The keyboard is not pressed. USB keyboard not working: possible causes and solutions

The keyboard is the main tool for entering information while working on a computer. In fact, "communication" with him occurs precisely through her. Screen projection will help out in a situation where, for some reason, there is no opportunity to use a “real” device, but it will not replace it. The writing speed on the on-screen keypad is not comparable to the speed on a normal full-weight one, and the possibility of using keyboard shortcuts is excluded.

The degree of improvement of modern keyboards is such that for full-fledged work, it is enough connect any of them to the USB or PS / 2 connector... The device will automatically install all necessary drivers for operation. Despite the relative simplicity of this gadget, naturally, malfunctions and problems can also happen with it.

Varieties of keyboards

The assortment of these gadgets in computer stores is wide, and they differ not only in design and color. Knowing which type of device you are using will help you understand why the keyboard on your computer is not working.

By sight

By the type of connection to a computer, keyboards are:

  • wired;
  • wireless.

Devices with a wired interface are connected to the system unit via a USB port or PS / 2. Wireless is a more modern solution. They run on batteries and are connected via Bluetooth and WiFi.

By design

By design keypads are subdivided into:

  • mechanical (their principle of operation is based on compression and return to the original position of the key springs, which ensures their high strength and reliability of operation);
  • semi-mechanical, the difference from which, from the previous ones, is the use of rubber elastic elements or similar materials instead of springs;
  • membrane, in which there are no mechanical moving parts, and a conductive film material is used for the contact pad.

The last of the mentioned types is the most budgetary and compact option, while completely protected from moisture and dirt, since the keys are applied on it in the form of a pattern. This is also its disadvantage: the lack of a tactile "response" makes it difficult to work, including with the help of "blind" typing.

Types of problems and how to fix problems

Good news for a start. In 9 out of 10 cases, problems with the keyboard are solved easily and without contacting the service department. In general, the reasons for the failure of the device can be divided into two types: hardwarewhen it fails the gadget itself or the portto which it is attached, and programmaticwhen a crash occurs while loading drivers. In any case, do not rush to throw away the old one and buy a new manual until you make simple attempts to revive it.

Keyboard does not work when I turn on the computer

It always worked like a clock, but the next time it was turned on, it did not show signs of life - the indicators did not work and pressing the keys did not give a response. Oddly enough, the simplest solution is forgotten at this moment: it is necessary to check whether the keyboard plug has fallen out of the socket or whether it is securely connected. Cords can be disturbed during cleaning or, as is often the case, by pets.

If the plug is in place, it may be due to an operating system failure. The plan is as follows: first remove the keyboard plug from the socket and plug it back in after a few seconds. If that doesn't help, restart your computer. In the overwhelming majority of cases, this is sufficient for troubleshooting.

If you are using a wireless device, check to see if the battery is dead.

Theoretically, any keyboard, of course, can fail, and even though this is practice is extremely rare, it is worth checking its performance by connecting it to another computer. If it doesn't work there, obviously, you need to buy a new one. At the same time, note that if you have a PS / 2 gadget, then the connector is sometimes the cause of the problem. Rough handling may cause the connector legs to bend and you will need to carefully align them with tweezers.

The problem may not be caused by the keyboard itself, but by damage to the driver responsible for its operation. In this situation, you will have to update the driver to the latest version. How to do this is described below.

Keyboard doesn't work on new computer

If the keyboard does not turn on on a computer that has not yet been used, check BIOS support for it. Open the BIOS menu and find the USB Keyboard Support item. If the position is Disabled, you should change it to Enabled.

The impression that this device lives its own life and periodically stops working according to its own mood. The most common reason that it starts to shut down suddenly is in wire damage... Less often - in a broken port (as a rule, this happens when using a USB connection). If after reconnecting to another USB port (or using an adapter - to PS / 2) the problems persist, most likely the manual will have to be changed.

There are situations when the keypad refuses to work in the Windows Operating System. Moreover, if you go to BIOS, it turns out that there are no problems with its work. The first step in finding a way out of this situation may be to install the latest drivers. They can be found on the official Microsoft Hardware website.

If the problem persists, you will have to reinstall the drivers manually, or restart the keyboard. First you need to disconnect it from the computer, and if there is an autonomous power source, disconnect it too. You need to open the Device Manager, for which, if the keyboard does not work in Windows 7, you should take the following steps: after clicking the "Start" button in the "Start Search" field, enter the name of the device, and then in the "Programs" list find the item "Device Manager" ... Enter the administrator password requested by the system or confirm it.

If your computer uses Windows X P, after clicking the "Start" button, select "Run", enter the command devmgmt. msc and click OK. After double clicking the "Keyboards" column select the device you are using and right-click on its name. Then select the "Delete" command. If the device is not in the list, then it was automatically deleted when disconnected from the computer.

After restarting your computer, plug the keyboard into it (if it has an independent power supply, turn it on first). The drivers will be reinstalled by the computer automatically after it is detected.

The keyboard does not work partially

Sometimes users are worried about the fact that some buttons do not work. Novice users sometimes forget to enable the Num Lock button to display numbers when pressing the corresponding keys on the right side of the manual.

Sometimes under the keys of mechanical types of devices fall crumbs and small debris, which prevents them from being pressed completely. In this case, clean the keyboard. Depending on experience and skill, this can be done independently or at a service center.

If you have purchased an expensive keyboard with a lot of extra buttons, you may need to install additional drivers for it to work properly. Without them, if the device will work, it will not work completely, some buttons will be "dead". All necessary drivers can usually be downloaded for free on the manufacturer's website.

The keyboard does not work what to do?

And so your keyboard stopped working and you don't know what to do. It doesn't matter today I wrote a short article about why the keyboard may not work, I described the reasons and their solutions. Most likely, everyone has encountered this problem.

Yes, this is a very common occurrence. Therefore, it will be useful for everyone to find out why keyboards do not work and how to solve this problem. Considering that a good keyboard can be quite expensive, then it is better to try to solve the problem yourself and try to restore the keyboard to work than to immediately run to the store for a new one.

And so let's imagine the situation, you turned on the computer, it booted up, but the keyboard stopped showing signs of life. The first thing a user does in most cases is simply restarting the computer again. But even after that, the keyboards did not start working. And so the first thing you need to find out is through which connector your USB or PS / 2 keyboard is connected

PS / 2 keyboard does not work

The first and simplest reason is that the keyboard just broke.

The second reason is the PS / 2 connector, in this case, you need to reconnect and restart the computer, since the keyboard is detected during the system boot process. If the keyboard with a PS / 2 connector is pulled out and reconnected while the computer is running, it will not be detected. On hot things, this can only work on new motherboards.

The third reason is that the BIOS settings are lost. In this case, you will have to go to the BIOS (during the boot process, you need to press the DEL button) And find the item me responsible for the keyboard's performance. I will not describe in detail so all BIOS menus are different. Look for the KeyBoard menu. Very often there is such a situation when the connector simply burned out. Here the only solution would be to purchase a PS / 2 to USB adapter.

USB keyboard does not work

The first reason is the same as in the case of PS / 2, the keyboard does not work because it is broken.

The second reason is also similar, for some reason the USB cable came off. But here everything is much easier than in the case of PS / 2, just plug the cable into place and that's it. If the keyboard is in working order, it will work again.

The third reason is that the BIOS settings are lost. Here you can also go into it and see if your USB connectors are disconnected, if they are disabled, then turn on and rejoice.

The fourth reason is the connector is broken or burnt out. Just trying to plug the keyboards into another USB port.

Some of the buttons on the keyboard do not work

In most cases, this is due to the fault of some application. The easiest way to check this is in a text document, to check the functionality of all buttons if they do not work, then your keyboard is over. Also, inexperienced users very often complain that the numeric keypad does not work here, we just press the Num LocK button.

Well, that's probably all if I remember anything, I will definitely add an article. Of course, for those who are at least a little familiar with the computer, this is not a big problem, but still, I hope that my article will help someone.

The keyboard is the primary way to enter data into a computer or laptop. With the help of it, you can enter letters and numbers, and with proper skill, you can even do without a mouse, moving around the interface using only buttons. Accordingly, in the event that the keyboard suddenly does not work, the user literally loses his hands. Of course, you can get by with the mouse, but the typing speed and interaction possibilities drop dramatically. So, you need to bring Claudia back to life as soon as possible.

Breakdown reasons

The keyboard is a rather complex device, so it is impossible to say with absolute certainty why the keyboard does not print on the computer. There can be many reasons and all of them need to be considered. And until the device returns to its legal capacity, you can use the virtual keyboard from Yandex or Google.

Reasons for Klava's refusal:

  • Software.
  • Mechanical.

The first point covers all problems associated with drivers and other software. Under the second, all external damage that could occur during operation falls: a cable break, damage to the plug, and others.

Drivers and software

Most often the problem lies in the software.therefore, it is necessary to start with it. Usually, when a new device is connected to a computer, the drivers are automatically downloaded from the Internet and installed. But it also happens that a failure occurs. The solution in this situation is simple - you need to restart the PC or disconnect, and then reconnect the keyboard. This will reactivate the driver search protocol and will most likely download them.

There are some keyboards that will initially not work with operating systemswhich are different from Windows. This also needs to be remembered when connecting an incomplete device, for example, to a Mac.

There are also keyboards that require the installation of additional software on their own to reveal all the functions of the device. This usually applies to expensive models from the gaming segment, in which you can remap keys and customize the backlight. And without special software, the device will work, but not all functions will be active.

An incorrectly configured BIOS can also cause the keyboard to not be recognized. It has a function to directly disable USB keyboard support, which can be active. As a result, the keyboard does not respond to pressing, although it is fully functional.

To change the settings in the BIOS, when you turn on the PC or laptop, hold down one of the keys of the upper row of the keyboard, most often it is DELETE. Yes, it sounds illogical - after all, the keyboard just does not work, but there is no other way to enter BIOS. In such a situation, you will have to use a keyboard with a PS / 2 connector, which was used before USB. You need to understand exactly that this is the problem. Therefore, it is better to first walk through other possible causes of breakdown.

Mechanical damage

The software component is not the only reason why the keyboard on the computer does not work. Often the reasons why it is buggy or does not work well are mechanical and external damage... And it's not always the matter of the clave itself. The reason may be the motherboard or the wire.

Cable and plug

The first step is to check the condition of the connector on the motherboard. It so happens that for some reason it is he who does not work. It's easy to do - either rearrange the keyboard to a different port, or insert another working device instead. If after this procedure the keyboard worked, then the reason lay precisely in the connector on the motherboard.

If this does not help, then you need to deal with the wire. Usually the problem is not critical, or rather, the device works and does not work. This means that somewhere inside the cable, the wire is broken and leaves when it moves. Thus, the keyboard does not work, and then it turns on and functions again. This is inconvenient and the connection may be lost forever. In this case, take the device for repair.

Keys and electronics

No matter how many times they say that you can't eat and drink at the keyboard, it doesn't matter the most common cause of device failure is coffee, tea or other liquidwith which she was flooded. With careless use, the clave is poured, and then it can break down and refuse either completely or partially.

It so happens that a whole loop is turned off (that is, a specific row of keys will not work), and it also happens that the problem will affect only a few keys - it all depends on luck. In this situation, there are only two ways to solve the problem - to carry the device for cleaning or to buy a new one.

But you need to understand that cleaning does not give a guaranteed result, which means you need to mentally prepare for the purchase of a new device.

Other problems

It also happens that the device still does not work. And still the question arises of what to do if the keyboard on the computer does not work. The answer is obvious - buy new... Unfortunately, if none of the reasons discussed earlier came up and the device still does not work, it will be easier to really buy a new Claudia.

It so happens that after a while, cheap models simply fail and stop turning on. In this case, at their low price, repairs will cost more or about the same as buying a new Claudia. Moreover, the repair will not give a full guarantee that it will not break down in the near future. And the new device will also have a guarantee.

Hello everyone, dear friends. Quite recently, a strange, as it seemed to me, situation occurred at my work. The keyboard just stopped functioning. Or rather, not completely stopped. As it turned out, the keyboard works only in the BIOS, and upon further loading it simply stops responding to any presses.

And then there was an unpleasant situation, or rather a failure. After the reboot, I had to select the boot mode, but I could not do anything, since none of the keys responded. First of all, I thought it was the keyboard's fault, and then I replaced it with a new one, but it turned out, but after I put another device, the situation has not changed.

In general, I will not torment you. Most likely you used a USB keyboard, since no one had such problems with PS / 2. The thing is that your BIOS has disabled USB keyboard support when Windows starts up.

"How so? After all, everything worked before, ”you say. Yes, indeed, everything could work for you, and you might not notice anything, since when the operating system boots, it automatically activates this support. But as soon as a crash occurs and you need to take some action during the loading screen, then alas, there is nothing you can do.

How then to proceed? I want to say right away that the first thing you need to do is check the simplest thing that can come to your mind, because sometimes the problem can really be somewhere on the surface. Therefore, first check if the keyboard cable is connected to the computer, try moving it to a different USB port, and if possible, connect another keyboard.

If none of this helped, then most likely the matter is in the setup. You need to log in BIOS, namely at the very beginning of your computer's boot, press the function key responsible for entering. Most often this is the key DEL, but in different cases it can be F1and F2.

As a result, when you get into the BIOS itself, you, depending on the version, will need to find an item related to USB keyboard support. It may be called "USB Keyboard Support" or "Legacy USB Support". If you see that next to these items is the "Disabled" mode, then support is disabled and you need to activate the "Enabled" mode.

After that, save all the settings, reboot and voila.

Typically, this setting is the solution to this problem. Although I heard that this solution did not help someone, and he decided to try to look for the problem in the components. It turned out that one stick of RAM was not quite working (in his words), and when he pulled it out, the keyboard worked normally. I do not know how this is interconnected, but if something happens, you can try this method.

Well, on this I will end. I hope you enjoyed my article. And if you still have not subscribed to updates to my blog, then be sure to do it now so as not to miss the most interesting. Well, I am waiting for you again on my blog. Good luck to you. Bye Bye!

A standard keyboard usually does not need a special setting to work in Windows 7: to start using it, you just need to connect it to your PC. But, as with any device, problems sometimes happen with keyboards. Most often this is a complete or partial failure, as well as incorrect work. In addition, some users find it inconvenient to configure the default keyboard and want to change it.

We have prepared a story on how to troubleshoot keyboard problems on your own and how to configure it for better “use” in Windows 7.

The most common types of keyboard problems and how to fix them

  • The keyboard doesn't work at all.
  • Windows 7 does not recognize the keyboard.
  • The keyboard works, but the wrong characters are typed when typing.
  • The keyboard does not respond to pressing individual keys.
  • The system does not recognize keyboard shortcuts.

The keyboard does not work, is not recognized by the system, the indicator lights do not come on

This problem indicates that the device is not connected to a power source or is defective. To exclude the first reason:

  • connect the keyboard to a known working USB or PS / 2 port of the computer without adapters and other “intermediate” devices (connection to PS / 2 can be made only when the system unit is powered off);
  • make sure the connection is secure.

If the keyboard still does not show signs of "life", it is likely that it is defective or its cable is damaged.

This state of the wireless keyboard may indicate a low or empty battery.

The keyboard does not work exclusively on Windows. Before the system boots, as well as on other computers, it works

The keyboard is OK but does not work due to a system failure. The reasons may be:

  • driver problems;
  • locking the device with software;
  • viral infection;
  • changes in the registry and damage to system files.

If the problem did not appear immediately after installing Windows 7 (before, the keyboard on this computer worked fine), try uninstalling its driver:

  • open control panel -\u003e Device Manager;

  • find the keyboard in the list, open its context menu and select “Delete”.

  • restart your computer.

These steps will help Windows 7 re-recognize the connected device and reinstall it.

The other Windows 7 and program issues mentioned that caused the keyboard to fail can be fixed by a system restore. To do this, go to Start, expand All Programs - \u003e\u003e Accessories - \u003e\u003e System Tools and click “System Restore”.

Select an appropriate checkpoint that was generated prior to the date of the crash.

Confirm your intention by clicking the "Finish" button.

Wait for the restoration to complete. All changes, which include installing and configuring software, setting up the registry, installing Windows 7 updates, etc., will be canceled, and what was blocking the keyboard will stop working.

If a possible cause is a virus infection, scan the system.

Windows 7 does not “see” the keyboard. It is identified as an unknown device

This often happens with non-standard keyboards that use their own drivers. The problem can be solved by installing the required driver from the disk that came with the keyboard when purchasing, or from the manufacturer's website.

The Microsoft standard keyboard driver can be downloaded from here.

Keys not pressed or printing different characters

This is most often the result of dirt and liquids entering the keyboard. You can clean the device from crumbs and other debris that accumulates under the keys using a special vacuum cleaner or a can of compressed air.

If the keyboard does not work after being exposed to liquid, it must be disassembled, rinsed and dried.

If this problem occurs when any keyboard is connected to the computer, the source of the problem may be the port (PS / 2 or USB) or the motherboard.

The performance of individual keys can be checked using test applications, for example, MS Key, which is included in the Microsoft IntelliType software suite, or online services Key-test, Keyboard Tester, and the like.

Some keyboard shortcuts don't work

This is often caused by third-party keyboard control software. Moreover, the application does not necessarily work in your system, it may have been previously uninstalled incorrectly. Sometimes the problem is caused by incorrect configuration of such programs.

To check this version, start Windows 7 in Safe Mode (programs from the startup list do not start under it). If the keyboard works fine, the assumption is correct.

Configuring keyboard settings in Windows 7

Layout setup

In the notification area on the taskbar, click the input language button and select the layout you want.

Or press the specified key combination. If you don't know it, open the Windows 7 Control Panel - \u003e\u003e Regional and Language Options.

On the Keyboards and Languages \u200b\u200btab, the Change Keyboard setting is available. Click the button.

The section "Switching the keyboard" contains a keyboard shortcut that changes the layout setting.

Setting the delay before entering characters, input speed and cursor blink rate

Open the Keyboard app in Control Panel.

The character input options in Windows 7 are located on the Speed \u200b\u200btab. Move the sliders to find the settings that work best for you. You can check how it works in a special input field in the same window.

Here, below, is the setting of the cursor blinking frequency when entering text. It is also changed by moving the slider to the right and left.

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