What is local telephone communication services MGTS. Rostelecom tariffs for home phone

Rostelecom offers its subscribers to choose the optimal tariff not only for a mobile, but also for a home phone. Depending on your needs, you can always choose exactly the tariff plan that suits your lifestyle.

When connecting, Rostelecom offers to choose the best payment option for services. The main tariff plans of the company include:

  • Social;
  • Unlimited;
  • Output;
  • Combined;
  • Timed.

Each of these tariffs has its own characteristics of payment and terms of service.


One of the most expensive tariff plans provided by the company. Suitable for those who constantly make long-term conversations using their home phone.

The main characteristics of this tariff:

  • unlimited free calls within the city;
  • free incoming calls;
  • the monthly fee, depending on the region, ranges from 400 to 500 rubles.

The main condition for using this tariff is the timely payment for the services provided. Otherwise, the provision of services is suspended.


Convenient for those who make a small number of calls during the month. The payment depends on the number and duration of the calls; there is also a fixed fee for using the line.

Main characteristics:

  • payment per minute;
  • lack of free minutes;
  • cost - 54 kopecks per minute;
  • payment for providing a telephone line - 190 rubles.


Rostelecom is one of the most profitable home phone tariffs. It is a hybrid version of "Time-based" and "Unlimited". At the beginning of the month, the subscriber receives a fixed number of minutes. After their expiration, calls are charged per minute.

Tariff features:

  • depending on the region, 350-450 bonus minutes are credited monthly;
  • after the allotted time has been exhausted - payment per minute;
  • the cost of calls is 54 kopecks.
  • subscription fee depending on the region, from 334 to 350 rubles.


The simplest home phone tariff offered by the company. Ideal for those who make the minimum number of calls.


  • 100 minutes are credited monthly;
  • cost 234 - 250 rubles.

At the end of the minutes, the service is suspended until the beginning of the next month.


Prefer to use your home phone only on weekends? Then you should pay attention to the "Weekend" tariff plan. Its main feature is that calls made on holidays and weekends are free.


  • minute of conversation - 54 kopecks;
  • free outgoing calls on holidays and weekends;
  • subscription fee - from 330 rubles.

Which to choose?

It all depends on how often you use your landline phone to make calls.

If you communicate quite often and depend on your home phone, then the best option would be to connect to the “Unlimited” and “Combined” tariffs.

Do you need a phone not for making, but for receiving incoming? Then you should choose Per-Minute or Social.

Do you use communication in order to congratulate relatives and friends on the holidays, to call them on the weekend? The "Weekend" tariff plan is ideal for these purposes.

A home phone is an indispensable tool for communicating from home. The advantage of a landline connection is that it is cheaper than a mobile one. Calling landline phones from home is cheaper than from mobile. If you want to save money, then consider Rostelecom's home phone rates. The company develops the most attractive and cheap services for calls:

  • around town
  • to regions
  • other countries.

Such a telephone can have a convenient, beautiful and simple number for communication. This choice is a stable and reliable connection 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Using high technologies and the longest Russian network, the company provides users with the opportunity to connect landline communications in the farthest regions of our country. A wide network will provide convenient and continuous communication with loved ones, relatives and friends in another part of the Russian Federation or the world.

The company offers various options for connecting telephone services. These can be lucrative calls to landlines and calls to mobiles. Special conditions for communication between regions, when your distant acquaintances are far, far away - in another region of the Russian Federation. The company offers its clients to connect special rates for making international calls to communicate with loved ones.

The firm is constantly improving its services and offers its clients advantageous options for calls within Russia. Today the company has developed ten plans that will allow you to make calls to different corners. This is the line "Unlimited", "Combined" and the other eight options for specific needs and requirements of callers. There are special offers for calls during weekends. Consider Rostelecom's tariffs for home phones in 2019.

Today there are 10 packages:

  • Unlimited Russia;
  • Unlimited;
  • Combined 350;
  • Combined 450;
  • Social;
  • Output;
  • Time-based;
  • Base;
  • Advanced;
  • Subscriber.

Package "Unlimited Russia" and "Unlimited"

One of the most popular is Unlimited Russia. The package includes an unlimited number of minutes for communication within the Russian Federation for 560 rubles per month. A similar option is "Unlimited". It provides an unlimited number of minutes for a conversation. The only difference is the fee for the basic volume of telephone connections. It will cost 318 rubles against 356 rubles in the first version. For monthly use, you will have to pay 522 rubles.


An interesting version of the "Social" service package. The conditions are as follows:

  • 240 p / month;
  • 100 minutes for conversations throughout Russia;
  • The fee for the basic volume of telephone connections is mere kopecks - 36 rubles / month.


There is also "Time-based". Its peculiarity is the absence of included minutes in the subscription fee. You don't have to pay for telephone connections either. The provision of a subscriber line costs 204 rubles - this is the fee for a time-based service package.

Additional Information

The services are constantly being improved. New tariffs appear, “Let's be together” promotions and others are being held, where you can pay 50 rubles per month for calls. Old tariffs, like Minutka Plus, are archived, so you need to constantly monitor changes in order to pay little money for your connection.

Study Rostelecom tariffs for a landline phone on the official website https://moscow.rt.ru/hometel/local, choose the most convenient and cheapest, according to your requirements, connect and communicate with all your friends all over Russia!

Rostelecom tariffs for international calls from a home phone

The organization offers not only profitable calls on the territory of the Russian Federation, but also savings when communicating with acquaintances, friends, relatives and business partners abroad. International calls are really expensive. But the company is trying to make conditions for providing high-quality communication at a low price. Popular packages of services for calls abroad are:

  1. Pre-selection by Rostelecom;
  2. Choosing Rostelecom on every call;
  3. Optimal choice;
  4. Single.

"Pre-selection by Rostelecom"

The package "Pre-selection by Rostelecom" includes 0 minutes in the subscription fee. The cost of one minute starts from 9.90 rubles. This is a no monthly fee option. The calculation is based on the call time.

"Choosing Rostelecom on every call"

The “Rostelecom's Choice on Every Call” package also costs 9.90 rubles for one minute of conversation abroad. It differs from the first plan in the ability to call Sochi and Vladivostok for 4.13 rubles. and 6.15 rubles. respectively. This option is perfect for those who:

  • often calls to distant countries;
  • communicates with relatives or for work, business in Sochi or Vladivostok.

"Optimal choice"

The "Optimal Choice" has two types in terms of the cost of calls in Russia. Calls abroad cost the same in both versions - from 13 rubles. The name "optimal" speaks for itself. The terms of service are quite democratic in terms of price and call time. For those looking for good, inexpensive options, it will really be the most optimal.


"United" stands in the middle of profitability for international calls. The cost of one minute of conversation is 12.35 rubles. If the two previous options did not suit you, both in terms of cost and the minutes provided for calls, then "United" is for you.

Helpful information

If you want to find an economy option, then first decide where you will call and how much time you need to talk. By connecting for international calls, you are given the opportunity to call cities in Russia. It is worth considering these features in order to choose the most cost-effective option.

We recommend calculating how much time you need to spend on calls within Russia and abroad. Then, on the basis of this information, once again study the tariffs for Rostelecom's fixed-line telephone for international communications and decide on the connection of one or another tariff plan.

If you got to this page, it means that you wanted to conduct a landline phone from Rostelecom to your home and want to know which tariff is most suitable for you. The number of tariffs and their cost may differ in different regions, so do not forget to select your region on the site.

We would like to warn our readers that all the prices quoted are current at the time of this writing for the Krasnodar Territory.

Unlimited tariff

Already from the name it is clear that there is no limit on the amount of time and calls. That is why this is the most expensive tariff in the line of home telephony. Such a pleasure will cost you a month 421 rubles... This amount includes the payment of the subscriber line of 174 rubles and the calls themselves are 247 rubles. If you want to connect a phone, then find out if there are other network subscribers in it. If they are not there, then the connection will cost you 500 rubles, and if you are not the first one, then the amount will be 126 rubles. Having paid once, you can be sure that all incoming and outgoing calls will be free for you and you do not need to control your relatives and drive them away from the phone.

Subscriber tariff (without SPUS)

The first question that will arise at the sight of this tariff is what is SPUS? SPUS stands for a system of timed accounting of connections. It also has no restrictions on calls, but it can be used only in those places where there is no technical possibility of time-based recording of the duration of local telephone connections. You can find out if you have such an opportunity by calling the toll-free number 8-800-100-08-00 ... The monthly fee is 294 rubles, and the cost of connection is 500 or 88 rubles (the first figure is relevant if your house is not yet connected to telephony).

Combined tariff

This tariff is suitable for most residents of the country, since at the beginning of the month you are given 340 minutes of free calls. If you exceed this amount, then you pay further every minute at the cost of 42 kopecks. The subscription fee is 294 rubles per month, and the connection itself will cost you 500 or 126 rubles (the first figure is relevant if your house is not yet connected to telephony).

Tariff Day off

If you communicate as much as possible only on weekends and holidays, then this tariff is ideal for you. On these days, all conversations will be free for you, and on other days the rates will be 50 kopecks per minute during the day and 44 kopecks per minute at night. The subscription fee is 334 rubles per month, and you can connect a phone for 500 or 126 rubles (the first figure is relevant if your house is not yet connected to telephony).

Social tariff

For people who are used to leading an economical lifestyle, Rostelecom specialists have developed this tariff. It has the lowest monthly subscription fee of 201 rubles, and for this amount you will receive 100 free minutes. For further minutes you will pay 56 kopecks each. You can connect a phone for 500 or 126 rubles (the first figure is relevant if your house is not yet connected to telephony).

Time-based tariff

If you want to pay only for what you say, and speak only when necessary and a little, then the tariff is time-based for you. This is the complete opposite of the unlimited plan. Each minute is paid for 48 kopecks during the day, and 42 kopecks at night. The subscription fee is only 174 rubles, and the connection itself will cost you 500 or 126 rubles (the first figure is relevant if your house is not yet connected to telephony).

How to change the tariff for your home phone

If you chose one tariff when connecting, and now you see that some other is more suitable for you, then do not worry. You can always change the tariff at your personal account or by calling the toll-free number 8-800-181-18-30 ... If you switch to a more expensive tariff, do not forget .

Intercity tariffs

To call another city, you need to dial the combination 8 - (settlement code) - (subscriber number)... At all tariffs, the cost of each minute will be 2 rubles if the distance to the addressee does not exceed 100 kilometers, and 3 rubles 60 kopecks in all other cases.


Summing up the article, we can summarize all the costs of maintaining a home phone as follows. There is a one-time connection fee. It can be equal to 500 rubles if your house is not connected and can be equal to 126 rubles if you are not the first client in this house. Further, you will have to pay only a monthly fee every month, depending on the chosen tariff. In some tariffs, a free number of minutes is given, and everything else is paid for at separate prices. You can view the current data for your region at

Rostelecom has various tariffs for landline (home) phone numbers. Customers have access to a wide range of tariffication plans, among which it is very easy for a subscriber to choose or change to the optimal one that fully meets his needs, of course, provided that the user has reliable information. This material briefly and accurately provides information about the basic tariff plans of the telecom operator for home telephony.

Communication services company

Rostelecom is the owner of a rich legacy in the form of the entire telephony system, which was developed and put into operation during the times of the Soviet Union. In fact, the system was preserved and now almost nothing has changed, since this enterprise currently has no major competitors in the Russian Federation. But, despite the apparent monopolization, the organization develops and successfully implements flexible tariffs for communication services.

Rates offered for home phones

Previously, there was only 1 tariff plan for home phones, which users could not change. It meant payment for unlimited calls in the home service area and a separate charge for calls on long distance lines.

Now there are about 8 tariffication plans, differing in the limited number of minutes provided for communication within the city. While maintaining its traditional advantages, Rostelecom today offers a significant variety of options, which allows customers to choose the best combination of price and service content for them, and also provides a quick opportunity to change the tariff if the client wishes.

The main criteria for the selection of the optimal tariff

When choosing the optimal tariff for fixed telephone communication, you should first of all pay attention to the following information:

  1. Number of minutes provided;
  2. Are there any additional services;
  3. Varieties of tariffs;

Tariff plans with the name "Unlimited"

These rates include the possibility of local calls with no time limit.

Rostelecom has the following "Unlimited" tariff plans:

  1. Unlimited;
  2. Output;
  3. Base;
  4. Advanced.


For customers who need to communicate without restrictions in the home service area of \u200b\u200bthe phone and at the same time without the need for any additional services.

For example, for the city of Moscow, monthly subscriber expenses are 502 rubles. (this amount includes 204 rubles, which is the payment for maintaining the number). In the case of the first connection of a home telephone number, the client pays 3.6 thousand rubles. (this amount is fixed and the same for all tariffs).


If the subscriber spends most of his time at home only on weekends, then it is advisable to subscribe to the "Weekend" tariff, since on these days local calls for the subscriber are not limited.

On workdays (weekdays) the cost of 1 minute of these calls is 0.48 rubles, and the client's monthly expenses for a subscription fee will be 331 rubles.


It is very similar to "Unlimited", since there are no restrictions on the number of local negotiations. Cost - 500 rubles. in 1 month.

It makes sense for users of the "Unlimited" tariff to change it to "Basic" if the following additional services are required:

  1. Call forwarding;
  2. calendar and clock;
  3. Redial;
  4. Emergency line;
  5. Caller ID;
  6. Reduced set.


Designed specifically for customers who are not used to limiting themselves in the number of services. Includes unlimited local calls. Monthly subscription fee - 600 rubles.

When saving the services of the Basic plan, it includes the following full list of services:

  1. Call forwarding;
  2. Calendar and clock;
  3. Redial;
  4. Emergency line;
  5. Caller ID;
  6. Reduced set.
  7. Information if absent;
  8. Expectation;
  9. Notification by external number;
  10. Retention;
  11. Personal greeting;
  12. Music on hold;
  13. Recording of negotiations;
  14. Conference calls;
  15. Voice recorder;
  16. Mailbox system.

Rostelecom has the following "Unlimited" tariff plans with communication limits:

  1. Time-based;
  2. Combined 350;
  3. Social;
  4. Combined 450.


This is the cheapest of all tariff plans (204 rubles / month is actually a payment for keeping the number). There are no free minutes and extra. services included in the package. Rostelecom charges 0.5 rubles for local negotiations. in 1 minute.

Combined 350

The monthly payment is 324 rubles. Contains a package of 350 minutes, spending which the client pays for 0.42 rubles. For every minute of negotiations.


It is advisable to use people who rarely use a landline phone. Has a package including 100 min. (time in excess of the standard costs 0.56 rubles / min.). The cost of the plan is 234 rubles / month.

Combined 450

The name shows that it has 450 minutes. to city conversations. Every month the user must pay Rostelecom 374 rubles. Excess minutes are charged at the rate of 0.36 rubles.

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