What does it mean "this type of communication is not available for the subscriber"? This type of communication is not available for the subscriber: what does it mean when they say it

Sometimes you can hear in MTS “this type of communication is not available”. What does it mean? This means that not all telecommunication services are provided and available to the subscriber you are calling.

Typically, this situation occurs for a variety of reasons, and this can be either with the knowledge of the subscriber or forcibly. A similar voice message from the operator can be received for the following reasons:

  • with a negative balance on the personal account, incoming ones are often disconnected, since they are provided on a paid basis;
  • when blocking a number: permanent or temporary with the consent of the owner of the number;
  • in some cases in case of malfunction of telecommunication equipment in the region where the subscriber is located;
  • if the SIM card is damaged;
  • when it is difficult to obtain a cellular signal in the network coverage area.

A similar voice notification "This type of communication is not available for an MTS subscriber" appeared in the practice of the largest provider quite recently. The practice of providing free services for incoming calls is a thing of the past. Free incoming calls are available only with some tariff plans. Accordingly, when the quota within the subscription fee is exhausted, incoming calls may also become unavailable for the subscriber.

In another case, such a message is issued when the phone is voluntarily blocked, for example, when traveling abroad. This measure allows you to suspend the provision of services for a certain period, it is provided free of charge for two weeks. Then the service is provided with a daily subscription fee.

No money

So, you are faced with a situation when incoming calls are not available for the subscriber of interest. Of course, you are interested in the question of how you can get through to the person of interest. If incoming calls were only available, but literally that's how you stopped dialing. This may mean that the limit has been exhausted and a "minus" is formed on the account.

If you are with your friend or with your own phone working and calling your mobile or calling a friend, you again hear the phrase about temporary blocking, with a likely positive balance, and this also lasts several days, in such situations you need to check the operation of the SIM card. You can endlessly say that the company is to blame for poor telecom services, but it is possible that communication is absent due to the fault of the person who owns the phone. With a sufficient amount of funds, when the payment was credited in the right amount and on time, the absence of repair work, we can talk about a faulty SIM card as a result of mechanical damage, prolonged exposure to water, and so on. How to find out and fix it:

  • call the support service from your mobile (0890) or landline phone (8 800 250 8 250), find out your balance and information about the absence of repair work on the line in your region;
  • contact the MTS salon with a request to check the card, it will be replaced in case of malfunction.

After that, the connection can be used without restrictions.

Disconnected phone

Usually, when the phone is turned off, the voice answering machine reports that the subscriber is unavailable because the phone is off. How can this be fixed? Obviously, you won't be able to get through instantly using mobile communications. In this case, you can contact by sending an SMS on the website or from your number. If the service articles include receiving free SMS, and the subscriber also has enough money in the account while the device is operating, he will receive a message.

SMS as a type of communication always works when the number is available on the network. You may not be able to make a call, but you can send a request from yourself to contact in one way or another. The only drawback is that the subscriber will receive the message only if he turns on the working phone within the allowed delivery time.


If you have poor reception on your phone and you hear a voice message when you call your cell phone number, viewing the company's coverage may help you. Moreover, this is typical even for those cases when the balance will not be negative. Probably, for reliable reception, you need to top up your account and activate roaming services.

For example, it will look like this:

  • poor reception may occur in remote regions with only 2G coverage;
  • a message about the unavailability of the service can come in areas of poor reception when conditionally crossing the border of the Home region or Russia. This is typical for border areas, when coverage and location of addressing are not precisely determined;
  • it is possible when using the LTE and USIM standards, in some cases, when establishing a 4G / 2G transstandard connection, malfunctions may occur. Please call again or temporarily set your phone to use only 2G standard.

These tips will help you get through to your contact person. We wish you good luck and pleasant communication.

People are already accustomed to messages about the unavailability of called subscribers or about their number blocking. But the phrase “This type of communication is not available to the subscriber” on MTS is a little surprising. There is nothing terrible in this, but you rarely hear such an answer. In this article, we will look at how and under what conditions this phrase is pronounced - let's talk about the most common reasons.

Network errors

Why, when you call MTS, they say that "this type of communication is not available" - this question worries many. It becomes unclear what the soulless autoinformer meant. In fact, there is nothing unusual in such a response - it is often pronounced as a result of some kind of network errors.

Cellular communication is a kind of organism, consisting of many elements. And if an error occurs in some module, subscribers can hear this phrase. The most interesting thing is that the phone of the called interlocutor at this moment can be turned on... There is no need to panic in this case - just try to call later. Sometimes it happens that the error disappears in a matter of minutes, allowing you to contact the right interlocutor. But in general, the probability of encountering such an error and hearing the phrase "This type of communication is not available to the subscriber" is extremely small.

The phone works as a modem

Sometimes the phrase "This type of communication is not available for the subscriber" on MTS sounds when the called interlocutor uses his phone as a modem. In the vast majority of cases, when a call comes in, the Internet connection is interruptedso that both devices can establish a voice connection. But sometimes something goes wrong in the MTS network, and the caller hears this tricky phrase from the autoinformer.

In order to contact the person, try to call later - it is quite possible that by that time he will have already interrupted the Internet connection.

The called subscriber is in roaming

If you are wondering why this type of communication is not available for an MTS subscriber, remember that a person may be in roaming. The situation seems to be quite normal. But if there are absolutely no funds on the account of your interlocutor, you will hear this message. There are two ways to do this - top up a person's account or try to call later... By the way, the phrase presented in the review can be heard as a result of a network error on the side of another operator - everything is possible in roaming (especially in international roaming).


In some cases, we hear the answer "This type of communication is not available for the subscriber" when the MTS subscriber has made a debt. Although most often we hear a notification about the blocking of the called number. Just try to contact this person later. or call him on another number (for example, home or work).

Broken SIM card

The notification "This type of communication is not available for the subscriber" can be sounded even when the called subscriber's SIM card fails - this does not happen often, but there is always a risk of breakage. In this case you need to wait until the interlocutor notices a breakdown and takes action to replace the SIM card - this is done in MTS service offices. In general, the phrase is not always clear, otherwise it would not have raised so many questions. MTS would not hurt to make its service more informative and develop several phrases for certain cases. And many subscribers who have already heard such an answer from an autoinformer agree with this.

If necessary, you can ask a question about such an answer from the autoinformer to the hotline employees - perhaps they will give you more accurate information about the current situation.

Hello, friends! If it is important for you to constantly stay in touch, then the phrase: this type of communication is unavailable for the subscriber - leads you to confusion.

Most often, nothing terrible happens, and what does such a text mean, we will consider in more detail.

Let's find out how to understand what this autoresponder phrase means.

This may be facilitated by the following reasons:

  1. If the subscriber has a negative account, and the incoming service is disabled.
  2. When the score is close to zero. This happens when you are in roaming.
  3. With voluntary blocking.
  4. For problems with a SIM card.
  5. Due to network failures.
  6. Due to signal problems.

Let's take a closer look at why the answering machine generates such a message. In some cases, it is still possible to contact the subscriber.

Let's find out how to get through in the following situations.

No money

If the message “this type of communication is not available to the subscriber” comes with a lack of funds, then in some packages, or another operator, incoming can be disabled.

You can also top up your account with a small amount or pay a subscription fee according to the tariff.

Blocking option

If the balance is negative, incoming blocking may be established. This can happen while roaming.
Even if the number is blocked and the answering machine says that it is impossible to get in touch, there are other ways to contact the subscriber.

Your interlocutor will be able to answer SMS if there is no way to get through. This option is even available when traveling abroad for free.

If the user is roaming you can send SMS.

Network problems

A network failure can occur with any operator, like Tele2 or or any other. This is due to problems in telecommunication infrastructures.

In rare cases, reports of communication difficulties may indicate equipment failure.

If the service is available and there are no problems with money, then make calls with a short interval. Often, operators will quickly fix the failure.

In such a situation, you can also send SMS.
Try these steps:

  • contact support;
  • wait until the problem is resolved;
  • see coverage map.

SIM card problems

Communication may be unavailable in case of problems with the SIM card. In this case, it will be recorded by the operator, but will not work correctly.

In this case, you need to contact the subscriber in another way. If the fee is fully paid and the problem persists, the card should be checked and replaced at the post office.
If the number is not used and there is a debt, it is recommended to check the expenses on the site and put the money in order to get a positive balance.
You can inform the subscriber that his card does not receive calls.

What to do if the phone is disconnected

If the mobile device is turned off, a voice message is issued that the subscriber is out of range or that he cannot receive a call. If there is a service "They called me"then the subscriber will receive a message when it appears on the network.
You can send a message or make a voice recording to your answering machine. If the negative balance is not repaid for a long time, then paid and free services can be turned off.

You can also leave a message or wait until the network appears.

Bad signal

The signal unavailable message can appear when the signal is not sure. For example, in coverage zones 2 G. In this case, you can view the overlap map on the provider's website.
The subscriber may also be unavailable when moving in the border areas. This happens when the train moves through the territory of another state or in the areas of operation of cell towers of foreign operators.

To keep the connection, you need to activate roaming and top up your account.
Such problems can also occur when using an LTE 4G card. If the subscriber does not use such capabilities, then there may be no connection.

Also, problems will arise if the subscriber is out of coverage.
In this case, it is worth changing the phone settings and calling the subscriber in 2 G format. In new devices this can be done without problems, but there are some restrictions in the settings.
Hopefully these simple guidelines will help you quickly identify what the problem is.

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When making calls, subscribers periodically hear such a voice notification as - "This type of communication is not available for the subscriber."

Having heard such a message, you should not think that your number was blacklisted, thereby avoiding communication. Such a recording can sound for a number of reasons:

  • low signal level;
  • mobile is disabled;
  • problems with the sim card;
  • network failure;
  • negative balance of the subscriber to the number to which the call is made.

Connection quality

In the first case, such a message may be caused by a malfunction in the operator's equipment. There are a lot of reasons for this - preventive work, difficult weather conditions. Also, the subscriber can be located far from the MTS communication towers.

If the service is not connected, "roaming" also leads to this kind of information. Returning to the coverage area, the user will receive a list of missed calls. Usually call back it goes well in a few minutes, without mistakes.

The quality of communication also depends on the method of coverage - there are fewer communication towers outside the city and in rural areas it is not always possible to connect to 3G networks. This applies not only to the subscriber to whose number the call is made, but also to the user who is calling.

Disabled device

The automatic recording "This type of communication is not available for the subscriber" can also be heard if the device is turned off to receive calls - it is in flight mode, or if it is used as a modem, for an Internet connection.

When a call comes in, the device should switch to phone mode, but it happens that due to malfunctions of the operator or the smartphone itself, this does not happen - the phone remains in modem mode, and the caller hears a voice notification.

SIM card malfunction

Not as common a problem as the previous ones, but takes place... There are a lot of reasons for the problem - a factory defect in the card or built-in chip, dust or small debris between the contact panel of the phone and the SIM card chip.

Most often, this happens due to the formation of condensation, when moisture can collect in the smartphone when entering a warm room from the street in winter, which contributes to the formation of oxide on the SIM card contacts.

Sometimes a problem can arise due to mechanical damage to the SIM card, for example, when it is removed from one device and installed in another smartphone.

but it may not always be caused by damage - an incorrectly inserted card may well cause such a problem. If a problem is identified in the SIM card, you should contact the MTS service center, where it is possible to make transferring the old number to the new card. After doing this, the user will receive an informational message about missed calls.

Network outages

This item includes problems beyond the control of the telecom operator. As a rule, this does not happen so often - power outages, lightning strikes, and a number of other reasons.

The operator informs about force majeure, evenly distributes the load across the towers and centers, but this takes time, it is quite possible that you heard such a notification just at the moment of one of these reconnections.

Lack of positive balance

"This type of communication is not available for the subscriber" - the notification sounds in the speaker of the device if the subscriber to whom the incoming call is being made has not replenished the account for a long time. This practice is used by many telecom operators.

If the user did not replenish the account for a long period of time, while using the incoming channels, thereby making no profit to the service provider, the operator suspends the service of the subscriber number. The suspension of services can also be in the event that the subscriber number has not been used for a long time.

Sometimes the number is blocked at the request of the subscriber... This is done in order to avoid paying for services at a certain time, for example, for a vacation or business trip. When the user's account is replenished, the blocking is removed.

As a rule, the problem is partially solvable via SMS. If, when making a call, the message "this type of communication is not available for the subscriber" is repeated several times in a short period of time, then most likely these are network-related problems, by sending a text SMS to the subscriber's number, it is likely that it will reach and you will be called back.

However, after a long time, you have not been able to get through to the desired number, contact the operator and try to clarify the reason... It is quite possible that the number has not been serviced for a long time and it was changed to another one, or preventive work is underway, and the subscriber is just in the area of \u200b\u200bwork.

In the modern world, you constantly have to call either to resolve personal issues, or because of important business tasks. Everyone has probably heard different variations of the notification about the inability to get through, and it is not always clear what the matter is. So, many users have a question, what does “This type of communication is not available for an MTS subscriber” mean? And doesn't this mean that a person ignores a specific subscriber.

General alert information

In the MTS company for each of the cases of lack of communication with the subscriber, various voice notifications are provided. Information from the answering machine that the called number cannot receive incoming calls due to the unavailability of communication is one of the most common and can occur in a large number of cases.

There are no funds on the balance sheet

The first and most common reason why such an alert may appear is that the called user has run out of money in the account. If the subscriber has a negative, and in some cases even zero, balance, the operator stops providing full services to him until the funds are deposited into his personal account. When the user makes a payment and the SIM card works, he will receive notifications about missed connections.

In order not to find themselves in a similar situation, the company offers its customers to use the Auto Pay function. Regular customers who actively use the paid services of Mobile Telesystems PJSC are provided with the possibility of service-loans from the operator for using communications for a short time after the end of the funds.

Important! When a client uses a tariff plan with payment for used services after the fact, to unblock incoming calls, it is enough to deposit a small amount to the personal account. When using prepaid packages, a full monthly fee must be paid to activate the card.

SIM card blocked

The user has a SIM card blocked. MTS provides for 2 cases of card blocking: permanent in cases of termination of the contract or non-compliance with its terms by one of the parties, or temporary, at the request of the client, for example, during a long trip.

With this blocking, it is impossible to know for sure what happened to the called number. Therefore, if there are alternative communication channels, it is better to try to use them. Even if the SIM card is temporarily disabled, in this case, missed call notifications may not come to the addressee.

Attention! In order not to miss important calls, when voluntarily blocking the card, it is better to set up call forwarding to an active phone number.

No network signal

Such notification also means that where the user is at the moment, there is no signal from MTS. The situation may arise in cases when the subscriber moves around the country in the coverage area of \u200b\u200bpartner networks or abroad, without connecting roaming services or disconnecting them on their own in order to save money.

Most of the tariff plans available for connection have roaming options set by default. However, there are contracts that do not provide for such options. In order not to be left without communication while traveling, check the availability of services, and if necessary, activate them before leaving the country.

The telephone is switched off

Some mobile devices, when disconnected, continue to receive a network signal, then when dialing, an alert will sound that the device is temporarily unavailable. If the phone of a potential interlocutor does not support such functionality, then when you call there will be a voice notification "This type of communication is not available for the MTS subscriber."

Attention! In order not to miss important calls when the phone is discharged or off, it is recommended to set up the “You've received a call!” Notification service. With its help, after turning on the device, the user will receive messages about all calls received during the disconnection of the device, indicating the contacts.

Network failure

Sometimes the mobile operator itself has malfunctions caused by adjusting equipment, testing new services or, for reasons beyond its control, force majeure. As a rule, temporary interruptions in communication are eliminated quickly even in emergency situations, therefore, in order to understand the reasons for the lack of connection and make sure that there is no connection with the phone number for reasons that are not the provider's fault, it is recommended to make several dialing attempts at different intervals. ...

Internet tariff

A similar notification occurs due to reasons such as using a telephone set as a modem or SIM card on a device that does not support telephone conversations (some types of tablets, modems).

Users who rarely speak on a mobile phone, and more often use Internet services, transfer the phone to special tariffs with maximum traffic, while not providing for conversations. This case can also be one of the reasons for the notification of the unavailability of the type of communication for the subscriber when trying to get through.


A message that this type of communication is not available for an MTS subscriber may indicate different types of blocking or restrictions on the called subscriber's phone number. When the message sounds at a number that does not exactly fall under the blocking, you should try to dial a few more times. Often, notifications are sounded when a subscriber is in the metro, where the connection is unstable.

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