to the Internet. I do not aim to tell all the subtleties of each option. Perhaps the mission of this article is different - to acquaint you with different options and methods of connection, perhaps to give you an idea to look for something better ...

Simply, at one time I was very surprised how people still manage to "sit" on a Dial-Up connection, when providers with a "dedicated" network (Ethernet) have come to our city for a couple of years now. It turns out that many simply did not know yet that you can connect to this Internet provider almost for free and get dozens of times faster speed!

And so, I conclude my memories, and move on to the topic ...

How to connect to the Internet. Pros/cons of different methods

Dial-up connection (ADSL or Dial-Up)

The most common type of Internet connection. There is an ordinary telephone line everywhere - in almost every settlement (thanks to the country of the Soviets for electrification and telephone installation).


A modem is connected in parallel to your telephone set (to the telephone line) (as a second telephone). Further, operators usually have special numbers by which you can access the Internet (by dialing them from a modem, of course).

In general, I note that this method is gradually "dying off" and disappearing into oblivion: in our country, after all, a program has been adopted for the development and laying of a network even in remote areas.


  1. high availability (you can connect to the Internet even in many remote villages of our country);
  2. low cost of equipment (only a modem is needed, which can be found cheaper than 100 rubles!).
  3. you can connect yourself: just buy a modem, connect it to a telephone line and set up a connection on a PC.


  1. very low speed (up to 56/128 Kbps). Only enough to view pages (you can not dream of downloading files);
  2. high price;
  3. low connection stability: the connection often breaks;
  4. the phone will be busy (when accessing the Internet).


You may find the article on how to convert Mbit/s to MB/s helpful. (or why I connected to the Internet at a rate of 100 Mbps, but I only download at 10 Mbps) -


This method also uses a telephone line, however, it has a significant advantage: the phone will not be busy while working with the Internet, and it provides much higher speed (up to 8 Mbps).

Of the minuses: a more expensive cost of equipment (than with a Dial-Up connection), and the inability (in most cases) to set up the connection on your own without the specialists of the operator you are going to connect to.

Leased line (Ethernet, GPON, DOCSIS)


The most common type of Internet connection in all major cities. A cable is laid in your apartment (similar to a television cable, only it has more veins), which connects either directly to the computer / laptop network card or to a Wi-Fi router (to create a wireless network in the apartment).


  1. high data transfer rate (up to 100 Mbps with Ethernet, and up to 1 Gbps with GPON connection (fiber)). By the way, there is another popular type of FTTB connection - this is "optics" stretched to your house (but not to your apartment!);
  2. low cost of services (unlimited connection will cost only a few hundred rubles a month);
  3. stable and high-quality connection, with low ping, which is very important for gamers (one of the most stable today);
  4. there is practically nothing to buy: a network card is in every modern PC (and companies often provide a Wi-Fi router for free ...).


  1. the need to lay a cable in an apartment / house;
  2. available only in relatively large cities (moreover, if you have a new or remote area, it may well be that not a single operator has connected your house).

Over coaxial (television) cable (DOCSIS)

This type of connection is not common in our country. Internet connection is carried out via a television cable (KTV), speeds up to 42 Mbit / s are provided (agree that not much, given modern realities).

The principle is approximately the following: a special is connected to the television cable. cable modem - one output goes to the PC (the Internet is distributed), the other to the TV. You can work with the Internet in parallel with watching TV programs (one does not interfere with the other!).

In general, this type of connection is more used in bedrooms and remote areas where there is simply no other choice (say, Ethernet). Well, or in those cases when you already use cable TV services and there is no desire (opportunity) to lay another cable into the apartment (for example, it is unreasonably expensive).

Wireless and mobile Internet access (GPRS, EDGE, 3G/4G, WiMax, etc.)

The most advanced and one of the most developing areas. I do not even undertake to single out any of the types of connection separately. Perhaps we should focus on 3G / 4G. "it" is in every modern phone...

In general, now any smartphone is able not only to access the Internet itself, but also to share (distribute) it to neighboring PCs / laptops / other smartphones. In many major cities, 3G / 4G coverage is most common (4G provides speeds up to 100 Mbps and higher (in practice, the speed "dances" in different parts of the city, and it's good if it is 20-30 Mbps)).

To connect a computer to the Internet via a smartphone, it is enough: connect it to a USB port, and activate the modem mode on the smartphone (it is available in every modern device). Also, on a smartphone, via modem mode, you can create a Wi-Fi network and distribute the Internet using it (everyone who connects to it will also get access to the Internet). See screenshots below.


You may need an instruction: how to distribute the Internet from Android to a computer or laptop -

I note that now modems (in the form of flash drives) are also popular, which can be connected to any PC / laptop to a USB port. Provide a fairly good quality of communication.

Mob benefits. Internet:

  1. there is no need to buy anything in addition (if we do not take into account special modems);
  2. the Internet can be distributed very quickly for any device (including even on the road or in nature);
  3. a sufficiently large coverage area (can be used in areas where there is nothing else);
  4. Recently, there are more and more unlimited tariffs.


  1. communication costs several times more than the same leased line;
  2. often high ping, which is not suitable for most fans of network games (in general, the quality of communication depends on the area and distance from the tower);
  3. not as fast as other connection types.

satellite connection

This is not a very popular type of connection (very expensive), and is used only in remote parts of the country where there is simply no other alternative. Access speed is highly dependent on the equipment that will be provided to you. Of the most important disadvantages of this type of connection, which is worth noting is the presence of a very high ping: at least 250 ms (this is a lot)!


  1. the possibility of installation in almost any part of the country;
  2. independence from terrestrial communication channels.


  1. very high ping (250 ms and above) - it is almost impossible to play network games or talk over IP telephony;
  2. high cost of equipment and payment for services;
  3. the need to coordinate the installation of equipment (not always and not everywhere);
  4. bulky and complex equipment (do not install or configure it yourself).


It is possible that all this (what I wrote in this article) will soon make no sense ... This is me about the words of Elon Musk, who promised that in a few years he would cover the Earth with satellites and provide almost all the inhabitants of the planet with free and fast Internet access! Tempting!

However, I personally think that his words were not without advertising and pathos: maybe they will cover the Earth with satellites, but it will be in 15-20 years (minimum) ...

That's all for me. Good luck!

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