Adding folders and files to favorites in Windows. Add to favourites

Hello everyone, dear readers of the DortX Annals! We continue our conversation about the Yandex browser. Today we will deal with such issues as adding sites to favorites, organizing and setting up bookmarks for your favorite sites.

Add site to favorites or in yandex browser bookmarks very simple! To do this, we just need to go to the desired site and click on the asterisk located at the very end of the address bar of the Yandex browser:

After completing this action, the site immediately goes to favorites. Or bookmarks, it doesn't change the essence. Whom it is more convenient to call it.
Here you can give the bookmark a name convenient for you and select a folder (directory) to save the bookmark:

If you turned on the display of the bookmarks bar, then the bookmark, when saved to a folder called "Bookmarks bar", respectively, will be displayed on it:

Yandex browser - where can I find bookmarks?

All saved bookmarks are located in the corresponding menu. To get into it, you should:
1. click on the "Yandex browser settings" button:

2. Select the "Bookmarks" menu
3. Enter the bookmark manager.
4. Select the required folder (by default - bookmarks bar).

About bookmarks in Yandex browser

Using bookmarks in the browser makes surfing the Internet much easier. You do not need to memorize or write down millions of links - everything can be stored directly in the browser. Do not forget that you can give any name to the saved bookmark - this is done immediately after clicking on the asterisk. And also choose a suitable catalog.

How to create a directory of links in Yandex browser?

1. Go to.
2. Expand the "Bookmarks" menu and click on the "Bookmarks Manager":

3. On the left, select "Other bookmarks" and click on this inscription with the right mouse button.
4. Select "Add folder". I suggest you name the folder Helpful instructions and add articles to it.

This article will describe the different ways to add folders, files and programs to the Favorites list of the file manager of the windows operating system - Explorer.

In the windows operating system, Explorer contains a list of Favorites. By default, the operating system adds links to this list to certain folders (for example, "Desktop"), as well as to the folders of some programs after they are installed (for example, folders for cloud file storage Google Drive, SkyDrive (OneDrive), Yandex.Disk and others).

You can easily add other new folders to the Favorites list, or remove the folders located there from the Favorites list.

First, let's look at adding links to folders to the Favorites list and removing them from the Favorites list.

Removing a folder from Favorites

To remove a folder from the Favorites list, you just need to move the mouse cursor to the desired folder and press the right mouse button. In the context menu, select the "Delete" item and after that the folder will be removed from this list.

Adding a folder to favorites

To add a new folder to Favorites, you must first open File Explorer. Then you need to select the desired folder and just drag it, while holding the mouse button, into the Explorer window to the Favorites list. In this case, the inscription "Create link to favorites" will be visible next to the folder being dragged.

You can add a folder in another way. To do this, open Explorer, and then in the Explorer window, open the folder that you want to add to the Favorites list. In this image, the folder “CD-DVD” is selected.

After that, a new folder appears in the "Favorites", in the given example - the "CD-DVD" folder.

Restore deleted folders to favorites

After deleting the default folder links, you can restore them. To do this, right-click on "Favorites", and then select "Restore Favorite Links" in the context menu.

Deleted links to folders that were set to Favorites by default will be restored. This action will not affect previously added folders to Favorites, links to these folders will remain in the Favorites list.

Adding programs to favorites

You cannot add program shortcuts to Favorites using the methods described above. When you try to move the program shortcut to Favorites, the entry "Failed to add to Favorites" appears.

You can work around this obstacle by opening the Links folder, which contains the content of the Favorites list.

If the program that needs to be added to Favorites does not have a shortcut, then you need to create a shortcut for this program and send it to the Desktop.

A shortcut for a program is created in this way - the "Start" menu \u003d\u003e "All programs" \u003d\u003e Select a program and right-click on it \u003d\u003e select "Create shortcut" in the context menu \u003d\u003e "You cannot create a shortcut in this folder. Put it on your desktop? " \u003d\u003e "Yes". Now the shortcut of the selected program is placed in the Desktop folder.

After the folder with the program shortcut has been opened in Explorer or the shortcut of the selected program is on the Desktop, you need to open the Start menu and open your personal folder (the name of your user folder) in the upper right corner. The content of the Favorites list is located in the Links folder.

Open File Explorer, and then drag the program shortcut to the Links folder from the folder containing the shortcut for the selected program. If the shortcut of the selected program is on the Desktop, then simply drag and drop this shortcut into the "Links" folder.

In the image, I dragged the Skype shortcut to the Links folder, and immediately after that, the Skype shortcut appeared in the Favorites list. In the Favorites list, program shortcuts appear without an arrow.

Add files to favorites

Likewise, you can add individual files to the Favorites list. First, you need to select a file that will be placed in the "Favorites" list.

For example, I selected a "Word document" named "Questions". You will need to right-click on the selected file, and select "Create shortcut" in the context menu.

Before moving the file shortcut, you can remove the ending - "Shortcut" from the file shortcut so that the shortcut name does not differ from the file name. So just outwardly this label will look more beautiful. To do this, right-click on the shortcut, and in the context menu, select "Rename", and then remove unnecessary words from the file shortcut name.

After these steps, you need to open the "Links" folder, for this you need to go along this path - the "Start" menu \u003d\u003e "Open personal folder" \u003d\u003e "Links". Now drag the shortcut of the file from the folder where it is currently located to the open "Links" folder. Immediately after that, a shortcut to the file "Questions" appears in the "Favorites" list.

In order to remove the added programs and files from the Favorites list, move the mouse cursor to the selected file and select the Delete item in the context menu.


If necessary, the user can add files and folders to the Favorites list of windows Explorer.

How to return remote desktop to windows explorer

I do not know about you, but sometimes it happens that the "Desktop" item disappears in Windows Explorer. And for some reason I could not understand for a long time: firstly, how he disappeared, and secondly, how to get him back.

In fact, everything is simple, both the first and the second. "Desktop" disappeared when I deleted a folder or file in it, accidentally deleted the wrong item - the Explorer item. And to return the Desktop, you need to restore the links in the "Favorites". Here "Desktop" is in Explorer on the right

And here "Desktop" is missing, deleted accidentally from Explorer

To return the Desktop folder (or rather, a link to it) in Explorer, you need to select "Favorites" at the top and right-click in the window of this folder to open the menu. In the menu, select the item "Restore favorite links".

As soon as we do this, a link to the desktop will appear in the Favorites folder. And it will also appear on the left in Windows Explorer.

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It happens that a user periodically uses a certain folder for personal purposes and in order not to constantly climb the explorer, you can simply add its favorites. To figure out how to add a folder to your favorites, first let's see where it appears.

According to the standard, there are already three elements there, if any of them interferes, you can remove it:

With the removal sorted out, now let's move on to adding. This is not much more difficult than deleting, the first way to add a folder to favorites:

There is also a second way, you need to select it in the explorer and drag it to the area where the other favorites are located.

How to restore default favorites

If, for some reason, you deleted the standard favorite folders, and then there was a need to restore them, you can do this instantly.

The folders you added will not be deleted, the standard ones will simply be restored.

The ability to add your folders to favorites can be used in various situations; any PC user needs to know about this function.

Adding folders to Windows Explorer favorites

The user creates the environment for convenient work in the system himself, especially since there are more than enough opportunities for this. It's good to use commonly used items when they are always at hand. To do this, you can, for example, pin folders to the Quick Launch, pin them to the Start menu or to the taskbar. In order to have the necessary elements always at hand, being in the Windows Explorer window, they can also be fixed there. If you look at the explorer window, then on the left side you can see objects for quick access: files, recent places, desktop, and so on. It is not difficult to add new necessary elements there. Go to windows explorer and find the folder you want to add to favorites. Move your mouse cursor over it and grab it. Without releasing the key, drag to the Favorites icon. When the message "Create link to favorites" appears, release the key. In addition to pinning folders to Favorites, you can place windows controls that you often use there. For example, from Control Panel, "Programs and Features" or "Backup and Restore". In general, everything that you often use and want, that there was always quick access from any position. If the need for an item no longer exists, it can just as easily be removed from the "Favorites". To do this, press the right key on the desired element and select "Delete".

My folders in the Favorites menu in windows 7

If you open Windows Explorer, the left pane will contain a list of Favorites, marked with an asterisk. This list contains components that were kindly posted by the guys at Microsoft. For example, there is a Downloads folder, a Recent Places menu, and a Desktop. However, guys, what for me these folders and menus? I want to add mine there! Let's find out how this can be done.

This is what is found by default in the Favorites section of our beloved and beloved windows 7.

Not all of these icons are useful, and perhaps you even need them, like a hare's fifth paw. Fortunately, deleting these folders is a breeze. Right-click on the icon and select the Delete command.

It's just as easy to add your daddy to this list. To do this, in the same explorer window, go to the desired folder. Then right-click the Favorites link (the one with a yellow star) and select Add Current Location to Favorites.

In addition, the desired folder can be simply dragged corny to the Favorites link, the effect will be the same.

Add links to any folders you need, don't hesitate. If you overdo it and decide that you need to restore all the old folders back, right-click on the Favorites link and select the Restore Favorite Links command.

As you can see, everything is simple. Alas, you cannot add links from the browser to the Favorites bar. Also, you cannot add files there. But, you can add a quick search button on one of the sites. How to do this is described in the article Cool advanced search in windows 7.

How to add a site to favorites?

How to add a site to favorites?

Most Internet users know perfectly well how to add a page to their favorites in a particular browser. However, thanks to feedback from our readers, it turned out that not everyone knows how to do this. We receive many letters in which readers ask how to add our site to the "Favorites" section.

Add to favorites ". Only the banner implies a “manual” option for adding a page to the “favorites” menu, and not automatic by clicking on the banner itself. Here's a simple guide on how to add a page to your favorites. Here's an example in multiple browsers.

Internet Explorer

In this browser, it is a little more difficult to create bookmarks, or rather inconvenient. First you need to click on the star icon with a plus. It's just below the menu. A tab will open - select the first item.

To find your bookmark later, you need to click on the asterisk symbol (just below the menu). A list of bookmarks appears. Look for yours there.

Mozilla Firefox

At the very top on the menu bar, select the "Bookmarks" tab and click on it. When clicked, a tab will appear. We select the first item "Bookmark this page". Click on this item.

After that, a window like this will appear at the top right.

In the "Name" field, you can name the page as you like. After you have decided on the name of the bookmark, click "ok". To find a bookmark later, you need to click on the "Bookmarks" tab.

A menu will open. In it, look for your bookmark.


Absolutely similar algorithm for adding bookmarks and finding them as in Mozilla Firefox.

By default, Microsoft has already put some things in Favorites that you might want to see there, but maybe not. The default list includes Desktop, Downloads, Recent Places, and even TV programs if you've installed Live TV in Windows Media Center.

To remove entries from Favorites, simply right-click on the desired entry and then select Remove from the pop-up context menu.

Adding entries to favorites

In turn, adding your favorite folders to Favorites is almost as easy as removing them from there. To add any folder to Favorites, just go to it through the explorer, and then on the left, right-click on the Favorites and select "Add current location to favorites".

You can also drag your favorite folder to Favorites with the mouse to add.

If after deleting you want to restore all entries to default, just right-click on Favorites and select "Restore Favorite Links". This will not delete the entries you added, but simply restore the original ones.

Adding Search Connectors to Favorites

The new search in Windows 7 allows you to search for content directly from Explorer, not only on the local, but also on the remote machine. Right from your desktop, without opening a browser session, you can search a number of different websites. This is done using the so-called search connectors. This same feature allows IT administrators to customize searches on their company's sites.

In fact, adding search connectors to Favorites is a fairly simple task. To add, just download a special .osdx file of the desired site (for example, from here) and then double-click on it, thus starting its installation.

Once started, Windows will ask you if you really want to install the connector.

And after installation you will see your connector in the Favorites. Just select the desired connector in the left pane and then enter your search word or phrase in the right pane.

At the same time, with the preview area turned on, you can look at the found page.

Convenient, isn't it? Unfortunately, this feature only works under Windows 7 (and 8 too). Although even she in a sense can simplify work. Try it yourself! Good luck to you!

This article will describe the different ways to add folders, files and programs to the Favorites list of the file manager of the Windows operating system - Explorer.

In the Windows operating system, Explorer contains a list of Favorites. By default, the operating system adds links to this list to certain folders (for example, "Desktop"), as well as to the folders of some programs after they are installed (for example, folders for cloud file storage Google Drive, SkyDrive (OneDrive), Yandex.Disk and others).

You can easily add other new folders to the Favorites list, or remove the folders located there from the Favorites list.

First, let's look at adding links to folders to the Favorites list and removing them from the Favorites list.

Removing a folder from Favorites

To remove a folder from the Favorites list, you just need to move the mouse cursor to the desired folder and press the right mouse button. In the context menu, select the "Delete" item and after that the folder will be removed from this list.

Adding a folder to favorites

To add a new folder to Favorites, you must first open File Explorer. Then you need to select the desired folder and just drag it, while holding the mouse button, into the Explorer window to the Favorites list. In this case, the inscription "Create link to favorites" will be visible next to the folder being dragged.

You can add a folder in another way. To do this, open Explorer, and then in the Explorer window, open the folder that you want to add to the Favorites list. In this image, the folder “CD-DVD” is selected.

After that, a new folder appears in the "Favorites", in the given example - the "CD-DVD" folder.

Restore deleted folders to favorites

After deleting the default folder links, you can restore them. To do this, right-click on "Favorites", and then select "Restore Favorite Links" in the context menu.

Deleted links to folders that were set to Favorites by default will be restored. This action will not affect previously added folders to Favorites, links to these folders will remain in the Favorites list.

Adding programs to favorites

You cannot add program shortcuts to Favorites using the methods described above. When you try to move the program shortcut to Favorites, the entry "Failed to add to Favorites" appears.

You can work around this obstacle by opening the Links folder, which contains the content of the Favorites list.

If the program that needs to be added to Favorites does not have a shortcut, then you need to create a shortcut for this program and send it to the Desktop.

A shortcut for a program is created in this way - the "Start" menu \u003d\u003e "All programs" \u003d\u003e Select a program and right-click on it \u003d\u003e select "Create shortcut" in the context menu \u003d\u003e "You cannot create a shortcut in this folder. Put it on your desktop? " \u003d\u003e "Yes". Now the shortcut of the selected program is placed in the Desktop folder.

After the folder with the program shortcut has been opened in Explorer or the shortcut of the selected program is on the Desktop, you need to open the Start menu and open your personal folder (the name of your user folder) in the upper right corner. The content of the Favorites list is located in the Links folder.

Open File Explorer, and then drag the program shortcut to the Links folder from the folder containing the shortcut for the selected program. If the shortcut of the selected program is on the Desktop, then simply drag and drop this shortcut into the "Links" folder.

In the image, I dragged the Skype shortcut to the Links folder, and immediately after that, the Skype shortcut appeared in the Favorites list. In the Favorites list, program shortcuts appear without an arrow.

Add files to favorites

Likewise, you can add individual files to the Favorites list. First, you need to select a file that will be placed in the "Favorites" list.

For example, I selected a "Word document" named "Questions". You will need to right-click on the selected file, and select "Create shortcut" in the context menu.

Before moving the file shortcut, you can remove the ending - "Shortcut" from the file shortcut so that the shortcut name does not differ from the file name. So just outwardly this label will look more beautiful. To do this, right-click on the shortcut, and in the context menu, select "Rename", and then remove unnecessary words from the file shortcut name.

After these steps, you need to open the "Links" folder, for this you need to go along this path - the "Start" menu \u003d\u003e "Opening a personal folder" \u003d\u003e "Links". Now drag the shortcut of the file from the folder where it is currently located to the open "Links" folder. Immediately after that, a shortcut to the file "Questions" appears in the "Favorites" list.

In order to remove the added programs and files from the Favorites list, move the mouse cursor to the selected file and select the Delete item in the context menu.

Conclusions of the article

If necessary, the user can add files and folders to the Favorites list of Windows Explorer.

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