Create a selling group in classmates. How to create a group in classmates. What group is better to create in classmates

Greetings, my dear blog readers. Galiulin Ruslan is in touch. Today we'll talk about social networks and how to monetize them. Today the presence of social groups. networks gives an advantage when promoting your project and getting new customers. Let's look at one of the nicknames.

"Classmates" Is one of the largest Russian-speaking social networks. Millions of visitors visit this site every day. But not all of them know about the opportunities it presents for making money and promoting a business. And only a few are the owners of communities that generate income from three hundred thousand rubles a month. How many subscribers allows you to receive a stable income? And what are the most effective ways to make money?

How to create a group in classmates from scratch yourself

Working from home, in comfortable conditions, and at the same time earning income that the average hired employee can only dream of is real. The Internet community is not only an excellent platform for promoting goods or services, but also an opportunity to create a business without financial investment. True, it takes a lot of effort and time to promote such a community.

Before proceeding with the discussion of this type of earnings, you should figure out how to create a group in classmates from scratch. However, any site user can cope with this task.

1. Go to the site using your username.

2. In the menu, select the section "My groups".

3. A list of communities to which the page owner is a subscriber will open. In the left corner, follow the link.

4. Three types of communities exist in Odnoklassniki. Each of them has advantages and disadvantages. But the choice must be made based on the purpose for which the community is being created.

  • by interest;
  • for business;
  • event.

"By Interest" is the classic version of the group. It is more often chosen by those who seek to generate income from advertising. “For business” is a kind of communities that can serve as an effective tool for promoting services and goods. “Event” is a kind of community designed to disseminate information about an upcoming event: a concert, seminar, meeting, and so on.

If the Internet community is created not for the sale of any product, but solely for the purpose of earning money from advertising, you should select "By Interest".

5.A window will appear. Enter the name and description of the community in it. You also need to choose a topic.

There is a direction in marketing that deals with names. It is called "Naming". You can read several articles on this topic. But, in short, the title should be short, clear and contain a keyword. That is, if the group being created is dedicated to travel, then the word "tourism" is present in the upper field.

Click "Create". Mission accomplished. It remains only to spend a few minutes on the design of the group. And also figure out how to promote and make money on it.

Group promotion to OK

The answer to the question of how to create a group in classmates from scratch has been received. But this is only a tiny step towards the goal, namely, to generate income. The page, first of all, needs to be correctly designed. Before inviting members, you need to upload an avatar corresponding to the topic and create at least ten interesting posts.

It is advisable to create new topics regularly. The photo above shows that in addition to text, a post can include images, music, and a survey. At the bottom, next to the posting time link, there is an icon that allows you to control the regularity of new topics. The ideal method for filling content is by posting posts at intervals of one to two hours. Moreover, at least one of them contains a small survey and almost every one is supplemented with an audio recording.

Quality content is the key to success. The information should be interesting and unique. Of course, with the daily creation of new themes, being original is not easy. But it's worth striving for. After all, perhaps, every user of social networks, viewing the feed, comes across from time to time already familiar, albeit somewhat modified posts. And from a community to which only hackneyed and uninteresting topics are added, I want to unsubscribe.

When creating a new post, you can also use the "settings" button. This feature allows you to restrict comments or make information available only to community members.

How to attract subscribers? This question is perhaps the most difficult one. Even interesting and original content will not provide an influx of large numbers of participants if no one knows about it. The first thing administrators start with is inviting them to the community. However, you can only invite friends, and in order to start making money on advertising, you need to have at least 50 thousand subscribers. It is possible to promote the community for free, but it will take a lot of effort and time.

It's not uncommon for community owners to buy members. There are special sites where you can "purchase" them. The approximate price of one subscriber is 1 RUB. However, this method of promotion is not only too expensive, but also ineffective. Because purchased members will never be active.

Such cooperation looks like this:

  • The administrator finds the site and contacts its owner.
  • He, in turn, announces the amount and method of transferring money.
  • The post of the advertised community is placed for 24 hours (of which the hour is in the first place).

Earnings in classmates in the group

The administrator of a community with several hundred thousand members does not have to look for advertisers. They usually get in touch on their own. Nevertheless, a few words should be said about what makes up earnings in classmates in a group.

There are many sites on the Internet that are a kind of intermediaries between advertisers and platforms. The photo below is a screenshot of the page of one of them.

By posting information about the community on such a site, you can not only position it as a platform for advertising, but also set up auto-posting. The table in the last screenshot gives an idea of \u200b\u200bhow much a community owner earns with several million followers. However, the placement price varies. It depends on the topic and other indicators.

Other ways to make money are affiliate programs. Information about them is also contained on the Odnoklassniki website. I hope the material helped to understand the creation and earnings in this social network. We like and subscribe to the blog newsletter. All good.

Respectfully yours, Galiulin Ruslan.

Do you want to know how to earn 50 thousand monthly on the Internet?
Watch my video interview with Igor Krestinin

Classmates. ru is one of the most popular in the post-Soviet space. The resource offers to find friends, communicate with relatives and acquaintances, listen to popular songs and watch interesting videos.

Also, being on social networks, you are always aware of the latest news from your comrades. One of the amusing sites is occupied by various groups and communities, which, by the way, everyone can create themselves. How? Let's take a look further.

If you want to create a group on Odnoklassniki, then most likely you are pursuing the following goals:

  • develop interesting topics for you and look for friends "in spirit";
  • for marketing and PR purposes. In cases where you, with the help of a group, sell or advertise goods or services.

Having decided to create a community, the first thing to do is to go to your personal page in and select the "Groups" section. Next, you will need to click on the "Create groups and events" icon.

A pop-up window will prompt you to select the type of event to create.

Communities that can be created in

  1. Public group. This community is designed to be constantly updated with the latest news.
  2. Companies and enterprises. Such communities are created by the administration of various firms and institutions to search for both the client base and the company's employees.
  3. Places. for points of interest indicated on the map. It can also be museums, cafes, parks, etc.
  4. Famous person. Such a community can only be created by a popular performer, political leader, actor, writer or other well-known figure. An online event is created for the idols of this “figure”.
  5. A group for friends or interests. This is an event created for different hobbies (travel, sports, hobbies, history, politics, etc.).
  6. Interesting activities. The community is created for some kind of event: a joint trip to the cinema, a museum, a hiking trip, general trips on tours.
  7. Bulletin board. Here everyone can sell or buy the required product as soon as possible.

Having selected the community "by spirit" or needs, now you fill in all the fields in the window that opens.

Do not forget to choose the current cover of your group page and press the "Create" button.

Now you can be congratulated! You have your own community on Odnoklassniki. Fill it with news and pictures, add members and keep an interesting blog right on the social network.

Now let's talk about how to fill the group. Choose empty fields and choose a picture at your discretion, but there are several important points that you need to adhere to.
A short note will work best for the reader.

Ideally, 5-7 words per line. But if the most interesting thing cannot be expressed in one phrase, then the maximum that you can meet is 3-4 lines.

The more succinctly you present information, the better. Remember, no one forbids writing more than 4 lines in the news text, but according to statistics, if the reader is not interested in the read sentence, then he loses interest in the general text.

Group filling

Do not forget about the pictures. A cleverly selected image will say better than words! But it is important to understand that the picture must fully correspond to the news being released. For publications in, images with a resolution of 4: 3 are suitable. Try to avoid unclear and small drawings.

If you don't like the standard community picture, you can upload something “to your taste” after your community is “filled” with 10,000 members.

After we create the news and send it to the news feed (or before), you can change some of the group settings. To do this, under the group logo, select the "Change settings" item.

As you can see, everything is clear here without unnecessary explanations. But a small recommendation would be to check the box next to “Specify a group by the author of publications”. This is very convenient both for the users who will read your comments and for you. Otherwise, your signatures will be signed with a simple title - “Moderator”.

So, now we know how to create a group in Odnoklassniki from scratch. This is not difficult. Just go to the desired section of the site and follow the instructions for the user.

And even if some actions seem incomprehensible to you, over time you will have the experience of running communities from which you can get not only personal pleasure and benefit, but also benefit.

P.S. I am attaching screenshots of my earnings in affiliate programs. And I remind you that everyone, even a beginner, can! The main thing is to do it correctly, which means to learn from those who are already earning, that is, from professionals.

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Hello dear readers and guests of LediSeo! For a long time I have not written on the blog, it is becoming a tradition for me. And the point here is not that there is nothing to write or that you don’t want to, but there is simply a sorely lack of time. Yes, and analyzing your last letters to me, I came into complete bewilderment - describing in detail this or that action on the blog, I would like you to get the desired result yourself with the help of my tips. But as practice has shown, many of you, while reading, do everything in their own way and in the end result are perplexed why it did not work out or create. After all, all that is required of you to solve the problem is to repeat my actions, but this time relative to your resource. It's just a shame, it turns out that either you don't read it carefully, or I'm not describing it clearly. Wow, I spoke, but now you can move on to the topic of today's conversation, and we have it devoted to creating a group in Odnoklassniki and placing its widget on the site.

Today I want to continue this topic and tell how to create your own group in Odnoklassniki and then how to place it on the site.

The social network "Odnoklassniki" is one of the most popular social networks in Russia, which has a huge number of participants of various ages, and this cannot be used to attract new readers to the blog and popularize your resource. True, there is one slight difference between this social network and Facebook or Vkontakte, the topic of communities is mainly entertainment topics - music, cinema, cooking, cars, games. It is understandable, because we are constantly in need of bread in circuses. Therefore, if your resource is “light”, then feel free to register your account and create your own group on Odnoklassniki and use it to attract new visitors to the resource. So….

After you create your account in this social network and set up your profile, you will be taken to its main page, where several links-tabs will be posted, among which there will be “Groups”

With the help of this tab you can find communities according to your interests and become a member of them, as well as create your own personal group by clicking on the "Create group" icon

By clicking on this icon, a window will open in front of us where we need to select the type of our group. We are offered two options to choose from - by interests and for business. Choose the first option by clicking on its name

In the next step, we propose to register the name of the group being created in Odnoklassniki (arrow 1), its description (arrow 2), and also upload a picture (arrow 3), which will be the group's avatar, which will make it more recognizable. We also define the type of our group - open or closed (arrow 4).

At the stage of creating a group in Odnoklassniki, you can not register a description of the group and its avatar, since we will have this opportunity with further settings of the group. Therefore, we boldly click on the "Create" button (arrow 5) and immediately go to the main page of our created group in Odnoklassniki.

As you can see, initially the group looks unattractive and not interesting and we have to arrange and fill it in. To design a group, you can use the button "Decorate the group page" located in the upper right corner, and on the page that opens, choose your design from the proposed options. You can also use the setting from the “Recommended to do” block located in the right side column, which is completely duplicated in the left column in the “Change settings” item. I will not describe everything in detail, since they are understandable by intuition.

The only thing I want to draw your attention to is that when you go to the "Change settings" item and select the subject of the resource from the drop-down window

for example, beauty and health, then you will have an additional field “Keywords”, where you can register keywords for which your community will be located in the Odnoklassniki social network.

After you write down the keyword, click on the plus sign. As a result, the keyword will be added and you will be able to register the next keyword. After making all the necessary changes do not forget to click on the “Save” button. The keywords you have registered will be reflected on the main page of your group in Odnoklassniki.

Here, according to the idea, we created a group in Odnoklassniki, now it remains only to fill it out, creating interesting announcements and inviting you to join the group. I would like to note one more feature - after you relatively fill the group with content and a certain number of participants join it, you will have another active setting - changing the group address. The thing is that by default the group address looks something like this:

Agree that it is not very convenient. Therefore, in order to change the address of the group, go to the item "Change settings" and we have the item "link to the group"

where in the field we simply write the name we need in Latin. We save the changes made and see that the address of our group in Odnoklassniki began to look like this

I think this is much better.

Let's go further ... Quite often there is a need to attach this or that article in a group on the main page at the very top. This can only be done by the group administrator, that is, you. After you have added an article or an announcement to the group, you have a small dotted line at the top, hovering over its middle, an icon in the form of a button will appear, click on it if you want to stick the article at the very top.

In order to unpin the material, press this button again.

Well, that's all the main functions that need to be performed when creating a group on Odnoklassniki, now it only remains to place its widget on your blog.

Place the Odnoklassniki widget on the site

In order to create a group widget on Odnoklassniki, we need to go to the address\u003d20676726

where on the page that opens, the code is presented that must be selected and copied, and we select only that part of the code that I enclosed in the screenshot in a red frame

Paste the copied code into the place we need on the blog through the widget or through editing files. In this case, you must specify the id of your group in Odnoklassniki in the code, writing it instead of the numbers I marked in the screenshot in a green frame. You can find out the group id in the "Change settings" section.

Also in the widget code you can set your own values \u200b\u200bfor the parameters (width: "", height: "")

As a result of the actions taken, you will have this Odnoklassniki widget on your blog or website

As you can see, there is nothing complicated, everything is elementary simple. Just do not forget that having created a group on Odnoklassniki it will have to be filled in and developed. This is a daily job ..

That's all I wanted to tell you. Good luck to everyone and goodbye. Yes, and don't forget to subscribe to blog updates if you haven't already.

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How to create a group in Odnoklassniki - this question is probably asked by a considerable number of people who have chosen the social network as their habitat. After all, leading a separate community is not only a responsibility to future subscribers, but also a great pleasure. We will try to give you an answer not only to this one, but also to many other questions that you will surely have in the process.

There are people who are so active that they simply cannot but transform the space around them. It is these creative individuals who create various communities in, in which their considerable potential can be fully manifested. If you belong to this type of people, then for sure the question of how to create your own group in Odnoklassniki for free has already occupied your inquisitive mind more than once.

Finally, you've decided everything. We decided on the topic of your community, chose the materials that we would like to place in it, came up with an original name that can attract a large audience, and all you have to do is create a group on Odnoklassniki from scratch (by the way, there are many videos on this topic). Our detailed step-by-step instructions below will undoubtedly help you with this.

How to create a group in Odnoklassniki by interests?

  • Login, enter your password and enter your page in
  • At the top of the page, find the inscription "Groups" and click on it.
  • You will see various publics recommended for you, and in the upper left corner, right under your name, you can find the inscription “Create a group or event”. It is on it that you need to click.
  • Of the eight proposed options, you should choose the fifth, namely the “Interest group or for friends”, because this is what we are creating.
  • Now is the time to fill out the questionnaire, which will contain basic information about your community. First of all, upload a photo, always in good quality, corresponding to the given topic.

  • Now it's time to write the name in the appropriate line. Make sure that it is beautiful enough and sonorous enough to interest the largest number of people - after all, it is by the name that people first of all judge the content.
  • Also, you can give a short description in the next line, which briefly talks about what topic this page will be devoted to.
  • Now click the word "Subject" on and select the item that best matches your page in terms of content.
  • Determine if the content posted on it will have an age limit.
  • Now decide if you want to create a closed group on Odnoklassniki, so that only you can decide who can enter it, or leave the entrance free for everyone. Or maybe you want to create a community that only a select few will know about, which cannot be found through a search engine, and you can get there only by personal invitation? All in your hands.
  • Also, if you wish, you can specify contact information to contact you, for example, your home address, phone number or your website.
  • Well, and the last action. Click on the virtual button "Create" and we can congratulate you on the successful creation of your own community! May it bring joy to you and to all its participants for a very long time.

how x you will understand by reading our other article on this site.

What else is important to know when creating your own community?

When, finally, you have passed the very first and exciting stage, you may have various questions related to the further maintenance and administration of your creation. We will try to answer the most common ones in advance.

How to create a topic in a group on Odnoklassniki?

Of course, creating different themes is exactly what everything was done for. Log in to your new page and scroll down a bit - there you will see the “Create a new topic” prompt. Feel free to click on it and a special window will appear in front of you, in which, guided by the prompts of the system, you can add photos, videos and any information in writing.

How to create a poll on Odnoklassniki in a group?

Polls are always interesting and attract many new visitors. In order to create a survey, you should enter the page and click on the inscription “Create a new topic”. This proposal usually sits above previous publications. Now in the lower left corner of the pop-up window, click on the word "Poll".

How many people can you invite to a group on Odnoklassniki?

In fact, the number of people who can join the community you have created is unlimited. The most successful and popular public pages sometimes gain up to a million subscribers and it depends only on you whether yours will be included in their number.

Difficulties may arise only with the number of invitations per day. Experts recommend not to send more than ten such invitations per day, but rather five or six, then there should be no problems.

How to find out when a group was created in Odnoklassniki?

Usually, such information cannot be found in the public itself. It seems that there is no way out, but people who are professionally engaged in the promotion of pages on social networks advise you to turn your attention to the site, registering on which you can find out such sensitive information. It should be borne in mind that registration can be free only for fourteen days, and then you will have to pay for using this resource.

can be found in another article on this site.

How to create a group

Hello dear reader. Are you tired of watching other people grow and develop? Have you decided to repeat their success and start making money? Then read the review carefully, because it tells you how to create a group in classmates from scratch. The step-by-step instructions provided for your reference will allow you to fulfill your dream.

The first steps on the "Ladder of Success"

In order to create a group, properly promote it and start receiving income, you will have to work hard, namely, to produce preparatory work, which consists in:

  1. selection of community topics;
  2. selection of interesting material;
  3. drawing up a kind of business plan, etc.

Why is this preparatory stage necessary? If you want to have a multimillion audience and please them with a constant stream of useful and interesting information, then you cannot do without the appropriate knowledge. Why?

At one time, I tried to create a group on social networks to sell my masterpieces, made with knitting needles, crocheted. My creation suffered a fiasco, since I did not promote it, did not publish constantly interesting posts, and there was not a single order. Here is my sad example, which made it clear that an illiterate approach will not succeed. Hence, I now advise everyone to think carefully about the community theme. How to do it?

Take a blank sheet of paper and write down everything that interests you (cooking, music, art, cars, knitting, etc.) on it. Let these items be 10-15 pieces, do not stop yourself. Now, take a look at your already completed worksheet and choose 3-4 activities that give you pleasure and you are ready to develop them. Remember, if you do not like the job, then you should not expect success in it, because you will not force yourself. Do you agree?

Now, you need to study the demand for this product. It is enough to use applications that allow you to find out the number of queries for given phrases and understand if it makes sense to develop this area. If this indicator is low, then people are not interested in this, therefore, you will not get a large audience.

How to understand this? Look: you want to create a group in which you will reveal the secrets of the "dead" language. A lot of people want to study it with you? One or two students and that's it. But, if you decide to study the structure of cars, then here you are a green light. With this sorted out.

A business plan is a kind of theoretically ready-made project, because all the moves are calculated in it, including work with competitors. So you need to think it over in advance in order to easily correct any shortcomings and be confident in your work.

Step by step guide

When you have chosen a topic, prepared interesting material, then you can start implementing your idea. To do this, follow the instructions:

You shouldn't think that now money and subscribers will float to you in a seething stream that a fast-flowing river has. Now you have to choose an interesting avatar that will attract Internet users, post interesting polls, display photos or motivators in an album, and attract subscribers. How to do it?

First, use the cheat, and only later, when real subscribers begin to appear, delete the "fake" ones. You can find out about this and other ways to promote the community from my previous reviews.

Do you want to become the owner of a popular community and earn a lot of money? Subscribe to my blog, register on the Netology website and study the available materials. Do not forget that if you have any questions, you can leave it in the "Comments" section and get a comprehensive answer that can drastically change your life.

Don't waste your chance and give it to others. To do this, you need to click on the buttons of social networks located under the review (a link to this review will appear on your page and your friends' news feed). That's all, I hope that you managed to create your masterpiece that will delight not only you, but also many Internet users from different parts of our world.

Best regards, Elena Izotova.

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