What will happen if you play a computer for a long time? What will happen if you sit at the computer for a long time? Useful tips for those who cannot avoid a sedentary lifestyle

The most common problems with which we can reward a sedentary, inactive lifestyle - these are problems with the spine. Basically, emphasis is placed on problems with posture, pain in the shoulders, neck, back and headache. But this "bonuses" do not end there.

This also includes problems with the lungs, heart and stomach. Want to know what happens to your body when you sit too long at work or on your favorite couch in front of the TV?

A few days later the redness disappeared. You meet with a doctor in two weeks. You started racing again. You have no special symptoms. There remains a doubt in the condition of your arteries, but this should not be so serious. I'm glad to see that everything is going well. -I, too. Do not worry about it. "Shouldn't we monitor the electrocardiogram?" Thank you Doctor. "Not that." So where is the “hit” in this story?

Recently, a very interesting symposium was organized in Montreal, organized by the Quebec Medical Association and dealing with this growing problem. On this day, a very important initiative was launched: the Choice of Help campaign, which aims to educate doctors, other specialists and patients about the problems of over-diagnosis.


Blood clots, which are formed as a result of long, immobile sitting, can travel through the circulatory system and reach the brain, causing a stroke.

This can also include headaches caused by poor blood flow and problems with the neck and spine. Due to headaches, concentration deteriorates, vision problems may occur.

By the way, the blow, there is one: we probably spend billions for nothing - on tests, blood tests and treatments that do not have a real impact on our health. Sometimes the false belief that it is better to diagnose and treat everything that is connected is widespread, both by doctors and patients.

The only important measures in medicine are those that allow you to extend the life or improve its quality. Whenever a doctor makes a diagnosis or gives a medicine, he should ask this question. Let's go back to my story, which is pretty banal, what's wrong?

The fluid that is held for the day of sitting work in the legs goes into the neck when you are in a horizontal position, that is, you go to bed. And it can cause obstructive sleep apnea - a sudden stop breathing.

Previously, problems with sleep apnea were associated with obesity, but according to medical data, about 60% of people suffering from this syndrome did not suffer from overweight. According to a recent study conducted by Canadian scientists, it turned out that people who spend most of their working day sitting up have fluid in their legs, which then moves to the neck when a person assumes a horizontal position (that is, sleeps). This fluid is the cause of night problems with breathing.

First, there was no indication that an electrocardiogram should be transmitted to an active patient without symptoms. The test was perhaps a bit abnormal, but that means little if the patient is young. No doubt he would not need a conveyor belt.

Since the treadmill is not quite normal, it is necessary to “reassure” the exam for nuclear medicine. But sometimes it is not normal, even without the underlying disease. Aspirin is added for prophylaxis, and nitro is prescribed. But nitro can have a side effect causing a sudden drop in pressure. Therefore, we are caught up with a loss of consciousness, which could cause wounds. And, above all, the clinical situation, whose apparent gravity has only increased, while basically there is no real symptom.

A heart

A sedentary lifestyle can lead to cardiovascular disease. In people who suffer from heart failure and obstructive sleep apnea, fluid accumulates in the lungs and in the neck at night.


In people suffering from heart failure and other heart problems, fluid can accumulate in the lungs, leading to breathing problems. Here you can add a pulmonary embolus. The problem is even more unpleasant than its name.

In the emergency room with a history of abnormal chest pain and nuclear medicine, orientation toward coronary angiography becomes almost mandatory. Fortunately, besides drug allergy, there were no serious complications. Because no examination is safe.

The medical profession should make the problem of overdiagnosis a major issue for reflection and learning, and not just for economic reasons. Because often, caring for less attention means better care. Dr. Alain Wadbonkoer is an Emergency Doctor and Head of Emergency Department at the Montreal Heart Institute. A associate professor at the University of Montreal, he teaches health management and participates regularly in health research.


A sedentary and sedentary lifestyle can lead to obesity and problems with the gastrointestinal tract (up to colon cancer). The enzymes that are responsible for the functioning of the muscles of the blood vessels, which, in turn, are responsible for burning fat, are turned off. And the method of regulating metabolism, through which the body burns its fuel (especially glucose and lipids), is lost.

It connects us with others, it is hyper-practical and, if we use it wisely, it can even pacify us. But you know that we should not abuse good deeds. It is no secret that from time to time shutdown can bring many benefits.

However, we spend more time chained to our screens, and it has been found that this heavy use negatively affects our health. The following is a partial list of effects on the body and mind. Perhaps it's time to rest. The study showed that bending the head 60 degrees forward to watch his phone was equivalent to almost 30 pounds of pressure on the neck muscles. Other studies have shown that sitting in front of the computer all day long can affect our posture.

As a result, your fifth point takes the shape and size of your work chair.

Here you can add constipation, hemorrhoids and "other pleasures of life."


As mentioned above, during prolonged sitting in the legs accumulates fluid, which leads to swelling. Another problem is varicose veins.


This is disgusting, but it is a strict truth: our mobile phones are replete with bacteria. Microbes that accumulate on our mobile phones can cause acne or eczema, says daily health. Fortunately, the solution is very simple. Specialists suggest cleaning and sterilizing your phone and making the most of a hands-free kit.

Laptops are really comfortable, but people who put them on their knees can play with their hereditary heritage. This applies not only to computers. A recent meta-analysis by researchers from the University of Exeter in the UK suggests that people who put their mobile phone  in their pockets, are exposed to radiation levels, which can reduce sperm count.

Carpal tunnel syndrome is one of the most unpleasant consequences. If you try to bend the brush so that between it and your hand there is an angle of at least 90 degrees, you will feel a sharp pain. Not to mention the fact that the wrists will just whine by themselves (I know from my own experience). In particularly advanced cases, pumping fluid from the joints is required - the procedure is not very pleasant.

It does not matter the medical diagnosis, but the symptoms are real. Repeated movement — for example, squeezing your phone — can cause muscle tension or aggravate problems such as tendonitis. It may also cause pain in the forearm or wrist.

When we were small, and someone saw us sleeping, we pretended that our eyes "just need to rest." It may have been a false excuse at the time, but it is important that you spend your days in front of the computer. If you connect the monitor for too long, eye strain may cause a headache. Reading black characters on a bright screen can cause a spasm in the temples.

This is a small reminder of what can happen to you if you prefer a sofa rest to an active one, even if you are terribly tired at work and just fall down on your feet. Do not be lazy to walk an extra stop - go to work 10 minutes earlier. Do not stay for lunch at the office: a walk to the cafe is also a walk.

To reduce pain, adjust the contrast of your screens. You heard about hypochondriacs, but did you know that there are “cyberconductors”? It seems to pull the hair, but it exists. These are people who tend to establish their own medical diagnosis. According to Velistan, experts believe that exploring our symptoms on the Internet may cause considerable concern.

Spending too much time on social networks does not help at all. Screens can cause sleep disturbances. At the end of the day, remember to turn off your mobile phone and computer. Research shows that overuse of technology — especially before bedtime — can adversely affect our sleep cycles due to the high brightness of our screens. This is especially true for young people who often need help to make long enough nights.

Video games are great! But what happens if you play too much in them? This can give both positive and negative results. All over the world there are examples of how gamers who played for too long literally did not live up to the credits. Busting in video games can be a serious problem. As with all the pleasant things in this world, everything should be in moderation. Too much of anything, from sleep to water, can lead to certain negative consequences.

But despite some tragic effects, video games are not so bad. First, they are an incredible pleasure. Secondly, they can improve almost everything in you - from critical thinking to coordination of movements.

Sometimes they can even make you smarter. Therefore, it is necessary to more carefully deal with the effects that video games can have on a person and the harm they cause to the body.

Regardless of these studies, experts believe that this paradox was a very real phenomenon. Social networks  associated with a sense of loneliness and a decrease in satisfaction and well-being, which is not really encouraging. WITH latest generations  consoles players moved from admiration to indifference to salons. This is the basic premise of our analysis today, and we will try to explore it. These two branches of games have been relatively close to each other for several years, and even a little too much.

Sit down, get some herbal tea, and let's look at this report on the minority of the kuleo from video eccentrics. Understand here that, and especially, they have not yet dealt a severe blow in the collective subconscious and that the cliche of a computer geek is uncontrollable, since its undersides are still valid.

You can die from thrombosis

Long gaming sessions are not unusual. But what if they threaten your life? Yes, then it is still a bust. A condition known as deep vein thrombosis can develop if you sit still for a long period of time.

One British gamer died due to the fact that he had blood clots caused by thrombosis, which was caused by his way of life - every day he spent 12 hours in a row at computer games. A New Zealand gamer went to the hospital because of blood clots formed in his legs, after he spent four days on vacation at his console.

It should also be said that the concept of updating components was a science that only the druids had mastered, speaking in the shadow, with a screwdriver manually. It's hard for an average player to say that he will change his graphic card, order the best one at a good price after reading a few manuals and assemble it yourself. Your car, you buy it expensive, and you drive from your brake three years later, looking at what the console and the latest released games can now display, but without the ability to play.

Your heart may refuse

A 32-year-old man from Hong Kong was found dead at a computer club, where he spent three days in a row. A man entered the club on January 6, 2015, started playing - and was found dead already on January 8. The cause of death is heart failure caused by a lack of mobility, a lowered temperature and complete exhaustion due to lack of sleep.

Employees of the club reported that the same man often stayed in the club for three or four days, while other gamers did not pay special attention to what was happening when the body of the hapless gamer was taken out onto the street.

On the console, it's prettier!

Including the aggravated social aspect that the lounge machines and their friendly but limited split-screen took time to integrate, the computer was able to place itself among gamers.

This is not always the case, and the standardization of console components for many. Today, several titles are exclusive to the platform, and the developers have learned to consider the computer as a real game carrier, on which the real audience is waiting for them on the go.

You may develop "nintendoit"

Even if you take breaks between gaming sessions, repeated use of the gamepad for hours, days, weeks, months, and years can have a negative effect. The game usually requires repetitive monotonous movements with the thumbs and fingers of the gamer, and in 2003 the results of the study were summed up, during which it was found that many gamers suffered from repeated stretching of the arm muscles (a syndrome called “nintendoit”).

Consoles, eternal abundant in terms of innovation?

Within a few clicks, the player can request, view images and videos, read reviews, buy his game and play after a few dozen minutes of downloading. Obviously, the king of this business model is the mobile sector, but this is another discussion. However, it must be borne in mind that this new player who arrived with smartphones has ejected into the rank of main actor and also has done enough damage to consoles in his way, but this time portable consoles, another sector, which was affected by the evolution video game consumption.

You can hurt your back

A study conducted in 1999 examined back pains in schoolchildren, as well as their connection with what children like to do, including watching television and playing games on the computer. The report stated that there is a link between computer games and back pain. These pains were manifested in those children who informed the researchers that they spend at least two hours a day at the computer.

All this is associated with more or less reactivity of console platforms. Ah, the answer element: I was told in the headset that the consoles had become multimedia hubs. It certainly has not escaped you: the next big wave of video-religious innovations will be virtual and will increase. Now we have reached the stage of stagnation of video people, and for the environment it is important to offer a revolution of size, a way to develop gameplay of different genres. If we look at the different types of games, we note that in the past 10 years very few have really changed.

You can hurt your eyes

You should not be surprised that a long look at the screen, whether it is a TV, computer, smartphone or tablet, does not have a positive effect on your eyes. There is even a disease such as computer vision syndrome. It manifests itself in people who spend several hours a day behind computer screens.

Finally, a “revolution” that could attract the console?

Thus, the new innovation of the console of this generation will be around virtual reality and mixed reality. Two sectors that have also experienced it for more than three years. Thanks to these peripherals and accessories, the most creative people were able to create an impressive experience by combining peripherals. Thus, the player can make a virtual slide in full immersion and even into the hands inside the game. Nevertheless, virtual reality remains a risky game, but the more things move forward, the more confident and confident the players are in the new trend, that the players are impatient, intrigued and curious.

It can literally affect your brain.

If you like to play computer games for too long, it can start to affect your brain. Literally. Studies show that frequent gaming sessions can change your brain. If we talk about specific examples, then the small children who spent a week at computer games for more than nine hours had an enlarged center in the brain responsible for the rewards, because of what they wanted to play even more.

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