How to be invisible in contact with a computer. How to hide online Vkontakte mode

Everyone knows that in VK you can find out the time when the user last visited the site - it is displayed on his page. In addition, the status is displayed, whether the user is currently on the site or not. Accordingly, you cannot go to the social network and go unnoticed. But is it really so?

Currently, there are several ways that allow you to stay offline while on the VK website. We will talk about some of them today.

By the way, why do you need to hide your stay on the site at all? There are many reasons. For example, you do not want to communicate with this or that user who is on the site, so you visit the social network in such a way that it does not even occur to him that you are on the site at the moment.

Now let's move on to the overview of services.

How to be offline on a computer

First, let's talk about the desktop. So, if you want to be offline in VK in the regular desktop version, you can try using special browser extensions. One of them is called VKfox - it can be found, for example, in the Chrome web store (for the browser of the same name) or on the official website (

Let's say you decided to install the plugin from the site. We go to it and click on the "Install" button.

On Google Chrome, you will be redirected to the extension store. Click on the "Install" button.

Then confirm the plugin installation if you agree with the permissions.

The plugin icon will appear at the top right of the window. Click on it and you can travel around VK, remaining completely invisible. The only thing that you should not do is correspond and leave comments, since this way you will be online (but not always and not in all cases).

If you open VK through a browser, you will immediately be online and declassify yourself.

Be invisible on your phone

It is possible to be invisible, including using a mobile application. Only in this case, you will need a third-party application, such as Kate Mobile, which is one of the most popular third-party applications for VKontakte.

Download the application, install and run. In the upper right part of the screen, click on the button in the form of three dots to bring up a menu. Select "Settings" from the menu.

In the settings section, you need to select the "Online" item.

Here select the item "If possible be offline".

In this case, the application will inform you that you can stay offline only if you do not write anything on the wall.

Use the social network using the application and remain invisible (if possible).

Universal way

And this method has long been known and works both for the desktop version of VK and for the mobile one.

As you know, the "Online" status is displayed within 15 minutes after the user, for example, has closed a tab in the browser. If you keep the tab open, but at the same time do not go to other sections of the site, including news or communities, then the user will go offline, but in fact he will be on the site. For example, if a user watches a movie in VK, then his status will be "Offline", since he does not navigate the site.

According to some reports, the transition to some sections leaves the user unnoticed, that is, you can try to move between sections without being noticed. But if you write a message or go to the news section, you will immediately reveal yourself.

This method can be used, but with caution - the probability of being revealed is high.

ATTENTION! The site administration is not responsible for the content of applications and plugins described above. You install them at your own peril and risk.


It so happens that you are going to watch a movie or calmly listen to music in VK, and you immediately begin to get overwhelmed by messages from friends and acquaintances. This is especially not the case in those moments when, in parallel with listening to music, you are trying to do some work on your computer.

To prevent messages from harassing you at the wrong time, you can go to VK invisible from the computer.

Easily and without connecting any services, this can be done if you go to your personal messages in VK and calmly wait 15-20 minutes. During this time, do not go to your page and do not look through the accounts of your friends.

And then Vk will make you invisible. In other words, without showing any activity in the tab, your incoming and subscribers will not see you online in VK.

Once this time has passed, move on to music and listen to it calmly. However, remember that if you are going to go to your home page or to your friend's page, then you will no longer be invisible.

If you search the Internet and enter VK through Opera, then in order to become invisible, you can try to connect the following settings:

1) In Opera, go to the settings tab and find general settings.

2) After, click on the advanced item, and find the network there

3) Next, you need to turn off automatic redirection. Uncheck this box and save the parameters as they are.

4) As soon as you do this, in the browser you need to click on this link: and log in there.

5) The service will give you an error, but in fact, you did everything right. Now go to any tab in VK, except for your page and listen to music. Also remember that when you go to your page, you will not be invisible.

Also, in order to become invisible in VK there is a special service

This is an interesting VK application with which you can save the invisible status from your computer. At the same time, you can also go to the pages of your friends in it, manage.

How to enter VK invisible from the phone

In Vk you can not only from prying eyes, but also go invisible from the phone.

If only a mobile phone is enough for you to communicate in VK, then in order to remain unnoticed in the vastness of the network, download and install the invisible application in VK for your iPhone and Katya mobile if you have an android.

In invisible for iPhone, you can read messages from your friends, but they will be highlighted unread. In Katya mobile, you will need to go to the settings and click on the checkmark next to the field “be online if possible”. Thus, you can sit with your phone in VK and remain invisible.

If you go to contact through a browser or phone, then automatically you will have the status "Online". In this case, it will be seen whether you are logged in from a mobile device, or from a computer.

Thus, anyone can find out if you are currently on a social network (see).

If you need no one to see you, then you can go to the contact in incognito mode. In this case, all functions will be available without changes. The only difference is that there will be no Online status.

Let's get a look, how can i log into VK incognito.

How to log into VK incognito using programs

There is quite a lot of software that allows you to simplify or speed up your work with a social network. An example of such a program is VKlife. By the way, in the list of its features, there was the function of entering into contact, in incognito mode.

We go to the official website of the program and download it.


Start the installation process. Keep in mind that you need a Yandex browser.

We confirm the addition.

We hide our presence on VKontakte, with the help of a little trick

The essence of the method lies in the peculiarities of assigning the status "Online". It is activated the moment you visit your page. In the event that within 15 minutes you do not take any action, the status will automatically change to "Offline". You are now in incognito mode.

Keep in mind that in this state, you cannot go back to your page, and to the pages of your friends. Otherwise, you will get Online status again.

You can go to the page of messages (see), photos (see), audio and video recordings (see).

Incognito mode VK via Mozilla Firefox browser

I found an interesting method on the network that supposedly allows you to go through the mozilla so that no one can see you online. The essence of the method is as follows.

We launch the mozilla, and in the address bar we type:

About: config

You will be taken to the settings page. Here in the search we type:


The corresponding parameter is found.

Now we double-click on this parameter. A new window will open. Here we are, firstly remember the current value, secondly, set it to "0".

Now go to the contact, and try to log in with your credentials (see). You should receive an error message.


It remains only to return to the settings of the mozila, and return the parameter that we changed to its original value.

After that, you can safely use the contact in incognito mode.

PS. For some reason, this method did not work for me.


I would like to add. If you decide to achieve the use of a contact in incognito mode, using additional programs, keep in mind that there are many unsafe software on this market. Be sure to check all downloaded files with an antivirus.


In contact with

Hello dear friends! Today we will be doing interesting things. We will learn how to send messages and follow Vkontakte news, while having an offline status. Today I will teach you how to set invisible Vkontakte. This is great if you don't want other people to see you are online.

Let's not pour water then and get to practice

Invisible VK through a computer

If you most often go to the Vkontakte social network through a stationary computer or laptop, then it would be most expedient for you to install a plug-in on the browser from under which you enter the social network in order to hide your presence with it. There is such a plugin, we have already talked about it in the article about. This is a plugin from the site. We go to it and install it on your browser.

We have a plugin icon in the upper right corner of the browser in the form of a fox's face. To be invisible, we do not open our VK page, but simply click on the plugin icon. Here we are already looking at everything we need: watching the news of friends or groups:

If you go to the "People" tab, then we can send a private message to any person who is in our friends, while being invisible:

You can only light up if you accidentally go to your friend's Vkontakte page or reply to a message.

We figured out the computer, now let's move on to devices on Android

How to become invisible from your phone

If you often use a smartphone or tablet to communicate on the Vkontakte social network, then it would be logical to assume that in order to turn on the invisibility mode, you will need some kind of application. We will be installing Kate Mobile.

To do this, go to Google play and search for it through the search. After we install:

We launch the application, in the upper corner, click on the menu in the form of three vertical dots and select the "Settings" item from the drop-down list:

At the next stage, click on the "Online" item:

A window pops up in which you need to put the switch in the position "If possible, be offline":

That's it, now you can calmly wander through the news and pages of other Vkontakte users, while being in invisible mode. Leaving notes on the wall at this moment is impossible otherwise you will light up and all the conspiracy will disappear.


On the net you can find many different programs for working with VKontakte. VkLife is one such program. It is notable for its Offline function, thanks to which you can go to the site while staying. The total download and installation of the program will not take more than five minutes. You can download the program on the official website of the program at Be careful! Do not download the program from outside resources, otherwise your account may end up in the hands of intruders who took advantage of your ignorance.

If downloading software is not your method, then there is another solution. The fact is that the online status is assigned to a user who has entered profile.php, that is, to his or any other page. But if the user does not go to profile.php, then his status will be offline. How can this be done? Just follow the direct link: and do not click the "My Page" button.

In this mode, you will have access to all the basic functions of VKontakte, except for one - you will not be able to view your page and the pages of other users. That is, you can view the news, listen to, read incoming private messages, but in no case click the "My Page" link and in no case go to the pages of other users, otherwise your status will again change to unwanted online.

There is another way for Firefox browser users. Enter about: config in the address bar - this function calls browser settings. Enter network.http.redirection-limit in the Filter field. Change its value to "0". Open a new tab and "login" on the site, and if you did everything correctly, an error message should appear. Go to any VKontakte page, for example, "My News". Return to the options tab. Return the value of the network.http.redirection-limit parameter to the value it was before the changes. Your status will become offline.

Related article


  • how to be invisible in contact

Have you ever wanted to know something secret about a person, but at the same time remain unnoticed? To have such an invisibility cloak so that, like in a fairy tale, to visit a friend, a friend-enemy, he will never know about it, but at the same time tease him. To be in networks invisible is possible, especially if this network is social.


You will need

  • - knowledge of the browser installed on your computer;
  • - access to the Internet.


If you use Mozilla Firefox to surf the Internet, go to the website “ In contact with"And make sure that you are not authorized on the resource (if you are still authorized, click" Exit "). Then enter the "about: config" command in the address bar to open the browser settings menu.

In the menu that appears, look for the "Filter" field and enter the command "network.http.redirection-limit" into it. The parameter that appears after entering must be remembered and then changed to 0, which will mean that the call forwarding is prohibited.

Then you need to go to the VKontakte website and go through the authorization procedure. During this process, an error message may appear - you just need to ignore it. Now you need to go to any page, except for the main page of any user (it ends with profile.php or id12345678).

Go back to the settings tab and change the value of the network.http.redirection-limit parameter to the original one. Now, if you do not visit the main pages of users, including your own, you will be invisible to other users.

If you prefer Opera, select the "Tools" button from the browser menu, then "Options", "Advanced" and finally "Network". Here you need to uncheck the "Enable automatic redirection" box. After that, you need to complete the first four steps of the operations of this instruction.

There is another way, but it also works with limitations. Log in to the site " In contact with», Go to any page except the main page and wait 15-20 minutes for the system connection timeout to complete. After that you will be for netizens if you do not visit the main pages (profile.php or id12345678). This method is relevant for the Safari and Chrome browsers.

For the Chrome browser there is also a special application called VKontakte Offline, which, as the name suggests, allows you to work with a social network without visiting its website. Such an application is suitable for those who do not want to waste time waiting or dealing with browser settings.

Since the above methods do not always satisfy all the requirements of the secret user " In contact with», It is best to download and install a special program to work with the above-mentioned social network. The best program for secret use " In contact with"Is considered VKLife, the main thing is not to forget to press the" Offline "button on the control panel. Other programs include IceIM, VKSovety, VKGetter.


The mentioned programs for working with the VKontakte network are free and do not require registration. If you are required to send a message to a short number or transfer money to a specified account, most likely you are faced with scammers.


  • Dossier "Vkontakte" on "Habrahabr"
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