How to change the operator while keeping the number. How to switch to Tele2 with your own number from any mobile operator

How many people stay with their operator to keep the number. Afraid of losing contact with loved ones and all numbers, we are missing out on benefits. However, the practice of porting numbers between operators is already firmly established in the practice of cellular communications. If you are thinking about switching to "Megafon" with saving the number only now, then this material will be very useful. In it we will tell you how to switch to "Megafon" with your own number, what requirements must be met, what problems may arise and how to solve them.

Is it really possible to switch from any operator to Megafon and keep your number?

Yes, this is a fairly common practice that has been recognized by the public for quite some time. You can switch from absolutely any operator and at the same time leave in use the number that you had before. The transition will take place perfectly is free... You will have to pay only for the purchase of a SIM card, as is usually the case when you receive a new copy.

Requirements for switching to "Megafon" with your number

But for this operation to pass successfully, your account with another operator must fit the following requirements:

  1. There are no debts on the number. It should be borne in mind that all kinds of bonuses, discounts and points accrued by another operator to pay for services are not quoted and will not be transferred during the transition. All consumed services must be paid for in cash;
  2. The number must be valid: if your number is blocked, you will not be able to transfer it;
  3. Number porting is carried out in the same region where it was issued:you cannot transfer a number issued in one region to use in another region.
  4. The agreement on the ownership of the SIM card must be executed in your name and passport: if your passport data has changed, then it will be necessary to change them with the current operator and only after that submit an application for switching to Megafon;
  5. The number is federal, not city:landline phone numbers cannot be transferred;
  6. The number was not previously transferred to another operator, or more than 60 days have passed since the transfer.

Facilitiesavailable on the balance sheet of the previous operator, are not transferable.

How to switch to "Megafon" while keeping the number?

To change the operator while keeping the number, you need to take three simple steps:

  1. Fill out an online application for free delivery of documents and a SIM card;
  2. Wait for a specialist who will bring everything you need, help you choose a tariff and issue a SIM card;
  3. Receive an SMS notification about the success of the transition within a period of 8 days to 6 months, at your discretion.

As we can see, the procedure is quite simple. Next, we will take a step-by-step look at how to fill out an online application.

To go to "Megafon" with your number, you need to go to the official website of the operator and click on the section "Go to Megafon with your number"

Further, the client has a choice: fill out an online application for free delivery of a new SIM card or fill out an application for a manager's call back and write an application for transfer in the salon. Basically, these two actions differ only in that you can fill out an application and receive a SIM card in the salon or at home.

If you want to fill out an application without leaving your home, click on the "Fill out an online application" button.

If you do not trust the safety of your data and prefer to work directly with the application form, fill in the four fields and click "Submit application". The manager will contact you and help you choose the nearest Megafon branch and the tariff to which your number will be connected.

Check the three boxes for compliance and complete the fields in all three boxes. In fact, you will do what the employees of the cellular salon usually do for you, that is, entering the passport data, return data for delivery, data about the number that you want to transfer. This procedure is safe, since Megafon values \u200b\u200bits customers and ensures the confidentiality of the data entered.

After filling in all the items, scroll down a little, tick the checkbox
oy consent to the processing of personal data and click on the "Submit application" button. After that, the application can be considered submitted. The transition will take place during the time that you specified by filling in the fields.

Please note that delivery of a SIM card and documents is free only within Moscow... In the cities of the region, delivery costs 200 rbl... How much will the delivery cost to your city, you can clarify by calling the number 8-800-550-58-58 .

How to switch to Megafon while keeping the corporate number?

The procedure for the transition with the preservation of the corporate number is absolutely identical to that presented above, with the only difference that it will not work to write an application online. You can download the application form, which you can find at the end of the article, fill it out and contact the nearest Megafon branch where corporate clients are served. As a rule, these offices coincide with the regular subscriber offices of Megafon.

You can, of course, fill out an application to receive personal advice on the transition from a manager, but for this you will need to know the name of the legal entity or individual entrepreneur and TIN of the organization, which is not always available to all employees of the organization. The jump page with the corporate number can be found.

You also have the opportunity to check which region and operator your number belongs to, with which you want to go to "Megafon" in the corresponding section "Check operator and region of the number" on the page of switching to "Megafon".

Reasons for failures during the transition and ways to fix them

"Megafon may refuse you to switch with a certain wording. Let's look at what formulations can be and what needs to be done to correct the situation and connect with your number.

  1. "The debt to the previous operator has not been repaid."Solution: pay off the debt to the previous operator and re-apply to change the operator, keeping the number;
  2. "The portable number is registered in another region (subject of the Russian Federation)".Solution: Apply in the region where the stored number was registered;
  3. "The number is blocked by the previous operator"Solution: Unblock the number with your operator and then re-apply;
  4. "The data in the application does not match the data of the previous operator (number, full name, passport data)." Solution: Correct or check the data with the previous operator by contacting the appropriate subscriber department, and then apply again with the correct data.
  5. "60 days have not passed since the last transfer of your number and / or there is a debt to the previous operators." Solution: Wait until the specified deadline has expired and re-apply.

How to refuse to switch from Megafon?

There are situations when the application is written, and the decision to change the operator for some reason was changed. What to do?

  1. Fill in an application for refusing to transfer a subscriber number.You can find it at the end of the material;
  2. Print and sign this statement;
  3. Not later than two days before the number porting, scan or photograph the application and send it to the address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

If you are worried about the safety of your data on the Internet, you can contact the nearest subscriber department of "Megafon" no later than two days before the scheduled transfer and write the exact same statement there. You can find the nearest Megafon branch in the "Communication shops and coverage map" section.

Now you know how to switch to Megafon, keeping your number. You can find a memo for switching to Megafon, an application for refusing to port the number or an application for porting a legal entity's number in the documents attached below.

When for some reason your mobile operator does not suit you, and you don’t want to lose a lot of contacts, you can use such a service as switching to another operator while keeping the number. Are there any peculiarities of this procedure or is everything done very quickly and without much effort on the part of the subscriber? Let's try to understand.

How is it going?

Let's start by clarifying a few points about how to switch to another operator while keeping the number. First, we will introduce such concepts as the donor operator (this is the one the subscriber does not like) and the recipient operator (the new subscriber operator). In order to change the operator, you first need to write a statement in the company where you want to go, which will create the basis for concluding a new contract for servicing your SIM card. Further, the recipient operator, through the database of ported numbers, informs its predecessor about the received application to change the mobile network, and if there are no circumstances that could prevent the transition to another operator while maintaining the number, the donor stops serving the SIM card, and the new card number , which the subscriber received from the recipient, changes to the declared one.

The procedure itself, as they promise, will take no more than thirty days (taking into account all approvals), while the maximum time for which a subscriber can be left without communication after the previous operator has abandoned him and a new one "took" is three hours. If, for some reason, it is decided to refuse the service "Switching to another operator while maintaining the number", then before the recipient operator approves the application, you can write an application to refuse the transfer. The number of operator change operations is not limited, as is the frequency of these operations.

Reasons for delays

Yes, there are certain circumstances in connection with which the transition may be delayed. Firstly, the donor operator cannot have a debt on the personal account - until the subscriber repays it, the old operator will not let him go. Moreover, if you have several numbers from one operator, and you want to give up one, then you will have to pay off all the remaining debts. A positive balance in the donor's account will not be transferred to the recipient. There will be no problems with payment through terminals - the database of ported numbers, which was already mentioned above, will record the number belonging to another operator.

Transfer features

This service is available for both individuals and legal entities - operators do not make any difference between subscribers. Moreover, it doesn't matter which number you want to transfer - elite bronze / gold / silver (with a certain number of repeating numbers) or quite a standard one - you will have to pay only one hundred rubles for this. The law on number portability applies to absolutely all operators, regardless of whether they are regional or all-Russian, but you can change the number only within the boundaries of one region or region.

When a subscriber has made an application for number porting, he will be in the office of the donor operator for some time and only after all checks will he go to the recipient. At each stage of the process, that is, consideration of an application, its approval, refusal of one operator and acceptance of another, the subscriber will receive notifications. There are no peculiarities in servicing the "newbie" - he will obey the rules of the recipient operator, however, initially there will be some restrictions - the new subscriber will only be able to use calls, SMS messages and Internet access, but soon all available functionality will open to him. If for some reason the subscriber decided to terminate the agreement with the recipient, then his number will be returned to the previous operator.

It should be noted that if a subscriber uses a phone purchased in the network of a certain operator, that is, programmed to work with a specific card, there is a possibility that he will refuse to work when porting a number and, in principle, will not accept a new SIM card.


Switching to another operator while keeping the Megafon number allows you without any problems. If you want to join this mobile network, the first thing you need to do is leave a request for this operation - there is no difference here, online or at the operator's office.

With an online application, after it has been reviewed, Megafon employees will contact you and deliver the documents and a new SIM card necessary for concluding a new contract. At the same stage, a tariff plan is selected within this network and a payment of one hundred rubles for the operation is removed. When filling out an application in the office, the service fee is charged immediately, as a new card is issued with an already selected tariff plan. Then, within a period from a week to six months, the number itself will be transferred to the Megafon network, which you will be additionally notified of with a message.


Does not prohibit switching to another operator while maintaining the MTS number. Here, however, has its own characteristics. The application is filled out only at the operator's office, you must have a passport with you if the number is registered to you, or a power of attorney from the owner of the number - you must confirm that you have the right to carry out such actions.

Then you pay for this very transition and choose a new tariff already in the MTS network, at the same stage you receive a temporary number, which then, after all approvals, will be replaced with a portable one. Then, for several days, mobile operators receive to settle all the formalities on technical issues among themselves, and the day before the proposed transfer, MTS sends you a message indicating the exact time of the end of servicing your card with the old operator - at this time you need to insert the recipient's SIM card into the device.


Switching to another operator with the preservation of the Beeline number is as easy as Megafon. Moreover, the very process of performing this operation is similar for them - the same application is either online or in the office, the same terms and general procedure for the provision of services. The Beeline courier can also bring a new card and a contract for its service at a convenient address for you.

But a separate advantage of this operation for new subscribers of the Beeline network, who nevertheless decided to carry out all the necessary manipulations in the company's office, is the ability to sign up for a specific time online, and not sit in the room, waiting for their turn.

"Tele 2"

Switching to another operator while keeping the "Tele2" number is also welcome. Anyway, any company will be glad to new subscribers.

The rules are the same as for other mobile operators, the only caveat is that the number transfer can be carried out only in the official salons of the company - no online or operations with dealers.


And the last mobile company that will be pleased with the transition to another operator with the preservation of the number is Rostelecom.

You will need to visit the sales and service center of this company, where a contract for number porting is concluded and a card is issued with Then the operator gives you the opportunity to pay off your debts and only then starts the transfer operation itself. Only upon the transition from your personal account, these same hundred rubles will be debited, then you will be able to choose a new tariff plan.

Any subscriber may have a need to change the cellular operator, for example, if the connection is very poor in the home region or city, or, simply, the conditions of another operator have become much more profitable. What can be done in this case, how to switch to another operator and at the same time keep your old number, already known to a large circle of friends?

In this article, we will reveal in detail the issue of switching to Tele2 while maintaining the number, indicating specific examples for all major mobile operators - Megafon, MTS, Beeline.

Is it possible to switch to Tele2 while keeping my number

Tele2 is a relatively new, but well-established operator that operates throughout the territory of our country and the CIS countries. Coverage areas are constantly expanding, 4G technologies are being introduced, new tariffs are being introduced for subscribers on preferential terms. Therefore, many users prefer to use this particular operator for making calls and other services.

Since 2013, Tele2 has been accepting applications for the transfer of subscribers from other operators. That is, any user who is currently making calls from MTS, Beeline, Megafon and other mobile operators can transfer his number to Tele2 without any problems and already make all payments in their system.

How to switch to Tele2 service and keep your number

You must submit an application to one of the company's offices. To do this, we recommend that you open the official website in your browser or call the toll-free number 88005550611 to find out the nearest offices in your city or region.

As a rule, the transition to Tele2 is possible only if the following conditions are met:

  1. You should contact the office of the company where your SIM card was inserted and clarify to whom the number is registered. The fact is that all data will be exactly transferred to another operator, respectively, only the owner of the SIM card can contact the Tele2 service center. It is also possible to reissue the procedure with pre-certified documents, if the SIM card was issued to another person and he does not have the opportunity to come with you.
  2. As soon as you find out the address of the nearest Tele2 office, take your passport and come to the office. Experts will help you draw up a contract and tell you about all the nuances of this procedure. After signing the contract, you will be given a new SIM card, most likely with 4G support and Nano SIM technology.
  3. Even if you were given a new SIM card, the transition is not over yet. First, a check will be carried out for debts to the previous operator. We recommend that you turn off all services with a monthly fee in advance, restore a zero or positive balance. The transition is usually carried out within a week.
  4. Tele2 will check for debts, and if everything is in order, then soon a notification will be sent to the old SIM card number that you can switch to the services of the new operator. Rearrange the SIM card (which was given to you in Tele2) and you can use all the tariffs and options of the new mobile operator.

Sometimes the transition process takes more than a week. the transfer affects two companies and a subscriber at once.

In some cases, a new SIM card may be out of range for 30-60 minutes after the transition. We recommend that you restart your phone so that the SIM card detects the new network type.

Switching to Tele2 while maintaining the number of MTS, Beeline, Megafon

The principle of porting your number is identical for all mobile operators. To switch to Tele2 while maintaining your number, you must write an application at any nearest Tele2 office!

A prerequisite is that you should not have any debts to the old operator, because in this case the transition will be impossible. We recommend that you check if you have enabled the "Trusted Payments" option, when the number can go into negative territory. If the option is enabled, then you will have to replenish your account in order to restore the balance to positive.

How to independently switch to Tele2 with your number using the company's website

You can apply not only through the office of the company, but also through the official website, which is available at This is a separate page that describes the entire transition procedure, and there is also a special application form.

What you need to know after the transition

As a rule, some services automatically determine the code of the phone and the cellular operator when entering the number. Therefore, problems are possible, for example, when you select “Megafon” in the list, and enter your Tele2 number, previously transferred from Megafon. In this case, a little confusion arises.

The personal account that was set up for your number with the old operator will be automatically deactivated and unavailable. It can be re-registered with the new mobile operator on the official website. Today, all popular companies provide their subscribers with access to their personal account to manage services.

    You have a direct way to the office of the cellular communication you are interested in (attention: you need a passport).

    There you will be given to fill out an application form for transferring from one operator to another, keeping the number. That's, in fact, everything.

    In a week, a little more you will be transferred under the wing desired operator.

    And by the way, regarding the confusion with tariffs, there, in the office, you will be offered their tariff plans to choose from, read carefully and choose the appropriate one.

    The transition service is quite inexpensive, no more than a hundred rubles.

    How to change the operator while keeping the number, many people ask this question.

    It's simple, you need to have a positive balance on the account, but not have a lot of funds. As far as I know, they do not transfer money, or they will come up with some kind of commission.

    Come to the office of a new operator and write a statement. Within eight days, you will be informed about the transfer of SMS and you will go to receive a new SIM card.

    All this costs 100 rublesas promised.

    In order to change the operator without changing the phone number, you must apply with a written application to the operator to which you are going to reissue your SIM card. That is, if you switch, for example, from Megafon to MTS, you need to contact MTS.

    It is important that you do not have a SIM card debt!

  • How to change the operator and keep the old phone number?

    We were promised such an opportunity at the end of 2012. However, the law has not yet been adopted and cellular operators are not ready to provide such a service.

    Some experts say that subscribers will not be able to switch to another mobile operator while maintaining the number until 2015, since it is necessary to prepare the legislative framework and infrastructure of mobile operators.

    Other experts are more optimistic and confident that Russians will be able to take advantage of the opportunity to change their mobile operator and leave their number in 2013.

  • So far, nothing, but from December 1, 2013, every mobile phone user will have such an opportunity. Come to the communication salon of the operator you need and write a statement. The main thing is that the balance is positive.

    Forto switch to another mobile operator while keeping your subscriber phone number, need to contact to the operator to which you decided to connect and to write an application... You must have with you document proving your identity... There is a prerequisite that at the time of transition must no debt to the operator you are leaving.

    The procedure for switching to another telecom operator may be paid, but no more than the amount that is prescribed in the relevant law.

    Read more about the transition cost here.

    By the way, MTS has launched a new service called Antispam.

    In order to change the cellular operator without changing the phone number, you must write an application at the office of the telecom operator to which you want to switch.

    Within 8 days from the date of submission of the contract, the number must be transferred from the existing operator to the new one, after which it is activated for service.

    The law, which allows you to change the mobile operator, leaving the number itself the same, came into force on December 1, 2013. To do this, you need to apply with a passport to the office of the operator to which you want to go, and write an application. At the same time, you should not have any debts to the current operator. The number porting time will be no more than 8 days for individuals and 29 days for legal entities. The service costs 100 rubles.

Relatively recently, a law was adopted in Russia to abolish "mobile slavery". The meaning of this law is that now every person who is dissatisfied with the terms of providing mobile services of his operator can switch to more favorable conditions offered by another operator, without changing the number. Changing the operator while maintaining the number is possible for each operator, because now this possibility is provided for by law.

However, the operators themselves adopted this law quite positively. In the mobile communications market, a fairly high level of competition and the change of operator with the preservation of the number allows you to increase the customer base by providing better and more profitable services for subscribers.

As part of this review, we will look at the process of switching to the most popular operators in Russia (Beeline, MTS, Megafon and Tele2), and also tell about all the pitfalls that you will encounter in the process.

Switching from another operator to MTS while maintaining the number

The MTS company provides subscribers with quite a lot of attractive offers. If your current operator cannot offer conditions that MTS is able to provide, you can safely transfer your number under the control of this operator.

The cost of changing the operator while keeping the number is 100 rubles. The procedure assumes the need for a personal contact to the MTS office, that is, it will not be possible to carry out a remote transition, although in the near future such an opportunity may appear, because some operators already have it.

To switch to MTS while keeping your number, follow these steps:

  1. Contact the nearest MTS office or shop. Tell the employee about the desire to become a client of MTS, keeping your current number. Then write an application for the transition to a new operator and conclude a contract for servicing the ported number. An office worker will help you fill out the application correctly. The main thing is to take your passport with you. It should be understood that no one will accept the application if the phone number that needs to be transferred is issued to another person. If the formal owner of the room cannot visit the office, a power of attorney will be required on his behalf. Otherwise, it will be impossible to change the operator while keeping the number.
  2. Choose a tariff plan that suits you and get an MTS SIM card with a "temporary" number, to which your current number will be transferred after the procedure is completed. If it becomes necessary to use a "temporary" number, you can safely use it immediately after you receive it.
  3. Pay 100 rubles for switching to MTS. This money is used to maintain a common database that stores the ported numbers. This database is maintained by a government-designated organization.
  4. After completing the above steps, you can go home. Now it remains to wait until the end of the verification of the specified data, the presence or absence of debt, etc. This process takes several days. Your temporary number will receive SMS messages with information about the status of the application. In case of any problem, you will receive a corresponding notification by SMS.
  5. One day before the number transfer, you will receive an SMS message, which will indicate the date and time when the number on the temporary SIM card will be changed. From this moment you will become an MTS subscriber with the number of another operator.
  • Attention
  • If you have any difficulties, call the toll-free number 8 800 250 8 250. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the information at the end of the article about possible pitfalls.

Switching from another operator to Megafon while saving the number

If you have read our article about that, then you are well aware that each operator has its own advantages and disadvantages. Megafon also has a number of offers that set it apart from its competitors. If you are interested in any of these offers and you want to use it, then become a client of Megafon by keeping your number. In addition, the operator provides the ability to remotely switch under his control. The cost of the service is 100 rubles.

To remotely switch to Megafon while saving the number, follow these steps:

  1. Fill out the online application on the official website of the operator Megafon by clicking on this link. The application is intended for ordering free delivery of documents and SIM. Thus, you will bypass the need for a personal visit to the Megafon office.
  2. A specialist will arrive at the address specified in the application (you will be informed of the exact time of arrival), who will deliver all the necessary documents, accept payment (100 rubles), help you choose a tariff plan that suits your needs, issue a SIM card and conclude an agreement to change the operator while maintaining the number. You, in turn, must provide a passport so that the specialist can make sure that the number indicated in the application is issued to you.
  3. The transition will take place from 8 days to 6 months, at your discretion. You will be notified of the successful transition to Megafon control via SMS.

If you do not want a specialist to come to your home, or for your locality such an opportunity is not provided, then contact the nearest communication salon or Megafon office. The employee will accept your application to change the operator and explain the procedure to you. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the possible pitfalls, information about which is given at the end of the article.

  • Attention
  • Changing the operator is not possible if the number is in arrears. It is also important that the number is from the same region in which the transfer is carried out, otherwise it will not work to become a Megafoa subscriber without changing the number.

Change of operator to Beeline while keeping the number

Beeline, like any other operator, has in its assortment offers that compare favorably with competitors. If you want to take advantage of some offer of this operator or simply think that the quality of the services provided by Beeline is much higher than that of your current operator, then become a Beeline subscriber without changing the number.

Changing the operator while keeping the number will cost you 100 rubles. Beeline did not provide for the possibility of switching under its control remotely, therefore, visiting the office is a prerequisite (recently, Beeline has the opportunity to leave an online application to change the operator).

To switch from another operator to Beeline while maintaining the number, follow these steps:

  1. Contact the nearest office or Beeline communication salon and inform about your intention to change the operator without changing the number. The office employee will ask you to write an application to change the operator. Complete the application following the instructions of the office worker.
  2. Choose a tariff plan that suits you and get a Beeline SIM card, to which your current number will be transferred within 8 days. Pay for the service (100 rubles).
  3. According to the law, the change of the operator with the preservation of the number must occur within 8 days. The status of the operation will be communicated to you via SMS. The day before the activation of the number, an SMS notification will be sent to the new SIM card with a request to insert the SIM card into the phone.

The operator change process does not always go as smoothly as described in the instructions. If you have a debt or your number is not from the region in which the transfer is taking place, changing the number is impossible. You will also have to provide a passport, while the number must be issued to you.

  • Attention
  • By law, the change of operator must take place no later than 8 days after the application is submitted. Nevertheless, at the request of the subscriber, the expected date of transferring the number to Beeline can be postponed to a later date.

Switching from another operator to Tele2 while keeping the number

Operator Tele2 differs from its “big” competitors by low prices. At the same time, the quality of services remains at a high level, which can neither attract the attention of subscribers. The coverage area of \u200b\u200bthe Tele2 network is constantly increasing, and at the same time the number of people wishing to become subscribers of this operator is growing.

To switch from another operator to Tele2 while keeping the number, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the nearest Tele2 communication salon and inform about your desire to become their subscriber, while keeping the number originally belonging to another operator. Don't forget to take your passport with you.
  2. Write an application to change the operator, keeping the number. An employee of the salon will help you write the application correctly and tell you how the transition to the Tele2 operator proceeds.
  3. Get a SIM card to which your number will be transferred in the future and pay for the service (100 rubles).
  4. After submitting the application, you can go home and wait for the completion of the operator change procedure. The transition takes no more than 8 days after signing the contract.
  5. The day before the transfer, you will receive an SMS with instructions on how to change the SIM card.

To eliminate the likelihood of problems arising in the process of changing the operator, we recommend that you pay off his debt in advance, if any. You should also make sure that the number is issued to you, otherwise the transition will be impossible.

Change of operator while maintaining the number: pitfalls

The above instructions for changing the operator while maintaining the number are practically no different from those presented on the official websites of the operators. Meanwhile, everyone knows perfectly well that the official instructions reveal only general points, while few people pay attention to the pitfalls. This is especially true when it comes to mobile operators, who often mask hidden conditions.

The site is just the same is designed to identify such cunning operators and bring them to the attention of subscribers. Changing the operator while maintaining the number also implies the presence of pitfalls that each subscriber may encounter. As an experiment, we went through the process of changing the operator and identified a number of nuances that we recommend that you take into account before heading to the office of the operator you decided to subscribe to.

1) The standard scenario assumes that the subscriber does not need to communicate with representatives of his current operator, listening to beliefs, think over and stay again. In practice, it is often impossible to avoid such communication. There are times when the passport data specified in the agreement with the current operator differ from those used when concluding an agreement with a new operator.

There are only two reasons for this problem:

  • error when entering data by the current operator at the stage of concluding a contract;
  • change by the subscriber of passport data.

In both cases, you will have to go to the office of your operator and ask to amend the contract accordingly. However, in order not to listen to excuses, you can simply keep silent about your plans to go to another operator.

2) The procedure for changing the operator may take 8 days, and if the subscriber wishes, then for several months. Of course, all this time you will continue to use the number. All this time it is important not to go negative. If during the entire transition period there is a debt, the system may prohibit the transfer of the number to another operator and the subscriber will have to reapply and wait again.

3) The day before the end of the procedure for changing the operator while keeping the number, you will receive an SMS-notification with the date of the upcoming transition. Communication problems may occur on this day. Moreover, the connection may disappear even on the old SIM-card, when the new one did not have time to be activated. In addition, you may lose the ability to use your number for the first few hours after switching to a new operator.

4) Another not very pleasant moment, which operators forget to mention - for the first few days (sometimes even weeks), payment of the bill is possible only through the operator's communication salon. That is, it may not be possible to replenish the balance with a bank card or through electronic payment systems. This is not true in all cases, however, many subscribers talk about a similar problem.

That's all for us. In general, we can say that changing the operator while maintaining the number does not imply any difficulties and is quite an accessible procedure. It is enough to visit the office of the new operator, spend 10 minutes of free time and wait for the operator to change.

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