Flash to call what smartphones. Flash on Call - flash on call Android. Activating the flashlight on the phone

(Flash on incoming call or SMS) is a program, the purpose of which is easy to guess from its name. Indeed, the application allows you to add to your device the function of signaling about new messages and calls by "blinking" the built-in camera flash. There are quite a few similar programs in the Play Market, but this one differs from others in a huge number of settings and parameters. So, for example, the developers have added to their offspring the ability to adjust the number of flash "blinks" for different types of notification. In addition, in the settings, you can specify the frequency of flickering and configure the use of the flash in conjunction with the vibration of the device, as well as disable flickering when the battery is low in order to save the battery's charge.

Before applying the settings, you can test the "correctness" of the program. If you notice problems in its operation on certain device models, can you immediately report them to the developers using a special form in the application interface? Program updates are released quite often and the developers fix all the errors identified very quickly. The program is distributed free of charge.


  • 1. If you have already installed a similar application, then the probability of conflicts is 99%
  • 2. If errors occur after the update, try uninstalling and reinstalling the application
  • 3.I do not recommend using very low flicker frequency
  • 4. There are a lot of questions: "Why do you need permission for the camera." Flash refers to the camera module, in order to get permission to flash, you need to access the camera.

Flash On Call download on Android

Download Flash On Call app for Android free you can follow the link below

Developer: Evgenii Chernov
Platform: Android 4.0 and above
Interface language: Russian (RUS)
Condition: Plus (Full version) , Free (Free)
Root: Not needed

Musical call notification is not always convenient, while visual, that is, using a flash, is sometimes just necessary. Such tools will come in handy for users with hearing impairments or people doing some specific work, where it is not possible to hear the ringtone in the surrounding noise.

We will try to figure out how to turn on the flash when making a call to Android and iOS, and to do it as painlessly as possible both for the smartphone itself and for the user. Let's analyze the main staffing functionality responsible for this process (if any), and third-party tools.

Local funds

Before turning on the flash when calling on "Android" with the help of third-party applications, it is clearly not superfluous to clarify whether there is a built-in possibility of such notification in the stock firmware.

For example, almost all Samsung smartphones have such functionality built into the system and works great. In this case, it is very easy to turn on the flash when you call Android. It is enough to open the phone settings, go to the "Accessibility" section and find the "Hearing" item in it, then - "Flash notification", activate the "Flash" slider.

Apple devices

As for Apple devices, starting from the fourth generation of gadgets, the ability to make a flash when calling on an iPhone is provided by default. Go to the settings, go to the "Basic" section, then open "Universal Access" and activate the slider on the item "LED flash for alerts".

The only thing worth clarifying is that making a flash when calling on an iPhone is possible only for the blocking mode. That is, in this state it will work as it should, but when the screen is activated, alas, it turns off. Other indications work in the same way: missed SMS, alarm clock, etc.

Third Party Applications

Judging by the numerous user reviews, one of the most intelligent applications that allows you to turn on the flash when you call on Android is CallFlash. You can download it in the usual Google Play service for the platform.

The application is not Russified, but the intuitive and simple interface will not let even beginners get lost in this business. After installation, you need to conduct a test for the correct operation of the flash and the program itself. To do this, click on the small Test Flash window, after which the LEDs for the camera should light up.

Next, you need to configure the application, and specifically - issued alerts. It is necessary to choose whether the signals will be only from calls or from SMS with other notifications. You can safely activate all the items, and the utility will notify you of all events with a camera flash.

Please note that this application works only if you have an LED flash on your device. If the gadget is equipped with only a camera, then the utility will be simply useless.

The product is distributed completely free of charge, the application is undemanding to the technical part of the mobile device, so it will work without problems even on the most ancient smartphones. It is also worth noting that sometimes advertisements appear in the process of using them, but I simply cannot call it aggressive.

With the instructions given in this article, you can easily put a flash on a call in any of the gadgets on popular platforms.

Unlike other models, the iPhone does not have a dedicated notification indicator for incoming calls and notifications by default. Instead, normal vibrations are provided here. However, the iPhone has a flash function that can be used to alert you to incoming calls, messages, and other notifications coming to your device. In this article, we'll show you how to turn on the flash when making a call on your iPhone.

If this function is enabled, when you receive a call or message on the iPhone, the LED starts blinking repeatedly, which is very convenient when the silent mode is set. This is a good addition to the normal vibrations that the system already has.

The LED flash alerts on iPhone are a handy feature that may not be familiar to all users. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with how to turn on the flash when calling on iPhone 5, 6, 7, 8, X and other versions.

This parameter is available on models of modern versions of iPhones with the latest version of the iOS operating system. Although this feature has been around for a long time, the methods for enabling it are slightly different on older iPhones.

Newer and iOS iPhones have flashing LEDs to alert you of incoming calls, messages, and other notifications. And later versions, starting with iPhone 4 and iOS 5, no longer support this function. Further, step by step, it is described how to make a flash on an iPhone when you call.

1. Open Settings from the home screen.

2. Click "Basic».

3. Then go to " Universal access».

5. Click " Flash alertsFlash in silent mode».

6. Switch the LED flash for notification to the “ ON» .

That's it, now the included light blinks three times, notifying the user of incoming calls, messages and various notifications. To disable the notification, you need to switch the setting to "OFF».

This feature is also undeniably useful for people with hearing impairments. Also, ordinary iPhone owners often turn off the loud signal and use only a blinking LED. This tells how useful this function is.

Read also:

How to turn on flash when calling on iPhone for quiet mode?

Your iPhone usually alerts you with a beep, vibration, or both. But there are situations where loud signals and vibrations fail to attract attention, for example, in such a loud environment as a nightclub. Or maybe the user just doesn't want to be bothered by sound or vibration at all.

Solution: LED light (flash) on iPhone. It starts flashing brightly whenever you receive a notification. This is the same bright flash that you use on your camera or as a flashlight. Therefore, this feature is ideal for flashing incoming calls, messages and other notifications that will be difficult to miss.

If you want the LED flash to automatically activate whenever the iPhone is muted. You need to flip the switch on the iPhone 7, be careful this function is available only on new models.

1. Open Settings from the home screen.

2. Click "Basic».

3. Then go to " Universal access».

4. Then scroll down to the hearing point.

5. Click " Flash alerts". On newer iOS versions “ Flash in silent mode».

6. Switch the LED flash in silent mode to “ ON» .

Now, when the sound is off, the LED flash will notify you of incoming calls.

Now when you receive messages, phone calls or any other notifications. The LED indicator (flash) on the iPhone will flash continuously to alert you.

This feature is useful in the following situations:

· Prevention of missed calls, messages and any other notifications.

· Attracting attention in a loud environment, both at work and at rest in noisy places.

· Use of a light signal together with an alarm clock. (This last use case should be reserved for masochists only. Don't force your brain and go to bed on time);

Now you know what Quiet Mode is, how to use it, and on which models it is available.

How to turn on flash when calling on iPhone (Video)

The video shows step by step how to turn on the flash for the iPhone. It also explains what Quiet Mode is.

How to turn on flash for calls and notifications on iPhone

Why does the LED flash not work on iPhone?

What if the function didn't work?

This feature works only when iPhone is locked or in sleep mode. Some older devices require a reboot to activate this feature. In addition, your phone must be facing down for you to see the blinking light.

The light should flash even if the phone is in:

· Silent mode;

· With vibration off;

· With the ringer switch off on the side panel. (Only on newer versions of iPhone).

Visual cues can also be used perfectly in conjunction with the normal vibrations provided by the system.

Apple originally designed this feature for the hearing impaired. However, many users liked it. People have appreciated the great opportunity to receive visual signals instead of sound signals.


For some understanding, this idea originates from the old jailbreak setting, but Apple used it as a universal access feature for iOS 5. It is preserved in all modern versions of iOS. Later versions, such as iOS 10, added a secondary option "Flash in silent mode". Flash LED assures that this feature is very convenient for iPhone users.

To test the flash operation, you need to wait for an incoming call or message. You can initiate your notification, for this you need to set a short countdown timer. Either way, you will notice that the iPhone's camera flash will start blinking along with sound alerts and vibrations. The effect is very intense and the phone may appear to look dazzling, which is especially noticeable in the dark. However, you need to understand that such an iPhone signal cannot be ignored.

If you have additions to the article “how to turn on the flash when calling on an iPhone” leave them in the comments, they will definitely be read!

Mobile applications: Blink On Call, Flash on Call, Flash alert notifications and other programs for Android devices that use the flash of the gadget's camera as an indicator of notifications about calls and messages.

Now, being in a dark or noisy place where you cannot hear a melody or feel vibration will not be a hindrance to receiving a call or SMS.

Blinking when calling a phone on Android with a flashlight will first of all seem useful to owners of devices with a missing built-in notification indicator, although other owners may also be interested in it. In addition, you can adjust the speed and choose a convenient mode for each user.

Flash notification alerts for Android OS occur constantly as soon as an incoming call or SMS comes. You can configure the flash blinking on a call in the settings, where you can adjust the frequency, duration, applications for which blinking is triggered.

Flash on Call download app


  • ease of setup and use;
  • indication during a call or message;
  • selection of modes for starting work;
  • adjustment of speed and duration of indication on / off;
  • activation of the led-flashlight when notifications from other applications.

The flashlight will blink when calling on a device controlled by the Android system as many times as the user sets in the settings.

All mobile apps use a camera flash from the back of the device to alert the owner of incoming calls and SMS. For more convenience, you can select a preferred sound mode in the options. Applications can provide light notifications in the normal mode of the smartphone, along with the melody and vibration turned on on it, as well as when it is completely silent.

In the settings, you can also set the duration of the flash blinking and adjust the frequency with which these notifications will be sent. The latter function is very convenient, for example, the user can set 5 notifications for an incoming SMS and 10 for a call. In this case, when you see the blinking on the back panel, you will immediately see what exactly this notification indicates - someone is trying to call or the gadget just received a message.

Having downloaded several utilities to the phone so that it starts blinking on a call and SMS, you need to understand the possibility of a conflict between several applications. Therefore, we recommend using only one program for flashlights when you call on one smartphone or tablet.

In addition, light notifications can also be configured to indicate messages coming from other programs on the smartphone. Situations vary, and this feature may well help to alert you of an important meeting or other significant event in your calendar entries.

Downloading a flashing light on a call in the form of a flashing flashlight is recommended for lovers of noisy places where it is almost impossible to hear a melody or feel vibration.

It is also very convenient that you can turn on and off all alerts with one click. Keep in mind that since Blink On Call is completely free to use, you'll still have to run into advertisements while using the app. But for a convenient indication, they will not become an obstacle at all.

The 4 best mobile apps with high ratings and millions of downloads were selected:

This is the best flash flasher for your phone with many other cool features. Rating: 4.7 points. Downloads about 10 million.

An old but proven EASY version of the flashlight blinking on a call. Rating 4.8. Downloads about 5 million.

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