Fast update of adobe flash player. Upgrade flash player to new version

Good day! Today we will analyze with you how to update Adobe Flash Player ... for many years they have been talking about abandoning this technology (even the developers themselves admit this)... The process is underway, we see it less and less on the Internet, but we still cannot completely abandon it (at least on familiar computers).

Adobe Flash Player is probably familiar to everyone due to its extreme instability and gluttony to the resources of your computer. It is worth noting that it is thanks to the flash technology that we often put the system at risk of infection - this plugin has eternal security problems and I highly recommend always using the most recent and up-to-date version.

Flash technology is quite old and it gained its popularity due to the simplicity of animation creation and the relatively low weight of the final projects. It is thanks to Adobe Flash that we know the legendary Masyanya (and if you don’t know, be sure to see who it is, it’s quite possible you will like it)... And how many toys were based on this technology - do not count!

But the most important thing is their size. For example, a video about Masyanya more than 3 minutes long could easily take no more than 2 megabytes, and the vast majority of toys were generally measured in kilobytes.

Where is Flash used? - As a rule, now these are various players on web resources (YouTube recently switched to HTML5) and is often seen in webinars (flash allows you to conveniently interact with your peripherals such as a webcam or microphone).

It is imperative to update Adobe Flash Player on your computer - your online security directly depends on it. However, there are some subtleties in this seemingly elementary process. The nuance lies in the differences in the plugin depending on the browser you have installed. A couple of years ago, everything was more complicated, but some simplifications played a cruel joke with users and now we will deal with these nuances.

Updating the Adobe Flash Player plugin for Firefox or Opera

Flash player on browsers other than Google Chrome is updated as many years ago, as a separate application. Many do not even suspect that you can find it in the control panel.

In the "Control Panel" go to the "System and Security" category and open the flash player settings by selecting "Flash Player"

We are interested in the "Update" tab ... we visited here for updates. So, in order for the plugin to be updated, you should have something like "Allow Adobe to install updates (recommended)" in the screenshot below.

If something else is selected, then you probably already understood why some sites are not working correctly and ask you to update this hated Flash Player. Click to change the settings and set the recommended parameters (requires Administrator rights).

If the plugin has not been updated for a long time, then it is not a fact that it will be able to correctly update to the current version - for these cases, you can force it to be installed through the web installer. This window contains the version of your installed copy - by clicking "Check Now" you will be taken to the page with the latest Adobe Flash releases.

If you have installed a version of Adobe Flash lower than on the page with current releases, then you can go to the download page simply by clicking "Player Download Center" ...

... and go to the plugin download page. Here we select the version for your operating system and browser and click "Download". Please note that along with the Adobe Flash Player, left program, do not forget to remove unnecessary ticks (so for example you can get acquainted with the program)

Run the downloaded file and follow the prompts in the Adobe Flash Player installer (well, the parameters of future updates can be configured here and, of course, it is very desirable that all this happens automatically).

You just have to wait until the current version is downloaded and installed on your computer. Browsers must be closed at this point, otherwise the installation will be interrupted until you close them.

On my own I want to add ... as my practice has shown, in case of problems with the Adobe Flash plugin, you need to immediately go to the official website and download the installer, which will do everything necessary. If the version is up-to-date, then he will simply write that the update is not required and then the problem is most likely in the browser. It is necessary to update or reinstall the browser to solve problems with sites that require updating with the current version of the plugin.

Updating Flash Player in Chrome, Yandex Browser and the like

The situation with Adobe Flash Player in chrome browsers is slightly different. In the latest versions of the browser, this plug-in is already built into the browser itself and it is updated along with it (you don't need to update it separately).

Let's look at the example of Yandex Browser (it is essentially the same Chrome, only with its own modifications)... If on any of the web resources (classmates sin this) If you are written about the need to update Adobe Flash Player, then in the case of Chromium browsers, you need to update the web browser itself, thereby fixing our problem.

In Ya Browser go to "Additional Settings" item "About browser".

The new version will be checked on the server and the browser will offer you to update, we agree and install the update. Together with the update for the browser itself, the Flash Player will also be updated. PROFIT!

Unfortunately, the web browser may not always update automatically. There can be many reasons for this, such as installing from unofficial sources or using the portable version. In this situation, installation over or a complete reinstallation can help (you can read more about this in the note on how ... all this applies to Google Chrome - take it into service)


Here we are with you and figured out how to update adobe flash player - there is nothing complicated about this, the main thing is to understand for whatever reason it does not update automatically. In general, if you are a fairly advanced user, then the whole essence of the note can be contained in one sentence.

To update Adobe Flash on your computer, you need to go to the plugin download site and roll it over the existing one. If it doesn't help, update the browser or use another one with an integrated extension from Adobe (for example Yandex Browser).

P.S. In case you are using an exotic browser (Orbitum or something similar), then it is likely that the developers abandoned it and it will not be possible to update to the current version, only the transition to an adequate browser.

Such a "terrible" warning, which is in the title picture of the article, very often horrifies some novice inexperienced users - they are afraid to do something wrong and break the whole computer, seriously, I know this from personal communication experience.

Below I will tell you in detail and in pictures how to properly update Adobe Flash Player.

By the way, the fear of users before this notification is not in vain - very often various distributors of viruses or spyware... If they update the Adobe Flash Player, they will add a bunch of additional "useful" software.

How to properly update Adobe Flash Player

So, if every second site on the network requires you to update the Adobe Flash Player, then this is no longer a fake (fake, disguise as the original) and it really needs to be updated.

Go to "Add-ons" through the browser menu ...

... and in the "Plugins" section we boldly click on "Update now" ...

Now we are not in a hurry!

We got to the correct (official) page of the manufacturer of this flash player and for a few seconds it looks like this ...

It is imperative to wait for the "Additional offer" and remove ALL the checkboxes there

Only after that we poke at the bold yellow button "Install now". Waiting for initialization ...

... and saving the suggested file ...

... launch it ...

Which to choose? I prefer the latter - "Never check ...". If you leave the first one, some requests will be constantly sent to the manufacturer's website, the computer will be scanned for the latest version of the player, and so on. I do not like this behavior of programs and always disable these settings. Especially, they affect the system startup speed by writing your modules to startup.

We have gone through the most "terrible and difficult" stage of updating Adobe Flash Player - we click on the yellow "Next" button and wait for the download to finish with the installation ...

... we poke on "Done". Remember to restart your browser as warned in the last window.

Congratulations - now you know how to update Adobe Flash Player correctly and simply. By the way, you can read more, how to remove an extra plugin in Mozilla Firefox.

Hello dear sirs! In today's article, we will focus on multimedia software from Adobe and it is called Adobe Flash Player.

It is used to create web applications, various presentations, playback of audio and video recordings, and it is also directly related to online games, animation, and more. Roughly speaking, without this program some of the most important parts of the Internet will not function properly. On this basis, it was created, with the help of the player we have the opportunity to view all kinds of content (for example, on well-known sites YouTube, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, and so on). But we will consider how to update Adobe Flash Player on a computer in today's article. So let's go ...

Adobe Flash Player is installed by default on a large number of computers and browsers. Most often, the program (having access to the Internet) from time to time offers to update it automatically. Typically, such an update request comes no more than once within a few weeks ...

But still, not all users have Flash Player updated automatically on their computer, in which case you will have to do it yourself. I repeat once again that if Flash Player is not automatically updated on your computer, then, as usual, the result is incorrect display of animation on the sites you visit, and video files will not play at all.

Therefore, first you need to make sure whether you have downloaded the required update or not, you can do this on the official Adobe website by clicking on the "Check version" item.

This page immediately analyzes the current version on your personal computer and shows whether an update is needed for this version or not.
If a fresh version of Adobe Flash Player is installed on your computer, then everything is OK and will be something like this:

Otherwise, if Adobe Flash Player has not been updated for a long time, you will see something like this. Click on the link under the number 2 and start downloading the flash player.

1) To download the latest Flash Playera to your PC, go to the Adobe official website and click Download Adobe Flash Player Module.

In the window that opens, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

The required installation file will be downloaded to your computer

You should open the download folder and run the install_flashplayer.exe file

If at this moment browsers are open, then you should close all windows and tabs to avoid various errors, for example something like this.

At the end of the installation, you will need to restart your browser.

Finally, check the player version again by clicking on the version definition that we talked about earlier. I will also add that for the highest quality multimedia playback, you need to periodically update the player.
There are situations when, after updating Flash Playera, animations and video files on the sites visited will also continue to not play. In this case, you should update the browser on your computer.

If some of you do not understand how to update Adobe Flash Player, then I suggest you watch the video below:

If, nevertheless, the browser on your computer is using the latest version, that is, the latest version, then as an additional option, you can check if the Shockwave Flash extension is disabled. Plus, plugins of this type can simply conflict with each other, namely Adobe Flash Player and Shockwave Flash. You can turn them off one at a time and check that the pages of the viewed site are displayed correctly.

In conclusion, I would like to say that of all the above, there are situations when the video in the browser cannot be viewed. In this case, of course, you should reinstall the browser itself, and then make sure that the video card drivers on your computer have not crashed and the device is working normally. In general, you can roll back the system to a previous working state. For example, here's my article, in which you will learn how to do this.

Concluding today's article - "How to update Adobe Flash Player on a computer", I would like to add that updating Flash Playera is a fairly easy process, it is completely free and will only take you a couple of minutes. And be sure to remember that you need to download the player only from the official site, in order to avoid viruses from entering your computer.

Adobe Flash Player is a well-known multimedia content player. The program allows you to freely work with audio and video files in any modern Web browser. In addition, Flash Player is actively used by developers when creating online games. The program is distributed absolutely free of charge, but for correct operation it needs periodic updates.

What is Flash Player for?

Many browsers cannot play flash content of sites by default, as this requires specialized software. Such content includes all sorts of advertising banners with animation, online games, streaming video and other entertainment elements. In this case, the installed Adobe Flash Player plays the role of a powerful media player that can play data in various formats.
Recently, many developers have been trying to get away from using flash elements on their resources and are switching to HTML5 technology. This is due to the fact that flash content places a heavy load on the user's device and the Internet resource. Flash technology itself is very vulnerable, so it can pose a certain threat to users' computers (virus attacks).

Checking the current version of the program

To check the current version of Adobe Flash, go to a special page on the official Adobe website - This page is designed to automatically determine the version of the program. To start checking, click on the "Check Now" button.

The result will be displayed:

  • player version;
  • browser name;
  • operating system version.

In this case, the flash player is disabled in the browser settings.

As a rule, if the content is not played by the Internet resource due to an outdated version of the player, then the user is offered to update the program by clicking on the "Download Flash Player" button.

How do I update Flash Player?

The flash player update process is as simple as possible. First you need to go to the official adobe page The service will automatically recognize the version of the operating system and offer to download the corresponding program. If for some reason the OS was determined incorrectly, then you will need to select it manually from the list.

If you wish, read the license agreement and click on the "Install now" button. After that, a window will open with a proposal to download the installation file. We save the file in a suitable directory and run it, having previously closed all browsers. The window that opens will offer several options for configuring flash player updates.

In the first case, the utility will update itself as soon as a new version of the player appears. The second option involves displaying a message about the availability of an update with the subsequent installation of the utility with the user's consent. It is highly discouraged to choose the third option (do not check for updates), as this can affect the correct operation of many elements of web browsers.

When the installation is complete, a browser will open and the official Adobe page will launch - the installation was successful. The process of updating the flash player for different web browsers is practically the same, however, the utility is built into Google Chrome by default, and it updates automatically.

Many people had a problem with watching videos online, when instead of starting a video, you see incomprehensible inscriptions or a blank screen. The reason for this incident is the initial absence of the Flash Player or the already installed player requires updates.

Solving the problem on a laptop or computer is very simple, since many sites automatically offer to install the official version of the program directly on their website.

On smartphones and tablets with Windows Phone or Android, regardless of the model and time of its release, it is somewhat more difficult to install and update the program. For example, for the Android version there is a developed version of the player, and for Windows Phone there are not even programs that have similar properties. To view a video, users use paid versions, which first download the video, although not from all sites, but only after they are played.

What is Adobe Flash Player?

Flash Player is a key lever, without which multimedia content on sites cannot work and play correctly. Some of the browsers have a built-in player, such as Google Chrome, while others require installation.

Program features

  • Includes all the required components for online games to work.
  • Provides clear work of multimedia files.
  • There are two versions available:
  1. For Internet Explorer;
  2. For other browsers: Opera, Mozilla, etc.
  • The program is updated automatically.
  • There is support for FLV and SWF files.
  • In stock there is an integrated hardware accelerated rendering for 2D / 3D graphics.

How the player works

Flash Player acts as an add-on to the browser, so it doesn't have a distinctive interface. But, despite this, it is possible to customize some of the parameters for yourself. To do this, just hover the cursor over the contents of the player and click on the right mouse button. Next, in the pop-up menu, adjust the hardware graphics acceleration, as well as designate the degree of privacy.

Such software is able to support different versions of the browsers Internet Explorer (from 6), Mozilla Firefox (from 3), Opera (from 9.5), Google Chrome and Safari (from 4.0).

The advantages of a flash player

  • Works well with different web browsers.
  • Free download available.
  • Doesn't require any settings.
  • Using the Internet becomes brighter, richer and more exciting.

Disadvantages of the program

  • Error control is not working well enough that it crashes and requires updates.
  • The processor is under significant load.

Regardless of the level of development of HTML 5, Flash Player retains its position as a key technology in the Internet.

How do I update my flash player on my computer?

Updating the program does not require much effort, just follow the detailed instructions:

  1. Open your browser and write the address in the address bar
  2. In the window that opens, you will see the latest version of the program and the definition of the operating system of your device, for example, Windows 64-bit, Russian, Opera. If the information is correct, click on the download button. When downloading the player for another version of the computer, you should select the line "Do you need Flash Player for another computer?" and in the new page write the data of your operating system.
  3. After clicking the download button, the file will be automatically downloaded, you just need to specify the location to save it.
  4. Then close all browser windows and open the downloaded file. By agreeing to the license terms, the program is automatically updated, and you can continue to work with audio and video files on the Internet.

Advice! To protect your device from malicious viruses, you need to download updates for the player exclusively from the developer's official website.

And the second advice in pursuit. When downloading a file with a player, remove unnecessary checkboxes. By default, Adobe checked the box next to the McAfee Security Scan Plus antivirus application. I guess you don't need it.

How to update Flash Player on Android?

Instructions for updating on the phone:

  • Set the marker on unknown sources in your phone settings. To do this, select Settings - Security - Unknown sources.
  • Then download and install the required version of Flash Player from the Adobe website:\u003dru
  • Second installation option via Google Play:\u003dcom.adobe.air
  • Then install a browser that supports the player.
  • Check your browser settings, which should indicate that Flash Player is connected. Now you can open games and media.

Advice! If the program does not want to be installed, in the downloaded applications, delete the previous version and download the new one.

Unfortunately, not all browsers work with the player. Opera Mobile, FireFox, Dolphin are best combined with it.

Flash player for iOS

Users of the iPhone, iPad and other Apple mechanisms are unfortunately out of luck. Apple does not want to admit the official version of Adobe Flash Player, as it considers it a threat to the device. But do not be upset, there is a way out of this situation.

There is a specially designed Puffin browser that allows you to watch videos and listen to music online on sites that support flash technology.

There are also disadvantages of the browser:

  1. Slowing down of video playback due to the initial processing on the program server, and then on the device.
  2. The browser is paid.

Advice! Before buying a browser, use the demo version and make sure that the program works and is useful.

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