The best email clients for iPad. Setting up mail on iPhone and iPad

Despite the rapid development of compact and convenient mobile messengers in recent years, e-mail remains a popular method of Internet communication. In addition to reading and sending emails, modern email services offer mobile device owners many useful features that are not available in the native iOS Mail application.

In contact with

To help users choose a really convenient and functional email client, we have compiled a list of the best email applications from the App Store.


This application is the favorite application of hundreds of thousands of users around the world. The application interface is simple and user-friendly, and the user can easily view and reply to messages, as well as create new ones. In addition, emails can be moved to special folders or postponed for later. application Mailbox available free of charge.


Many call Sparrow the best email client for the iPhone. Not for nothing, in the summer of 2012 the developers of the application were acquired by Google. Sparrow has full support for IMAP and POP protocols (Gmail, Hotmail, iCloud and many other mail service accounts). Client features: unified inbox, smart contacts (most frequent contacts are displayed at the top of the list), "pull to refresh", built-in web browser, attachments and much more. The cost of the application is 99 rubles. mail

An application that is rapidly gaining popularity among iOS users from Russia. Mail.Ru mail allows you to combine all mailboxes, be it a Yandex account, Gmail, Yahoo, Rambler, Outlook or any other service in one place. Key features mail: personal spam filter, Mail.Ru address book, avatars in the list of letters, search in all correspondence, push notifications. The app has iPad support and is available in the App Store for free.


Interface Boxer is very simple and resembles Mailbox, however, unlike the latter, the client allows you to log in to Facebook and LinkedIn. The app has support for Evernote and DropBox. Besides, in Boxer it is very easy to reconfigure the control gestures as you wish. The client has many templates for quick response, which you can independently edit and supplement. The cost Boxer is 33 rubles.


The interface of this application resembles a page on a blog. The list of contacts is located in the All Stars section, which allows you to quickly and easily find the desired recipient. The client allows you to log in to Facebook and check messages on the social network. In addition, by replying to friends, the user will be able to see their photos. application Molto available free of charge.


The updated email client from Google allows you to always learn about new correspondence without having to wait for the application to download the letter (Push). Gmail allows you to easily switch from one account to another, find archived messages and much more. This application is available for free.

Evomail +

The main feature of this application is the ability to reply and forward emails with just one click. In order to read the message, you need to slide your finger across the screen to the right, to delete - to the left. Evomail + allows you to postpone sending letters if necessary. The email client is available for free.


Get rid of the chaos in your email service with a minimalist interface. Instead of displaying all messages at once, Triage allows you to see only one thing. The user can reply to emails, or archive or postpone them. The cost of the application is 99 rubles.

Hello! In the era of widespread use of instant messaging services (WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram are the brightest representatives), fewer and fewer people use e-mail. But this does not mean that everyone has forgotten about her and she has forever lost her relevance. Nothing like this! Moreover, if you correctly and correctly configure the mailbox, then using it will be a sheer pleasure.

And the question immediately arises - how to do it? How to properly connect mail on your iOS device? Elementary. Just. Easy. Don't believe the author? Then get detailed instructions on how to set up email on your iPhone or iPad. It's time to start - let's go! :)

  1. Using the built-in Mail application.
  2. Using additional programs from a third-party developer.

Setting up a standard email client in iOS

As with any self-respecting smartphone (meaning the iPhone) or tablet (iPad), there is already a preinstalled (you don't need to download it) program for working with emails, we just have to correctly configure it.

Click on the "Mail" icon on your desktop or go to Settings - Mail, Addresses, Calendars - Add Account. The result will be the same - you will see a window like this:

If your email account belongs to one of the services (the whole thing is written about iCloud), which are indicated in the picture, then this is the easiest option. Click on the desired icon, enter your username and password, the operating system will do the rest for you.

But of course, in Russia, postal services of such companies as Yandex,, and probably Rambler are more common. If you are one of the most people who use them, then manual configuration is required.

In the same window as in the picture above, click "Other" - "New account" (first line), a form opens:

  • The name is absolutely any, as you please.
  • E-mail - directly the address of the e-mail box.
  • Password - I think everything is clear, the password is from the "email".
  • Description - additional information (personal, work, trash, etc.).

That's all if you use @yandex or @mail (and derivatives from it - inbox, list, bk).

Setting up @Rambler (and others - lenta, autorambler, myrambler,, will take a little tinkering. After entering the basic data (as written above), you will need to specify additional information:

  • Incoming mail server. Node name -
  • The username and password are the details of your email account. Important! We indicate the username in full, for example, [email protected]
  • Outgoing mail server. Node name -

That's it, now your iPhone or iPad (all settings are identical) is ready to receive emails using the standard Mail program.

Third-party programs for checking mail on iPhone and iPad

For those who, for whatever reason, are not satisfied with the method described above, in the App Store (and there are several of them!) There is a huge number of applications for checking letters on iOS devices.

There is not enough strength to tell about each of them, but I will single out two of them the most popular and, importantly, free.

the iPad, as Steve Jobs put it, “puts the internet right at your fingertips,” which makes the Apple tablet ideal for not only surfing but also reading / sending emails. The main thing is to choose the right application that can satisfy everything, even the most non-standard needs. The built-in iOS client clearly does not have such functionality, so we decided to consider several worthy alternatives from the App Store.


Mailbox makes it as easy as possible for you to work with multiple inboxes, and a smart list system will help you pay much more attention to urgent emails, putting off entertainment or personal ones in your free time. Navigation through the sections is very convenient, thanks to the multi-colored labels, which, by the way, are easy to customize. Mailbox doesn't support all email services: you can currently use Gmail, iCloud, and Yahoo accounts. Attachments attached to emails can be saved to the Dropbox cloud service - you just need to set up access once.

If you are an adherent of foreign postal services, be sure to pay your attention to Mailbox. It is now one of the most powerful and user-friendly email apps in the entire App Store.

Evomail +

Evomail + will appeal to you from the first launch. This is because the navigation and design in the application are made at a new level, competitors can only envy. Almost all navigation in Evomail + is done with a single button located in the lower left corner and constantly changing depending on which section you are in. Evomail + by default only supports Gmail, Yahoo and iCloud, but it allows you to use any IMAP server, which means you can "tie" your mail to Yandex or without any problems.


myMail is a traditional email client that you won't find smart lists, support for specific alerts, or an innovative interface. The app focuses on its main purpose - mailing. As an example, myMail allows you to attach several photos from your albums to an email at once, without pressing dozens of Add buttons. This feature (for some unknown reason) is not available in any other application presented in our list. myMail supports many foreign mail services: Gmail, Hotmail, Live, Outlook, MSN, iCloud, AOL, and Yahoo.

Mail pilot

Mail Pilot turns your mail into a to-do list, which is great if you position your emails that way. The application differs from competitors in that it gives more information about the contents of the letter while still in view mode, which makes navigation much faster. Another plus of Mail Pilot is the presence of a client for Mac - using the suite of applications is much more convenient and over time you will stop thinking about other tools for managing email. Mail Pilot supports Gmail, Yahoo, iCloud, and lets you customize IMAP servers as you see fit.


Let's not forget that part of users who do not use e-mail for business correspondence. Molto is the app for those who are used to sharing photos, videos and various files with friends and family. The app can also work directly with Facebook, allowing you to view pages without the need for authorization.

No matter how social networks and instant messengers develop, mail remains an important and most widespread method of communication, data verification and a place for receiving reports, subscriptions and other publications. The standard mailer in the iPhone is not bad, but there are high-quality alternative clients that surpass Mail in terms of capabilities, convenience and, subjectively, appearance. There are plenty to choose from.

Everybody started the built-in client. And if then he went to the folder with the standard garbage, then no one will condemn. will satisfy the needs of mainstream users, but those who are active with mail will find a lot of arguments for alternative solutions. The client is not bad, but simple both externally and functionally. It does not develop very rapidly, the same quick actions with swipes that gained popularity in 2013 appeared in only with the update to iOS 8.

But the app does the trick, it's stable, fast and easy to use. And built-in VIP lists will help you not to miss an important letter.


Client for the postal service Corporation of Good. The application makes full use of the capabilities of the service, has a pleasant appearance and smart sorting of letters. But sometimes it slows down when reading.

Gmail works, of course, only with Gmail accounts. If you additionally use other mailers, you can link them through the account settings on your computer.


Another Google project. It works similarly only with Gmail mailboxes, but it is much more interesting than the main application because of its capabilities. Inbox is a hybrid of a task manager and an advanced mailer. In the client, you can create reminders, snooze emails, and view content without opening them, such as files or video links. Inbox has a unique feature to cancel sending an email within seconds if you're in a hurry.

Inbox is not only functional, but also beautiful. The modern interface is decorated with unobtrusive animations.


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Flexible, nimble, functional and outwardly neat mailer. CloudMagic works with large services, as well as through the IMAP protocol. General Inbox collects letters from all mailboxes with visual display, quick actions and reminders.

For the security of mail, there is password protection, but authorization by Touch ID is not supported, and letters are displayed with a subject, text and delete option in the Central Control Center, not thought out.

Flexible parameters allow you to customize CloudMagic for yourself. For example, you can open links in Chrome, automatically download all attachments, set the badge value for the program icon, and disable synchronization of individual mailboxes.

A CloudMagic account allows you to collect all the boxes and settings so that you don't have to manually set all the parameters on another device.


The famous mailer in 2013 made a lot of noise due to the invitation system, which made more than 380,000 users wait in line to access the service. Mailbox has garnered a lot of attention thanks to its new approach to organizing mail with tasks, reminders, and swipes.

In the application, each correspondence is a separate task, and by swiping to the sides it can be marked as completed (archived) or postponed. And not only for a specific time, but for the weekend or even more extensible "someday". And if you have Mailbox installed on your Mac, you can ask to be reminded of the letter when you sit down at your computer.

Mailbox is a smart mailer. He studies your habits so he can handle the mail for you. The application can automatically send spam mailings to the basket, which you usually delete, add promotional offers to one list, etc.

Mailbox has two nuances. The first - in general, Inbox does not display letters from different mail services. The second one is that for full use of reminders, opening letters on a computer and lists, you need to install Mailbox, which is available only for Mac, and then, in beta version.


Outlook is not just mail, but a platform for organizing your correspondence, schedule, contacts and files. Mail in Outlook takes up just one tab. The application contains a full-fledged calendar, files from Onerrive, Dropbox, Box and Google Drive, as well as a contact book displaying letters, events and content for each person.

The Outlook mailbox is divided into Important and Other tabs. A built-in algorithm analyzes your actions and determines which conversation falls into one category or another. If you want to use it the old fashioned way, the separation can be turned off. There is no indication of mailboxes.

You can easily archive an email with a swipe to the left or create a reminder by swiping to the right.

Outlook offers a handy tool for making email appointments. You can create an invitation or give the interlocutor several time slots for a meeting. In the mailer, you can embed media from popular cloud services and send locations. True, the last function did not work for me.


Another fancy application, but its capabilities are focused exclusively on mail. The only client in our collection with lite and paid version. The first one supports one account and the most basic features of the application - swipes for archiving, reminders and other actions. The list of actions is long. You can quickly reply to an email, delete, mark as spam, send to Evernote, swipe through Sanebox. The latter is engaged in filtering letters.

In the paid version, you can add an unlimited number of mailboxes, receive Push notifications, create your own template responses, signatures, aliases. This is not a complete list of useful actions for working with mail without having to open emails.

Personally, I have a specific problem, no matter how hard I try to structure my mail, constantly read letters, delete unnecessary things, and so on, all the same, after 2-3 hours there is a mess again, but I don't know how to deal with it. That is why I decided to write this article, because I read somewhere that I am not the only one and there is a completely adequate solution to this problem. As it turned out, it is best to have several mailboxes for different needs. It seems to be simple, I agree, but you still need to get used to and not forget (if someone's memory is bad) inadvertently the password from one of the boxes.

Therefore, as all Email users know, it is much more convenient to read letters from a full-fledged computer (at least most people are convinced of this), but if you choose the right email client for your smartphone, then you will forever forget about problems with viewing mail on mobile devices. In this case, since I mainly use iphone and ipad, in this article we will look at which will help us replace the standard mail client from Apple.

Of course, you can use the built-in application, but sometimes its functionality, as it were, pushes you to switch to something more functional. In the next article we (when we say, I mean, of course, myself and my cat), we will consider similar applications for Android, so subscribe to blog updates so as not to miss the release of this cool, voluminous and high-quality article. If you enter your email, you can just subscribe to my twitter , there I will definitely throw off the article.

Postal servants for today's review:

  1. Gmail
  2. mail
  3. Yahoo! mail
  4. LightMail
  5. MyMail
  6. Boxer
  7. CloudMagic
  8. Boxer
  9. CloudMagic
  10. Malibox

I will test them on my iphone, so as not to be limited only by theory.

The criteria by which we will judge the applications:

  1. Design, convenience, pleasant feeling when using.
  2. Compatible with iphone, ipad, ipod. We will not take into account the optimization for iphone 6 and 6 plus, since all companies that understand that the market for selling Apple smartphones is huge will immediately optimize their programs for its screens, so we will take it for granted.
  3. Cost (as a rule, all such programs are free, but there are exceptions).
  4. Accessibility (such as previewing attached iWork documents, MS Office and others, which we will learn about along the way).
  5. Work with letters (search by subject, text; organization of letters according to a given criterion, the ability to group letters, colored markers, work with groups)
  6. Letter writing style (text formatting, priority support, custom citation level)
  7. Support for the POP3 and IMAP protocol - in order to understand what this is, it is better to turn to Wikipedia, it will tell you better at this link!
  8. Additional features (Push notifications, setting up automatic mail checking, support for various accounts (third-party), offline operation).

It seems like everything I wanted to say at the beginning and, it seems, you can move on to the essence of the article - let's not wait!


An app from google that requires an @ mailbox to use. As many already know or have guessed, one of the main disadvantages of a Google client is the refusal to support third-party accounts. That is, you can use several mailboxes at once, but they must all be @

Everything works fast enough, nice and beautiful. As soon as you open the application, you are prompted to add all your accounts (if you have several).

And immediately after entering, you can activate them simply by transferring the button to the active mode. This is followed by a short demonstration of what you can do with this email client. For example, you can directly save files from mail to Google Drive:

From which it follows that you can also attach files from a Google drive weighing up to 1TB:

It sounds very interesting, although other companies, similar in structure to Google, also use this system of work. Let's go over main disadvantages of gmail! The Gmail client does not support the POP3 protocol, which, in principle, ordinary users do not care about, since this does not reduce performance, but I think we need to know this.

Also, a customizable interval for automatic checking for new mail is not supported, but I would not call it a minus, because, personally, I don’t understand at all why this function is needed, since you’re going to read the letters that came to you? Or not?

Google probably found such features as useless: advanced text formatting, custom email previews, since they considered them not important. With which, of course, you can argue, but, of course, from the point of view of efficiency, this does not give anything.

That's all the disadvantages of this application (well, of course, because it was made in google). Here is a list of advantages will be much wider, but we will go through it faster so that the article does not grow indefinitely.

TO main advantages of gmail(I will only list what is really pleasant and important, and not everything that is in general) can be attributed: a nice feature of the interface that allows you to switch between letters without going to the root, displaying the number of letters in mailboxes (although absolutely everyone can do this), autocomplete email, grouping messages into threads, using color markers, archiving letters, support for the IMAP protocol.

This protocol allows the user to work with boxes located on the central server, that is, to access the correspondence warehouse on the main server as if the main server is the user's computer. The benefits of this require a long discussion, so we will omit it, saying in the end only that it will allow you to manipulate letters without endless transmission from the server and back.

These, of course, are not all the advantages, but, in my opinion, they are very important, since not all email clients are able to do the above (with the exception of one of the above).

In general, working in this mobile application is very pleasant and convenient, as for me it is much more convenient than in the standard, built-in one from Apple. mail

Although mail and shit is not a very good search engine, and the email from Mail itself does not work very nicely, but the mail client turned out to be very, very solid!

The main advantage over Gmail is support for third-party accounts, so you can use mailboxes from Yandex, Google, hot mail, outlook and any other mail!

It looks very nice (as for me, it's generally fire), the mini-learning system is also pleasant:

The implementation is very cool and beautiful, which greatly contributes to getting used to such amenities and deprives the ability to use less beautiful clients.

The convenient location of the line for marking, deleting, marking SPAM adds even more sweetness.

In general, the interface looks just great, but that's not all, so it's time for us to go over main disadvantages of mail-mail... There are not so many of them, fortunately, but they are still there:

  • Lack of grouping of letters
  • Like Google, there is no setting for the auto-check mail interval (what the hell?)
  • Lack of advanced text formatting and quote customization
  • The message is not marked as unread

In principle, this is all, the only thing that can, at least at first, knock you off your feet is not the ability to mark a letter as unread. It is really a little disorienting at first, but then you accept it as normal.

Of pluses mail mail can be distinguished: support for the POP3 protocol and in conjunction with IMAP, which distinguishes modern standards (although ordinary users do not care what protocols they correspond to, as long as it works well). Everything else, you can say, like everyone else. Free, working, beautiful, fast mail client for iOS.

Yahoo! mail

Great app from Yahoo!with a disadvantage inherent in such a company - the lack of support for any third-party accounts.

In general, very similar to gmail, with the same disregard for the POP3 protocol. But, while a Google client has significantly more pluses than minuses, then Yahoo! the amount of both is approximately equal. The main disadvantages include:

  1. Complete lack of email autocomplete, advanced text editing and custom citation level.
  2. The photo (avatar) of the person (organization) with which the correspondence is being conducted is not displayed.
  3. There is also no possibility of archiving and adding color markers.
  4. There is no support for geotagging, opening attachments in third-party applications, built-in chat (messenger).

Overall, Yahoo! created a minimalist version of gmail with some bugs. We will not dwell on it, since this email client is not very popular in Russia (Belarus, Ukraine, and so on). But this does not mean that it is bad, it just is not what we are used to seeing an email client.


For what I like applications created not by some large corporation, but by something separate, it is because they have support for third-party accounts.

True, in this case, no matter how much they praised LightMail, I did not like it. Firstly, the function of selecting third-party accounts is not very conveniently implemented (more precisely, it does not exist at all, you need to enter an existing email).

Also, I do not know about you, but he refused to work for me at all. I constantly flew out and just hung up, I don't know what the reason is, but this is not good. To all of the above, I can add that this mail client is missing one of the main functions that, in my opinion, every mail service should have in itself! Namely - Preview iWork and MS Office documents!

This is, if not the most important, then one of the most important criteria for selecting a service. There is also no iPad support - which is just as bad! In general, after all that has been said, I see no reason to list the advantages of LightMail, since they will not cover these fat disadvantages.


Another email client from a third-party developer with support for accounts of different systems. I really liked and, in principle, is probably the best of all that was listed above. I'll tell you right away why:

Of course, there are also disadvantages, again, the lack of archiving letters, which is sometimes very necessary. In general, it turned out to be a good application, with an excellent design and functionality (I'm happy). I am pleased with the mini-training system, which, as it were, tells you where to click and how best to use the application.

The only thing that confuses me is the almost complete coincidence in design with the client from, which makes me think that they are somehow connected ... Enlighten me in the comments - I will be grateful.


Of course, the biggest disadvantage of this client is that it is paid. If my memory serves me, it costs $ 6 ... But I use the Lite version, and it seems to be not much worse than the paid one, so we can assume that this is not a problem. Honestly, this is the most beautiful email client I've seen before. And it works great, I liked it.

Even when you just enter your email address, you feel the superiority of this application over others. In general, you understand me, let's look at those aspects by which we judged other clients.

The main advantages of Boxer:

  • Supports all the latest protocols (POP3, IMAP, Microsoft Exchange). There is a push-notification system, as well as an offline mode.
  • The ability to group messages, search for letters by any criterion (letter name, addressee, and so on). There is also the possibility of mass management of letters
  • There is a preview of iWork and MS Office files, the ability to open attachments in third-party applications
  • Compatible with all platforms
  • The presence of a mini-training system

In general, the application is very cool, but it also has disadvantages, some of which spoil the first impression:

  • There is no advanced editing of letters (not so scary).
  • No preview (not so scary)
  • Costs $ 6 (terrible for many)

In fact, this is everything, but for many, a paid application is almost a stigma with the words "I will never buy", but you should understand that you have to pay for good things, otherwise who will do them? And there is also a Lite version.


A beautiful, functional application with, like its predecessor, excellent design!

Pros like Boxera, except that it does not support stand-alone operation. But this is not so important, you hardly need it so much. The main thing to say is that CloudMagic mail is not inferior to Boxer mail in anything, but at the same time it is free, so draw the appropriate conclusions.

Compared to the two previous email clients, this one does not stand out in terms of design. It's not bad, it's just not as good as the previous ones:

I'm not sure if this will be enough for some users. So I can't call this client the best, it will suit you perfectly if you keep your mailboxes on Gmail, iCloud, but no more. So this candidate can be called just good. It works stably, but it has a significant list of little things:

  • POP3 not supported
  • Microsoft Exchange not supported
  • Most third party accounts are not supported


Personally, I chose Boxer for myself, as I am still under the pleasant influence of its appearance and speed of work. You can go all the way that I did, testing each of the applications listed in this and the previous article. But I wouldn't.

If I helped you make a choice, then you can thank me by leaving a comment and subscribing to blog updates - after all, the more readers, the more pleasant it is to write useful articles 🙂

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