How to earn cashback aliexpress. Which cashback service to choose for Aliexpress

AliExpress is not a store in the full sense of the word. This is a huge trading platform where tens of thousands of sellers from different countries of the world offer their goods, although the majority, nevertheless, are from China. The main feature and the main advantage of AliExpress from similar resources is a diverse assortment and, frankly, ridiculous prices.

A “diverse assortment” is not just words. Here you can really buy almost everything, from collars for ants to a selfie station. It is possible that there is no engine for a rocket launcher, but even that, you can leave a request and, with a probability of 99.9%, agile Chinese will design it, produce it and arrange for you free delivery.

When choosing a product on AliExpress, first of all pay attention to the seller’s rating and be sure to read all reviews about it. This will protect you from possible fraud.

AliExpress is the most popular foreign online store in Russia

According to recent reports, the Chinese online store has overtaken even such “pillars” as Ebay and Ozon. This is understandable: cheaper goods than on this online site, you will not find anywhere else. 55 million people visit the AliExpress website every month, 600,000 new users register every day, and almost $ 2 billion of packages are sent per year.

Having chosen the goods, do not rush to pay for it. Contact the seller, most likely, especially for you, he will lower the price a little more.

Aliexpress can be called a fairy tale: an understandable offer, low price, a huge selection - and you do not need to go anywhere. Paradise for a shopaholic and an ordinary housewife.

How to buy even cheaper

The already low prices for Aliexpress will become even more attractive if you go shopping with. Agree that getting back some of your money already spent is very nice. It’s like I lost it, and then I found it again. And here we are returning your “loss” - from 5% of the purchase amount, depending on the current cashback.

Cash back to Aliexpress can be obtained after registering at LetyShops and clicking on the link to the store.

The average expectation of cashback is a month and a half, but we are working to reduce this period.

Additional offers

“Do you have the same, but with pearl buttons?”

It often happens that a thing is like, but if the collar is different, or the length is a little shorter ... At Aliexpress you can order individual tailoring. They chose a model, decided what to change in it, sent their sizes and that’s it, expect delivery. With such an order, Aliexpress also provides cashback.

You can pay for purchases in cash or from your mobile phone.

AliExpress is the only foreign online store that allows you to pay for any purchases using your mobile phone (in Russia) and in cash.

That's why they love cashback in Aliexpress:

  • very low prices;
  • colossal assortment;
  • additional discounts;
  • free shipping;
  • the possibility of individual tailoring;
  • many payment methods;
  • consumer rights Protection.

Buying on Aliexpress is really profitable. Come into the store, see what they sell there - we are sure that you will become a regular on this trading platform, because with LetyShops purchases will cost you almost nothing.

Hello my dear! Today I will tell you how to buy with cash back on Aliexpress every time you decide to make a purchase. Yes, yes, you heard right! From today, you will always return part of the money spent by you immediately after the transaction.

This return is called cashback, and the seller of your goods will return the money to you. Why should he return? Each merchant is interested in selling as much of his product as possible, and he will gladly give a reward to the one who directed you to this seller.

Today I will tell you step by step about how to become a partner on Aliexpress and receive a percentage of reward not only after paying for your purchases, but also after paying for the purchases of your friends and acquaintances.

Confused? Do not rush to conclusions. Go through all the steps that I previously went through, then everything will become clear and understandable to you.

There are cashback services that work directly with Ali, and if you sign up for this service, you will automatically return some percentage of the value of your product (the percentage of payments from sellers is different).

In the case of the intermediary service, part of the funds that the seller returned to you and which rightfully belongs to you will go to maintaining the cashback service.

How do you like this?

  1. On the one hand, I don’t want to share with anyone else.
  2. On the other hand, such services are convenient. You go to Aliexpress through the cashback service, pay for the goods or services, and automatically return part of your money. The amount of refund will be displayed in the personal account of the cashback service.

Conveniently? In my opinion, very convenient.

I want to recommend you Letishops   (click on the link to go), as there are more than 900 online stores on this service that are ready to make you a 5%, 10%, 15% return on the purchase price (I haven’t heard about 90% if you are looking for such a discount) Some sellers have a fixed refund amount.

After registration at Letyshops   you will have access to your personal account with a unique client number.

This office will display:

  • balance amount;
  • withdrawal form;
  • they will tell you how to bring a friend and earn 15% of their cashback;
  • the opportunity to make a trial order (use this service and you will not have a question - how to order);
  • read other rules of cooperation.

What is the significant minus of such cooperation? It seemed to me, the minus is that the minimum amount for withdrawal is 500 rubles, but if you often buy goods through the Internet, then this threshold will be quite acceptable for you.

Second way

I prefer to cooperate with Aliexpress without intermediaries and I advise you to pay your attention to the second method of returning a percentage of the spent amount.

What is required for this? To get started sign up for affiliate program online store AliExpress   (click on the link to go).

After entering your personal account, go to the "My sites" section, add sites where you can place your affiliate links. If you don’t have a website, don’t have your own YouTube channel, you can add links to your accounts on social networks.

Do not worry, this procedure will not take you much time. You need to add sites only once, but, accordingly, wait until they are approved.

Now it remains to form a referral link to the product that you decided to purchase in the near future. I always shop at my affiliate link. She invited herself, herself and received a reward in the form of a refund of part of the money spent. Until today, there were no problems with this method of shopping.

How to create a unique and affiliate link to the selected product?

For those who have already collaborated with online stores, with SPA partners, creating a link is not difficult, but for beginners I will try to tell as detailed as possible on an example.

I fired up to buy a women bag, chose the right model, compared prices from different sellers and rated their rating. Be sure to read the reviews and only then made a firm decision - I TAKE!

I need to copy the link to the page where my bag is for sale. To do this, I put the mouse cursor in the address bar, press the key combination Ctrl + A, the link is highlighted. I right-click and select “copy” from the pop-up window (context menu).

Now i'm coming back in affiliate account   and insert a link with a specially designated field, prescribe the name of the creative, put a checkmark to attract users to buy a bag at a discount and click on the button “Create an affiliate link”.

Of course, the list of methods can be described further, but I will not do this so that you are not completely confused. It is enough to know about two ways:

  1. through an intermediary
  2. directly with Aliexpress.

You can use the mobile application, for this it is enough to install it - here link . You can still install the browser plugin - here's another one link .

If you still have questions, use the comment form and we will solve your problem together.

Sincerely, Natalya Krasnova.

Everyone would like to spend as little money as possible on purchases. For this, we buy at AliExpress, because there are rather low prices, and the quality pleases. But not everyone still knows about the great opportunity to save with cashback for AliExpress.

What is cashback on AliExpress?

First of all, it’s worth understanding what cashback is on AliExpress. Cashback is a term that is often used in trading on the Internet, as well as in any areas where people spend or invest money (banks, casinos, investment funds, etc.). The term cashback comes from the English language. Cash back - translates as a cash back.

The term "cashback" is understood as a kind of bonus program, in which it is possible to return part of the money spent. AliExpress also has the opportunity to receive cashback from each purchase, thereby making any item 5, 8 and even 10% cheaper.

How does cashback work on AliExpress?

Now let's look at how cashback works on AliExpress. The AliExpress marketplace is very popular all over the world. In order to further increase customer loyalty, an affiliate program was introduced. Its participants receive a% of the money spent on goods attracted by users.

To understand this system well, let's look at the device of the AliExpress trading platform itself. It sells a lot of sellers. In life, stores pay rent, and on AliExpress, sellers pay a commission on sales. This commission goes directly to the AliExpress trading platform itself.

Imagine that a seller sold a product for $ 100. And $ 80 went to him, and $ 20 went as a commission to Aliexpress. From this same commission payments to partners occur. AliExpress partners are sites, forums, various services that work on a variety of principles. We can divide our partners into three main groups:

  1. The first group is the one that is engaged in attracting customers on AliExpress by itself. Most often, this is a site or service that offers users a service, for example, find out the black list of sellers on AliExpress. Such partners profit from purchases of users attracted from their resources, and in return offer only useful information or a feature (sometimes they don’t even offer this).
  2. The second group - services that offer to earn their users. Such partner sites are intermediaries that give their users money and take a small part from their profits. A striking example of such a site is Epn. It provides an opportunity for both earnings and cashback to ordinary buyers on Ali Express - Epn CashBack.
  3. The third group is services that provide the opportunity to receive cashback on AliExpress. You will buy anything on AliExpress with these services and receive cashback. In return, these cashback services will leave a small percentage of the sale to yourself. This is how cashback on AliExpress works.

How to get cashback on AliExpress?

Everyone can get a cashback on AliExpress. To do this, you just need to select a cashback service, register in it and buy on AliExpress. There are many services that offer to receive cashback for AliExpress. I propose to consider the most popular of them:

  • Epn CashBack is a service that we have talked about a bit earlier in this article. In it, you can get cashback up to 15% from your purchases. This is the most popular cashback service for AliExpress. The minimum payout here is only $ 0.2.
  • LettyShop is the most popular cashback service. It works with hundreds of other online stores and if you are used to buying not only in Aliexpress, then LettyShop is what you need. The percentage of cashback for AliExpress from each purchase here will be 3%.
  • MegaBonus is another service that provides a good% cashback. By registering here and installing the extension, you will receive up to 4.91% of each of your purchases automatically. In addition, the expansion from MegaBonus helps in verifying the seller for AliExpress. In this article, read a detailed review of MegaBonus.

Choose any of these services, register in it and buy on AliExpress with cashback. Everything is very simple and clear. Start saving on your purchases right now!

How to use cashback on AliExpress?

We just need to figure out how to use cashback on AliExpress, or rather what to do with the money that we saved. In all cashback services, each user has an account. Each time, buying on AliExpress using any service, a certain amount of money will be credited to this account (depends on the amount of goods and the% that the service provides).

After the minimum amount for payment has accumulated (this amount depends on the service you choose), you can get the money saved. Most often, you can withdraw your cashback to payment systems (Yandex.Money, WebMoney, etc.) and to a bank card.

After receiving the money in any way you choose, you can dispose of it at your discretion. You can go again and buy with cashback on AliExpress.

Cashback Ali Express divorce or not?

If you read the article before this section, then you already understand that cash back AliExpress is not a divorce. The money you save on purchases is not taken from the air. They are accrued officially under the AliExpress affiliate program.

The whole truth about cashback on AliExpress is that it is a great opportunity to spend a little less than your money. It would be strange to ignore this opportunity. Choose a service and register in it, make purchases and make sure from your own experience that cash back AliExpress is not a divorce.

If you liked this article, subscribe to the site updates. In the future, there will be many articles about cashback on AliExpress, which will certainly be useful to you.

Today we’ll talk about such a way to save on purchases on Aliexpress as - Cashback (CASHBACK). This method is not new and there are a lot of services offering to return part of the money from the cost of your purchase in various online stores, including Aliexpress. Agree, it's nice to get an additional discount just like that.

Therefore, in this article I will tell you about how to get the most profitable cashback on Aliexpress  (up to 90% of the purchase price). We will figure out how to buy with cashback on Aliexpress (and in other stores) through the personal account of your service, using plug-ins and extensions for the browser, as well as from your smartphone, using special mobile applications.

Well, at the end of the article, you will learn how to make money on it.

In general, take a seat more conveniently, we begin.

What is cashback? Why is it profitable for shops and services to pay you?

Cashback  - literally translated as "Refund".Its essence lies in the fact that the affiliate program pays you part of the money that you spent in a particular store, in our case, on Aliexpress. Along with coupons, discounts and other promotions, this should encourage you to shop. And the opportunity to save on buying the things you like contributes to this best of all.

Naturally, the affiliate program also earns part of the money for you. But there's nothing to be done. Often people are looking for a catch in this, but it is not. The service attracts you to the store, you make a purchase. The store pays the service a percentage of the sale, and that in turn is shared with you. Everything is extremely simple, no gray schemes.

In addition, in addition to saving money, you can also earn extra money on your friends and acquaintances recommending them one or more services, which I do (as if you hadn’t guessed \u003d))

For those who often buy on Aliexpress, as well as for entrepreneurs reselling goods from China, the opportunity to save from 1.6% to 5% of the purchase price is just a great gift. So use do not be shy. Those who buy a new case for a phone once every half a year or even a keychain can even not steam it, unless of course the amount of 50-60 rubles is significant for you.

Top 3 best cashback services for Aliexpress

In this article, we will consider the process of purchases with cashback. And for those who are too lazy to search and understand, I will leave my top 3 best services:

In order not to spoil your impression of getting acquainted with these sites, I advise you to carefully read the rules and conditions of work in them. For example, the maximum cashback of 90% offered by EPN is given not for all products, but only for those that fall into the "Special Offer" section.

To get the maximum rate of 8.25% in the Megabonus service, you will have to achieve the title “Master on a coin”, and this is no less than $ 2584 in money saved.

And in order to get the best working conditions in the Letyshops service, you need to achieve the LetyGold status - save 10,000 rubles. Or activate a premium account for 150 rubles per month.

Situations in which you will not be counted as a purchase and not refunded can also be described here. Yes, it is possible. We will talk about how to avoid this below.

And finally, here you will find various bonuses, promotions and user reviews about this store and purchases in it.

After following the link, you will be taken to the Aliexpress website. You just have to choose the right product and make a purchase. Moreover, this must be done in one browser session.  If for some reason you do not buy the product immediately after clicking on the affiliate link, you will have to start all over again. Otherwise, you will not receive money.

Related video:

How to use the EPN service

Video instruction

How to use the Letishops service

Video instruction

How to buy with cashback through browser plugins?

Especially for the convenience of users, special plugins are created for the most popular browsers. There are plugins for such running browsers as:

  • Opera
  • Mozilla firefox
  • Coogle Chrome (also suitable for Yandex.Browser)
  • Safari
  • Old Internet Explorer

I think that people still sitting on IE do not shop online.

The installed EPN plugin looks like this:

Let's figure out how to buy with cashback using browser plug-ins.

Naturally, first you need to install it. Find the link to the plugin in your service and install. When you first start the plugin will ask you to log in. Enter your account details and log in. After logging in and going to the product page, you will also have to activate cashback, but already in the plugin.

Of the obvious advantages of plugins are:

  • A reminder that you did not activate cashback before buying.
  • The ability to get all the necessary information through the plugin, directly on the product page.
  • Additional features like product price dynamics or tracking track numbers directly in the plugin.

In general, if you make purchases from a computer, then using such plug-ins would be the best option.

Cashback purchase via EPN plugin

Consider the browser extension from EPN Cashback. After installation, the icon should appear in the upper right corner of your browser.

All you have to do is click a button Continue (proceed to purchase)»And place an order for Aliexpress. Money should be transferred to your balance in the EPN. Be sure to check if your purchase was considered.

Related video:

EPN Cashback Plugin

And here is the instruction for using the EPN plugin for Aliexpress in pictures \u003d).

Buying via Letyshops browser extension


Letishops also has its own plugin. How it looks can be seen in the screenshot above.

This extension is available for the following browsers:

  • Google chrome
  • Yandex browser
  • Safari
  • Firefox
  • Opera

And the advantages of this plugin I note:

  1. the ability to search and select a store directly in the plugin.
  2. section with promotions - allows you to find out about sales and promotions taking place in stores at the moment.
  3. In addition, recently in the expansion Letishops appeared and Product price dynamics.

So, for purchases through the Letishops plugin, you need to select the desired store and click on it. After that, you will see a page with brief information and working conditions with this store.
  I advise you to familiarize yourself with this information, especially if you have not read it immediately after registering with the service. Next, click on the button "Activate cashback"

We get to the page with the message that everything was successfully activated, after which we are redirected to the main page of the selected store.
  I also advise you to check again if the activation was really successful. To do this, click again on the Letishops plugin icon in your browser. Now it should look like this:

Related video:

Plugin from Letishops

Overview and instructions for use

That's it, now you can start shopping with peace of mind. The percentage of each of them will be displayed in your Letishops account and of course in the plugin itself.

Now we’ll figure out how to buy with cashback from your phone through the AliExpress mobile app. This method is becoming increasingly popular along with the rapidly growing number of mobile Internet users.

Not for nothing that Aliexpress so actively advertises its smartphone app on iOS and Android. Prices are lower there, and there are more discounts, bonuses and promotions than in the desktop version of the site. Partner platforms that simply cannot miss such a number of potential customers are not far behind him.

Therefore, they also release their own applications that allow you to receive cashback on Aliexpress directly from your phone.

Despite all the variety of offers, the algorithm of actions when buying through a mobile application is the same:

We go to the information page and click on the button “Activate cashback”.

  In order to get cashback, you need:
  • Download the application from the link below.
  • Register and log in to your account.
  • Choose a store where you are going to buy something.
  • Make a purchase.

Also in the application you can find out your balance, the number of orders, find a section with special offers, coupons and promotional codes, and of course order a payment.

Related video:

How to buy with cashback through the EPN application

Overview and instructions

You can find out how much money you returned in the “My Orders” tab.

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Recently, everyone who makes purchases on AliExpress and other trading floors has a unique offer to save even more while doing the usual thing. This option became available thanks to the so-called Ali Express cashback and a service that is available to absolutely everyone.

It would be foolish to miss another chance to return part of the spent amount back, in addition, those who have at least once taken advantage of this tempting offer are now horrified to calculate in their mind how much money they could save if they found out earlier about this opportunity.

At the moment, two of the largest and time-tested representatives of this niche can be distinguished. Of course, we are talking about the main and perhaps, as well as it, superior perhaps only in the number of available stores.

How to get cashback on AliExpress

The main question that worries many who want to test everything in practice, of course - how to get cashback on AliExpress. To do this, you only need a couple of minutes of free time. - (fill in the e-mail field / come up with a password) and you can already start using all the features of the AliExpress affiliate program that are open to you.

We recommend not limited to one service, because on a regular basis among their users they hold all kinds of promotions, such as an increased return rate or raffle of valuable prizes on the occasion of holidays and major sales.

But it’s not worth spraying too much, because in this area there are already enough those whose main task is to promise, and as a rule, only the most favorable conditions, and in fact the scenario is simple - make money quickly and leave you with nothing.

As an alternative to the above options, you can add another AliExpress cashback service with the highest percentage, and you must agree, it costs a lot. We assure you that this is clearly enough, and don’t even waste time searching for mediocre searches, we do dozens of orders daily and believe we know what we're talking about.

For your convenience, affiliate programs that help return part of what you spent back have developed special extensions / add-ons, so-called plug-ins for all the most popular web browsers - Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Yandex.Browser. To install them you need:

  • Sign up for the Affiliate Program
  • Log in to your account.
  • Go to the tab “Extension for browser” and click on the one you are using
  • You will be redirected to the plugin installation page, where you only need to confirm its installation

After these simple steps, you can consider the work done, now in your browser, on the add-ons panel, a new Ali Express cashback icon / icon will appear. In our case, as you can see, several are installed at the same time, however, immediately before the purchase, the option that gives the highest percentage of return at the time of placing the order is activated.

He always tries to keep the most favorable conditions, but thanks to the partnership with LetyShops, you have a good opportunity to buy goods in Chinese online stores on special, more favorable conditions.

In addition, now anyone can get a cashback in TMALL, a section focused mainly on, with instant delivery and an official manufacturer’s guarantee.

Attention! Our exclusive Lety code is still active, a link to which you can find below. With it, the standard rate will increase by 30%, and the minimum withdrawal amount will practically disappear. This offer is not only active on AliExpress.

The second partner, gives all new users, which implies advanced features, namely an increased percentage of cashback over the course of a week, thereby allowing immediately to evaluate all the advantages of using it right from the start.

The most useful tool from the mentioned services, without a doubt, is the built-in one, with the help of which you can easily learn to distinguish real discounts from false discounts that cunning Chinese like to do on the eve of annual sales.

If you didn’t manage to activate the promo code for the increased cashback rate, you can subscribe to our VKontakte or Twitter group (links at the bottom of the page), where we will publish the latest promo codes, or add this page to bookmarks, periodically updating in the hope of one of first notice and activate them.

For those who like to get everything from life, we recommend that you make purchases in, because it’s no secret that the prices there are sometimes an order of magnitude lower than the full version of the site, and if you add AliExpress cashback to all this, it will turn out not only as profitable as possible, but also convenient.

From the first days of its existence, these proven services have helped more than one million customers to receive a refund of a certain part of the amount spent in their favorite online stores. We personally made a thousand orders at the largest Chinese sites and of course we recommend those who are not ashamed to vouch for.

As a rule, the decisive factor for making a purchase using AliExpress cashback is the percentage and amount of the minimum withdrawal, and this if you do not take into account a stable system and professional technical support staff, which can be noted for each of our applicants.

In the vast majority of one-day trips, you will never find this and just spend your time and nerves to sort things out, and there are more than enough problems in this area, starting from incorrectly credited orders, ending with payments and compensations if something went wrong.

If you want stability, choose a couple of reliable services and just check before buying where the conditions will be more favorable, for example, for different categories of goods at the same time each one can have completely different rates, and no one canceled the promotional codes.

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