Smart home with your own hands. Equipment. Smart home software

Building a smart home with your own hands can be difficult for a person who has no special education. Of course, everything can be done much easier by purchasing ready-made smart home modules. However, it is better to build the system yourself.

What is "smart home"

Before starting work on the independent creation of various amenities, you need to figure out what a smart home system is and what it is capable of.

A smart home cannot be characterized by two or three functions. For a shorter definition, it should be said that in such a system, all communications are connected to a computer and controlled with its help. The system carefully monitors the temperature in the rooms of the house, monitors and records images from video cameras. With the help of computer technology, you can adjust the light, the temperature of the floor or batteries, turn on various electrical appliances and much more.

The degree of equipment of the house with various modules is determined by the connected equipment or by the imagination and creative skills of the master.

Why is it better to start arranging such a system in the house yourself? Because in this case the owner himself will be able to regulate various modules, complicate and modify them. He will have on hand the open source code of the system, which he can fix at his own discretion. Ready-made modules and kits do not give such freedom of action. They are completely dependent on the developer company.

Another plus of self-development is that the master will not spend a lot of money either on installing modules or on repairs. If a ready-made kit is supplied, then any revision will be quite expensive. In addition, the kit itself will also be a significant expense.

What the smart home system can do largely depends on the imagination of its creator.

Where to start

You need to start setting up a smart home with the most basic things.

  1. You will need a computer.
  2. You will have to create a website for your home, which will reflect the various functions.
  3. It will be necessary to install special software (programs). This will require clarifying the compatibility of the software with your computer. "
  4. Make a diagram.
  5. The first pluggable functions may be the simplest. You can start with a home monitoring system and indoor temperature control.

Arrangement details

  1. Installing a local server on Linux.
  2. Apache server setup.
  3. With Linux, you can organize a video surveillance system. This will require ZoneMinder.
  4. On Apache, you need to create a site for a smart home.
  5. Various alarms, USB cameras can be installed for monitoring. You also need to install temperature sensors and install the appropriate software.

This is the minimum set from which the arrangement of a smart home can begin. Having understood the details of such operations, you can move on to more complex things. In order to inexpensively create a full-fledged control system for various communications and equipment functions in the premises of the house, there is no need to invent something. On the Internet, you can find a lot of solutions for creating comfort and coziness.

Some masters have been laying out their developments for a long time and offer users to try them out.

Creating a website for your home may seem like one of the hardest things to do. In fact, a ready-made site module can be found on the Internet today. Those who want to start developing on their own should do the following.

  1. Understand php and learn how to work with MySQL.
  2. The control system for smart home functions will be based on various scripts. They do not need to be developed, most of them are available to users. You just need to understand the sequence of the installation.
  3. The scripts will run regularly and update the system state information.
  4. The jQuery library will also come in handy. It can even help you create a great look for your site without having to learn Cascading Style Sheets.
  5. Working with databases can be made easier if you use a site management engine.

Smart home functions

The functions and capabilities of a smart home are almost endless. Therefore, only a few of them will have to be considered.

The light can be adjusted with several devices. For example, dimmers can be installed to control the light level. Such devices, however, will only work in certain cases. They will not work in fluorescent lamps.

The disadvantage of dimmers is the constant light background noise.

The switches are installed in the place where the light switches are usually located. With their help, the light can be turned on and off.


Household appliances can be turned on and off using the same switches as in the case of dimming.

Don't make all systems in your home fully automatic. Better to leave the possibility of normal manual control. Otherwise, in case of problems, you will have to work hard.


The surveillance system can be equipped so that the cameras located in the house can be monitored even from the workplace. It is not very difficult, the video camera system can be set as the first function of the future smart home. The essence of this technology is that the signal from the cameras is transmitted to a specific computer. Data from sensors and cameras can be received even on portable devices.

Motion sensors can be installed simultaneously with video cameras. They will work on the same principle. To set up software on a computer, you just need to download the corresponding open source modules. In order to be able to regulate and modify the code in the future, it will be necessary to understand a little about the structure of such systems. It's easier than learning programming.

Desire and hard work will help overcome obstacles in mastering the exciting science of creating a smart home. You just need not be afraid of the new, and over time, even enthusiasm for the process will appear.


We bring to your attention the following videos on the creation of a smart home:

The actions of home equipment, which it must perform under certain external conditions or when a command arrives, is called a scenario. Its programming implies voice, remote control and control using digital equipment.

Overview of management capabilities

Scenarios are configured to protect and assist the home owner. Their development is quite long, but for greater functionality of a smart home, one should very carefully approach this issue.

Most Popular Scenarios

The programmed "behavior" of the sensors usually works in relation to the following factors:

  • a certain time of day (the light turns on, the computer turns on, the microwave turns off, and so on);
  • sensors can react to movement and temperature changes;
  • a command has been received for execution (it can be sent from a phone or laptop, including online, as well as by voice or using the remote control).

Any individual situation can be programmed, from family returning home to going on vacation. Non-standard scenarios are gaining popularity:

  • care for aquarium fish and indoor plants;
  • drying the roof and entrances to the house;
  • filling and heating the pool and sauna.

Scripts are created separately to ensure the safety of the home. If strangers make an attempt to enter the room, the system activates the alarm, notifies the owner and security.

System design and programming

The creation of a smart home consists of the following points:

  1. General outline sketch. It examines in detail the stages of interaction of the internal components of the script with the user and among themselves, as well as the response of the program to non-standard situations.
  2. Drivers for home are selected or written from scratch, and a suitable interface. The manufacturer does not offer an original driver for every device, so the task of a specialist is to create one. Additionally, various modules are being written. As for the interface - usually all control devices are divided into separate groups; for each further programming fixes its own interface. It can be installed for each remote control, but it will be inconvenient in the first place for the user himself.
  3. Then comes the direct programming based on the previous points. Using a previously logically verified project and the software prepared for it, specialists begin to write the script itself.
  4. Installation, testing, commissioning.

Interface for creating a smart home control script

But before that, scenarios are selected that will fully meet the needs of the customer. The process of creating a smart home is long, setting up the software and testing it will take a lot of time.

Usually, firms providing such services include secondary programming of the system in the subscriber service, which somehow did not suit the customer. Backups are made on a mandatory basis and saved separately for each home so that in case of problems you can reinstall everything.

The Smart Home technology is familiar to almost every user of digital devices, so there is little point in talking about the features. Smart home equipment is supplied in two versions - an expensive complex package and in the form of components, in the second case, the system must be assembled by hand. Consumers who buy a ready-made package may not understand the possibilities, and tech-savvy shoppers already have a good idea of \u200b\u200bthe desired functionality.

"Smart home" in every home - how affordable is the technology?

In practice, the use of Smart Home technology rests on the available hardware and software applications that can be used to control the installed system. In our review, we will talk about the components offered on the market, and both price and technical availability will be discussed.

Readers can choose between low-cost hardware that provides all the functionality they need, or more expensive systems that are more robust, reliable, and secure. Both options are available to a wide range of consumers and do not require huge investments.

Available solutions - what they are

Today you can choose between the following offers:

  • specialized equipment made in China and mobile API applications, the level of reliability of which can be improved due to inexpensive Russian-made equipment manufactured in China and various desktop systems;
  • russian components that allow you to assemble an almost arbitrarily complex solution Smart home with the required level of reliability and self-made protection with independently programmable functions based on a PC, expandable according to a modular principle;

First, let's figure out where to start and how to choose accessories for your “Smart Home”. Note that the functionality of the system can be expanded as needed in one and the other version. The necessary and optimal equipment package allows you to control lighting and turn on / off equipment, usually carried out not only from the remote controls, but also by a software application installed on the PC or on the user's smartphone.

Smart apartment or small house: how to make your life more comfortable?

Available technologies and their features

Objectively, technology has already become a part of our life. Today, speaking about the “Smart Home” technology, we are talking about the development of the Internet of Thing (IoT) technology. These are devices that can be connected to the Internet via a wired and wireless channel, in the second case via Wi-Fi (with an average radius of up to 50, depending on the transmitter) or Bluetooth (up to 10 m).

Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are two short-range radio communication standards used in home automation systems. Bluetooth can be used only if there is no more than 10 m between the control unit and the device, but in practice - no more than 3-5 m. The range of Wi-Fi wireless transmission depends on the transmitter and the specific installation conditions, concrete floors poorly transmit the radio signal.

Despite the sufficiently developed capabilities, manufacturers are not engaged in intensive implementation and implementation of such equipment. The main problem is that the widespread use of technology will lead to an increase in the number of IoT devices, which the existing Internet infrastructure is simply not designed for. As a result, those wishing to install a Smart Home in their apartment inexpensively will have to figure out the intricacies on their own, not counting on large manufacturers.

AliExpress - China will always help out: do-it-yourself smart apartment package

If you want to introduce new solutions for home automation at low costs, of course, you need to contact manufacturers who sell their products on AliExpress. On this portal, packages "Smart home with your own hands and how to do it" are practically not offered, but there is the necessary equipment, which is quite enough for the necessary equipment of an apartment or house.

So, the minimum package of equipment that is available in China at a very affordable cost and applications on the network - let's call it "Do-it-yourself smart apartment" - includes:

  • control of turning on and off household appliances and devices;
  • sensory systems;
  • lighting control equipment;
  • monitoring and security devices - alarms and video cameras;
  • API applications for smartphones available for free on Google Play;
  • web-based cloud applications that make it easy to connect and control your home appliances.

Smart Home Equipment on AliExpress

The range of equipment is represented by relays for connecting devices, dimmers for smooth load control (for lighting and electric heating) and package systems that include climate control, lighting, alarms and sometimes a video camera. A complete list of offers can be obtained by entering “smart home”, “smart home”, “smart home”, as well as the names of two Chinese manufacturers Lilovo and Sonoff into the search bar of the AliExpress portal.

Sonoff launches a Wi-Fi relay for remote control of household appliances from a smartphone. The device is installed on a line with one or more electrical appliances, allows you to turn on and off the power supply from a smartphone using a mobile application.

The advantage of this device is that it is always available Online, can be connected via the telephone network (PTSN) and allows you to set an individual program of work using 8 built-in timers. Through the relay, you can control the operation of any household appliance with a power of up to 2.2 kW using the eWeLink mobile application, available on Google Play IOS and Android.

Sonoff products are also available in Russia. The price in China is about $ 6 (without a remote control), in Russia - 2000 rubles (with a remote control). The relay is offered in two versions for 10 A and 16 A, in the second case, in addition to all kinds of household appliances, a boiler can be connected to the mobile application.

Other models of electrical accessories work similarly, allowing you to connect several devices at once, for example, Sonoff Sensor-AM2301. Moreover, control is implemented with different values \u200b\u200bof the timers.

The manufacturer produces three models of Sonoff Wi-Fi relays:

  • Sonoff World On - Wi-Fi relay with connection to a mobile application (for household appliances and cameras);
  • Sonoff World On TF - Wi-Fi relay with sensors, for example, for climate control systems (for boilers and air conditioners);
  • Sonoff World On RF - Wi-Fi relay with remote control, for example for gates and doors with magnetic locks.

Sonoff also produces dimmable touch-sensitive switches for lighting fixtures that can be connected to Wi-Fi and a mobile app at the same time.

In order for the devices to be available on the Internet, they must be connected using one of the available methods. One of the most successful and inexpensive options is the Broadlink home automation router, which supports 4 types of wireless communication WI-FI, IR, RF and 4G.

With it, you can connect all home devices via a SIM card to the mobile Internet. It is better to choose the services of an operator with a new communications infrastructure, in particular, one of the MTS packages with per megabyte tariffication.

XIAOMI produces a range of relays, dimmers, sensors for home automation. First of all, you should pay attention to Wi-Fi humidity and temperature sensors, door and window sensors, smart sockets and inexpensive IP cameras. The equipment of this company is distinguished by simplicity and affordability along with high build quality.

The manufacturer produces package solutions for apartments and small houses - this is Xiaomi Smart Home Suite. This package is widely offered in Russia and belongs to the category of "luxury" equipment. The price point for these sensors is slightly higher than the Sonoff devices.

Lilovo touch switches work only with remote controls. Their key features are the ability to smoothly adjust the lighting, elegant design and different colors. Switches of this company can be used to turn on and off household devices without an Internet connection.

Wi-Fi relay of Russian manufacturers

In China, you can purchase products from Russian manufacturers that assemble electrical accessories on a Chinese basis. Russian Wi-Fi Smart Home DC relays are available at a lower cost than Sonoff and are considered more reliable and error-free signal pickup. The consumer disadvantage of the Smart Home relay is the absence of a plastic case, but it is the simplest, most reliable and inexpensive way to integrate household devices.

API applications for smartphones on Google Play

  • eWeLink is an application that allows you to connect a relatively infinite number of Smart Home devices, supports products from Sonoff and a number of manufacturers. The disadvantages include a certain lag in Russian networks; it is advisable to connect to the application via the interface of a mobile provider, and not PTSN (public switched telephone network) wired channels.
  • Smart Home by Alltek Technology Corp. Is another universal mobile application to which you can connect lighting devices, alarms, heating and a number of other home devices. Some users say better about this application than about eWeLink.

On Google Play, you can download a number of other mobile applications for connecting home automation devices with different levels of versatility and stability.

Home automation appliances can be connected using local PC-based and cloud-based applications. Each of these options has a number of advantages. Applications in the cloud are designed for the budgetary use of Smart Home technology with a wide range of functions, but in such systems the issue of security and unauthorized access to home devices remains open.

Stationary package offerings in a secure cloud environment or for PCs are designed for the automation of country houses, public buildings and institutions. Such an application guarantees a high level of security and reliability.

Smart Home Applications:

  • Bitdefender is a bundled application for securely connecting home automation devices that allows you to safely use the functions of any external cloud;
  • offers a range of products for home automation, including the management of IoT devices with an administrator console and user interface through mobile services, including using the cloud (IoT SaaS)
  • The IoT Home Guide is available as a bundle for fairly large home automation systems, as well as API applications from OpenHAB partners, Home Assistant, and Eclipse SmartHome.

Clouds "Smart Home":

  • Sharp Cloud Smarthome System is an advanced cloud system for home automation, it can be used to build an arbitrarily complex automation system for both a home and an entire neighborhood;
  • Cloud Based IoT Platform GO + is a Russian free platform with a small number of users.

The Russian equipment of the Razumny Dom company is distinguished by its high reliability and build quality. The manufacturer offers various electrical accessories, sensors, relays for building arbitrarily complex systems using Smart House technology with a guaranteed level of security. The devices allow you to create home automation systems with an individual set of functions; software is available for mobile devices, PCs and tablets.

Video instructions for assembling and operating Smart Home


The equipment we have described will make it possible to create various solutions for the automation of residential premises and household farms, ranging from inexpensive budget solutions for apartments, to the complete automation of large country houses. It is worth noting that web platforms for managing home automation devices are currently not developing due to a concept problem.

Buyers are encouraged to install on-premises PC-based systems or create private clouds managed by off-the-shelf applications. The user can choose for himself and assemble the most suitable option for automating an apartment or house.

October 4, 2011 at 07:06 PM

"Smart home" with your own hands

  • Computer hardware

Imagine a picture: you enter home, the light automatically turns on and a pleasant female (male, however - as anyone) voice greets you. You casually throw the phrase towards the microphone: "Home, turn on my computer." In a few seconds, you hear the usual rustle of the coolers of your own iron horse.

The future is now

We all have ever seen such pictures in foreign science fiction films and dreamed: "Someday this will happen with us." I hasten to please you - the semblance of what you saw can be realized now and without huge costs.

A small excursion into what is now called the "smart home". Here's what Wikipedia will tell us:

“A smart house (eng. Digital home) is an automated residential building of a modern type, organized for the convenience of people living with the help of high-tech devices. A “smart home” should be understood as a system that must be able to recognize specific situations occurring in the building and respond appropriately to them: one of the systems can control the behavior of others according to predetermined algorithms. The main feature of an intelligent building is the integration of individual subsystems into a single managed complex.

An important feature and property of the “Smart Home” that distinguishes it from other ways of organizing living space is that it is the most progressive concept of human interaction with the living space, when a person sets the desired environment with one team, and already automation, in accordance with external and internal conditions, sets and monitors the operating modes of all engineering systems and electrical appliances.

In this case, the need to use several remotes when watching TV, dozens of switches when controlling lighting, separate blocks when controlling ventilation and heating systems, video surveillance and alarm systems, gates and others is eliminated. In a house equipped with a “Smart Home” system, it is enough to select one of the scenarios with one click on the wall key (or remote control, touch panel, etc.). The house will adjust the operation of all systems in accordance with your wishes, time of day, your position in the house, weather, ambient light, etc. to ensure a comfortable state inside the house. "

In my case, I will tell you how to organize load control (sockets, incandescent lamps, etc.) using voice command recognition and sound all this in a good Russian voice.

Technical details


To begin with, of course, we need to decide on the technologies for managing the power supply of devices. At the moment, there are many of them. Perhaps the most simple, popular and inexpensive to implement is 1-wire from Maxim / Dallas. 1-wire technology is far from new and has been known for about 10 years. 1-wire is widely used both in everyday life and in industrial systems.

1-wire advantages
  • Simple and straightforward network architecture
  • Low cable requirements
  • Long line length
  • Low cost and simplicity of components
  • Open protocol and affordable programming software
  • Ability to go without food in certain situations
As you know, there are no pluses without minuses. Here they are:
  • Low baud rate
  • Mandatory presence of a master leading the network
It can be seen that there are much more advantages to the technology than disadvantages. Let's dwell on the mandatory requirement for the presence of a network master.

The point is that devices are passive circuit elements in terms of organizing data exchange. 1-wire components cannot send data to the network without a special request. Thus, devices cannot communicate with each other without an "active" master. Network elements are always slaves. There is only one master in the 1-wire network. It is he who initiates, controls and manages the operation of the network and devices connected to the network. Depending on the software used, the 1-wire line master can work with his wards in different ways, but only he can ultimately interrogate the state of a specific element, and also send a request to receive any information from this element. For example, if we need to display the temperature value from many sensors in real time, then the network master in a cycle will poll these sensors in turn. Only one device can reply to the master over the network. An MC (microcontroller) can act as a master, which, with the appropriate software, can be directly connected to the 1-wire network to one of its input-output ports. The master can also be a PC (personal computer), using special interface elements that allow you to connect 1-wire to a COM port or USB port of a computer, such as DS9097 or DS9490.

Actually, the work of a PC as a controller interests us. A custom mate looks something like this:

As you can see, this is a small adapter with a USB on one side and an RJ-11 connector on the other for connecting 1-wire network elements (we can hang 1-wire elements on a standard telephone cable - cheap and cheerful).

Another technology, called X10, uses the frequency division multiplexing method to transmit data in a typical apartment's electrical network.


  • Easy to install
  • No additional wires in the apartment
  • Widespread standard, many actuators
  • Relatively low cost and simplicity of components
  • Does not require additional power supply


  • Slow data transfer
  • Most of the elements do not support the status command (i.e. do not know the current state of the device)
  • More expensive than 1-wire

X10 is suitable for the lazy and those who do not want to pull additional cables for some reason. I fell into one and the other category, so my choice was X10 \u003d)

Moving on - video surveillance
After all, you sometimes want to see what's going on at home while you are at work, on vacation, in the country, etc? I have pets and in the long absence I want to look at them and even talk. The goals can be different. What do we need for this?

First of all, a computer. It will be the core, the head of our “smart home” system. It is to it that we will connect the power management of our home devices through the 1-wire or X10 network master, and we will also connect the video surveillance cameras to it. In my case, I chose regular, simple, medium quality webcams. Everything will be connected via USB. The restriction on the cable length of 5 m, cost me in the form of buying long active USB cables, where possible, and a bundle of cables via USB hubs with external power supply (perhaps someone will offer another solution - I will be glad to hear). I ended up with 4 webcams for all premises of the apartment.

We teach the computer to understand us and talk
For me, “smart home” is, first of all, interactivity. To do this, we will teach him to speak and understand, in turn, us.
My research has shown that only Google can provide a decent level of speech recognition at the moment. I think everyone is familiar with its wonderful voice search and translator, which can make life a lot easier for the owner of a mobile device. Craftsmen figured out what, where and how to send in order to get the text from the sound file.
It's the same with synthesis - I didn't bother too much and used the same Google. In my opinion, the synthesized speech is at a fairly good level.
We combine
The most convenient interface for controlling a smart home and a bundle of software, I found the web interface. A specially written perl daemon will be responsible for coordinating the work of the software.

Summing up

In this short article, I examined the minimum necessary, from my point of view, components of our "smart home". There is no technical implementation - just a brief theoretical overview. In the following articles I will describe step by step each component of the system, its technical and software implementation.

Good afternoon everyone. As a hobby, I wrote a program that can be used as part of a smart home system. To immediately interest the reader, I will demonstrate some small part of the software use cases:

In short:

1. The main part of the software - the server that runs on the Windows OS, is written in C #;
2. Client on Android OS, written in Java;
3. Clients are planned for UWP and IOS, web client.

Some software features:

1. Scenario constructor. Creation of complex scripts with loops and conditions;
2. Working with ZWave and Modbus devices;
3. Nesting scripts. You can use one script in another as a procedure;
4. Remote script launch. In a script on the current server, you can run a script on a remote;
5. The ability to add your own functionality to the system by creating modules;
6. Run scripts using your smartphone.

Scenario Designer

The program allows you to create both a complex scenario and a single action.

Single action is a script that contains only one action. It does not have the ability to create loops and conditions, but you can only "map" a certain action to a button in the client UI.

As an example, I will give my way of using them: I created the category “Sockets”, in it I collected all the lamps, a household fan, lamps, a TV and a computer. Now, to turn on one of these devices, you should open the client on the android, go to the "Sockets" category and select the appropriate menu item.

Usually, single actions are inconvenient to use, since it is convenient to launch various devices under some condition or at least not one by one. This is what a "complex scenario" is needed for, about which later.

Complex scenario constructor allows you to create scripts with loops and conditions. Has two modes: viewing and editing.

Sample script in view mode
Sample script in edit mode

IF and ELSE in the constructor... In these constructions, you can create chains of conditions with logical operators NOT, OR, AND. The constructor allows you to create a group of conditions and use operators directly with the group. If the condition remains empty, then it is automatically calculated as false.

There are a number of built-in checks (such as checking for date, time, etc.), as well as a number as plugins.

WHILE loop in constructor... The cycle consists of a condition and a body. The condition is created in the same way as it is created in the IF construction (condition groups, operators NOT, OR, AND).

The main window of the script designer

You can also configure the following script parameters:

Run from the outside (on / off), allows you to prohibit or allow the launch of a script from another machine or from a client;
- Automatic start of the script at system startup;
- Selecting a scenario category, allows you to display a menu item in the client UI for launching a scenario in a specific category.

Working with ZWave and Modbus devices

The system currently supports ZWave (openzwave based) and Modbus RTU (nmodbus based) devices.

ZWave is a wireless communication protocol used in home automation. To implement the protocol, miniature low-power RF modules are used. Now on the ZWave market there is a fairly extensive list of devices, such as ZWave bulbs, sockets, relay modules, switches, locks, temperature sensors (humidity, motion, leaks), thermostats, air conditioning control devices, etc. Also common are multisensors - devices that combine several sensors (for example, a light, presence, temperature, door sensor, etc.), which is very attractive in terms of financial costs and location in the room.

In my program, the ZWave module allows all standard operations with devices, such as deleting, adding devices, resetting the controller. It is also possible to use multiple ZWave controllers, the end user will not see the difference. For example, you can take temperature readings from a sensor that is connected to controller "A" and start the air conditioner using controller "B". There are no restrictions here, any action and check are carried out in standard ways and are added in the script designer.

The market for ZWave devices is wide enough. There are many actuators, such as relay modules, light bulbs, air conditioning devices, thermostats, underfloor heating controls, sockets, switches. There are also many sensors: door opening sensor, temperature sensor, leakage sensor, presence sensor, etc. A USB stick can be used as a ZWave controller.

Main window of the ZWave module

The window for selecting a controller and operations with it

Node selection (sensors, switches, etc.)

Selection of node parameter (on / off, various numerical parameters such as temperature, humidity, etc.)

Modbus is a wired protocol used for communication between electronic devices that support it. In the context of our program, it can be useful for working with relay modules, for which I use it at home.

Nesting scripts

Scenario nesting is used to decompose smart home scenarios. Often there are situations when one action is involved in many scenarios (for example, the shutdown of all household devices can occur by clicking on a menu item in the program, according to the scenario of all wi-fi devices leaving the network, simply by a timer), and therefore each time create (or edit) the same algorithm in each scenario is not convenient. To do this, there is such a built-in action that allows you to run an already created script in the current one. It can also be convenient when new household devices are often added (or other frequent changes in the “smart home” algorithm); to change the operation of all scenarios, it will be enough to change only one scenario that is used in them.

Running remote scripts

By running remote scripts, you can run a script from one server in a script from another. As an example, I want to give my use case for this functionality: created a script (on my home server) called “light + media” that turns on the lights in the room, starts my desktop (using WakeOnLan), turns on the TV to which the desktop is connected and waits for an instance of our program to start on it (desktop), then launches scripts on it “turn on music” and “sound for 20 units” by launching remote scripts.

Writing your own modules

In addition to the fact that the user can create complex scripts by standard means, the program allows you to “extend” it with custom C # modules. All elements of actions and checks in scripts (such as "Check by date", "Show message", "Modbus action", "ZWave action", etc.) are classes inherited from ICustomAction and ICustomChecker. Following certain rules, any user can create his own module, which can be either very simple (for example, sounding the current air temperature outside the window), or complex, behind which a whole framework can be hidden. It is enough to inherit from the ICustomAction or ICustomChecker interfaces, place several attributes, compile the DLL and add it to the program through the “MODULES” tab (complete instructions for creating modules).

Running scripts using a smartphone

* for now only OS Android

Scenarios are displayed on the home screen and in categories. A category is a virtual “folder”. When the script is run, the status of the corresponding button is updated.

Connection settings screen
Screen with running scripts

In addition, it is possible to run scripts from the quick launch menu on the PC.
Quick Launch Menu

In the future, a client is planned for UWP, IOS, web, as well as a voice module for controlling devices (plans for the near future) and creating scripts using voice (strategic plans).

Last video:

P.S .: If you find an error in the program, please send it to

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