How to charge your new samsung phone. Whether the new phone battery needs to be discharged. Whether to leave the smartphone on charge overnight

There are many myths about charging a smartphone. Not all users know how to properly charge it, not suspecting that the battery life depends on it.

All modern batteries are prone to degradation, which is a natural process. This is not affected by the careful use and charging of the phone. The battery capacity is slowly but surely decreasing.

After 2-4 years, it will have to be changed to a new one. Devices are obsolete much earlier now.

The large gap is due to the difference in the quality of different models of power supplies. Their manufacturing technology and operating features may also differ.

The first time the charge must be brought to the maximum mark.

Some users believe that after the purchase, the gadget needs to be charged in a special way. As if it should be discharged to 0, and then left at the outlet for 10 hours.

This myth is a reason for speculation. The built-in microcontroller in the phone prevents discharge below or above the norm, even if it is turned off from 0%.

How to properly charge a new smartphone battery: for the first time, its charge must be brought to the maximum mark so that the displayed battery capacity is synchronized with the actual one. In the future, the electronics will display the correct charge level.

It is good to completely drain the battery once a month.

Not knowing how to properly charge your smartphone can shorten its lifespan. Even if your Android device is new, you need to handle it with care.

Do not leave the gadget on charge more than necessary. If you recharge your phone from evening to morning, battery degradation will increase.

It is helpful to completely drain the battery once a month. The procedure is necessary to calibrate the electronics, which is responsible for the correct display of the state of charge.

Charging after a year of work

Over time, the battery capacity decreases. After a year of use, the battery will charge slightly more slowly than before.

Initially, all lithium-ion power supplies are designed for only 2-3 years. With approximately the same frequency, users buy more modern gadgets.

It is better to connect the charger to the phone at temperatures above 0 ° C

It is necessary to remember about the temperature regime. Lithium-ion batteries do not transmit current at -20 ° C. If the battery heats up to + 45 ° C and above, it begins to degrade. This process accelerates the wear of the power supply and shortens the service life.

It is better to connect the charger to the phone at temperatures above 0 ° C. The optimal battery for use is + 20 ° C.

If for some time the smartphone will not be used, you must turn it off with a charge level of about 50%. We recommend that you recharge your device as often as possible. It is preferable to do this several times a day. Then it will be possible to maintain the charge at 40-80%.

However, you should not charge your gadget too often. If you need to increase autonomy, you should turn off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, because they increase the power consumption of the device.

The rule is also true for unnecessary programs. Do not cover your phone. Materials with low thermal conductivity will make it difficult to remove heat from the gadget. This increases the risk of fire.

When using fast charging, remove the case from your phone. Do not forget about the safety rules for the operation of the electrical network.

Use only original chargers. If cheap Chinese charging is used, then it is forbidden to leave the smartphone unattended for a long time.

When using fast charging, you need to remove the case from the phone

A couple of extra hours will not harm the device, because modern gadgets have charge controllers - they stop the current supply, feeding the battery at the required frequency.

How long does it take to charge the phone

You don't need to charge your cell phone longer than needed. Experts strongly recommend turning off the charging immediately after the battery is full.

They draw an analogy with the muscles that need to be relaxed after exercise, otherwise they will hurt.

Gadgets are charged in 2 hours if the phone was completely discharged. You can leave your phone on charging on or off.

When fully discharged and charged to 100%, the lithium-ion battery will last 500 cycles

How to properly charge a smartphone battery - to extend the battery life, it is better to recharge the battery several times a day. You can charge the gadget both in the car and in the office.

When fully discharged and charged to 100%, the lithium-ion battery will last 500 cycles. If the value reaches 50%, the number of cycles rises to 1500. Experts do not recommend charging the device as much as possible to avoid the negative influence of high voltage.

Charge overnight

This option is considered not the most suitable, because almost all batteries fill up in 2-3 hours.

During the remaining time, the device powers the phone to maintain a 100% charge level. The battery is in a state of “stress”, which will soon begin to decrease its original capacity.

Overheating is sometimes due to wireless charging with a coil or poor quality electronics

The latter arise due to the working functions of the smartphone, if it is connected to a charger. In such a situation, you must turn on the energy-saving mode.

The battery must not be hot, which could cause a fire. The battery can be cold or warm.

Overheating is sometimes due to wireless charging with a coil or poor quality electronics. Before buying a device, it is recommended to read customer reviews: if they say “the phone is warming”, you must refuse to purchase.

At what level to keep the charge

The most effective percentage of charge is considered to be 40-80%. This range should be maintained and the gadget will perform optimally.

Its brand does not matter: Samsung, Xiaomi or others. The operating system of the phone also does not matter: Android or iOS.

How to speed up smartphone charging

It's better not to overuse Quick Charge, but use it in extreme cases

Nowadays, fast chargers are especially popular. When using Quick Charge, powerful impulses are applied to the battery. Thanks to them, the recharging time is reduced. But the method has an important drawback: the battery overheats a lot, which makes it wear faster.

To properly charge your smartphone, you cannot use the default quick charge. And the problem isn't just excessive heating.

The device recharges extremely unevenly. The fastest rate is reaching 50-70%. The rest takes twice as long. Users often only half-charge the gadget, which damages the battery.

It is better not to overuse Quick Charge, but use it in extreme cases. When not in a rush, the standard charger should be preferred. It is undesirable to purchase budget options and alternative adapters that support the technology in question.

After buying a new smartphone, the first thing the user does is to connect the gadget to the network via the charger. At the same time, few people think that certain rules must be followed when charging for the first time. And then you can see that the phone has to be recharged more and more often.

The decrease in battery capacity occurs for two reasons: improper handling of the gadget and violation of the rules for the first installation for charging. In this article we will tell you about the main types of batteries and teach you how to properly charge your smartphone battery for the first time, in which case the phone battery will last much longer than the warranty period.

On the pages of technical forums and sites, it is customary to talk about 4 main types of batteries for phones. However, in 2017, you can completely limit yourself to two types. The fact is, nickel-cadmium and nickel-metal hydride were used in gadgets 10-15 years ago and are no longer used. This is due to the fact that such batteries are difficult to use - they have to be charged only after they are completely discharged, and they can also be very toxic.

In recent years, mobile device manufacturers have used two main types of batteries:

  • Li-ion;
  • Lithium polymer.

Such batteries can be charged at least 50, at least 20% of the charge. In addition, they are much more convenient to operate. The advantage of using lithium-polymer batteries is also that such batteries can withstand more charge cycles, and thanks to polymer electrolyte, they can be made lighter and thinner.

Speaking about how to properly charge a smartphone battery for the first time, many technical experts recommend performing a so-called swing or battery calibration:

  1. Fully discharge the phone before turning off the phone. This can be done by running several resource-intensive modules at the same time (Wi-Fi, GPS, flashlight, and so on);
  2. Connect the charger. The user manual should indicate how long it takes to fully charge the phone;
  3. Leave the phone to charge for several hours, for example overnight. By the way, it is recommended to charge the switched off smartphone so that the battery does not consume power to maintain the operation of the main systems;
  4. Repeat this procedure 2 or 4 times.

After such a buildup, you can charge the battery at any time, without waiting for a complete discharge, and leave it connected to the mains even with a 100% battery indicator scale. This is another advantage of Li-Ion and Li-Pol batteries: the battery does not overcharge.

Follow these simple tips to keep your phone battery as long as possible:

  • Do not let your phone battery drain completely. It is enough to bring the indicator level to 10%, and you can connect the charger;
  • You don't need to fully charge your phone. It is recommended to alternate the charge up to 70-80 and up to 100% several times a month;
  • Do not leave your smartphone online for a long time. Modern batteries, of course, can cope with the excess charge, but you should not abuse this opportunity;
  • Do not expose your phone to heat or cold. Lithium-ion and lithium-polymer batteries are very capricious with respect to high and low temperatures;
  • If you do not use your phone for a long time, it is better to remove the battery, as the unused battery can soon, as the techies say, “fade away”.

Which smartphone with a powerful battery is best for you?

A modern user's mobile gadget rarely lies idle for more than 5 minutes. Moreover, calls and SMS are not the largest share of active use. Internet access via Wi-Fi or mobile traffic, geolocation, working with applications, playing games, watching videos and starting audio - all this puts a heavy load on even the most capacious battery.

Considering these factors, it is preferable to choose a smartphone in which a large battery capacity is combined with the performance of the hardware. A big plus in this case is the availability of the gadget. It is wrong to think that a smartphone with a powerful battery should cost tens of thousands of rubles. For example, the British company Fly has been proving with each new smartphone model for 14 years that it is possible to produce a productive and long-playing device and at the same time adhere to the budget price category.

The most powerful smartphone in terms of battery capacity in the brand's model lineup is. The 4000 mAh battery demonstrates high battery life:

  • up to 15 hours of conversation;
  • up to 350 hours of waiting;
  • up to 8 hours of video playback and Internet browsing via Wi-Fi;
  • up to 70 hours of listening to music.

In addition, the smartphone battery supports XLife technology. This means that Fly Nimbus 12 can be used as an external battery to charge another smartphone or tablet. The smartphone did not disappoint in terms of technical stuffing either. A powerful 1.3 GHz quad-core processor will provide long and stable work with applications, and high-quality display of videos and photos takes place on a bright and contrast 5-inch IPS-display in HD resolution.

If the user needs a lithium-polymer battery installed in the smartphone, the gadget itself meets all modern technical requirements, and at the same time is notable for its availability, we recommend paying attention to the novelty of the spring-summer 2017 season -. Largely due to the use of a compact Li-Pol battery for 2400 mAh, the smartphone in a metal case was made thin and light.

By combining various modes, for example, going online via Wi-Fi, watching videos, making calls, SMS and working with applications, you can safely forget about the charger from morning until late at night.

Now you know how to properly charge your phone for the first time. Choose the most suitable, reliable and powerful gadget for yourself, do not forget about our recommendations - and you will not have to think about buying a new smartphone for a long time.

Modern gadgets need to be regularly connected to the electrical network. At the same time, you need to know how to properly charge the phone so that the battery does not deteriorate. Compliance with the basic rules prevents rapid battery failure.

Battery types in smartphones

The main types of batteries installed in smartphones are lithium and polymer. The operation of the first type of batteries is similar to that of nickel-cadmium and metal hydride batteries. Despite its many advantages, lithium batteries also have disadvantages. Pure metal is practically not used, it was replaced by alloys.

Most often, modern smartphones use Li-Polymer (lithium polymer) or Li-Ion (lithium-ion) batteries.

Energy generation in polymer batteries is based on the principle of plastic flowing into a conductor. An electrolyte containing lithium ions increases conductivity.

There are the following types of batteries:

  • with polymer content supplemented with lithium compounds;
  • with a dry polymer mixture;
  • with glass fiber impregnated with lithium alloys.

How to properly charge a new smartphone battery

The method of charging a new battery is different from the process of recharging an already used power source. With the standard method, the battery capacity is significantly reduced. If the battery is not removable, the device will require costly repairs.

The battery of a new smartphone should be completely discharged before charging.

When charging lithium-ion or polymer cells, a number of rules must be followed:

  1. At the first stage, the product must be completely discharged. You should not perform this action, dramatically increasing the load on the processor. You need to wait for a spontaneous discharge.
  2. After discharging, the smartphone is connected to the charger. The recommended duration of the procedure is indicated in the technical passport of the phone. The first time, 2 hours are added to this value.
  3. The fully recharged phone is being used as intended. After the discharge, the power recovery cycle should be repeated. Several repetitions of the procedure will keep the battery working.

How to choose the right uninterruptible power supply for your computer

New phone with li-ion battery

Frequent deep discharges will negatively affect battery life. Even in the first days after purchase, you should not bring the charge level to 0%. The minimum charge threshold should be 20-30%.

Continuous charging is equally dangerous. It is impossible to bring the power level up to 100%. An indicator of 95% is considered normal. Trying to “swing” such a battery can ruin it.

New smartphone with li-pol battery

Such products are equally sensitive to deep discharge. Procedures that increase the capacity of the power source are carried out no more than once every six months. You need to connect the charger when the indicator shows 15%. Periodic charging helps to extend the life of the product.

The question of the advisability of a full discharge and charge during commissioning raises many disputes. Polymer lithium cells have no memory effect. The service life can be increased by the introduction of an inhibitor that decomposes on the first charge.

A new smartphone with a Li-Pol battery is best charged at 15% battery capacity.

How to extend phone battery life

The choice of maintenance method depends on the type of electrolyte.

In all cases, the following rules must be observed:

  1. You cannot use any charger not included with the phone. The original appliance stops charging after reaching the required power. When using non-original chargers, the battery eventually stops gaining and holding a charge.
  2. You need to know how to properly operate and store the device. It is not recommended to use the phone in cold weather or high humidity. Temperature changes lead to a deterioration in the characteristics of the battery. A half-discharged product is sent for storage. You cannot keep a gadget inoperative with a fully charged battery.
  3. It is not recommended to use traditional methods of increasing the capacity. Direct wiring, heating or squeezing will increase the power by no more than 5%. The battery may then deteriorate.

How to properly charge a smartphone with a li ion battery

To maintain the basic performance of the battery, the following methods are used:

  1. Charging with original device. The device generates a current that has the parameters necessary to restore the battery power. With constant use of the complete charger, malfunctions will not occur during the entire shelf life.
  2. USB charging. When connected to a computer, the charge will recover slowly. However, applying a low current has a positive effect on the condition of the battery.
  3. Connecting to the car's cigarette lighter. The method is suitable for lovers of car driving. When using this method, the phone charges for at least 12 hours.
  4. Separate charging with "frog". The device is used to restore the charge of any type of battery.

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Calibrate the battery regularly. The product is completely discharged and then connected to the charger.

Rules for charging a phone with a li pol battery

These batteries charge up to 95%, after which the electricity supply is cut off. When the battery is deeply discharged and the smartphone is turned off, recharging starts immediately. The polymer cells are not damaged by regular recharging in small portions. You can connect your smartphone to the charger at any time, but you cannot carry out the procedure continuously. This will damage the battery.

The battery is equipped with a controller that prevents complete loss of charge. It stops the flow of current after a full charge. If the battery power level changes, the electricity supply is restored.

Charging ni mh battery

Old-style power supplies are characterized by a short service life and the presence of a memory effect. The battery memorizes the threshold power level, which becomes impossible to overcome. The battery begins to charge quickly and loses its charge just as rapidly. Exercise helps prevent capacity depletion.

To do this, the smartphone is discharged, connected to the charger and waiting for the full recovery of power. This helps to increase the capacity by 5%.

What is not allowed when charging the phone battery

Any battery containing lithium ions is sensitive to temperature extremes, shocks and drops.

With li ion battery

Frequent deep discharge is harmful for such a product. Overcharging causes the electrolyte to boil and the battery swells. Frequent calibration is also contraindicated. Overheating or using at low temperatures will reduce battery capacity. The procedure for increasing the capacity should not be carried out more than once a year.

With li pol battery

When using a phone with the Android operating system, do not allow the battery to be completely discharged, frequent calibration, or continuous charging. A decrease or increase in temperature is harmful to the power supply.

Smartphones with Li-Pol and Li-Ion batteries must not be discharged to zero, as it can reduce the battery capacity.

With ni mh battery

Older batteries must not be recharged as this will reduce capacity. Do not store your phone with a Nickel-Metal Hydride battery in a charged state. Do not expose the battery to heat or shock. The integrity of the case of such batteries is broken faster than that of the new model. It is recommended to perform a calibration every 2 months.

Everyone who has bought a mobile phone has heard the advice that for the first time phone batteries need to be fully discharged and only then must be charged to 100%. If you don't, then, like, ruin the battery and that's it, a brand new phone can be carried to a landfill. In fact, this advice made sense about ten to fifteen years ago, when nickel batteries were widely used in mobile electronics. Now times have changed, but habits have remained the same.

In fact, the first thing you need to do is find out what type of battery is installed in your new device. This information can be obtained from the seller, read on the Internet (on the official websites of the manufacturer) or, if the battery is removable, just remove the back cover and look at the marking.

Ni-MH or Ni-Cd

It is very, very unlikely, but if you bought a rarity such as Samsung SGH-M100 of 2000, or some very ancient phone only as a dialer, then you can find such an inscription on its battery. This means that the model has a nickel-cadmium (NiCd) or nickel-metal hydride (NiMH) battery. And you really have to tinker with it: this type of battery has a memory effect, i.e. "remembers" at what percentage it was charged and reduces its capacity. Only these batteries make sense to discharge to zero and charge to 100%.

But this is rare today. If you buy a more or less modern smartphone, a lithium battery will be installed in it.

Li-Ion or Li-Pol

Partner Samsung's Li-Ion battery, or its improved Li-polymer version, is not subject to memory effect. And even more: it is highly not recommended to completely discharge them and store them 100% charged for a long time. Bona fide sellers have a li-Ion battery and are sold two-thirds charged in order to retain their capacity longer and serve the buyer longer.

Any lithium battery is designed for a specific number of charge-discharge cycles. A new cycle starts from the moment when the percentage of charge is zero. The more often your smartphone reaches this mark, the faster the battery will become unusable. In addition, if you achieve a deep overdischarge of the battery, it will stop charging altogether.


When buying a new phone, ask what kind of battery is installed in it. There is a 99.9% chance it will be a lithium-ion battery. It already has 60 percent charge, so you can use your phone right away. Do not wait for the gadget to require recharging, connect it to the charger by 20-30%.

And how to ensure that the battery lasts longer, read

In this article, we'll talk about how to properly charge your new phone. An incredible amount of myths and misconceptions revolve around this topic. We will first look at common instructions, and then go over the inaccuracies in them in detail.

Modern smartphones use lithium-ion (Li-ion) and lithium-polymer (Li-pol) batteries. Their main properties and advantages:

  • Lack of memory effect.
  • Fast charge accumulation.
  • High capacity in minimum size.

They are fully charged in 2-3 hours, depending on the charge current, and also provide power to the powerful stuffing of modern gadgets. As for lithium polymer batteries, they have two more properties - they work over a wider temperature range and have a longer service life. They are also characterized by explosion safety.

Old nickel-cadmium batteries are not found in modern smartphones. They are too bulky, have a memory effect, have a small number of charge-discharge cycles, and contain toxic cadmium. In addition, they cannot boast of a high capacity. Therefore, today lithium-ion and lithium-polymer batteries rule the ball. Moreover, they have reached their theoretical capacity limit.

The emergence of any breakthrough technologies that allow increasing the capacity of batteries is not expected in the near future - phone manufacturers will have to be content with what they have.

First Charge Options

In the days of nickel-cadmium batteries, there were certain guidelines on how to properly charge a mobile phone after purchasing it in a store. Experts advised to follow a certain scheme:

  • Complete discharge of the battery before power failure.
  • Battery charge for 12 hours (or overnight).
  • Repeated full discharge.

There was an alternative scheme that included turning off the power for at least a day. That is, users were advised to discharge the phone completely, plug it into a charger, and leave it on for 24 hours. We recommend the number of repetitions - only 1 time. Another scheme involved connecting to the network before the phone automatically disconnects.

Similar recommendations can be heard today, but it's not clear why - remember that modern batteries do not have a memory effect. Despite this, the employees of the salons continue to tell customers what has long lost its relevance.

Smartphones with lithium polymer and lithium ion batteries don't need any special charging circuits at all. All seller recommendations aside - their technical knowledge is often nil. The new smartphone battery charges in the same way as the old one. Discharge the phone and plug it in until it is fully charged. As soon as the charge level reaches 100%, the charging circuit will automatically stop feeding the battery. Remember that modern batteries do not need "training" and "pumping".

Common myths about battery charging

7 common myths about charging a new phone

Do I need to use original chargers (chargers)

More desirable than necessary. Manufacturers are not responsible for the performance of smartphones when using non-original chargers - if this is found, the buyer will void the warranty. But you still don't need to buy the cheapest chargers, since they do not provide enough current to charge the batteries and have a low build quality (and some still fight with current, give too high a voltage and heat up like hell).

Do I need to "train" the phone after buying it

No, you don't need to do this. As the discharge progresses, connect the charger to it and charge to 100%. You can leave it overnight - there will be no "overcharge", as the process is controlled by a control circuit.

Do I need to turn off the phone when charging

It's up to you, if you want to - turn it off, if you don't want to - don't turn it off. The battery doesn't care if the handset is on or not. Moreover, in standby mode, it consumes a minimum amount of electricity.

Is it possible to charge the phone if the discharge has not occurred completely

This is also your business. Moreover, deep discharge is harmful to modern batteries - you should not discharge them to complete zero. And even more so, avoid long-term storage of the handset with a discharged battery, otherwise it may simply not turn on later. The battery must be charged at least halfway before long-term storage.

A hot battery is a sign of overcharging

Most likely, something happened to the phone itself, and it stopped monitoring the battery charge. We recommend contacting the service center or the nearest workshop.

And what will happen if you use a charger with a high current

It's okay - the control circuit will automatically limit the charging current. Worst of all, if a charger with insufficient current is used - in this case, the battery will charge longer than expected.

Long-term battery charging from laptops and cheap chargers is a consequence of insufficient charging current.

Is it possible to interrupt the charging process

Of course - nothing terrible will happen to the battery, because there is no memory effect. By the way, some tubes ask to be connected to the charger already at 20%, others - at 10%. You have the right to connect to the charger and disconnect from it as often as necessary. But talking on a charging phone is not recommended due to a possible explosion (even the latest batteries are not insured against it).

How to charge a simple phone with a nickel cadmium battery

This is where some recommendations are needed. Discharge the tube completely, then charge to 100% (you can leave it overnight). Repeat the procedure two to three times. Keeping the phone turned off or on is up to you, it will not affect the process in any way.

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