Forgot iPhone password: instructions for solving the problem. Forgot Password: How to Reset Lock Password on iPhone

Articles and Life Hacks

Multiple incorrect password entry can lead to the fact that the iOS mobile device will be locked. What should the user do if he, but forgot password on iPhone 5S? We will understand this issue in our article.

What if we forgot the passcode on iPhone 5S and can't remember it?

So, if we entered the password incorrectly 6 times in a row, our smartphone will be temporarily blocked, and a message about its disconnection will appear.

In the event that we failed to remember the password, we will have to resort to deleting the data using iTunes. In this case, we have the right to use the "Find iPhone" option or the mode of restoring information from a backup (that is, from a backup copy, if one has been made).

Let's start by restoring from a backup. This method is relevant if the device has previously been synchronized with iTunes. We connect the smartphone to the PC and open the application. If it asks for a password, we try to log in from another computer with which the iPhone has already been synced. You can also try recovery mode.

At the time of launching the iOS Setup Assistant, select the "Restore from iTunes copy" menu. We find our device, after which we select the last backup.

If the user has forgotten the password on the iPhone 5S, they can also try the aforementioned Find iPhone feature. To do this, it must be activated on the smartphone itself. With it, you can delete the old data, including the forgotten password.

To check the activation of the function in, go to the search page for the iCloud service. At the top of the browser is a drop-down list titled "All Devices." Find your smartphone and click the "Erase" item. The setup assistant will help you restore information from the backup.

Using Recovery Mode in Case We Forgot iPhone 5S Passcode

If we have never synchronized our device with iTunes before, and we do not have the above "Find iPhone" function configured, or there is no access to a PC, you can try the manipulations described below. To do this, we will put the device into Recovery mode; this will help us erase all information along with the password. Recovery is also carried out from a backup.

Disconnect the cable from the smartphone and turn it off. After that, hold down and hold the Home button. In the process, we connect the iPhone to iTunes. If the automatic turn on did not happen, turn it on yourself. All this time, we continue to hold Home, until the moment when the iTunes connection screen appears.

The application should report the detection of a smartphone in Recovery mode. We confirm our actions by clicking the "OK" button and restore the iPhone.

Hello friends! Not so long ago, I bought my wife an iPhone 7, but she is a forgetful lady and there was a problem: how to unlock an iPhone if you forgot your password? At that moment, I realized what the next topic of my article would be.

Despite the fact that most iPhone models have finger scanners installed, many people continue to use digital passwords out of habit. There are also owners of phone models 4 and 4s, in which the fingerprint scanner is not built-in. Plus there is a possibility of glitches in the scanner. That is why thousands of people are still faced with the problem of a forgotten password.

1. How to Unlock iPhone if Forgot Password: 6 Ways

After the tenth attempt, your favorite iPhone is blocked forever. The company is trying to protect phone owners from data hacking as much as possible, so it is quite difficult to recover the password, but there is such an opportunity. In this article, we will give as many as six ways on how to unlock your iPhone if you forgot your password.

Important! If you have not done any synchronization of your data before attempting to reset, all of it will be lost.

1.1. Using iTunes on a previous sync

If the owner forgot the iPhone password, this is the recommended method. Foresight in recovery is very important, and if you're lucky enough to have a backup of your data, you shouldn't have any problems.
This method requires the computer that previously synchronized with the device.

1.Use a USB cable to connect your phone to your computer and wait until it appears in the device list.

3. Now you need to wait, some time iTunes will sync the data. This process can take several hours, but it's worth it if you need the data.

4. When iTunes says that syncing is complete, select "Restore iTunes Backup Data". Using backups is the easiest thing to do when you forget your iPhone password.

5. The program will display a list of your devices (if there are several) and backups with their creation date and size. The date of creation and size determines how much of the information will remain on the iPhone, changes made since the last backup will also be reset. Therefore, choose the most recent backup.

If you are unlucky enough to have a pre-made backup of your phone or you don’t need the data, read on and choose another method.

1.2. How to unlock an iPhone via iCloud

This method only works if you have the "Find iPhone" function configured and activated. If you are still wondering how to recover your iPhone password, use any of the other five methods.

1. First of all, you need to follow the link from any device, no matter whether it is a smartphone or a computer.
2. If you have not logged into the site before and have not saved your password, at this stage you need to enter the data from your Apple ID profile. If you forgot your account password, go to the last section of the article on how to reset your iPhone password for Apple ID.
3. At the top of the screen, you will see the All Devices list. Click on it and select the device you need, if there are several.

4. Click "Erase (device name)", this will erase all phone data along with its password.

5. The phone is now available to you. You can restore it from an iTunes or iCloud backup, or re-configure it as if it were just purchased.

Important! Even if the service is activated, but access to Wi-Fi or mobile Internet is disabled on the phone, this method will not work.

Without an internet connection, most of the ways to hack an iPhone password won't work.

1.3. By resetting the bad attempt counter

If your gadget is blocked after the sixth attempt to enter the password, and you hope to remember the password, try resetting the counter of incorrect attempts.

1. Connect your phone to your computer via USB cable and turn on iTunes. It is important that Wi-Fi or mobile Internet is turned on on the mobile.

2. Wait a little while the program "sees" the phone and select the "Devices" menu item. Then click "Synchronize with (your iPhone's name)".

3. Immediately after the start of synchronization, the counter will reset to zero. You can keep trying to enter the correct password.

Remember that the counter cannot be reset by simply rebooting the device.

1.4. Using recovery mode

This method will work even if you have never synced with iTunes or turned on the function to find iPhone. When using it, both the device data and its password will be deleted.

1. Connect your iPhone via usb to any computer and open iTunes.

2. After that, you need to simultaneously hold down two buttons: "Sleep" and "Home". Keep them for a long time, even when the device starts to reboot. You need to wait for the recovery mode window. On iPhone 7 and 7s, hold down two buttons: Sleep and Volume Down. Hold them for that long.

3. You will be prompted to restore or update your phone. Select recovery. The device can exit the recovery mode, if the process is delayed, then repeat all steps again 3-4 times.

4. At the end of the recovery, the password will be reset.

1.5. By installing a new firmware

This method is reliable and works for the vast majority of users, but requires the selection and download of the firmware, which weighs 1-2 Gigabytes.

Attention! Choose the source for downloading the firmware carefully. If there is a virus inside it, it can completely break your iPhone. You will not be able to find out how to unlock it. Do not ignore antivirus program warnings and do not download files with the .exe extension

1.Use your computer to find and download the firmware for your iPhone model with the .IPSW extension. This extension is the same for all models. For example, almost all official firmwares are available.

2. Enter Explorer and move the firmware file to the folder at C: \\ Documents and Settings \\ username you are using \\ Application Data \\ Apple Computer \\ iTunes \\ iPhone Software Updates.

3. Now connect your device to your computer via USB cable and enter iTunes. Go to your phone section (if you have multiple devices). Each model will have a full technical name and you can easily find yours.

4. Press CTRL and "Restore iPhone". You will be able to select the firmware file that you downloaded. Click on it and click "Open".

5. Now it remains to wait. Eventually, the password will be reset along with your data.

1.6. Using a special program (only after jailbreak)

If your favorite phone has been jailbroken by you or the previous owner, all of the above methods are not suitable for you. They will cause you to install the official firmware. You will have to download a separate program for this called Semi-Restore. It won't work if you don't have the OpenSSH file and Cydia store on your phone.

Attention! At the moment the program works only on 64-bit systems.

1. Download the program at and install it on your computer.

2. Connect the device to the computer via a USB cable, after a while the program will recognize it.

3. Open the program window and click the "SemiRestore" button. You will see the process of clearing devices from data and password in the form of a green bar. Expect your mobile to reboot.

4. When the runner "crawls" to the end, you can use the phone again.

2. How to reset Apple ID password?

If you don't have a password for your Apple ID account, you won't be able to sign in to iTunes or iCloud and reset. All methods of how to recover a password on an iPhone will not work for you. Therefore, you will need to recover your Apple ID password first. Most often, the account ID is your mail.

1. Go to!&page\u003dsignin and click the Forgot Apple ID or Password? Button.

2. Enter your ID and click on "Continue".

3. You can now reset your password in four ways. If you remember the answer to the security question, select the first method, enter the answer and you will be able to enter a new password. You can also receive a password reset email to your primary or backup email account. If you have another Apple device, you can recover your password using it. In case you have connected two-step verification, you will also need to enter the password that will come to your phone.

4. After you reset your password using any of these methods, you will need to update it in other Apple services.

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Apple gadgets are famous for their ability to ensure the security of personal data of users - on iPhones, you can "password" literally everything. However, for the users themselves, this sometimes "goes sideways". Having set a lot of passwords, they will forget some.

We'll tell you how to set and change various passwords on iPhone, as well as how to recover forgotten codes.

There are 3 passwords that the owners of "apple" products risk forgetting:

  • Lock screen password... The owner of the iPhone has to enter it every time the device is unlocked.
  • Restrictions password - protects applications from accidental deletion, restricts access to sites containing 18+ content. Through the section " Limitations" at " Settings»IPhone can be removed from the desktop browser and camera - these items can be returned only to those who know the restrictions password.
  • Apple ID password... Without an account password, you will not be able to download the application from the AppStore, deactivate the “ Find iPhone».

IPhone Lock Screen Password

The owner of the iPhone enters the lock password many times every day, so cases when this code is forgotten are rare. Any combination of 4 digits is suitable for the role of the lock password, but it is better to avoid very primitive ones (like 0000). The user must remember that the lock password protects his photo, among which there may be compromising evidence.

How to put

Setting a password on the lock screen is done as follows:

Step 1... Go to « Settings"IPhone, find the section" Password”And proceed to it.

Step 2... Click on the item " Enable password».

Step 3... Come up with a 4-digit combination and enter it twice.

After that, the lock password will be set.

Pay attention to the other options present in the section " Password". For example, through the menu “ Password request»You can set the time period. This is how long the gadget will have to stay locked to ask for a password.

This option allows the active user of the gadget to avoid the need to waste time entering the digital code several times per minute. The optimal time interval for requesting a password is 5 minutes.

You can also set a 4-hour period - however, is a password required in this case generally?

Apple warns: the shorter the time period for asking for a password, the more secure the data on the iPhone is.

Another interesting option is “ Erase data". The slider for its activation is located at the very bottom of the section " Password».

If the option " Erase data»Is activated, then after 10 unsuccessful attempts to enter the password, all information stored on the mobile device is destroyed. Do I need to say that a user who dared to enable this option should make backups of data on a permanent basis?

How to change / disable password on iPhone

You can change the unlock code in the same section " Settings". Go to it and enter the current password. Then click on the item " Change Password».

Re-enter the valid code, then enter the new combination twice.

The password will be changed.

The user can set as a password not only a 4-digit combination, but also a more complex set of symbols - including letters and punctuation marks. To do this, you need to translate the slider " Simple password»To the inactive position.

The iPhone will ask you to enter a valid security code - then it will give you the opportunity to set a complex password.

The complex password entry screen looks like this:

Remove password from iPhone quite very simple. You just need to click on the item " Turn off password»And enter the current security code once.

How to reset if forgot

Resetting the unlock password will result in the deletion of all information on the iPhone. Therefore, before proceeding with this procedure, it is worth creating a backup copy of the data.

You can reset the lock password in 2 ways: through iTunes and through the iCloud website. If you decide to use the media combine, you need to proceed as follows:

Step 1... Launch iTunes.

Step 2... Enter your mobile device into Recovery Mode.

Step 3... Connect iPhone to iTunes with USB cable. The following picture will appear on the screen:

Step 4... Click the " Restore iPhone ..."And in the window that appears, select the option" Rebuild and update».

If the speed of your Internet connection is poor, you should be prepared for the fact that you will have to wait a long time - after all, you tasked iTunes with downloading the firmware, which weighs about 1.5 GB.

Upon completion of the procedure, you will receive a gadget that you can configure as new - including protecting it with a new password.

Resetting the lock password via the iCloud website can only be done if the “ Find iPhone". The algorithm of actions is as follows:

Step 2... In the main menu, find the icon “ Find iPhone"And click on it.

Step 3.Enter your Apple ID password and click “ To come in».

Step 4... On the menu " All devices»Select the device you want to reset.

An image of the device will appear on the screen, as well as a list of actions that can be performed remotely with it.

Step 5... Click on the " Erase iPhone».

Then confirm your intention - click on " Erase"In the window that appears.

Step 6... Enter your Apple ID password again and click the arrow button.

This will start the procedure to delete all data from the iPhone - including the set passwords.

Restrictions password on iPhone

Apple technology users have problems with passwords for restrictions all the time. You have to enter the restrictions password much less often than the unlock code, so forgetting it is easy.

How to put

To set a restriction password on an iPhone, you need to do the following:

Step 1... Go to « Settings"Gadget and follow the path" The main» — « Limitations».

Step 2... In the last subsection, click on the item " Enable restrictions».

Step 3... Create and write down a 4-digit restriction password twice. You cannot install a more complex combination that includes letters (as is the case with the unlock code).

After setting the password, you will see that all the sliders in the subsection “ Limitations»Become active.

By controlling these sliders, you can adjust the limits. For example, by switching the toggle switch " Safari"In the inactive position, you remove the browser icon from the iPhone screen. By deactivating the slider " Removing programs", You set a ban on the corresponding operation.

How to disable / change

Disabling the restriction password on the iPhone is done in just two steps: you need to click on the item " Turn off restrictions”, Then enter the password.

You can change the restriction password by disabling it and reinstalling it. There are no other ways - however, this one takes less than a minute of time.

How to know if you forgot

If you forget your restrictions password, you don't have to reset your iPhone. You will be able to find out the password using special software. The program will do Pinfinder, which you can download. The utility weighs only 1 MB and is downloaded in archive format - therefore, to use it, you need to have WinRAR on your PC.

You can find out the forgotten restriction password using Pinfinder by doing the following:

Step 1... Back up iPhone data via iTunes. If you have already done a backup that includes the restrictions password before, you can skip this step.

Step 2... Open the archive and run the executable Pinfinder.exe.

Step 2... This window will appear:

In the column " Backup time»Lists the dates of the most recent backups. Find the current date, then pay attention to the combination of numbers that appears opposite it in the column “ Restrictions Passcode». This combination is the current restriction password..

Restriction and lock passwords are 4 digits long, so users often use the same combination. If you forget the restriction password, you should first of all try to enter the unlock code instead - maybe this will work.

Apple ID password

The Apple ID password is set when you create your account. We will not write here how to register an Apple ID - there is an article on our website that tells in detail how to create an account through iTunes and directly from a smartphone. More pressing is the question of recovering a forgotten Apple ID password.

How to change your password if you remember your credentials

To change your Apple ID password, you need to proceed as follows:

Step 1... Go to the account management page and log in - enter the Apple ID itself and the password from it.

Step 2... Answer a couple of security questions - just like you answered them when registering.

If you do not remember the answers to the security questions asked, you can reset these questions and install new ones. To reset, it will be enough to answer only one of 3 questions - any of the user's choice.

Step 4... A window will appear - in its fields you will need to enter the current password (once) and the new one (twice).

The requirements for an Apple ID password are quite strict. The new password must be 8 characters (minimum), include numbers, uppercase and lowercase Latin letters, and not to be like with none of the passwords that have been used with this identifier in the last year.

Step 5... Having managed to find the appropriate combination, click on “ Change Password…».

No more confirmation is needed - the next time you try to download the application, you will have to enter a new Apple ID password.

How to reset your password if you forgot it

You can reset your Apple ID password in 2 ways: via email or by answering security questions. The reset is done as follows:

Step 2... Enter in the appropriate fields your Apple ID (mailing address to which the account is attached) and captcha. Pay attention to Apple's customer focus: a visually impaired user can force the service to captcha to name - if he clicks on the item " For the visually impaired».

After entering the captcha, you need to click " Proceed».

Step 3... On the next page, select the option " I want to reset my password"And click again on" Proceed».


Many users of Apple branded devices prefer to provide additional protection to their gadget and the information contained in it by setting a complex password on the lock screen. However, such an unpleasant situation can happen to each of us when the iPhone password is hopelessly forgotten.

To avoid future problems and wasting time recovering it, it's best to write it down and store it in a safe place. But what if you forgot your iPhone passcode? Apple, taking care of the security and preservation of confidential information and money, has taken great pains to provide for a fairly complex password reset process that allows you to identify the user as the owner of the device. Therefore, we can say with confidence that the security system at Apple is flawless. The solution to the problem depends on the model of the apple product. You also need to consider which password was forgotten. There are several types of them on the iPhone:

  • From the lock screen;
  • From your Apple ID account;
  • On restrictions.

What to do if you forgot your IPhone password from the lock screen and the device is locked?

The lock screen password is designed to protect your device data. If you enter an incorrect password six times in a row, the device is locked for a while, after which the screen displays “IPhone disabled”.

In the event that the password cannot be remembered in any way, then you can use three methods:

  • Using iTunes;
  • Find iPhone function;
  • Use recovery mode.

Using iTunes

ITunes will help solve the problem if the device was previously synchronized with this program. To recover your password you need:

  • Turn off the device;
  • Connect iPhone to PC using the supplied USB cable;
  • Enter the device into Recovery Mode;
  • Open iTunes;
  • When the message "iTunes has found an IPhone in recovery mode ..." appears, click the "OK" button;
  • After that, you need to restore the device by clicking on the "Restore iPhone" button.

  • If a message appears asking you to check for iPhone software updates, click the Check button.
  • After that, you will be prompted to restore factory settings, and the old data and password will be deleted. You must click on the "Restore and Update" button
  • When the IOS assistant asks for settings and restores contacts and other data, select "Restore from a copy of iTunes". This method is useful if you have previously performed data synchronization. Otherwise, it will not be possible to restore personal data, and you can use the "Set up IPhone as a new device" option.

An IPhone restored in this way with factory settings or restored from a backup will no longer contain the password for the screen lock.

Find iPhone function

If the “Find IPhone” function was enabled on the device, then you can remotely erase all data, including deleting the password. To do this, you need to follow the link, check if the function is connected. At the top of the browser, find the "All devices" menu item, select your own and click on the "Erase" button. Deleted data can be restored from a backup using the setup assistant.

Use recovery mode

Recovery mode will help if you have not previously synchronized your device with iTunes, the "Find iPhone" function is not enabled, and if you do not have access to your computer. In order to put the device into recovery mode and delete data and password, you must disconnect all USB cables from the device. Turn off iPhone, press and hold the Home button until the Connect to iTunes screen appears. After that, the program should report that a device was found in recovery mode, press the "Ok" button, restore the iPhone.

What to do if you forgot your iPhone password from your Appstore account?

Apple ID is a username that is used to perform various actions with the iPhone: allows you to go to the support site, make purchases in the iTunes Store, Apple Store, use the iCloud service.

  1. You need to open the page, go to the page "Reset password"

  1. Enter the identifier and click on the "next" button. If Apple ID is forgotten, you need to click on the "Find Apple ID" link, where you will be prompted to enter information - name, e-mail, click on the "Next" button.

  1. To reset your password, you have to follow one of the following steps:
  • answer the security question, enter a new password and click on the "Reset password" button;
  • pass authentication by e-mail (in this case, the password will be sent to the main or additional e-mail address specified during registration), follow the link in the letter and enter a new password, reset the password;

  • follow two-step verification (if enabled earlier). To do this, you must enter a trusted device to which the confirmation code will be reset. Enter the recovery key, specify a new password and click on the "Reset password" button.

If none of the proposed methods came up and you cannot recover your password, you can contact Apple support or by phone +7 495 5809557.

Features of solving the problem if you forgot the password on the IPhone 4, 5, 6

Recovering a forgotten password on the IPhone 5 and 6 does not have any fundamental differences, for this it is enough to use the instructions described above. Resetting a password on an IPhone 4 with an older operating system has its own peculiarities.

Password recovery for IPhone 4

If you forget your screen unlock password, you can reset the password by syncing your device with your computer, which will allow you to recover data without using a screen password.

  1. Put the device into DFU mode. To do this, you need to reboot - press the power button and "Home" for ten seconds.
  2. After the logo appears on the screen, release the power button while holding the Home button. After that, an image of the USB connection will appear on the screen and a proposal to turn on iTunes.
  3. A message about restoring the device will appear, you must click on the "Restore" button.

After performing the restore, the phone will be reset to factory settings and all the data stored in the device will be lost. Therefore, the best way to secure your data is to save backups, which will allow you to restore contacts, media files.

It is worth noting that the Internet offers a lot of methods designed for devices with the IOS 5.1, 6.1 operating system, which allows you to bypass problems in the Apple security service by dialing the emergency phone number, and then dropping the call and blocking the device. There are also software based on the ICCID vulnerability of the iPhone, for example, the Chinese program SAM. Today, all system errors in older versions of the IOS operating system have been eliminated by the developers, so these methods do not work and are unsafe, so it is not recommended to use them.

It is best to use legal and proven methods, only they can be considered reliable and highly effective.

With whom does not happen. We put a password on the iPhone and forgot which one. Or the device has been in the box for a while. One way or another, it is best to always know what action to take in such a situation.

What to do if you forgot your iPhone password? In this article, we will consider all the available options for removing the password from the Lock Screen device. Do not unblock your ID, please contact Apple Support immediately.

If the password on the iPhone is entered incorrectly 6 times, the device is locked for a minute, if after that you enter the wrong password again number of times, it will be locked for number of minutes, etc. In short, the more you try to find it, the longer you have to wait. Also, if you have the "Erase data" function enabled, then experimenting with the selection of a combination is strictly prohibited. This feature erases all iPhone data if the password is entered incorrectly 10 times. To enable it you need to: go to settings - password - opposite the "erase data" field, switch the slider to on.

There are three ways to recover your device if you forgot your iPhone password, so ...

We remove the password if synchronization with iTunes was carried out.

If your device was previously synced with iTunes, you can restore it. This is the most painless way, all data will remain on the device.

Remove a password using Find My iPhone

If Find My iPhone is set up on an iOS device, you can use iCloud to erase and restore it. This is if you forgot your iPhone password, but did not forget your Apple iD password :) In this case, all data from the iPhone will be deleted.

Now you can either restore the device from a backup or set up the device as new.

Removing a password using recovery mode

If you've never synched with iTunes or set up Find My iPhone in iCloud, you'll need to use Recovery Mode to restore your device. If you forgot your iphone password, then this method always works. This will erase the password and all data from the device.

  1. Connect your iOS device to your computer and open iTunes.
  2. After connecting the device, perform a forced restart:
  • Press and hold the Sleep / Wake and Home buttons at the same time.
  • Do not release the buttons when you see the Apple logo - wait for the recovery mode screen.
  • When prompted to perform a repair or update, select "Repair".

  • ITunes starts downloading the software for your device.

  • Wait for the process to finish. After that, the device can be configured and used.
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