How to hide posts on the wall. How to hide a wall in VK

”, Etc.) select“ My Settings ”. After loading the settings page, you will see a series of tabs at the top ("General", "Privacy", "Alerts", etc.). Click on the "Privacy" tab. Find the line “Who can post on my wall.” To her right you will see a blue line “Only friends”. Click on it and select "Only Me" from the drop-down list. Click on the “Save” button below.

Go to your page. No one else except you will be able to leave messages on your wall. If you want to take up no space, delete all entries. To do this, hover over each entry and in the upper right corner click on the cross ("Delete Entry"). Perform this operation until there are no more entries.


After deleting records from the wall, they cannot be restored. In addition, your wall is an important source of news about your activity on the VKontakte resource. Your friends will no longer see the news that they usually receive in their subscriptions.

Useful advice

If you do not like the abundance of posts on your wall, simply limit the circle of people who can leave them. To do this, instead of “Just Me” in step 1, select “Some Friends”. In the window that opens, select those friends whose records you want to see on your wall.


  • as they see me on VKontakte

Social networks have both advantages and disadvantages. For example, an office worker claims to be working on a report, and after a minute the boss sees in “ In contact with"Page of this employee with the status of" Online ". Or you want to listen to music and chat with a classmate, but an uncomfortable interlocutor whom you cannot help but answer sees the same status. How can one not think about staying here!

You will need

  • - knowledge of the browser installed on your computer;
  • - Internet access.

Instruction manual

If you use Mozilla Firefox to work with the Internet, go to the site " In contact with"And make sure that you are not authorized on the resource (if you are still authorized, click" Logout "). Then enter the command "about: config" in the address bar to open the browser settings menu.

In the menu that appears, look for the "Filter" field and enter the command "network.http.redirection-limit" in it. The parameter that appears after input must be remembered, and then changed to 0, which will mean a ban on forwarding processing.

Next, you need to go to the site "In Contact" and go through the authorization procedure. An error message may appear during this process - you just need to ignore it. Now you need to go to any page except the main page of any user (it ends with profile.php or id12345678).

Return to the settings tab and change the value of the network.http.redirection-limit parameter to the original one. Now, if you do not visit the main pages of users, including yours, you will be invisible to other users.

If you prefer Opera, select the "Tools" button in the browser menu, then "Settings", "Advanced" and, finally, "Network". Here you need to uncheck the box “Enable automatic redirection”. After that, you need to do the first four points of operations of this instruction.

There is another way, but it works with restrictions. Log in to the site " In contact with", Go to any page except the main one and wait 15-20 minutes to complete the system connection timeout. After that you will

    There are options. If in this case we are talking about your recording on the wall, then you will not be able to do this, since this is not provided for by this social network.

    But if you want to take and hide not your signature, then you need to do the following manipulations. Go to the general settings, they are located on the top left, go right after the inscription My bookmarks. When you open the settings, you need to select the privacy tab. And there is such a point who sees the records on my wall, here you can block access to people you don’t want. There is such an item there, except here and do it.

    His - no way. A stranger - you can

    There is nothing easier. Go to your profile on the social network VKontakte. And there you already need to go into the privacy settings. There, find the entry on the page. Among several items you will need to find the following item with the text:

    Click on this item and select everything except ... quot ;. All that remains is to select users. They won’t see the recordings, but they won’t get into the emergency either. As you can see, nothing complicated - the administration made sure that the navigation was convenient.

    Unfortunately, you will not be able to carry out your plan, since it is impossible to hide any particular record from a certain person. You can only set the privacy for this contact for all the entries on your wall: in the settings, select privacyquot ;, then select the entries on the wall, and select the person from whom we want to hide, save the changes.

    It is impossible to hide the record.

    But you can hide the whole wall for this person.

    3. There we are looking for Records on the page, and in it Who sees someone else's records on my pagequot ;.

    4. To the right of Who sees someone else's posts on my page there are, only friends, etc., choose

    Everything except .. and insert a friend into the denied access)

    If you want to hide a wall post left by another user, but not by you, then this is possible.

    To do this, go to the privacy settings, where we find the quot section; the entry on the quot page; and change to all users on Everything except ... And we select the person from whom you want to hide the record. Done.

    But you won’t be able to hide your entries on the wall without blacklisting the user.

    It’s not so simple here - it all depends on whose record you want to hide on your wall from a specific person - your own or someone else’s. If yours, then now it is impossible to do it. But someone else's is pretty easy. To do this, in the privacy settings, we find the item about who sees the records of others on your page - here we select all but a certain person. But in this case, the person will not see all the records of others, and not some specific one. In the same way, you can hide all your notes from this person, but you cannot hide a separate post.

    Records on the VKontakte wall are accessible to any network user. Hide just one entry from prying eyes with a special key combination or use special functions, there are no such functions. Therefore, hide only one record will not work. You can hide all entries and hide your actions from a specific person on the VKontakte social network by adding a person to the black list. You can remove a person through the privacy function. And without a blacklist, it’s impossible to hide anything.

    Over time, you can hope for the appearance of such an opportunity, but for now, a black list is available for help. Hide user in privacy settings.

    Create a group of friends, which will be visible to the record and not include this one in it. But then the entry will not be visible to the guests of the page. Otherwise, nothing.

    Alas, it is impossible to hide just one record from a certain person. You have the option to hide all other people's posts on your wall. You can do this through the privacy settings tab\u003e record on the page\u003e who sees the records of others on my page. You can do this only on condition that this person is in your friends.

    If you want to hide your record for one single person without entering it in an emergency, then this procedure will not work. Not provided by the developers of such a condition. If you do not want this only person to not see the recording, then you will need to enter it in the emergency.


    Unfortunately, there are no ways to hide ONE post on the VK wall from a single person without adding it to the black list, but so that other users can not see it - does not exist  and never was, maybe in the future there will be such a satisfied actual function of VKontakte, which could be very useful.

    The only solution for this case is to hide all the records of his wall from this user, or simply add him to the black list, but then he will not see not only your wall, but also your friends, groups, photos and much more, but - the time when you last visited the page will be available to him.

One of the main elements of your VKontakte account is the wall. Here you can publish entries, photos and videos (see), as well as any other information.

But quite often there is a need to hide the wall in VK so that your materials are not available for viewing by other users. How to achieve such a result?

Now I will show you.

To begin, let's close the wall of our community from prying eyes. To do this, go into it. Under the avatar, find and click on the "Menu" icon. In the drop-down list, click the link Community Management.

How to close your VKontakte wall

It’s not much more complicated here. Now I will show you. Here is some more helpful information.

We can make the wall completely closed to prying eyes, or restrict certain types of materials and recordings. In any case, everything is done using the privacy settings. Let's move on to this section. We go to VK, and in the upper right corner we open the drop-down menu (where your name is indicated). Next, click the "Settings" link.

In the right menu, open the "Privacy" section. And scroll to the block "Wall posts". If you want to completely hide your page, then for all four items, set the value to "Only me."

You can partially limit the viewing of your wall - for this, set the appropriate permissions for each of the items.

Adding wall posts to friends only

There is a new chip. You can post to your wall so that they are only available to your friends. Other users will not be able to view them.

Make any entry, add everything you need to it (photo, video, etc.). And click on the castle icon. After that, publish a post - it will be available only to friends.

Video lesson: how to make a wall in VK closed


With these tricky manipulations, you can make your wall completely closed, or partially limited. It all depends on what privacy settings you set.


In contact with

The VKontakte website has privacy settings through which you can hide your page. How to open these settings, we will show below. What exactly can you configure to hide the page or close it from certain people or just from all outsiders?

Make the page closed

You can make the page closed in the privacy settings. link  . In the list of settings you need to find "Profile Type" and put "Closed". After that, only your friends will see the page completely. Everyone else will see only the first name, last name, the main photo (without the ability to enlarge it), mutual friends, the number of friends and records, as well as, if filled in, status, age, city, place of work.

When you make a profile private, all privacy settings are automatically reset to more private settings - to “Only friends” or remain the same if they were more limited (for example, “Only me” or “Nobody”).

Hide yourself on VK: privacy settings

Your settings section "Privacy".  determines to whom and what you can watch, write on your page, send private messages, comment, invite to groups. You can do everything as you need.

There are four sections:

  1. My page  - to whom you allow and to whom you prohibit viewing this or that information on your personal VK page
  2. Records on the page  - everything about your wall
  3. Connection with me  - restrictions on private messages, invitations
  4. Other

Any person (VKontakte user) can go to your page, but what he sees on it depends on the settings. You can choose who can see the information on your page. For example, to hide the city, marital status, in the setting “Who sees the basic information of my page”, you need to choose who you are you allow to see  this information. Others will not see.

Each setting can be pressed and changed. Let's see in more detail. First part: "My page".  The first paragraph: "Who sees the basic information of my page." For example, if “All users” is now selected there, you can click there and select “Friends and friends of friends” - this means that the person you added as a friend can watch the information OR any person who is a friend of one of your friends .

You can open privacy settings in a new window. link  (this instruction will remain, and you can switch back to it).

Here are all the settings in this section that you can control:

  • Who sees the basic information of my page
  • Who sees the photos that marked me
  • Who sees the videos that marked me
  • Who sees the list of my groups
  • Who sees the list of my audio recordings
  • Who sees my gift list
  • Who sees the map with my photos
  • Who can be seen in the list of my friends and subscriptions - here you can hide friends, this is described below
  • Who sees my hidden friends

Next to each of these settings, the currently selected option is shown. There you can click and choose something else. For example, so that only your friends see the information on the page, select “Only friends” at each point.

Now attention! Think about who you want to close from. Maybe your page will want to see your future life partner, which could become your destiny forever. But she can’t do it. Therefore, do not change these settings without special need.

In the section below "Other"  There is a setting "To whom my page is visible on the Internet." There you can choose one of three options:

  • Everyone: this means that anyone can visit your page (not even a VK user)
  • To everyone except search sites: anyone can enter the page, but you will not be able to find you in Yandex or Google by name and surname
  • Only to VKontakte users: only VKontakte users can find you by name and surname, as well as go to the page

How to hide the wall

You can completely hide the wall from non-friends if you make the profile closed. Without closing the profile, you can hide entries selectively when publishing them (make them only for friends):

How to hide a wall post

To hide a post, post it to friends only. Open your page, click on the “title” of the wall (where the number of entries is indicated), and you will see the creation of a new entry with a checkmark “Only for friends”. Or you can write something on the wall and check the box next to the words "Only for friends."

Pay attention to the settings group “Entries per page”  - It's about the wall.

  • Who sees other people's posts on my page - choose who can see what is written on your wall by other people
  • Who can leave notes on my page - choose who is allowed to write on your wall (you can forbid everyone, that is, choose the option "Only me")
  • Who sees comments on posts - choose who sees comments on a wall (under posts)
  • Who can comment on my posts - choose who is allowed to comment on the wall

If you want to hide all the entries on the wall from everyone, there is an extreme measure - this is to delete all entries one by one. They will disappear forever, and you will never restore them.

How to hide your reposts?

Allow reposts to be seen only by friends, and hide from others only by making the profile private. No other way. Repost is what you shared. These posts on your wall can be seen by your friends, subscribers, as well as any other people who are not forbidden to view your page. But there is such a way: you can selectively prevent a specific person from viewing your page, and thus hide reposts from it (along with everything else). Simply put, you need to block this person. But at the same time, he also will not be able to write to you in PM.

How to hide a friend, friends

You can hide all VK friends by making your profile private. But that user who has common friends with you will see them. Without closing the profile, you can hide only 30 friends, and you can choose who to hide. The setting "Who is visible in the list of my friends and subscriptions" is responsible for this. Click to the right of it and a list of friends will open. To hide a friend, find him and press plus. At the end, click "Save Changes."

How to add people to hidden friends?

Just add it as a friend as usual, and then hide it through the “Who is visible on my friends and subscriptions” setting, as we just told you. Remember that you can hide no more than 30 friends.

How to hide photos, album with photos?

Go to "My Photos" and click on the "pencil" in the upper right corner of the album that you want to hide (you need to move the mouse over it). Next will be the setting “Who can view / comment on this album?”. Opposite her, choose the option that you need - for example, "Only friends." You can immediately limit who can comment on the photos in the album.

If you can’t see the album you want, click on the bottom “Show all __ albums”.

Can I hide the albums “Photos from my page”, “Photos on the wall”?

The albums “Photos from my page”, “Photos on the wall” cannot be hidden.

The wall is a special column in a social network where users can post their posts, talk about news in their lives and much more. In addition to text, such a note may contain emoticons, attached audio recordings and video recordings, attached photos and documents, graffiti, a map, a timer, a poll. If privacy settings allow this, then not only the page owner himself, but his friends or any user of a social network can post and read notes on the wall.

However, many at some point there is a need to hide the account from unnecessary eyes.

In fact, the wall is the face of the account holder and there is no way to completely hide the information posted on it, except for one radical - to add to the black list a user whose viewing of the wall would be undesirable. If there are several such people, then you need to add each of them to the black list. Thus, any posted information will not be available to them.

There is also such an option as the removal of certain or all information from the wall, if its publication is undesirable. There are special scripts for this.

However, there are several options for restricting privacy. You can prevent other users of the social network from leaving and commenting on posts, and you can also ban viewing other people's posts and comments on any of them. For all this, go to the settings menu and open the privacy settings. Section "Privacy"

In them, after the “My Page” settings block, there is a block necessary for control. They have everything you need to limit access. In the drop-down lists, you need to select the most suitable option.

If comments are disabled, you can enable them in the general settings of the account.

In addition, it is possible to post entries, the viewing of which will be available only to the friends of the account owner. To do this, when writing news, click on the open lock icon in the lower left corner next to the "Send" button, which after that should change to the closed lock icon. This method of restricting access cannot be applied to already posted records.

After placing a closed news, a closed lock icon will appear next to it, which means that the news is hidden.

All the above manipulations will be useless if you do not pay attention to the last block when managing your account. To close the page, it should be visible only to users of the social network, otherwise it can be found through a search engine.

All changes as a result can be checked using the special VKontakte function - third-party page viewing. So you can check how she looks for a friend or for any person in general.

   What a page looks like for any user

If everything is done correctly, the page will be edited and you will not have to think about third-party and unwanted observation of it.

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