Network protection. A program for protecting computer networks. How to protect your computer from hackers penetration: useful tips Network protection of your computer

Network protection is a complete and necessary set of activities, which includes the organization, the creation of software, and the adoption of physical and technical measures. Only such a complex is able to ensure the maximum achievement of the properties of an information resource.

Informational resources

Today, it is necessary to take care of the encryption of specific properties of information resources. Network protection is possible if the necessary measures are taken. There are several main properties of the information network:

Protecting a computer network from an uninvited guest

If the network is not password protected, unauthorized users can connect to the wireless connection. In most cases, they do not do this intentionally, but only because modern mobile devices and gadgets automatically connect to the network. Protecting computer networks will prevent unplanned traffic consumption. But in some cases, the situation can get worse. Sometimes users start downloading illegal content using an unsecured connection.

If the owner of the personal computer has not taken any measures to protect the network from unauthorized access by third parties, then he exposes himself to danger. You need to go to the router interface and change the network access data. The address of the router is indicated in the instructions given at the time of purchasing such a device. If not, you can determine the IP address using your own network device. To do this, a browser window opens, where you must enter the address in the line.

Why is it necessary to secure a computer network?

If the protection of the local network is completely absent, then it can become the main and main source of danger. A large number of modern hackers can use a special program called a sniffer to identify existing unsecured connections. Hackers will be able to quickly and easily intercept the personal identification data they receive from a variety of services.

When the wireless network on a home or office computer has an unsecured connection, users should exercise extreme caution. Content that is in shared folders can be used by many other users. This is because there is no computer protection, and experts advise all users and managers of large organizations to create a homegroup that will be protected by a complex password.


Over the past few years, several methods have become most popular that will help protect your computer from illegal hacking:

  • Filtering by MAC-addresses.
  • Hiding the SSID, that is, classifying the network name.

Securing the network with these measures does not provide complete security for users. Hackers can quickly figure out the network name by using an adapter. Using the modified driver, you can switch to a special monitoring mode. A program called a sniffer will help you cope with the task.

Attackers will monitor the computer network until a user or client is connected to it. Next, using packet data manipulation, you can remove the client from the network. When the client reconnects, attackers can see the name of the network that is being used.

This process may seem complicated to many people, but in practice it is not at all the case. The whole procedure will not take more than five minutes.

A fraudulent program to hack into a computer network

Now a software package called Aircrack-ng is in particular demand and popularity among hackers. Cyber \u200b\u200bfraudsters use it to quickly hack wireless adapters. The presented program, in addition to the sniffer, includes a special application that allows you to download and modify all the necessary drivers on the adapter.

The program also provides the ability to recover the WEP key. Today there are a large number of methods that allow you to quickly and easily hack a computer network. But a client or a user of a personal computer can protect their own device, on which the network protection program will be installed. It has a whole suite of applications that protect your computer from unauthorized hacking.

To protect your device from fraudsters, you need to find the latest firmware that supports new encryption methods. Special programs for protecting a personal computer already have all the necessary firmware for data encryption. When the user does not update, the wireless adapter could be at risk.

Public hotspot

Public places provide free access to the wireless network. It is they who become an attractive place where cyber fraudsters gather. A large one passes through them, which is later used as a tool for hacking accounts or Free access points can be found in cafes, hotels or many others.

But not only cyber fraudsters can find out passwords and other important information. Other users who connect to this network will be able to intercept the person's personal data. Account control is often performed on a variety of sites.

Protection of the Internet and cookies is a necessary measure to encrypt the information entered. Today there are a large number of attack methods that are very simple. Even a novice hacker or knowledgeable user can use them. An extension called Firesheep is used in many modern browsers. This application allows you to automatically find and read the accounts of other users.

How do I secure my home network?

Network access protection is a mandatory measure that every user of a personal computer must take. When the router is protected with WPA2 encryption, the computer and information will no longer be in any danger from hackers. It is not recommended to divulge your wireless network password to friends and acquaintances. Their gadgets and mobile devices can be infected with malware.

Recently, new routers have been introduced that include guest mode. Its main advantage is that the router will create a separate network with its own password. This is the best protection for networks because it will not be used in this case.

Antivirus must be installed on every Windows PC. For a long time this was considered the golden rule, but today IT security experts argue about the effectiveness of security software. Critics argue that antiviruses do not always protect, and sometimes even vice versa - due to sloppy implementation they can create security holes in the system. The developers of such solutions oppose this opinion with impressive numbers of blocked attacks, and the marketing departments continue to assure of the comprehensive protection that their products provide.

The truth lies somewhere in between. Antiviruses do not work flawlessly, but all of them en masse cannot be called useless. They alert you to many threats, but they aren't enough to keep Windows as secure as possible. For you as a user, this means the following: you can either throw the antivirus into the trash can, or blindly trust it. But one way or another, he is just one of the blocks (albeit a large one) in the security strategy. We will provide you with nine more such "bricks".

Security Threat: Antivirus

\u003e What critics say The current controversy over antivirus scanners has been sparked by former Firefox developer Robert O'Callahan. He claims that antivirus programs threaten Windows security and should be removed. The only exception is Microsoft's Windows Defender.

\u003e What the developers are saying The creators of antivirus software, including Kaspersky Lab, use impressive numbers as an argument. So, in 2016, software from this laboratory registered and prevented about 760 million Internet attacks on users' computers.

\u003e What CHIP Thinks Antiviruses should not be considered a relic or a panacea. They are just a brick in the security building. We recommend using compact antivirus software. But don't bother too much: Windows Defender is fine. You can even use simple third party scanners.

Choose the right antivirus

As before, we are convinced that Windows is unthinkable without antivirus protection. You only need to choose the right product. For dozens of users, it might even be the built-in Windows Defender. Despite the fact that during our tests it showed not the best degree of recognition, it is perfectly and, most importantly, built into the system without any security problems. In addition, Microsoft has improved its product with the Creators Update for Windows 10 and made it easier to manage.

Third-party anti-virus packages often have a higher detection rate than Defender. We are committed to a compact solution. The leader of our rating at the moment is Kaspersky Internet Security 2017. Those who can refuse such additional options as parental control and password manager should turn their attention to a more budget option from Kaspersky Lab.

Follow the updates

If there was only one measure to choose to keep Windows secure, we would definitely go with updates. In this case, of course, we are talking primarily about updates for Windows, but not only. Installed software, including Office, Firefox, and iTunes, should also be updated regularly. On Windows, getting system updates is relatively easy. In both "seven" and "ten" patches are installed automatically at default settings.

In the case of programs, the situation becomes more difficult, since not all of them are as easy to update as Firefox and Chrome, which have an automatic update function built in. The SUMo (Software Update Monitor) utility will support you in solving this problem and inform you about the availability of updates. The related program DUMo (Driver Update Monitor) will do the same job for drivers. Both free helpers, however, only inform you about new versions - you will have to download and install them yourself.

Configure firewall

The Windows built-in firewall does its job well and reliably blocks all incoming requests. However, it is capable of more - its potential is not limited to the default configuration: all installed programs have the right to open ports in the firewall without demand. The free Windows Firewall Control utility gives you more features.

Run it and set the filter to “Medium Filtering” in the “Profiles” menu. This will allow the firewall to control outbound traffic according to a specified set of rules. What measures will be included there, you set yourself. To do this, in the lower left corner of the program screen, click on the note icon. So you can view the rules and, with one click, grant permission to a separate program or block it.

Use special protection

Updates, antivirus and a firewall - you've already taken care of this great trinity of security measures. It's time to fine tune. The problem with additional programs for Windows is often that they do not use all the proposed protective functions of the system. An anti-exploit utility such as EMET (Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit) further enhances installed software. To do this, click on "Use Recommended Settings" and let the program work automatically.

Strengthen encryption

You can significantly enhance the protection of personal data by encrypting it. Even if your information falls into the wrong hands, a hacker will not be able to remove good coding, at least not immediately. Professional versions of Windows already include BitLocker, which is configurable through Control Panel.

VeraCrypt will be an alternative for all users. This open source software is the unofficial successor to TrueCrypt, which ended a couple of years ago. If it is only about the protection of personal information, you can create an encrypted container through the "Create Volume" item. Select the "Create an encrypted file container" option and follow the wizard's instructions. Access to the finished safe with data is carried out through Windows Explorer, like a regular disk.

Protect user accounts

Many vulnerabilities remain unused by hackers only because the work on the computer is carried out under a standard account with limited rights. Thus, for day to day tasks, you should also set up such an account. In Windows 7, this is done through the Control Panel and the item "Add and remove user accounts". In the top ten, click on "Options" and "Accounts", and then select "Family and other people."

Activate VPN away from home

At home on a wireless network, your level of security is high, since only you control who has access to the local network, and are also responsible for encryption and access codes. Everything is different in the case of hotspots, for example,
in hotels. Here, Wi-Fi is distributed among unauthorized users, and you cannot have any impact on the security of network access. We recommend using VPN (Virtual Private Network) for protection. If you just need to browse sites through an access point, the built-in VPN in the latest version of the Opera browser will suffice. Install your browser and in "Settings" click on "Security". In the VPN section, check the box next to Enable VPN.

Cut off unused wireless connections


Even the details can decide the outcome of the situation. If you are not using connections such as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, simply turn them off and close potential loopholes. In Windows 10, the easiest way to do this is through the Action Center. "Seven" offers for this purpose the section "Network Connections" on the Control Panel.

Manage passwords

Each password must be used only once and must contain special characters, numbers, upper and lower case letters. And still be as long as possible - preferably ten or more characters. The principle of password security has reached its limits today as users have too much to remember. Therefore, where possible, such protection should be replaced by other methods. Take Windows sign-in, for example: if you have a camera that supports Windows Hello, use facial recognition to sign in. For the rest of the codes, we recommend using password managers such as KeePass, which should be protected with a strong master password.

Secure Browser Privacy

There are many ways to protect your privacy online. For Firefox, the Privacy Settings extension is ideal. Install it and set it to "Full Privacy". After that, the browser will not display any information about your behavior on the Internet.

Lifebuoy: backup

\u003e Backups are extremely important Backups justify
yourself not only after being infected with a virus. It has proven itself to be great when hardware issues arise. Our advice: make a copy of all Windows once, and then additionally and regularly - backups of all important data.

\u003e Full Archiving Windows Windows 10 inherited the Archive and Restore module from the Seven. With it you will create a system backup. You can also use special utilities such as True Image or Macrium Reflect.

\u003e True Image file protection and the paid version of Macrium Reflect are capable of making copies of specific files and folders. Personal Backup is a free alternative for archiving important information.

PHOTO: manufacturing companies; NicoElNino /

Having to wait for the creation of a physical file on the user's computer, network protection begins to analyze the incoming data streams entering the user's computer through the network and blocks threats before they enter the system.

The main areas of firewall that Symantec technologies provide are:

Drive-by downloads, web attacks;
- Attacks like "Social Engineering": FakeAV (fake antiviruses) and codecs;
- Attacks through social networks like Facebook;
- Detection of malware, rootkits and bot-infected systems;
- Protection against advanced threats;
- Threats of Zero Day;
- Protection against unpatched software vulnerabilities;
- Protection against malicious domains and IP addresses.

Network Protection Technologies

The Network Security layer includes 3 different technologies.

Network Intrusion Prevention Solution (Network IPS)

Network IPS technology understands and scans over 200 different protocols. It intelligently and accurately “breaks” through the binary and network protocol, looking for signs of malicious traffic along the way. This intelligence enables more accurate network scanning while still providing robust security. At its heart is an exploit blocking engine that provides open vulnerabilities with virtually impenetrable protection. A unique feature of Symantec IPS is that it requires no configuration. All its functions work, as they say, "out of the box." Each custom Norton product as well as each product Symantec Endpoint Protection versions 12.1 and newer have this critical technology enabled by default.

Browser protection

This protection engine resides inside the browser. It is capable of detecting the most sophisticated threats that neither traditional antivirus nor Network IPS can detect. Nowadays, many network attacks use obfuscation techniques to evade detection. Since Browser Protection works inside the browser, it is able to examine the not yet hidden (obfuscated) code while it is being executed. This allows you to detect and block an attack if it was missed at the lower levels of the program's protection.

Un-Authorized Download Protection (UXP)

Situated within the network defense layer, the last line of defense helps to cover up and “mitigate” the consequences of exploiting unknown and unpatched vulnerabilities, without the use of signatures. This provides an additional layer of protection against Zero Day attacks.

Focusing on problems

Working together, firewall technologies solve the following problems.

Drive-by Downloads and Web Attack Toolkits

Using Network IPS, Browser Protection, and UXP technology, Symantec's firewall technologies block Drive-by downloads and effectively prevent malware from even reaching the user's system. Various preventive methods are practiced, including the use of these very technologies, including Generic Exploit Blocking technology and web attack detection tools. The Common Web Attack Detection Tool analyzes the characteristics of a common web attack, regardless of which vulnerability the attack is concerned with. This provides additional protection for new and unknown vulnerabilities. The best thing about this type of protection is that if a malicious file could “silently” infect the system, it would still be proactively stopped and removed from the system: this is the behavior that traditional antivirus products usually miss. But Symantec continues to block tens of millions of variants of malware that would normally not be detected by other means.

Social Engineering Attacks

Because Symantec technology monitors network and browser traffic as it travels, it detects Social Engineering attacks like FakeAV or fake codecs. Technologies are designed to block such attacks before they appear on the user's screen. Most other competing solutions do not include this powerful potential.

Symantec blocks hundreds of millions of these attacks with network threat protection technology.

Attacks targeting social media applications

Social media applications have recently become widely in demand as they allow you to instantly exchange various messages, interesting videos and information with thousands of friends and users. The wide distribution and potential of such programs make them the # 1 spot for hackers. Some common hacking tricks include creating fake accounts and sending spam.

Symantec IPS technology can protect against such deception methods, often preventing them before the user has time to click on them. Symantec stops fraudulent and spoofed URLs, apps, and other fraudulent methods with online threat protection technology.

Detection of malware, rootkits and bot-infected systems

Wouldn't it be nice to know exactly where the infected computer is located on the network? Symantec's IPS solutions provide this capability, including the detection and recovery of threats that may have bypassed other layers of defense. Symantec's solutions detect malware and bots that try to dial out or download "updates" to increase their activity on the system. This allows IT managers, who have a clear checklist of systems to check, to ensure that their enterprise is safe. Polymorphic and complex hidden threats using rootkit techniques like Tidserv, ZeroAccess, Koobface and Zbot can be stopped and removed using this method.

Protection from obfuscated threats

Today's web attacks use sophisticated techniques to complicate attacks. Symantec's Browser Protection sits inside a browser and can detect highly sophisticated threats that traditional methods often fail to see.

Zero Day Threats and Unpatched Vulnerabilities

One of the past defenses added by the company is an additional layer of protection against Zero-Day threats and unpatched vulnerabilities. Using unsignature protection, the program intercepts System API calls and protects against malware downloads. This technology is called Un-Authorized Download Protection (UXP). It is the final foothold within the network threat defense ecosystem. This allows the product to "cover" unknown and unpatched vulnerabilities without the use of signatures. This technology is enabled by default and is found in all products released since the debut of Norton 2010.

Protection against unpatched software vulnerabilities

Malicious programs are often installed without the user's knowledge, using vulnerabilities in the software. Symantec Network Security provides an additional layer of protection called Generic Exploit Blocking (GEB). Regardless of whether the latest updates are installed or not, GEB “basically” protects basic vulnerabilities from exploitation. Vulnerabilities in Oracle Sun Java, Adobe Acrobat Reader, Adobe Flash, Internet Explorer, ActiveX controls, or QuickTime are now ubiquitous. Generic Exploit Protection was reverse-engineered to figure out how vulnerability could be exploited on the network while providing a custom patch at the network layer. A single GEB, or vulnerability signature, can provide protection against thousands of variants of malware, new and unknown.

Malicious IPs and Domain Blocking

Symantec's network protection also includes the ability to block malicious domains and IP addresses, while stopping malware and traffic from known malicious sites. Symantec provides real-time protection against ever-changing threats by carefully reviewing and updating the website database by STAR.

Improved Evasion Resistance

Support for additional encodings has been added to improve the detection efficiency of attacks using encryption techniques such as base64 and gzip.

Network audit discovery for enforcing usage policies and identifying data leaks

Network IPS can be used to identify applications and tools that might violate corporate usage policies, or to prevent data leaks across the network. It is possible to detect, prevent or prevent traffic like IM, P2P, social media, or other "interesting" traffic.

STAR Intelligence Communication Protocol

Firewall technology alone does not work. The engine communicates with other security services using the STAR Intelligence Communication (STAR \u200b\u200bICB) protocol. The Network IPS engine connects to the Symantec Sonar engine and then to the Insight Reputation engine. This allows you to provide more informative and accurate protection.

In the next article we will look at the Behavioral Analyzer level.

Based on materials from Symantec

How can you protect your computer from remote access? How to prevent access to a computer through a browser?

How to protect your computer from remote access, usually think when something has already happened. But naturally, this is the wrong decision for a person who is engaged in at least some of his own activities. And it is desirable for all users to restrict access to their computer for strangers. And in this article we will not discuss how to set a password to log on to a computer, but we will see the option of how to deny access to a computer from a local network, or from another computer if they are connected to the same network. This information will be especially useful for new PC users.

And so, in the Windows operating system there is a function called “Remote Access”. And if it is not disabled, other users can take advantage of it to take control of your computer. Even if you are a manager and you need to monitor employees, then naturally, you need access to their PC, but you need to close your own, so that the same employees do not watch your correspondence with the secretary - it is fraught ...

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