Mobile towers. GSM base station and human health

Cell phones are an integral part of the life of modern people. Everyone knows some harm caused to a person's well-being by this method of communication, but no one will reject such communications. You should know what the impact of cell towers on health and harm from them can be. To some extent, you can protect yourself and your loved ones by reducing the amount of time you use your phones.

Are towers harmful?

Are mobile antennas dangerous? Without exception, all exogenous factors affecting a person cause certain consequences. Radiation from a cell tower also applies to them.

The towers distribute electromagnetic pulses for cell phone users to interact. Such radiation is not considered dangerous to humans, but the presence of a base station near a home has some harmful effects.

As a result of a number of studies, a connection was revealed between the towers located near the houses and various pathologies of the internal organs of their inhabitants. The mobile network is based on the principle of interaction between towers and communication devices. This is based on the transmission of an electromagnetic pulse in the ultra-high frequency range. The energy distribution area of \u200b\u200bthe tower depends on:

  1. The cellular standard chosen by the operator.
  2. Building density.
  3. Loads.
  4. The equipment used.

The coverage area of \u200b\u200bany territory is carried out with the help of the construction of cell towers using cell technology. Therefore, such a connection is called cellular.

Towers located outside the city are mainly supplemented with signal amplifiers to increase the area of \u200b\u200bits action. Therefore, the strength of electromagnetic radiation near such structures will be greater. Studies carried out in areas where there are cell towers indicate that the radiation level is kept within normal limits.

Permanent residence near such towers is safe if:

  • The structure is installed above the nearest building area.
  • Equipment parameters are within the generally accepted sanitary and hygienic standards.

If the signal from the tower is directed towards occupied buildings, then living in these conditions can be harmful to health.

Radiation characteristic

Currently, many different studies are being carried out to find out if cell towers are harmful and how they affect the human condition. Opinions are divided on this issue.

Developers will assure that such network stations are completely safe for people, since they are installed taking into account the norms recognized by the state, and the harm from them is within acceptable limits. However, researchers still recommend avoiding such radiation, especially when the tower is equipped near the house.

Mobile operators assure that a working antenna affects the condition of people quite indirectly and practically does not harm them. The propagating signal passes at a sufficient height above the ground, below the strength of this energy is approximately 800-1000 times weaker.

But nevertheless, according to physical laws, the spread of energy is directly proportional to the square of the distance. Thus, the shorter the distance to the CS, the greater the effect the radiation will have on the person, despite the fact that much less energy comes down.

Mobile antennas in multi-storey buildings also have a negative impact on the condition of their residents. Such equipment dissipates much less energy, but their size is also proportionally reduced.

Thus, the distance between apartments and the area of \u200b\u200bmaximum radiation is reduced. Its share is much higher than the permissible 10 μW / cm. In addition, electromagnetic energy from other household and public devices is added, which also have a harmful effect.

Consequently, the harm from cell towers located near housing is quite large, and this can lead to various ailments.

Roof gazebos

Often in densely built cities, operators have to install antennas on the roofs of multi-storey buildings. This is not prohibited by law, but there are some rules to follow. Equipment installation parameters must meet the following requirements:

  1. The radiation level in the surrounding area should not exceed 10 mW / cm2.
  2. People should not go to the roof.
  3. Depending on the energy capacity, the equipment should be placed at a height of 2-6 meters from the roof and at a distance of at least 10 meters from nearby buildings.

The telecom operator must obtain permission from the relevant authority to install the antenna and the consent of the residents of the apartments located in the house on the roof of which it is planned.

Residents give their consent to the installation of such equipment on their roof at a meeting, based on Article 44 of the RF LC, and a positive answer must be received from at least 65% of the owners. Then the operator draws up the project documentation, which indicates all the characteristics of the equipment used.

A certified antenna is put into operation only after receiving a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion. In the future, at least once every 3 years, regular checks of the radiation level of the base station are carried out.

Government regulation

At the legislative level, standards are specified for the safe degree of electromagnetic radiation of radio-technical transmitters.

The state body responsible for monitoring the proportion of radiation from cell towers is Rospotrebnadzor. Complaints about alleged violations by operators can and should be sent to this authority. If, after checking, it turns out that the level of hazardous radiation exceeds the permissible limit, then through the court Rospotrebnadzor has the right to demand the removal of equipment that threatens human health.

Diseases caused by radiation from the tower

The influence of cell towers on human health is extremely negative, especially when they are near residential premises, without observing established standards. The consequences depend on the amount of dangerous radiation that affects the human body. Moreover, the shorter the distance from home to the base station, the more radiation the body receives. This can cause the following changes:

  • The work of the nervous system is disrupted. Symptoms of this effect are: irritability, frequent headaches, loss of strength, apathy, drowsiness.
  • All kinds of chronic ailments develop. For example, with susceptibility to allergic reactions, bronchial asthma may appear.
  • The hormonal background is disrupted, this contributes to the development of diseases of the genitourinary system. With prolonged exposure to energy from a cell tower, males develop impotence, they cannot fertilize an egg, and women experience problems with bearing a fetus.
  • The likelihood of developing cardiovascular diseases increases, as a result, it can provoke a heart attack or stroke.
  • The work of most organs is disrupted, since homeostasis in the body changes.

And this is not the whole list of problems associated with cellular stations near the house. The impact of the tower on the human body depends on its individual characteristics, the ability to adapt to the influence of dangerous exogenous factors. Conventionally, we can say that a strong organism is less susceptible to the negative effects of radiation.

Pregnant and lactating mothers need to be wary of the effects of base stations. Especially in the first trimester of pregnancy, the baby is too susceptible to the influence of negative factors of any origin.

Dangerous energy from cell towers can lead to all sorts of pathologies in the development of a child, and sometimes it can provoke a miscarriage or freezing of a baby in the womb. It is better for breastfeeding women to avoid being near a radiation source, because this can cause a change in the composition of milk, which will affect the health of the baby.

Damage from cell towers can cause very serious health consequences, including the development of malignant neoplasms. There are a number of ways to reduce or eliminate the harmful effects of a base station:

  1. Certain building materials reduce the transmission of hazardous energy. For example, glass can reduce radiation by almost 3 times, and concrete by 30 times. It turns out that people living in such a house are conditionally protected.
  2. it is advisable to use it as little as possible, especially in childhood.
  3. Regular damp cleaning of rooms can help fight radiation. Moisture removes to some extent the hazardous energy stored in the home.

Video: are cellular antennas harmful to residential buildings?

Today everyone has a mobile phone, and most families do not have one. Despite the fact that the harm of a cell phone has long been known to everyone, no one will deprive themselves of this method of communication. Towers that are too close to living quarters have a negative effect on the human body.

Therefore, when buying your own home, it is recommended to take this into account. And when choosing a place for building a private house, it should be done where there are no base stations nearby, and their installation is not planned in the coming years. If there is no way to select a safe site for the construction site, the negative effect of the antenna should be minimized.

Therefore, radiation from cell towers should be avoided as it can be hazardous to human health and the normal development of children and adolescents.

aslan wrote in February 2nd, 2016

Cellular communication has recently become so firmly embedded in our daily life that it is difficult to imagine modern society without it. Like many other great inventions, the mobile phone has greatly influenced our lives, and many of its areas. It is difficult to say what the future would be like if it were not for this convenient form of communication. Probably the same as in the movie "Back to the Future 2", where there are flying cars, hoverboards, and much more, but no cellular connection!

But today in a special report for there will be a story not about the future, but about how modern cellular communication is arranged and works.

In order to learn about the work of modern cellular communication in the 3G / 4G format, I asked to visit the new federal operator Tele2 and spent a whole day with their engineers, who explained to me all the subtleties of data transmission through our mobile phones.

But first I'll tell you a little about the history of the emergence of cellular communications.

The principles of wireless communication were tried out almost 70 years ago - the first public mobile radiotelephone appeared in 1946 in St. Louis, USA. In the Soviet Union, a prototype of a mobile radiotelephone was created in 1957, then scientists from other countries created similar devices with different characteristics, and only in the 70s of the last century in America the modern principles of cellular communication were determined, after which its development began.

Martin Cooper - the inventor of the prototype of the portable cell phone Motorola DynaTAC weighing 1.15 kg and dimensions 22.5x12.5x3.75 cm

If in Western countries, by the mid-90s of the last century, cellular communication was widespread and used by most of the population, in Russia it had just begun to appear, and became available to everyone a little over 10 years ago.

Bulky brick-like mobile phones that worked in the first and second generation formats have gone down in history, giving way to smartphones with 3G and 4G, better voice communication and high Internet speed.

Why is the connection called cellular? Because the territory in which communication is provided is divided into separate cells or cells, in the center of which base stations (BS) are located. In each "cell" the subscriber receives the same set of services within certain territorial boundaries. This means that moving from one "cell" to another, the subscriber does not feel territorial attachment and can freely use communication services.

It is very important that there is continuity of the connection when moving. This is ensured thanks to the so-called handover, in which the connection established by the subscriber is, as it were, picked up by the neighboring cells on the relay, and the subscriber continues to talk or dig in social networks.

The entire network is divided into two subsystems: a base station subsystem and a switching subsystem. Schematically, it looks like this:

In the middle of the "cell", as mentioned above, is the base station, which typically serves three "cells". The radio signal from the base station is radiated through 3 sector antennas, each of which is directed to its own "cell". It so happens that several antennas of one base station are directed to one "cell" at once. This is due to the fact that the cellular network operates in several bands (900 and 1800 MHz). In addition, this base station can have equipment of several generations of communication (2G and 3G) at once.

But on the BS Tele2 towers there is only third and fourth generation equipment - 3G / 4G, since the company decided to abandon old formats in favor of new ones, which help to avoid interruptions in voice communication and provide a more stable Internet. Regulars of social networks will support me in the fact that nowadays Internet speed is very important, 100-200 kb / s is not enough anymore, as it was a couple of years ago.

The most common location for the BS is a tower or mast built specifically for it. Surely you could see the red and white BS towers somewhere far from residential buildings (in a field, on a hill), or where there are no tall buildings nearby. Like this one that is visible from my window.

However, in urban areas it is difficult to find a place for a massive structure. Therefore, in large cities, base stations are located on buildings. Each station picks up a signal from mobile phones at a distance of up to 35 km.

These are antennas, the BS equipment itself is located in the attic, or in a container on the roof, which is a pair of iron cabinets.

Some base stations are located where you would not even guess. Like on the roof of this parking lot.

The BS antenna consists of several sectors, each of which receives / sends a signal in its direction. If the vertical antenna communicates with telephones, then the round antenna connects the BS to the controller.

Depending on the characteristics, each sector can handle up to 72 calls simultaneously. A BS can consist of 6 sectors and serve up to 432 calls, however, usually fewer transmitters and sectors are installed at the stations. Cellular operators, such as Tele2, prefer to install more base stations to improve communication quality. As I was told, the most modern equipment is used here: Ericsson base stations, transport network - Alcatel Lucent.

From the base station subsystem, the signal is transmitted towards the switching subsystem, where the connection is established with the direction desired by the subscriber. The switching subsystem has a number of databases that store information about subscribers. In addition, this subsystem is responsible for security. Simply put, the switch is it has the same functions as the female operators who used to connect you with the subscriber by hand, only now all this happens automatically.

The equipment for this base station is hidden in this iron cabinet.

In addition to conventional towers, there are also mobile versions of base stations placed on trucks. They are very convenient to use during natural disasters or in crowded places (football stadiums, central squares) during holidays, concerts and various events. But, unfortunately, because of problems in the legislation, they have not yet found wide application.

To ensure optimal radio coverage at ground level, base stations are designed in a special way, therefore, despite the range of 35 km. the signal does not apply to aircraft altitude. However, some airlines have already begun installing small base stations on their aircraft to provide cellular communications inside the aircraft. Such a BS is connected to a terrestrial cellular network using a satellite channel. The system is complemented by a control panel that allows the crew to turn the system on and off, as well as certain types of services, such as turning off the voice on night flights.

I also took a look at the Tele2 office to see how specialists control the quality of cellular communication. If a few years ago such a room would have been hung up to the ceiling with monitors showing network data (congestion, network failures, etc.), then over time the need for such a number of monitors has disappeared.

Technologies have developed greatly over time, and such a small room with several specialists is enough to monitor the operation of the entire network in Moscow.

Few views from the Tele2 office.

At a meeting of the company's employees, plans to capture the capital are discussed) From the beginning of construction until today, Tele2 managed to cover the whole of Moscow with its network, and gradually conquers the Moscow region, launching more than 100 base stations weekly. Since I now live in the region, it is very important to me. so that this network comes to my town as quickly as possible.

The company plans for 2016 to provide high-speed communication in the metro at all stations, at the beginning of 2016 Tele2 communication is present at 11 stations: 3G / 4G communication on the Borisovo metro, Delovoy Tsentr, Kotelniki, Lermontovsky Prospekt , "Troparevo", "Shipilovskaya", "Zyablikovo", 3G: "Belorusskaya" (Koltsevaya), "Spartak", "Pyatnitskoe highway", "Zhulebino".

As I said above, Tele2 abandoned the GSM format in favor of the third and fourth generation standards - 3G / 4G. This allows the installation of 3G / 4G base stations with a higher frequency (for example, within the Moscow Ring Road, BSs stand at a distance of about 500 meters from each other) in order to provide more stable communication and high speed of mobile Internet, which was not the case in the networks of previous formats.

From the company's office, I, in the company of engineers Nikifor and Vladimir, go to one of the points where they need to measure the communication speed. Nikifor stands opposite one of the masts on which communications equipment is installed. If you look closely, you will notice another such mast a little further to the left, with equipment from other cellular operators.

Oddly enough, but cellular operators often allow their competitors to use their tower structures to accommodate antennas (naturally, on mutually beneficial terms). This is because building a tower or mast is expensive and can save you a lot of money!

While we were measuring the speed of communication, Nikifor several times passers-by grandmothers and uncles asked if he was a spy)) "Yes, we are jamming Radio Liberty!).

The equipment actually looks unusual, from its appearance you can assume anything.

The specialists of the company have a lot of work, considering that in Moscow and the region the company has more than 7 thousand. base stations: of which about 5 thousand. 3G and about 2 thousand. base stations LTE, and recently the number of BS has increased by about a thousand more.
In just three months, 55% of the total number of new base stations of the operator in the region were put on the air in the Moscow region. At the moment, the company provides high-quality coverage of the territory where more than 90% of the population of Moscow and the Moscow region live.
By the way, in December the 3G Tele2 network was recognized as the best in quality among all metropolitan operators.

But I decided to personally check how good Tele2's connection is, so I bought a SIM card in the nearest shopping center on Voykovskaya metro station, with the simplest "Very black" tariff for 299 rubles (400 SMS / minutes and 4 GB). By the way, I had a similar Beeline tariff, which is 100 rubles more expensive.

I checked the speed on the spot. Reception - 6.13 Mbps, transmission - 2.57 Mbps. Considering that I am standing in the center of a shopping center, this is a good result, Tele2 communication penetrates well through the walls of a large shopping center.

At metro Tretyakovskaya. Signal reception - 5.82 Mbps, transmission - 3.22 Mbps.

And at the Krasnogvardeyskaya metro station. Reception - 6.22 Mbps, transmission - 3.77 Mbps. I measured it at the exit from the subway. If you take into account that this is the outskirts of Moscow, it is very decent. I think that the connection is quite acceptable, and we can confidently say that it is stable, considering that Tele2 appeared in Moscow just a couple of months ago.

Tele2 has a stable connection in the capital, which is good. I really hope that they will come to the region as soon as possible and I will be able to take full advantage of their connection.

Now you know how cellular communication works!

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Recently, literally at every Moscow crossroads, strange poles have appeared, hung with antennas and other communication devices. Muscovites are increasingly complaining of poor health. Correspondents of "MN" tried to figure out whether technology can seriously undermine the health of citizens and why the city authorities ignore people's demands to remove these towers.

When in the Otradnoye district the first tower appeared, hung with transmitting equipment, local residents were even delighted. Mobile phones in many homes worked very badly, so the authorities' desire to rectify the situation aroused only approval from Muscovites. But less than six months later, the entire area around the metro was literally covered with new towers. The transmitting equipment hung over the playgrounds, one support appeared right near the entrance to the dairy kitchen, moreover, attentive townspeople noticed that the signalmen had managed to place their equipment on the roof of the children's clinic. Sometimes the distance between the masts was no more than thirty meters. And people began to complain of headaches, pressure surges, someone started having heart pains.

Last September, residents' discontent escalated into protests. On Sannikov streetpeople took to the streets to prevent workers from hanging their devices on another pole. When it became clear that a fight would soon start between the warring parties, someone called the police and representatives of the council. It turned out that the newcomers did not have any contracts for the lease of the pillar, or permits.

“Then specialists came and began to measure the radiation. And they did it on a pole, where the unconnected devices were still hanging. Soon we received an official response that no excess of radiation standards was found, "says a member of the public council at the Otradnoye district administration. Svetlana Balashova.

Residents of the Tverskoy District also believed for a long time that the mast at the intersection of Lesnaya and Novolesnaya Streets would be removed immediately after experts recorded a dangerous background here. After several complaints to the prefecture and other supervisory authorities, Muscovites received a response letter.

“It was the standard answer that there was no excess near our tower. Only later it turned out that according to the documents, she was listed in another place. It must have been measured there. Of course, no radiation was found in that place, ”says Larisa Razumovskaya, a member of the community of residents of Lesnaya Street, and cites figures that became known as a result of an independent examination carried out by residents of the Tverskoy district. The norms of radio-magnetic radiation were violated several times. That is why the statements that in 2015 out of 366 complaints of Muscovites only one was justified, Muscovites listen with skeptical smiles. And certainly the affected residents do not believe the assurances of officials that the base stations located on the towers give less than 1 percent of the total background. The rest of the harmful radiation allegedly comes from cell phones, electrical appliances and the Internet.


Almost three years ago, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev issued an order to improve the information support of the capital, and communications workers immediately had a new headache. Installing base stations on the rooftops of residential buildings proved to be expensive and difficult. The fact is that the Civil Code prescribes first obtaining permission from residents to place equipment.

“It is very difficult, so a technical decision was made to use the lighting poles, which are on the balance sheet of the State Unitary Enterprise“ Mossvet ”. As of January of this year, 2,170 supports have been installed, ”said the head of the department for work with cellular operators of the Moscow Department of Information Technologies Victor Barantsev.

Mobile operators were very happy with this state of affairs. In order to rent the roof of a residential building, one must not only go through a long procedure of collecting signatures from residents, but also pay decent money - an average of 80 thousand rubles a month. And renting a place on a lamppost will cost 20 thousand. That is why they were occupied by all the recognized "monsters" in the mobile services market. Often more than 30 high-frequency devices hang on one pole.

Protest group coordinator from Nagatino and Saburovo districts Anton Skuratov spent half a year to figure out the kitchen of this business.

“After 2013, officials rushed to carry out Medvedev's order. The Information Technology Department is now collecting data from operators on "holes" in their network coverage. In these places, special organizations make dual-purpose supports, that is, they prepare towers for connecting equipment. Then they are transferred to the balance of State Unitary Enterprise "Mossvet", which is responsible for all the lampposts of the city. Thus, almost everyone solved their problems. Operators are happy to pay "Mossvet" very small amounts in comparison with the rent of attics of residential buildings.

Mossvet is glad that literally every post brings money. The officials are glad that they have complied with another order of the prime minister. Only we, the residents, are not happy, but our opinion, as usual, is not taken into account, ”Skuratov reflects. He also doubts the objectivity of the measurements. “A 20-30-watt antenna within a radius of 30 meters cannot fit into the norm. But formally you will be told that everything is in order. Some kind of oncology will appear in five years, and then it will not be up to the norm, ”the activist reflects.

Moscow City Duma Deputy Elena Shuvalovaassumes that the project involves very high-ranking and interested officials.

“The Moscow government has canceled the coordination with the municipal deputies of the work on the wiring of communications. And immediately the builders dug through all of Moscow - a new cable was laid. There is a suspicion that it was intended specifically for dual-purpose supports. This means that people at a very high level are vitally interested in this project, here are their material interests. It was necessary not only to lay the cable, but also to ensure that these works were not coordinated with the public. Not everyone can do that, ”Shuvalova says.


Doctor-oncologist Anatoly Khaustovof district Troparevo-Nikulino also participates in the movement against dual-purpose supports. He says that experts know about the effect of electromagnetic radiation on the human body, but this phenomenon has not been fully studied. The simplest violation that a tower that has appeared in the neighborhood can "present" is insomnia and headache. Then vegetative-vascular dystonia, hypertension, cardiosclerosis occur. Some experts suspect that radiation can cause cancer, but the connection between base stations and the occurrence of this diagnosis has not yet been proven.

The safest distance from a radio signal source to a residential building is 200 meters. Moscow officials adhere to other standards - 65 meters. In practice, this distance most often does not exceed 40 meters. . Doctor of Medical Sciences Svetlana Nikitina claims that earlier base stations were placed only on the roofs of high-rise buildings so that apartments did not fall into the main beam zone. “Recently, we see that the antennas have crawled down. They are often located on two-story buildings, only a few meters above the ground. Thus, the radiation is directed towards residential buildings. Once, in such an apartment, we measured indicators. It turned out that they were 50 times higher than the standards, ”says Nikitina.

Meanwhile, Muscovites have already noticed that soon after the towers appeared, cockroaches disappeared from the capital's apartments. To meet the once ubiquitous sparrow is already a rarity. Municipal deputy Alexandra Andreeva speaks with horror about the activities of the Department of Culture - officials have installed Wi-Fi in most of the capital's parks. "There won't be a single insect left!" - she is indignant.

They say that a few years ago a resident of the Moscow region forced officials to remove the post from his cottage. This person managed to convince the judge that the machine violates his constitutional right to a healthy environment. Muscovites have more modest successes - none of them managed to achieve the elimination of the tower with transmitting devices under their windows. City officials respond to all their complaints with standard replies.

Natalia Purtova



Most of the territory of Russia is densely covered with so-called base stations. In an open field, they look more like red and white towers. But in the city they were located on the roofs of skyscrapers. These stations are capable of picking up a signal from any cell phone within a radius of no more than 35 kilometers.

Experts say that the antennas "shine" where they are directed, so there is no danger for residents of the house on the roof of which they are installed. They "catch" radiation only if the emitters are directed downward. The same principle applies to towers located in an open field or outdoors. In this case, people living in the immediate vicinity of the mast are least at risk. Inhabitants of the areas where the "ray" coming from the tower is directed may have a reason to worry. Experts say that it is the places that are a short distance from the base station that need constant monitoring. There, the radiation level may exceed the permissible limits.

All over the world, towers of "cellular" communication are also actively being installed, and most likely these towers are multifunctional and, according to one version, are designed to read information from the chips that they want to stuff all of humanity. In some countries, protests are raised against the installation of these towers, since at the physical level people feel the dangerous effects on their bodies. To reduce the degree of conflict between the government and the people, some countries go to the trick, they disguise the towers of "cellular" communication under the surrounding nature. For example, like this:

. .

It is hardly possible today to find a person who would never use a cell phone. But does everyone understand how cellular communication works? How does something that we are all used to for a long time work and work? Are signals from base stations transmitted via wires or does it all work differently? Or maybe all cellular communication functions only due to radio waves? We will try to answer these and other questions in our article, leaving the description of the GSM standard outside its scope.

At the moment when a person tries to make a call from his mobile phone, or when they start calling him, the phone is connected via radio waves to one of the base stations (the most accessible), to one of its antennas. Base stations can be observed here and there, looking at the houses of our cities, at the roofs and facades of industrial buildings, at skyscrapers, and finally at the red and white masts specially erected for stations (especially along highways).

These stations look like rectangular boxes of gray color, from which various antennas (usually up to 12 antennas) stick out in different directions. The antennas here work both for reception and transmission, and they belong to the cellular operator. The base station antennas are directed to all possible directions (sectors) to provide "network coverage" to subscribers from all directions at a distance of up to 35 kilometers.

An antenna of one sector is able to simultaneously serve up to 72 calls, and if there are 12 antennas, then imagine: 864 calls can, in principle, serve one large base station at the same time! Although usually limited to 432 channels (72 * 6). Each antenna is connected with a cable to the control unit of the base station. And already blocks of several base stations (each station serves its part of the territory) are connected to the controller. Up to 15 base stations are connected to one controller.

The base station, in principle, is capable of operating on three bands: the 900 MHz signal penetrates better into buildings and structures, spreads further, therefore this particular range is often used in villages and in the fields; the signal at a frequency of 1800 MHz does not spread so far, but more transmitters are installed in one sector, therefore, in cities such stations are more often installed; finally 2100 MHz is a 3G network.

There can be several controllers, of course, in a settlement or area, so the controllers, in turn, are connected by cables to the switch. The task of the switch is to connect the networks of mobile operators with each other and with the city lines of ordinary telephone communication, long distance communication and international communication. If the network is small, then one switch is enough, if the network is large, two or more switches are used. Switches are interconnected by wires.

In the process of moving a person talking on a mobile phone along the street, for example: he is walking, riding in public transport, or moving in a private car - his phone should not lose the network for a moment, the conversation should not be interrupted.

Continuity of communication is obtained due to the ability of a network of base stations to very quickly switch a subscriber from one antenna to another in the process of moving from the coverage area of \u200b\u200bone antenna to the coverage area of \u200b\u200banother (from cell to cell). The subscriber himself does not notice how he ceases to be associated with one base station, and is already connected to another, how he switches from antenna to antenna, from station to station, from controller to controller ...

At the same time, the switch provides optimal load distribution over a multi-layer network scheme to reduce the likelihood of equipment failure. A multi-level network is built as follows: cell phone - base station - controller - switch.

Let's say we make a call, and now the signal has already reached the switchboard. The switch transfers our call to the destination subscriber - to the city network, to the international or long-distance communication network, or to the network of another mobile operator. All this happens very quickly using high-speed fiber optic cable channels.

Then our call goes to the switchboard, which is located on the side of the subscriber receiving the call (called by us). The "receiving" switch already has data about where the called subscriber is located, in which network coverage area: which controller, which base station. And so, the network polling begins from the base station, the addressee is found, and his phone “receives a call”.

The entire chain of the described events, from the moment the number is dialed to the moment the call rang out on the receiving side, usually lasts no more than 3 seconds. So we can call anywhere in the world today.

Andrey Povny

Most cellular users have no idea what a huge system provides for their comfort. Meanwhile, these are not only switch computers, special controllers, but also thousands, no - tens of thousands of base stations, sensitive antennas of which allow subscribers to always stay in touch.

More brains than hardware

The main element of a cellular network of any standard - this is the base station (BSS, Base Station System), which deals with call distribution and mobile phone authentication. Depending on the communication standard, base stations (BS) operate in the frequency range from 450 to 1880 MHz. BSs form the basis of macrocells, the so-called "cells". Since the working radius of such stations is about 10-12 km outside the city and about 5 km in the city, many base stations are built and located relatively close to each other. Fully autonomous and automated base stations are small containers that are usually installed on the roof of buildings. There are usually several computers, an autonomous power supply and an air conditioner - all BS equipment is very sensitive to temperature changes. All this wealth is equipped with an automatic fire extinguishing system and alarm. It is imperative that there is a wireless or cable communication channel with the network control center, where a huge data stream is transmitted - incoming and outgoing calls from subscribers.

BS container.

Secure communication

There is an opinion that base stations are very harmful to health. According to domestic sanitary norms and rules, BS antennas are placed on existing buildings or on special masts. There are two types of antennas: transmitting (or transmitting and receiving), and receiving, which are not sources of the electromagnetic field at all. The main radiation energy of the transmitting antenna is concentrated in a rather narrow "beam", which is always directed away from the structures and above the adjacent buildings. This is a necessary condition for the normal functioning of cellular communications and environmental safety.

Base station stuffing.

The radiation power of the BS antenna is not constant, it changes depending on the network load - the number of active cell phones in the service area. Moreover, for stations located in different areas of the city, the load varies. At night, it is practically zero, but in the evening it rises sharply.

Studies of the electromagnetic environment in the area adjacent to the BS have been repeatedly carried out by specialists from Sweden, Hungary and Russia. If we examine the results of these measurements, it can be seen that in 100% of cases the electromagnetic environment in the building where the BS is installed does not differ from the background one. On the adjacent territory, in 91% of cases, the recorded level of the electromagnetic field was 10 times less than the MPL (maximum permissible level) established for radio engineering facilities in Moscow. The maximum value recorded during measurements was 2 times less than the installed remote control, near the building on which three stations of different standards were installed at once. Thus, we can say with confidence that cellular base stations are not dangerous to public health.

Came, set, flew away

Base stations are mounted on high-rise buildings or on metal towers that are specially built. High-rise masts (over 50 meters) are usually mounted outside the city by helicopters. All structures are brought from special factories on long tractors and then assembled into 4 large sections, which the helicopter will have to hoist one on top of the other. The first section, 20 meters high, is erected with a heavy truck crane, and the rest - only with the help of a rotary-wing machine.

Helicopters are used for mounting special. It looks like an ordinary Mi-8, but in fact it is a radically modified machine - a flying laboratory worth about $ 2 million. Specially for the installation of complex structures, an external suspension is provided on it, on which a cable with tower blocks is attached. It is controlled by a computer, which takes into account all gusts of wind and keeps several tons of metal strictly vertically. There is also a special transparent rear cockpit, from which another pilot controls the installation. The whole process is carried out in radio silence mode - control is carried out only by visual commands of the "flag" engineer from the ground. It is this person who must make sure for himself that the flanges of the blocks are in contact, and only after securing the section, give the command to the helicopter pilot to unhook the cable from the external sling. The assembly process itself takes place very quickly - in just 40 minutes.

Installation of a base station from a helicopter.

A parade of unusual projects

Exotics in the construction of sea base stations. It's no joke - each cellular company can have several thousand communication objects, and not all of them are located in megacities. For example, in MTS there is a BS powered by a wind generator - they are installed in the Krasnodar Territory. There are BSs in portable containers - a box the size of a small TV, in which an uninterruptible power supply and an air conditioner are mounted. Such BSs can be mounted almost anywhere, for example, directly on poles. In particular, in Moscow, a similar BS is installed in Gostiny Dvor. There are BSs mounted on bell towers - in Suzdal and Sergiev Posad, for example. These are the highest places in the district, it is unprofitable to erect a mast there - so I had to ask permission from the church. But a completely unique system is the base station in the Lefortovo tunnel in Moscow. There, the antenna is a slotted radiating cable stretched in a three-kilometer tunnel.

VimpelCom has its own pride - to ensure coverage of the Bee Line GSM network on the busy section of the federal highway Krasnodar-Sochi, passing through the village Moldavanovka, a solar-powered base station was launched. On a mountain pass in the Moldavanovka area, it turned out to be difficult to provide quality coverage. One of the possible positions of the base station, providing an acceptable coverage area, was a natural site at an altitude of 711 meters on the mountain. It was decided to replace the expensive project for the organization of traditional power supply with an alternative solar-powered system. The peak power of the solar panels is enough to power the station itself, two air conditioners and recharge the batteries overnight. In addition to solar panels, a wind turbine was also installed. AT " VimpelCom”Emphasize that this is the first base station on alternative energy sources in Russia, but not the first in the world.

Base station "Bee Line" on solar energy.

In April 2004, a solar-powered mobile base station was also launched in Kimberley County, Western Australia. In total, it uses 60 solar panels with a total weight of 7.4 tons.

Distinguished in the construction of "exotic" and mobile operator specialists SMARTS... For example, BS with a coverage area extended to 100 km are used in the Astrakhan region. In the Samara, Penza and Volgograd regions, base stations are at high altitude. There are a lot of hills there. These stations have to be mounted with the help of specially trained mountaineering units.

More bandwidth is required for mobile fBs that deploy in just a few hours. For example, such a BS works at the Grushinsky Festival.

It should be noted that exotic BS is not an invention of the "mysterious Russian soul". For example, the UK began to install "green" base stations for cellular communications. Finally, the English "greens" who opposed the construction of base stations for cellular communications in the protected areas of Foggy Albion can sleep peacefully. In the heart of the Aberdeenshire Forest, a second self-contained hydrogen fuel cell base station has been installed. The first such station was installed in Scotland, near the world famous ski center. The installation of a conventional station would require laying about five kilometers of electrical cable, which would cause irreparable damage to the nature in these places.

By the way, for amateurs and specialists: the cellular configuration of the base stations built at many domestic and foreign resorts is very interesting and unusual. At such stations, as a rule, there are only two cells, one "shoots" in one side of the coast, the second - in the opposite direction. You won't climb into the sea with your phone, but taking a picture of yourself on the beach and sending yourself to the snow-covered capital is a nice thing.

But African operators went farthest - they set up base stations on special rafts in the middle of large rivers. As a result, they "cover" both the nearby villages and the river itself. There are no roads, and the main transport routes are by water. Well, it's more difficult to steal equipment from there.

Total control

Constant monitoring of the cellular network coverage and voice quality is vital for any cellular operator. That is why mobile laboratories equipped with the latest technology go every day on the road. A typical example of such a car is a minibus Volkswagen Transporter or SUV Suzuki grand vitara, they are equipped with measuring equipment for testing AMPS / DAMPS or GSM900 / 1800 networks.

Volkswagen Transporter

In each region, engineers develop specific routes to monitor the network. Alternatively, the crews set off on the road based on user complaints about poor communication quality or the inability to get through. The third option for detours is to thoroughly check the operation of the new base stations. The measuring complex not only checks the coverage area of \u200b\u200bthe base station and verifies it with a plan, but also tests the quality of switching between the base station and its neighbors.

The special equipment of each car costs tens of thousands of dollars and takes up about a third of the passenger compartment. In total, the car can have two complexes, they are powered by the on-board network. The first task is to monitor the quality of the cellular network coverage in real time. It usually consists of a powerful laptop from Toshiba, several special devices and three phones Sagem, one of which works only in the GSM900 range, the second - GSM1800, the third - supports both communication standards. Each of the telephones continuously calls special technical numbers in the company's office with so-called “long calls” for 54-59 minutes. At this time, the measuring equipment analyzes the quality of the coverage, it is determined how successfully the cell call is transmitted from cell to cell, in which cases communication breaks may occur. All data is immediately entered into a computer for further analysis.

The second set consists of four Sagem phones. Two of them call each other with “short calls” lasting 59 seconds. Another one calls to a special service number at the office of the cellular company, another one receives calls from the office of the company. After connection, a short voice message is transmitted, spoken in a female and male voice. Since the standard of the text is known, the result obtained is instantly compared with it and a measure of the similarity of the message is established. The more similar they are, the better the connection quality. One of the important parts of the complex is the satellite navigation system (GPS). With its help, the computer determines the position in the city and enters into a special "black box" all the parameters of the cellular network with reference to the area. This makes it possible to locate the fault location with high accuracy.

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