How to arrange a contest VKontakte. How to create a draw (competition) in the VKontakte group - step by step instructions

Hello, friends! In this article, I have collected some of the best services that will help you honestly and easily. determine a random winner among Vkontakte users.

If you need to choose a random winner for social. Facebook networks, or if you are looking for list generators or instructions for using, then look at these articles:

  •   (Facebook)

Compared to social. Facebook network, in Vkontakte it’s harder to create an automatic list of participants. Moreover, very often the organizers of the competitions require numerous conditions from the participants (for example, like + comment + repost), so the task is noticeably more complicated.

There are several ways to determine the winners in VK. You can draw lots using one of the existing applications in VK, determine the winner using special sites, or manually pull out lists of comments, reposts, etc. I personally am inclined to believe that sites for choosing a winner are the best option, since many of them retain the results of the sample, which looks more believable. This is becoming increasingly important, as due to frequent fraud and fraud, users have less confidence in the draws on the Internet.

Below you will find a list of the best services that I have managed to find to date. If you know about other good sites and applications, share them in the comments and I will list them.

Applications on Vkontakte

There are many special applications on Vkontakte, with the help of which you can easily determine the winner according to the condition you need, for example repost, like, etc.

Lucky you!

Sites for determining winners in VK

Above, I gave several examples of VK applications with which you can easily and simply choose a winner. There is also an alternative method - toss using special sites.


Megarand is a very nice service for determining a random winner in VK for reposts. You can draw an instant draw or plan a winner on a specific date. An example of how the final result looks. Everything is very simple and transparent.

Mega Random

Using the Mega Random site, you can choose winners in three ways: Instant, By Time, By Repost. Mega Random will create for you a separate page on the site, which will contain information about the competition, its author, conditions. At a given moment, a draw will take place and participants will receive automatic notifications of the results of the competition. The idea itself is not bad, but as for me, the site has too much advertising and therefore everything looks somehow cheap.

Vkontakte methods

Vkontakte methods are the most difficult way to manually pull lists according to a given criterion. Here you will have to dig a bit or ask a programmer for help. The methods below do not require access_token.

On the brand page in social networks, it will be easy to get new subscribers, increase audience activity and improve sales. It is important to find a format that will not only captivate fans and draw their attention to the offered product or service, but will also be simple in terms of organization. Of course, you can offer an iPad, get a large number of participants, but it will not bring a noticeable influx of customers who are really interested in your business.

Every day there are more and more services that make it easy to choose a winner. And where to get ideas that will collect likes and comments? We offer 30 formulations that you can use to conduct a contest on a page on social networks.

1. We have nearly 40,000 subscribers. Celebrate with us - just like our page! The 100th subscriber will receive a free [PRIZE TITLE].

2. Leave a “Coupon” comment and get a 20% discount on your next purchase from us. The winner will be determined randomly tomorrow at 17:00 Moscow time.

3. We want to know you better! Attach a photo of you and your best friend in the comments to win [PRIZE TITLE]. The winner will be determined tomorrow at 12:00.

4. Leave a comment below and win a T-shirt! The best ____ is _____. The winner is the one with the most likes until 14:00 Moscow time tomorrow.

5. Do you know how the year [YOUR COMPANY NAME] was founded? The first one who answers correctly will receive [PRIZE TITLE].

6. Come up with a new way to use our product on the attached photo. The most inventive will get it for free! The name of the winner will be announced tomorrow at 14:00.

7. Who is happy about the coming winter? Like and get the opportunity to win [PRIZE TITLE]. The winner will be announced tomorrow at 13:00 Moscow time.

8. Tomorrow starts our 50 percent sale! Like, and we will pay for your purchase (maximum - $ 500). The name of the lucky one will be known tomorrow at 13:00 Moscow time.

9. We have added a new dish to the menu, and we are interested in your opinion! Write in the comments below the picture what ingredient you think is missing from it. The winner will be able to enjoy this dish for free for a whole year. We will find out the name of the lucky tomorrow at 14:00 Moscow time.

10. How many companies do you think use our tariff [TARIFF TITLE]? Write your answer in the comment to the post and become a contender for the month of using the tariff [TARIFF TITLE] for free. The winner will be determined tomorrow at 13:00.

11. Like, if you do not wait for the weekend! The lucky one will take them to [PLACE] completely free!

13. Count how many beans in the jar in the picture. The most accurate answer will receive an annual supply of our beans for free! The name of the winner will be announced tomorrow at 17:00 Moscow time.

14. How much do you like [YOUR COMPANY NAME]? Measure your love in points from 0 to 10+ and write about it in the comments. The lovers will be determined tomorrow at 12:00 Moscow time. We will place their photos on the cover of our page!

16. Yesterday we played a cool concert at [PLACE]. Like if you were with us (or wanted to be there) and win our CD!

17. Have you prepared for Halloween? Show your costume and get the opportunity to win [PRIZE TITLE]! Winners will be announced tomorrow at 13:00 Moscow time.

18. What do you think will end the game against the Eagles Redskins? The author of the most accurate answer will receive [PRIZE TITLE].

19. What did you want to become when you were a child? Share your dreams and get the opportunity to win [PRIZE TITLE]. The winner will be announced on Friday [DATE] at 12:00 Moscow time.

20. Click on the photo and press L on the keyboard to win [PRIZE TITLE]! A little hint: L likes;) The hundredth favorite photo wins.

21. How many cups of coffee do you think are too many? Leave a comment and win a $ 10 Starbucks gift card to satisfy your coffee craving! You will find out the name of the winner tomorrow at 9 in the morning (unless, of course, you have coffee and you have time to wake up;)

22. Show what you did last weekend? The photo with the most likes will become the cover of our page for the whole week!

23. Now I would like to be in _____ (a place on earth). If you had the opportunity now to be anywhere in the world, what would you choose? Leave a comment to win our prize! We will determine the lucky tomorrow at 18:00 Moscow time.

24. Name who played Darth Vader in the classic Star Wars trilogy, and win a Black Lord T-shirt!

25. Which Major League Baseball player holds the record for most home runs? The correct answer will receive tickets to the World Cup 2013! The lucky one will be named on Wednesday at 17:00 Moscow time.

26. What is your favorite song and artist and win tickets for his performance! The winning comment will be randomly selected tomorrow at 19:00 Moscow time. Do not miss!

27. What dish from our menu could you eat all year? Share with us and win a gift certificate! The winner will be announced on Wednesday [DATE] at 14:00.

28. Tell us what you can do on the beach all day long. The author of the most interesting option will become the holder of tickets for the annual Burning Man 2014 art festival! We will find out the name of the most inventive this Friday at 18:00 Moscow time.

29. Name the first astronaut and win a ticket to the space museum! We are waiting for your answers until 17:00 Moscow time [DATE].

30. “Notice! I didn’t suggest it. ” Tell me who owns the replica and the movie in which it sounds. The winner will receive [PRIZE TITLE].

When choosing an idea, remember that contests should be aimed at your potential customers and reflect the specifics of your company. Only in this way will you get a loyal audience who is really interested in your products and services. Organization of contests will show your company on the other friendly side, which will cause even more trust and turn subscribers into regular customers.

Moderators who are just gaining experience in managing and managing publics should be more active in their imagination. This is especially true of the question of how to create a contest in the VKontakte group. The modern capabilities of the social network allow you to come up with a lot of interesting practical jokes, the format of which is limited to just a few simple rules:

  • community mailings are not allowed
  • commercial and political advertising is prohibited;
  • compliance with the laws of your country is required;
  • insults and humiliations of any type and kind are not allowed.

Those who want to make their own draw will have to complete a simple procedure:

  1. choose the idea and format of the contest;
  2. select a picture and process it in any editor, including the built-in VK editor;
  3. determine the exact rules and procedures for determining the winners;
  4. to decide on prizes and promotional gifts;
  5. create an entry on the main page of the public (it is advisable to pin it at the top);
  6. wait for the specified period;
  7. choose the lucky one to whom the reward will go.

Having decided how to create a draw in the VKontakte group, it is worth paying attention to the types of draws:

  • for reposts;
  • for likes;
  • for comments;
  • for activity;
  • per photo (as a reward, you can put it on the community avatar);
  • for drawing;
  • other creative tasks.

The winners of tasks that are related to creativity are usually determined by the voting of subscribers. In other cases, the use of third-party programs and applications is required, therefore a little more attention should be paid to them.

How to make a contest in the VKontakte group for repost?

The procedure for holding a raffle for reposts in general terms does not differ from that described above. The only caveat that you need to pay attention to is the need to use third-party programs to select winners. Best known for:

  1. Number generator;
  2. Selector;
  3. Competition;
  4. Lucky You;
  5. RandomApp.

The principle of operation of each specified application is very similar. The moderator will need to make a link to the entry in the special field with a message about the drawing and start the process of selecting the winner. The program will randomly select several or one subscriber (depending on the desire of the organizers) from among the reposted entries. After which it remains to announce the names of the lucky on the community wall.


Those who are pondering how to create a draw in the VK group for the most active commentator who leaves the most reviews and messages under the posts will not face insurmountable difficulties. The principle of operation in this case will be unchanged, but to add interactivity and clarity to the process, you can set a dynamic cover instead of the traditional avatar. Some services automatically display the name of the person who made the most comments in the community header. As a result, visitors will be able to constantly monitor the performance of the leader and will receive additional motivation to show greater activity. Namely, this is the main goal of such an event for moderators and public owners.


Likewise, the organizers of the likes contests will not encounter surprises. The moderator will need to select the appropriate application and enter a link to the contest entry in the appropriate field. An excellent solution would be to shoot a selection of winners. This will avoid the suspicion of rigging the results and make the whole procedure extremely transparent and understandable to subscribers. The last step will be the publication of the results and the publication of the video, if it was shot. After that, it remains to contact the winning person and get his contacts in order to transfer the prize. Or, if the winner does not respond, re-select the lucky one.

For the greatest activity

The most interesting thing is to hold competitions between subscribers, in which the most active user will be the best. At the expense of activity go likes, comments and reposts at the same time. A similar scale adds its own features to the process of calculating the winner. Unlike the previous options, when you needed to specify a link to a post, now you need to make a link to the community in the program and indicate the time range during which the calculation is made and statistics are kept. Additionally, you will have to make the group open so that the application has access to the information required to summarize. Otherwise, the procedure will remain unchanged.

In the comments to the article, VKontakte, I was asked a question about the rules of the competitions. In today's article, I will try to tell you in detail about how to conduct a contest or a draw and not get a community ban.

Why hold contests VKontakte

Let's start with what goals the administrator of the VKontakte community sets for itself, organizing a contest. In my opinion, there may be two goals. The first is stimulating activity within the community. The second is attracting new members or subscribers. Well, if you can achieve both goals. I have not met a single community that would not have held a contest at least 1 time. In some competitions are held constantly. However, the competition boom is on the decline. This is largely due to the "fatigue" of users and the change in the position of VKontakte itself since the summer of 2014.

On May 6, 2014, a post appeared in the official community “Administration of VKontakte Communities”, in which communities dedicated to contests and raffles were equated to cheat services: “Seemingly harmless prize distribution groups to everyone who enters there, will invite N friends, and will perform different tasks on distribution of advertising messages, etc., in fact, are variations of the same sites for organizing “cheating” and spam mailings.
  Based on the new paragraph 6.3.16.  , prohibiting stimulate users to any mass actions, we decided to put an end to the activities of such communities. "

So, a new item appeared in the VKontakte rules. This was followed by a massive ban of communities from the category of "All Drawings", "All Drawings of N-ska", "Contests. Practical jokes. Prizes. " Under the hot hand of moderation were completely harmless communities in which at that time there were any raffles. In the technical support of VKontakte, hundreds and thousands of complaints about the illegality of the ban of communities fell. Group administrators moaned and shouted about the injustice of the rules and the violation of their rights.

On June 7, 2014, the administration had to explain its attitude to the competitions in more detail. Here is a big quote describing the official position: “We prefer to consider all situations individually: when trying to derive certain general rules, they have to be formulated more strictly in order to avoid possible abuse. But for the convenience of community administrators, we decided this time to make an exception.

1) If you want to use contests to promote your community, we recommend focusing on some interesting creative tasks. Prizes should be goods or services that will be useful to subscribers of your community and correspond to its subject.

- invite a number of friends to the community using the “Invite Friends” button in a group, private messages, or in another way (by and large this is the same spamming by users);

- collect a certain number of reposts or “Like” marks under a copy of the contest entry on your page (this encourages the use of prohibited “wrap-up” services and, again, sending spam to friends). It is allowed to make one repost to the participant himself and leave the “Like” mark under the original entry with the contest;
- that the competition will take place only when a record about it collects a certain number of reposts, “I like” marks, a certain number of participants enter the community, etc. (this also stimulates “cheating”, and is also often used for fraud by organizers);
  - Join many third-party communities, subscribe to different users, etc. (this is an obvious way to turn the competition into a “cheat”).
  2) When conducting contests for virtual objects of the site (voices, stickers, gifts, etc.), there should be absolutely no conditions and calls to take actions that increase certain indicators of counters on the site (increase in the number of friends in the community, reposts, "Like"), suggestions to join the community, make a repost, write about it somewhere, etc. "

VKontakte competition example in accordance with VK requirements

And now I offer you a description of the contest, which, in my opinion, meets all the requirements of the administration of a social network:

  1. Creative contest. This is a recommendation of VKontakte and mine personally. The creative component will be beneficial to you too - it will cut off “grievances” and freebie lovers.

What are the options for conducting creative contests: photo contests, drawing contests, etc. The bottom line is that the participants upload their photos (or photos of their work) to the community album. The winner is determined by the number of likes from community members. How easy and simple is it to determine a winner and not give a prize to fans to like? Here the LikeChecker application comes to the rescue - we cut off the excess.

Another option for the creative competition is all possible compositions of poems, ditties, stories, and more. Winners can be selected with the help of an authoritative jury of several people.

I am sure you can come up with many options for a creative competition, because you know your audience and its interests better.

  1. Use your product or service as a prize. The ideal option, when the prize stimulates further interaction with the company, “ties” the client to the seller.
  2. Among the terms of the contest, you can leave the items “Be a member of the XXX community”. This is not prohibited by the rules. The item "make a repost and leave a mark" I like "" is also allowed by the rules.
VKontakte Competition Terms, not relevant  VKontakte rules

And in order to simplify your life completely, dear readers, I will formulate frequently used, but not appropriate  VKontakte rules competition conditions:

  1. Invite a number of friends to the community using the "Invite Friends" button.
  2. Invite a number of friends to the community by sending private messages.
  3. Collect some number of reposts or “Like” marks under a copy of the contest entry on your page.
  4. The competition will end when the record about it picks up a certain number of reposts or “Like” marks.
  5. The competition will end when a certain number of participants / subscribers join the community.
  6. To participate in the competition, you must join several third-party communities.
  7. To participate in the contest you must subscribe to certain users.

If you are using at least one of these conditions when conducting a competition or a raffle, that means you are violating the rules of VKontakte. Breaking the rules may result in a ban on your community. Most likely, now you will recall dozens of draws and contests with similar conditions. And you will be absolutely right. Many, very many communities still use them, trying to increase the number of subscribers at any cost. But they risk it. Let us not risk our communities and our client communities. Why expose them to a ban risk if you now know how to conduct contests without violating the rules of our beloved social network.

I wish you successful contests and many subscribers! Waiting for your comments and questions.

Another issue that interests many who look towards social networks and have already started working there is contests that help increase the effectiveness of social presence. networks. More precisely, it will be about VKontakte.

The purpose of the competition
  You must clearly understand why and why you are holding a competition, if you do not have a goal, then there will be no evaluated results. It is advisable to set a goal that you can then measure, say, the goal: to double the number of participants.

Simplicity is the key to success
  The simpler the conditions of the competition, the better, you do not need to demand huge efforts from people in order to win a prize for $ 10. You need to understand that people sitting on VKontakte are not particularly tuned for hard work, click a few times - that’s it. Therefore, contests are so popular, where you just need to click "Like and Repost" to participate.

Give good prizes
No need to rely on prizes, because this will be the main motive for participating in your competition. Therefore, allocate some budget that will be interesting to people, and not to save. As a rule, the better the prizes, the more participants.

Don’t give too good prizes
  If you promise a house in Florida, then most likely you simply will not be believed. Therefore, even if you are ready to give expensive prizes, do not do this. In my opinion, everything that is more expensive than $ 5,000 will already be suspicious. But you can try everything yourself, it would even be interesting to look at the drawing of several cars for VKontakte repost. :)

Prizes must match efforts
  If you give cheap prizes, then simplify the conditions and actions for participation as much as possible, if the prizes are expensive, then you can already do something more complicated than reposts so that it doesn’t happen that for those prizes that you offer, people will not even make a third from what you need.

Do not drag out the time
  If your contest will last a whole year, then most will be uninteresting, although of course if you donate a million dollars, then maybe. However, in ordinary cases, it is better not to delay the usual prizes. If the prizes are very simple, like a concert ticket or inexpensive souvenirs, then the competition is unlikely to last more than 3 days, and ideally - 1 day.
  If the prize is a laptop for 1-2 thousand dollars, then the normal period is 2-3 weeks. More than a month is better not to do at all.

There should be several prizes
  If you have only one prize, then many will not participate, even if the prize is very expensive and desirable, simply because they will not believe that they can win. Therefore, I recommend playing at least 3 prizes. Then this barrier will be removed.

Give your goods and services
  If you produce or sell something, then feel free to play it. It’s even better, because you are promoting yourself. It would be foolish to look if you produce, say, buckets, but also play buckets, but of a different brand.
  It’s not worth the main prize to do what no one needs. For example, if you are an online store, then you do not need to play what is not for sale. Such prizes can be made secondary, and the main thing is something desired.
  You can go the other way, namely, to play a certain coupon for a certain amount, which the winners can use to buy what they themselves want.

Conditions must be appropriate
If your goal is to communicate more closely with members of your VKontakte community, then the competition should be conducted in such a way as to maximize the involvement of participants, not people from the side who just want a prize, and they don’t give a damn about your group or public.
  If your goal is to increase the number of participants, to attract new ones, then you should try to achieve a viral effect, namely all kinds of reposts, invitations of friends and other things.
  Although the viral effect will always be beneficial.

Any competition requires promotion
  If you want to attract new people, you will have to buy ads, maximize viral effects and actions, promote a contest outside your group.
  If the competition is for community members, you will have to try to notify as many participants as possible.
  It will not work to post a contest and just wait, although of course if you have a huge active community, then maybe this option will give you a ride, but in any case, you will have to promote the contest for maximum effect.

Define clear competition rules
  Otherwise, you will later explain to the heaps to the people why this one won, and not the one why these people were removed from the competition, but these are not and so on. Clear rules will protect you from such consequences. Some groups even block after contests because dissatisfied people start complaining about contact support. Be careful in this matter.

How not to lose people after the competition and keep new participants?
  After the competitions, which are aimed at attracting new people, there is an outflow effect. Since most will come only for prizes, and not for the sake of your group or public. So besides the task of attracting, you still have the task of keeping people in the group after the end of the competition.
  To do this, you need to prepare interesting content that you will publish when the competition is on, so that those who have entered are interested in your community while they are participating in the competition. This will help you retain a larger percentage of people.

In general, the competition still needs to be perceived as a process of acquainting or acquainting people more deeply with your project or community, which means that you do not need to take seriously that people are leaving, which means they simply were not interested in your group, public or project.

I recommend that before conducting any contests, seriously think about why, why, budget, and so on. Because there can be money and efforts spent on holding a competition, they can have a great return on other issues.

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