Promotion of a product on Instagram. How to promote your business on instagram? Don't forget mobile users

How to independently promote a page on Instagram for sales? What bots are there for promoting a store on Instagram? How to attract new followers for free when promoting an account from scratch?

For an enterprising and energetic person, Instagram is not only a convenient application for storing and displaying photos, but also an enrichment tool. A promoted account on Instagram brings its owner a stable income due to the sale of own and other people's goods, advertising and high popularity.

With you, Denis Kuderin is an expert of the HeatherBober edition on financial issues. I will tell, how to promote Instagram and attract new subscribers on your own, as well as with professional help.

We read to the end - in the final you will find life hacks to keep followers on your page, as well as an overview of popular paid services for Instagram promotion.

1. Promotion of Instagram - expanding the client audience for your business

Social media is a territory of unlimited possibilities. Instagram is no exception. Initially, the resource was created as mobile application for shooting, storing and distributing photographic materials, but gradually the site expanded its functions and became a full-fledged platform for the exchange of impressions, comments, news and likes.

The service grew in popularity in 2012, when Facebook acquired it from its original owners for $ 1 billion ... A host of new features immediately appeared here, including an option for recording and posting videos.

Today Instagram is hundreds of millions of registered users, a huge viewing audience, thousands of new pictures and videos every day. And endless prospects for making money.

I will list the main ways to make money online:

  • selling your own and other people's goods and services through a promoted account;
  • companies, products, events and anything that can be sold and advertised;
  • promotion of accounts on a professional basis;
  • earnings from the sale of photographs.

The most profitable option is your own business. It doesn't matter what you do - any product and service can be beautifully presented, displayed and sold.

Instagram does not take money for registering on the network and using all the functions. All that is required for success is free time and desire. And a well-promoted popular account.

Page promotion - sine qua non for monetization... Popular accounts are visited by thousands of users per day, and sales inevitably grow with the number of visitors.

What is promotion from a technical point of view? This is a deliberate and purposeful popularization of your profile using various methods. Promotion can be natural and artificial.

The first option is when the popularity of the page increases due to truly unique and interesting content, non-trivial design and other chips. Artificial promotion implies use of specialized programs, applications and services... Both methods are used for maximum efficiency.

By itself, profile promotion is one of the ways to make money on Instagram. This is done by both freelancers on exchanges and entire agencies to promote sites on the network.

Instagram successfully integrates with Facebook and VKontakte... By connecting your accounts, you can automatically publish everything that you have filmed on Instagram on the pages of other social networks.

Businessmen, athletes, actors and other media people have Instagram accounts. A lot of people taking pictures with their phones use this network. Such popularity has turned Instagram into a kind of cult for a whole generation.

For account promotion, it is important that the posts are regular and the pictures are bright

So, the promoted page on the network is a kind of capital, an asset that you use at your own discretion. It is wiser to use the asset for the benefit of the wallet.

When your page turns into full source of income, you no longer have to spend time promoting. The account will promote itself or with the help of a hired administrator.

But remember a few important rules:

  • the resource is created for communication, entertainment and content publishing: take monetization as a useful side effect;
  • you won't be able to promote your account quickly - be prepared to waste time;
  • the main thing in this network is unique content, everything else is secondary;
  • the topic must match the content.

Which account is considered promoted? This indicator is rather arbitrary, but among businessmen and moneymakers it is generally accepted that real popularity starts with a few thousand followers... The network has accounts with hundreds of thousands of subscribers - this is a really promising platform for stable income.

2. How to promote Instagram yourself - step-by-step instructions for beginners

First of all, Insta is a friendly community, i.e. a community of people who exchange impressions, experiences, observations and useful information among themselves.

Here they hold contests, organize promotions, collect likes and votes. A citizen of any country or group of people can create their own page and use it for any purpose - within the limits of law and ethics.

I will not write about how to create a profile and what the interface is - you will figure it out yourself. The topic of publication is the promotion and monetization of your account, keeping followers on your page.

Most of the participants try to use their pages for their intended purpose - they add snapshots of life there, share observations and adequate content. Compared to VKontakte and Facebook less useless rubbish here, the content is more lively and the people are more open.

Act consistently and success is assured!

Step 1. Create and design an Instagram profile

Your photo (avatar) or profile product image is the first thing a potential follower sees... There will also be a short text - personal data, description of the company or product.

For many, design and the first impression of a profile is a decisive factor. Looking at the image, people decide whether to follow you or not. If you treat your profile photo casually, you will scare away the consumer audience.

The description should be concise but informative... Indicate your location, type of activity, subject matter and a link to the main site, if any. This is the only place on Instagram where you can put an active link.

We need a call to action - not a vague “if you want to see more, then ...”, but a specific one - “ click here, you will see a lot of interesting things" or something like that.

Step 2. Preparing a content plan

Since in our case the purpose of creating an account is commercial activity, you need to think over a content plan in advance - what, when and how much will we publish.

Posts should contain high-quality pictures, a short accompanying text and several thematic hashtags - important keywords that will make it easier for users to find the pages they want.

Do not overload your page with intrusive ads - combine promotion with useful information for followers.

Think in advance:

  • what consumer needs are you going to meet;
  • what audience are you targeting;
  • how best to arrange or present goods and services;
  • what else, besides the object of sale, you can give the visitor.

Even the owners of business accounts are not prohibited from periodically creating personal posts, sharing their observations, knowledge, and impressions. But don't stray too far from the subject matter and stick to your unique style.

Step 3. Publish new content

If you are promoting yourself - you want to first attract an audience, gain followers, and only after that make money on your image, then personal pictures will be the main content. If you are promoting your business, stick to a pre-selected style... The optimal frequency of posts is 1-2 per day.

For example, you cook deliciously and beautifully. Why not post photos on Instagram, thereby increasing your popularity ?!

  1. Use filters and don't be afraid to create - the more creative the pictures, the more subscribers.
  2. Post only high quality images - passing pictures are of no interest to anyone.
  3. Make a little story out of each photo.
  4. Post videos periodically- but not too long, no more than 5 minutes.
  5. Sign your photos - where, when and why they removed.
  6. Use hashtags- then your photos will be easier to find.

Attractive visuals encourage the study of text content. The more interesting the photo and video content, the more comments, subscribers, transitions to the basic site and customer calls.

Step 4. Attracting subscribers

The first subscribers will be your friends, acquaintances, and sometimes not familiar people who came to your page by accident. If you sync your profile with other social networks, the audience will gain quickly.

Further promotion depends on your activity and creativity. The more time you spend promoting your page, the more you will achieve. If there is no time, but there are free funds, use paid methods of promoting your account. About them - in the following sections.

Step 5. We analyze page traffic and make edits to the strategy

Performance analysis is the study of indicators of audience reach (how many subscribers), engagement (likes, comments), number of clicks (how many people clicked on the link).

If the indicators do not suit you, it's time to make changes to the strategy - slightly adjust the subject of posts, to make the page more "hooligan" or, conversely, academic.

3. How to attract new subscribers - useful tips and tricks

Free ways to promote Instagram require free time. But they also need to be disposed of wisely.

If you follow good advice, things will go faster.

Hashtags are useful: they help users find publications they are interested in... Tags will attract target audience and new subscribers to your page. But do not use common and popular keywords - otherwise your posts will get lost in hundreds of others.

General rules:

  • come up with your own label - it will increase your brand awareness;
  • do not make too long labels: 3 words in a hashtag is the maximum;
  • separate elements in hashtags with underscores;
  • place tags not only in the explanatory text, but also in the comments.

The app remembers all the hash marks that you entered earlier - as soon as you enter the first letters, a list of words that you can use will drop out. The maximum number of tags for one photo or video is 30.

Anyone can promote an Instagram account on their own and for free, but this will require preliminary preparation, a little imagination and a mountain of patience. You can easily and playfully get thousands of subscribers by paying money to a third-party specialist or smm-agency. True, here you can expect unpleasant surprises in addition to considerable expenses. If you have free time, the best option would be to figure out everything yourself and become a pro on Instagram promotion.

Does your topic fit?

Before you start promoting, you need to understand if Instagram is suitable for your topic. Jurisprudence, accounting, medical services (except for plastic surgery) will be difficult to present on a social network. Interesting photos and vivid pictures are what are expected of you, and if you are limited in choosing visual content, difficulties will arise. Of course, there are craftsmen who can promote any topic, but this requires a more professional approach and considerable funds for advertising.

The most popular topics on Instagram are beauty, fashion, clothing, sports, food, travel. If you have an online clothing store, your own culinary channel on Youtube or an interesting life - don't even think about it. Welcome to Instagram.

What do you get?

Today Instagram is one of the most powerful platforms for promoting a business, brand, personality or creating a thematic community for further earnings. However, it is worth considering some of the features that photo hosting users face:

You can create an account and register it according to all the rules in the web version of the service or through a desktop application. The application is available in the Windows store and can be found in the latest versions of the operating system.

Everything seems to be clear, but it is worth clarifying about the link. It can lead not only to the site, but also to any page on the Internet. Often account administrators add the address of their VKontakte page or in Odnoklassniki, where the main activity takes place.

Step two. Publish photos, videos and stories

  • photos;
  • photo galleries;
  • video;
  • stories.

All this is complemented by all sorts of filters, stickers and augmented photos. There is where to scatter. By using all the tools, you can really stand out very well. Most stop at some pictures downloaded from the Internet.

How you can post photos

  1. The best option is a phone or tablet. Take quality pictures with your camera, add effects, come up with hashtags and go. You can also upload pictures and videos to your smartphone and then publish them on Instagram.
  2. Third party services... If it is much more convenient to work through a computer, this is an option for you. Here are some services that allow you to work with Instagram accounts:

Register, attach your account (in, you still need to install their application on your phone) and start posting photos and videos. One caveat: start working with such services only if you have all the logins and passwords with which you can restore access to the page. Instagram does not like such sites and can safely reset the password, suspecting a hacking attempt.

You can also publish photos and videos from a computer without third-party services, read how to do this here:

Add hashtags to photos and videos

All searches for posts on Instagram are based on hashtags. Perhaps this is the only social network in which their importance is difficult to overestimate. Be sure to add.

How to find hashtags:

  1. The easiest way is to go to Instagram from your computer. In the search bar, start typing words that you think might be popular. Next, you will see how many materials with a similar hashtag are currently in the Instagram search. This method is simple, but not the most efficient.
  2. Using the service will reduce your search time and will also allow you to find more hashtags you need.

The competent use of hashtags will increase the reach of your publications and at the same time attract an interested audience that will like and subscribe to the channel.

Boost subscribers

Many will skip this point, because cheating is a risky business. The account can be blocked, and the administration is unlikely to make concessions to you and restore the page. However, if the promotion is successful, you will get an excellent base that will help you in further promotion.

What the promotion will give you:

  • for a small amount, make it appear the popularity of your account;
  • page guests will be more willing to subscribe to the channel;
  • mass following will work itself out much more efficiently.

Not a lot, but at the initial stage, an excellent base. Here are some services where you can order followers on Instagram inexpensive.

If you need more fine-tuning, you can buy subscribers through exchanges
... Here you can specify gender, number of subscribers, subscriptions and more. The price will be more expensive, you have to pay extra for quality.

Massliking, mass following and mass commenting

The idea is simple - you do well to others and some in return do well to you. Put your likes, subscribe to channels, communicate in the comments and your account will definitely be noticed, and those interested in content or product will probably subscribe. It sounds simple, but in practice it turns out to be much more difficult, or rather dreary. In order to earn at least some kind of feedback in this way, you have to work hard.

To automate and thereby facilitate the placement of likes and cheat subscriptions, you can turn to the help of services

Be careful, this automated promotion method is also punished on Instagram and the account can be blocked. It is certainly the safest to do everything manually, but many simply do not have time for this.

Also, at the initial stages, do not forget about hashtags for mutual likes, subscriptions and comments:

To receive subscriptions:

#follow #followme #follow4follow #followforfollow #follow #followforfollow #follow_for_me #follow #subscribe #subscribereplace #subscribe mutually and others

To get likes:

#likes #likesforlikes # likes4likes #likesforfollow, #likes #likesmutually #like #likename #likes #likesalikes and others

For comments:

#comment #commentback #comments #commentforcomment #review #reviews #comment #comments #comments and others

Ordering advertising posts from bloggers

By the time you get to paid advertising, you should already have a good start: 10-20 posts, feedback (likes, comments), subscribers (more than subscriptions). When interested users come to visit you, they should see that you are popular and they are joining a well-known community. Few people like to be first.


  • choose communities with similar topics;
  • experiment with promotional materials;
  • use bright and understandable photos;
  • add interesting and concise descriptions;
  • do not forget to put a link in the description on your Instagram account (others will not work).

Targeted advertising

One of the main features of targeted advertising is that you can add an active link not only to your social network account, but also to any other page on the Internet.

What formats are available:

  • the photo;
  • carousel;
  • video.
  • geographic targeting;
  • age targeting;
  • you can set up ads only for women or only for men;
  • the ability to enable and disable ads at any time;
  • audience reach depends on your desires and the size of your budget.

Despite the apparent advantages, setting up high-quality ads is much more difficult than ordering it from a popular blogger. This format is for those who are ready to experiment, clearly set goals and know their audience.

Contests and sweepstakes

A tempting format that, if done right, can help a lot in page promotion. Despite its promising potential, many refuse such a promotion due to some difficulties:

  1. You need to come up with a competition or drawing. Without a bright idea, it will be difficult to draw attention to the event. Typical pictures with the word “DRAW” do not work well and may simply not live up to expectations.
  2. We need a meaningful prize. It is very difficult to interest Instagram users to post photos that are not related to them on their page. Therefore, the prize must be rare, original or expensive. Better all together.
  3. You need to follow the drawing, respond to comments, and at the end give a prize to the winner. It is true, many are simply frightened by this prospect.
  4. The competition needs promotion. Many organizations run large-scale advertising campaigns with street banners, in-store flyers and online support. However, most often the organizers limit themselves to targeted advertising and ordering posts from bloggers.

If this does not scare you, then feel free to start planning and implementation.

An interesting fact: many people know how to sell on the global web, but only a few can use social platforms for this purpose.

Every businessman understands that social platforms are confidently and quickly becoming a place for active sales and brand promotion. So why isn't everyone taking advantage of such a chic and affordable opportunity to expand and promote their business? Today we will share the secrets of online promotion and useful tips on how to effectively sell on Instagram. You will find out what is in the greatest demand on this social network, how to properly promote your brand and create selling ads.

To begin with, let's consider what products and services are in the greatest demand on Instagram. Ready? Then let's go.

What is profitable to sell?

Instagram is a unique platform for promoting brands and services. Various courses and seminars, original handicrafts, entertainment programs and much more are in demand here. It should be noted that different product categories require a different approach when preparing for an advertising campaign. For example, in some cases, you need a beautiful picture, and in others, a correctly composed offer with a description of the service.

According to statistics, the most purchased goods and services on the insta are as follows:

  • cosmetics, especially made from natural ingredients;
  • stylish and inexpensive wardrobe items (many are happy to buy fashionable items at an adequate price via the Internet and social networks);
  • everything that is done by hand, or "hand-made";
  • original and elegant accessories;
  • offers from shopping and entertainment centers;
  • show rooms services;
  • cafes with restaurants are also popular;
  • recently, food delivery services have been actively promoted;
  • and, of course, all kinds of services of cosmetologists and dentists.

Note that these are just the most mouth-watering positions that the statistics tell us about. In fact, in Insta, you can successfully promote any goods and services. The main thing is to do it wisely.

What other alternatives are there for promoting on Instagram:

  • Don't be discouraged if you don't have products to hold in your hands. On Instagram, you can offer quality services at an adequate cost. This is a great opportunity to realize yourself as an expert in style, business, translation, tutoring, etc. To be known about you, you need to tell your subscribers what you do, what you can do and how you can be useful. Then people will know who to turn to if necessary. Believe me, it is easier for a person to write a friend on the Internet than to search for ads on the Internet. Here, reliability and consistency works.
  • We must understand the main thing - the insta space is open for any undertakings. If you have something to offer and how to surprise and intrigue the public, do it. For example, if you are a cool photographer, use photo purchasing services. Offer your services online, develop, expand your target audience.
  • The service of writing essays, tests and diplomas is also in demand. In this case, it is also easier for students to choose from potentially familiar performers who will not disappear and fill up the order.
  • Interestingly, on social platforms, you can successfully sell not only new products. Used goods are also in demand. You can create a store and make a real profit on anything. Even household chemicals are on sale. And that's a fact.

The list is far from definitive. It can be continued and expanded for a long time. But the point is clear. Turn on your imagination, find your own original niche that will interest potential buyers and go ahead to win.

The main rules of successful Instagram sales: short and to the point

Now let's talk about how to act correctly in order to achieve a high level of online sales.

1. An image that will attract customers

The peculiarity of sales on Instagram is that the pictures here are the main content. The video is one step behind and is not very popular among the users of the system. However, when choosing images, you should adhere to some rules:

  • The photo must be unique and original.
  • Visualize your products and services in the best possible way, and orders will not keep you waiting. Think about how best to present the goods. For example, if you are selling exclusive handmade soap, then create an original wrapper or box for it.
  • Do not shy away from details. Nuances are more important than ever.
  • Add fresh emotions and sensuality. Boring posts will not attract anyone.

The right approach to product design for advertising on Instagram

2. Prioritize

3. Healthy lifestyle is in fashion

So promote "healthy" brands. How? For example, remove harmful ingredients from products and tell your potential and current customers about it. This is a promising and modern direction that is in great demand.

4. Design and promote entire product collections

For example, if you are in the business of handmade sweets, then design sweet sets for different holidays and occasions (wedding, anniversary, International Women's Day, Valentine's Day, and others). If your business is cosmetic services, then offer different complexes and combinations: for one or several friends, for couples in love. You can come up with interesting combinations: face cleansing + neckline massage as a gift or eyelash extensions + eyebrow decoration for free.

5. Gain experience from competitors

You can find a lot of useful information there.

There are many variations on the theme, but this does not mean that everything will work out right away and you will start receiving a huge number of orders. The main thing is to start, and then by trial and error you will strive for perfection.

  1. Immediately, we note that you have to be patient. There will be no return and profit immediately. At least this is what practice shows. Only a few months later, mass orders will go.
  2. Do not forget about the first rule of sales in the institute - offers that attract the eye are successful.
  3. Another interesting point. Social sites are unique in their viral properties or. In fact, it is "". What is this about? For example, your publication was liked by someone famous and popular. This person takes and recommends your product to his numerous subscribers. This is already a guarantee of future success.
  4. Pay attention to the ad copy. A correct description is also the key to successful brand promotion. By the way, which is typical for Instagram, the system often shows the most commented posts in the feed. Please note that publications are shown in Insta not in the order of their placement. It has its own display algorithm.
  5. Communication is our everything. Meet new people, keep in touch, exchange opinions. Do everything for people to write, ask questions and comment on your posts. Dialogue is a step towards success. At the initial stage, you can independently comment on advertising posts from different accounts, creating the appearance of activity and interest.
  6. When you are promoting a blog for commercial purposes, you should not post personal photographs. Promote your brand? Then position yourself accordingly. Publish meaningful and colorful information about the company and the services and products provided. Also, do not forget to link to a mobile landing page created specifically for visitors from the insta for each of your campaigns or products. If you don't have it yet, choose a ready-made template and personalize it for yourself with.
  7. When posting images, use photo filters. Warm filters that create an atmosphere of coziness and comfort are popular in Insta.
  8. Before posting a post, mark thematic # hashtags. You can also immediately come up with and add your own exclusive hashtag to each publication, by which your brand will be recognized. For example, if you are selling things, you can use the #fashiondresskiev or #crazywomanfashion tags. Experts recommend adding no more than 10 hashtags to one post and only on the topic. Choose the most popular ones. For example, #love fashion, #women's clothing, Ukraine, etc. You can read about how to choose the right hashtags in this one.
  9. Check in the settings that the account is open. Otherwise, no one will see your publications.
  10. Constantly expand your target audience, add subscribers.
  11. Don't skimp on advertising. You can also read about how to launch it correctly on the insta in Ecwid's thematic blog about promotion in social networks (link at the end of the article).
  12. Make sure that your customers can pay for goods and services in different ways. To do this, you need to open various online wallets. Because of the inconvenience with payment, people often refuse to buy.
  13. Don't overdo it with the number of posts. Nobody likes spam. Post on schedule and not too often. For example, one or two publications a day.
  14. Publish at the hottest time. Details about the choice.
  15. And one last practical tip for today - don't forget to create a scarcity effect. In your posts add the phrases "hurry up, the promotion ends tomorrow", "the quantity of goods is limited," etc.


From all that has been said, we can conclude: in order to successfully promote goods and services through Instagram, you need to have a desire and an idea. If there are any, then go ahead to implement your ideas.

What is the main thing in any business? Of course, the ability to sell. Whatever business a person is engaged in, sales will form the basis of his activities. Sales in a broad sense occurs at every stage of business processes. For example, you often have to “sell” yourself - to investors (in the theory of sales there is such a term as “first sell yourself”), the company - to the general public, and so on. The whole process of business interaction carries the elements of sale. And the foundation of any sales is persuasion. If someone is convinced that he needs your product, then he is ready to buy.

Speaking about promotion, you need to keep in mind that this process differs little from a typical sales strategy. Here you also need to consider behavioral factors, anticipate client objections and prepare for all kinds of developmental moves. But first things first.

How did Instagram become one of the best platforms for promoting goods?

The Instagram platform is designed for visual content. Perhaps the developers understood the marketing perspective. In the beginning, it was a place where you can see many beautiful photos, upload your own and improve self-esteem with likes. By the way, in comparison with the same Facebook, on Insta, users like it more generously.

Earlier, when social networks did not exist yet, fashion magazines played this role. For trends in fashion, how to do beautiful makeup and where to buy fashion items - you had to buy monthly issues of magazines. Now they are not needed. Visual content always gets more attention than textual content. Entrepreneurs and other professionals in related fields quickly realized the value of this site. It provides ideal opportunities to show the product on the face. Another important factor is the target audience.

If an entrepreneur sells clothes, cosmetics, goods for children or for the home, appliances, gadgets and even real estate, then Instagram for him will be an irreplaceable platform. Beauty salons, if they understand all the problems and subtleties of marketing, should sing the odes to Instagram. Because nowhere else they can get such an audience and such ideal conditions for promoting their services.

Today, this trend continues to grow, as consumers liked Instagram too. Wealthy people lack time. Perhaps they once dreamed of being able to see all the offers of their city in one place and quickly. Instagram has made this dream come true. Now there is no need to spend a single day off shopping. Every modern store simply must have an Instagram page. There is no longer any distance between buyer and seller. Your offer is always in the pocket of customers!

How to promote a product using the "promote" button: tips from marketers

Under such ideal conditions, there is no longer a need to choose a site: traditional media or social networks. The rest is just a matter of technology. So how do you promote a product on Instagram?

The first step is to move your account status from regular to business profile. This is done in the profile settings. Once the business profile is enabled, you will be able to promote individual posts. The "Promote" button makes it possible to work independently from Facebook. For settings, there is no need to go to the main page on the FB.

Promotion settings

After clicking on the button, you need to indicate the purpose of the promotion. If you have an online store, you need to link to the home page. If it is not there, then you can specify a phone number by which potential customers can receive additional information.

The next button will be determined depending on the purpose of the promotion. For example, if you intend to switch to another resource, marketers recommend using the "Learn More" button.

An important detail is audience settings. Given the fact that you pay money for marketing promotions on Instagram, this point cannot be ignored. The system itself offers two options: manually or automatically. If you set automatic values, then Instagram itself will decide who will show your offer and who will not. In the second method, you need to go through several points and set the desired values. Basically, you are drawing up a portrait of a potential client.

You will need to indicate:

  • region, city, country or several countries;
  • gender and age;
  • interests.

It is desirable to leave the last point as it is. There is no exact data, but it can be assumed that the system will collect interest data based on information on the user profile. But not the fact that each user indicates their interests. Other clients who are poorly oriented on Instagram may be left behind.

Another tip concerns the choice of setup method. To be convincing, each specialist or entrepreneur always sets his own settings. But for general analysis, you can use the choice of Instagram itself for a while. That is, the next time you start promotion, do not specify everything manually, but select the "Automatic" mode. Then you should get data for the same period and compare. Whichever method gives the most responses, that one must continue to be applied. This is a more professional approach.

Budget setting

The most controversial point is the choice of the budget. Paid advertising offers some flexible options. Specifically, there are two metrics to guide you: the amount of ads and the desired audience reach.

If there are no problems with the amount, then you can choose the maximum coverage. By the way, there is no need to take into account Instagram activity restrictions. A paid post can generate a lot of responses, likes and comments that exceed the set limit. If the system sees (she usually sees everything) that this is the result of an official advertisement, then no ban or comments will follow. Even if by mistake the robots fall under the filter, you can easily get out of it by referring to the launch of paid advertising.

To promote your product on the Internet is not a problem. You only need to go along a new path once. At the end of the settings, you should arrange the post properly: high-quality photos, a beautiful description, contacts for communication, hashtags and emoticons. The preview will help you see the offer through the eyes of the buyer.

Payment is made by credit card. After the transaction, the post is sent for moderation. The system will check the post content and payment. This takes 30 to 60 minutes.

Then your product is ready to conquer the hearts and wallets of buyers. If necessary, you can pause the promotion at any time and then continue as usual.

Additional ways

There are some more simple tips on how to promote, methods and activities that will be helpful. The worst way to reduce the attractiveness of a post in the eyes of users is to describe the product in formal, dry language. Also, sophisticated customers have already gotten very tired of standard phrases like “Hurry up”, “We are always glad to see you”, “Limited offer” and so on. Better to spy on popular bloggers - how do they present the product? Very simple - in the form of a story, as if telling his girlfriend about a new acquisition. It is important to be able to create an atmosphere of private communication.

Another way to promote is by organizing contests and sweepstakes. The prize may be small. As practice shows, people like to participate in contests even without a prize. But with a prize it is still safer. This gives the maximum level of engagement.

If there are few subscribers or the results are still weak, you can agree with already more or less promoted bloggers and agree with them about advertising your profile / product. The best way is to send your item as a gift with a hint of a promotional post. They know very well that gifts are given to them not for beautiful eyes, but for advertising.


Once he will put the page on stream, then all that remains is to support it with new proposals. Then make sure for yourself that the most difficult thing in this matter is recruiting a more or less solid number of subscribers.

The number of Instagram users today is 130 million active users, with billions of new likes appearing every hour. When used correctly, this service can provide instant viral marketing success. But if on the contrary, then failure is inevitable. For those who have just started promoting a brand on Instagram, has compiled 52 helpful tips on how to successfully run an ad campaign using this social platform.

account settings

1. Create an Instagram business account - it's very easy.

2. Use the name of the company or brand as the name. If it is taken, then select the name that is most associated with the brand.

3. Fill in your profile information: upload a nice branding photo, add a short information about yourself, link to the company's website.

4. Integrate your account with Facebook.

5. Set up automatic integration of photos from Instagram to Facebook, this will increase the number of shares. Companies like Mercedes Benz get a lot of likes through cross-posting:

6. Come up with a unique brand strategy, rely on it in all aspects of promotion, show people your company's view of the world, focus all content around a bright unique idea.

Advertise your account

7. Use the tools to promote your Instagram account. For example, in Russia, large brands use - it is enough to come up with creative content and an image, and then select the accounts in which you are going to advertise. The average cost of one organic subscriber is from 1 to 3 rubles.


8. Hashtags in updates are one of the key components of the service. It is with the help of hashtags that the user can find photos of the desired brand. Unlike Twitter, there is no limit to the number of characters, but don't overdo it, it looks intrusive.

9. Include the brand name in the hashtag. Create unique hashtags for individual advertising campaigns. For example, if you decide to run a photography contest, come up with a special hashtag for that. This tactic will not only be a good advertisement for the brand, but will also allow users to establish a connection with each other, thus the contestants will see who they are competing with. Here's how Dry Soda used #fridayDRYday to engage users and share photos:

10. Use generic hashtags in every post. For example, if you are a coffee shop owner and you have posted a photo of a latte, add the hashtags #latte or #coffee.

11. Use popular hashtags. Instagram trends change very quickly, so if you managed to join the fashion movement in time, add a suitable hashtag. Thus, your post will be among the most famous, and the number of views will be measured in thousands.

12. Be sure to keep track of new and relevant hashtags on Instagram. Add them to your posts. Take some time to reach out to users adding these hashtags, comment and like their posts. Your activity will not go unnoticed.

13. Monitor the Web and look for users adding your brand name as a hashtag. This is how subscribers use feedback to tell you about something important. Track all mentions just like on Facebook and Twitter. Respond quickly to ensure a good and lasting customer relationship.

the main thingthis isclients

14. Prove to your subscribers how much you value them: post and share their best photos on social networks. But remember, be sure to ask permission before posting. Starbucks, one of the top three most successful brands on Instagram, uses this tactic a lot. Once every few weeks, they dedicate a post to one of their followers, posting his artwork depicting one of the Starbucks products.

15. With the new Instagram feature that allows you to embed Instagram photos on other sites, you are given the opportunity to host full fan posts. Make sure the user is aware that their post will appear on your site.

16. Like your followers' photos, especially if they have your brand on them.

17. Comment on photos of subscribers.

18. Respond to all comments that are left on your photos / videos, even if they are negative.

19. Use @ mentions. Users love to be approached in person. For example, Coca-Cola singled out a subscriber who won a photography contest:

20. Use @mentions and tag celebrities. If your image is somehow connected with the figure of a famous person, then you should not be afraid to mark a star. Perhaps the photo will interest him / her so much that a repost will follow.

21. Focus on customer acquisition, create publications with customers in mind. An Instagram business should be geared towards the lifestyles of your customers.

Show yourself

22. Don't forget to be creative: use different filters, interesting angles, lighting effects and other photography tricks. Add variety with programs like Photoshop, Diptic or Photoshake. Combine multiple images into one. Here's a great example of how you can combine three photos:

25. Show users how to use your company's products in real life. Here's an example when Whistler Water showed fans drinking their water at a concert:

26. Always maintain a perfect image: Subscribers love cool brands. For example, Pilot Pen USA, which sells pens, is an example of successful marketing. Their Instagram is filled with stylish photos of sticky notes and pens:

27. Colorfully illustrate a brand's story: Post beautiful photos and videos to show users the fundamental principles and values \u200b\u200bon which the life and work of the company is based.

28. Open up to the world: post pictures of your employees, tell who is behind the success of your brand. Shoot a video from behind the scenes, share how a typical working day is in your company. This will strengthen the brand image and the perception of subscribers. Williams Sonoma practices a similar technique:

29. Publish funny, entertaining videos about the CEO of the company to be closer to the people. For example, shoot short, funny videos where he talks about what he likes to do outside of working hours.

30. Post unique content to make users feel special. Share photos that cannot be found on other social networks.

31. If you are launching a product to the market, organizing the first concert of a band, or opening a new store - do it on Instagram. For example, on the day of the premiere, shoot a video of how the staff prepares for the official moment, and the buyers wait in anticipation.

32. Create a teaser that shows the preparation of the product for launch to the market or event for the opening. But do not reveal the secret of what exactly it is about.

33. Post to Instagram a report of the event that has already taken place. Feel free to show how your employees work in real life.

34. Build partnerships with other brands, no matter what business you represent: a small store or an international holding. You can achieve ideal cooperation - mutually advertise the products of companies in the feed. For example, Wimbledon and Nike:

Be creative

35. Ask users to write comments. If you want to maximize engagement, don't be silent. Questions give rise to discussion. Ask readers what they think of a recently published post or image.

36. Ask questions about the company or product, get users to talk about them. Ask if they used the brand's product today, create a hashtag that subscribers can use to post photos on this topic. Target, for example, asks questions like “What taste of popsicles do you like?” And users, in turn, start discussing the brand on the web.

38. Create interactive "fill in the blanks" publications. For example, if your business is a grocery store, post an image of a cereal breakfast cereal and sign “I love starting my day with plate _____.” People will discuss your product and give their opinion.

39. Another original way to grab the attention of users is to ask them to come up with a caption for the image. Show originality and post an unusual photo of one of your products. Announce a competition for the best signature and don't forget to come up with a small prize for the winner.

40. Use crowdsourcing: ask users to post photos of what role your brand plays in their lives. This will help you understand the target audience and will also be useful for further research aimed at business development. But in order to attract the maximum number of users, you will have to launch a photo contest.

Competitions inInstagram

41. An Instagram photo contest is an opportunity to get a huge amount of user generated content and new ideas, or just get all the attention for your company. Set the theme of the competition you need and give clients the opportunity to show their creativity. For example, what you can do if you sell mocha:

42. If you run a contest on Instagram, make sure the prize is good enough to motivate you to participate and further spread the word online. Sometimes it is the prize that can cause the viral effect of a photo contest.

Don't forget mobile users

44. Use geotagging - linking photos to a map. Add your location to the post, thus target local users.

45. Stop separating online and offline reality. Post QR codes on Instagram so that users can scan them and receive discount coupons, for example.

46. \u200b\u200bIf you are organizing an event, create a suitable hashtag where people can post their photo reports and check out others.

47. Organize an online meeting for active users who are potential buyers.

Increase ROI

48. Regardless of the number of subscribers, post content constantly. Users will specifically browse through the brand's account knowing they will find interesting updates.

49. Decide on the frequency of publications. Some brands post 2-3 times a day, others 2-3 times a week. Use analytics to determine the frequency that's right for you.

50. Find out what is the best time to publish content. Each brand is different. Therefore, you should resort to the help of analytics to find out when photos get the most likes, or how many subscribers are actively using hashtags.

51. Analyze the results: track activity by all indicators (hashtags, likes, reposts, etc.)

52. Improve yourself. Based on the results obtained, draw conclusions and improve the content.

Today, there are many services for the automated promotion of your Instagram account that, for a small fee, will help you attract followers and increase brand awareness.

53. The Zengram online service has combined in its functionality a wide range of advantages and opportunities associated with the promotion of Instagram accounts.

Its main advantages:

  • simultaneous maintenance of an unlimited number of accounts from one personal account;
  • full control over actions;
  • advanced targeting settings;
  • mutual likes of their subscribers;
  • sending welcome messages to new users in direct;
  • instspy;
  • attentive and responsive tech. support;
  • full analytics;
  • work through a proxy;
  • cleaning from bots and commercial accounts;
  • parser and like comments.

The cost of the service depends on the number of days of subscription, the more days you buy, the more you save. Each new user is given the first 7 days free of charge.

The Zengram blog regularly publishes useful informational articles about promotion. If you haven't figured out how to set up an Instagram business account yet, check out the article “What to Write About Yourself on Instagram: Setting Up a Business Profile.” In it, you will find a guide to choosing a name to promote a small / large business or personal brand. tips for designing a profile header and maintaining an account.

54. The innovative SMM tool for promotion Instapromo takes one of the leading positions in all directions of Insta promotion. The service offers a full range of services:

  • promotion (massage, mass commenting, mass following)
  • delayed posting
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