Login to router tp link. Problems accessing router parameters: how to enter TP-Link router settings

Today we will talk about how to enter the router settings. Sometimes you need to enter the settings, but many forget how to do this after connecting and configuring the router. In this article I will show you how to log into different models. If you know how to enter the settings of your router but cannot do it, here is an article that describes. This article assumes that your router is already connected to the computer (if the router is not connected to the computer, read the article ""). Let's get down to the instructions.

General login instructions.

The settings are entered using any browser. You need to drive the address of the router into the address bar and enter the username and password.

First, let's figure out where to get the address of the router. On many models, the address is written on the lower part of the label, as well as the login and password.

If you do not have a label or do not have access to it, then you can also look at the settings of the network card.

On Windows XP here \u003e\u003e

On Windows 7 here \u003e\u003e

You can learn more about how to determine the address of the router.

Having determined the address of your router, enter the address into the address bar in the browser and press "Enter". The Authorization window will appear in front of you, it will ask for a Login (Username) and Password. On many models, the following settings are set by default: Login- admin, password-admin. Also, take a close look at the authorization window, they sometimes write the default login and password, for example, the Zyxel company (below I will show how it looks). After entering the data, click "Enter" and go to the settings of your router.

Let's apply this scheme to some models. The main thing that you must understand is that we will further consider the case when the router is already connected and has standard login settings. If this is not the case, then the scheme is simple: we determine the address of the router, if we changed the password and login, we remember and enter. Also, if you cannot remember the changes, reset to standard settings (how to do this is described in the article "How to connect a router"), and then just reconfigure it.

Login to d link dir 300 router

This login method is also suitable for models d link dir 615, d link dir 320, d link dir 620. Enter in the address bar of the browser (you can enter the settings of the d link dsl 2640u router at In the window that appears, enter the Login and Password. If the window view corresponds to the picture below, enter only the login-admin, leave the password blank. :

Then we press the button. Everything, the entrance is complete.

If, after entering the address, any of these windows opens in front of you:

in this case Username is admin, password is admin. Click on the "Login" button. And you will immediately be taken to the Dlink configuration interface. If you are interested in configuring the Dlink router, then on the left side of the page in the menu, select the d link heading. In it you will find a description of how to set up any model of Dlink companies

We use this method for asus rt n10

This option is also suitable for asus rt n12, asus rt g32, asus rt n10p, asus dsl n10 routers. Open the browser and enter in the address bar. The name, as well as on other routers, by default is admin, the password is the same. See the picture below:

After all the fields are filled in, click the "Submit" button. And you will be taken to the router settings. By selecting the ASUS heading in the left column, you will find a description of the settings for various models of Asus companies.

Also, just log into the router tp link tl wr741nd

Also will fit tp link tl wr841nd, tp link tl wr740n. Let's carry out the same actions as described above. Open the browser and enter In the authorization window, specify the Login and password admin and admin.


This scheme for entering the settings of the router is suitable for all models, the most important thing is to find out the login and password that you specified when setting up the router. If you haven't changed anything, then everything remains standard. Also on our website you will find many instructions and settings for various models of routers.

Video: What to do if you can't log into,


Most citizens have a router at home that allows them to access the Internet both in normal mode (via a network cable) and wirelessly. From time to time, users need to log into their network device and change, for example, the password for the Wi-Fi network. Unfortunately, sometimes errors occur with the router. Let's consider how to enter the settings of the tp-link router menu and solve the existing problems.

Before entering the settings of the tp-link router, you need to connect it to the workstation. The set along with the router, as a rule, includes everything you need to connect it.

First you need to decide on the installation site. The network device is best placed in the center of the living area as far away from household appliances as possible. Otherwise, even a conventional microwave oven with its radiation can disrupt the stability of the Wi-Fi signal. As a result, there is a constant interruption of communication with the Internet and a temporary inability to enter the router configuration menu.

After installing the equipment, you need to connect it to the electrical network. Within a few seconds, the device is activated. Then use one of the methods below to enter the settings of the tp-link router.

By wire (LAN)

The first method is required to connect it directly to the computer. To do this, use a network cable to connect one of the connectors on the TP device to the network card connector on the computer.

The cable looks like this:

TP router:

Card slot:

If the connection is correct, the indicator light under the number of the socket where the cable was connected will light up on the device:

Now we go to the TP modem.

Wireless network (Wi-Fi)

An alternative is a wireless connection. This requires a wi-fi module on your computer. Turn it on, find a network and connect. Depending on the models, the password for communication is either absent, or stands by default in the form of a set of randomly generated numbers.

If you cannot communicate with the TP equipment using a wireless connection, you should use the first option.

The second method has advantages over the first in that the connection to the menu of the "TP-Link" router is carried out not only with the help of a computer, but also through a phone / tablet. That is, it is possible to enter the configuration menu from a mobile device.

Entering the settings of TP-link routers

After the connection with the router has been established, you enter the settings of the tp-link router. To do this, you need to open a browser and enter the numbers that are indicated on the body in the address bar.

The digital codes are or, and the alphabetic key is tplinklogin.net.

It all depends on the model of the purchased TP device. It also contains the login and password in order to log into the router.

Having specified the correct address, the user on his computer sees the access dialog box:

The factory settings for login and password are admin. After entering the login and password, the user is allowed to enter the configuration panel, or the "admin panel" of the TP router.

Possible problems and how to solve them

Below is a list of the most common typical problems that a user may have when trying to enter the settings of a home router "Tp-Link". Let's consider each of the errors in more detail.

Invalid IP address

A common "discrepancy" that occurs when a user tries to enter the settings of the tp-link modem is the wrong IP address. The error is as follows. The IP address shown in the browser address bar does not match the router's IP address.

To understand what address the router has, you need to do the following. Left-click in the lower right corner of the computer screen on the network connection sign and open "Network and Internet settings":

In a new window, go to the "Network and Sharing Center" menu:

By default, the current connection is named "Ethernet". To find out the required information, you need to go to the information window. Right-click on it, select "Details":

The current address of the equipment is contained in the "Default gateway" field:

Close the current dialog box and log in to the tp-link router with the specified address.

Now access to the router settings is open.

The router's IP is on a different subnet

A special case - problems with an incorrect IP address - is when the router and the computer are on different subnets. For example, the IP address of the user's computer is and the router's IP address is In this case, the question arises: how to enter the basic settings of the "Wi-Fi" router tp-link. To remedy this situation, you need to do the following. Go to the "Network and Sharing Center", as described in the previous paragraph. The current connection is named “Ethernet” by default. Right-click on it, select "Properties":

A non-standard port is used to enter the router settings

A rare case when, in order to enter the current settings of the Tp-Link router, they use a different port. This situation occurs if someone has already used the router and changed its configuration for themselves.

You can try to go to the universal address for TP network devices - tplinkwifi.net, but, unfortunately, it is not available for all models. If the browser as a result opens a window, it means that you will not be able to enter the equipment and you just need to return to the factory configuration:

To return the settings to the factory settings, use the instructions for resetting the configuration specified in the item "Problems with the router".

Network interface disabled

Disabling the network interface is possible both on the equipment side and on the workstation side. If the interface on the TP router is disabled, you just need to plug the cable into a different connector:

There are four, two, or sometimes one network port depending on the models. Accordingly, in the latter case, this option will not work, and the user will not be able to enter the settings of the tp-link wifi router.

If the problem is from the user's computer, first of all, it is worth turning off the antivirus and firewall. There are situations when the program simply blocks all connections, accepting them as a false threat.

Another variant of the inaccessibility of the network interface from the user side is a problem with the drivers. To check, you need to go to the device manager. Right-click on the "Start" button and select the required section:

The dialog box that opens should not have yellow exclamation marks or a red cross on the network adapter. If all drivers are installed correctly, the window looks like this:

After completing all the points, you should try to go to the main equipment menu.

Router problems

When the owner of the router says: “I cannot enter the settings of the tp-link router and have tried all the above methods”, the reason may be the physical damage to the cable. For example, the power cord is pinched by a chair. Another option: the cable from the provider fell out of the router connector.

If the user still does not enter the settings of the tp-link router, it is worth trying to change the IP addressing settings of the device itself. To do this, reset the TP router to factory settings.

There is a Reset button on the back. It is noticeable to the touch and is sometimes recessed into the router case. In the first case, just hold it with your finger, and in the second, you will need a thin tool, for example, a needle or a thin screwdriver. Keep the button pressed for 10-15 seconds.

After a successful reset procedure, all LEDs on the router should blink at the same time. Then the device restarts within one minute. After that, you should open your browser and go to the configuration menu again.

This is almost a universal way to solve many problems with a router. But if resetting the settings did not help, in this case it is worth contacting the service center.

Forgot your router password

Another option: the user has forgotten the password in the network device menu. You should try to log into the network device by brute-forcing possible passwords. But it is better to use a separate instruction detailing how you can solve this problem.

Alternatively, reset the TP hardware configuration to factory default. The method is described above.

Forgot network password

Users also forget the wireless password from time to time. But it is easy to find out using the router's control panel or using special programs. There is another instruction about this in more detail.


After reading this article, the user will no longer have any problems with tp-link and the question of how to enter the router settings. The main problems are considered, recommendations are given on how to solve the problem on your own. If the user still does not enter the settings of the tp-link home router, you should contact the specialists who can help in solving his problem.

Hello dear friends. In our time, you will not surprise anyone with unlimited Internet, as well as the high speed of its work. People are buying in droves for tablets, laptops and smartphones that have built-in Wi-Fi, which allows wireless Internet access throughout the home. And some people just want to get rid of wires throughout the apartment. In both cases, Wi-Fi routers came to the rescue, which make it easy to distribute the Internet throughout the house. We will talk about this further.

Of course, I decided to get a Wi-Fi router a little late. So again, an article from my own experience. I will write today about how to connect and configure Wi-Fi router TP-Link TL-WR841N (this is the router I bought myself)... Same put a password on the Wi-Fi network, so that the neighbors do not steal the Internet :).

Before moving on to writing the instructions, I will draw your attention to a question that probably worries a lot of people who have thought about installing a Wi-Fi router. This is about the harmfulness of Wi-Fi, I wrote an article about this, you can read it. And one more thing, you ask (but what to ask, if you are reading this article, you probably already bought a router) Why did I choose TP-Link TL-WR841N router? According to my observations, this is the best option for such a price, I gave 300 UAH for it. (1200 rubles). This is not an expensive router that can provide a full Wi-Fi network for your home.

I already wrote a lot of unnecessary text, but I promised only instructions with pictures с

1. You brought the router home, or to the office, it doesn't matter, open the box and find there a lot of pieces of paper, a disk on which there is an instruction and a wizard for setting up the router. Of course, the bundle also includes the router itself, if not, then you were deceived :), a network cable to connect it to a computer and a power supply, like everything.

2. We connect the router to the computer. Everything is very simple here. We put the router not far from the computer, just the cable included is not very long, if necessary, you can squeeze more cable (you can even do it yourself, in more detail). This can be done in almost any computer store.

We connect the power to the router and plug it into an outlet. Then we connect the Internet cable to the blue WAN socket. The TP-Link TL-WR841N router has 4 LAN ports, which means that you can connect 4 computers via a network cable. We connect the computer to the router using the cable that comes with the kit. Here are the pictures:

Let's take a quick look at the buttons and connectors:

  1. On / off button.
  2. Power cable.
  3. WAN connector for internet connection.
  4. LAN connector for connecting the router to a computer via a network cable.
  5. Enabling the function.
  6. Button for resetting the router settings.

That's all, our router is connected. Let's move on to customization now.

Configuring a TP-Link TL-WR841N router

Before starting the setup, I advise you to do.

To configure the router, open any browser and write in the address bar, usually passes, but I managed to access the settings only through Only after setting up a firmware update, I get access to the settings via

A window will appear in which you need to enter a username and password to access the settings of the router. By default, the login is admin and the password is admin.

If the router does not accept the default password and login, then see the article for possible solutions to this problem.

We get to the settings page.

Let's first update the firmware on our TP-Link TL-WR841N. To do this, you first need to download it from tp-linkru.com. Find for our model and download the latest version. Unzip the firmware file to your computer and return to the setup.

Go to the “System Tools” menu and select “Firmware Upgrade”. Then click "Browse", select the file we downloaded and click "Upgrade". We are waiting for the router to update the firmware and reboot.

More detailed instructions for updating the firmware on the router -

We continue with the configuration. Let's change the username and password for entering the router settings. Go to the “System Tools” tab and then “Password”. fill in all the fields and click “Save”.

We go to “Network” and “WAN”. Here you need to select the type of network. If you do not know what to deliver, then call and ask your provider. You can also look at the detailed article on configuring a router to work with a provider -

Setting up a Wi-Fi network on TP-Link TL-WR841N

Go to the “Wireless” tab and configure the following parameters. In the “Wireless Network Name” field, enter the name of your Wi-Fi network. Below you can select the region where you live.

Do not forget to click “Save” and go to the “Wireless Security” tab. This is the main page, on which we will configure the security settings of our Wi-Fi network.

Learn more about setting a password on a wireless network -

We expose everything as I have in the screenshot above. In the PSK Password field, create and enter a password that will be used to connect to your Wi-Fi network.

We save our settings with the “Save” button. The setup is complete, let's now reboot our router. To do this, go to the “System Tools” tab, and then “Reboot”. Click on the "Reboot" button and confirm the reboot.

That's all, we have just installed and configured a Wi-Fi router. As you can see, there is nothing complicated here and you can do without calling a specialist. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments. Good luck friends!

More on the site:

How to connect and configure TP-Link TL-WR841N Wi-Fi router? Instruction with pictures. updated: February 7, 2018 by: admin

The standard question that novice users ask is how to enter the settings of the TP-Link router, which they are trying to connect and configure on their own. Their main mistake is that they consider the router to be a peripheral device of the computer and it should be displayed in the device manager. This is a wrong judgment.

The fact is that a modern WiFi router is a separate network device that has its own processor, memory and its own operating system. Accordingly, it will not be possible to enter the TP-Link router settings through the Windows device manager. In fact, everything is quite simple here. Simply follow the steps below.

How to find the IP address of the router

The first step to start with is to find out what IP address your TP-Link router has. To do this, it is usually enough just to turn it upside down and see what is written in the sticker:

As you can see in the example above, the IP address of the router in the local network is ... Sometimes, on some models of TP-Link routers, IP is used.

Recently, on modern models of TP-Link routers, instead of the IP address, the domain name of the device in the network is indicated.

Usually this tplinkwifi.net, tplinklogin.net or tplinkmodem.net... This is very confusing for beginners, since they believe that this is the address of the manufacturer's official website. But in fact, this is the domain name of the Wi-Fi router TP-Link, which was made specifically to make life easier for the user due to the fact that even the same model of modem or router, but with different firmware, may have different IP addresses.

Note: Pay attention to the content of the fields Username and Password... This data will also come in handy if you need to go to the settings of your TP-Link router. After configuration, it will be desirable to change the password to a more complex one for security purposes.

Accessing TP-Link router settings

We learned the address of the device in the local network. We also know the login and password for access to the web configurator. Now, in order to enter the settings of the TP-Link router, you first need to connect it with a cable to your computer or laptop. You can, of course, connect via WiFi, but for this you need to know the password from Wai-Fai.

Then launch the web browser Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome and in the address bar enter the IP address of the TP-Link router, which is indicated on the sticker:

Accordingly, if the label contains a domain name tplinkwifi.net or tplinklogin.net - in the address bar, you can write it exactly:

If there are no problems with access to the TP-Link router settings, then the next step will appear a window for authorization, where you need to enter the login and password to enter the web interface.

If the TP-Link router is configured for the first time after purchase or after resetting with the reset button, then enter the password from the sticker (usually this admin).

On the most modern models, after that, an automatic request will appear to change the factory password "admin" to another, more complex one:

In the future, be sure to take into account the fact that the factory password has been changed and using it you will not be able to enter the router settings interface.

Configuring a TP-Link router via your phone

If necessary, you can enter the TP-Link router settings from a mobile phone or tablet connected to it via WiFi. Everything is done in the same way as on a regular PC: we launch a web browser and enter the address of the router. The same web interface will open, but in a mobile layout, focused on a small screen.

Another very convenient tool for configuring a TP-Link router through a phone and tablet is the application TP-Link Tether... It is available in the Android and Apple iOS app stores.

The TP-Link Tether application for Wi-Fi routers provides a simple and intuitive user interface designed for the miniature size of a mobile device. Despite this, it provides the same possibilities for configuring the router as a full-fledged web interface. Moreover, due to the built-in support for DLNA technology, the application allows you to watch videos on your smartphone and listen to music from a flash drive or a portable disk connected to the router.

Among the interesting features of the Tether program is an interactive customer map, where you can find out who is connected to the router and from what devices.
If you have several TP-Link modems or routers in your network, you can create a separate profile for each of them. Moreover, almost all modern models are supported.

Routers allow people to send and receive wifi signal. They are really popular, and manufacturers could not ignore this. More and more router models are produced every day. The problem is that not every user can configure this device himself. In this article, we will talk about how to enter the settings of the tp link router.

If your Wi-Fi router is connected to a computer, then let's talk about how to enter its settings:

  • Turn on your computer. Open the browser on it.
  • We take a router in our hands and turn it over to the other side. We are looking for an item that indicates the device id. is the standard id for a tp link transmitter.
  • We enter the combination that we learned in the previous paragraph into the address bar of the browser.
  • A small window appears. It contains two items - "Username" and "Password". If no action has been taken with your device, the standard data indicated on the back is used. This is most likely admin / admin.


  • If everything is done correctly, the tp link router setting is enabled.

There are times when the Wi-Fi router, if all instructions are followed, does not enter the web interface. If you are unable to enter the router settings, then read the next part of the article.

Checking the connection with the computer

Before configuring the router, you need to check its connection. It comes with a white network cable. It connects the router to the computer. If you did the right thing, but the problem persists, then restart the devices. It also does not hurt to check all the cables again, they may not be plugged into the ports enough. This completes the installation of the device.

If the Wi-Fi transmitter is connected to the PC correctly, the LAN lights on it are on.

We are looking for a problem in IP and DNS

This is one of the most popular reasons why you cannot log into the web interface on tp link routers. It is necessary to check if the IP and DNS are automatically obtained. This is especially true for those who have previously used connections with static addresses.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • Right-click on the wi-fi and connections icon located in the lower right corner of the screen. We select the item that will take us to network management.

Network Management Icon

  • We open the window. Follow the steps indicated in the screenshots.

Item change adapter parameters

  • Now you need to open the properties of the protocol version 4. Be sure to set the settings like this.

TCP / IPv4 Properties

After these steps, the problem should go away. As you can see, tuning the transmitter is not difficult.

Invalid username or password

If you specify the standard login data, but you get an error, then most likely you have already used the router. Or the settings just go awry. This means that you do not know the new login account. Fortunately, the problem can be solved in the following simple way. Instructions on how to reset the tp link router settings:

  • We find a needle or other delicate device.
  • We are looking for a small black hole on the router. There should be an inscription "reset" next to it.
  • Carefully insert the needle into the hole. We are waiting for more than 10 seconds.

After that, the wi-fi router returns to factory settings. All the information on the reverse side works for him.

Now you know what to do if the router settings are lost.

Clarifying the address of the router

If somehow you cannot find out the link to the settings, then this can be done without the help of a Wi-Fi transmitter. For this:

  • We turn on the command line interpreter. Enter the key combination "win" + "r". A small window appears, enter "cmd" into it.
  • Are you here? Excellent. Enter "ipcongif".
  • The command line produced a lot of text. We are looking for what is indicated on the screen.

  • The address used by your device may differ.

If you enter the numbers indicated in the CMD into the address bar of the browser, then you will be taken to the settings of the wifi transmitter. This is how you enter the settings of the tp link router.


Setting up a tp link wi fi router is easy. It is enough to go to the web interface, the instructions for this are indicated above. If you have any problems, then try restarting your router or resetting it to factory settings.

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