A selection of applications for Android - mail clients. Email clients for Android

We've been reviewing mobile email clients for almost two months now. And now, after we have tested separately, we can make the final conclusion for all the applications tested. And also talk about the advantages and disadvantages of a particular program.

Earlier we devoted four large reviews to this topic, two mail attachments each. But why have so few programs been reviewed? - you ask. Yes, there are hundreds of applications on Google Play, only they are practically not worth attention. And we have selected eight of the best email clients, from which it is easy to choose an application for yourself.

Distance comparison

Name Google support Support for third party email services (not Google) Supports IMAP / POP3 / SMTP / EWS protocols RAM consumption, MB Tablet adaptation Price
Gmail + + +/+/+/- + -
Inbox + + +/+/+/- + -
Aqua mail + + +/+/+/+ 39-45 + Lite version is free. Pro version - $ 4.95.
myMail + + +/+/+/+ 28-33 - - (there is advertising)
Mailbox + + +/+/-/- - -
Type Mail + + +/+/+/+ + -
Mail.Ru mail + + +/+/+/- 29-35 - - (there is advertising)
Yandex Mail - + +/+/-/- 50 + -

A quick overview of email clients


The design of the application is as close as possible to the appearance of the Android system, since Material Design is used. Bright and catchy colors attract attention to the maximum, but not everyone likes it. A lot of red, but everything is just fine.

The main menu is a list of incoming messages. We see the user's avatar, subject and message text, we can add the message to favorites, and so on. In general, everything is as it should be. Gestures are supported.

By the way, in the mail client Gmail, for the first time, the same gestures were introduced that everyone now copies. It's a shame, but, whatever one may say, gestures are convenient.

Has a Gmail email client and a widget. The simplest widget for viewing incoming messages.

One of the most interesting features of the Gmail application is the “autoresponder” function. That is, with an incoming message, the application will automatically "answer". Very cool feature. Alternatively, we went to rest - the application will notify all those who are interested in you at the moment about the vacation.

In the settings, if you dig around, you can find a lot of interesting things. For example, you can set up a global sync, which will move all our messages directly to our phone, "cache" them, so to speak.

But the automatic distribution of incoming folders is a mega function. Now notifications from your favorite forums can be sent to a special folder that we created in advance and registered it in its parameters. Thus, we will not be distracted from the main incoming.

Gmail is by far one of the best email clients out there.

Inbox Google

Along with the announcement of Android L, Google decided to announce its new email client. As it became clear, Inbox operates on the basis of the well-known mail service Gmail.

By and large, only the appearance of the application has changed, well, and some internal functions.

The interface of the Inbox email client is clearly different from that of Gmail. This application has put more emphasis on panels, such as in Material Design. Swipes were also reworked.

By the way, one of the main innovations, I'm talking about functions, is the swipe to the left. It allows you to postpone the arrival of a message until a certain moment, for example, until we show up at work. This is an incredibly convenient feature.

Nowadays, in an age when information (remote) communication has practically replaced personal communication, various postal services and clients have acquired great importance. The overwhelming majority of users have several email accounts, which are used for personal correspondence, work, hobbies, for, etc. Of course, having two, three, ten accounts in various mail services is extremely inconvenient to track and view correspondence, alternately opening applications for each of the accounts, but I would like to have at hand one program that could unite all mailboxes into one. For such users, mail clients come to the rescue, equipped with multidisciplinary (multi-service) support for available mail services, and which one is better to choose on the Android operating system will be discussed in this article.

TOP of the best email clients for Android.

To begin with, it's worth noting that you need to understand the difference between a postal service and a client. The first includes the familiar to everyone Mail.ru, Yandex.Mail (not to be confused with the beta version of the application), Gmail, Yahoo, etc., that is, resources that directly provide services called "email". Within the framework of this article, we consider applications that allow you to combine all the services you have into one for the subsequent processing of correspondence using one program. It would not be entirely correct to consider these applications with an evaluation prism and assign them any prize (conditionally) places, since, in fact, their functionality and set of customizable features are approximately the same, and the number of users does not yet speak of the final quality of the product. The only evaluation criterion that should be given is the evaluation of the application in "Goggle Play" for greater clarity. So, let's begin.

"Microsoft Outlook" rating 4.3 (over 100,000,000 downloads)

The brainchild of Microsoft, performing the functionality of both, and software for collaboration (Groupware). Due to its intuitive interface and flexible customization, it is widely used in the corporate environment. For example, most banking institutions work with Microsoft Outlook inside their system. For ordinary users, this application is supplied with an installed operating system - Android, iOS or Windows. The last released version for Android # 2.2.200, released on 01/28/2015 and last updated on August 10, 2018, offers the following functionality:

  1. "Supported Services":
    • Microsoft Exchange;
    • Office 365;
    • "Outlook.com";
    • "Gmail";
    • "Yahoo Mail".
    • Customizable Features:
  2. "Smart" sorting of correspondence;
    • Smart filters for setting up incoming correspondence;
    • Synchronization with OneDrive and DropBox to access files from cloud storage;
    • Integration with software (Word / Excel, etc.) to quickly open attachment files;
    • Configuring Messages / Alerts for Availability (Change Do Not Disturb Status).
    • Adding data from the smartphone / tablet address book to the Contacts list.

"Inbox by Gmail" rating 4.2 (over 10,000,000 downloads)

A relatively young application from Google, developed mainly for active users of the gmail service, which has received many functions that are not available in the service itself. A huge plus, which favorably distinguishes it from the considered analogs, is the automatic sorting of letters with their distribution according to the assigned status, for example, "Purchases", "Work", "Trips", etc. Separately, it is worth highlighting the function called "Postponement", which allows you to postpone viewing or sending a message for a certain period of time or until you are actually in a certain place. Fans of voice control of gadgets will like a function called "Google Assistant". It is a voice assistant that can record and view reminders and notifications. At the end of the "praise" of "Inbox from Gmail", you should highlight the customizable functionality of notifications to enable push or sound signals only for important emails, which significantly reduces the fatigue of constantly viewing insignificant messages.

"Aqua Mail" rating 4.5 (over 1,000,000 downloads)

Despite the fact that this client was downloaded tens / hundreds of times less than its "competitors" described above, it is "Aqua Mail" that is singled out by many in the "best email clients" category as the most flexible application for personal and corporate work. The main features of Aqua Mail include:

  • Support for "Gmail", "Yandex", "Yahoo", "Hotmail", "Fastmail", "Rambler", "Mail.ru" and others;
  • Support for "Google Apps", "Yandex for Domains", "Yahoo BizMail", "Office 365", "Exchange Online";
  • Protocol support: "IMAP", "POP3", "SMTP" "Exchange: EWS";
  • The most secure OAUTH2 authorization for “Gmail”, “Yandex” and “Hotmail” accounts;
  • Integration: "Tasker", "Light Flow", "Enhanced SMS & Caller ID" and others.

Of course, the advantages of "Aqua Mail" are not limited to this list, since "MobiSystems" - the developers of this amazing product have implemented a huge number of small "chips" that will surely please all users, for example:

  • visual design of the text of messages (letters) and signatures: changing the background color and text, inserting pictures, formatting the text;
  • support for "Dropbox", "OneDrive", "Box", "Google Drive";
  • separate settings for connection types - Wi-Fi or mobile data, which saves the consumed traffic;
  • two-way sync (Exchange - Office 365) for calendar and contacts.
  • support for smart watches "Android Wear".

A total of over 300 different functional settings, providing excellent personalization for each user. The only drawback (in the opinion of some users), albeit one that can be solved quite simply, is the presence of paid content worth 400 rubles, in which several more significant functions are presented (no advertising, two or more accounts).


Summing up this article, we can conclude that there is no single answer to the question: "Which email client for Android is better." Each of the applications presented above has its own pros and cons, fans and haters. Therefore, the most correct option would be to personally check the work of each client and, based on their own feelings, make one or another choice. Some users, after reading this article, may remain dissatisfied due to the fact that such clients as: "Yandex.Mail", "Newton Mail", "Nine" or "BlueMail" were not mentioned. The answer to this is simple - it is a matter of taste and requirements for functionality. But someone will certainly be able to appreciate these applications, because they already have a solid base of loyal users. Share your experience of using email clients on Android devices in the comments, it may be useful to other readers who are just starting to get acquainted with this kind of applications.

The digital world increasingly embraces the functions of the everyday world. Social networks have become a platform for meetings in virtual reality, you can pay a bill or make a purchase for a long time without leaving your home, but everyone has long got used to such a thing as e-mail from the first stages of the development of the Internet. In this post, we will just talk about applications that are created for the convenient use of our email boxes on Android.
If you have only 1 mailbox, then the best choice would be to find a specialized mail client for Android, examples of such applications can be Gmailwhich is installed on all devices by default, or Yandex.Mail... By the way, Yandex.Mail is not only a mail client, but the same application has functionality for using cloud storage - Yandex disk and Ya.ru social network.

But if you have several mailboxes, then the option with specialized applications is not suitable, but in this case there are good mail clients that are able to serve several mailboxes from different providers at once.

Perhaps this is the most popular of them. It is absolutely free, moreover, the K9 developers adhere to the open source principle, which allows everyone to take part in improving this mail program for Android.

The K9 does not shine with some outstanding functionality, but all the standard functions that a mail application should have, namely: searching for letters, IMAP push notifications, synchronizing folders, tagging letters, inserting a signature, storing mail on an SD card, K9 performs with a bang. No conflicts were observed with any of the tested providers.


After testing, this email client left mixed feelings. Firstly, there is only a trial version on the market, i.e. it seems like after 30 days of use, you will have to pay for the application. Secondly, the interface looks not that scary, but visually it strongly resembles Windows 95, which is undoubtedly unacceptable for modern mobile applications.
But at the same time, this is the only application that was able to properly scale emails with HTML markup. Another plus is the built-in widget, although it is also very scary. You can also flip through letters with a swipe left or right, as in the K9 - it's convenient.

If you are not confused by the last century in design, and functionality always comes first, then ProfiMail is a worthy competitor for K9.


Here it is, the best email client for Android in my opinion. There are both paid and free versions, while the essential differences are that the free version does not have a widget and separate buttons for scrolling through letters, but they are quietly flipped with a swipe. Emails with HTML markup are not automatically scaled to fit the screen, but you can zoom in or out of the content of such emails with the usual for screens with multitouch actions.

The interface looks very modern, a light theme is installed by default, a dark option is also available in the settings. In addition, there are intuitive control buttons located at the top of the screen. In addition to the standard features like in K-9 Mail, there are message filters and customization of rules for sorting incoming mail. This feature is very handy when you receive a lot of emails and there is a chance that something important will get lost in the spam stream. I set up such a rule so that all letters with notifications of new comments are immediately moved to a separate daddy, so that I can always answer questions from my readers, so do not hesitate to ask, share your impressions, I will be very grateful.


Setting up mail on Android

All mail clients are configured in approximately the same way, the menu is to create a new account. Server settings for different providers are below.

Configuring Yandex (Yandex) mail on Android

Incoming IMAP server
Login: the same as the mail address
Server: imap.yandex.ru
Port: 993
Security type - SSL / TLS
Outgoing SMTP server
Server: smtp.yandex.ru
Port: 465
Security type - SSL / TLS

Setting up Mail.ru mail on Android

Incoming POP3 server
Server: pop.mail.ru
Port: 110
Outgoing SMTP server
Server: smtp.mail.ru
Port: 25

Setting up Google mail on Android

All the listed mail clients coped with setting up gmail in automatic mode.
I didn’t put a tick “secure connection TLS / SSL” anywhere.

Are you constantly working with a large number of inboxes in your email? Are you missing the functionality of the email client built into your phone? Then you have come to the right place. In this article, we will look at the best programs for working with email correspondence.

This email client offers a lot of customization options hidden behind a simple and concise interface. The program supports popular mail protocols, encrypts the connection and has a lot of handy widgets. There is also support for gesture control.

Note that the application backs up messages using popular cloud services. Also Aqua Mail can sort incoming emails by different accounts.

Unfortunately, the free version of the program only works with two accounts.

Completely free program that has support for a large number of accounts from all kinds of service providers.

The application has an intuitive and simple interface that anyone can understand. Well-designed navigation lets you quickly switch between accounts. There is support for night mode.

Also Blue Mail supports sorting and editing letters.

A very popular email client that works with all common services. The program supports the addition of several mailboxes, there is a search for letters by subject or sender. The letters themselves can be sorted and moved between them using simple gestures.

The program has a nice and very clear design. It's also worth noting that MyMail is completely free.

It is a simple, reliable and very fast email application. The program is delivered as a demo version. After the free trial ends, you will need to purchase either a monthly or an annual subscription.

The application supports all popular email services. There is a possibility of simultaneous work with several accounts.

The program will show when the recipient read the message you sent. Also Newton Mail allows you to cancel sending a letter. The option to send messages with a specified interval is supported. In addition, this software is able to protect your correspondence with a password.

A fairly fast and well thought out email client that works with most email services and protocols. Supports integration with cloud storage.

The program has a simple and pleasant interface with support for customizable swipes. It is also worth noting that the application allows you to set up automatic message sorting, which is very convenient. You can also focus on the simple client setup procedure: you just need to indicate your email address, username and password, and the program will do the rest by itself.

Overall, Vmware Boxer is an excellent program that is ideal for people who, due to their tasks, often work with e-mail.

Which email client do you personally prefer?

Gmail is one of the most powerful free email services with millions of users. A lot of convenient features and a large amount of cloud storage - all this is available not only on the web, but also on your mobile phone. Moreover, using the official Gmail application on Android or iOS is completely optional, there are many alternative email clients for both mobile platforms. An overview of the best email apps is below.

Thanks to the built-in IMAP support in Gmail (to configure it, you need to go to the "Settings" of the web service and select the "Forwarding" tab), you can teach how to work with Google mail almost any mail application. In our roundup, we have collected 6 of the most convenient email clients on iPhone and Android, taking full advantage of the organization of mail in Gmail, the motto of which is search first, and sort later.

Top 6 email apps for iOS and Android to work with Gmail

1. Newton (Android, iOS)

If you work closely with email and you also need a client for macOS (the version of Newton for Windows is still in development), then you should definitely pay attention to this application. With Newton, you can save emails to applications like Evernote and Trello, create a database of contacts from LinkedIn and Twitter, mark mail for reading on a laptop / computer, and so on. Newton also has less social, but more useful email features, including delivery of read receipts, scheduled mail, the ability to recall sent emails, and other "professional" tricks familiar to those who actively work with email.

However, you will have to pay for the premium functionality. The Newton email app license for a year costs an impressive $ 50, which is a solid amount for most Gmail users. In any case, a free 14-day period will help you get acquainted with all the features of the application.

2. VMWare Boxer (Android, iOS)

A powerful application for advanced email users on smartphones and tablets, supporting a long list of email services other than Gmail. The VMWare Boxer application allows you to work with whole groups of messages and set up various actions for swipes to save time on routine operations for you. For fans of the Gmail interface, the app has a similar way of organizing message threads in the form of "conversations", as well as support for labels and integration with Evernote.

The interface of the VMWare Boxer mail application may not be perfect, but it is neat and, most importantly, functional, and all basic functions are available in 1-2 touches. In addition to the email client itself, the application has a calendar and address book integrated, so VMWare Boxer can replace several Google services at once. It's also easy to connect all your accounts to the app.

3. WeMail (Android).

If speed is important to you and you have an Android smartphone, then take a look at the WeMail app for the Google mobile platform. This email client is more like a messenger, sorting letters by contact and automatically organizing the entire array of messages in accordance with its "messenger" structure. WeMail also supports voice input, allowing you to quickly dictate short answers on the go without touching the keyboard.

WeMail supports attachments, and search is almost as fast as its proprietary Gmail service. You can connect multiple Google accounts to the application if you work with more than one Google login. Then you can work with mailboxes without switching between accounts, using a "single" mail. This email client may not have enough polish and polish, but this shortcoming is more than compensated by useful functions and unusual organization of mail in the form of a messenger.

4. Spark (iOS)

An exclusive iOS email client that's hard to find on the App Store. The Spark app promises to return your "love for email" with the help of several new and unusual "tricks" - smart sorting (thanks to it, mailings and various not the most important notifications will less often come across your eyes), quick replies with pre-prepared templates for correspondence on and smart notifications so you never miss a really important message.

Additional conveniences for efficient work with mail in the Spark application promise customizable gestures, the ability to "freeze" messages to read them later, as well as easy client integration with other services such as cloud storage Google Drive and Dropbox. The interface and design of Spark is notable for working elegance, and the developers are already preparing a version for macOS, although applications on Android from this team are not worth waiting for.

5. Microsoft Outlook (Android, iOS)

Do not write off the oldest email client from Microsoft, because over the past couple of years, the corporation has seriously redesigned and improved the application, especially for Android and iOS. The development of Outlook mobile has benefited from purchases made by several startups by Microsoft. A huge plus of the application is that it is available for free. In addition, Outlook runs on multiple platforms and is available almost everywhere on the web through a browser.

Outlook on Android and iOS has a very useful "Focus" feature that automatically marks the most important letters, the ability to postpone emails for later, as well as customizable swipes that greatly simplify viewing and sorting mail in manual mode. Outlook also has a built-in calendar.

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