Rt g32 factory reset. How to factory reset an Asus laptop? Detailed instructions. Factory reset on Acer

Quite often, many laptop users have to deal with restoring the performance of their devices if for some reason they do not work correctly or the operating system does not boot at all. At the same time, sometimes the usual rollback by means of system restore to a certain checkpoint seems inappropriate. Thus, you need to use the so-called rollback (with a preinstalled operating system). Further, it is proposed to consider in detail the return to factory settings of an ASUS laptop with Windows 10. To perform such actions, you can use several basic techniques that involve the use of both the system itself and the built-in tools. Since the tenth modification is taken as a basis, in the case of preinstalled Windows 7, some methods will not be available.

How to factory reset ASUS laptop while running system?

So, to begin with, let's dwell exclusively on the instrumentation of the operating system itself, provided that it somehow boots. In Windows versions 8 and 10, rolling back an ASUS laptop to factory settings (like a laptop from any other manufacturer with the same systems on board) can be done quite simply.

To do this, open the options menu, then go to the update and security section, and then use the restore menu item. Immediately at the top there will be a complete reset item, which will allow you to return the device to the state as if you had just bought it. During the recovery process, which can be useful to many, you can use a reset with saving user files or do without it.

Alternative method for resetting parameters

If we talk about how to reset an ASUS laptop to factory settings using an alternative method, from the section described above, you can select the item for special boot options (not suitable for Windows 7).

Again, upon restart, you will need to tell the system to return to its original state and wait for the end of the recovery process.

Note: you can call a restart in this mode through the corresponding menu item "Start" holding the Shift key.

How to restore factory settings using built-in tools: BIOS preliminary steps

But all this so far has been related exclusively to those situations when the operating system is not damaged to an extreme degree and is still working (even with errors). But how do you reset an ASUS laptop to factory settings if Windows does not start under any pretext? In this case, you need to clearly understand that almost all laptop manufacturers build special utilities for quick recovery into their devices, in the general case called Recovery. ASUS notebooks also have such a tool. However, using it is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. The catch is that its call is prevented by the Boot Booster quick start mode set in the BIOS, which must be disabled.

To do this, you need to enter the BIOS by pressing the F2 key when turning on the laptop or during the reboot immediately after the start screen appears, then go to the boot section (Boot) and set the specified parameter to the value corresponding to the disabled state (Disabled). After saving the settings (F10) and restarting, you can proceed directly to the reset process.

Recovery process

To call the recovery environment, when the start screen appears, press the F9 key, after which a black window appears with the Windows Setup (EMS Enabled) line.

Next, you just need to confirm the choice of action by pressing the Enter key, after which the rollback process is activated, which in some moments will be similar to a "clean" installation of Windows, and after its completion and several restarts, you will see the "Desktop" of a fully functional system as if from scratch ...

We figured out how to reset an ASUS laptop to factory settings. It remains to give some practical advice for the future. Keep in mind that if you reinstall the operating system yourself, removing all hidden partitions and formatting the hard drive, the built-in utility will become unavailable. The same goes for replacing the hard drive. In addition, to avoid the hassle of performing laptop recovery steps in the future, do not be too lazy to take care of creating backups in advance for emergencies, especially since external USB drives are now relatively inexpensive, and they can even fit a copy of the entire hard drive from working OS and all installed programs. However, if this is not possible, using standard Windows tools, you can create a copy of only the system configuration without saving applications or user files with saving on a regular USB flash drive. You can also use all sorts of narrowly focused backup or imaging utilities, and not use only Windows tools (for example, in the event of unexpected damage).

How do I restore my laptop to factory settings?

Performing a factory restore on a laptop is often necessary due to the fact that the operating system begins to malfunction. You can reset your computer to factory settings yourself. This process takes place in several stages and depends on the laptop model. Below we offer several instructions for specific laptop models.

Factory reset on Asus

To return your Asus laptop to factory settings, you must follow the following steps in sequence:

  1. Disable Boot Booster in BIOS. To do this, press the laptop power button, immediately after starting the boot, hold down the F2 key. After that, you will be redirected to the BIOS settings, there you need to select the "Boot" tab, then click on "Boot Booster", then press Enter and select "Disabled" with the arrows. You will now be moved to a different section. In it you need to click on the "Save changes and exit" command and wait for it to be activated.
  2. Turn on the laptop again, and then press the F9 key. After that, system preparation for data recovery will begin.
  3. A message appears on the screen stating that all custom settings will be deleted. You will need to confirm this action by clicking on OK. After that, all the necessary processes will occur automatically, you just have to wait for their complete completion.

Factory reset on Acer

To reset your Acer laptop, you need to do the following:

  1. Turn on your computer, then start holding the Alt key and press the F10 key continuously.
  2. The operating system will ask for a password. By default, it is as follows: 000000
  3. A menu will appear on the screen, select the Factory reset item in it, after which the factory reset will begin.

Factory reset on HP

To reset your HP laptop to factory settings, do the following:

  1. Turn on your portable device, press and hold the F11 key.
  2. The Recovery Manager software appears on the screen, with which you can perform a factory restore.
  3. In its main menu, select the System Recovery item, then the system will reset the user settings in automatic mode.

Factory reset on Toshiba

To restore factory settings on your Toshiba laptop, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Turn on your computer, and then press and hold the 0 key on your keyboard for 30-45 seconds.
  2. When the device starts beeping, release the 0 button and wait for the operating system to automatically reset the user settings.

Factory reset on Sony

Restoring your Sony laptop to factory settings is straightforward. You need to follow these steps:

  1. Turn on the laptop, press and hold the F10 key.
  2. A message will appear on the screen stating that the factory reset will begin, you will need to click on "OK" and wait for the system to complete the specified operation (its duration is no more than 5 minutes).

Factory reset on Samsung

You need to reset the settings on a Samsung laptop using a special utility. It is always present in the Windows operating system and is called Samsung Recovery Solution. To start it and reset the settings, you must do the following:

  1. When turning on the laptop, press and hold the F4 key for a few seconds.
  2. After that, the system utility will start, select the Restore item in its main menu.
  3. In the tab that opens, click Complete Restore, and then select the item called Computer Initial Status.
  4. A message will appear on the screen about the start of the operation to restore the factory settings, click on "OK" to confirm this action, and wait for the system to completely shut down.

Making the most of your laptop means knowing the features that will keep it productive. Restoring a laptop to factory settings is one of them.

Restoring your system to factory settings is an effective method for resolving a number of problems with your laptop. You can perform this procedure yourself. Let's talk about how to factory reset an asus laptop.

What are factory settings?

This is a set of settings that were made at the factory and were present on the device at the time of purchase. When you return to factory settings, the following occurs:

  1. All files are deleted from the laptop;
  2. The system partition is formatted;
  3. Windows is automatically reinstalled (you do not need to enter an activation key);
  4. Usually, when the OS is first started, the programs and drivers preinstalled by the manufacturer are automatically installed.

As a result, you will receive a device with the software that was installed on it at the time of purchase. This will help improve the performance of your laptop. If you decide to perform a factory restore, copy the necessary files from your laptop to an external hard drive or computer. But if you used recovery to fix hardware problems in your laptop, then it will be useless in that case. For example, the device constantly overheats while playing games. This problem has nothing to do with the laptop software.

Why might you need to restore your laptop to factory settings? The most popular reasons are:

  • Constant failures in the operating system;
  • "Clogging" of the system due to which it constantly freezes (usually means a large number of programs that interfere with the normal operation of the PC and have not been used for a long time);
  • Lock your computer when the "Windows is locked" message appears.

Factory reset of your ASUS laptop may not be possible. For example, if you previously reinstalled Windows on this device. This happens quite often. Having bought a new laptop, users immediately remove the installed OS and put another one in its place. Together with the pre-installed operating system, the hidden partition is also removed from the laptop, without which it will not be possible to restore the factory settings.

By the way, this happens not only when you install a new OS yourself (and you just don’t know that you are deleting hidden partitions of the system at the same time), but also when you contact the service center. In most cases, the master will not want to do this. Why, if most likely this section will not be useful to the user? Moreover, this increases the number of customers at service centers, because without a hidden partition, you cannot restore the factory settings on your own. Of course, this demonstrates the lack of professionalism of such specialists.

Sometimes users themselves delete this partition to increase disk space.

What are the options for an independent solution to the problem? There are two of them:

  • You can find a recovery disc or its image on the Internet (search on torrent trackers);
  • You can install the OS on a new one, which will result in a similar return to the factory settings.

Typically, the manufacturer uses one program to restore the system, which works on all models. But there are exceptions. Therefore, if you are downloading an ASUS laptop OS recovery utility, it is advisable to make sure that it is suitable for your model.

Some laptop manufacturers offer to buy the desired drive from their official website.

Resetting your Asus laptop to factory settings

The hidden section contains a convenient program that returns the device to its original state. In the case of a computer, you would have to use the included disk. The laptop already has all the recovery tools, which is the main advantage of the hidden partition.

Preparing for recovery

Before performing all procedures with the laptop, fully charge it, and do not disconnect the power cord during the entire recovery.

Disable Boot Booster in BIOS to speed up the boot time of the operating system (it is enabled by default in ASUS notebooks). To disable this feature:

  • Go to BIOS (turn on the laptop and, without waiting for Windows to load, start pressing the F2 key);
  • Using the arrows, go to the "Boot" tab;
  • Press the line "Boot Booster", then "Enter";
  • Select "Disabled";
  • Go to the last tab;
  • Click on "Save changes and exit";
  • After the laptop automatically restarts, turn off the device.

System Restore

  • Turn it on and start pressing the F9 key, the boot monitor will appear;
  • Wait for the download of the recovery files to complete. The system will then ask you if you really want to return to factory settings;
  • Press confirmation.

While the system is recovering, the PC may reboot several times. Don't do anything at this moment. When the procedure is completed, a message will appear on the screen.

The procedure is the same for most ASUS models, although details may vary. If there is an instruction manual for the laptop, it is recommended to read it, it may tell you how to perform a factory reset.

The need to reset the router settings may arise for various reasons. How to perform this procedure on ASUS routers - further in the article.

Why do I need to reset the router settings?

The most common reasons for performing a router reset are:

  • There are problems with the Internet connection (periodic loss of connection, sharp drops in connection speed, etc.).
  • There was a need to reconfigure the router, but the password from its Web interface was lost.
  • In the case of Wi-Fi routers, the password from the wireless network was lost.
  • When trying to connect to the router to configure / reconfigure it, a network error occurs when the standard IP address is entered (i.e. the IP address has been changed or the DHTP server built into the router software does not automatically assign the address to the computer).

In such situations, it is easier not to dig into the settings of the router, but simply reset them for subsequent reconfiguration in simpler ways.

How to reset your ASUS router?

There are two ways to return the configured parameters of routers to their factory defaults - hardware and software (remote).

The first method (hardware) involves the following actions:

  • Find on the router case a button marked as "Reset", "Restore", "Reset / WPS", "Reset" (depending on the router model, other options are possible in different languages, graphic images are not excluded).
  • In some models of ASUS routers, the reset button does not protrude above the body. It is somewhat pressed into it, which is done to protect it from accidental pressing.
  • Press the button (if it is pressed into the body, press it with a thin object) and hold it for a few seconds.

The success of the reset can be judged by the illuminated indicators on the front panel of the router. Usually all indicators light up at the same time for 1-2 seconds and then go out (except for the power indicator). If the router is connected to the computer via a network cable, the local area network (LAN) connection icon will display information about the loss of connection for a few seconds - this will also mean that the reset was successful. If the wireless (Wi-Fi) router is reset, information about the loss of connection with the Wi-Fi network will be displayed on all devices connected to it (phones, tablets, etc.).

In some cases, pressing and holding the reset button may not work. In such a situation, you can proceed as follows:

  • Press and hold the reset button.
  • Without releasing it, turn off the router's power (by pressing the power button or by disconnecting the device's power supply from the network).
  • While continuing to hold the reset button, turn on the router.

If this does not lead to the desired result, it remains to use the second reset method.

Soft reset it is used not only if the reset button is inoperative or if there are any other hardware malfunctions, but also if there is no physical access to the router (for example, it is located in another - closed room). To programmatically the values, you need to do the following:

  • Connect to the router (via a network cable or wireless connection).
  • Open any browser on your computer.
  • Enter the IP address "" or "" in the search line. A page will open where the user will be asked to enter a login and password from the router's web interface.
  • The default login / password is "admin / admin".
  • After entering the Web interface, you need to go to the “Administration / Administration”, “System settings” or “Manage settings” tab (other options are possible, depending on the specific router model and firmware version).
  • Next, you should find the item "Factory settings", "Default settings", "Reset settings" (etc.).
  • Next to this item (or when you click on it and go to another page) there will be a button or link "Restore", "Reset" or "Apply default settings".
  • Click on the reset button / link.

The method cannot be used if the exact IP address of the router in the network is unknown (it could be changed by the user) or the login / password from the Web interface. In such cases, all that remains is to use a hard reset.

If a smartphone or tablet running Android started to work incorrectly, or was blocked, the user can go to the Recovery menu and reset the gadget to factory settings, thus restoring its performance. But what about Windows laptops, can they be brought back to life this way? In principle, yes, but for this, a special partition must be present on the laptop's hard drive. What this section is and what advantages its presence on a computer gives, will be discussed below, but for now, let me say a few words about restoring the factory settings on a laptop.

What does it mean to restore factory settings on a laptop

Resetting your laptop to factory settings is a fully automatic reinstallation of Windows with all system applications and drivers provided by the manufacturer. During the reset, the system logical partition is formatted with the deletion of all user data and settings on it, followed by the deployment of Windows from a backup located on a special hidden Recovery or HDD Recovery partition.

When the reset is complete, you get the laptop in the state it was in at the time of purchase. The only exception is for drive D - the data on it is not deleted during the recovery process. You will also not need to re-enter the Windows activation key. It is important, however, to note that resetting the laptop to factory settings affects only the software part; this procedure does not solve hardware problems.

When you might need a factory reset

A return to factory settings will be relevant in case of serious disruptions in the operation of the operating system, with frequent critical failures caused by malfunctions and errors in the software part, Windows infection with viruses, as well as its blocking. A reset can also be used as an alternative to manual reset for other reasons.

In what cases reset is impossible

If you buy a laptop without an operating system, don't expect a recovery partition on its disk. You will not be able to restore the factory settings on such a laptop; other methods are used to reset the system to its original state in such cases.

It will not be possible to roll back to the original settings when there was a recovery partition, but during the manual reinstallation of Windows, the wizard or the user himself deleted it, wanting to get more free space on the hard disk. The solution in this case may be, again, reinstalling or searching for the system partition image for this laptop model on torrents or the manufacturer's official website.

Sequence for restoring factory settings on laptops

The order in which a laptop is reset to its original settings may differ from model to model, but these differences are usually not significant. As an example, we will show you how to factory reset Asus, Acer, HP, Samsung, Lenovo and Toshiba laptops.

For Asus

To boot the built-in recovery mechanism on Asus laptops, the F9 key is provided, which you need to hold down at the moment you turn on the laptop, but before that you need to make sure that you have disabled the fast boot function. You can deactivate it (if the PC does not boot) in the BIOS on the Boot tab (Boot Master option).

In the recovery environment, select , agree to the deletion of personal files and click "Next".

Then we press Only the disk where the system is installed - Just delete my files - Reset to original state.

After that, the recovery procedure will start, after which you will be prompted to re-create your account and set up your computer.

For Acer

The factory reset procedure is slightly different for Acer notebook computers. If the system boots, you can reset the settings using the proprietary utility Acer Recovery Managementlaunched from the Start menu (all applications). In the utility window, you need to select the option "Restore factory settings", after which the recovery environment will be loaded, in which you must repeat all the steps described in the previous paragraph (for Asus laptops).

If Windows does not boot, use the keyboard shortcut to enter the recovery environment Alt + F10after making sure that the BIOS option on the Main tab is enabled D2D Recovery... If it is disabled, be sure to enable it, otherwise Alt + F10 will not work.

Otherwise, we act according to the first scenario: select on the screen Diagnostics - Reset and so on.

For HP

Like Acer, HP laptops come with a built-in proprietary utility HP Recovery Manager, which can be launched either through the Start menu, or by pressing the F11 button when turning on the device. It is not difficult to roll back a laptop to factory settings with its help. If the computer does not boot, press F11 when turning it on and select the action in the standard menu for selecting an action .

In the next window, enable the item "Restore without creating a backup copy of files" and click "Next" as many times as the wizard asks.

After a short preparation, the reset process itself will begin, after which you will only have to configure the computer. If the operating system is still able to boot itself, launch HP Recovery Manager through the interface, select "Windows Recovery Environment". After rebooting, select Diagnostics - Recovery Manager and repeat the steps described above up to setting up an account.

For Samsung

Samsung laptops also have their own system recovery utility. It is called Samsung Recovery Solution and is called by pressing the F4 button when turning on the computer. The recovery procedure in it is not too complicated, the only thing that needs to be done before starting it is to copy important files for you to a removable hard disk or other portable media, since it is highly likely that during the process of restoring the factory settings, the partitions created by the user will be deleted with everything their contents.

So, we press when loading F4, accept the license agreement in the welcome window of the utility, refuse the offer to create a backup copy of the system and click in the initial window "Restore".

At this point, you will be prompted to set additional parameters. In principle, you can skip this step, but it will be better if you adhere to these rules:

  1. Choose the earliest recovery point.
  2. It is better to disable deleting data from additional partitions, although it is not a fact that this will help.
  3. Enable the option "Save user data".

Having prepared in this way, press "Restore", confirm the action and wait for the completion of the procedure.

Procedure in 5th version of Samsung Recovery Solution slightly different. Here we also press F4, in the utility window select Recovery - Full recovery.

For Lenovo

Lenovo laptops are next on our list. Let's see how to factory reset a laptop of this brand. There is nothing complicated here either, since Lenovo uses its own proprietary utility to reset OneKey Rescue System... Unlike previous models, the recovery environment is entered not using the standard top row keys, but using a special Novo Button located next to the laptop power button.

With the laptop turned off, press this same button and select the System Recovery option with the arrow keys.

In the utility window that opens, click sequentially Recover from original backup - Next - Start and confirm the action by pressing the "Yes" button.

The procedure for rolling back to the factory state will begin, the completion of which you will be notified by a corresponding message.

For Toshiba

In the case of Toshiba laptops, everything is very similar, but there are also nuances here. Restoration to original settings is performed using proprietary software Toshiba HDD Recovery or Toshiba Recovery Wizard (in older models). To go to the utility interface on new Toshiba models, you need to hold down the 0 key, and then turn on the laptop. When the beep sounds, the 0 key must be released. Then everything is simple, you just need to follow the instructions of the wizard.

Older models boot the recovery tool using the traditional F8 key to open a menu of additional boot options. In this menu you need to choose Troubleshooting Computer Problems - Toshiba Recovery Wizard... After reading the warnings, we consistently press Restore Factory Default Software - Restore to Date of Purchase - Next.

After that, the procedure itself will begin, after which you will be prompted to restart your computer and re-configure the system.

Instead of a total

The recommendations given in this article are general in nature, the details of how to roll back a laptop to factory settings in Windows 7/10 may differ. Differences may be in the interface of proprietary utilities of different versions, it is also possible that in some laptop model the boot key for the recovery environment will be different. For example, the Novo Button in Lenovo can be located in a different place, and so on. All this is generally unimportant, the main thing is that there is an HDD Recovery partition on the hard disk and that the factory backup files are not damaged. Otherwise, at least an installation disk with the operating system is required to restore Windows to work.

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