Using the cloud as a hard drive. What is Cloud Storage and why is it needed? What to choose

This note is intended for users not familiar with cloud data storage - for those who do not know how to start using them.

Today we will talk about what a "cloud" for storing files. Let's talk about the choice. Let's try to create.

What is cloud storage?

"Cloud" is the space allocated to the user on the hard disk of a server on the Internet. This space can be used like a regular folder, as if it were located on your computer.

Indeed, when the cloud is connected to your computer, a special folder is created on it. The peculiarity of this folder is as follows: everything that gets into it is immediately transferred to the cloud. In a word - the contents of the local folder are synchronized with the exact same folder on the server.

What does the use of the "cloud" give to an ordinary user?

For a simple user, cloud storage offers many interesting advantages:

At the moment, there are a huge number of storages of various sizes. There are domestic and foreign ones. Dropbox and Google Drive can be distinguished from foreign ones. Domestic - Cloud @ Mail.Ru, Yandex.Disk.

It would be wrong not to mention Chinese technologies that allow the user to store more than a terabyte of data. Perhaps such proposals are suitable for someone, but something inside suggests that it is not logical to store 1 TB of photos or documents on a server in China.

So, let's begin. If you have mail on Yandex, Mail.Ru, GMail - congratulations! You do not need to register anywhere else. Cloud storage is available to users of these services immediately.

For those who have a Google account - Drive.Google.Ru

For Yandex account owners - Yandex.Disk

At the time of this writing, 100 GB is available to us in our Cloud @ Mail.Ru storage, since a promotion was carried out several years ago. Now, when registering for the service, you will not be given much, not a little - 25 GB of cloud space.

On Yandex.Disk, we have 10 GB of usable space, Google kindly provided us with 15 GB for three services - Photos, Mail, and the Disk itself.

It would be a sin not to mention another foreign storage popular in Russia -

Initially, this storage allows you to use only 2 GB of "cloud" space. But this volume can be increased several times in almost a few seconds after registration. You need to complete a few simple tasks, but more on that later.

Cloud storage client

Each self-respecting cloud storage service has its own application that allows you to automate all the processes of storage, synchronization, and data management. All of the above services have applications for PC, MAC, iOS, Android, and Linux.

When you install such an application on any device, a special directory is created on it - a folder with the name of the cloud. Exactly what gets into this folder will be synchronized with the cloud.

Applications allow you to import files from flash drives connected to a PC, and a mobile application can send photos taken by a smartphone to the cloud.

By installing the application on all your devices, you will get rid of many problems that arise when storing and moving data. For example, as mentioned above, photos from your smartphone will almost instantly go to the cloud and then to your computers - home, and, if desired, to work. The same thing happens with documents - by saving unfinished work to the cloud, you can finish it at home. The benefits of cloud technology are immediately apparent.

You can download applications for Android and iOS in the respective stores, while for PC and MAC you just need to go to the storage site and download the client.

Connecting to Dropbox from scratch

Create a cloud to store files

Let's try to register with the cloud storage - Dropbox. To get started - follow this link. Fill in the fields: Name, Surname, mail and Password, put tick agreement with the terms of service. Click the button <Зарегистрироваться> .

Immediately after that you will be redirected to a page where you will be offered to download the Dropbox client. Previously, this was not the case, apparently decided to take the "bull by the horns" immediately.

The web installer for the client program is downloaded and must be run. Actually, this is what the following screen offers:

The client will begin downloading and then installing it on your computer.

Completion of the installation will be marked with a blue rectangular window asking you to start and open Dropbox.

There are 4 or 5 screens ahead of you with a story about the storage capabilities. You can read it, or you can skip it - you will find all this perfectly later yourself.

And now the long-awaited moment has come. A new folder has appeared on your computer - Dropbox.

Sign in quickly

Let's go to your account on the Dropbox website. In order to do this quickly (do not enter your username and password), open your newly created Dropbox folder, right-click on any empty space and select the item with the blue box icon "View on"
A browser should open and after a couple of seconds, you will be taken to your account in the storage. What's so interesting?


If we click on our name we will see detailed information about our capabilities.

Here we see that we have been given only 2 GB of disk space for our needs. "Little" - you say and you will be absolutely right. 2GB for our time is negligible. Why do people use Dropbox?

  • Reliable
  • Cross-platform (macOS, iOS, Windows, Linux, Android)
  • Free
  • Good download speed
  • Flexible file management options
  • Viewing most documents in the web interface
  • Editing documents in the web interface
  • There is an opportunity to "earn" additional space, but more on that below
  • Many sites allow their service to interact with your storage

Email confirmation

In order for us to fully utilize the data warehouse, it is necessary to confirm the email address. If the letter did not come to your mail - re-request it right here, on the main page of the repository:

Let's check the mail - the letter is there:

Open the envelope and click on the blue confirmation button:

We will be redirected to the page where we will be thanked for the confirmation:

Now, we can work with the cloud in peace.

Let's create a folder and "share"

Let's try to create a folder with any name. We will call the name of the girl with whom we plan to exchange data using the cloud.

A small window will pop up in which:

  1. Enter friend's e-mail
  2. Assigning authority to a friend
  3. Share!

In the same second, a message will be sent to Dropbox on a friend's computer that you have shared a folder with him, and if he agrees, your folder will be added to his account and become shared.

"Earning" extra space

Dropbox lets you expand your storage space with all sorts of promotions. For example, for every friend you invite (who installed Dropbox), you will receive an additional 500 MB of disk space.

And in general it will not hurt to complete all the tasks proposed by the system and you will be rewarded.

To be honest - 16 GB is probably not the limit of a free account. Old account of one of the regular site visitors:

Learn more about cloud storage capabilities

Create direct link to file / folder

It has already been written above that Dropbox, and any other cloud, allows flexible management, and especially file sharing. One of the examples was already above. What if you don't want to create a shared resource with someone in the cloud? Then you can simply send the link by mail, to VK, Odnoklassniki, etc. Open Dropbox on your computer, right-click on the file you want to link to, and click on the appropriate item.

Home and work computers

Set up Dropbox with your account on 2, 3, or more computers, and they will all sync! Home, work, visiting mom, grandmother - it doesn't matter. You can always complete the work by opening the desired file.

View and edit any type of document

Almost any storage allows you to view any document - video, animation, photos, office documents of almost any format. The latter can also be edited directly in the cloud (for example, if there are no office applications on your home computer, or for example you want to quickly edit from a tablet). Documents open with a simple click on a file on the cloud site. An additional option allows you to switch to edit mode.

Taking screenshots

Taking a screenshot with Dropbox is easy. Yandex.Disk has a feature for instant editing, which Dropbox cannot boast of. Nevertheless, in order to save the screenshot to the folder C: \\ Users \\ Username \\ Dropbox \\ Screenshots you just need to press a button on keyboard.

You can immediately “share” the screenshot and send it to a friend using the above method. All screenshots for this note were made with Dropbox and processed in regular Paint.

Transferring Pictures from Smartphone to Storage

If you have the Dropbox app installed on your smartphone, you can customize it so that your photos and videos are instantly sent to the cloud, and therefore to your home computer.

Interaction with web services

Many web services that work with files (for example, online audio file converters) use cloud storage very heavily to speed up the download and upload of audio, photo, and video files. You specify a link to a file in the cloud - and it "wanders" to the editor in a matter of seconds. By editing, you provide access to the cloud, and the file is uploaded to the cloud in a couple of seconds. You can leave the service, and the client will download the file from the storage to the computer.

A good example is the service for cutting and gluing audio files, which is on the first line for the request "cut a song online".

As you can see, it supports downloading from two popular storages, plus VK (why not a cloud storage?).


We really hope we were able to help you. Cloud technologies are the future, which has already arrived. Think of the same ChromeOS - without the Internet it is a little useful operating system, but connect to the network - and it will flourish. Everything is built on the cloud.

Why this particular repository was chosen today - a lot has been written above. The goal of this article is to briefly describe the capabilities of file storages. They are built according to the same principle. Difference in volumes, speeds, appearance, etc. Try, register, install, work. Your data will always be safe and sound, no matter what happens.

If you are interested in a more detailed description of Dropbox, or you want to see something similar for other cloud storages - write in the comments

Cloud data storage, what is it and why are they needed? The answer is simple - this is a replacement for the usual flash drives or disks, because why carry a data carrier with you and waste time if you can store and transfer files using the cloud! And for business it is a convenient tool for remote work with documents. Well, or if you simply do not have enough memory on your device and does not even help, in this case a cloud drive will be the solution. Transferring files through the cloud is absolutely safe: you yourself indicate who the data will be available to!

What is cloud storage?

Cloud storage is space allocated to you on multiple servers of a service provider, file storage system is decentralized - your two files can be on completely different servers! We upload the file using the application to the server and it goes into the "cloud", depending on your wishes and needs, the files can be both in public and only in private access: to selected people. Files from the cloud can only be accessed over the Internet, making the files available to you anywhere and from any device.

Pros and benefits of cloud storage

  • Files are available ANYWHERE there is internet: you can access it from your phone or PC
  • Save space or expand storage: Photos and videos can be stored in the cloud to save space
  • High speed of file transfer thanks to wide geographic network of servers and CDN
  • Storage reliability: even if one server fails, other servers have copies of the data
  • Great opportunity for businesses and remote workers: one file is editable for everyone with access!

There is only one minus - you need internet:)

How to start using Cloud Storage and which one to choose

  1. In order to start using cloud storage, you need to download the client program and install it. If you don't know what to choose, read our "".
  2. To upload a file or photo to the cloud, follow the prompts built into the application, otherwise look for the "+" sign or the "Upload / Upload"
  3. Now you just need to configure access from outside to your files: it will be only you, or the owners of the direct link that you create will have access

To transfer your file or folder from the cloud to another user, you need to transfer a link to him: to find it, click on the desired file or folder, find the link and send it to someone who needs to provide access to the file in your cloud.

Many of you have already heard such a concept as cloud storage or just a cloud. Now, this storage model is taking more and more upward compared to home hard drives, flash drives and optical media. If you do not know what cloud storage is and which cloud to choose, I will tell you everything in detail in this article.

Cloud storage is a server structure organized by an organization that provides users with free space for free or for money. You can upload files of any type to the storage, which will subsequently be available from any device.

That's all definite. There are a lot of companies that provide storage space, and some have already gained trust. The structure itself is very simple - ordinary servers, consisting of disks, most often SSD drives. You can set up the cloud in such a way that it syncs with your device, for example, your phone, and then some files will be automatically uploaded to the cloud. If you need to provide access to your files to another user, then there is nothing easier, everything is done in a couple of clicks. And you don't have to go to your friend with a flash drive to upload a video or game.

How cloud storage works

Well, here, I think, and so it is clear. Especially what this storage is made of. It is important to understand that files are not stored on your PC, but on someone else's. The disadvantage here is that the company at some point may turn off the servers for maintenance, which means that access to the files will be temporarily impossible.

You don't need to use a browser to use the cloud service. All companies have a dedicated application that can be installed on a computer or smartphone. Then you enter your data and you can work, for example, upload files to the cloud.

Some cloud storage allows you to edit files or folders. Let's say you changed some text file on your PC, if this file is in the cloud, then the changes will occur there too. The same is the other way around - if a change in a file occurred in the cloud, then the same file will be updated on the computer immediately.

When using the cloud, you can store what you want in it, but I do not recommend uploading important confidential data there, such as passport scans or documents. Like any hosting and server, cloud storage is also susceptible to hacking from hackers. It is better to use the cloud for storing media, photos, games and more.

Pros and cons of cloud storage

Let's first take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of the cloud, and then look at some of the services that you can use for your needs.

Cloud advantages:

  • Access files from any device, be it a computer or smartphone.
  • Collaboration of companies and users with documents and files.
  • The likelihood of losing files due to hardware failures is reduced to zero.
  • You only pay for a specific amount of space.
  • High protection of your files and the creation of backup companies by the provider. You don't have to do anything.

Disadvantages of cloud storage:

  • According to statistics, some companies refuse to use cloud storage due to security, but that was only in 2011, now is a different time.
  • Hackers can get your files.
  • Sometimes the price for the total amount of disk space can be very high.

It is known that the Dropbox service had a crash, due to which within a few hours any person's files could be received by anyone. But, this was again back in 2011.

How to choose cloud storage

Cloud storage size

There is no particular need to explain here. If you need a large amount of memory, for example 5, 10 or 15 GB, then you can find such an option for free. But you will have to pay higher.

Reviews about the company

If the company providing storage space has proven itself, then you can safely use their services. Don't use services you don't know much. As an example, I can cite Dropbox, Cloud, SkyDrive and others.

Increasing storage capacity

If there is an opportunity to increase the disk volume of the cloud, then it may come in handy one day. The increase, of course, is paid.

Software for computer and smartphone

The cloud storage service must have a client that you can install on a PC or phone and sync. Working with the cloud will be easier.


If there are any restrictions, for example, not only in the amount of memory, but also in the size of the downloaded file, then you should be aware of this.

What to choose cloud storage in 2017

  • Cloud - 100 GB for free.
  • Mega - 50 GB free
  • MediaFire - 10 GB free. To get more space, you need to work.
  • SkyDrive - 25 GB free.
  • Copy - 15 GB of free space. For each brought client 5 GB is given.
  • 4Sync - 15 GB free trial.
  • Google Drive - Free 15 GB.
  • Yandex Disk - about 10-20 GB of free space.
  • Dropbox - 5 GB for free, and for example 1 TB for $ 100.

Other cloud storage can either be unreliable or provide little storage space. Now you know what cloud storage is, what advantages and disadvantages they have, and how to choose a cloud.

Cloud storage remains a type of service that has taken root in our lives. They experienced rapid growth, experienced market glut, when new "clouds" opened almost every week, experienced a recession, when these same "clouds" began to close one by one. And now we have just a type of service that has become established and has become commonplace, has passed the test of time, taking into account the peculiarities and speed of the modern industry.

There are a lot of cloud storages. Each has its own peculiarity and its own audience. Someone chooses only one "cloud", someone uses several at once. We have chosen the ten most interesting of them. One of the criteria for this top is a free plan with free space in the cloud, so that each user can try it out for himself. No trial, just a free plan with free space.


Quite an interesting and rapidly developing cloud. The cloud blog is updated almost every week, and you can see that the developers are actively working on it. They give 10 GB for free, but after a few simple steps. You can get a few more GB. There is a referral system that will also increase the free space. It is also interesting that pCloud, in addition to monthly and annual subscription fees for advanced features, also has a one-time purchase tariff, you just pay a certain amount and increase the volume of your cloud, forever, it is difficult to remember which cloud still does this.


Encrypted Vault from Kim Dotcom. There were rumors that the cloud was taken away from him, about other unpleasant twists and turns in the management of MEGA, but this does not prevent the cloud storage from developing and continuing to exist. The cloud is built on a sufficiently high level of encryption, for a more comfortable work with the web version, it is better to install a special browser extension so that the decoding process goes much faster. There are applications for all popular operating systems. The main thing that attracts many, MEGA gives 50 GB for a free plan. This volume was at the start, it remains so to this day.

8. MediaFire

One of the oldest services in this top, it works well, but it develops rather slowly. There is no desktop version, so you have to use the web version, but mobile apps are fine.

He started MediaFire as a file hosting service, but realized the decline of such services in time and repurposed himself into a cloud storage. Old users and those who managed to get under the promotion have 50 GB of free space, while the rest are given 10 GB, but sometimes it becomes possible to increase the amount of available space for free.

7. Box

Another time-tested cloud storage. Box was originally focused on business and this has allowed it to survive to this day and have a loyal user base. They give 10 GB for free, and sometimes there are promotions to get 50 GB of free space. But the free plan has many restrictions. All these restrictions will be removed if you switch to a subscription.

6. Cloud Mail.Ru

The Mail.Ru Cloud was launched with 100 GB of free space, then there was a promotion for which you could get 1 TB for free, then the volume was significantly reduced, and on new accounts they give a scanty amount of space. The cloud received a built-in audio player, integration with Office Online and continues to receive new features and support for new formats, but the instability with the free volume does not allow raising it higher in the ranking.

5. Yandex.Disk

Cloud storage from Yandex is surprisingly stable in terms of volume. At launch, they gave 10 GB of free volume. Several years have passed, and 10 GB has remained, but there are constant promotions, when you can either temporarily get a free volume, or increase the cloud on an ongoing basis. We add support for a large number of formats, integration with Office Online and continuous application development.

At the end of 2017, Disk also stood out and. Everything that you upload to Yandex.Disk from your phone will not be taken into account when calculating the total volume. Apparently, this is not an action, since no dates have been named. There are also no size restrictions, which makes this feature even better than what Google Photos has.


If you love Apple technology, then you must have come across this cloud storage. Many applications work through it, backup and synchronization occurs. You can use iCloud as our usual cloud storage. Add Apple's screwed-in office suite, Windows app, and a decent cloud storage with a dedicated fan base.

But if you do not use Apple products, any other cloud storage in this top will be a better option for you, since it will give you more options.

3. Dropbox

It is Dropbox that is considered the service that started the explosive growth of cloud storage. Dropbox was one of the first to popularize this type of service, and although it's not the best of times now, the service continues to evolve and gain new opportunities. Free Dropbox gives you only 2GB. There have been no promotions increasing the free volume for a long time, and the limitations of the free tariff do not allow using the cloud to the fullest. Unfortunately, Dropbox is no longer perfect for cloud storage.

2. OneDrive

Cloud storage from Microsoft. There is tight integration with the Office Online office suite, which is also integrated into other cloud storages, with the consent of Microsoft. It is integrated into Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 by default. Format support is also quite extensive. Working in this cloud, many users can safely abandon the full-fledged Microsoft Office or Microsoft Office 365, which provide only advanced features for more professional tasks.

When you buy a Microsoft Office 365 subscription, you also get 1 TB of OneDrive as a bonus. So many simply do not expand the cloud volume on a paid basis, but simply purchase an Office subscription, and at the same time increase the cloud space.

1. Google Drive

Google Cloud Storage has the most file formats supported, which can be expanded with additional cloud extensions. Small office documents, as well as photos and videos with a small extension, are not counted when calculating the available space in the cloud. And this place is 15 GB.

The cloud is integrated with the cloud office suite Google Docs, which has a simple and user-friendly interface for which many prefer to use it as the main office suite. More recently, the Google Drive and Google Photos apps have been merged into one app called Google Startup and Sync. There were rumors about an application for Linux, but so far many continue to use unofficial clients and this is almost the only serious drawback of the leader of the current top.

04/08/16 6.2K

Today millions of users all over the world trust the "clouds" with their information. In this article we will try to figure out which of the services has the right to claim the title of the best:

Cloud data storage - what is it?

The principle of operation of any "cloud" storage is approximately the following - a "cloud" storage client program is installed on a personal computer or laptop, the path to the folders located on the hard disk that is planned to be placed in this "cloud" is written. The client program copies information from the specified folders to the storage, and then monitors any changes in these folders and automatically makes adjustments to the "cloud" data storage.

If you decide to change a file stored in the cloud, the program will make the changes to the copies of the files on your computer. This approach allows you to have an up-to-date set of files on any of your devices ( smartphone, computer, tablet, etc..). The only condition that is required for smooth operation of the storage with computer files is full synchronization.

When you turn on your PC, you must also wait for the data to sync. The speed of this process largely depends on the speed of the Internet connection. If you turn off the device prematurely, the cloud storage data sync may fail.

Benefits of storing information on the "clouds"

A "cloud" service is a kind of huge online flash drive, on which data is stored and processed and to which you have access wherever you are, and from any device.

Benefits of free cloud storage:

  • Safety of data in case of failure of your PC, laptop, tablet, etc .;
  • The ability to send links to a file with a volume of more than 20 MB via social networks or by email;
  • Sharing folders and files, the ability to work with them online:

Dropbox cloud storage

Dropbox is one of the pioneers of cloud computing. This service is secure and ideal for collaborating with documents and files. Free 2 GB of cloud space is provided. However, it is possible to increase the storage capacity up to 50 GB without spending a penny. It is enough to closely follow all kinds of promotions, take part in them and receive bonuses. For example, for each friend you bring, you will receive 512 MB, and for registration in the Carousel photo service - another 3 GB.

In addition, you can get additional gigabytes for installing Dropbox on a mobile device, sharing with colleagues and friends, etc. The terms for getting additional space in Dropbox change from time to time, so it makes sense to follow the announcements. You can quickly expand this figure to 1 TB for $ 99 per year.

You can work with cloud storage from Windows, Linux, Mac OS, iOS, Android, KindleFire and BlackBerry platforms. Dropbox provides secure backups, additional access control, and remote wipe capabilities ( in extended version).

Unlike competitors, when working with Dropbox, files are not completely copied to the server - only the modified part is transferred, and pre-compressed. This makes Dropbox very fast. In addition, a download history is kept, which allows you to restore data from the server after deletion. Also available is the "Pack-Rat" function - an unlimited history of file changes.

Data encryption is performed by using this cloud storage in conjunction with BoxCryptor, which reliably encrypts data before synchronization and ensures its complete confidentiality:

Yandex.Disk cloud data storage

Yandex.Disk is another free cloud storage that comes with a photo editor and is tightly integrated with social networks. The cloud is based on synchronizing data between devices. Initially, Yandex.Disk gives you 10 GB of space, and forever.

In paid versions, the volume can be increased to 1 TB for 9000 rubles per year. Bonus extra space can be obtained by bringing a friend (up to + 10GB) or taking part in various promotions.

Yandex.Disk can integrate into Microsoft Office 2013. Recently, there was a function to automatically download photos and videos from external media and digital cameras. At the same time, the user gets +32 GB of additional space for a period of 6 months. A web interface and applications for Windows, Mac OS, Linux, Android, iOS and Windows Phone are available to work with Yandex.Disk. At the same time, Yandex.Disk has something that others do not have - the ability to upload photos from social networks: Odnoklassniki, Instagram and VKontakte:

Google Drive cloud storage

Google Drive is one of the most popular cloud services that makes it possible not only to store data in the cloud, but also to share it with users. In essence, this is Google Docs, transformed into a cloud service with increased disk space. Upon activation, it replaces Google Docs.

In the "cloud" you can store documents, photos, videos, music and other files ( more than 30 types in total) users of Google services. The presence of a convenient photo service with automatic uploading of photos from a smartphone or computer and the function of compressing images allows you to get unlimited storage space. It should be noted that only files over 13 MB can be compressed.

Each registered user is provided with 15 GB of "cloud" space free of charge. Active users of Gmail, Google+, Youtube do not need registration. If necessary, you can increase the volume up to 30 TB. The monthly fee is $ 1.99 for 100 GB, and $ 299.99 for 30 TB. Access to Google Drive is possible through Windows, Android, iOS, Mac OS platforms. The indisputable advantages of Google Drive are tight integration with Google services. The feature of this service is the absence of restrictions on the size of the uploaded file:

Other cloud storage - a quick overview of available solutions

iCloud Drive is a cloud service that stands out from the competition with its full integration with iOS and OS X. Despite the fact that the size of the free disk space provided is not large (only 5 GB), access to your account is possible without installing additional applications. The iCloud Drive folder will be available out of the box - iOS has an icon on the desktop, Mac in Finder.

All documents created using Apple applications will be instantly saved to the cloud. In addition, the service provides iPhone or iPad backup, synchronizes photos and videos. At the same time, prices are on a par with other cloud storages.

Mega is an ultra-secure and convenient cloud service that accompanies online services with continuous cryptographic data encryption. The free option offers up to 50 GB of storage, which can be expanded to 4 TB for € 299 per year. Mega account can be accessed through Windows, Linux, iOS, Mac OS, Android, Blackberry, Windows Phone, special plugins for Chrome and Firefox browsers:

Cloud Mail.Ru is a fairly promising storage from Mail.Ru Group, which makes it possible to store data in the "cloud", as well as synchronize it on different devices and share with other users.

The "trick" of this cloud service is a large disk space provided absolutely free of charge (25 GB). You can work with the service through the web interface Windows, Mac OS, Android and iOS, Linux. In mobile applications, the function of instant autoloading of photos taken on the device and their redirection to the "cloud" is available:

OneDrive is a cloud service from Microsoft. Until 2014, it was called SkyDrive. This service allows you to work with OneNote, PowerPoint, Excel, Word integrates with Bing, which makes it possible to save the search history.

Outwardly, OneDrive is very similar to Dropbox. To create a cloud storage of data, you just need to have an account in any Microsoft service, including Xbox Live. Since 2016, the service has provided 5 GB of space for free, while it is possible to increase its size to 1 TB for just 200 rubles per month. Office 365 owners can take advantage of the co-authoring feature of files with other users.

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