Charging from the iPad does not work. Why iPad won't charge. What to do if the error "This accessory is not certified" appears

Despite the popular belief that Apple devices are of very high quality and rarely break, they also have technical problems.

One of the most frequent iPad breakdowns observed by users is that the Li-on battery of the tablet is not fully charged or does not react at all to the charger.
There may be several reasons for this unpleasant phenomenon, here are the main ones.

1) The most common case is charging failure. More precisely, the reason is that the iPad does not charge from the outlet. Since everything is fine with the iPad itself, and the charger is not that expensive, you can simply buy a replacement. But before that, it is better to check the charging performance - use a multimeter if you know a little about technology, or use the help of a friend who is more advanced in such matters.

2) Another reason not to charge from the outlet is that the charger connection port on your iPad has broken. Most often this happens due to the fault of the users themselves, who carelessly handle the tablet, but other reasons are also possible: improper transportation, mechanical shock, manufacturer's mistakes. In this case, take the device to a repair shop and replace the inoperative port with a new one.

3) The lower loop may fail if liquid gets on it, this happens due to insufficient careful handling of the device and, again, mechanical damage. There is only one way out in this case - you have to go to the service center and replace the loop.

4) Also, the iPad does not charge from the outlet if the power controller is broken in it. This happens because some do not use the original charger. It is impossible to advise something specific in such a situation, since each case is unique. But you definitely can't do without the help of specialists.

5) Finally, moisture could get on the board of your tablet, or condensation has appeared there and therefore the iPad will not charge from the outlet. You should disassemble and clean the device, but you do not need to do it yourself - contact the service center.
Consider this option when the iPad does not want to be charged from the computer via the USB port. If the port is working, then most likely the problem is with your tablet and you will have to take it to a repair service. But there is another rather rare case - the iPad can charge very slowly via USB, but still display a message that the charger is not connected.

A side effect of such charging can be a very rapid discharge of the battery, which is also observed when small debris and water get inside the device, or when a Li-on battery breaks down. If the battery is faulty, you will have to buy a new one; in case of contamination and liquid ingress, the tablet, as mentioned above, must be disassembled, cleaned and dried.

As you can see, the iPad might not charge from a wall outlet or USB for many reasons. It is not difficult to solve this problem, but it is much wiser to handle the tablet carefully and use only original products.

irik2012 "Date: 17-10-2016, 20:54

IPad does not charge: reasons, solutions. What can you do if your iPad won't charge.

Despite the high quality and stability of Apple devices, iPad users may face a problem when the charging indicator is not displayed after connecting the charger, iPad won't charge... What to do in a situation like this, why won't the iPad charge? These questions will be the subject of this review. Let's consider the most common reasons why the gadget does not gain charge from the network, we give recommendations, options for solving this problem.

Why the iPad won't charge

If one of the days, after connecting the power adapter to your "apple" device, the message "Charging not in progress" appears on the screen, do not panic. To fix this problem, it is very important to understand the root cause. But it should be borne in mind that only the correct diagnosis of the malfunction of electronic gadgets guarantees the stable operation of iOS devices.

One of the most common reasons why iPadnot charging is a breakage of the charger cable. To make sure that this is exactly what caused the charging to fail, you can test your charger on another Apple device. If another device does not display charging, the charging has mechanical damage, you will have to purchase a new cable.

Important! Use only original iPad accessories, as cheap Chinese counterparts can damage your Apple device.

The iPad may also not charge:

  • due to the ingress of dust, dirt on the connector contacts;
  • moisture penetration into the iPad case;
  • using a non-original USB cable, charger;
  • breakdown, malfunction of the connection connector;
  • damage to the connecting pins;
  • mechanical malfunctions of the device or s / y.

The iPad may stop charging due to the use of non-original charging, which may damage the power controller. this is a rather serious breakdown and only service center specialists can fix it.

Most of the above problems can be quickly resolved by contacting an Apple Authorized Service Center. For diagnostics, which will help to pinpoint the reason why the iPad is not charging, special equipment is required. Trying to disassemble the "apple" device on your own, without proper experience and knowledge, you can disrupt the device's performance.

Alternative ways to solve the problem

If ipad won't charge not due to technical, mechanical malfunctions that may arise as a result of non-compliance with the operating conditions, we will consider alternative methods for solving this problem.

As already noted, charging may not work due to the clogging of the port (socket) with dust, small debris. In this case, you just need to look into the socket into which the charger is inserted, clean the port with a toothpick or soft brush with a long bristle.

If the charging connector does not function, you cannot fix the problem yourself. In addition, it is impossible to determine "by eye" this malfunction. We'll have to take the iPad to the service center.

Owners of "apple" devices often connect their devices to recharge via a USB adapter, which comes with mobile devices, to a PC or laptop. But often you can see the inscription "Charging is not in progress." This is due to the fact that "apple" gadgets are very demanding on the USB port.

If you have an outdated PC model, there is simply not enough power to charge, which is indicated by an information window that pops up on the device's screen. In fact, charging is in progress, just not at the speed that the iPad needs. In other words, the computer is not equipped with a powerful power supply. If there is no other option for recharging your device, you can put the device into sleep mode and leave it alone for several hours. Charging, though slow, will go.

If condensation gets on the board, you can disassemble and dry the device for several days. Moisture is the worst enemy of electronic devices and it is the condensation that has accumulated on boards, microcircuits, controllers that can cause iPad stopped charging... Do not dry the device over gas, put it near heating appliances, dry with hot air using a hair dryer. This can only harm your device.

If after a few days the situation has not changed, charging does not go, you can restore working capacity only by taking the device to the workshop.

Another reason why the iPad does not charge, or you notice that the device instantly discharges after charging, is the failure of the battery or moisture in the middle of the tablet. Buying a new battery or thorough drying will help to solve the problem, since if there is condensation inside, the device consumes more energy.

The reason that your ipad won't charge there may also be a problem in the outlet itself, namely in the lack of power required to replenish the energy required by the device. Manufacturers recommend purchasing special Apple adapters for European outlets.

If the above methods did not help, iPad won't charge, we strongly recommend contacting the service center. Specialists will diagnose and quickly return the device to work.

What about how much should the iPad be charged, There is no definite answer to this question. It all depends on the technical parameters, the state of the battery, the charging method used, as well as the state of your tablet.

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Using gadgets around the clock, we often face unexpected problems that cause us anxiety and bewilderment. If this happened due to, for example, the fall of the device, then the question is clear, but what to do if the gadget stopped working without visible damage or malfunction? And, indeed, the situation from the category: "the iPad is not charged" often overtakes the happy owners of tablets from Apple. The article provides examples of the most common cases. It also describes how to fix such problems.

looking for the essence

As soon as your gadget stops responding to the power button, it is worth finding out exactly what the problem is. There may be a software error or a dead battery.

  • If the iPad does not react to the power button in any way (the screen does not light up, the indicators do not light up), then with almost 100% probability it can be concluded that there are internal problems. In such situations, you need to find out what could cause the device to malfunction: if this remains a mystery to you, then you can try to return the tablet under warranty, but if you drop it, wet it or leave it overheating in the sun, then the store will refuse you or ask you to pay money for repairs.
  • In case of problems with the operating system, the iPad reacts to touches at startup, and sometimes the download reaches the start screen, reporting an error. Regardless of the specific error, the easiest method to solve the problem is to flash the device.
  • Well, the last, fairly common reason why the iPad does not turn on is problems with charging the tablet (charger). Let's take a closer look at it.

IPad not charged: what to do?

First you need to make sure that the problem is in the charging. If so, when turned on, the user will see a battery icon with a "lightning" on the display. Why can't I charge my tablet? There may be several reasons: the charge controller is out of order, the port is broken, the charger itself has stopped working, or there is not enough power.

  • In the first case, you will not be able to cope on your own, so you should contact the manufacturer's company, the store where the device was purchased, or the masters who can bring the tablet back to life.
  • A port damaged by water or fire cannot be repaired, but it can be cleaned if it is clogged.
  • The charger can be replaced, the main thing is to clarify what exactly failed: a block or a wire.
  • Lack of power is a fairly common problem that occurs with older generations of iPads (3, 4). The fact is that they have massive batteries of ~ 11,500 milliamperes, which require a higher voltage to charge.

Types of chargers

Let's take a closer look at how to charge the iPad, which cable and unit are needed specifically for your device.

By purchasing a tablet in a store, you will receive a cable and a block that are ideal for a new iPad, but what if at some point they are out of order? Or you just took the tablet off your hands and are now making desperate independent attempts to choose the right charger.

In fact, everything is much simpler than it seems at first glance. There are two types of Apple tablets: large (12.9 and 9.7 inches) and small (7.9 inches). You just need to take into account the operating conditions of the chargers for each.

Conditions for the operation of charging kits

  • Large iPads are equipped with large batteries (over 10,000 milliamperes / hour), so they often take 6-9 hours to charge. Therefore, you should not panic if the gadget has not been charged overnight - the iPad is slow in this regard, and it is powered by special 12 W power supplies. Moreover, such a tablet will not be charged from a regular computer or laptop, since the power of these devices is insufficient. However, some modern Macs are capable of providing enough power to ten-inch tablets. This problem is also present in the car, for example, in order to charge the tablet from the cigarette lighter, you first need to purchase a converter (a device that raises the voltage).
  • Small iPads received more modest batteries (about 7,000 milliamperes / hour), so they work without problems with ordinary 10 W units, the same as on the iPhone. Despite this, even such crumbs experience problems when connecting to a computer (energy either does not flow, or builds up very slowly).

Using non-original chargers

No matter how trite it may sound, but the Chinese cables and blocks for the most part have only problems. There may be several reasons for failures: poor-quality assembly of the cord or power supply, difficulties in checking the certificate (non-original charging for the iPad), weak power.

  • A poorly assembled wire is always a risk. The consumer literally buys a pig in a poke: the charger may be inactive or will work for a very short time, fail and damage the gadget itself - it all depends on the price of the wire. Cheap chargers can really be dangerous both for phones / tablets and for the health of the consumer, so you shouldn't save on purchasing the original or at least a certified equivalent.
  • Consumers who bought non-original devices in the very first hours are faced with an almost insurmountable trouble - the inscription on the scoreboard: "This cable is not certified, its operation with this iPad is not guaranteed", and with this notification the device stops charging. Why it happens? The fact is that in connection with the increasing frequency of accidents and problems due to low-quality chargers, Apple has tightened the system for verifying the originality of those. The latest version of iOS does not allow non-original or uncertified cables to work. What to do? There are two options: either buy a suitable charger, or simply turn off your device (the current will flow, but the system will not be able to check the cord).
  • The problem can arise both in the event of cable damage and due to the block. Therefore, if your iPad does not charge from a wall outlet, you should carefully check the specifications and integrity of the charging kit.


If the original charger for the iPad is purchased, all the blocks have been checked and replaced, but your tablet is upset with both the operating time and the charging time, then it's time to seriously think about replacing the battery. Many users have been using their tablets for many years, subjecting them to severe stress, while forgetting that lithium-ion batteries are subject to wear and tear. This is, of course, the worst case scenario.

In general, if once your iPad has not been charged, this is not a reason to get rid of it - it is quite possible that your case is directly related to the charger and it will be enough to purchase a new one.

Despite the manufacturer's recommendations, situations often arise when the owner of the iPad tries to charge the device as it is more convenient. This is done near a PC, laptop, in the car, in completely different places. There are many reasons why the iPad won't charge. In the event of problems or abnormal behavior of the device, it is not necessary to contact the service center. The cause of the problem may be easily remedied.

The hardware platform of Apple products is carefully balanced. The parameters of the charger are precisely calculated, down to the cable length. Operating system control schemes are applied, the task of which is not only to prevent damage to the device, but also to make the owner use the correct equipment.

On practice not everyone uses certified charging adapters and cables... As a result, the tablet is slowly charging, it cannot do it from a computer, the indicator does not show more than 1 percent (or another level), other difficulties arise that interfere with the normal operation of the product. If there is no desire or opportunity to use the supplied adapter and cable, there are options for what to do to restore normal tablet operation.

Bad contact

The first step is to inspect the condition of the contact elements. The reason why the iPad does not charge may be the bending of the plates coming out of the adapter... As a result, there is no normal contact in the wall outlet. The problem is eliminated either by replacing the charger or by carefully straightening the plates.

The second reason for losing contact is oxidation or physical damage to the pads at the end of the cable from charging... It is recommended to replace it entirely. If this cannot be done, conductivity can be restored with special conductive varnishes or soldering. For such delicate work, it is advisable to contact a specialized workshop.

Soiling of the nest

If used carelessly, improperly transported, dust and dirt can get into the iPad charging socket. This leads to a loss of contact, complete or partial. In the first case, the iPad does not charge, in the second it does it very slowly.

Cleaning the nest must be done very carefully. Dust is blown out first. Then, using a damp alcohol wipe, the ear stick is removed the dirt. If there are large enough objects, they are pulled out with thin tweezers. All work needs to be done only on the switched off tablet. Before checking the charging, it is worth giving the device time for the alcohol to completely evaporate from the connector elements.

Cable damage

If the iPad does not charge, does not turn on and does not respond to the connection to the charger, it is worth checking the condition of the cable. To do this, disconnect the adapter from the network. If there are clearly visible kinks on the outer cable insulation, areas of diameter change, traces of overheating, creases - the wire must be changed.

Advice! If the charger is designed to disconnect the cable, it is enough to buy a new one for a successful repair. If the adapter is one piece with the wire, it will not be possible to do without the services of a service center or a specialized workshop.

Insufficient power supply unit

The desire to charge your iPad 4, iPad mini, or other device away from someone else's adapter can cause the following results:

  • the tablet takes a very long time to charge;
  • the device shows charging, but is not charging;
  • despite the connected charging and indicator signals, the iPad is discharged and shows a red battery;
  • does not charge even in idle mode.

The reason for these phenomena is quite simple: the power of the power supply is not enough for a normal charging speed or not enough to meet the needs of the hardware platform. Solving the problem when the iPad shows that it is charging, but not charging, is quite simple - just connect it to a more powerful adapter.

Advice! If changing the power supply is not possible, you should try charging in airplane mode. In this case, the consumption of the hardware platform is sharply reduced, which reduces the level of input power required for battery recovery.

Too long cable

For some owners of iPad 3, iPad 2, any other model, it may be surprising when the device does not charge even from a powerful adapter. This situation can arise when using long cable with high resistance.

The sequential circuit rules state that there is a drop in power at each section of the circuit. A long thin cable can take away so many useful watts that the remainder is not enough for the normal functioning of the tablet. As a result, the iPad does not charge from the mains or does it very slowly. To fix the problem, just choose a shorter wire.

Non-certified cable

The parameters of the cable that you need to charge the iPad are carefully controlled by the operating system. The tablet may refuse to work with this or that product. In this case, the device issues a warning and writes "no charging". A simple way out of the situation - buy certified cable... If this is not possible, it is worth trying to pull it out of the socket and reinsert it.

Recommended update the control system... Apple in the latest models of its tablets took into account that the owner can use an inexpensive wire that does not meet strict parameters. You need to go to Settings -\u003e General -\u003e Software Update. As a result of this action, the tablet may stop giving an error of non-certified hardware.

Incorrectly configured computer and laptop

If the iPad stops charging from a computer or laptop, the problem may not be with the tablet: the device to which it is connected simply disconnects the USB port. To eliminate this possibility, you need to configure your PC or laptop.

USB disconnect options are found in power consumption diagram.

  1. To access them you need to go to the control panel and select the "Power supply" icon.
  2. There it is enough to click "Advanced" or "More".
  3. Scrolling through the list of options, it's easy to find the USB section.
  4. By setting the option value to "Never", you can easily charge the iPad from a computer, laptop or hubs connected to them.

Water ingress

What to do if the Aypad falls into the water is clear to any owner. Switch off the device as soon as possible, dry it if possible and contact the service center. As a result of moisture ingress, not only the operation of the main parts of the hardware platform can be disrupted, but also the charging loop closes.

Important! Water on the contact group can appear not only as a result of rain or the tablet falling into liquid. If you are outside in cold weather for a long time, you should not turn on the tablet immediately after entering a warm room. Condensation forms, causing the most negative consequences.

If the iPad stops charging after such a situation, you should contact the service center for cleaning.

Automatic charging lock

When the iPad does not fully charge, the problem may lie in the normal operation of the power monitoring system. When currents pass, the battery heats up. The system will stop charging if the temperature exceeds the safety limit.

This is to protect the battery. When the tablet cools down, charging will resume. In a hot room, up to 100% on the indicator control system can make several stops... If the tablet is initially overheated (exposed to the sun), you may not regain more than 1 percent of the remaining charge until the device cools down.


As stated above, it is recommended use only certified chargers and cables for iPad. Using Chinese adapters can have different consequences. For example, the tablet is very slow to charge or cannot do so while working with it. The Chinese adapter may cause damage to the power controller. In this case, the tablet simply cannot track battery parameters.

In addition, it is worth handle the device with care... By inserting the cable carelessly into the charging socket, it is easy to loosen or deform it. As a result, expensive repairs at a service center may be required. Dirt and moisture, corrosion on the contact groups of the device have a similar effect on the charging process. Handling your tablet with care can easily avoid many problems and extend the life of your device as a whole.

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