Who are "bots"? Who are VKontakte bots and offers? What is a bot in the game

Mankind strives to free its life from unnecessary problems as much as possible. Therefore, he comes up with various robots that are ready to perform any programmed work. Sometimes it turns out so well that you can only gasp! However, many do not understand what is at stake. "Who is a bot?" they ask. Consider who or, rather, what it is, what "it" is intended for and summarize the data.

1. What is it all about?

As already mentioned, at the moment there are many robots (abbreviated as bots). They can do so much work that a human could never do. However, they have a significant drawback. They still, thank God, do not know how to think. And, therefore, directly depend on the person. That is why, the question: "What is a bot?" slightly wrong, as there is currently no artificial intelligence.

2. What are they for?

The Internet is a huge network in which people can not only spend their free time, search for the necessary information and have fun, but also perform commercial activities. As a rule, in order to have successful business in the virtual space, it is necessary to notify

other Internet users about your site. To automate this process, special programs have been invented. For example, there are bots for "ICQ". Their tasks are simple. First, they are added to several thousand users, then they send them messages of the same type. Several recipients can follow the link, so the task of the program will be completed. There are, of course, similar things for other purposes, but they are less popular. These include the autoresponder for the ISQ agent. No less popular is the translator bot. True, so far only a small part of users is ready to resort to its services. The fact is that the quality of the translation leaves much to be desired. It is worth saying that large financial resources are involved in this direction, so the situation should soon change for the better. Do not forget about all kinds of online games, the developers of which, in order to recreate a realistic atmosphere, create rival robots, whose actions are calculated by the computer.

3. Position of bots on the Internet

It was previously mentioned for what purpose these obscure, mysterious wards of the computer were introduced. After all, five years ago, no one knew who a bot was. However, now most people know that it is scammers who use the services of such programs. Yes, do not forget that someone else writes them and gets paid for it. With the help of such assistants, you can quickly raise your level in the game, automatically put hearts on social networks, translate some texts, download music, earn money by automatically clicking on links, and much more. There is a completely justified opinion that evaluates all the actions of automatic programs with the lowest score. And we should not forget that the Internet was originally created for the exchange of information between people. But when a programmed machine works under the image of a person, which absolutely does not care what to do, then the original task, as they say, is reduced to nothing.

Now you know what a bot is. In short terms, this is a special program; its goal is to make life easier for some people, however, sometimes other Internet users may suffer because of this.

Often the owners of VKontakte groups and publics turn to me with the question: “How can I quickly and cheaply recruit subscribers to a group?” They also ask about who the bots and VKontakte offers are. I answer that about “quickly and cheaply” this is not for me, since I work with groups of my customers using exclusively white methods using paid promotion methods.

Who are bots?

Working in social networks and in particular VKontakte is a lot of work that requires a serious investment of time, effort and money. Often, entrepreneurs go to social networks without understanding how everything works here. That is why people "peck" on dubious offers, where they are offered "real live subscribers" for very modest money. Let's try to figure out what kind of "live" subscribers are and where they come from.

Do you know what bots are and how they differ from offers?

Bots are such personal VKontakte pages filled with false information and performing automatic tasks. Who creates these same bots? There are special programs that either create such pages or hack the pages of real people.

Who are the offers?

A few years ago, bots were actively used by Vkontakte, but today they have been almost completely replaced by offers. The social network Vkontakte has a negative attitude towards non-living accounts, and if you manage to fill your group with bots, then it will simply be blocked. You will then communicate long and hard with the administration and explain where you got these same bots.

Offers, unlike bots, are real people who are ready to join a specific VKontakte group and perform certain actions in it, for example, like, repost, or write some kind of comment. Why do they do it? Of course, for a fee.

Before you is just a screen from a site where people are invited to make money on VKontakte by performing certain targeted actions.

How much do offers cost

Offer prices vary. To be honest, I myself have never used services for recruiting offers into a group, but finding them on the net is not difficult at all. Go to the search engine and set the search query "Buy VKontakte offers" and get acquainted with the prices. Here is a screen that I made by looking at one of the sites that provide such services.

But I want to warn you right away, when ordering offers, you are drawing to be in the same situation as the author of this post in the discussion thread on the forum. That is, after joining your community, people will hang there as an absolutely dead audience, and this is even at best. And at worst, they will begin to unsubscribe en masse and turn into "dogs".

Why bots and offers are useless for business

Why is this happening? The answer is simple - these people are absolutely not interested in your group and your business. They got their reward and happily forgot about you. And even if the cost of one such subscriber is much cheaper than the target one received when launching paid advertising, the question arises: why do you need these offers at all?

Some authors of VKontakte projects believe that they join a group with several thousand subscribers much better than an empty one. But the whole problem is that in order to powder people's brains, you will also have to imitate at least minimal, but activity in your group. And you will also have to pay for this ... And again, this activity will be fake. That is why I never buy offers anywhere and I do not advise you.

Why buy offers

If you want your Vkontakte business to develop and make a profit, you need to learn not to buy offers, but to work competently in this social network. Make your group interesting to your subscribers and learn how to attract a real live target audience.

Some owners of VKontakte groups want to buy offers in order to get into the TOP of results in the internal search of VKontakte. On this occasion, I will say the following. If in order to reach the TOP you need to recruit up to 10 thousand subscribers to the group, then it is quite possible to cope with this task without any offers, and in a fairly short time (if, of course, you have a certain budget).

For example, the group "SECRETS OF CHINESE MEDICINE" is in the top three in the search results for the internal search of VKontakte among 410 communities. And they recruited this group exclusively by white methods.

If, in order to get into the TOP, you need to gain 100 thousand subscribers or more, recruiting offers is generally a thankless task. Why? Yes, because the lack of activity in a group with such a serious number of subscribers will rather work against you.

People will have a question: why in such a large group no one is interested in the product, does not ask questions, does not leave reviews. Will you imitate the “movement” in your group yourself? Maybe then you will buy from yourself?

Yes, and such a picture in the subscribers of your community will also not work to build trust in you and your business:

So, my friends, I want to warn you against unnecessary and senseless spending. Do not believe the promises of recruiting a target and solvent audience for little money.
It's all a divorce.

If you really want to develop your VKontakte business, then study paid advertising. And don't expect instant results! If you study and work, then the results will be sure, but not immediately.

If you have any questions, then ask, do not hesitate! I will gladly answer.

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And other chats.


How it works: the bot receives incoming messages, analyzes them and sends the result of the execution and / or executes the command.


  • Chat logging
  • Accounting for the rights of participants. For example, the ChanServ IRC service on IRC servers allows you to register a channel, and removes the operator status from incoming unregistered users, automatically issuing statuses to those who are allowed to do so using special commands by the channel creator or users authorized by him.
  • Chat security. For example, “throws out” users if they repeat the same thing many times (flood protection), or by some parameters (for example, the name consists of several capital letters, or is an obscene expression) are similar to an “undesirable” participant .
  • Providing the possibility of a conference between more than two users, in protocols without such a function.
  • Reference - an interface to a database that stores words and answers to them ("factoids", eng. factoids). There can be several answers, then a random one can be selected from them. One of these bots is the Infobot IRC bot ( English). Factoids can be created both directly by users and automatically, by "eavesdropping" on their conversations with each other (for example, from messages with the line "- this").
    • Special case - dictionary
  • Virtual interlocutor - imitates communication.
    • Simplified version: the bot remembers everything said by the chat participants (see logging), and replies to messages with an arbitrary phrase built from it using Markov chains.
  • Games (see IRC game)
  • Translator
  • Calculator
  • Commentator - comments on what was said for the convenience of working with him. For example, when the expression "bug 123456" is mentioned, it displays a URI in the chat - a link to the corresponding entry in the bug tracking system related to this IRC channel or Jabber conference.
  • Searching for the specified string in a search engine and returning, for example, the address and page title of the topmost result.


  • IRC bots in the Open Directory Project (dmoz) links directory.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

See what "Bot (Internet)" is in other dictionaries:

    The term "robot" has other meanings. The term "bot" has other meanings. Robot or bot, as well as Internet bot, www bot, etc. (English bot, short for English robot) a special program that performs automatically and / or according to ... ... Wikipedia

    Not to be confused with target bot (Aimbot) a type of software for cheating in online games. This term has other meanings, see Robot (program). This term has other meanings, see Bot. ... ... Wikipedia

    Not to be confused with Target Bot. (eng. Aimbot) a type of software for dishonest play in network games A bot is a computer-controlled robot program that imitates partners in a network game, in network fights, team battles, etc. ... Wikipedia

    A botnet is a computer network consisting of a number of hosts running autonomous software bots. Most often, a bot as part of a botnet is secretly installed on the victim's computer and ... ... Wikipedia

    A search engine is a website that provides the ability to search for information on the Internet. Most search engines look for information on World Wide Web sites, but there are also systems that can search for files on ftp servers, goods on ... ... Wikipedia

    Fraud in online games (on gaming slang, cheating, from English to cheat to cheat, cheat, cheat) the use of specially created or modified programs or equipment in online games to obtain undeniable ... ... Wikipedia

    The significance of the subject of the article about the object of the fictional world is called into question. Please add to the article links to independent authoritative sources that consider its subject in sufficient detail (in a volume that allows you to write ... ... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see Robot (meanings). See also: Bot A robot, or bot, as well as an Internet bot, www bot, etc. (English bot, short for English robot) is a special program that automatically performs ... ... Wikipedia

Typically, bots are designed to do work, repetitive and repetitive, as fast as possible (obviously far beyond human capabilities). The server maintainer can place a .

In addition, bots find applications in environments that require a better response than human capabilities (i.e. game bots, online auction bots, etc.) or, less commonly, to imitate human actions (i.e., bots for chats, etc.).

compared to the sample). This is quite a useful tool for helping beginners or struggling with strong expressions.

Commercial use

There was a heated debate about the use of bots to automate sales and purchase transactions. A company that owns an Internet auction of a computer betting exchange, such as DDOS and DoS attacks via a botnet. Internet bots can be used for en:Click fraud. Recently, bots used in MMORPG games have become massive. Spambots are used to spread information (usually advertising content) over various network resources.

  • The main malicious activities of bots (and botnets):
  1. Spambots that collect E-mail addresses from contact forms and guest books;
  2. Programs that load the Internet channel with a stream of unnecessary information (usually of an advertising nature);
  3. Sites that collect information about harmless sites for use in automatically generated doorways;
  4. Some viruses and worms;
  5. DoS and DDoS attacks;
  • Bots are often used to buy the best seats at concerts, flights, etc., especially for resale purposes. This allows the bots to book as many seats as possible in the shortest possible time. Thus, the incoming general public is often less likely to purchase tickets.
  • Bots are widely used in many online games to farm game currency, game values, etc., which puts game economies in a difficult position.

To counteract automatic actions, the so-called. the Turing test, which is used to distinguish between a machine and a person by demonstrating graphically processed text in a special way. This text is relatively easy to read by a human, but modern AI implementations often fail.


  • A bot in computer games (usually in multiplayer mode) is a computer opponent that imitates the actions of a "live" player.
  • Spiders (programs that download web pages for subsequent indexing) search engines, other programs that automatically crawl sites. In this case, the word is more commonly used robot. See also Web crawler.
  • Autoresponders in e-mail, chats (see bot (in chats)).


see also

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

See what "Bot (program)" is in other dictionaries:

    Not to be confused with target bot (Aimbot) a type of software for cheating in online games. This term has other meanings, see Robot (program). This term has other meanings, see Bot. ... ... Wikipedia

    Not to be confused with Target Bot. (eng. Aimbot) a type of software for dishonest play in network games A bot is a computer-controlled robot program that imitates partners in a network game, in network fights, team battles, etc. ... Wikipedia

    In chats, a bot is a computer program that performs various functions and uses for input and output messages supported by the chat protocol. Bots are for IRC protocols, instant messaging services and other chats ... Wikipedia

    Wiktionary has an entry for "bot" Bot ... Wikipedia

    bot- abbr. from robot 1) game. virtual player (imitation of a network player; in team games, the user can fight the enemy with bots of associates; in single-player games, bots act as opponents) Bots are stupid, not ... ... Computer slang dictionary

    In chats, a bot is a computer program that performs various functions and uses for input and output messages supported by the chat protocol. Bot is short for robot. Bots are for IRC protocols, instant services ... ... Wikipedia

    A virtual interlocutor (English chatterbot) is a computer program that is designed to simulate the speech behavior of a person when communicating with one or more users. In relation to virtual interlocutors, it is also used ... ... Wikipedia

    bot- 1. A computer program that automatically performs a set of certain actions. I screwed a bot to the server yesterday. Computer slang 2. In computer games, a character controlled by a computer. Often with a low level ... ... Dictionary of modern vocabulary, jargon and slang

    This term has other meanings, see Robot (meanings). See also: Bot A robot, or bot, as well as an Internet bot, www bot, etc. (English bot, short for English robot) is a special program that automatically performs ... ... Wikipedia

More recently, the word "bot" for most people, regardless of how close they are to the Internet, was associated with "boots", so to speak, an abbreviated form. Today, perhaps, every Internet user has come across them. Many already know what they are dealing with, others have seen it, but the concept is not for the beast. So what is a bot?

"Bot" is an abbreviation for the word "robot", a special program whose function is to imitate the actions of a living person. Algorithms by bots are executed automatically, or at certain intervals, but always - through the same interfaces that a regular user uses.

Most often, such a program is created to perform monotonous and repetitive operations, alternating each other at high speed. As a rule, such actions are simply inaccessible to an ordinary person (annoying, boring, long, etc.). In such situations, robots come to the rescue. In addition, working according to a given algorithm, bots do not go astray, adhering to clearly laid down rules. Again, this is not easy to achieve from a living person.

Robot programs have gained great popularity on the Internet. There are a great many of them here.

  1. Bots in computer games are popular and even quite useful. Players during the passage of missions, in skirmishes, etc. often unaware that they are fighting practically with artificial intelligence. Here, such programs are carefully adjusted to the actions of gamers in order to spice up the gameplay. If the bot is made with high quality, can "think" and act, focusing on the situation on the screen, it becomes much more interesting to play.
  2. ICQ bot. Here, by default, we include bots from other programs for communication. What is a bot in Internet messengers (icq, Skype, QIP, etc.)? The variety of such robots is quite large. There are both very useful programs and typical bots - clogging the contact list and interfering with their importunity. The former include various services that are ready to provide free jokes, weather forecasts, as well as show the program schedule for today, translate text from one language to another, and so on. It all depends on the capabilities of the program. To obtain information, it is enough to write a specific request to the window of such a "user" in order to obtain the treasured information. As a rule, the list of requests and their description is presented in the bots themselves. You can find "acek" numbers on the Internet, most often they are freely available. Let's move on to a group of annoying bots or so-called spam bots. Despite the serious anti-spam and anti-flood control, the presence of "test" questions, cunning programs somehow make their way through them. Basically, harmful robots send various offers (often of an intimate nature), the essence of which is to buy something. In addition, users who have only a superficial understanding of what a bot is, are faced with types of bots that offer to "follow the link and see the photo." Naturally, on the other side of the link - a virus or a program that can inflict or damage the user's information property.
  3. Buyer bots. A conditionally named category of programs that is involved in buying the best places for concerts, sports and entertainment events, flights, etc. In general, places that are very popular. The main customers of such bots are intermediary companies. Having booked all the best seats on the official sales sites, they offer them on their web resources at higher prices.
  4. Another kind of robots is a web bot. Their main task is to predict and predict changes in the stock market. Developed in the distant 90s of the last century, it is still popular today.

The answer to the question "what is a bot" is very diverse, because there are a lot of robots. Some of them are useful, others not so much. However, you should not be afraid of them, because the human mind can always cope with the semi-artificial.

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