Natural science curriculum. The working program of the discipline (sso) bd.07 natural science. The work program of the academic discipline "natural science"

State budgetary educational institution

Republic of Mordovia

secondary vocational education

(secondary specialized educational institution)

"Temnikovsky Agricultural College"

The work program of the academic discipline "natural science"

(educational program of secondary (complete) general education for secondary vocational education)

Specialty 38.02.01 "Economics and Accounting


Temnikov 2014

Discussed and approved by Compiled in accordance with

meeting of the subject state requirements for

(cyclic) commission to minimum content and level

general professional and graduate training

special disciplines specialty 120701

minutes No. 1 dated "___" _____ 20___. "Land management"

Chairman ________ E.N. Grishina Deputy. Director of Academic Affairs

L.V. Shcherbakova

"___" __________ 20 ____

Compiled by: teachers GBOU RM SPO (SSUZ)

Igonova M.A., Sergeeva L.Yu.

Reviewers: lecturer GBOU RM SPO (SSUZ)

"Temnikovsky Agricultural College" -

Dunin I.A.

Teacher MBOU "Temnikovskaya secondary school № 2" - Makeeva N.V.

The work program of the academic discipline is developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard (hereinafter FSES)

in the specialty of secondary vocational education (hereinafter SPO) 38.02.01 "Economics and accounting of agriculture".


for the work program

professional module of the discipline "Natural Science"

38.02.01 "Economics and accounting of agriculture"

The basis of the work program is the content that is consistent with the requirements of the federal component of the state standard of secondary (complete) general education of the basic level.

The work program does not have a clearly expressed profile component, however, it includes elements of professionally oriented content necessary for mastering a professional educational program, forming students' professional competencies.

The program includes three main sections with relative independence and integrity: "Physics", "Chemistry with the basics of ecology", "Biology with the basics of ecology", which provide training of qualified mid-level specialists in socio-economic professions. This approach to structuring the content of the program does not violate the usual logic of science education, allows subject specialists to use developed private methods and teach science together. A prominent place in the program is occupied by integrating, interdisciplinary ideas and topics. This is, first of all, the content that illuminates the natural-scientific picture of the world, the atomic-molecular structure of matter, the transformation of energy, a person as a biological organism and in terms of its chemical composition, as well as environmental issues.

In the program for socio-economic and humanitarian profiles in secondary vocational schools, didactic units are presented, in the study of which it is advisable to focus on the vital objects of nature and the human body. These are water and atmosphere, which are considered from the point of view of chemical composition and properties, their importance for human life ("Chemistry with elements of ecology"). These are sections dedicated to the human body: the most important chemical compounds in the body ("Chemistry with elements of ecology"), organ systems, their functions, health protection, prevention of diseases and bad habits ("Biology with elements of ecology"). It is important to pay attention to a deeper study of the topic "The human body and the main manifestations of its life", issues of environmental content. At the same time, the number of laboratory work and experiments in this content of the program is much less. The program can be used by other educational institutions that implement the educational program of secondary (complete) general education.

Reviewer: lecturer of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the Republic of Moldova SPO (SSUZ) "Temnikovskiy

agricultural college "_____________ I. A. Dunin

College of Economics and Entrepreneurship

13 EMBED MSPhotoEd. 3 1415

Working programm
by discipline


for specialties of secondary vocational education for large groups of areas of training
38.00.00 "Economics and Management"

Tambov 2016
The working program of the discipline was developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard (hereinafter - FSES) in the specialties of secondary vocational education (hereinafter - SPE) 38.02.04 "Commerce" (by industry), 38.02.07. "Banking".
Organization-developer: NP "College of Economics and Entrepreneurship"
Developers: Neplyueva Svetlana Vladimirovna, teacher of the first category
Approved by the Cycle Commission Compiled in accordance with the Baseline
general humanitarian, general education curriculum
socio - economic, institutions and recommendations for
natural sciences and the implementation of the average (complete) general
mathematical disciplines of education in educational
Minutes No. ____ from ________ institutions of secondary vocational
education for specialties
Chairman of the Cycle Commission of the Economic Profile
Zaitseva L.Yu. Deputy Director for UMR
Starikova S.V.
"____" __________ 2016



conditions for the implementation of the academic discipline

Monitoring and evaluating the results of Mastering the academic discipline

1.passport of the working PROGRAM OF THE TRAINING DISCIPLINE


1.1. Scope of the work program.
The work program of the discipline is part of the main professional educational program in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for specialties 38.02.04 "Commerce" (by industry), 38.02.07. "Banking".
The work program of the discipline can be used in the implementation of basic professional educational programs in the specialties 38.02.04 "Commerce" (by industry), 38.02.07. "Banking" by all educational institutions of secondary vocational education on the territory of the Russian Federation, which have the right to implement the main professional educational program in these specialties.
The work program was developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard for SPE and the natural science program for grades 10-11 of educational institutions, edited by I.Yu. Aleksashina.
1.2. The place of the discipline in the structure of the main professional educational program: the discipline is included in the general education cycle and belongs to the basic general education disciplines.
1.3. Goals and objectives of the discipline - requirements for the results of mastering the discipline:
mastering knowledge about the modern natural-scientific picture of the world and methods of natural sciences; acquaintance with the most important ideas and achievements of natural science, which had a decisive influence on the development of technology and technology;
mastering the skills to apply the knowledge gained to explain the phenomena of the surrounding world, the perception of information of natural science and special (professionally significant) content obtained from the media, Internet resources, special and popular science literature;
the development of intellectual, creative abilities and critical thinking in the course of carrying out simple research, analysis of phenomena, perception and interpretation of natural scientific information;
fostering confidence in the possibility of knowing the laws of nature and using the achievements of natural sciences for the development of civilization and improving the quality of life;
application of natural science knowledge in professional activities and everyday life to ensure the safety of life; competent use of modern technologies; protection of health, environment.
The expected results based on the results of studying the discipline "Natural Science" correspond to the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for the level of training of students in natural science and can be formulated as:
students' ability to critically evaluate information in science content;
mastering the elements of various natural scientific research methods and getting an idea of \u200b\u200bscientific activity;
acquiring the skills to use natural science knowledge in everyday life.
The basis of the work program is the content that is consistent with the requirements of the federal component of the Federal State Educational Standard of the secondary (complete) general education of the basic level.
1.4. The recommended number of hours for mastering the work program of the academic discipline:
- the maximum study load of a student is 165 hours, including:
- compulsory classroom teaching load of the student 110 hours;
- independent work of the student 55 hours.
2.1. The scope of the discipline and types of educational work

Type of educational work
Clock volume

Compulsory classroom study load (total)



Test papers

Student's independent work (total)

Preparation of practice-oriented design works


Final attestation in the form - differential credit

2.2. Thematic plan and content of the academic discipline "Natural Science"
Names of sections and topics
Content of educational material, laboratory classes, independent work of students
Clock volume
Development level


Introduction. Natural science as a cognitive activity
Natural science as a cognitive activity.

Independent work:
# 1. "History of the development of natural science"

Section 1. Modern natural scientific knowledge about the world
A / P / C

Topic 1. The structure of natural science knowledge: the diversity of unity.

Natural science in the system of culture. Scientific knowledge: the relationship between science and culture; the concept of "science"; the system of natural sciences and the subject of their study. Principles and signs of scientific knowledge. Natural science knowledge: from hypothesis to theory.
Experimental methods in natural sciences: observation, measurement, experiment. Theoretical research methods: classification, systematization, analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, modeling.
Natural science knowledge: from hypothesis to theory.


Practical work:
# 1. Scientific knowledge criteria
# 2. Revealing the features and distinctive features of observation and experiment in natural science.
No. 3. Theories of the origin of life on Earth.


Independent work:
# 2. Compilation of the table "Average monthly temperatures for February in
Tambov "
No. 3. Message: How is experiment different from observation.
No. 4. Analyzing statistics and charting

Topic 2. The structure of the world and nature: unity of diversity
Content of training material

The scale of the universe.
Unity. Varieties. Microcosm. Macrocosm. Megaworld.
Galaxy. Solar system.
Unity of diversity. Biological systems.
Variety of life forms. Populations. Ecosystems. Biosphere.
Molecular structure of living things.
The cell as a structural basis of living organisms.
Populations and processes of their regulation. Principles of Ecosystem Organization


Practical work:
№ 4. Means of studying the microworld and megaworld.
№ 5. Solar system and planetary model of the atom.
№ 6. Proteins and nucleic acids.
№ 7. Comparative characteristics of the structure of plant and animal
Control work No. 1.


Independent work:
Optical devices, their role in the study of the megaworld and microcosm.
Characteristics of the planets (presentations)
Conversion and conservation of energy in nature.
Photosynthesis and metabolism
"Unicellular and multicellular organisms"
Preparation for the test

Topic 3. From structure to properties
Content of training material

Atoms and Elements. Two solutions to one problem in the era of Antiquity: Empedocles (theory of the elements) and Democritus (atomistics). Atomic-molecular theory.
Dependence of the properties of objects on the structure and composition. The value of art as a way of knowing the world around us for expanding the sphere of natural science ideas about the relationship between the composition, structure and properties of objects.

Classification in science. Classification of chemical elements. Biological systematics and modern concepts of biodiversity. Culture and methods of classification in science.


Practical work:
№ 8. Modern understanding of the diversity of living things.
№ 9. Carrying out the simplest research or observations.


Independent work:
Avogadro's law.
Evolution of atomism (message)
Lavoisier's theory (communication)

Topic 4. Nature in motion, motion in nature
Content of educational material.

Topic 4.1. Movement like movement
Movement is like movement. Methods for describing mechanical movement. Relativity of motion. Movement under the influence of gravitational forces. Causes of mechanical movement. Determinism of mechanical movement.
Movement as a spread. Waves. Wave properties. Sound and its characteristics.
Movement, space, time, matter. Influence of motion and matter on the properties of space and time.
Movement as a qualitative change. Nuclear reactions.


Practical work:
No. 10. Expansion of ideas about the types of movement through the prism of art.
№ 11. Forms and types of movement. Analysis of examples of motion in various systems, features and general properties of various types of motion.


Independent work:
Waves. Wave properties. (message)
Basic laws of thermodynamics. (message)
The movement of living organisms

Topic 5. Evolutionary picture of the world
Content of training material

Self-organization. Reasons and conditions. Self-organization in the development of organisms.
Evolution of the planet Earth. The principles of the evolution of living organisms.

Birth of the Universe Development of life on Earth.


Practical work:
№ 12. Self-reproduction of living organisms. Sexual and aseless reproduction.
№ 13. Evolution of the planet Earth. Human evolution.
Examination work No. 2.


Independent work:
Љ ° Message "Sexual and asexual reproduction"
Evolution of nature. The beginning of the world. Big Bang.
Modern concepts of biological evolution.
The main stages of the development of life on Earth.
Preparation for the test.

Section 2. Development of science and development of technology and technology

Topic 6. Development of technogenic civilization.
Content of training material

Technology as a reality created by man.
Technology is a source of concern for humanity.


Practical work:
№ 14. Technology and human needs: essential and redundant.

Independent work:
Historical stages in the development of human technical activity.
The world of modern technologies.

Topic 7. Interaction of science and technology
Content of training material

Mechanical picture of the world.
Hydrodynamics and Aerodynamics
Power supplies in modern technology.


Practical work:
No. 15. Optical devices. Study of the operation of optical devices.


Independent work:
The golden rule of mechanics and the simplest mechanisms.
Radio broadcasting and television.
Mobile communications and the Internet.

Section 3. Natural sciences and man (nature - science - technology society - man)

Topic 8. Natural sciences and human health problems

Problems of maintaining human health (alcohol, smoking, drug addiction).
Viruses. Vitamins as biologically active substances.

Practical work
№ 16. Man as a unique living system. Human health factors.
№ 17. Adaptation of the human body to environmental factors.
№ 18. Biochemical bases of rational nutrition.
№ 19. Human genetics. Hereditary diseases.

Independent work
Preparation of messages and presentations for the topics studied:
"Alcoholism, smoking and drug addiction in the life of a person and society"
"Prevention and treatment of diseases caused by viruses"
Drawing up a student's diet

Topic 10. Natural sciences and global problems of mankind
Content of training material:

Biosphere and noosphere. Global problems of our time.
Environmental disasters and environmental expertise.
Global climate changes and their consequences for humanity.

Practical work:
№ 20. Environmental pollution and its consequences.

Independent work
Message "The role of the biosphere in nature"
Composition of presentations "Global Catastrophes of the Century"
Preparation for test

Differentiated credit
Testing, oral questioning, defense of practice-oriented design works

M / A / P / S
165 / 110 / 44 / 55

3.conditions for the implementation of the EDUCATIONAL discipline

3.1. Minimum Logistics Requirements
The implementation of an academic discipline requires a study room - humanitarian disciplines.
3.2. Information support of training
List of recommended educational publications, Internet resources, additional literature
Main sources:
1. Science: 10 cl. study. for educational institutions: basic level / I, Yu, Aleksashina, K.V. Galaktionov, I.S. Dmitriev, and others; ed. I.Yu. Aleksashina; Grew up. acad. Sciences, Ros. acad. education, publishing house Enlightenment, 2008.
2. Science: 11 cl. study. for educational institutions: basic level: 2 hours, part 1 / I, Yu, Aleksashina, A.V. Lyaptsev, M.A. Shatalov; ed. I.Yu. Aleksashina; Grew up. acad. Sciences, Ros. acad. education, publishing house Enlightenment, 2008.
3. Science: 11 cl. study. for educational institutions: basic level: 2 hours, part 2 / I, Yu, Aleksashina, K.V. Galaktionov, N.I. Oreschenko; ed. I.Yu. Aleksashina; Grew up. acad. Sciences, Ros. acad. education, publishing house Enlightenment, 2008.
4. Peryshkin A.V. Physics. 7, 8, cl. - M., 2001.
5. Physics. 7, 8 cl. / ed. A.A. Pinsky, V.G. Razumovsky. - M., 2002-2003.
6. Physics and Astronomy. 9 cl. / ed. A.A. Pinsky, V.G. Razumovsky. - M., 2000.
7. Kasyanov V.A. Physics. 10th grade: Textbook for general educational institutions. - M., 2005.
8. Kasyanov V.A. Physics. 11th grade: Textbook for general educational institutions. - M., 2003.
9. Gabrielyan O.S. Chemistry. 9, 10, 11 cl. - M., 2012,
10. Rokhlov V.S., Trofimov S.B. Man and his health. 8 cl. - M., 2012.
11. Kamensky A.A., Kriksunov E.A., Pasechnik V.V. Biology. Introduction to general biology and ecology. 9 cl. - M., 2012

Additional literature for students

1. The emergence and development of chemistry from ancient times to the XVIII century. (General history of chemistry) / otv. ed. Yu. I. Soloviev. Moscow: Nauka, 1980.
2. Vronsky S. A. Astrology: superstition or science? / S. A. Vronsky. Moscow: Nauka, 1990.
3. Vorontsov-Velyaminov BA Collection of tasks and practical exercises in astronomy / BA Vorontsov-Velyaminov. Moscow: Nauka, 1977.
4. Gorelov A. A. Man of harmony - nature / A. A. Gorelov. Moscow: Nauka, 1990
5. Kapitsa PL Experiment. Theory. Practice / P.L. Kapitsa. Moscow: Nauka, 1991
6. Mamzin AS Biology in the system of culture / A. S. Mamzin. SPb .: Lan, 1998.
7. Meilakh B. S. At the turn of science and art / B. S. Meilakh. L .: Nauka, 1971.
8. Science methodology and scientific progress. Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1981.
9. Rhythm, space, time in literature and art / otv. ed. B.F.Egorov. L .: Nauka, 1984.
10. Sukhotin A. The vicissitudes of scientific ideas / A. Sukhotin. M., 1991
11. Shevchenko M. Yu. School astronomical calendar for 2005/06 academic year / M. Yu. Shevchenko. M .: Bustard, 2005.
12. Feyrabend P. Selected works on the methodology of science / P. Feyrabend. Moscow: Progress, 1986.
13. Philosophical Encyclopedic Dictionary, Soviet Encyclopedia, 1983.
14. Einstein A. Without formulas / A. Einstein; comp. K. Kedrov; per. from English. M .: Mysl, 2003.
15. Electronic textbook on astronomy "Open astronomy" 2.5. " LLC "Physicon".

Internet resources
[Download the file to view the link] (astronomy)

For teachers

1. Federal component of the state standard of general education. / Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. - M., 2004.
2. Kabardin O.
·., Orlov V.A. Experimental physics tasks. 9-11 grades: a textbook for students of educational institutions. - M., 2011.
3. Kasyanov V.A. Methodical recommendations for the use of textbooks V.A. Kasyanov “Physics. 10 cl. "," Physics. 11 cl. " when studying physics at a basic and specialized level. - M., 2006.
4. Kasyanov V.A. Physics. 10, 11 cl. Thematic and lesson planning. - M., 2002.
5. Labkovsky VB 220 problems in physics with solutions: a book for students of 10-11 grades. educational institutions. - M., 2006.
6. Gabrielyan O.S. Chemistry for a teacher: teaching aid / O.S. Gabrielyan, G.G. Lysova - M., 2006.
7. Gabrielyan O.S. Handbook of a chemistry teacher: grade 10 / O.S. Gabrielyan, I.G. Ostroumov - M., 2004.
8. Gabrielyan O.S. Chemistry teacher's handbook: Grade 11: 2 hours / O.S. Gabrielyan, G.G. Lysova, A.G. Vvedenskaya. - M., 2004.
9. Arshansky E.A. Methods of teaching chemistry in humanitarian classes - M., 2003.
10. Kuznetsova N.Ye. Chemistry training based on interdisciplinary integration / N.E. Kuznetsova, M.A. Shatalov. - M., 2004.
11. Chernobelskaya G.M. Methodology for teaching chemistry in high school. - M., 2003.
12. Brovkina E.T., Sonin N.I. Biology. The variety of living organisms. 7th grade. Toolkit. - M., 2003.
13. Kuzmina I. D. Biology. Man. Grade 9. Toolkit. - M., 2003.
14. Lovkova T.A., Sonin N.I. Biology. General patterns. Grade 9. Toolkit. - M., 2003.
15. Reneva N.B., Sonin N.I. Biology. Man. 8th grade. Toolkit. - M., 2003.
4. Monitoring and evaluation of the results of mastering the TRAINING Discipline

Learning outcomes
(learned skills, learned knowledge)
Forms and methods of monitoring and evaluating learning outcomes

Skills mastered

Understands the meaning of natural science methods of cognition

Know and understand the meaning of the concepts: electromagnetic field, electromagnetic waves, quantum, evolution of the Universe, big bang, solar system, galaxy, periodic law, chemical bond, chemical reaction, macromolecule, protein, catalyst, enzyme, cell, cell differentiation, DNA, virus , biological evolution, biodiversity, organism, population, ecosystem, biosphere, entropy, self-organization;

Individual and


Know the contribution of great scientists to the formation of a modern natural-scientific picture of the world

To be able to give examples of experiments and (or) observations justifying: atomic-molecular structure of matter, existence of an electromagnetic field and the relationship of electric and magnetic fields, wave and corpuscular properties of light, irreversibility of thermal processes, recession of galaxies, dependence of the properties of matter on the structure of molecules, dependence of speed chemical reaction from temperature and catalysts, the cellular structure of living organisms, the role of DNA as a carrier of hereditary information, the evolution of living nature, energy conversion and the probabilistic nature of processes in animate and inanimate nature, the relationship of ecosystem components, the impact of human activity on ecosystems;

Individual and
frontal survey in classroom
Expert assessment of the implementation of practical work

Explain the applied significance of the most important achievements in the field of natural sciences for: the development of energy, transport and communications, the creation of biotechnologies, the treatment of infectious diseases, and environmental protection.

Expert assessment of the implementation of practical work

Explain the applied significance of the most important achievements in the field of natural sciences for: obtaining synthetic materials with desired properties.

Expert assessment of the implementation of practical work

Put forward hypotheses and propose ways to test them, draw conclusions based on experimental data presented in the form of a graph, table or diagram.

Expert assessment of the implementation of practical work

Work with natural science information contained in media reports, Internet resources, and popular science literature.

Expert assessment of the implementation of practical work

Use the acquired knowledge and skills in practice and everyday life.

Execution of individual
creative tasks (projects)

Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation


Petukhovsky technical school of mechanization and electrification of agriculture -branch of a federal state budgetary educational institution

higher education

“Kurgan State Agricultural Academy named after TS Maltsev "


Natural science

disciplines ___________________________________________________________________

for a specialty (group of specialties)

38.02.01 Economics and accounting (by industry)

(code and name of the specialty)



subject-cycle commission of general humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines, mathematical and natural science disciplines

Chairman: T.I. Tymoshenko


at a meeting of the subject-cycle commission of general humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines, mathematical and natural science disciplines

Chairman: T.I. Tymoshenko


The program of the general educational discipline "Natural Science" is intended for the study of natural science in the Petukhovsky technical school of mechanization and electrification of agriculture - a branch of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education "Kurgan State Agricultural Academy named after T.S. Maltsev ", which implements the educational program of secondary general education within the framework of the development of the main vocational educational program of secondary vocational education (OBEP vocational education) on the basis of basic general education in the preparation of mid-level specialists.

The program is developed on the basis of an approximate program of the general educational discipline "Natural Science" for professional educational organizations, recommended by the Federal State Autonomous Institution "Federal Institute for the Development of Education" (FGAU "FIRO") as an example program for the implementation of the basic professional educational program of secondary vocational education based on basic general education with the receipt of secondary general education, protocol No. 3 of July 21, 2015, review registration number 374 of July 23, 2015 FGAU "FIRO", taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards of secondary general education for the structure, content and results of mastering the discipline " Natural science "(Recommendations on the organization of obtaining secondary general education within the development of educational programs of secondary vocational education on the basis of basic general education, taking into account the requirements of federal state educational standards and received special spines of secondary vocational education. Letter of the Department of State Policy in the Field of Training of Workers and Additional Professional Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 06-259 dated 17.03.2015).

    mastering knowledge about the modern natural-scientific picture of the world and methods of natural sciences; acquaintance with the most important ideas and achievements of natural science, which had a decisive influence on the development of technology and technology;

    mastering the skills to apply the acquired knowledge to explain the phenomena of the surrounding world, the perception of information of natural science and professionally significant content; development of intellectual, creative abilities and critical thinking in the course of carrying out simple research, analysis of phenomena, perception and interpretation of natural science information;

    fostering conviction in the possibility of knowing the lawful nature and using the achievements of natural sciences for the development of civilization and improving the quality of life;

    application of natural science knowledge in professional activities and everyday life to ensure the safety of life; competent use of modern technologies; protection of health, environment.



Natural science is the science of the phenomena and laws of nature. Modern natural science includes many natural science branches, of which the most important are physics, chemistry and biology. It covers a wide range of questions about the various properties of natural objects, which are considered as a whole.

Natural-scientific knowledge, technologies based on them, form a new way of life. A highly educated person cannot distance himself from fundamental knowledge about the world around him without risking being helpless in professional activity. Any promising direction of human activity is directly or indirectly related to a new material base and new technologies, and knowledge of their natural scientific essence is the law of success.

Natural science is an integral part of culture: defining a person's worldview, it penetrates both the humanitarian sphere and social life. The rational natural-scientific method, formed within the framework of the natural sciences, forms a natural-scientific picture of the world, a kind of figurative-philosophical generalization of scientific knowledge.

The basis of natural science is physics - the science of nature, which studies the most important phenomena, laws and properties of the material world. In physics, universal laws are established, the validity of which is confirmed not only in terrestrial conditions and in near-terrestrial spaces, but throughout the entire Universe. This is one of the essential features of physics as a fundamental science. Physics occupies a special place among the natural sciences, therefore it is considered to be the leader of natural science.

Natural science as the science of the phenomena and laws of nature also includes one of the most important branches - chemistry. Chemistry is the science of substances, their composition, structure, properties, transformation processes, the use of the laws of chemistry in the practical activities of people, in the creation of new materials.

Biology is an integral part of natural science. This is the science of wildlife. She studies flora, fauna and humans, using both her own methods and the methods of other sciences, in particular physics, chemistry and mathematics: observations, experiments, studies using a light and electron microscope, processing statistical data by methods of mathematical statistics, etc. Biology reveals the patterns inherent in life in all its manifestations, including metabolism, growth, reproduction, heredity, variability, evolution, etc.

When mastering the specialty SPO 38.02.01 Economics and accounting (by industry), natural science is studied at the basic level of the Federal State Educational Standard of secondary general education. The content of the discipline "Natural Science" is developed with an orientation to the socio-economic profile of vocational education. This is expressed in the content of training, the number of hours, the depth of mastering the content by students.

In general, the academic discipline "Natural Science" allows students to form a holistic natural-scientific picture of the world, to awaken in them an emotional-value attitude to the material being studied, a readiness to choose actions of a certain orientation, the ability to critically evaluate their own and others' actions and deeds.

An integral part of the educational process is the preparation of reports by students and the implementation of individual projects. The student chooses the topic of an individual project independently from those offered by the program.

The study of the general educational discipline "Natural Science" ends with summing up in the form of a differentiated credit within the framework of intermediate certification of students in the process of mastering the basic PPSS with obtaining a secondary general education.


The academic discipline "Natural Science" is an optional academic subject from the compulsory subject area "Natural Sciences" of the Federal State Educational Standard of secondary general education.

In the Petukhovsky branch of the Kurgan State Agricultural Academy, which implements the educational program of secondary general education within the development of the PPSS on the basis of basic general education, the discipline "Natural Science" is studied in the general educational cycle of the curriculum of the PPSS on the basis of basic general education with obtaining secondary general education.

In the curricula of the PPSS, the place of the academic discipline "Natural Science" is included in the general general educational disciplines formed from the compulsory subject areas of the Federal State Educational Standard of secondary general education, for specialties of secondary vocational education of technical and socio-economic profile of vocational education.


  • personal:

      sustained interest in history and achievements in the field of natural sciences, a sense of pride in the Russian natural sciences;

      readiness to continue education, advanced training in the chosen professional activity using knowledge in the field of natural sciences;

      objective awareness of the importance of competencies in the field of natural sciences for a person and society, the ability to use technological advances in physics, chemistry, biology to increase their own intellectual development in the chosen professional activity;

      the ability to analyze man-made consequences for the environment, household and industrial activities of a person;

      willingness to independently acquire new natural science knowledge using available sources of information;

      the ability to manage one's cognitive activity, to self-assess the level of one's own intellectual development;

      the ability to build constructive relationships in a team to solve common problems in the field of natural science;

  • metasubject:

      mastering the skills and abilities of various types of cognitive activity to study different sides of the surrounding natural world;

      application of the basic methods of cognition (observation, scientific experiment) to study various aspects of the natural-scientific picture of the world, which it becomes necessary to face in the professional sphere;

      the ability to determine the goals and objectives of activities, to choose the means to achieve them in practice;

      the ability to use various sources to obtain natural scientific information and assess its reliability to achieve the set goals and objectives;

  • subject:

      the formation of ideas about an integral modern natural-scientific picture of the world, nature as a single integral system, the relationship between man, nature and society, the space-time scales of the Universe;

      possession of knowledge about the most important discoveries and achievements in the field of natural science that influenced the evolution of ideas about nature, the development of technology and technology;

      the formation of the ability to apply natural science knowledge to explain the surrounding phenomena, preserve health, ensure the safety of life, respect nature, rational use of natural resources, and also fulfill the role of a competent consumer;

      the formation of ideas about the scientific method of cognizing nature and the means of studying the megaworld, macroworld and microcosm; possession of the techniques of natural science observations, experiments, research and assessment of the reliability of the results obtained;

      possession of the conceptual apparatus of the natural sciences, which allows one to learn about the world, participate in discussions on natural science issues, use various sources of information to prepare their own works, be critical of media reports containing scientific information;

      the formation of skills to understand the significance of natural science knowledge for each person, regardless of his professional activity, to distinguish facts and assessments, to compare assessment conclusions, to see their connection with assessment criteria and the connection of criteria with a certain system of values.

PHYSICS (78 h.)

Introduction (1 h.)

Physics is the fundamental science of nature. Natural scientific method of cognition, its capabilities and limits of applicability.

The unity of the laws of nature and the composition of matter in the Universe. Discoveries in physics are the basis for progress in engineering and production technology.

Mechanics (17 hours)

Kinematics.Mechanical movement. Reference system. Trajectory of movement. Way. Moving. Uniform rectilinear movement. Speed. Relativity of mechanical movement. The law of addition of speeds. Average speed with uneven movement. Instant speed. Equally accelerated rectilinear motion. Acceleration. Free fall of bodies.

Dynamics.Mass and strength. The interaction of bodies. Dynamics laws. Forces in nature. The law of universal gravitation.

Conservation laws in mechanics.Body impulse. Impulse conservation law. Jet propulsion. Mechanical work. Power. Mechanical energy. Kinetic energy. Kinetic energy and work. Potential energy in a gravitational field. The law of conservation of total mechanical energy.


Relativity of mechanical movement. Types of mechanical movement.

Inertia of bodies.

Dependence of the acceleration of a body on its mass and the force acting on the body.

Equality and the opposite direction of the forces of action and reaction.


Jet propulsion, rocket model.

Energy change when doing work.

Practical work

1. Study of uniformly accelerated motion.

Assignment: prepare a report and presentation on the topic: "The law of universal gravitation"

Fundamentals of Molecular Physics and Thermodynamics (14 h.)

Molecular physics.Atomistic theory of the structure of matter. Observations and experiments confirming the atomic-molecular structure of matter. Molecular masses and sizes. Thermal motion of particles of matter. Brownian motion. Perfect gas. Temperature as a measure of the average kinetic energy of particles. Ideal gas equation of state. Liquid model. Surface tension and wetting. Crystalline and amorphous substances.

Thermodynamics.Internal energy. Work and heat transfer as ways of changing internal energy. The first law of thermodynamics. Heat engines and their application.


The motion of Brownian particles.


Surface tension and wetting phenomena.

Crystals, amorphous substances, liquid crystal bodies.

Change in the internal energy of bodies when doing work.

Independent work of students (6 hours)

Assignment: prepare a report and presentation on the topic: "Heat engines and their application."

Fundamentals of Electrodynamics (20 h.)

Electrostatics.Interaction of charged bodies. Electric charge. Electric charge conservation law. Coulomb's law. Electrostatic field, its main characteristics and the relationship between them.

D.C.Constant electric current. Current strength, voltage, electrical resistance. Ohm's law for a section of an electrical circuit.

A magnetic field.Magnetic field and its main characteristics. The action of a magnetic field on a conductor with current. Ampere's law. Electric motor. The phenomenon of electromagnetic induction.


Electrification of tel.

Interaction of charged bodies.

Heating conductors with current.

Oersted's experience.

Interaction of conductors with current.

The action of a magnetic field on a conductor with current.

Electric motor operation.

The phenomenon of electromagnetic induction.

Practical work

2. Possibilities of energy saving in daily life

Independent work of students (6 hours)

Assignment: prepare a report and presentation on the topic: "Description of Oersted's experiments."

Oscillations and waves (10 hours)

Mechanical vibrations and waves.Free vibrations. Period, frequency and amplitude of oscillations. Harmonic vibrations. Mechanical waves and their types. Sound waves. Ultrasonic waves. Ultrasound and its use in medicine and technology.

Electromagnetic vibrations and waves.Free electromagnetic oscillations. Oscillatory circuit. Electromagnetic field. Electromagnetic waves. The speed of electromagnetic waves.

Light waves.Development of ideas about the nature of light. The laws of reflection and refraction of light.

Lenses.Thin lens formula.


Oscillations of mathematical and spring pendulums.

Electric generator work.

Emission and reception of electromagnetic waves.

Radio communication.

Decomposition of white light into a spectrum.

Interference and diffraction of light.

Reflection and refraction of light.

Optical devices.

Practical work

3. Study of oscillations of a thread pendulum.

4.Study of the properties of the collecting lens

Independent work of students (2 hours)

Assignment: Prepare a report on the topic: "Development of ideas about the nature of light"

Elements of Quantum Physics (6 hours)

Quantum properties of light.Planck's quantum hypothesis. Photoelectric effect.

Physics of the atom.Models of the structure of the atom. Rutherford's experience.

Physics of the atomic nucleus and elementary particles.The composition and structure of the atomic nucleus. Radioactivity. Radioactive radiation and their impact on living organisms.


Photo effect.


Laser radiation.

Line spectra of various substances.

Counter of ionizing radiation.

The universe and its evolution (2 hours)

The structure and development of the universe.Expanding Universe Model.

The origin of the solar system.Modern physical picture of the world.

Control work (2 hours)


Introduction (1 h.)

The chemical picture of the world as an integral part of the natural-scientific picture of the world. The role of chemistry in the life of modern society.

Application of the achievements of modern chemistry in the humanitarian sphere of society.

The chemical content of the academic discipline "Natural Science" in the development of vocational specialties of the socio-economic profile of vocational education.

Basic concepts and laws of chemistry (3 hours)

Chemistry subject. Substance. Atom. Molecule. Chemical element and forms of its existence. Simple and complex substances.


Set of models of atoms and molecules.

Measurement of substance. Basic laws of chemistry. The mass of atoms and molecules.

Relative atomic and molecular weights. The amount of substance. Avogadro's constant. Molar mass. Avogadro's law. Molar volume of gases.

Quantitative changes in chemistry as a special case of the laws of transition of quantitative changes into qualitative ones.

Illustrations of the law of conservation of mass of matter.

Periodic law and periodic system of chemical elements of D.I.Mendeleev (4 hours)

Discovery of the Periodic Law. Periodic table of chemical elements D.I. Mendeleev.

Significance of the Periodic Law and the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements D.I. Mendeleev for the development of science and understanding of the chemical picture of the world.


Various forms of the periodic table of chemical elements of D.I.Mendeleev.

The structure of matter (4 hours)

Covalent bond: non-polar and polar. Ionic bond. Cations and anions. Metallic bond. Hydrogen bond.


Samples of substances and materials with various types of chemical bonds.

Practical lesson

1. Methods for drawing up the equations of redox reactions.

Water. Solutions (4 hours)

Water in nature, everyday life, technology and production. Physical and chemical properties of water. Desalination of water. Aggregate states of water and its transitions from one state of aggregation to another.


Physical properties of water: surface tension, wetting.

Chemical reactions.The concept of a chemical reaction. Types of chemical reactions.

The speed of the reaction and the factors on which it depends.


Chemical reactions with the release of heat.

Inorganic compounds (8 h.)

Classification of inorganic compounds and their properties.Oxides, acids, bases, salts.

The concept of salt hydrolysis.The medium of aqueous solutions of salts: acidic, neutral, alkaline. The pH of the solution.

Metals.General physical and chemical properties of metals.

Non-metals.General characteristics of the main subgroups of non-metals by the example of halogens.

The most important compounds of metals and non-metals in nature and human economic activity ..


Interaction of metals with non-metals (zinc with sulfur, aluminum with iodine), solutions of acids and alkalis.

Combustion of metals (zinc, iron, magnesium) in oxygen.

Interaction of nitric and concentrated sulfuric acids with copper.

Reducing properties of metals.

Practical work

5.Classification of chemical reactions. Redox reactions.

6.Metals. Chemical properties of metals.


Organic compounds (4 h.)

Basic provisions of the theory of the structure of organic compounds.Variety of organic compounds. Isomerism concept.

Hydrocarbons.Saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons. Polymerization reaction. Natural sources of hydrocarbons. Hydrocarbons as the basis of international cooperation and the most important source of the RF budget.

Oxygenated organic substances.Representatives of oxygen-containing organic compounds: methyl and ethyl alcohols, glycerin, acetic acid. Fats as esters ..

Carbohydrates: glucose, starch, cellulose.


Obtaining ethylene and its interaction with potassium permanganate solution, bromine water.

Qualitative reaction to glycerin.

Protein color reactions.

Plastics and fibers.The concept of plastics and chemical fibers. Natural, synthetic and artificial fibers.


Various types of plastics and fibers.

Practical lesson

2. Acquaintance with synthetic and artificial polymers. Determination of various types of chemical fibers.

Chemistry and Life (2 hours)

Chemistry and the human body.Chemical elements in the human body. Organic and inorganic substances. Basic vital compounds: proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins. Carbohydrates are the body's main source of energy. The role of fats in the body. Cholesterol and its role in human health.

Minerals in food, food additives. Balanced diet.

Household chemistry.Water. Water quality. Detergents and cleaning products. Rules for safe work with household chemicals.


in biology (2 hours)

Wildlife as an object of study in biology. Methods for studying wildlife in biology. Definition of life (using material from the sections of physics and chemistry). Levels of life organization.


Levels of life organization.

Methods of cognition of living nature.

Cage (4 hours)

The history of the study of the cell. The main provisions of the cell theory. A cell is a structural and functional (elementary) unit of life.

Cell structure. Prokaryotes and eukaryotes are lower and higher cellular organisms. The main structural components of the eukaryotic cell. Cell nucleus. Function of the nucleus: storage, reproduction and transmission of hereditary information, regulation of the chemical activity of the cell. The structure and function of chromosomes. Autosomes and sex chromosomes.

The biological significance of chemical elements. Inorganic substances in the composition of the cell. The role of water as a solvent and the main component of the internal environment of organisms. Carbohydrates and lipids in the cell . The structure and biological functions of proteins. The structure of nucleotides and the structure of polynucleotide chains of DNA and RNA, ATP.

Viruses and bacteriophages. Acellular structure, life cycle and its dependence on cellular life forms. Viruses are the causative agents of infectious diseases; the concept of oncoviruses. Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). Prevention of HIV infection.


Protein molecule structure.

The structure of the DNA molecule.

Cell structure.

Cell structure of prokaryotes and eukaryotes.

The structure of the virus.

Practical work

7. Observation of plant and animal cells under a microscope on finished micro-preparations and their description. Comparison of the structure of cells of plants and animals.

Organism (4h.)

The body is a whole. Variety of organisms.

Exchange of matter and energy with the environment as a necessary condition for the existence of living systems.

The ability to reproduce itself is one of the main features of living organisms. Cell division is the basis for the growth, development and reproduction of organisms. Asexual reproduction. Sexual process and sexual reproduction. Fertilization, its biological significance.

The concept of individual (ontogeny), embryonic (embryogenesis) and post-embryonic development. Individual development of a person and its possible violations.

General concepts of heredity and variability. Genetic terminology and symbolism. Laws of inheritance. Inheritance of traits in humans. Sex chromosomes. Sex-linked inheritance. Hereditary human diseases, their causes and prevention. Modern ideas about the gene and the genome.

Genetic patterns of variability. Classification of forms of variability.

The effect of mutagens on the human body.

Subject, tasks and methods of selection. Genetic laws of selection. NI Vavilov's doctrine about the centers of diversity and origin of cultivated plants. Biotechnology, its achievements, development prospects.


Metabolism and energy conversion in the cell.

Cell division (mitosis, meiosis).

Asexual reproduction methods.

Fertilization in plants and animals.

Individual development of the body.

Human hereditary diseases.

The influence of alcoholism, drug addiction, smoking on heredity.

Modification variability.

Centers of diversity and origin of cultivated plants.

Artificial selection.

Research in the field of biotechnology.

Practical work

8. Solution of elementary genetic problems.

9. Hereditary patterns.

View (10 hours)

Evolutionary theory and its role in the formation of the modern natural-scientific picture of the world. View, its criteria. Population as a structural unit of species and evolution. Synthetic theory of evolution (STE). Driving forces of evolution in accordance with STE.

Evolution results. Preservation of species diversity as the basis for sustainable development of the biosphere. The reasons for the extinction of species. Biological progress and biological regression.

Hypotheses of the origin of life. Complication of living organisms on Earth in the process of evolution. Anthropogenesis and its laws. Evidence of a human relationship with mammals. Environmental factors of anthropogenesis: the complication of the population structure of the species, the manufacture of tools, the transition from a vegetable to a mixed type of diet, the use of fire. The emergence of mental activity and articulate speech. The origin of the human races.


View criteria.

A population is a structural unit of a species, a unit of evolution.

The driving forces of evolution.

The emergence and variety of adaptations in organisms. Rare and endangered species.

The driving forces of anthropogenesis.

The origin of man and human races.

Practical work

10. Description of individuals of the species according to the morphological criterion.

11. Analysis and evaluation of various hypotheses of the origin of life and man.

Ecosystems (4 hours)

The subject and tasks of ecology: the doctrine of environmental factors, the doctrine of the communities of organisms, the doctrine of the biosphere.

Environmental factors, features of their impact. Ecological characteristics of the species. The concept of ecological systems. Food chains, trophic levels. Biogeocenosis as an ecosystem.

The biosphere is a global ecosystem. V. I. Vernadsky's doctrine of the biosphere. The role of living organisms in the biosphere. Biomass. The biological cycle (for example, the carbon cycle). The main directions of human impact on the biosphere. Transformation of natural ecological systems. Features of agroecosystems (agrocenoses).


Environmental factors and their impact on organisms.

Layering of the plant community.

The carbon cycle in the biosphere.

Reserves and sanctuaries of Russia.

Practical lesson

6. Solving environmental problems.

Control work (2 hours)

Reports and individual projects (total - 44 hours)

Topics of reports, presentations

    The law of universal gravitation

    Types of mechanical movement

    Work and heat transfer as ways of changing internal energy

    Description of Oersted's experiments

5. Development of ideas about the nature of light.

Individual project themes (optional)

    Matter, the forms of its movement and existence.

    The first Russian academician M.V. Lomonosov.

    Scientific and technical progress and environmental problems.

    Biotechnology and genetic engineering - technologies of the XXI century.

    Nanotechnology as a priority direction for the development of science and production in the Russian Federation.

    Protecting the environment from chemical pollution.

    Solutions around us.

    The history of the emergence and development of organic chemistry.

    Carbohydrates and their role in wildlife.

    Fats as food and chemical raw materials.

    Lack of food as a global problem of mankind and ways to solve it.

    Hygiene products based on oxygen-containing organic compounds.

    Synthetic detergents: advantages and disadvantages.

    Protein deficiency in food and its overcoming within the global food program.

    VI Vernadsky and his doctrine of the biosphere.

    History and development of knowledge about the cell.

    Human environment and its components: different views on the same problem.

    Population as a unit of biological evolution.

    Population as an ecological unit.

    Contemporary views on biological evolution.

    Contemporary views on human origins: a clash of opinions.

    Modern methods of cell research.

    Habitats of organisms: causes of diversity.


When implementing the content of the general educational discipline "Natural Science" within the framework of the development of OBEP SVE on the basis of basic general education with obtaining secondary general education (PPSS), the maximum study load of students is 162 hours, of which the compulsory classroom load of students, including practical classes, is 108 hours extracurricular independent work of students - 44 hours, consultations - 10 hours.



Thematic plan

Number of classroom hours




Lab. work

Practice. lessons




Fundamentals of Molecular Physics and Thermodynamics

Fundamentals of electrodynamics

Oscillations and waves

Elements of Quantum Physics

The universe and its evolution



General and inorganic chemistry


Basic concepts and laws of chemistry

Periodic Law and Periodic Table of Chemical Elements by D. I. Mendeleev

Structure of matter

Water. Solutions

Inorganic compounds

Organic chemistry

Organic compounds

Chemistry and life


Biology is the totality of the sciences about living nature. Methods of scientific knowledge in biology




Implementation of an individual project


Intermediate certification in the form of differential credit




Characteristics of the main activities of students

(at the level of learning activities)



Providing examples of the impact of discoveries in physics on progress in engineering and production technology



Acquaintance with the methods of describing mechanical motion, the main task of mechanics.

Study of the basic physical quantities of kinematics: displacement, speed, acceleration.

Observation of the relativity of mechanical motion. Formulation of the law of addition of speeds.

Investigation of uniformly accelerated rectilinear motion (by the example of free fall of bodies) and uniform motion of a body along a circle.

Understanding the meaning of the basic physical quantities that characterize the uniform movement of a body around a circle


Understanding the meaning of such physical models as a material point, an inertial frame of reference.

Measurement of body weight in various ways. Measurement of the forces of interaction of bodies. Calculation of the values \u200b\u200bof the acceleration of bodies by the known values \u200b\u200bof the acting forces and masses of bodies.

Ability to distinguish between gravity and body weight. Explaining and giving examples of the phenomenon of weightlessness.

Application of basic concepts, formulas and laws of dynamics to problem solving

Conservation laws in mechanics

Explanation of jet propulsion based on the law of conservation of momentum. Application of the law of conservation of momentum to calculate changes in the velocities of bodies during their interactions.

Calculation of the work of forces and changes in the kinetic energy of the body. Calculation of the potential energy of bodies in a gravitational field. Characterization of the performance of machines and motors using the concept of power

Fundamentals of Molecular Physics and Thermodynamics

Molecular physics

Formulation of the main provisions of the molecular kinetic theory. Carrying out experiments that serve as the basis for the molecular kinetic theory. Observation of Brownian motion and diffusion phenomena.

Determination of the parameters of a substance in a gaseous state based on the equation of state of an ideal gas.

Graphical representation of isochoric, isobaric and isothermal processes. Calculation of the average kinetic energy of the thermal motion of molecules from the known temperature of the substance. Air humidity measurement


Experimental study of the thermal properties of matter. Calculation of the amount of heat required to carry out the process of transformation of a substance from one state of aggregation to another.

Calculation of changes in the internal energy of bodies, work and the transferred amount of heat based on the first law of thermodynamics. Explanation of the principles of operation of heat engines

Fundamentals of electrodynamics


Calculation of the forces of interaction of point electric charges.

Calculation of the strength and potential of the electric field of one and several point charges.

Potential difference measurement.

Bringing examples of conductors, dielectrics and capacitors.

Observation of the phenomenon of electrostatic induction and the phenomenon of polarization of a dielectric in an electric field


Measuring the power of electric current. Measurement of EMF and internal resistance of the current source.

Collection and testing of electrical circuits with various connections of conductors, calculation of their parameters

A magnetic field

Observation of the effect of a magnetic field on a conductor with current, pictures of magnetic fields.

Formulation of the left hand rule to determine the direction of the Ampere force.

Calculation of the forces acting on a conductor with a current in a magnetic field, explanation of the principle of operation of an electric motor.

Study of the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction

Oscillations and waves

Mechanical vibrations and waves

Bringing examples of oscillatory movements. Study of the dependence of the period of oscillations of a mathematical pendulum on its length, mass and amplitude of oscillations. Determination of the acceleration due to gravity using a mathematical pendulum.

Observing the vibrations of the sounding body. Bringing the value of the speed of propagation of sound in various media.

Ability to explain the use of ultrasound in medicine

Electromagnetic vibrations and waves

Observation of oscillograms of harmonic oscillations of the current in the circuit.

Explanation of the transformation of energy in an ideal oscillatory circuit.

Study of the device and the principle of operation of the transformer.

Analysis of the long-distance transmission scheme. Bringing examples of types of radio communication. Acquaintance with the devices included in the radio communication system.

Discussion of the features of radio wave propagation

Light waves

Application in practice of the laws of reflection and refraction of light in solving problems. Observation of the phenomenon of diffraction and dispersion of light.

Ability to build images of objects given by lenses. Calculation of the optical power of the lens

Elements of Quantum Physics

Quantum properties of light

Observation of the photoelectric effect. Calculation of the maximum kinetic energy of electrons under the photoelectric effect

Atomic physics

Formulation of Bohr's postulates. Observation of line and continuous spectra.

Calculation of the frequency and wavelength of the emitted light during the transition of an atom from one stationary state to another.

Explanation of how the laser works

Physics of the atomic nucleus and elementary particles

Observation of tracks of alpha particles in the Wilson chamber. Registration of nuclear radiation using a Geiger counter.

Calculation of the binding energy of atomic nuclei.

Understanding the value of scientific knowledge of the world not in general for humanity as a whole, but for each student personally, the value of mastering the method of scientific knowledge to achieve success

in any kind of practical activity

The universe and its evolution

The structure and development of the universe

Explaining the Expanding Universe Model

The origin of the solar system

Observation of the stars, the moon and planets through a telescope. Observing sunspots with a telescope



Disclosure of the contribution of the chemical picture of the world to a single natural - scientific picture of the world.

Characterization of chemistry as a productive force of society

The most important chemical concepts

Ability to define and operate with the following chemical concepts: "substance", "chemical element", "atom", "molecule", "relative atomic and molecular masses", "ion", "allotropy", "isotopes", "chemical bond" , "Electronegativity", "valence", "oxidation state", "mol", "molar mass", "molar volume of gaseous substances", "substances of molecular and non-molecular structure", "solutions", "electrolyte and nonelectrolyte", "electrolytic dissociation "," oxidizing agent and reducing agent "," oxidation and reduction "," chemical reaction rate "," chemical equilibrium "," carbon skeleton ",

"Functional group", "isomerism"

Basic laws of chemistry

Formulation of the laws of conservation of the mass of substances and the constancy of the composition of substances. Establishing a cause-and-effect relationship between the content of these laws and the writing of chemical formulas and equations.

Disclosure of the physical meaning of the symbolism of the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements of D. I. Mendeleev (numbers of the element, period, group) and the establishment of a cause-and-effect relationship between the structure of the atom and the laws of change in the properties of elements and substances formed by them in periods and groups.

Characteristics of elements of small periods by their position in the periodic table of D.I.Mendeleev

Basic theories of chemistry

Establishing the dependence of the properties of chemical substances on the structure of the atoms of the chemical elements forming them.

Characterization of the most important types of chemical bonds and the relativity of this typology. Explanation of the dependence of the properties of substances on their composition and structure of crystal lattices.

Formulation of the main provisions of the theory of electrolytic dissociation and characteristics in the light of this theory of the properties of the main classes of inorganic compounds.

Formulation of the main provisions of the theory of the chemical structure of organic compounds and characteristics in the light of this theory of properties of the most important representatives of the main classes of organic compounds

Essential substances and materials

Characterization of the structure of atoms and crystals and on this basis - the general physical and chemical properties of metals and non-metals. Characterization of the composition, structure, properties, production and use of the most important non-metals.

Characterization of the composition, structure and general properties of the most important classes of inorganic compounds.

Description of the composition and properties of the most important representatives of organic compounds: methanol and ethanol, esters, fats, soaps, carboxylic acids (acetic acid), monosaccharides (glucose), disaccharides (sucrose), polysaccharides (starch and cellulose), amino acids, proteins, artificial and synthetic polymers

Chemical language and symbolism

Use of chemical terms and symbols in educational and professional activities.

The naming of the studied substances by trivial or international nomenclature and the reflection of the composition of these compounds using chemical formulas.

Reflection of chemical processes using equations of chemical reactions

Chemical reactions

Explanation of the essence of chemical processes. Classification of chemical reactions according to various criteria

Chemical experiment

Performing a chemical experiment in full compliance with safety regulations.

Observation, recording and description of the results of the experiment

Chemical information

Conducting an independent search for chemical information using various sources (popular science publications, computer databases, Internet resources); the use of computer technology for processing and transferring chemical information and its presentation in various forms

Profile and professionally relevant content

Explanation of chemical phenomena occurring in nature, everyday life and at work.

Compliance with the rules of environmentally sound behavior in the environment.

Assessment of the impact of chemical pollution of the environment on the human body and other living organisms.

Compliance with the rules of safe handling of flammable and toxic substances, laboratory equipment.

Critical assessment of the reliability of chemical information from various sources


Biology is the totality of the sciences about living nature. Methods of scientific knowledge

in biology

Acquaintance with the objects of study of biology.

Revealing the role of biology in the formation of a modern natural-scientific picture of the world and practical activities of people

Acquaintance with the cellular theory of the structure of organisms.

Getting an idea of \u200b\u200bthe role of organic and inorganic substances in the cell.

Knowledge of the structure of cells based on the results of working with a light microscope.

Ability to describe micropreparations of plant cells. Ability to compare the structure of plant and animal cells using ready-made microscope preparations


Knowledge of the main methods of reproduction of organisms, stages of ontogenesis on the example of humans.

Knowledge of the causes of disorders in the development of organisms. Ability to use genetic terminology and symbols, to solve the simplest genetic problems.

Knowledge of the features of hereditary and non-hereditary variability and their biological role in the evolution of living

Ability to analyze and evaluate various hypotheses of the origin of life on Earth.

Ability to describe individuals of the same species by morphological criteria.

The development of the ability to clearly and accurately express your thoughts, logically substantiate your point of view, perceive and analyze the opinions of interlocutors, recognizing the other person's right to a different opinion.

Ability to prove the kinship between humans and mammals, the commonality and equality of human races


Knowledge of the main environmental factors and their influence on organisms.

Knowledge of the distinctive features of artificial communities - agroecosystems.

Getting an idea of \u200b\u200bthe ecosystem scheme using the example of the biosphere.

Demonstration of the ability to set goals for activities, planning their own activities to achieve the goals set, anticipating the possible results of these actions, organizing self-control and evaluating the results.

Learning to observe the rules of behavior in nature, respect for biological objects (plants and animals and their communities) and their protection



The implementation of an academic discipline requires a study room.

Classroom equipment:

    seats by the number of students;

    teacher's workplace;

    a set of teaching aids "Biology", "Chemistry", "Physics";

    herbarium material;

    microscopes and micropreparations of animal and plant tissues.

Technical training aids:

    computer with licensed software

    For students

    Main sources:

    1. Protasov V.F. Ecological bases of nature management / V.F. Protasov - M .: Alpha-M, Infra-M, 2013. - 368p.

    2. Firsov A.V. Physics for professions and specialties of technical and natural science profiles / A.V. Firsov - M .: Academy 2014. - 270s.

      Gabrielyan O.S., Ostroumov I.G. Chemistry for professions and specialties of a technical profile / O.S. Gabrielyan, I.G. Ostroumov - M: Academy, 2015. - 250s.

      Belyaev, D.K. General biology: Textbook for 10-11 grades of secondary school / D.K. Belyaev, A.O. Ruvinsky - M .: Education, 2013. - 271p.

      Mamontov, S.G. General biology. Textbook. allowance / S.G. Mamontov, V. B. Zakharov - M .: Higher school, 2013. - 317 p.

    Additional sources:

      Aspiz, M.E. Encyclopedic Dictionary of a Young Biologist - M .: Pedagogy, 2008 - 352p.

      Gabrielyan O.S. Chemistry. Workshop: textbook. manual. / O.S. Gabrielyan - M .: DROFA, 2014 - 100 p.

      Gabrielyan O.S. Chemistry. A guide for preparing for the exam: textbook. allowance / O.S. Gabrielyan - M .: DROFA, 2014 - 100 p.

      Elkina L.V. Biology. The entire school course in tables. / L.V. Elkina - M .: Education, 2010 .-- 57 p.

      Nemchenko K.E. Physics in diagrams and tables. / K.E. Nemchenko - M .: Education 2014 - 80 p.

    For teachers

    Main sources:

      Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation".

      Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of 05/17/2012 No. 413 "On approval of the federal state educational standard of secondary (complete) general education".

      Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2014 No. 1645 "On amendments to the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 413 of May 17, 2012" On approval of the federal state educational standard of secondary (complete) general education "

      Letter of the Department of state policy in the field of training of workers and additional vocational education of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 03.17.2015 No. 06-259 "Recommendations for the organization of obtaining secondary general education within the development of educational programs of secondary vocational education based on basic general education, taking into account the requirements of federal state educational standards the received profession or specialty of secondary vocational education "

      Belyaev, D.K. General biology: Textbook for 10 - 11 grades. Wed shk. / D.K.Belyaev, A.O. Ruvinsky. - M .: Education, 2013. - 271p.

      Bogdanova, T.L.Biology: Tasks and exercises. A guide for applicants to universities / T.L. Bogdanov. - M .: Higher school, 2013. - 305 p.

      Mamontov, S.G. General biology. Textbook. allowance / S.G. Mamontov, V. B. Zakharov. - M .: Higher school, 2012. - 317 p.

      Polyansky, Yu.M. General biology. Textbook For 10 - 11 classes. allowance / Yu.M. Polyansky. - M .: Education, 2013 - 278 p.

      Gabrielyan, O.S., Chemistry for professions and specialties of socio-economic and humanitarian profiles: textbook for students. institutions of environments. prof. Education. / O.S. Gabrielyan, I. G Ostroumov. - M .: DROFA 2014 - 230 p.

      Myakishev, G. Ya. Physics: textbook. for 10 cl. general education. Institutions / G.Ya. Myakishev, B.B. Bukhovtsev, N.N. Sotsky. - 16th ed. - M .: Education, 2012 - 399 p.

      Myakishev, G. Ya. Physics: textbook. for 11 cl. general education. Institutions / G.Ya. Myakishev, B.B. Bukhovtsev, N.N. Sotsky. - 16th ed. - M .: Education, 2012 - 366 p.

    Additional sources:

      Aspiz, M.E. Encyclopedic Dictionary of a Young Biologist / M.E. Aspiz. - M .: Pedagogy, 2008 - 352p.

      Lovkova, T.A. Biology. General patterns. Methodological guide to the textbook / T.A. Lovkova, N.I.Sonin. - M.: Drofa, 2012 .-- 128s

    Internet resources

      Video tutorials on biology: [Electronic resource] / 2005. - Access mode: http:// ik-7. ru/ publ/ videouroki/ biologija/ ehvoljucija_ dlja_ detej/18-1-0-285

      Mendel's laws. Video tutorials on biology: [Electronic resource] / 2008. - Access mode: http:// rutube. ru/ tracks/2702508. html

      Biological Education Standard. Unified State Exam and State Final Attestation. [Electronic resource] / 2001. - Access mode : http:// www. mioo. ru/ podrazdinfpage. php? prjid=199& id=12

      Semenov I.N. Chemistry [Electronic resource]: textbook for universities / Semenov IN, Perfilova IL - Electron. text data.- SPb .: KHIMIZDAT, 2016.- Access mode: http:// www. iprbookshop. ru/49800. html

      Sadokhin A.P. Concepts of modern natural science [Electronic resource]: a textbook for university students studying in the humanities and specialties of economics and management / Sadokhin AP - Electron. text data .- M .: UNITI-DANA, 2015 .- 447 p. http:// www. iprbookshop. ru/40463. html Access from Electron. bibl. system "IPRbooks", for access to information. resources require authorization.

      G.V. Stadnitsky Ecology [Electronic resource]: textbook for universities / Stadnitskiy G.V. - Electron. text data.- SPb .: KHIMIZDAT, 2014.- 296 p. http:// www. iprbookshop. ru/22548. html Access from Electron. bibl. system "IPRbooks", for access to information. resources require authorization.

      Fields N.F. Educational-methodical materials of the discipline "Practical work on solving physical problems" [Electronic resource]: textbook / Fields NF, Filippova EM - Electron. text data.- Volgograd: Volgograd State Social and Pedagogical University, 2016.- 72 p. http:// www. iprbookshop. ru/44317. html Access from Electron. bibl. system "IPRbooks", for access to information. resources require authorization.

    Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education




    RANEPA Western Branch


    College director

    L.I. Motolyanets

    "____" ________________ 2015


    Natural science

    level of preparation


    profile of the educational program of secondary education



    38.02.07 "Banking"

    Graduate qualifications

    banking specialist

    Form of study


    Kaliningrad 2015

    Working programmdeveloped on the basis of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of secondary general education for the structure, content andquality mastering the discipline "Natural Science", in accordance with the Recommendations for the organization of obtaining secondary general education within the developmenttraining programs for mid-level specialists (PPSSZ) on the basis of basic general education, taking into account the requirements of federal state educational standards and the specialty of secondary vocational education (letter of the Department of State Policy in the field of training of workers and additional vocational education of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 03.17.2015 No. 06-259)and an approximate program of general education discipline "Natural Science" for professional educational organizations, recommended by the Federal State Autonomous Institution "Federal Institute for the Development of Education" (FGAU "FIRO") for implementationCSPP SVO on the basis of basic general education with the receipt of secondary general education (Minutes No. 3 dated July 21, 2015. Registration number of the review 374 dated July 23, 2015, FGAU "FIRO").


    I.A.Marushko, teacher of the Western branch of the RANEPA

    I.A. Fedortsova, Lecturer, Western Branch, RANEPA

    T.V. Bondareva, lecturer at the Western Branch of the RANEPA


    N.V. Gorskaya, teacher of the Western branch of the RANEPA

    Z.A. Grinko, Deputy Director of GBU KO POO "KhPT"

    Considered at the meeting of the PCC "General disciplines"

    Chairman of the PCC ________________ N.V. Gorskaya

    The student must have general competences, which include the ability to:

    OK 1. Understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, show a steady interest in it.

    OK 2. Organize your own activities, choose standard methods and ways of performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality.

    OK 3. Make decisions in standard and non-standard situations and be responsible for them.

    OK 4. Search and use the information necessary for the effective performance of professional tasks, professional and personal development.

    OK 5. Use information and communication technologies in professional activities.

    OK 6. Work in a team and team, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, consumers.

    OK 7. Take responsibility for the work of team members (subordinates), the result of assignments.

    OK 8. To independently determine the tasks of professional and personal development, engage in self-education, consciously plan professional development.

    OK 9. To navigate in the conditions of frequent changes in technologies in professional activities.

    maximum teaching load of a student is 162 hours, including:

    compulsory classroom teaching load of the student 108 hours;

    independent work of the student 54 hours.


    2.1. The scope of the discipline and types of educational work

    Type of educational work

    Clock volume


    Compulsory classroom study load (total)



    practical, laboratory studies, tests


    Student's independent work (total)



    extracurricular independent work:

    Preparation of oral presentations on given topics, essays, reports, abstracts, an individual project using information technology, excursions, etc.


    final examinationin the form of a differential credit (2 semester)

    2.2. Thematic plan and content of the discipline "Natural Science"

    Names of sections and topics

    Content of educational material, laboratory and practical work, independent work of students

    Clock volume

    Development level






    34 +14+24

    theor + pr. + s.r



    Physics is the fundamental science of nature. Natural scientific method of cognition, its capabilities and limits of applicability. The unity of the laws of nature and the composition of matter in the Universe. Discoveries in physics are the basis for progress in engineering and production technology.

    Topic 1.1. Mechanics (9h)

    Kinematics.Mechanical movement. Reference system. Trajectory of movement. Way. Moving. Movement types (uniform, equally variable). Speed. Relativity of mechanical movement. The law of addition of speeds. Acceleration. Free fall of bodies.


    Dynamics.Mass and strength. The interaction of bodies. Dynamics laws. Forces in nature. The law of universal gravitation.

    Conservation laws in mechanics.Body impulse. The law of conservation of momentum and jet propulsion.

    Potential and kinetic energy. The law of conservation of mechanical energy. Work and power.

    Practical work No. 1"Solving problems on the topic" Mechanics "

    Knowledge control on the topic "Mechanics"

    Independent work: solving problems on the topic "Mechanics", messages on the topics: "Physics in my profession", "Overloads, weightlessness in human life", "K.E. Tsialkovsky - the founder of astronautics ",

    Topic 1.2.

    Fundamentals of Molecular Physics and Thermodynamics (12h)

    Molecular physics. Atomistic theory of the structure of matter. Observations and experiments confirming the atomic-molecular structure of matter. Molecular masses and sizes. Thermal motion of particles of matter. Brownian motion.


    Perfect gas. Temperature as a measure of the average kinetic energy of particles. Ideal gas equation of state.

    Practical (laboratory) work No. 2: "Research of the isothermal process"

    Liquid model. Surface tension and wetting. Crystalline and amorphous substances

    Thermodynamics.Internal energy. Work and heat transfer as ways of changing internal energy. The first law of thermodynamics. Heat engines and their application.

    Practical work number 3: Problem solving

    Control of knowledge on the topic "Molecular Physics and Thermodynamics"

    Independent work: Preparation of reports "The role of ICT in nature and technology", "The impact of heat engines on the environment of the Kaliningrad region", "The value of air humidity for living organisms", "Detergents - substances that increase wettability", preparation of a report on laboratory work.

    Topic 1.3 Fundamentals of electrodynamics (14h)

    Electrostatics. Interaction of charged bodies. Electric charge. Electric charge conservation law. Coulomb's law.


    Electrostatic field, its main characteristics and the relationship between them.

    D.C.Constant electric current. Current strength, voltage, electrical resistance. Ohm's law for a section of an electrical circuit.

    Practical (laboratory) work No. 4:"Measurement of current and voltage at various sections of the circuit" or "Determination of the resistivity of the conductor"

    A magnetic field.Magnetic field and its main characteristics. The action of a magnetic field on a conductor with current. Ampere's law. Electric motor. The phenomenon of electromagnetic induction.

    Practical work No. 5 "Solving problems on the topic" Electrodynamics "

    Knowledge control on the topic "Fundamentals of Electrodynamics"

    Independent work: preparation of abstracts "The history of the development of ideas about the nature of electricity", "The effect of electric current on the human body", "Safety measures when working with electrical appliances",

    Topic 1.4. Oscillations and waves (6h)

    Mechanical vibrations and waves.Free vibrations. Period, frequency and amplitude of oscillations. Harmonic vibrations. Mechanical waves and their types. Sound waves. Ultrasonic waves. Ultrasound and its use in medicine and technology.


    Electromagnetic vibrations and waves.Free electromagnetic oscillations. Oscillatory circuit. Electromagnetic field. Electromagnetic waves. The speed of electromagnetic waves.

    Light waves.Development of ideas about the nature of light. The laws of reflection and refraction of light. Lenses.Thin lens formula.

    Practical work No. 6"Solving problems on the topic" Oscillations and waves "

    Knowledge control on the topic "Oscillations and Waves"

    Independent work: preparation of abstracts "Ultrasound and its use in technology and medicine", "First steps in geometric optics", "Problems of energy saving"

    Topic 1.5 Elements of Quantum Physics (4 hours)

    Quantum properties of light.Planck's quantum hypothesis. Photoelectric effect.

    Physics of the atom.Models of the structure of the atom. Rutherford's experience.

    Physics of the atomic nucleus and elementary particles.The composition and structure of the atomic nucleus. Radioactivity. Radioactive radiation and their impact on living organisms.

    Independent work: “Application of the photoelectric effect in technology (photo relay, photoresistors). "History of the discovery of the phenomenon of natural radioactivity", "Nuclear energy and environmental problems associated with its use",

    Topic 1.6. Universe and its evolution (2h)

    The structure and development of the universe.Expanding Universe Model.

    The origin of the solar system.Modern physical picture of the world.

    Differentiated credit for the section "Physics"

    Independent work: preparation of abstracts "Possible scenarios of the evolution of the Universe", Asteroids.



    Theor + pr. + S.r


    The chemical picture of the world as an integral part of the natural-scientific picture of the world.

    The role of chemistry in the life of modern society. Application of the achievements of modern chemistry in the humanitarian sphere of society.


    Topic 2.1.

    General and inorganic chemistry

    (16 h)

    Basic concepts and laws of chemistry.

    Chemistry subject. Substance. Atom. Molecule. Chemical element and forms of its existence. Simple and complex substances. Basic laws of chemistry. The mass of atoms and molecules. Relative atomic and molecular weights. The amount of substance. Avogadro's constant. Molar mass. Avogadro's law. Molar volume of gases.



    DI Mendeleev's Periodic Law and Periodic Table of Chemical Elements.

    Discovery of the Periodic Law. DI Mendeleev's periodic table of chemical elements. The value of the Periodic Law and the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements by D. I. Mendeleev for the development of science and understanding of the chemical picture of the world.


    Practical work number 7

    “Solving computational problems using the basic laws of chemistry. Solving problems of finding the relative molecular weight, determining the mass fraction of chemical elements in a complex substance, the amount of substance, etc. "


    Independent work:

    Modern discoveries of chemical science (creation of presentations). Biographies of scientists who have made a special contribution to the development of chemical science (creation of presentations).

    Allotropic modifications of carbon (diamond, graphite), oxygen (oxygen, ozone), tin (gray and white tin). The concept of chemical technology, biotechnology and nanotechnology.

    Prepare a message on the topic "The discovery of the periodic law."

    Nuclear reactions and their significance (preparation of messages).

    Radioactivity. The use of radioactive isotopes for technical purposes. X-ray radiation and its use in engineering and medicine. Modeling as a method of forecasting the situation in production.

    Structure of matter.




    Independent work:





    Independent work:


    Chemical reactions.






    Independent work:

    {!LANG-ce7fe32b01a178e3b03437d9a0a1adc1!} {!LANG-e45a9ac5f4d4cf5fdde896f13d54907a!}


    {!LANG-f38bf3beded0e5359a4d1586cdd1c3d7!} . {!LANG-a732cdbc40c9f9536668e8718df97aed!} . {!LANG-cd61b68ee1e867a6ff778327328ba95e!}


    Independent work:










    Independent work:







    Basic provisions of the theory of the structure of organic compounds.










    Independent work:









    Plastics and fibers.{!LANG-5004e2ebfb94b0832b4462473a7abfdf!}



    {!LANG-8754d02e0642831d9c93a50bbd7e50fd!} {!LANG-f5d9f222b233ea5bcedbfb5664e6c978!}

    {!LANG-88ee1134e3650f25ed1b8eec4bc759fc!} {!LANG-84a88f27d848fb60f9c9263faee8d789!}


    Independent work:















    Chemistry and the human body.{!LANG-ade8027e1f8eb1eb9e50bfce66a6829e!}



    Household chemistry.{!LANG-57207a6925b376d4867cf86bf22ea53e!}










    Theor + pr. + S.r











    Independent work {!LANG-2ab3989feb0dd710bb15249795e55305!} « {!LANG-7b5a96f2d17b67b29e5aa53a0f34e9f3!}








    {!LANG-1336bab4f997d9e4d0edbe0280006e30!} {!LANG-e1d0824767764ba6488505d4211c23a8!} {!LANG-f6e60c7c89a5a17bb37dbc69ece246a3!}

    Independent work{!LANG-12c65e1eb63e0529b5744316c132c365!}

    {!LANG-484a76095c3de3ba0948f85445995716!} .{!LANG-5bff607642559d7a54446dba2fcbde74!}


    {!LANG-e9f0c382bb52d5ad4c75cce490f9b295!} {!LANG-4bd2042f1dbc53d35e1f33e3b03c4fff!}.



    {!LANG-1b57c9a1de9a5b91a8f4aa752bb3ecd8!} {!LANG-55b7bb5f8caf58202166c94c40beb944!}.













    {!LANG-e9b29eb26cceafbc2322097913d2fa1f!}{!LANG-231ef35435fcfe3d0227f60ae9db762f!}{!LANG-aa1478a4e63195eb9809e1c05e2bf8e0!} .






















      {!LANG-8ce7fa1558c162953ab335fcc1050547!} {!LANG-e95154f491fabb327c18cbd49fc8d09f!}{!LANG-e795edb3eb913b975c3c7b2aeb956a3e!}

















































































    Characteristics of the main activities of students

    (at the level of learning activities)





































    Oscillations and waves





















































































    1. {!LANG-e9224fce0a6e24825039c851247a06cf!}
      • {!LANG-6d75834b9a17c5056cc3e8ea134597a1!}
      • {!LANG-4ade299794a4e5fe81454bb153febde2!}
        {!LANG-2a6b4bca3fb3a2a8a1b4d2d5e00aa843!} {!LANG-cf3ee003cab841888a50b7d34670bc1b!}{!LANG-68c596f12c5a1862eb0fbfb38662d164!} {!LANG-bfbada01563db3958461d093f33cfc3b!}{!LANG-bd52dc6819bc0af6593ef2c2026e2500!}
      • {!LANG-255c91e3572ce72284e9bf999d517737!}