What to do if the computer is noisy when turned on. How to make your computer quieter. Silent computer

Finding out the reason why the computer is buzzing is quite simple. We do a check, starting with the power supply fan and up to the mounts on the motherboard.

from 270 p. RUB

The computer is buzzing - unfortunately, this is not just an unpleasant extraneous noise, this is the system unit that gives a distress signal.

Loud noise may indicate wear of parts, in addition to the fact that working in such an environment is quite difficult.

Let's try to understand exactly what problems the system unit is signaling, why, and whether something can be done about it.

Why is the computer buzzing?

  • Perhaps unpleasant sounds (rattle, squeak, crackle, tapping) make winchester. Try to intentionally copy something from the disc or burn. If the noise is amplified, then the problem is in the railway. There can be three reasons: either the disk is of poor quality, or it is not inserted correctly into the computer, or the elements and parts of the “screw” wear out over time. This situation is a reason to sound the alarm. Until your hard drive has completely flown, and you have not lost all the information, take measures, bring the disk to a specialized workshop. Just in case, consult with the wizard which drive to buy so that it no longer causes problems.
  • The computer is very humming if it is clogged graphics card. There is always a lot of noise from a dusty video card; a fan creates it. When the cooler blades touch the box of the video card, a hum is generated. Getting to the fan is very difficult, for this you need to disconnect and disassemble the video card, then clean and grease the fan with silicone oil. Note that the video card is fragile, and you need to handle it carefully so as not to break it, so a layman is unlikely to be able to cope with this problem. But you can buy and install a new video card. This is also best done after consultation with a specialist.
  • Does the computer hum when turned on? Check out power supply age. BP is responsible for the safety of the entire computer, so the unit needs to be changed every two to three years. In addition, there is a fan on the power supply, which is just as dusty as the other coolers on the PC. However, the cooler on the unit is large, it has a higher rotation speed than its other “brothers” on the computer, therefore it is polluted faster and there is much more noise from it. If you have a simple design of the power supply, that is, with normal access to its parts, then you can try to disassemble it, clean and lubricate the fan. There are PSU models that make strong noises in a new form, so before buying a new unit, do not forget to consult a professional.
  • The computer may hum due to a poor-quality optical drive. This is a fairly rare occurrence, but it does happen. Important: a poor-quality device only makes noise if a disc is inserted in it. If there is no disk, but there is noise, then you need to look for another reason for the hum. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to repair a low-quality optical drive, it is better to immediately buy a new one and replace it. Today it is recommended to use a flash drive instead of a drive.
  • A computer can make noise due to purely mechanical reasons: factory defects in the cooler, a crack on the motherboard or / on the video card box, a clogged system unit, and so on. These kinds of problems will make rattling, crackling, whistling sounds. Try to disassemble the system unit and carefully examine it for visual defects. Why do such defects usually occur? From incorrect handling of the computer. Since our computer is a fragile device, even with a light blow to the system unit or damage, various physical defects can form.
  • Is the computer buzzing? Check fastening of parts in the system unit. Open the right cover of the unit. Use a screwdriver to gently but tighten all the screws you see to the point of failure. It is better to start with the motherboard, since it has the largest number of elements. And if they have a bad mount, then the motherboard will "walk with a shiver."

    In this case, insufficiently secured screws will cling to the metal case of the system unit, while making corresponding sounds.

Consistently check the fan mounts separately and the processor as a whole, as well as the video card. Next, explore the hard drive. If the railway is of poor quality, without rubberized gaskets or plastic holders, then the mount of this disk will definitely make noise. What can be done in this case? Lay a small layer of rubber between the metal beams, this will soften the vibration and accordingly reduce noise.

We also check the optical drive and power supply for mechanical defects.

Tighten all screws, check for visually cracks and chips.

Additional fans (if any) are scanned in the same way.

Another reason that the computer is buzzing is a clogged fan on the processor itself. The processor on the motherboard is also known as the “stone”, on which an additional heatsink with a fan is installed. This bulky device “likes” to collect dust and debris, because the cooler cools the radiator by blowing air from the system unit.

Garbage is collected precisely between the radiator and cooler. Accumulating, this layer of dust significantly complicates the operation of the fan, resulting in additional noise.

Today we’ll talk about why the system unit is noisy. We will talk about the main causes and ways to eliminate them. Our advice will be useful to absolutely everyone, since absolutely anyone can solve the problem, regardless of computer experience. So, let's go directly to the possible causes of the noise your computer makes.

4 reasons for loud computer noise

  1. Dust collected on the fan (cooler) of the processor.  Very often, it is the processor cooler that makes the noise, since a large amount of dust is collected on it. As a result, the fan spins imperfectly. In this case, you need to replace the old fan with a new one. It is inexpensive and easy to install. However, you can also do a little differently - independently clean the cooler and radiator from dust, and lubricate the axle with machine oil to create the proper level of friction.

  2. Bad cooler on the video card. Also a popular reason is the cooler on the video card. It can even be called almost the main cause of the problems. The fact is that coolers are usually located upside down, as a result of a long working time, as well as excess dust, the cooler may shift (the blades will begin to rub against the body of the video card). In this case, cleaning the cooler or lubricating the axle does not always help, and replacing such a fan is much more problematic. Therefore, in this case, most likely, you will have to change the outdated graphics card.

  3. A worn PC hard drive.  A rare but nasty creak is created by hard drives that are already close to their "last hour", and sometimes new HDDs can make a similar noise from the system unit. In this case, you must either replace the hard drive, or make its contact with the case - minimal, for example, attach it so that there is a layer of rubber between the metal.

  4. Dusty or poorly lubricated fan cooler power supply.  The power supply also contains a cooler that requires timely cleaning, so do not forget to clean it if you hear extraneous noise. To disassemble the PSU is quite simple - unscrew all the possible screws and remember where and what was ...

To understand why the computer is buzzing, you need to determine the sources of noise. The main elements in a computer that may make a noise are fans and hard drives. When assembling the computer system unit, choose components that suit the person in terms of noise. This level is measured in dB.

The main causes of noise are:

  1. Fan blades touch wires;
  2. Unscrewed or loosened the screw of any of the components in the system unit;
  3. Dust growth on cooling coolers;
  4. Not tuned regulation of the coolers rotation speed from the temperature of what they cool and they always rotate at maximum speed;
  5. Cracking when working hard drive.

Noisy power supply

The most important computer device is the power supply. It depends on how long the components in the system unit and the computer as a whole will last. The power supply is equipped with a fan, which may have a different diameter. The larger its size, the less noise it creates. You must choose a power supply in which the fan speed is controlled by temperature. Therefore, in idle mode, the sound of the fan will become less noticeable.

What to do if all these conditions are met, but the hum of the computer and periodic crackles already annoy you? The causes of noise can be different, let's start in order. Surely, the power supply has been working for a long time, several years, and has never been serviced. In this case, you must disconnect the computer from the electrical network, open the case and remove the power supply. Then unscrew the bolts that secure the fan.

If there is a lot of dust, then with a brush or vacuum cleaner with a small nozzle we clean the cooler blades. After that, we lubricate the fan bearing, since over time, without periodic lubrication, its wear occurs, which will lead to its failure and the need to replace the cooler or the power supply itself. Therefore, it is better to immediately warn it. Bearings can be lubricated with ordinary engine oil. To do this, unstick the sticker from the fan, pull out the rubber stopper, behind which the bearing is located, and drip oil there.

Then you need to insert the cork back and return the sticker. Then rotate the fan blades several times to distribute the grease. Everything is ready, you can return the power supply to its place.

We perform the same procedure with other fans located in the system unit - the case, processor, and video card cooler.

CPU cooler management

In the case of a fan that cools the central processor, noise can be reduced by software. This is only possible if the cooler is powered by a 4-pin connector from the motherboard.

At the same time, the noise from it when you start the computer may be more noticeable than after loading the system. This is due to the different settings of the cooler depending on the temperature of the processor in the BIOS of the motherboard and the Windows system. In the BIOS, you can select automatic cooler operating modes, for example, “maximum speed” or “silent” mode. When the system boots, the utility can adjust the speed of the fan, which usually comes with the motherboard. There you can manually select the dependence of the cooler speed on the processor temperature. As a result, it is possible to achieve a minimum noise level when performing simple tasks.

Video Card Noise Reduction

Now this mode of operation is also available for coolers that cool discrete graphics cards. When the video card is practically not loaded, then the fans do not rotate, thereby reducing the overall noise level of the system. Therefore, if the user is annoyed by the constant noise from the fan blades of the old video card, you should replace it with a newer one with the capabilities of such regulation. If the cost of this replacement is unbearable for a person, and he does not play “heavy” games, then you can go to the video card built into the processor. To do this, you need to switch the communication cable with the monitor to the corresponding connector on the motherboard and change the priority of the image output from the PCI slot to the integrated video core in the BIOS.

What to do with hard disk crackles?

Why is the hard disk noise? This noise is usually different from other sounds in the computer. Usually it looks like crackling and occurs under heavy load on the disk. If there was no such sound before, it is recommended to check the hard disk for errors using system methods or a separate utility that shows the state of the disk using S.M.A.R.T. technology.

If cracking has always been, then this is a feature of the disk, because it consists of mechanical parts. In this case, you can reduce the noise in two ways: by fixing the disk on the case so that it stops vibrating (for example, using special gaskets), and by reducing the speed of the heads.

The second way is possible using utilities that use the Automatic Acoustic Management function. In this case, reducing the speed of work, you can extend the life of the hard drive significantly. You can also check if the hard disk requires defragmentation. This can be done using Windows system tools.

A more expensive solution to the problem of noise in hard drives is to replace them with SSD drives. Due to the lack of mechanical parts, they do not make noise, heat up little and are more energy efficient.

To reduce the overall noise of a computer system, it is necessary to keep all its components clean and lubricate the bearings of the fans at least once a year. It will not be worse if you figure out what software can minimize the noise level without resorting to replacing components in the system unit. Now there are many utilities that regulate the speed of the processor, video card and hard drive. If these methods did not help, then it is necessary to replace the noisy components of the computer with newer, acceptable models.

Regardless of the model of the computer and the hardware that it possesses, sooner or later, certain problems may arise. The system unit is noisy - this is one of the common problems faced by PC owners. This malfunction not only annoys the user's hearing, but can also adversely affect computer performance, as well as lead to machine failure. Let's see why this happens, and what to do if the system unit is noisy.

Causes of noise and ways to eliminate them

In order to return the PC to the previous sound level during operation, it is first necessary to determine the location and cause of the malfunction. Typically, the appearance of this problem is associated with a malfunction of ventilation elements, cooling systems or hard drives. Sometimes the computer is very humming from overloading the system, which provokes an increase in temperature above the norm inside the processor case.
  Pay attention to the factors that often appear below that cause an increase in the noise level during the operation of the system unit.

Dust accumulation on a processor cooler

Perhaps the very first thing to do is to check the fan, which is responsible for cooling the processor.

It is here that the most dust accumulates, which over time disrupts the normal cooling process and leads to overheating of the heart of the computer. For this reason, the fan starts to spin faster and buzz harder, the hardware heats up, and the operating system hangs and does not work stably. In some cases, dust that clogs the fan causes the computer to stop starting.
  In addition to the accumulated dust over time, thermal grease located between the radiator and the microprocessor retainer, which serves to improve the transfer of thermal energy, loses its properties, which also negatively affects the cooling of the system.

Advice! If the computer is under warranty, then in no case do not open the system unit, even if you are sure that you can fix the problem yourself. Use the services of a service center.
  To independently correct the operation of the main fan, do the following:
  1. completely turn off the power of the computer;
  2. open the side panel of the system unit;
  3. disconnect the fan from the motherboard;
  4. disconnect the cooler with the radiator;
  5. clean using cotton buds and a vacuum cleaner or hairdryer;
6. if thermal grease has lost its quality and looks like dried gray chewing gum, it must be replaced;
  7. After cleaning, reassemble in the reverse order.
  If you have a relatively new computer, then you can clean the cooler without removing it using cotton buds or a brush and a vacuum cleaner.

Attention! Do not use a damp cloth to remove dust from the fan or the motherboard, this may cause a short circuit.
  Thermal grease can be found in almost any computer store. It is sold in small tubes or syringes of a few grams. Usually one tube is enough for 2-3 applications.

  If necessary, you can disassemble, clean and lubricate the fan itself. But if you are not sure what you can do, just peel off the top sticker, remove the plastic cap and drip a couple of drops of silicone grease onto the motor shaft. If the cooler is old, this procedure will help make it less noisy.

Power supply cooler contamination

Another common problem, why there is a lot of noise and overheating of the computer, is the accumulation of dust in the fan of the power supply.

To eliminate it, you must:
  1. turn off the power and disconnect the network cable from the processor;
  2. remove the side panel of the system unit;
  3. Remove the power source without disconnecting the wires;
  4. remove the top cover of the unit;
  5. inside, clean with a vacuum cleaner and a brush;
  6. remove the fan and grease it (as in the previous case);
  7. reassemble everything in reverse order.

Advice! Do not use an old Soviet vacuum cleaner that produces electrostatic pickups for cleaning, this may damage the circuit board.
  This procedure will help to increase the air flow purged by the fan, as well as reduce the noise of the system unit.

Hard Drive Failure

Sometimes when the hard drive is working, especially if you copy something to it, loud noise, rattle, and tapping can occur. Such sounds indicate either the poor quality of the hard drive, or the wear of the mechanism. In such a situation, the hard drive may fail at any time, which threatens with the loss of all the information stored on it. Therefore, if such a problem occurs, do not delay and contact the service center if the computer is under warranty, or replace the hard drive with a new one.

Graphics card malfunction

The accumulation of dust in the cooler of the video card can also cause loud and unpleasant noise.

The fact is that the video card is upside down and dust accumulation over time leads to a shift in the cooler axis. In this case, the blades begin to touch the case of the video card, making a strong hum. Dust removal and lubrication of the cooler axis do not always help in this situation. Alternatively, you can try to cut or saw off the edges of the metal case, in those places where contact occurs.

Advice! The components of the video card are very fragile and easy to break, so be extremely careful when parsing it.

Other solutions to the problem

Loud noise from the system unit may come not only due to the above problems. Sometimes old or poor-quality hardware can be the reason why the computer is buzzing. In such a situation, in order to absorb unpleasant sounds, it is necessary to upgrade the machine.

Cooling system replacement

Significantly reduce noise by replacing the air cooling system with a liquid. This option is almost silent and is able to perfectly cool the PC stuffing. The only downside to the liquid cooling system is the high price.

Installation of new coolers

Today you can find modern, almost silent coolers that also do their job well. Alternatively, you can replace all the old fans with them.

Changing the box of the system unit

On sale you can find boxes with vibration and soundproofing properties that are easily able to completely absorb sound waves and vibrations.
  Finally, a few more tips to help reduce the noise level of your computer:
   regularly clean the system unit from dust, thanks to this you will also significantly increase the life of your PC;
   make sure that the system unit has rubberized legs that absorb vibration well;
   do not leave the computer constantly on; if possible, put it into sleep mode or turn it off, so it will overheat less.

The noise of the computer system unit is a signal of a malfunction, and it is very important to understand the problem as soon as possible. In this article, we will talk about various reasons why the computer is buzzing.

The problem with coolers

The most common reason why a computer is humming badly is the noise of coolers. There are several coolers in the system unit, and they are buzzing mainly due to dustiness, improper installation or deterioration.

CPU cooler

In order to maintain the required temperature of the processor, the fan may run stronger or weaker depending on the duration of the computer. Therefore, periodically, the noise from the system unit is amplified - this is the noise of the circulating air. You can solve the problem by cleaning the system unit from dust, replacing the cooler with a better one (for example, with large blades, less noisy), or replacing the thermal grease.

You can find the cooler lubrication algorithm in another article on our site:. And the article will tell you how to clean the cooler.

Graphics card cooler

Dealing with the video card fan is more difficult, since it is difficult to access - you will need to disassemble the video card to inspect the cooler. Do not forget that the video card is very fragile, be careful during the inspection and lubrication procedures. And the best thing is to immediately take the system unit for repair.

Power supply cooler

The power supply has a cooler that provides cooling of internal spare parts. It can become dusty and fail, as well as other coolers of the system unit. In this case, it is better to replace the power supply with a new one.

Worn hard drive

The hum, noise, or rattle in the system unit of a computer may be caused by a worn or poor quality hard drive; in this case, it must be changed. The solution to this problem should not be delayed, since if the hard drive “flies” completely, you will lose all the data stored on the computer. The article will help to solve the problem.

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