How friends in contact move. Important friends VKontakte: what is it and how is the list formed

I don’t know if you are in the know, but you have the opportunity to remove your friend from the top of the VK list of friends using the simplest actions. All you have to do is use a couple of clicks to lower your friend’s priority in the news section, after which he will go to the bottom of your friends list. Let's analyze 3 ways in which this can be done.

Instruction No. 1: through the activity shown:
The best known way to get a friend off the top of your friends list is to make other friends top. This is all done for a very long time and manually, because this requires visiting friends' pages as often as possible, evaluating and commenting on their publications and communicating with them through private messages. The more you perform actions in relation to certain users, the higher they become in the list of your friends.

This is how you can remove your foe. Just be active on the pages of other friends from your list, and as for the foe, forget about him. For the method to work, you must not keep in touch with this user, otherwise he can not only stay in the same place on your list, but also jump even higher!

In general, a little time spent, a little patience and a bit of caution - and you are at the cherished goal!

Instruction No. 2: through the news section:
It’s not necessary to do everything manually. All of you have a personal life and more important matters, and to remove your friend from the top positions of your VKontakte friends list there is a function and easier.

This time we need a record of our foe in the news feed. The method, unfortunately, does not always work. If a person has not published new posts on his wall for a long time, this method will not help, so use the third method. But if your friend is actively posting new posts or has published recently, you can scroll down and find one of his posts with ease. But to make his post easier to find, do the following:

  When you find your friend’s post or hide all other news, to find your friend’s post, follow the instructions below:

Instruction No. 3: through the user page:
This method is much simpler than the first two. However, in order not to rack your brains and save a lot of time, it is better to use this method right away! Here everything is done like this:

  Due to the features of the VKontakte social network, the order of friends does not change immediately, but several hours after the manipulations. Therefore, after you have done the above steps, just be patient!

After some time, your friend will move from the top of your friends list. It’s verified that a friend can be in the middle of your list, and at the very end. It all depends on your activity towards this person. For example, if you just added a new friend and he is in the top of your friends, hiding his news will lower him to the very, very end of your friends list. And in the event that a person was in the top because you often visit his page, send him messages and like his photos, after hiding the news he will be approximately in the middle of the list or a little higher.

It is worth noting that the methods described above also work with communities. That is, lowering the priority of your groups, meetings or public pages, you will shift them to the lower positions of your list of communities.

Many young Internet users are wondering: is it possible to find out in VK the list of best friends from your friend? Or, which of my friends put me in the category of important ones? In this article, I will answer these questions and share my experience in identifying important friends with my friends on VKontakte social network. Initially, you need to understand what these terms generally mean.

Whom we will relate to important friends

Important (best) friends in VK are formed from the general list with which the account holder most often communicates. This does not mean that it is meant personal correspondence. The word "communication" means all types of activity committed in relation to a specific user of VKontakte.

Here are attributed:

  1. View new photos and latest news;
  2. Writing comments;
  3. Placement of reposts;
  4. Frequent visit to the page;

With all this, activity can be expressed not on one side, but on both. That is, when a friend from the user's list opens his page, writes a comment there, leaves a like under the photo, then he is assigned to the group of best friends in automatic mode.

In addition, all people recently added to the list of friends will stay in the group of the best for some period. This will be so until the system determines that the owners of both accounts do not express any interest in each other’s records.

All the best friends are at the top of the list of friends. Recently added people are moved to the very top of the list so that the user “does not lose sight of them” and does not forget about them.

Is it possible to determine who is the best friend of the user

You can establish how important a friend from the friend list of another user in VK is by reading the list of his friends. But this will not be an absolute guarantee that they are really important to him.

Perhaps he just recently added them to his list, or they themselves showed attention to this user. After all, as we recall, to get into the category of “important”, just go to your friend’s page and write a comment or like it.

Take a closer look at your own list of friends, and you will also notice on the top lines of those people with whom you didn’t even communicate today, and did not visit their pages for several days.

It is likely that they are your “fans”, they are interested in what you write on your wall and what you publish on the page. Being active in relation to you, they will not only one day stay among the "best" friends.

We find out who is in the “important” list from a friend

Now let's analyze what the best friends mean, and how to find out this list from your friend. When we add new friends to ourselves, VK automatically offers us to sort them.

That is, we can indicate by whom we have the added person:

  • family member;
  • a close friend;
  • work colleague;
  • friends at the university, etc.
  1. To find out who belongs to the “best” friends section of your friend in VKontakte, you can open his friends list.
  2. You can do this by visiting your friend’s page and viewing his friend list.
  3. You can also use your own list of friends - opposite the profile picture of your friend, you need to click on the icon "view friends".
  4. After switching to the list of friends of your acquaintance, you will see icons next to the photo symbolizing “important” friends, “relatives”, etc.
  5. Your avatar will be at the top of the list, and you will immediately see if you are in the "best" friends.
  6. So by reviewing all your friends, you will find out who is in the list of “important” and who is in the category of ordinary friends.

Many users do not pay attention to all these categories, objectively believing that the "best" friend does not need general publicity. And maybe they are right!

I think many users find it useful to know by what principle is a list of VKontakte friends formed  in 2019.

Once upon a time, everything was very simple: anyone with a higher rating was at the very top of the list. But times have changed, the rating has been canceled, and now   friends sorting  it happens differently.

First of all, we go to the section "My Friends" and deal with the list of friends on our page:

Who do we see first in the list of friends? That's right, those with whom we communicate the most.

The principle of sorting the list of friends: the first will be those friends with whom you most often correspond, but also those whose pages you constantly look at, like, comment on posts.

Thus, the first friend may be the one with whom you might not communicate at all, but always follow his page and (or) be active on it.

But there is a small nuance: the users you recently added as friends are initially displayed higher than the others (usually they occupy 5-10 positions in the list). This is done so that you do not lose sight of them.

How is the list of friends formed by other users of Vkontakte

Now consider   the principle of sorting friends from other Vkontakte users. If their friends list is formed according to the above-described principle, then we see friends in a completely different way.

We open the list of friends of the user and see the following:

You are the first in the list if this user is your friend. The following are the users who have with you: the more mutual friends, the higher they are in the list. Even lower are users sorted by date of registration in VKontakte: those who have registered earlier are higher.

This is how the friends list of other users is sorted.

How to change the sort order of a friend list

If you wish, you can promote on the list  a certain friend. To do this, it is enough to communicate with him more often, visit his page, be active (like, post, repost, comment on posts / photos).

Thus, after a short period of time, the selected user will take first place in the list of your friends. The reverse way is possible.

Let's look at a few ways you can downgrade any user on your friends list. The simplest is not to be active with it: do not visit the page, do not write messages, do not comment on photos and recordings. Over time, it will be replaced by those people with whom you most often communicate. The main thing is not to maintain any contacts, otherwise the plan will not work. Also, you can always, so that outsiders do not see him at all among your friends.

Drop a friend through the news

If you have no time to wait and you need to quickly lower a friend in the list several positions down, then you need to mark any news from him as uninteresting. (Read also). This is done as follows. Go to the News, look among the posts for any post of this user and point the mouse at the ellipsis and click on It is not interesting

After - do not show the news.

This manipulation will certainly put your friend on the list. If you do not want to unsubscribe from his news, the action can be undone, it will not affect the result. For a faster search, if you have a cluttered feed, you can use the filter.

Knock out of the top with one click

There is another way, though it will not work right away, but after a couple of three hours. We go to the victim’s page and select in the menu Actions  field Hide News.

You can also return the news of this user to your feed and wait for Vkontakte to perform the necessary manipulation and lower your friend, knock him out of the top. Choose any method and write reviews in the comments. I hope the information was useful.

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