Smiley banana meaning. What does a smiley displayed by text symbols mean, codes of graphic (emoji) smileys

An emoticon is a set of characters, or an icon, which is a visual representation of a facial expression or body position to convey the mood, attitude or emotions originally used in email and text messages. The most famous is the smiley face of a smiling face, i.e. smile - :-).

There is no clear and reliable evidence of who invented the emoticon. Of course, you can point to ancient excavations, finds of various inscriptions on the rocks, etc., but, these will be only the guesses of each of us.

Of course, to say for sure that a smiley is a modern invention is a little wrong. You can trace the use of emoticons in the 19th century. Examples of their use can be found in a copy of the American magazine Puck from 1881, see an example:

Yes, there are a lot of such examples in the history, but it is generally accepted that Scott Falman, a researcher at Carnegie Mellon University, was responsible for the first digital form of the emoticon. He suggested distinguishing serious messages from frivolous ones by using emoticons :-) and :-(. It was already September 19, 1982. This is especially useful when the mood of your message can be misinterpreted.



However, emoticons did not become so popular, but revealed their potential after 14 years, thanks to the Frenchman who lived in London - Nicolas Laufrani. The idea arose even earlier, in the father of Nicolas - Franklin Laufrani. It was he who, as a journalist in the French newspaper France Soir, published an article on January 1, 1972, under the heading “Take time to smile!”, Where he used emoticons to highlight his article. Later he patented it as a trademark and created the production of some goods using the smile. Then a company was created under the brand name Smiley  where Father Franklin Laufrani became president and son Nicolas Laufrani became CEO.

It was Nicolas who noticed the popularity of ASCII emoticons, which were very used on mobile phones and began developing directly animated emoticons that would correspond to ASCII emoticons consisting of simple characters, i.e. what we use now and are used to calling - smiley face. He created a catalog of emoticons, which he divided into the categories of “Emotions”, “Holidays”, “Food”, etc. And in 1997, this catalog was registered with the United States Copyright Office.

Around the same time in Japan, Shigetaka Kurita began designing emoticons (emoticons) for I-mode. But unfortunately, the widespread use of this project did not happen. Maybe because in 2001 the creation of Laufrani was licensed by Samsung, Nokia, Motorola, and other manufacturers of mobile phones, which later began to offer them to their users. After that, the world simply filled up with various interpretations of emoticons and emoticons.

The following variations with smaliki and emoticons became the appearance of stickers  in 2011. They were created by the leading Internet company from Korea - Naver. The company has developed a messaging platform called - Line. A similar messaging app, like WhatsApp. LINE was developed within a few months after the tsunami in Japan in 2011. Initially, LIne was created to search for friends and relatives during and after natural disasters and for the first year, the number of users grew to 50 million. After, with the publication of games and stickers, it numbered more than 400 million, which later became one of the most popular apps in Japan, particularly among teenagers.

Emoticons, emoticons and stickers today,after more than 30 years, they unambiguously began to take a place in everyday conversations and correspondence of people. According to studies conducted in the United States, it was found that 74 percent of people in the United States regularly use stickers, emoticons in their online communication, sending an average of 96 emoticons or stickers per day. Reason for such an explosion of use Emoji  is that creative characters developed by various companies help express our feelings, help add humor, sadness, happiness, etc.

Emoticons in the tables will be gradually replenished, so go to the site and look for the meaning of the necessary emoticons.

The article will talk about what the emoticon means and what they are. It is worth noting that emoticons have long entered our life and are well entrenched in it, because they, like nothing else, can convey the emotions and feelings of a person.

There are people who communicate regularly using emoticons, because with the development of progress there are already animated emoticons that can wave, wink, jump and change colors.

There are several smiley alphabets, the most common can be called standardand japanese. Japanese emoticons are distinguished by the fact that they pay more attention to the eyes, and standard ones to the mouth.

Emoticon History

Today, almost no private letter on the Internet can do without emoticons. Some people begin to be offended if at the end of the letter a friend did not put a colon and a right bracket. Of course, this is stupid, but emoticons are so closely connected with our life.

It may seem to modern children that emoticons have always existed, but in fact, for the first time, the smile was painted Harvey bell  - an artist by education. In the early sixties in America there was a war between insurers. Employees were afraid to fall under contraction and, in order to cheer themselves up and to each other, they were distracted and tried to politely and warmly communicate with the remaining customers.

One insurance company, in order to stay afloat, decided to hold an action for which they needed an interesting drawing. At the end of 1963, they turned to Harvey with this request. He painted the first emoticon :-) , which took him ten minutes to develop. For the picture he was paid a mere penny: 43 dollars. Then he did not yet know that his simple drawing would become so popular, so he did not register any rights to it. Harvey's first emoticons were pinned and issued to customers. People liked these lovely smiles so much that the company re-contacted the artist and ordered another ten thousand smileys.

Another story that played an important role in the development of the emoticon is the seventies when the brothers from Spain developed the slogan " Happy day!" Since that time, emoticons began to depict on clothes. In 1971, a FrenchmanFranklin loufrani  Smiley was registered in eighty countries.

And the first electronic  emoticons appeared in the sixties of the last century. Then emoticons were used in encoding Unicode. In 1982, Microsoft decided to create emoticons, thanks to which you can show emotions.

What do emoticons decryption mean

Emoticons can convey almost every human emotion, from funny laughter to tears. Below is a table that indicates what this or that smile means.


Other designation options


This smiley is depicted in the shape of a person's face and means a smile.

Wild laugh





Shock: in the first case, pleasant, in the second not

Laugh to tears

: -P, \u003d P,: b,: -b,: p

Show tongue


3    - this emoticon means a cute face of a cat or “lips with a bow” (nanniness). Options-: 3: \u003d 3: -3

These are the most common emoticons, the designation of which many people know.

Smiley smile and grief

The smiley face of the smile and grief presented first in the table often changed and transformed over time. When people began to use smiles in communication, then it consisted of eyes, nose and mouth. Then the nose disappeared somewhere. And the eyes began to draw not with dashes, but simply put dots. Many people know when a smiley had only one eye - .) and then he disappeared to show a smile or sadness people put only brackets. To show joy or sadness, many brackets are put. If we are talking about strong disappointment, then it can be shown like this - (((  or so - :FROM.

What do emoticons in Contact mean?

In a social network VK  There are two types of emoticons, the standard ones mentioned above, and the voluminous ones offered by the service itself. For the past three years, VKontakte users have been able to use emoticons, since only in August 2012 was this opportunity added to communicate in personal correspondence. Until that time, Vkontakte users had to compose their own designation of emotions from punctuation marks. But the developers made it easier for them: the user can open the smiley menu and select the one that describes his condition.

Initially, about thirty smileys appeared on the network, but after a while another hundred were added, which depicted not only emotions, but also the actions of people, as well as food, animals. But due to the large variety of emoticons, the communication of people becomes not always clear. Not all people understand the meaning of this or that smile, or they understand it differently. In order to avoid such situations with you, you need to write a few words in addition to the smiley, so that the interlocutor understands you.

Popular vKontakte emoticons  can be called the following:

  • : ok - everything is fine;
  • -: o - fear;
  • -3 (- sadness;
  • -8) - love;
  • -:] - a stupid smile.

Also in VK there are hidden emoticons that can be sent to users by pressing a few keys. But the disadvantage of such smiles can be considered that they are black and therefore repel many users from themselves.

The most common commands include the following:

  • ALT + 1 - white smile, denoting a smile ☺
  • ALT + 2 - black smile: ☻
  • ALT + 3 - the heart of love:
  • ALT + 11 - male symbol: ♂
  • ALT + 12 - female symbol: ♀
  • ALT + 13 - melody: ♪
  • ALT + 15 - the sun: ☼

For the character to appear in the message, you need:

  1. Hold the Alt key on the keyboard
  2. Dial a digital combination
  3. Release the Alt Key

What does smiley mean 3

In the table above, this smiley was given and it was said that it means tenderness. But it is worthwhile to dwell in more detail on its decoding, since not many understand it. This symbol is associated with animals such as a dog and a cat. Indeed, if you look closely, it seems to look like the face of an animal. In another way, this smiley stands for " nyasha "  - This is how you can characterize any cute animal.

Do not confuse this smile with <3 , which the mean heart.

Many people and smile :3   consider a kiss, but they are mistaken as it does not mean a kiss, namely prettiness.

There was a period of time when this smile was read from a mathematical point of view, and it meant nothing more than divide by 3. But this is a comic version that did not take root among Internet users for a long time.

Emoticons denoting actions

As mentioned above, then emoticons can replace written speech and whole expressions. After all, their collection is constantly updated, and soon people will be able to communicate only with smiles. Below will be presented a few emoticons, representing the actions of a person.

Smile designation


Loud laugh

Listening to music on headphones

Wave hand



Go crazy

As we can see from the table, it is possible to tell emoticons even about their actions and desires. Some social networks have emoticons meaning that a person is reading a book, resting, eating or playing a ball.

We examined in detail what emoticons mean, how they can be used to express actions and emotions. After a few years, they can replace written language. After all, it is much easier for people to put an emoticon, than how long to write and explain to a person what he is busy with or what kind of emotion he is currently showing.

Smiley decoding video

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Emoji has become one of the pillars of modern Internet communication, and it is already difficult to imagine electronic correspondence without the use of smiles. New images appear every few months, and the first set of emojis even entered the collection of the Museum of Modern Art in New York. But it turned out that most of us use them incorrectly.

Translation difficulties

A study conducted by e2save and published by The Daily Mail showed that only one in five people can correctly interpret emojis. However, most people find it difficult to verbally describe the emoticons and emotions that they convey.

According to the study, about 82% of Britons regularly use emoji, with 44% doing this in order to clarify the meaning of the message. Respondents were asked to explain the meaning of the 20 most “confusing" emojis. Only 19% of respondents managed to do this. And only 44% of respondents managed to correctly explain the significance of emoticons.

Most people are confused by five emojis.

Most people (69%) believe that a person with smoke coming from the nostrils expresses anger or irritation. In fact, this smile symbolizes a sigh of relief after an upset.

A person with wide-open eyes, an open mouth, and raised eyebrows is often used to show surprise (at least 66% of respondents do so). However, according to the original idea, it depicts a silent person.

Another 62% believe that a frown with a drop means upset. But this is not so. Its original meaning is to show "relief after disappointment."

And while 57% of people believe that their hands mean prayer or supplication, emojis were created to express gratitude.

Confusing and the image of a woman with hands above her head. Most people (55%) think she is surprised, but in reality it means “okay”.

Other emojis, such as a cat's face, a horn, a devilish mask, and so on, cause difficulties with identification.

Emoticons in the upper row mean (from left to right): yawn, surprised cat, devil. In the middle row: “give me five,” message delivery, drowsiness, and poor health. In the bottom row: a rush for something, dizziness, impudence, baking decoration.

“With such interest in icons, it is surprising that many of us misunderstand their meaning. Apparently, we should be more careful when choosing emojis before sending them, ”said Andy Cartledge, e2save marketer.

New collection

The other day, Unicode Consortium announced that in 2017, humanity will receive a new set of 51 emojis. Among them there will be a vampire, butter pretzel, a sandwich, a gesture "I love you", a flying saucer, broccoli, coconut and others. Full list can be found

Apparently, the creators of emojis are trying to bring them closer to a variety of social and national groups of people. So, the new set includes a woman in a hijab, a man with a very long beard and a mother breast-feeding a baby.

On the other hand, there are a lot of mythical characters on the list - in addition to those mentioned, they are fairies, mermaids of both sexes, genies and zombies.

And of course, there were some food and animals. Giraffe, zebra, hedgehog, tyrannosaurus, canned food and a cup with a straw are already waiting for their finest hour. As for the emoticons themselves, the new set may bring even more confusion to the ranks of users.

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It's no secret that in the modern world there is no person who would not know what a smiley face is. Perhaps, many will be interested in how these funny characters were born. And for sure decoding of emoticons will be interesting, what exactly they mean.

What is a smiley?

Let's start with the definition itself. From English, smiley translates as "smiling." Thus, emoticons are stylized, schematic images. They are especially popular in Internet correspondence and SMS messages.

Traditionally, a smiley looks like a yellow circle, inside of which there are dotted eyes and a black arc denoting a mouth. Its computer version looks almost the same. The only difference is the presence of a hyphen, which is located between the eyes and mouth and denotes the nose. True, in recent years, an abbreviated form has been used quite often, without a dash in the middle. Today, the meaning of emoticons depends on the location of the arc and many other nuances.

When did the emoticons appear?

Most sources claim that the smiley was first drawn by Harvey Bell for one of the insurance companies. The company wanted their logo to be not only memorable, but also inspire confidence in those who want to use the services of the company. For this logo, the artist received a fee of $ 50. Then many customers wondered: what do the emoticons on the badges of the employees of the company mean?

But the real birthday of this funny sign is September 19, 1982. It was then that Scott Falman proposed introducing a new symbol into the computer vocabulary. The professor proposed to indicate a smile with a colon, a hyphen, and a closing parenthesis. Such a designation, according to scientists, was supposed to show that the message is humorous in nature and should not be taken seriously. So there was his computer version.

Why do you need emoticons?

Having learned how emoticons appeared, you probably wondered why they were needed? Have you ever asked yourself the question, what does a regular conversation consist of? Is it only from words? Of course not. In communication we take into account not only words, but also intonation, gestures, and especially the facial expressions of the speaker.

But how to convey all this in correspondence, to make it not so dry? Show another person that you are sad or laughing, crying or joking? In fact, nothing. Unless using emoticons.

We need these funny signs in order to convey our feelings and sensations when the interlocutors do not see each other. Using them, you do not need to write long explanations, just write or draw a smiley, and everything becomes clear. They replace us with intonation and facial expressions, and it has become absolutely necessary to use them when communicating on the Internet. If you and your interlocutor are aware of what emoticons mean, then the conversation becomes much brighter and more interesting.

Rules for using emoticons

It would seem that the use of smiles does not require the author to know any rules. But is it? Let's take a look at some of the tips from the regulars of the Internet.

  • First of all, they note that you can not use emoticons without “eyes”. That is, you should write: :), and not just).
  • Secondly, you should not use multiple brackets. This may indicate the presence of several chins in a person.
  • Thirdly, it is noted that the “nose” part, that is, the dash, can always be skipped.
  • Fourth, emoticons themselves cannot be sculpted close to the text. A space should be made between the last word and the “smile”.
  • In addition, it replaces the dot, so you should not think about putting a punctuation mark after the emoticon or before it.
  • Also, many advise to refrain from using rare and obscure smiles. Not everyone can understand their meaning.
  • You should also not use a lot of monotonous "smiles" at the end of a sentence or message. Enough and one or two. You should know the measure even in the expression of emotions.

Emoticons and their decoding

Probably, each of us is interested in the meaning of symbols to indicate feelings. After all, knowing what emoticons mean, we can use them correctly. Here are a few examples:

  • :-) :) - these two emoticons indicate a smile;
  • : (: - (- are used to indicate sadness;
  • \u003d) \u003d -) - these combinations express joy;
  • :\u003e: -\u003e - this is how they grin or giggle on the Internet;
  • :) :-) - and this is how sarcasm is expressed;
  • ;) ;-) - if you want to wink to the interlocutor, select one of these options;
  • : -F - with the help of this smile you can kiss the person you are talking to;
  • : S: - S - expresses embarrassment;
  • \u003e: (- with the help of these combinations anger is expressed;
  • ~: 0 - these smiles express horror;
  • @ -\u003e --- - this is a rose that you can give to your interlocutor.

Of course, this is not a complete list of emoticons used. There are a lot of them, some of them are difficult to understand without knowing their decryption. But in this article we have given the most common.

Well, now you know what emoticons mean and how to use them correctly. You know the history of their occurrence, although it should be noted that almost every second American ascribes to himself the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating emoticons. But we gave the most reliable and well-known versions. You also learned how common emoticons are deciphered. We hope this article has been helpful to you.

For example, two palms folded together can be interpreted in different ways - perhaps they symbolize prayer, but it is also possible that these two people greet each other with the words “Give me five.” How to understand the meaning of various emojis? We offer you some tips that will help you figure out the meaning of emoticons on iPhone, iPad and macOS.

Many users mistake this picture for a crying face. In fact, a drop is not a tear, but a sweat, which means relief after the excitement experienced.

Do not be fooled, this is not a nut at all, but fried sweet potatoes.

What seems like a pyramid of ping-pong balls at first glance is actually a "postcard for the harvest festival," symbolizing the Japanese traditional rite that takes place during the Tsukimi festival.

If it seems to you that this is an acorn, you are mistaken. This is actually a chestnut.

You should not use this picture as a greeting card, as this is nothing more than a bookmark for the book.

This gesture means “OK” and indicates that you are doing well.

Palms raised up do not mean an appeal to higher forces, but symbolize joy.

This "smile" means severe irritation and nervous state. Many users mistakenly use it to express contempt.

What looks like a black cube actually symbolizes the Muslim shrine of the Ka'ba located in Mecca.

No, this girl doesn’t have antlers on her head. She just gets a facial massage.

Often, users resort to this picture when they want to express a denial, but in fact it symbolizes the person at the information board.

This is not a dance movement at all, as it may seem, but open arms.

This boy did not hide and did not think. Believe it or not, but he bows.

A "smiley" without mouth symbolizes silence. Often it is used to express confusion, fear, and sometimes it is used as a "Gingerbread Man".

It may seem to you that this is fire, but in fact it is a name tag.

This sign is not at all a bizarre image of a house, but a symbol of anger.

The picture below appeared with the release of iOS 10.2. Someone can see a glass of whiskey here, but actually it’s just a glass.

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