Download photo editor. Adobe Photoshop in Russian

If you want to create wonderful masterpieces from simple photos today, then i suggest you download for free the best program for processing photos in Russian. The huge features of the photo editor will allow you to create a beautiful postcard, restore old photos, add colors to black and white images and much more.

Which photo editor is better to choose for photo processing and why it should be downloaded in Russian

If you feel like an artist in your soul, but still do not know how to use brushes and paints, then be sure to download the Photoshop photo editor and your life will be filled with new colors, because this is an application that can work wonders. In just a few minutes, you can correct any photo, removing all the flaws. Thanks to this program, you will feel like a wizard at the stage of studying, and since this photo editor is presented with a high-quality Russian translation, it will not be difficult for you to quickly master it.

If you have a desire to try Photoshop editor  and, for example, to create some festive and original collage from a simple photo, then you can download the frame you like and insert the portrait of your child in it. The program will help you easily cope with this task and as a result get a beautiful postcard. You do not have to spend a lot of time and effort, most importantly, have the desire and imagination, and you can always download high-quality photo frames on our website absolutely free. I’ll say right away for beginners in digital art that for this kind of work you don’t need to have much experience and perfect knowledge of the photo editor, just take and paste the photo into the frame and the little masterpiece is ready. And since all the commands and tools of the program are presented in Russian, even a beginner will do everything right without much effort and knowledge. Try Photoshop and you can guarantee that You will receive pleasure from creativity, to the joy and surprise of your loved ones.

Editing photos in a program is easy

In addition to simple operations, you will have the opportunity to engage in digital image processing and photo montage, while applying unique special effects. When processing photos on a computer, you can sharpen the picture, eliminate minor imperfections, add brightness and contrast, apply various effects and the most ordinary photo will sparkle with new colors. If you like to photograph portraits, then the photo editor will help you quickly retouch pictures, creating special digital pictures.

Also, with the help of the program, you can easily eliminate minor mistakes of the photographer and correct defects in photos, such as lack of light, low definition, color balance violation, and also eliminate the red-eye effect. And all this can be done by both advanced users of photo programs and novice lovers of photo business. I think it’s not worth wasting time anymore, but it’s time to download a photo editor with a Russian-language interface to your computer and immediately start studying it!

A variety of photo editors for PCs can baffle anyone. In order to help you find the right one, we offer a brief overview of 5 high-quality photo editors that meet the most diverse needs of the user.

A selection of programs for processing photos

  1. Movavi Photo Editor  - An easy-to-use program with extensive tools that is perfect for fans of photo processing. Thanks to the interface completely in Russian and accessible prompts, the program you will learn without difficulty.

    The program interface in Russian

    Features of the program:

  2. Photoscape  - A program that combines a convenient photo editor, a program for batch processing of images, as well as many other modules.

      Key features of the program:
    • view photos in a folder;
    • editing using various color grading tools, filters, retouching and others;
    • batch image processing;
    • creating collages and GIFs.

    It is worth noting that the color filter settings are not so flexible, and in order to deal with some tools it will take some time. However, Photoscape is a good option for beginners, as it is distributed free of charge.

  3. Pixlr  - a paid application for the use of which you need to subscribe. The functionality available in the paid version is quite extensive. In addition to standard filters and auto-correction, it also has such interesting tools:
    • merging two images into one;
    • combination of b / w mode and color brush;
    • realistic stickers;
    • focal blur.

    Thus, the functionality of this editor is a bit more complicated than the previous ones. In addition, it is available only in English, so we advise you to use it when you have already got your hand in other, simpler programs.

  4. Polarr  - shareware program. This means that the features of the trial version are limited, and you have to pay for the full version.

    • a large number of filters, including black and white;
    • color correction;
    • skin retouching and noise reduction tools;
    • setting vignettes.

    The editor also has standard tools, such as cropping and rotating images. Working with color, tone and light is a rather complicated combination of settings, so this editor can also be attributed to applications for professional image processing.

  5. Home Photo Studio   - Not bad software, domestic production, similar to Adobe Photoshop tools, but much simpler.

      So, in this editor you can:
    • create collages, cards and calendars;
    • apply decorative masks and frames;
    • draw over objects;
    • perform standard image editing.

    The editor is simple enough to understand a beginner, but a more sophisticated user should choose something more complicated and more powerful.

All the editors described provide such basic tools as cropping, rotation and adding effects, but each of them has one or another tool that sets them apart from the others. In order to choose the one that is right for you, it is worth considering your level of ownership of such programs, as well as the result that you want to get.

For image processing, we use photo editors, of which there are many. But choosing the right one is not so simple, because each of them has its own advantages. Due to the large number of functions, most people use the PC version of the program, so let's look at the best photo editors on a computer.

Top programs

Presented editors are very popular and have wide functionality. The choice is based on personal experience of use, as well as reviews of professionals.

PhotoMASTER  WindowsInstall
Adobe Photoshop LightroomWindows / MacOSInstall
Windows / MacOSInstall

Short review

Let us consider in more detail each of the above programs.


This photo editor is considered one of the best, as it has a very clear and simple interface for the average user, while it has a wide range of possibilities for professional photo processing.

Note! Even if you have never used photo correction programs, working in PhotoMASTER will not cause difficulties - there are training lessons on the editor’s website.

Installing the program takes a couple of minutes, after which you can get to work. The nice thing is that the software does not require high performance from the computer.

How does this editor attract users? A huge number of features, including:

  • instant background replacement;
  • effective processing of portraits;
  • removal of unnecessary elements from a photo;
  • quick color grading;
  • a large number of filters;
  • and much more.

Personally, I really liked the function of deleting objects from a photo. Very often, photos are not successful due to the fact that someone got into the frame (which is especially true in tourist places).

PhotoMASTER combines a set of functions necessary for a complete professional image correction: from common filters to the background replacement and full color correction.

The video demonstrates the operation of the program and its functions.

The cost of the program starts at just 693 rubles. It is important to note that we pay not by subscription, but one-time, getting an unlimited license.

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom

A quality program for professional post-processing photos. To get the maximum effect you need to use a photo in raw format.

Note! Only using RAW-format (raw) images can achieve a high-quality result.

  Do not pay attention to “Photoshop” in the name of the program. This photo editor is in no way tied to the popular program and is a separate component that focuses on the activities of photographers.

The interface is fundamentally different from the aforementioned graphics editor. The window is as follows:

  1. Presets are simple processing tools.
  2. History - a history of action.
  3. The central editor window contains three blocks:
  • color display string;
  • "before" and "after" processing mode;
  • thumbnail row of group images.

If you describe the capabilities of Lightroom, then this will require a separate article. In short, only one thing can be said - there is nothing impossible in terms of color correction for this program:

  • standard correction (white balance, sharpness, etc.);
  • built-in HDR;
  • frame adjustment;
  • tone equalization;
  • panorama assembly;
  • correction of individual elements;
  • and a huge number of other settings.

For the average user, the photo editor will refuse to be complex due to the fact that most functions will be incomprehensible. Again, Lightroom is a professional tool for photographers.

The cost of subscribing to Adobe products starts at 650 rubles per month. For the money you get Lightroom CC, Photoshop CC and 20 GB of cloud storage.

A simple photo editor with great features. It is convenient for the user in that it has an intuitive interface. Movavi developers regularly release updates that add new features and improve old ones.

  After installing the program, the main window will open before the user, the menu items of which will be clear to everyone.

The top panel is a menu with subcategories:

  • "Improvement" of the photo (brightness, clarity, etc.);
  • "Effects" (filters);
  • "Retouch" (smoothing wrinkles, whitening, etc.);
  • “Delete objects” (remove unnecessary photo elements);
  • "Background replacement";
  • “Image” (crop or rotate);
  • “Text” (add inscription);
  • “Elimination of noise” (improvement of night photos).

  After selecting an item on the right, a panel opens with settings that correspond to the open category.

Movavi’s website features excellent editorial capabilities. You can not only perform standard changes, but also:

  • remove the light from the finger;
  • restore old or damaged photo;
  • quickly edit using the "Auto Improve" function;
  • tear off scratches from retro;
  • and much more.

The photo editor is available both on PC (Windows and Mac), and on mobile devices (iOS / Android). It is worth noting that on each OS Movavi copes with its task.

The full version of the program will cost 1300 rubles. For the money you get an editor with powerful features and a clear interface. I believe that the price is fully justified - I paid once and use a product that is constantly updated.

A great program that is a lightweight and automated version of Photoshop.

Note! The application interface is in English.

Photoshop Express is great for editing photos on the knee. The main feature of the application is that it is one of the few Adobe products that is distributed for free.

  After starting the program, the main editing window opens, which prompts you to select an image. A panel with categories will be displayed on the left:

  • filters
  • framing;
  • correction (brightness, contrast, etc.);
  • elimination of red eyes in the photo;
  • framework.

  The user needs to select one of these categories, after which an extended menu will appear. There is nothing special in the application - we have before us a standard photo editor without additional functions, which is designed for quick correction.

The application is available for Windows, as well as mobile devices (Android and iOS). As mentioned earlier, Photoshop Express is free and you can download it from the official Adobe website or the application store on the device itself.


It is worth considering some factors when comparing programs that affect the objectivity of the assessment:

  • cost;
  • platform;
  • opportunities;
  • destination.

Below is a table that is based on user feedback on a 10-point scale.

Title Platform Functional Interface User rating Price
Adobe Photoshop LightroomWindows / MacOS 10/10 8/10 8/10 650 rubles / month
Windows / MacOS 9/10 9/10 9/10 1300 rubles
Windows7/10 9/10 7/10 Is free

To summarize. The best photo editor is of course Lightroom, which has unlimited functionality. Only the professional in the field of photo art can fully use its capabilities. But if you evaluate the program with a simple user’s eye, then the Movavi photo editor is an excellent choice with an intuitive interface and simple settings.

GIMP (Gimp) is the most advanced and multifunctional graphical editor, distributed free of charge. It supports a huge number of image processing and creation tools, constantly updated with functional plugins. Compared to Adobe Photoshop, Gimp requires less resources, takes up less space, and quickly installs.

Paint.NET is a free graphic editor distributed as an alternative for those who lack the meager features of the Paint editor built into Windows, but do not need the expensive and complicated Photoshop. The program is easy to learn and use, not demanding on computer resources and has excellent Russian localization. The main advantage of this editor is the ability to work with layers.

Picasa is an advanced, free photo and image graphics editor for Windows. This program was successful almost immediately after its creation. With it, you can find all the images on your computer, organize them into libraries, edit using many built-in, artistic tools, and use it as the main program for viewing your photos.

Blender is a popular, design program designed to create three-dimensional graphics and animations on Windows. The application supports Python technology, which allows you to use it as a tool for creating games. All created 3D models and animations, the user can view in preview mode. Here you can download the latest version of this program for free.

Free Video Editor is a free program on Windows designed for basic video editing. Thanks to this program, you can quickly crop videos to the desired size and delete unnecessary or unnecessary scenes from them without the need for transcoding, while maintaining the original quality of the video material. In addition, the application can be used as a simple converter, converting video content to AVI, MP4, MKV and GIF formats

Windows Movie Maker is a free program in Russian for editing video files in Windows 7. It also works great on other versions. The whole advantage of this program is its simplicity, so even beginners can use it. As a rule, this program helps to solve such necessary tasks in our personal lives as editing a family video using effects. You can quickly edit the captured video, process it with effects that are built into the program.

On the Internet you can find many different photo processing software, both free and paid. There are so many options for choosing that it’s rather difficult to dwell on any particular one. But to sort through many programs one by one most often there is neither time nor opportunity. I want to immediately find and download the best free photo editor for windows computerSimple and fast, but at the same time functional. That is why we decided in this article to dwell in detail on just one image editor - one, but what! In our opinion, the program PhotoScape  - this is the best free photo editor  in the world. It has all the possible advantages: lightness, high speed, the presence of the Russian language, free even for commercial use, many functions and ease of settings. Despite the fact that the latest version of the PhotoScape program (3.7) was released in September 2014, this photo editor can be safely downloaded and used even on the most modern Windows 10. It is fully compatible with her. PhotoScape is developed by a South Korean company MOOII Tech. She created the first version of her famous photo editor in 2008 and continues to develop it today - in 2017 and 2018. True, now she prefers to improve the paid Metro-version of PhotoScape exclusively for Windows 10, which costs 1999 rubles in the Microsoft Store, as well as options for Apple's Mac computers. In our opinion, the free PhotoScape program even three years ago for Windows is in no way inferior to the paid application for Windows 10. In addition, the availability of selling versions speaks only in favor of a free product: if a developer sells something, then he knows how to create a really high-quality product .

Download the best free PhotoScape photo editor

In order to download and install an excellent Russian-language image editor  PhotoScape is completely free and at the same time safe, you need to go to the download page official site  of this program and press one of the two buttons indicated in the screenshot below.

On the next page, click on the inscription "Dowmload Now", wait a few seconds and download the installation file of the photo editor to the computer.

It is quite lightweight - it weighs only 20 MB. But according to its functionality, “PhotoScape” may well take its rightful place among the best free photoshop analogues.

Installing this simple photo editor for a Windows computer is quite standard. We do not see the point in describing this process in stages. But if you suddenly have questions, then you can always ask them in the comments at the bottom of this page.

Functionality and settings of the free PhotoScape photo editor

By launching the editor for photos and other PhotoScape images for the first time, we can immediately make sure that the program has interface in Russian. Moreover, it is usually immediately installed by default. To switch to English, you need to click on the letter icon at the bottom of the start screen and change the language.

As soon as we see the interface of the PhotoScape program, we already understand that it can hardly be considered to be of little functionality. Paint is definitely very far from it. Outwardly this photo editor for computers  very simple and concise, but in its functional fullness, the number of settings it is quite capable of being considered a free analogue of Photoshop, even relevant for 2017 and 2018.

At the top of the program window are 9 tabs. In the center, the same tools are duplicated in the form of a circular menu. But besides them, additional ones are added here: Divider, Screen Capture, Color Picker, RAW Converter, Rename and Page Templates. It turns out that total the program has 15 different functional groups. And this is very convenient, since all PhotoScape tools are not piled up, as is usually the case in other free and even paid photo editors, but are divided into a kind of cluster. Each of these clusters looks harmonious, clear and concise, as if it were a separate small program inside a large one. The purpose and settings of all the functional groups of a simple photo editor for Windows, we now consider.


The first function of the free PhotoScape program is viewing photos on a computer. "Viewer" is more a convenient analogue of Computer Explorer, in which on the left you can find any desired folder with images, and in the right see their thumbnails.

In this case, double-clicking on any picture will open it in full screen. By clicking on the file with the right mouse button, you can access the menu with some quick functions:

  • Open the photo in the editor (this is already work in the next functional tab and about it a little lower).
  • Expand in full screen.
  • Copy to clipboard.
  • Set a picture as a Windows desktop wallpaper.
  • Turn right / left 90 degrees or flip horizontally / vertically (moreover, the changes will be immediately overwritten to the file and this is very convenient in some cases).
  • Rename the file.
  • Delete Exif info is the image metadata: time, date, location, copyright, etc.
  • Just delete the image itself from the folder.


PhotoScape's Editor tool is perhaps the most commonly used by most computer users. It allows you to solve many problems with a specific image that needs to be changed. It is in this tab that any photo will open if PhotoScape is set as the default photo editor.

To set PhotoScape as the default editor in Windows 10, read the end of the article.

The functionality of this tab of the free photo editor is really impressive. It is hardly worth describing in detail how one or another of its functions works, since there are a lot of them. We recommend simply testing all the tools in your own photos.

For ease of use, the tools are grouped. They are presented in 4 tabs on the left under the photo: Home, Object, Crop and Tools. There are five buttons in the lower right part of the Editor window:

Cancel - cancels previous operations made in the editor. A few clicks in turn cancel several operations in reverse order.

Return - cancels the cancellation.

Cancel all - returns the photo to its original state, before editing.

Save - makes it possible to save the photo in its current form (Save As), choosing before that the quality and other characteristics. It is very convenient that if we replace the original with the edited photo, then its original is stored in the Originals folder by default. It is located in the storage location of the photo itself.

Menu - allows you to create a new image in the editor (indicating its size and background color), copy the open photo to the clipboard, print, save, expand to full screen, etc.

Now, back to the 4 tool tabs at the bottom of the Editor tab, the best and easiest free PhotoScape photo program. Briefly consider what functionality each of them contains:

  1. Tab Home  named not quite well. Here are the basic functions that are most often used in image processing: adding frames to a picture, converting to black and white or sepia, rotating in different directions, adjusting height / width (Change button), adjusting brightness and color, adjusting sharpness, effects and filters. Please note that each button under the arrow on the right has additional tools.
  2. Tab An object  Adds any other object to the photo: image, icon, text, geometric shapes, lines, etc. Each of them can be set not only size, but also transparency. After making changes on this tab for editing in others, do not forget to click the "Photo + Object" button. Otherwise, with further manipulations with the picture (for example, resizing), the superimposed elements may shift.
  3. Tab Crop  allows you to cut off unnecessary parts of the image. The easiest way to do this is to first select the desired fragment with the mouse, then click "Crop". You can also immediately “Save area" of the selection as a separate file.
  4. Tab Tools (translated as a toolkit). It is useful for adjusting photos. Here you can remove the red-eye effect, remove the mole. The Paint Brush tool paints fragments of the image in a specific color. Clone Stamp is a very convenient free analogue of cloning from Photoshop. It allows you to transfer a color fragment from one part of the photo to another. You need to use it this way: press the Clone Stamp button, while holding down the CTRL button, use the mouse wheel to increase / decrease the circle (selection area) to the desired size, then click on the area of \u200b\u200bthe image from which the fragment is planned to be taken, and with the second click we clone it to a new location . Effect Brush allows you to precisely apply various effects, such as tone, negative, sepia, crystallization, vibration, lightening and others. All this is much easier and more interesting for you to try on the test photos yourself than to describe in detail.

Batch editor

The next big tab of the free PhotoScape photo editor is called Batch editor. In it, you can process many different images at once. On the right side of the window there are again three tabs:

  1. Home  - allows you to add frames to all selected images, to fit them in size.
  2. Filter  - it allows again batch to apply various effects: lightening, dimming, decolor, cinema, vignetting, change the brightness, etc.
  3. An object  - here you can immediately apply any images or text to all selected photos. This is especially useful when creating so-called “watermarks” and creating other versions of copyright signatures.


The Page tab of the simplest, but really the best photo editor for your computer PhotoScape allows you to create simple collages from several photos. First, it’s best to choose the size of the future merged photo in pixels (the default is 404 * 404px square) and its background, and then choose a photo layout on a common canvas. After that, clicking on each area, we will open the Explorer, from which we need to select the necessary photos. Also, the photo on the collage, you can simply drag and drop. The resulting image can either be Saved immediately or processed additionally in the Editor tab (this can be done by the two buttons at the top right of this tab).


Functional tab The combination of a free photo editor for a Windows computer in Russian PhotoScape is somewhat similar to the previous one. It also combines several photos into one graphic file. You can add images here by clicking on the corresponding button in the upper right. The display method is selected in the tabs just below: horizontal, vertical or square. The latter makes it possible to choose the number of columns. All tabs have a number of other more subtle settings, with which, if necessary, it will be quite simple to understand independently for any user.

Gif Animation

Despite the external simplicity, lightness and free of charge, the photo editor “PhotoScape” allows you to work even with gif-animation. A separate functional tab is intended for this. In it you can either edit an existing picture in gif format, or create it from static images. To do this, you need to take turns adding pictures with the button at the top right, and then set the time and duration of the effect of their change.


The PhotoScape printing functional group allows you to print ready-made images both in portrait mode (photo on documents) and in thumbnail. In the first case, this can be done either by choosing from a variety of predefined sizes, or by setting your own (Set the Photo Size in the drop-down menu). Adding photos is done again using the button of the same name at the top right or by dragging and dropping. If you need to print one photo, it is better to choose a sketch mode with 1 column and 1 side by side.


The Help tab opens the same-named English section of the website of the free PhotoScape photo editing program. There are detailed instructions for working with all the functions of the program.

Now we will move on to additional functional groups that are not in the tabs at the top of the PhotoScape window. They can be found only in the circular menu of the main program window. Some highly specialized tools are presented here.


This tool allows you to split one large image into several smaller ones. This can be useful both for printing large pictures in small fragments, and, for example, for creating collages on the VKontakte wall.

Add any photo with the appropriate button, and then choose how many columns and rows to divide it. After that, click the "Share" button.

Screen capture

In fact, this is the same screenshot. The function allows you to create a screenshot and immediately open it in the Photoscape Editor. We did not see anything really useful in this tool. Maybe you, our readers, will tell us something about this in the comments below?

Color selection

This tool allows you to use the eyedropper tool to determine the code of any color on the computer screen in HTML or RGB format. Those who may need this are unlikely to need additional explanations.

RAW Converter

Allows you to convert documents from raw to jpg format.


It makes it possible for free and just to rename many photo files at once, adding a number, date, original name.

Page Templates

A great opportunity to print handwriting templates: ruler, cell, note paper, calendar, etc.

Making PhotoScape the default photo editor in Windows 10

As we already mentioned in this article, the latest version of PhotoScape 3.7 was released in 2014 and although it is fully compatible with Windows 10, assigning this program by default may raise questions, since it was created before the release of the Top Ten.

In order to make PhotoScape the default photo editor, you need to use it to open photos of all the required formats: for example, jpg, png, gif. This must be done in a certain way:

  1. First you need to click on the photo with the RIGHT mouse button.
  2. Select "Open with."
  3. Then "Choose another application."
  4. Then scroll down and click on “More Applications”.
  5. Even lower and select "Find another application on this computer."
  6. Explorer opens. In it we find the PhotoScape program file. It is located in the same folder inside the Program Files or Program Files (x86) folder on the C system drive. Select it with the mouse.
  7. Click "Open."
  8. Select our program that appears in the list.
  9. Be sure to check the box "Always use this application to open ... files."
  10. Click OK

Instead of a total

Having read this article to the end and found out about the truly unbelievable variety of PhotoScape features for a free program, a rare reader will not agree that this externally simple photo editor for computer you can safely call the best analogue of Photoshop even in 2017 and 2018 for computers based on the Windows operating system. Of course, PhotoScape is, first of all, a program for the average user, and not for professional designers or webmasters, but it will certainly satisfy all the basic needs of the vast majority of our readers. And the fact that this software is free and absolutely safe, with a good reputation makes it really indispensable.

If you have any questions or want to clarify, please write them in the comments below. Detailed instructions for using PhotoScape can be read in English in the "Help" section on the official website  This is the best and completely free photo editor.

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