Is it possible to conduct contests VKontakte. Guide to contests on VKontakte

Every year, more and more entrepreneurs look at social networks and create pages (groups) of their business on VKontakte, Facebook and Odnoklassniki, however, they immediately stumble upon the problem of a complete lack of audience.

Leading a group requires effort, and successful - a tremendous effort. Here you need to create interesting content, communicate with the audience, answer questions and much more, which sometimes can not be done by one person. Despite the seeming difficulty in promoting, there is a method that, with an adequate approach, will always attract an audience, albeit a cold one, to the page, and these are contests for groups and pages in social media. networks.

What contests can be held on VKontakte, Facebook and Odnoklassniki

1) A prize for repost and joining a group - there’s not even a special reason

It's simple, you just need to place a picture brighter with a bold caption “WINNING”, and with a photo of a valuable prize, write down the conditions and wait for the addition to the group. However, this was earlier, and now there are much more nuances, you can read about them.

If you want something more interesting, then you can pay attention to:

2) Competition for the best photo

The reason can be very different, for example:

“Today is the first day of spring and we are waiting for photos from you with your March cats, the author of the most interesting photo will receive a monthly set of food for his pet.”

A big plus of this format is the unique content that users themselves voluntarily provide to you.

If the prize is especially valuable, you have an interesting idea and a marketing budget, move on:

3) Competition for the best video

In this format, you can implement all kinds of ideas, depending on the topic of your page. These can be contests for the best:

  • picture;
  • photo-toad;
  • under the tree;
  • history etc.

With the right approach, the results can be stunning, but in inept hands and without an audience, everything goes extremely inefficiently.

Global competitions are good, but it never hurts to do something interesting in between:

4) Competition for the best comment

Everything is simple, the main thing is to choose an interesting and preferably thematic picture or phrase and ask your subscribers to leave a funny comment. In some cases, you can do without a prize, many voluntarily leave a signature without expecting anything in return.

Without special troubles:

5) Prize draw in honor of 1 *** subscriber

Share your joy with your readers and give away small prizes in honor of the round number of your subscribers. This is insanely pleasant and people who receive such bonuses will surely tell their friends about their luck.

With special troubles:

6) Quiz contest

There is a simple question about where the penguins live, you will have to smash your head. The more interesting and tricky the question is, the greater the effect will be achieved. Remember the notorious question about the color of the dress, you can do something like this, or come up with something unique, the main thing is that it captures your users and makes them rack their brains, otherwise everything is gone.

To promote commercial projects, there are interesting ideas that can solve several problems at once:

7) Competition for the most interesting review

This format is suitable both if you sell goods, and if you provide services. Ask subscribers to attach photos and in detail, and most importantly, adequately, write about their experience in interacting with the company. Even after the prize is awarded, the reviews will remain and will work for you for a long time.

You can also play prizes all of a sudden:

8) Competition for the greatest activity (likes, reposts, comments)

This format can be organized in two versions:

  • full competition with a description of the conditions
  • choosing the most active subscriber suddenly

If you want to get a loyal audience, the second option is more interesting. A person who receives such a gift is likely to tell his friends about his luck, and may even publish a post on his page.

If your goal is to get as much activity as possible in your group, then choose the first option, although there is a risk of seeing a bunch of empty comments like “Great picture” or “Good post”.

Before proceeding to contests, be sure to read the rules for their conduct. For VK

In the comments to the article, VKontakte, I was asked a question about the rules of the competitions. In today's article, I will try to tell you in detail about how to conduct a contest or a draw and not get a community ban.

Why hold contests VKontakte

Let's start with what goals the administrator of the VKontakte community sets for itself, organizing a contest. In my opinion, there may be two goals. The first is stimulating activity within the community. The second is attracting new members or subscribers. Well, if you can achieve both goals. I have not met a single community that would not have held a contest at least 1 time. In some competitions are held constantly. However, the competition boom is on the decline. This is largely due to the "fatigue" of users and the change in the position of VKontakte itself since the summer of 2014.

On May 6, 2014, a post appeared in the official community “Administration of VKontakte Communities”, in which communities dedicated to contests and raffles were equated to cheat services: “Seemingly harmless prize distribution groups to everyone who enters there, will invite N friends, and will perform different tasks on distribution of advertising messages, etc., in fact, are variations of the same sites for organizing “cheating” and spam mailings.
  Based on the new paragraph 6.3.16.  , prohibiting stimulate users to any mass actions, we decided to put an end to the activities of such communities. "

So, a new item appeared in the VKontakte rules. This was followed by a massive ban of communities from the category of "All Drawings", "All Drawings of N-ska", "Contests. Practical jokes. Prizes. " Under the hot hand of moderation were completely harmless communities in which at that time there were any raffles. In the technical support of VKontakte, hundreds and thousands of complaints about the illegality of the ban of communities fell. Group administrators moaned and shouted about the injustice of the rules and the violation of their rights.

On June 7, 2014, the administration had to explain its attitude to the competitions in more detail. Here is a big quote describing the official position: “We prefer to consider all situations individually: when trying to derive certain general rules, they have to be formulated more strictly in order to avoid possible abuse. But for the convenience of community administrators, we decided this time to make an exception.

1) If you want to use contests to promote your community, we recommend focusing on some interesting creative tasks. Prizes should be goods or services that will be useful to subscribers of your community and correspond to its subject.

- invite a number of friends to the community using the “Invite Friends” button in a group, private messages, or in another way (by and large this is the same spamming by users);

- collect a certain number of reposts or “Like” marks under a copy of the contest entry on your page (this encourages the use of prohibited “wrap-up” services and, again, sending spam to friends). It is allowed to make one repost to the participant himself and leave the “Like” mark under the original entry with the contest;
  - that the competition will take place only when a record about it collects a certain number of reposts, “I like” marks, a certain number of participants enter the community, etc. (this also stimulates “cheating”, and is also often used for fraud by organizers);
  - Join many third-party communities, subscribe to different users, etc. (this is an obvious way to turn the competition into a “cheat”).
  2) When conducting contests for virtual objects of the site (voices, stickers, gifts, etc.), there should be absolutely no conditions and calls to take actions that increase certain indicators of counters on the site (increase in the number of friends in the community, reposts, "Like"), suggestions to join the community, make a repost, write about it somewhere, etc. "

VKontakte competition example in accordance with VK requirements

And now I offer you a description of the contest, which, in my opinion, meets all the requirements of the administration of a social network:

  1. Creative contest. This is a recommendation of VKontakte and mine personally. The creative component will be beneficial to you too - it will cut off “grievances” and freebie lovers.

What are the options for conducting creative contests: photo contests, drawing contests, etc. The bottom line is that the participants upload their photos (or photos of their work) to the community album. The winner is determined by the number of likes from community members. How easy and simple is it to determine a winner and not give a prize to fans to like? Here the LikeChecker application comes to the rescue - we cut off the excess.

Another option for the creative competition is all possible compositions of poems, ditties, stories, and more. Winners can be selected with the help of an authoritative jury of several people.

I am sure you can come up with many options for a creative competition, because you know your audience and its interests better.

  1. Use your product or service as a prize. The ideal option, when the prize stimulates further interaction with the company, “ties” the client to the seller.
  2. Among the terms of the contest, you can leave the items “Be a member of the XXX community”. This is not prohibited by the rules. The item "make a repost and leave a mark" I like "" is also allowed by the rules.
VKontakte Competition Terms, not relevant  VKontakte rules

And in order to simplify your life completely, dear readers, I will formulate frequently used, but not appropriate  VKontakte rules competition conditions:

  1. Invite a number of friends to the community using the "Invite Friends" button.
  2. Invite a number of friends to the community by sending private messages.
  3. Collect some number of reposts or “Like” marks under a copy of the contest entry on your page.
  4. The competition will end when the record about it picks up a certain number of reposts or “Like” marks.
  5. The competition will end when a certain number of participants / subscribers join the community.
  6. To participate in the competition, you must join several third-party communities.
  7. To participate in the contest you must subscribe to certain users.

If you are using at least one of these conditions when conducting a competition or a raffle, that means you are violating the rules of VKontakte. Breaking the rules may result in a ban on your community. Most likely, now you will recall dozens of draws and contests with similar conditions. And you will be absolutely right. Many, very many communities still use them, trying to increase the number of subscribers at any cost. But they risk it. Let us not risk our communities and our client communities. Why expose them to a ban risk if you now know how to conduct contests without violating the rules of our beloved social network.

I wish you successful contests and many subscribers! Waiting for your comments and questions.

Every day, tens of thousands of contests are held on VKontakte social network. Someone receives a huge influx of subscribers and potential profits, and someone for violating the rules for holding banyats. How to make sure that you don’t catch the ban and squeeze the maximum benefit out of your new audience?

VKontakte has official rules governing the conduct of contests. everything is in detail painted. For violation of at least one paragraph may lead to the fact that your group will be banned. Moreover, the ban will be eternal and without the possibility of recovery. Usually banned at the user's complaint in technical support. After checking your competition for compliance with the rules, a violation should be banned.

Types of contests VKontakte

Contests can be held in different formats. The most popular and common are:

1. Subscription + repost

The most common type. The participant is required to subscribe and repost. At the agreed time, the results are summed up using the randomizer application, which selects the winner from all reposted entries.

2. Subscription + repost + additional condition

Similar to the previous one, this type requires one more action. For example, subscribe to another community, to a YouTube channel, a Facebook group, etc. Please note that subscribing to more than two communities (the one where the contest is held and one additional) is prohibited by the VK rules.

3. Competitions for activity in the group

Various draws that take into account the activity of users in the group. Who will like more, who will write more comments, etc. The counting system may vary: for like, repost and comment you can give points. But the rules say that activity should be limited to the group in which the competition is held.

4. Creative contests

All kinds of competitions with creative assignments. You can think of any conditions, most importantly, they should not be associated with increasing VK counts (likes, comments, reposts). The choice of the winner can be left to the discretion of an independent jury or open voting of subscribers.

5. Lottery contest

You can have a quiz in your group. The number of winners and the conditions for winning may vary depending on your goal.

6. Buy and participate in the draw

Any of the above types plus a precondition in the form of a compulsory purchase in the store (and for a certain amount).

7. Mixed type

You can mix conditions from all previous types. The main thing is not to violate special conditions of a certain type (for example, to increase VK counters for a creative competition).

Competition Objectives

   As already mentioned, the type of rally is determined by the goal that you are pursuing. There are several such goals:

There are two fundamental rules when conducting a competition. The first is compliance with official rules, and the second is to ensure maximum transparency of the draw itself. For non-compliance with both, you can catch a ban. If everything is very clear with the first, then we will tell in more detail about the second

To minimize the number of questions and misunderstandings during the competition and claims after, as much as possible and in detail describe the conditions for its holding. Enumerating the conditions and actions necessary for victory is not enough to save you from misunderstanding. Therefore, write in the post this:

    What needs to be done in order to take part - point by point, indicate everything that the user needs to accomplish for a possible victory.

    What prizes are awarded - based on the rules, it is impossible to conduct a contest without telling in advance about the winnings. You must indicate the specific winnings from the very beginning. With several prize places, you must indicate which prize belongs to which place. If the winner is given the opportunity to choose a product or service himself, then this must be indicated. Also, you need to attach a photo of the prize to the post (and if there are more than ten, then give a link to the catalog).

  • When the results are being summed up, you clearly need to indicate when the competition will end and the winner’s election will be summed up.

  “Tip: in order to get rid of a certain share of negativity by the date of summing up, indicate the exact time when they will be summed up.

    Who can participate - if you are holding a competition only for Muscovites or only for residents of Russia, be sure to indicate this. Otherwise, the user from the Republic of Belarus can become the winner, but you don’t post there.

    At whose expense will delivery be a very controversial item. On the one hand, users now have no confidence in the draws in which delivery is carried out at the expense of the winner (the sad experience of various breeds affects), but on the other hand, if everything is honest with you, but delivery is not free, this must be reflected in the description of the competition. Otherwise, a very unpleasant situation may arise.

    “The page must be real” - VK has a lot of fake pages and trick accounts created specifically for participation in contests. If you do not want to give a prize to such users (and who wants something?), Then reflect this in the conditions. Describe in detail what, in your opinion, is considered a real page: created a certain time ago, the number of real photos and friends, the wall is not spammed by contests. If this is not done, then the fake one can calculate the real page of the user and you will begin disassembling with technical support VK.

    Conditions for receiving a prize - it may happen that the winner is determined, but he does not answer, and you can not conduct post-competition coverage to prove your honesty. Write down the conditions under which you can pick up a prize and the conditions under which a new winner will be selected if the previous one still has not taken its winnings. The main thing is not to overdo it and establish sparing conditions. Three or five days for communication with administrators is enough for a hesitant person to pick it up and the interest of the audience has not faded away.

If the listing of all conditions turns out to be large, attach a full list to the post in the .doc or .pdf format. In the post in VK itself, include only the most important points and supplement them with a mention of the complete rules in the document.

Tip: Be sure to focus users on the full rules in the attached document. This is necessary to avoid claims that you change the rules on the go.

How to increase the quality and attractiveness of the competition

   To increase the attractiveness of a particular competition and all subsequent ones for its subscribers and for a new audience, you need to follow a few rules:

Good design

Naturally, a bright and beautiful post will attract more attention from the user who is flipping through the feed of updates. Use emojis, high-quality photos, literate text. Break the description of the post into semantic blocks, use bulleted lists and hashtags. Even the post is better designed, the more willing to participate in it.

Tip: try to write such a post so that it does not hide under the spoiler in the desktop version. The exact algorithm of how the post is minimized is not known, so experiment with a different number of characters and photos. In the mobile version, it is unlikely to fit everything, so it is important to verify that the most attractive part of the contest was not hidden by a spoiler. Therefore, you can duplicate important information on the attached picture.

Valuable gifts

The more valuable the gift, the more willing to take part in the competition. For a set of disposable razors or a set of stickers, few will bother. That is why you can find so many practical jokes where I play a cool car or a lot of money as a prize. Most often, this is just a decoy to attract a new audience. And after the winner does not receive his prize, the community follows the ban.

Not too difficult conditions

Social network users are by nature very lazy. And many different conditions for participation will only scare them away. Making a repost and joining a group is easy. Putting a photo on a certain topic is already more difficult. And only the most loyal audience will take part in the creative competition.

Not too strict rules

Do not place too stringent requirements. That is, if you want to weed out accounts-tricks, do not set the requirements for the account to have at least 200 friends and 40 real photos or the absence on the wall of other reposts of contests (in adequate quantities). So you scare away real users and incur only losses.

Do not change the rules on the go

In addition to the obvious negative that will follow after changing any, even the slightest condition, you can attract the attention of tech support, and this already threatens with a ban. You cannot do this even if you warn about changes. It is better to think over all the conditions in advance and save yourself from possible problems.

Choose a reliable service to choose a winner

Not every randomizer application can work with a large number of participants. Therefore, immediately find a suitable service that does not hang in the middle of the process of determining the lucky one.

Notify the winner of the win

Once you have selected a winner, post a separate entry in your community, where specify the user in @id format (username):

And here is the result:

By doing so, the user will receive a notification that he was mentioned in the record, and he certainly will not miss his win.

In addition to the new entry, write in the comments to the post with the contest that the results have been summed up and you can see them here.

Ensure transparency of summary

In order not to cause users to doubt your honesty, provide them with evidence. To do this is better by conducting online broadcasting on special services or using the tools of the VK itself. If you cannot do this, then at least record how you choose the winner. Well, or screenshots, however, the negative then can not be avoided. Without clear evidence, they can and will blame you for the fact that the results are rigged, and the front man was the winner. Even a trivial recording of a monitor on a mobile phone’s camera can cut off some of the negative.

Explain what criteria the jury selects.

If you are conducting a creative contest for better photos, videos. A poem, etc., then explain in advance how the jury will judge the work. It is not recommended to conduct an open vote by users, since buying likes is easy.

Quickly send a prize

After you have received all the data from the winner, do not delay sending a gift to him. If you have unforeseen circumstances that prevent you from sending the prize on time, then contact the winner and explain everything to him so that he does not worry. After sending by mail, be sure to discard the postal identifier. Such care will raise sympathy and loyalty to your company.

How to promote contests

To get more coverage and increase quantitative indicators, draws must be actively promoted. There are several ways to do this:

Promotion through aggregator groups

If you enter the query “contests” into the search, then you will be given a gigantic list with all kinds of communities that accumulate various contests. They have a huge audience and the repost of your draw in such a group will bring a lot of views and potential participants. Accommodation in them can be both on a paid basis, and on a free basis. The only drawback of this type of promotion is that people who are interested in prizes and not in your goods or services are sitting in these groups. Although a certain percentage may later acquire something from you, but do not expect a sky-high conversion.

Promotion through sowing in thematic groups

You can buy ads in groups that suit you by topic and audience. The advantages of this method compared to the previous one are obvious - you will have great coverage for the people you need. Advertising can be bought in repost format or as a separate entry.

Promotion through third-party resources

Tell us about the competition in all available sources. If you have a blog, accounts in other social networks, email distribution, etc., then start promoting it there. Also arrange with your partners so that they tell about your lottery at their sites. The more channels you cover, the more they will learn about the competition.

Actions during and after the contest

After the start of the competition, you need to constantly remind him (what if someone missed his launch?). Tell about what the winner will receive, call for reposting and retell conditions. Just know the measure and do not zapamlite tape to your subscribers.

After the contest is over and the winner has received his prize, ask him to take a picture with him if possible. Then post these photos in a separate post in your community. This will serve as proof of your honesty and will prove to the participants of future contests their veracity.

Tip: Photos of all winners can be collected in a separate album. This will serve as a good reputational bonus for you.

In addition, be sure to save and upload to the group all the live video with the election of the winner. And do not delete entries that relate to contests. This will demonstrate your integrity for future participants.

Practicing negative

People do not like to lose, and in any case, after playing the prize, there will be a negative in your direction. They will look for reasons to contact you for technical support. If you do everything correctly and according to the official rules of the competitions, then the support service will not be able to get to you. But the negative users in any case will have to work out. Respond politely to all negative reviews and comments, prove your case with facts and evidence. And use humor - it works better than any arguments.


VKontakte contests are a fairly effective tool to increase the number of subscribers, increase your brand awareness, get a database of potential customers and convert subscribers into leads. But they should be carried out with caution and carefully monitor each stage. Before you run the contest in your group, reread

Recently, community owners Vkontakte, as well as other social. networks increase audience engagement through contests. This is also one of the ways to promote groups and promote business in Vkontakte. There are several ways to organize and conduct such contests. Let's look at them in detail.

Repost contest

The most common type of contests is repost entries for a certain reward. The prize, in this case, can be anything. For example, it may be a discount on your services or a free ticket to a specific event. In addition, you can use material gifts (money, accessories, appliances, food, etc.). Of course, the more expensive the gift, the more the audience will be interested in participating in this competition.

The conditions of this contest should include a subscription to the community and repost entries to increase the coverage of this contest. To increase the effectiveness of this competition, you can increase the number of prizes. Often, the organizers of the competitions cheat on their subscribers, and in order to save a gift, they get a fake account or an acquaintance who confirms that everything was supposedly fair. Of course, this is on everyone’s conscience, but, as a rule, such deception is used during the drawing of expensive prizes, such as an iPhone.

For example, one loud case of deception, in which a large public Vkontakte was mixed. For repost and subscription a person could win an apartment. The administration of Vkontakte blocked this community for fraud. Even if you use inexpensive things as a prize, but honestly hand them to the winner, you can take great advantage to promote the community. It is recommended to use this type of competition no more than once in two months. The optimal time for the existence of this competition is 2 - 3 weeks. This time is enough.

Creative task

Another option for organizing the competition will help not only to attract new subscribers, but also to increase the interest of the already existing audience. This competition is effective when there is already a large number of people in your group. The competition is associated with creativity. Subscribers are required not only to make a repost of the contest, but also to take part in it by doing a little work.

Suppose it's autumn now. You can invite the audience to send photos, compositions on the theme of autumn. In the holiday season, you can create a contest for the best photo on vacation. To engage the audience, you can make a competition in several stages, and finish it in the form of a battle. For example, you give 2 weeks for subscribers to send photos. For these photos, create a separate album where everyone can see them.

Then, you can either select the top 10 of them, or put it to the vote. If there are a large number of photos, then you can select the best by the number of likes. Then you can put to vote 10 of the best photos or in one poll, or split into 2 photos and make in the form of a battle. To this vote, you can take 1 week. And in conclusion, a final is made in which one of the best work of the two is selected, again in the form of voting by likes or in a poll.

As a rule, this option involves a lot, which will certainly increase your stats. People will ask their friends to like or vote for them. Here, even the prize plays no role, as the process of participation itself.

Promotion for activity

Another version of the contests is not as common as the previous two, but still it is sometimes used in SMM. It can be called the "most active subscriber." Competition conditions - to be active with likes, comments, reposts. This method also raises the activity of your group, as well as statistics, which will be nice to show advertisers. The disadvantage of this option is that people will leave spam, and write nonsense in the comments. To determine the most active subscriber, you can use a special application Vkontakte.

Well, in the end you should pay attention that using the voices of Vkontakte as a prize is possible only during the second type of competition. In addition, too large lists of requirements for participation are also prohibited by the administration of Vkontakte when using the first type of competition.

Another question that interests many who are looking towards social networks and have already started working there are contests that help increase the effectiveness of their presence in the social. networks. Or rather, it will be about "VKontakte".

The purpose of the competition
  You must clearly understand why and why you are holding a competition, if you do not have the goal of carrying out, then there will be no evaluated results. It is advisable to set such a goal, which you can then measure, say, the goal: to double the number of participants.

Simplicity is the key to success
  The simpler the conditions of the competition, the better, it is not necessary to demand great efforts from people in order to win a prize for $ 10. It is necessary to understand that the people sitting on VKontakte are not particularly tuned to hard work, click a few times - that’s it. That's why contests are so popular, where you just need to click "like and repost" to participate.

Give good prizes
No need to get tired of prizes, because this will be the main motive for participation in your competition. Therefore, allocate some budget that will be interesting to people, and not to save. As a rule, the better the prizes, the more participants.

Do not give too good prizes
  If you promise a house in Florida, then, most likely, you just will not believe. Therefore, even if you are ready to give expensive prizes, do not do this. In my opinion, everything that is more expensive than $ 5,000 will already be suspicious. But you can try everything yourself, even it would be interesting to take a look at the drawing of several cars for the repost of VKontakte. :)

Prizes must match efforts
  If you give cheap prizes, then simplify the conditions and actions for participation as much as possible; if the prizes are expensive, then you can already do something more complicated than reposts so that it doesn’t happen that people don’t even make a third from what is needed.

Do not delay the time
  If your contest lasts for a whole year, then it will be of no interest to the majority, although of course if you donate a million dollars, then maybe. However, in normal cases with the usual prizes it is better not to delay. If the prizes are quite simple, like a concert ticket or inexpensive souvenirs, then the competition is unlikely to last more than 3 days, and ideally 1 day.
  If the prize is a laptop for 1-2 thousand dollars, then there is a normal period of 2-3 weeks. More than a month is better not to do at all.

There should be several prizes
  If you have only one prize, many will not participate, even if the prize is very expensive and desirable, simply because they will not believe that they can win. Therefore, I recommend at least 3 prizes to play. Then this barrier will be removed.

Give your goods and services
  If you produce or sell something, do not hesitate to play it. It's even better, because you are promoting yourself. It would be foolish to look if you produce, say, buckets, and play buckets too, but of a different brand.
  You should not do the main prize that nobody needs. For example, if you are an online store, then you do not have to play something that is not for sale. Such prizes can be made secondary, and the main something desired.
  You can go the other way, namely, to play a certain coupon for a certain amount, which the winners can use to buy what they themselves want.

Conditions must be fit for purpose.
If your goal is to more closely communicate with the participants of your VKontakte community, then the competition should be held in such a way as to maximize the involvement of the participants, and not the outsiders who want just a prize, but they don’t care about your group or public.
  If your goal is to increase the number of participants, to attract new ones, then you should try to achieve a viral effect, namely all kinds of reposts, invitations of friends and other things.
  Although the viral effect will always be beneficial.

Any competition requires promotion.
  If you want to attract new people, you will have to buy advertising, maximize viral effects and actions, promote the competition outside your group.
  If the competition is for community members, then you will have to try to inform as many participants as possible.
  It’s not possible to post a post about the contest and just wait, although of course if you have a huge active community, then this option may be a chance for you, but in any case, you will have to promote the contest for maximum effect.

Write down the clear rules of the competition
  Otherwise, then you will explain the heaps to the people, why this one won, and not the one, why these people were removed from the competition, and these are not, and so on. Clear rules will protect you from such consequences. Some groups even block after the contests, because dissatisfied people start complaining in support of the contact. Be careful in this matter.

How not to lose people after the competition and keep new participants?
  After the end of contests, which are aimed at attracting new people, there is an outflow effect. Since the majority will come only for the prizes, and not for the sake of your group or public. So besides the task of attracting, you still have the task of keeping people in the group after the end of the competition.
  To do this, you need to prepare interesting content that you will publish when there is a competition, so that those people who enter will be interested in your community while participating in the competition. This will help you retain a larger percentage of people.

In general, the competition should still be taken as a process of familiarization or deeper familiarization of people with your project or community, and therefore you should not take seriously what people leave, which means that they simply were not interested in your group, public or project.

I recommend, before holding any competitions, seriously think why, why, budget and so on. Because there may be money and effort spent on holding a competition can have a big return on other issues.

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