How to remove minor scratches from a smartphone screen. How to polish your phone screen from scratches

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The undoubted convenience of a smartphone lies in the touch screen - it's easy to work with. The quality is overshadowed only by the formation of cracks on the surface. Damage can be avoided with a protective film, but often this accessory will significantly reduce the sensitivity of the sensor. Learn how to polish your screen in a variety of ways.

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How to remove scratches from your phone screen with professional tools

Liquids and pastes developed specially for cleaning the front of the device, contain components that will cope with the task and at the same time will not damage the device.


Often, for professional tools, additional cotton pad or car napkin, which will make it easier to apply the mixture.


In some cases application accessories are included, making cleaning easier and faster.


Store-bought compounds can be used to grind both the iPhone and other devices.

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Polishing with goi paste


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The choice of screen cleaning method depends on the depth of the defects. When they are looking for how to get rid of scratches on the phone screen, they remember GOI paste. It uses chromium oxide powder as an abrasive, and the product itself can be of four types. Only the first option with the least abrasive ability is suitable for polishing the glass of the phone. Before polishing, you need to carefully glue the sides of the phone with double-sided tape so that the product does not get into the slots and openings of the device. The paste is produced in two forms, on which the method of application depends:

  • Felt circle with impregnation. Containing a certain amount of paste, felt is more convenient to use, but in terms of effectiveness it may be inferior to the second option. To clean the glass of your phone with such a tool, simply walk over it several times, paying particular attention to deep scratches.
  • Pasty substance. The advantage of this form is that the user can adjust the quantity himself. Squeeze out some of the substance onto the screen and spread it in a circular motion with a soft cloth. When finished, wipe off excess with a dry, clean cloth.

How to remove scratches from your phone with displex paste

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Unlike the previous version, this pasta is more modern. Development created specifically for displays, including touchscreens. When choosing how to remove scratches from the phone screen, the user is more likely to give preference to a specialized tool.


Displex comes in a small, pointed tube that is convenient to use to apply the compound to the screen.

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To remove defects from glass, you need soft light fabric. Its color is important, because during the polishing process, the cloth will definitely darken, which will allow you to control the result.


After finishing cleaning, wipe the glass dry and check if the paste has done its job.


If you notice that a few cracks still remain, repeat the steps again.


You can polish in this way and camera glassfor better quality photos.

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The price of tools for removing scratches from the phone screen

Faced with the problem of small visual defects on a mobile device, the user focuses not only on the effect of the tool, but also on the cost. You can put your favorite gadget in order at a very symbolic price. For example, GOI paste will cost only 65 rubles for a 45 g jar, which is enough for more than one phone. A foreign assistant in the fight against cracks will cost much more. At a price of 300 rubles. you will receive a small 5-gram tube. These compositions and the like can be bought in the online store from the catalog by ordering delivery to any city.

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Polishing the phone screen with folk remedies

You can refuse specialized means and resort to folk methods, but in this case you must be fully aware of the risks. Users deciding how to fix scratches on their phones often face ineffectiveness in their home remedy.


They try to return the surface to a mirror shine using the most unexpected methods, for example, by preparing gruel from baby powder and water. The result of such tweaks directly depends on the depth of the cracks: the fine-grained composition will not cope with serious damage.

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Before you start implementing the methods below to remove scratches from your phone screen, you should do some preparatory work.


1. Switch off the device.
2. Cover the external connectors with masking tape or electrical tape. This will prevent water and other foreign matter from entering the gadget.
3. Please be patient, as some scratches are very tough. You may need not minutes, but hours of painstaking work.



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How to get rid of scratches on your phone with toothpaste


It is not difficult to do this by following this algorithm:

  1. Before removing minor scratches from the phone screen, wipe the glass to get rid of dust particles and larger particles that can cause even greater damage.
  2. Tape the headphone and charging jacks with tape, and cover any gaps where the compound might get into.
  3. Squeeze a small amount of the paste onto the screen and spread it in a circular motion with a cotton pad.
  4. After exposure, wipe the device dry and check whether the desired effect has been achieved.
  5. If the scratch has not completely disappeared, repeat the procedure.

How to polish your phone screen with baking soda

At home, all methods are good, especially those that are familiar to us from an early age. It is known that when the dishes are darkened, it is better to use baking soda, which will scrape off the plaque, give the original look to the plates and cups. When thinking about how to remove scratches from the glass of a smartphone, you can resort to the same tool, which is very affordable. You can also substitute baby powder for baking soda.

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Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Dissolve the soda powder with water in a 2: 1 ratio to a paste.
  2. Cover all slots and connectors on your phone to avoid damaging your gadget.
  3. Apply a small amount of the mixture to a clean glass of your smartphone.
  4. Using a cloth, rub in the composition for about 10 minutes.
  5. Wipe the surface first with a slightly damp cloth and then with a dry cloth. Rate the effect.

Removing scratches from the phone screen with polish

Compositions intended for cars will be able to clean the surface. For instance, car polish may be one of the solutions how to remove scratches on the glass.

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This option is not intended for displays, therefore, it must be used very carefully and in small quantities. If, by rubbing the polish in a circular motion on the glass, you do not notice any improvement, do not repeat the process again.

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There are display polishes, similar to automobiles in appearance, but differing in composition. They won't hurt sensor sensitivity and anti-reflective coating.

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How to remove minor scratches on a phone screen using vegetable oil

In addition to obtaining the desired effect, any user wants to clean the display from defects at an adequate price. Oily textures are not able to cope with serious damage, but they can give the phone a cleaner look.

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Work order:

  1. Before removing scratches from your phone screen, dust off the display.
  2. Apply a drop of oil to the glass.
  3. Rub with a microfiber cloth until the oiliness is no longer visible.
  4. Remove excess by blotting the display with a tissue.

A mixture made from egg, aluminum and potassium sulfate

1. Combine one egg white and a teaspoon of potassium sulfate (popularly known as alum), which can be purchased at the pharmacy.
2. Preheat to 65 degrees in an aluminum pan.
3. Soak a piece of microfiber in the prepared solution.
4. Place it on aluminum foil and place it in an oven preheated to 150 degrees until the fabric is completely dry.
5. Then immerse the microfiber in cold water for half a minute.


The above steps should be repeated 3 times, then leave the fabric to dry for two days. After that, the cloth can be used to polish the phone screen.



What methods of removing scratches from the phone screen are known to you? Share them in the comments!

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Video: How to remove cracks and scratches on your phone glass


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Today a mobile phone is not a luxury, but a commonplace means of communication. Manufacturers supply gadgets for every taste to store shelves, so they are changed at frequent intervals. But this is not necessary, because everything can be fixed. So how can you remove scratches from your phone screen if you don't want to have it repaired or buy a new display? You can carry out manipulations at home, let's figure it out together.

Ways to remove scratches from your phone screen

Before the main manipulations, it is necessary to prepare. To do this, follow these steps:

  • turn off the phone so that the tools used do not harm the operation of the device;
  • remove the battery;
  • take scotch tape or electrical tape, seal all the connectors into which the compound can penetrate.

It should be mentioned in advance that the procedure will take time. Removing scratches should be done without fuss. Also, the methods below are suitable for those who are wondering how to remove scratches not only from the phone, but also from its cover.

Method number 1. GOI paste and car oil

1. You should not be confused by the appearance that resembles a pebble. The tool is quite effective and known to all men. GOI paste will do the job perfectly.

2. Take a soft cloth, apply the paste to it. Prepare a smartphone with plugged charging holes, headphones, etc. Put some clean car oil (not waste) on the screen of the gadget.

3. Begin to rub the screen slowly in a circular motion until the surface is reanimated. After all the manipulations, evaluate the result. Wipe your smartphone with a clean, lint-free cloth or paper towel.

Method number 2. Toothpaste

1. According to reviews, the tool helps in mild cases. Because you really have no choice, it's worth a try. You can remove scratches from the screen if you choose a paste without granules on a gel basis. Such a composition will not damage the phone. For home use "Black Pearl" is suitable.

2. Arm yourself with a cotton swab, spread the dentifrice over it and rub evenly. Now start polishing, processing the cell phone screen in a circular motion.

3. Manipulations are carried out until the scratches are completely eliminated. Then you just have to remove the remnants of the paste with a paper towel.

Method number 3. Sunflower or olive oil

1. Any vegetable oil has a softening effect and fills micro-voids. Therefore, it is logical to use a product that is available at home.

2. Distribute 3-5 drops of oil on the screen (less, depending on the size of the mobile). Take a cotton swab or sponge, start polishing in a circular motion.

3. After minor scratches have disappeared, remove the remaining oil with a paper towel. The method is effective for minor abrasions.

Method number 4. Soda

1. Judging by the numerous reviews, as well as video reviews, you can effectively remove scratches from the screen using ordinary soda. It is safe for the phone, and everyone has the powder at home.

2. Mix baking soda with water to make a paste. Now scoop up some of the composition with a cosmetic disc, rub the cell phone screen in a circular motion. Don't press too hard.

3. If the scratches do not disappear the first time, repeat the steps, scooping up more soda paste. Finally, wipe the glass with a soft, lint-free cloth.

Method number 5. Furniture or car polish

1. Directional agent for polishing cars and furniture. Accordingly, these are two different compositions, choose any of them.

2. Spread the product on a cosmetic sponge, similarly to the previous methods, process the screen in a circular motion. Be sure to polish with protective gloves.

3. When the scratches have completely disappeared and the screen shines like new, you need to remove the remaining polish with clean paper towels.

Method number 6. Alum and egg

1. Methods for removing scratches from your screen vary greatly. The product must be safe for the phone. You can make your own polish at home, but it will require special ingredients.

2. Potassium sulfate is sold in a pharmacy, it is commonly called "alum", measure 10 grams. substances.

3. Separate the white from the chilled egg and stir into the first ingredient. Send the mixture to the stove and bring it to a temperature of about 60-65 degrees. Heating is carried out in an aluminum container.

4. Now protect your hands with gloves, arm yourself with a microfiber cloth. Dip the cloth into the solution, do not wring out.

5. Spread aluminum foil on a baking sheet and place a wet cloth on top. Preheat the oven to 155-160 degrees, send the baking sheet inside.

6. Warming up is carried out until complete drying. Then the microfiber is immersed in cold purified water for 30 seconds.

It is not difficult to resort to tricks, as removing scratches from the screen of any phone has become much easier. All of the above methods are suitable for home use. It is not necessary to change the glass, just use one of the tools. Adopt the method using soda, furniture or car polish, vegetable oil, GOI paste.

We all love our mobile gadgets - phones, tablets, MP3 players. And it is very offensive when something happens to them. Scratches on the screen or display can be considered such troubles. And the constant contemplation of them adds even more sadness - one thing is the back cover, which you rarely look at, and quite another - the most prominent place of the device, which you look at every time you work with it.
Of course, you should have thought about this before, gluing a protective film or buying a protective glass, which perfectly protects the surface from minor damage. And since you have saved on this, now you have to think about how to get rid of scratches on the phone screen.
If your device is already a couple of years old, then don't take care of it - the kotsk will still appear whatever one may say. Time makes itself felt - even just wearing it in a jeans pocket can leave marks and scuffs.
Fortunately, now it is possible in most cases to remove small scratches from the screen almost painlessly, and now I will tell you how.

Note: Before using one of the methods described below, be sure to close, or better seal those places on your smartphone or tablet that can get moisture - buttons, speaker, connectors and microphone.

Special set for polishing touchscreen

This is the preferred method. It allows you to remove minor damage to the display using specially developed polishing agents.

The most popular is the Displex display polish paste. Simply squeeze a small amount onto the scratched area and use the supplied microfiber shoe to polish the area in a circular motion. This should be done for 3-4 minutes, after which we simply wipe the glass with a damp cloth (damp, not wet - no water should flow from it!).

The main disadvantage of this solution is the price of about 500 rubles. If you are very limited in money - then only use the folk remedies described below.

Folk ways to remove scratches from the display

Of the most popular tools today, three can be identified.

The first remedy is simple toothpaste. It should be ordinary, white, without additional inclusions, particles or additives. Otherwise, you may end up worse than before.

The technique is simple - we apply a little paste to the damage and polish the surface with circular movements. this can be done with a simple clean napkin or cotton swab to remove makeup.

Second tool to get rid of screen scratches Is a baking powder diluted with water. The mixing ratio is medium - for two teaspoons of baking powder, use one teaspoon of water. Stir until gruel is formed. By the way, some replace the baking powder with regular tooth powder.

The resulting substance is applied to the touchscreen and polished in the same way as described above until it is possible to remove scratches from the smartphone screen or at least level them to the maximum!

The third tool to clean the screen from scratches - child powder. Talc works here, which is present in small amounts in the powder and works as a light abrasive substance. It must be diluted in a small amount of water and applied to the damaged area.

The polishing process should be carried out in the same way as in the previous methods, then wipe the screen surface with a damp soft cloth.

Other ways:

- Very popular with the people wipes for cleaning optics and glasses - they allow you to cover small abrasions due to the fact that they add shine to glass and plastic.

-. This is a separate topic altogether. Some attribute wonderful properties to it, others complain that after it, the screen in general is irretrievably damaged.

Here you need to understand that you cannot rub glass or plastic with a dry piece of Goi paste - they will end immediately. Therefore, it must first be softened (they recommend oil for watches) and only then this substance should be applied to scratches and carefully polished.

Baking soda... This is the same as tooth powder, only more powerful.

Diluted with water from a ratio of "one to two" (one spoonful of baking soda for two tablespoons of water). We apply the resulting mass to the display and polish it to remove scratches, after which we wipe it with a damp cloth.

Vegetable oil... This is not an abrasive substance at all, which means that it will not work to clean the screen from scratches. But the oil will give it a bright shine and the marks on the touchscreen will not be so noticeable!

Car polish... Yes, it can also be used to remove scuffs on the display of a phone or tablet, but you must first choose the right substance itself. the fact is that the paint layer of the car is much more resistant to chemical reagents than the delicate surface of the touchscreen. The polishing process itself is no different from the previous methods.

Articles and Life Hacks

Scratches are the scourge of any mobile device: no matter how various "glass gorillas" fight them, they still appear sooner or later.

Not to mention the fact that not every model has serious protection.

To restore the original perfection of your smartphone or tablet screen, polishing is required. For its implementation, both professional means and folk recipes can be used.

For the first time, this tool appeared on the shelves of Soviet stores, and still has not lost its relevance.

The paste was originally intended for polishing glass and metal products, and therefore can be used for its intended purpose.

To do this, you will need any soft material that needs to be polished with the applied paste for a few minutes. After that, the remnants of the paste must be removed from the display with water, or better, if there is such an opportunity, with kerosene.

It should be borne in mind that the dispersion of the GOI paste can be different; for glass polishing, the finest grade should be used. In addition, it is better to buy it in stores, and not in the markets, since there it is often of poor quality.

Disc Repair Kit

A product designed for polishing CDs and DVDs. For them, the presence of scratches is no longer a matter of aesthetics, but of working capacity, so the effectiveness of the product is quite high.

Smoothing occurs in part by filling the fractures with fluid. A napkin or cotton pad is used for polishing, after which the applied paste is removed.

Furniture or car polishes

They are quite suitable for use not only for their intended purpose, but also for removing scratches from the protective glass of the gadget.

To do this, drip the product onto a soft cloth and wipe the display for a while. Repeat the process until the scratches disappear completely.

This tool can be found in the kitchen in almost any home, which means that there is no need to rush to the shops in search of something incomprehensible.

Compared to specialized polish for laptop or smartphone screens, the efficiency is not very high, so it is only suitable for removing minor scratches.

It is used in the form of a creamy gruel, for which a mixture of 1 part water and 2 parts baking soda is prepared. It should be used with caution, having previously covered with plugs or glued all the connectors of the device.

After completion of work, carefully remove from the surface of the screen with a damp cloth.

Another fairly common tool that does not require spending money or searching. As in the previous case, it can save the smartphone only from minor damage to the glass.

Squeeze the paste out of the tube onto a soft, not too lint-free cloth and rub it into the screen of the device in a circular motion. Remove residues with a paper towel.

Talc can be used, in addition to its direct purpose, as a polishing paste.

To do this, drop a few drops of water into a teaspoon of the powder, then wipe the damaged part of the screen with the resulting gruel. A medium scratch takes about 15 minutes to heal.

Another popular recipe. For polishing it is better to use refined oil so that the gadget does not "smell" to the entire surrounding space.

A few drops of it are applied to the display surface, which is polished with a cotton swab or soft cloth for several minutes. At the end of the procedure, the oil must be removed with a paper towel.

What you need to know when polishing your display

There is an old, somewhat rough, but surprisingly true proverb: make a fool pray to God - he will break his forehead. To prevent such an incident from happening with your smartphone, you should follow a number of recommendations:
  1. Protect all connectors of the device with special plugs or tape before polishing. If some means get into them, the device may fail.
  2. Try to process only the area of \u200b\u200bthe glass where the scratch has appeared.
  3. Do not be too zealous when treating the surface: glass in gadgets is quite tough, but it also has a certain flexibility, so there is a chance to damage the display itself. In addition, it can simply crack.
  4. Never use organic solvents to remove polish residues. As a last resort, you can use a little soapy water or kerosene.
  5. If your phone has a display, it is better to refrain from polishing.
  6. Do not use highly abrasive polishes - this may irreversibly damage the surface of your device's screen.
  7. To avoid scratches, you can use a protective film, which is often offered in the same store where the smartphone itself is sold.


Before polishing your smartphone screen, you should think carefully.

This procedure is quite unsafe, and in the most unfortunate case, instead of a not very presentable, but quite workable gadget, you risk getting a "brick", which will be taken only in some service center for spare parts.

Quite often, this procedure is carried out before the device is put up for sale in order to bring it into the most attractive form for the buyer. Sometimes, in such cases, an insufficiently removed polish can subsequently cause problems.

Therefore, any manipulations described in the article are performed by you solely at your own peril and risk, the authors of the article are not responsible for the result and any possible consequences.

Modern smartphones have made it possible to control all actions with the touch of your fingers. However, this gadget is quite easy to damage with careless touches and sharp nails. An excellent solution is to attach a special film to the phone that protects its screen. But what if it's already damaged? How to remove scratches from your phone screen at home? This will be discussed below.

How to remove scratches from your phone screen

By using a phone that has a touch screen as intended, it is very difficult to avoid damaging it. It's quite a shame when a new smartphone, for which a lot of money has been paid, quickly loses its visual appeal. Therefore, the solution to the question of how to remove scratches from the phone screen comes to the fore.

Before proceeding to troubleshoot the problem, you need to prepare your mobile device:

  • turn off the phone;
  • close the external connectors with adhesive tape so as not to damage it by moisture or cleaning agents;
  • getting ready for the painstaking work, polishing the screen may take some time.

Ways to remove scuffs from a smartphone:

  • apply a little product to the fabric;
  • add machine oil;
  • rub the resulting composition into the phone screen with light movements;
  • wipe the smartphone dry with a cloth.

  • pour a teaspoon of alum (which can be purchased at the pharmacy) and egg white into an aluminum bowl;
  • heat the mixture to 65 degrees;
  • apply the agent on a microfiber cloth, then send it to dry in the oven, putting it on foil;
  • after the fabric is removed from the oven, it must be lowered into a container with cold water;
  • this ritual will need to be repeated three times;
  • the fabric should dry on its own within 2 days, after which it can be used for polishing.

How to remove scratches from a phone case

Using GOI paste, it is possible to polish the phone case by wiping it with a felt cloth.

The appearance of scuffs of a brand new mobile phone can ruin the mood, but you shouldn't be upset, it is better to get down to business and find a way to remove scratches from the phone case. As a rule, every person will definitely have tools at hand that will significantly update the appearance of the device.

When removing damage to the case, you must first remove this panel from the device. The 3 most popular methods can be noted:

  • Remove abrasions using an electric shaver. To do this, place a small piece of soft matter on its blade with the net removed and fix it. After that, simply plug the device into the mains and polish the phone case with gentle movements. It is important to monitor the safety of matter in the place where it was located at the beginning in order to prevent damage to the mobile phone.
  • You can polish the smartphone body for 20-30 minutes with a soft cloth (ideally with felt), on which GOI paste is applied.
  • The polish that is used for computer disks has shown itself well. It must be applied to the body and rubbed with a cotton swab.

If you are going to remove scratches from the case, you should make sure that it has a metal base. Otherwise, starting to process the plastic surface, you can only worsen its appearance.

How to remove scratches from your phone camera

If you are going to decide how to remove a scratch from a phone camera, you need to make sure that the problem is in the external abrasions, and not in the functioning of the device itself.

In order to put the camera in order, you need to do the following:

  • remove the glass from the surface of the phone camera;
  • take a cotton cloth and carefully polish the glass with toothpaste;
  • it is worth paying attention to the fact that the paste should not contain large particles, so as not to damage the surface even more with such an effect;
  • to remove scratches from the camera, you can use a nail file to polish your nails. It must have a good degree of abrasion. First you need to process the screen, and then take a soft file and rub the camera screen with it.

How to remove scratches from phone film

The film, which is created from polymer and glued to the smartphone screen, has as its goal protection from minor damages and scratches, as well as from global troubles in the form of a broken screen. True, a rare species of it is able to save the phone from breakage in the event of a fall.

A wide variety of such films can be found on store shelves, which are created from a wide variety of materials. In addition, they differ in both size and characteristics (they can be matte or mirrored).

It is best to entrust the gluing of the protective film to the seller to the consultant of the communication salon, but this process is quite capable of carrying out independently:

  • before gluing, you need to thoroughly clean and degrease the phone screen;
  • the surface of the applied film must be flat, like a mirror surface;
  • you need to carefully monitor so that no debris or pile gets under the film, which will bring all the work to nothing;
  • before gluing, you need to align one, and then the second of its ends.

The protective film can be cleaned with a disc polish.

So, the film is glued to the screen of the device and can serve a good cause of its protection from all kinds of damage, to prevent small scratches from nowhere that come from. Over time, the user may have a question how to remove scratches from the phone, or rather, from the film covering it.

It is best to use a substance that is used to polish the discs. True, the process of such processing will have to be repeated at least once a month. Otherwise, if the scratches on the phone screen, which appeared on the film, do not go away, it makes sense to purchase a new protective coating.

How to remove scratches from a metal phone case

Owners of smartphones enclosed in a metal case, who neglect the use of protective cases, may sooner or later face the inevitable appearance of scratches.

You can polish your phone with a soft cloth and an electric razor.

You can remove damage to the phone cover, but for this you need to do the following manipulations:

  • First you need to remove the panel from the device.
  • The first method of polishing the display, as well as the phone cover, involves using an electric razor with a soft cloth attached instead of a mesh. The device is connected to the network and smoothly polishes the case.
  • Another method involves the use of manual labor: you can grind the metal surface if you apply GOI paste or ordinary toothpaste to a soft matter. Both of these substances with equal effectiveness remove microcracks and abrasions on the metal case of a smartphone.

How to remove scratches from your tablet screen at home

It is recommended to cover all connectors on the tablet before using automotive polish.

Tablets, which have become widespread and are often given into children's hands for a pleasant pastime, quite often get scratches or other damage to the screen. It is possible to remove such abrasions from a tablet, and the methods will be almost identical to those used to remove scratches from smartphones:

  • The use of GOI paste, so valued by jewelers, is considered the most effective method. The only drawback of this method is the duration of exposure, because it takes at least half an hour to polish the device with a paste applied to a soft tissue.
  • The polishes that motorists use have a good effect: the main thing is to pre-seal all the connectors, after which you can clean the screen surface with the application of these substances.
  • Ordinary toothpaste or powder works well for scratches that have settled on tablet screens. The product should be applied to a soft cloth and rubbed thoroughly into the surface of the device.

If the tablet has tempered glass, it is unlikely to work on it, it is better to worry in advance and cover the screen surface with a protective film. Any friction will only give the screen a matte finish and ruin the picture to a large extent.

How to remove scratches from an iphone screen

Like baking soda, baby powder will help remove scratches from your iphone screen.

Almost all modern mobile devices are prone to scratches because they are operated directly with your fingers. The expensive gadgets of the iphone brand are not without this trouble.

How to attach a protective glass or film to your phone screen

How to remove a scratch from an iphone screen? This can be done using one of the following methods:

  • polishing with a toothpaste that does not contain abrasive substances;
  • special cream for cars that is able to remove scratches;
  • minor damage can be perfectly removed with soda, which must be mixed with water and rubbed on the screen with gentle movements, then wipe off the remnants of the product with a dry cloth;
  • processing with a powder for baby skin gives an effect comparable to that of soda;
  • you can try to smooth out very small scuffs of the screen on an iPhone using a cotton pad soaked in vegetable oil.

How to remove scratches from your phone with toothpaste

Gel polish toothpastes are not suitable.

The most famous way to remove damage from the screens of mobile devices requires the use of toothpaste as a tool that is always at hand, and also has a low cost.

Remove scratches by this method as follows:

  • first you need to prepare a paste or powder for cleaning your teeth (do not take a gel-paste, it may not cope with the task at hand);
  • the composition is required to be squeezed onto a piece of cloth or a cotton swab;
  • using gentle circular motions, rub the substance into the surface of the screen in those places where there is damage (do not press too hard on the screen so as not to damage it);
  • as soon as the result is visible, the procedure can be finished;
  • the remains of the product must be removed with a dry cloth or napkin.

In conclusion, it should be noted that special protective glasses, films and covers were created not only to make a mobile phone more attractive. Their main purpose is to protect gadgets from damage and scratches. You should not neglect the purchase of these devices, so that afterwards you do not waste your time on removing abrasions that spoil the appearance of your favorite smartphone.

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