Application for saving gifs. How to save "gifs" (gif pictures) from "VK" to iPhone

When words are not enough for you, run this program.

iMessage has changed powerfully this year. New smilies, stickers, handwriting, the ability to send animated drawings, preview links, and more.

But the development of iMessage has been mixed. Someone thought that the new features would make people more, someone liked the updates. The fact remains that communication through iMessage has become diverse.

Now is the time pump it more.

VGIF - what is it and how to use it?

For those who like to communicate not only with words and emoticons, you can download a free application in the App Store VGIF ... By the name it is easy to guess about the main feature of the program. it updatable tape a variety of animated images that are useful both for communication and just for viewing at your leisure.

The VGIF interface is simple and extremely logical. The application displays a feed of gifs, which, if desired, can be sorted according to your own preferences. Click on any of the previews and view the animated image. Liked? Add to favorites.

Share with friends, communicate with humor

There are two ways to send animated messages from VGIF to iMessage:

  • click the "Copy link" button, and then when sending a message, paste it
  • select "Other" and then choose to send using a standard message

In the first case, a preview of the gif will be displayed, in the second, unfortunately, only as a link.

An extensive database of images for any situation

VGIF pleased with the variety - you will find a picture for every taste. Basically, these are, of course, funny gifs. But there are also interesting things, especially for situations when you want to strike up a conversation, but do not know where to start. For example, "how a tsunami is formed" or "a demonstration of the coolest fire engine."

For those who are not enough - there is Search

As for me, an equally important feature of the application is the search in the VKontakte database. It's huge, it is unrealistic to find the desired picture in the usual way (from a browser and even more from a mobile phone). And here everything is in plain sight. You can add a gif to your Favorites for quick access.

In short, you can always choose a GIF for any dialogue. Conveniently. And cats are always in trend:;)

Who needs such an application?

Again, download VGIF absolutely free.

Important: there is simply nothing like this in the App Store, this is the first such application for VKontakte. Simple, convenient and able to expand the boundaries of communication with friends and family.


  • Authorization in the application via VKontakte. Everything is safe, no e-mail registration required.
  • Convenient search allows you to choose a gif for any situation. No need to google the picture.
  • In the "Favorites" section, you can save your favorite GIFs and throw them into a conversation at any time.
  • The picture is stored in the application memory, does not clutter the built-in Photo application.
  • Millions of GIFs, you will always find suitable for any situation in a conversation.


  • Through the "Search" you can find "Strawberry"... Keep in mind

P.S. Of course, you need to communicate live and learn to show real emotions. Well, if you are used to texting, using emoticons and other animations, then the VGIF application will be a good helper.

website When words are not enough for you, run this program. iMessage has changed powerfully this year. New smilies, stickers, handwriting, the ability to send animated drawings, preview links, and more. But the development of iMessage has been mixed. Someone thought that the new features would make people more antisocial, someone liked the updates. The fact remains that communication through iMessage has become diverse. It has come ...

Today's topic worries many iPhone users, because today we will talk about how you can save a gif to your device.

It would seem that the matter is quite simple and nothing complicated should be, but iOS is such a system that any simple action can turn into something more.

How to download a gif on an iPhone?

GIF has become a very popular image format in recent years. Including on devices such as the iPhone, because most often we see these images on social networks and instant messengers.

Whatever animations are, they always remain images. This means that the methods of saving are exactly the same as with regular pictures.

But given that iOS is a special operating system for us, there are still a couple of interesting points that are very annoying.

Here's how to download a GIF to your device, and for now let's start with the browser:

  • go to the browser;
  • we are looking for the desired picture in the search and selecting it, we wait until it loads;
  • then we clamp on it and select from the menu Save Image.

Safari is best used for this. It is also worth noting that the picture will be saved in your regular gallery with other photos.

But when you open it, it will open like a normal picture with no movement. But do not worry about this, because if you send it to someone, then it will open normally.

In case you want to view GIFs, then just download the app from the App Store for this. They are usually named something like GIF Player or GIF Viewer.

How to save a gif to an iPhone from VK?

As you probably know, the social network VKontakte is most often used for gif images. And sometimes you want to download some pictures to your iPhone.

Most applications are very limited in functionality. Therefore, just go to the official VK application and download the picture will not work.

But I found a method and I'm ready to share it with you:

  1. launch the Safari browser and go through it to your profile;
  2. pinch in the picture and press Open in a new tab;
  3. we wait until it is fully loaded and then we clamp it again, only now we press Save picture.

I tried to do the same operation in Chrome and usually downloads damaged images there. I haven't tried it with other browsers.

Then you can send pictures to anyone and wherever you want. And by the way, the same operation can be done with Odnoklassniki.

How to download GIF from Viber, WhatsApp?

Everything is much simpler here, because messengers initially have a function that allows you to carry out various operations with files.

If you need to save something, then just select the desired image and click the Save button. It appears in your album and then you can send it further.

I have already spoken about their viewing on the device itself. Of course, you can make jade and download the tweak, but I think you can get by with an app from the App Store.

Today, the graphic animation format GIF is very often found in the vastness of social networks and ordinary information sites. Due to the low weight of such files, they do not take up much space on the servers, so their use is quite justified. Most often, "GIFs" are short animated videos that demonstrate jokes and short recipes for cooking.

You can create such a file on your own in almost any graphics editor. But what if you want to leave your favorite video as a souvenir? How do I save a GIF?

Download to computer

Not everyone knows that GIFs can be played not only in their "native" format, but also in MP4. Thanks to this, you can quite easily download the animation to your PC and watch your favorite clip at any convenient time. To do this, it is enough to follow a very simple instruction, which tells you how to save a "gif" to your computer:

  • Activate playback of the file in the browser used.
  • Move the cursor over a moving image and press RMB.
  • Select "Save Image As" in the window that appears.
  • Copy the file to your computer. The GIF will be saved in GIF format.

If the Save image as option does not work, then you must select "Save video" and specify the path to the folder on the PC. In this case, the video will be downloaded in MP4 format. After that, you need to use one of the Internet resources to reformat the saved file back to GIF. Any online converter that converts video from MP4 to GIF format is suitable for this. On the site, you only need to specify the path to the folder in which the video is located, and wait until a new document is created, which will also need to be downloaded to your computer.

Save to iPhone

In this case, you will have to do a little more manipulation. Before saving the "GIF" to your iPhone, you need to download the special Camera Roll iOS application. Without it, the video will not play correctly (only the first frame of the file will be displayed), and it will be impossible to view it. It is also recommended to download the GIF Viewer app or any equivalent. Besides, the easiest way to download GIFs is via the Safari browser.

To display the video correctly, you must complete the following steps:

  • Launch the browser and activate GIF animation in it.
  • Click on the image and select "Save Image" in the window that appears. After that, the picture is uploaded to the standard iPhone gallery.
  • Enable the application to display all animation frames correctly.
  • Enjoy watching.

How to download a file from "VK" to a smartphone

Many users of social networks are interested in how to save a "gif" from VK, since it is on this site that such videos are most often found. However, if a person is holding not an iPhone, but any other smartphone, then in this case standard applications will not help. Therefore, you don't even need to waste time on them.

  • You need to go to the Safari browser and find any "gif" in "VK".
  • Click on the picture and select "Open in a new tab".
  • Wait until the video is fully loaded.
  • Click on the image again and select "Save Image".

In the same way, you can save any videos from other popular social networks to your smartphone. If you use the Google Chrome browser, the GIF will be saved but not played.

How to download GIF from mobile apps

Many users of Viber and WatsApp messengers are worried about how to save a "gif" to their phone, if it was sent in correspondence. In this case, everything is much simpler. The fact is that all free messaging applications have a function that allows you to perform various manipulations with the received files.

If you want to save GIF-animation from the correspondence, then just click “Save”, and the file will be automatically sent to the standard phone album. Then it can be viewed and sent to other users. If for some reason the video does not work, you need to download GifPlayer from the App Store. Knowing how to save a "gif" to a computer or phone, you can download your favorite videos and send them to your friends using any messenger or application.

GIF animation is one of the most convenient ways to distribute images on the Internet: with a relatively small amount of required memory, this animation can be quite long and of high quality. Many users convert video files to GIF animation to transfer it to their friends on the Internet and easily store it on their computer. Even on your phone, you can view and share gifs. In the case of the iPhone, some users have difficulties, so this article will discuss in detail the procedure for saving GIF animation to an iPhone.

Download the GIF file you want completely. To do this, you just need to view it to the end. Some applications and browsers load GIFs automatically while you just scroll through the feed, but in some other cases, you need to click on the file to load it and start viewing.

After viewing, press on the file with your finger and briefly hold it in this position. A menu will open. In it, select the item "Save Animation", or "Save Animation".

Wait a while for the file download to finish. Its speed depends on your internet connection.

Your GIF will be uploaded to the section where all other images are stored: Photos. Go to the “All Images” or “All Photos” section to see the resulting GIF file.

When you try to open an animation, you will only see a frame from it. Unfortunately, you cannot open GIFs with built-in iPhone functions.

Now share the animation with anyone via email or messenger. You can even send it to yourself.

Once sent, the GIF will appear in conversations as an animated file. Now you can view it at any time convenient for you.

If this option does not suit you, then try downloading a special application called “gif viewer” from the AppStore. There you will also find many other applications with a similar function. Now, to view the animation, you just need to go into it.

"Gifka" (from the English Gif) is a raster format of graphic images popular among Internet users. This is an animated picture, which, for obvious reasons, attracts more attention of "users" than a regular static photo. GIF files are small in size, have "light weight", for which they are valued by members of the social network "VKontakte". To share "live" pictures with friends, use GIF files in memes or jokes, it is useful to learn how to save a "GIF" from "VK" to an iPhone.

When saving a GIF to an Apple phone, the owner shouldn't worry that pictures will take up most of the device's memory. To download gif-animation to iPhone, you need to do a few simple steps:

After switching to Safari, save the gif file

The Gif file will be "sent" to the album, inside the "Animated" files. From there, there is a chance to forward it through other apps like Instagram or Telegram.

After saving, the picture appears in the "Animated" album

How to add a "gif" to "Documents"

If you liked several pictures at once, they are added to the "Documents" of "VK" to streamline the "download". In order to send "gifs" to the destination, you need to open them, and then click on the "plus" from the bottom left:

Through the "Documents" there are also various gif-files with jokes. To do this, you only need to drive in the names of the pictures in order to see a lot of "animations" uploaded by other users.

Find the "GIF" in the "Documents"

Downloading gif files via browser


As you can see, the issue of loading, transferring an animated picture to the iPhone's memory turned out to be clear and simple. Even an inexperienced user is able to cope with the task at hand. Therefore, it is worth "accumulating" GIF images for all occasions. And then with pleasure to use them when communicating with friends and acquaintances. It should be noted that it will also not be difficult.

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