What does it mean "this type of communication is not available for the subscriber"? This type of communication is not available for the subscriber - what does it mean for Tele2 clients

Not everyone knows what this type of communication means is unavailable for an MTS subscriber. If earlier this made you panic more, now there are a lot of reasons for the appearance of such a message. Each item should be dealt with in more detail.

What does it mean - this type of communication is not available for the subscriber and what are the reasons for this message

As mentioned earlier, the reasons for the specified car there may be enough information. Among the main ones are:

  1. The user has no funds on the balance sheet. It often happens to those subscribers who are outside the country. It is important for them to pay not only for an independent call, but also for an incoming call. If the size of the balance does not correspond to the minimum payment, the caller will hear this statement. It is enough just to deposit a certain amount on your personal account and everything will start working as usual.
  2. The number is blocked. It will not play any role whether this was done on the subscriber's own initiative or under the terms of the mobile operator. Here, the user himself must take measures to unlock. In addition, he himself most likely knows about such consequences.
  3. Network problems. This means that periodically in the service area, network failures may occur, due to which the robot issues a message that the specified type of communication is unavailable for the user. In this case, it will not be possible to independently call, access web resources, or even simply send text messages. The only solution to this problem is patience and only patience. The mobile company MTS is involved in the work, which will try to restore everything in the shortest possible time.
  4. The specifics of the SIM card. Everyone knows that the bulk of the sim is intended for making calls and accessing Internet resources. But there is also a category in which only the second option (home) is available. This suggests that it is categorically impossible to call her. And this problem cannot be solved. The only correct solution for the subscriber is to activate another SIM card, which will already work in all directions.
  5. The phone is off. Of course, it may seem non-standard just such an answer in the case of a non-working device or the user is outside the network coverage area. But all the information comes from the robot, which is already transmitting it to the caller. These expressions can become confusing and intimidating. Sometimes it is enough to call again to get a specific answer.
  6. Signal problems. This paragraph applies to all mobile operators without exception. To receive such a message from an informant, it is often enough to take a ride in the underground metro or take an elevator, and also go to the forest, where the signal level begins to drop. To avoid such a problem, you should not go to the above places. It will be enough to move from place to place and difficulties fade into the background.

This list indicates the main reasons why you can receive a message from the robot about the unavailability of the type of communication to the MTS user. Moreover, almost each of them is instantly solved in the simplest ways. The main thing is not to be afraid, since everything is decided. Sometimes you have to contact the office of the company, the addresses of which are registered on the official resource. There they will certainly give a specific answer.

How to get through if this type of communication is not available for the subscriber

Sometimes a question is raised related to how to make a call to MTS to another user when he heard a message about the unavailability of a particular type of communication.

The user can only count on the presence of other contacts of the subscriber, including the city phone number. Here you have to work and get rid of the problem. After all, the SIM card is not available for use for communication services. At the same time, it is important to inform the owner of the specified information, since in case of importance and urgency, no one can call him.

If an error occurs when they call you

If this happens to a subscriber of MTS, the only right solution is to get rid of the original source. But what does it mean? So, for example, if it concerns the financial component of the issue, replenish the account with the minimum amount, which is usually equal to the negative balance. When the problem is not solved, you should contact the technical support specialists. They can provide information regarding the balance of the personal account, technical work on the line, as well as other problems for which you cannot be called.

But if we are talking about the operation of a SIM card, the signal level or, for example, a dead battery, then nothing can be done except to use another phone for contact. In addition, you can call not only from a mobile, but also from a landline, for which the number 8 800 250 8 250 is provided. If possible, the problem will be eliminated as soon as possible.

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When making calls, subscribers periodically hear such a voice notification as - "This type of communication is not available for the subscriber."

Having heard such a message, you should not think that your number was blacklisted, thereby avoiding communication. Such a recording can sound for a number of reasons:

  • low signal level;
  • mobile is disabled;
  • problems with the sim card;
  • network failure;
  • negative balance of the subscriber to the number to which the call is made.

Connection quality

In the first case, such a message may be caused by a malfunction in the operator's equipment. There are a lot of reasons for this - preventive work, difficult weather conditions. Also, the subscriber can be located far from the MTS communication towers.

If the service is not connected, "roaming" also leads to this kind of information. Returning to the coverage area, the user will receive a list of missed calls. Usually call back it goes well in a few minutes, without mistakes.

The quality of communication also depends on the method of coverage - there are fewer communication towers outside the city and in rural areas it is not always possible to connect to 3G networks. This applies not only to the subscriber to whose number the call is made, but also to the user who is calling.

Disabled device

The automatic recording "This type of communication is not available for the subscriber" can also be heard if the device is turned off to receive calls - it is in flight mode, or if it is used as a modem, for an Internet connection.

When a call comes in, the device should switch to phone mode, but it happens that due to malfunctions of the operator or the smartphone itself, this does not happen - the phone remains in modem mode, and the caller hears a voice notification.

SIM card malfunction

Not as common a problem as the previous ones, but takes place... There are a lot of reasons for the problem - a factory defect in the card or built-in chip, dust or small debris between the contact panel of the phone and the SIM card chip.

Most often, this happens due to the formation of condensation, when moisture can collect in the smartphone when entering a warm room from the street in winter, which contributes to the formation of oxide on the SIM card contacts.

Sometimes a problem can arise due to mechanical damage to the SIM card, for example, when it is removed from one device and installed in another smartphone.

but it may not always be caused by damage - an incorrectly inserted card may well cause such a problem. If a problem is identified in the SIM card, you should contact the MTS service center, where it is possible to make transferring the old number to the new card. After doing this, the user will receive an informational message about missed calls.

Network outages

This item includes problems beyond the control of the telecom operator. As a rule, this does not happen so often - power outages, lightning strikes, and a number of other reasons.

The operator informs about force majeure, evenly distributes the load across the towers and centers, but this takes time, it is quite possible that you heard such a notification just at the moment of one of these reconnections.

Lack of positive balance

"This type of communication is not available for the subscriber" - the notification sounds in the speaker of the device if the subscriber to whom the incoming call is being made has not replenished the account for a long time. This practice is used by many telecom operators.

If the user did not replenish the account for a long period of time, while using the incoming channels, thereby making no profit to the service provider, the operator suspends the service of the subscriber number. The suspension of services can also be in the event that the subscriber number has not been used for a long time.

Sometimes the number is blocked at the request of the subscriber... This is done in order to avoid paying for services at a certain time, for example, for a vacation or business trip. When the user's account is replenished, the blocking is removed.

As a rule, the problem is partially solvable via SMS. If, when making a call, the message "this type of communication is not available for the subscriber" is repeated several times in a short period of time, then most likely these are network-related problems, by sending a text SMS to the subscriber's number, it is likely that it will reach and you will be called back.

However, after a long time, you have not been able to get through to the desired number, contact the operator and try to clarify the reason... It is quite possible that the number has not been serviced for a long time and it was changed to another one, or preventive work is underway, and the subscriber is just in the area of \u200b\u200bwork.

Imagine a situation: a mother wants to call her child to find out where he is, but instead she hears "this type of communication is not available for an MTS subscriber", what does this mean and can she contact her child? Previously, such an answering machine phrase could scare MTS users, it simply introduced a person into a panic. But there is nothing to worry about, because there may be several reasons for what you heard and they need to be clarified.

Why does the answering machine say that?

A similar message can sound if, for some reason, the user is completely blocked from voice calls. As already mentioned, there can be several situations for this, so you should not think that the person has blacklisted you or simply drops the call.

  1. Zero balance. The first reason for this phrase may be the lack of money in the account. Most often this happens to those users who are in roaming, because they have to pay for incoming calls. Also, telecom operators often use such a maneuver in order to fight with subscribers who do not want to pay for communications. On MTS, this also applies to some connected functions. This is called a financial lock.

Therefore, if you hear “This type of communication is not available for MTS communication”, please try to inform your friend about it as soon as possible. If you still need to get through to this person urgently, then you can do the following:

  • top up his account for at least 100 rubles;
  • dial through other channels (another mobile operator, landline phone or Internet connection);
  • send messages that are not blocked.
  1. Number blocking. If you are wondering why they tell you that the type of communication is not available, then I would like to say that MTS allows its subscribers to temporarily "conserve" the number. This service will help those who want to avoid penalties from their operator and enable voluntary blocking of the number. The cost of such a function is 1 ruble per day of use.
    By placing such a block on his number, the user receives the same restrictions as when blocking by the operator. Therefore, to solve the problem, try to contact your friend at different numbers.
  2. Black list. If you suspect that the operator’s phrase sounds only because the subscriber has blacklisted you, then you can calm down. This hang-up signal does not sound when blocked in the blacklist. You can hear that the subscriber's phone is turned off and the like. It is impossible to check directly if you are on the blacklist. You can only try to call from another number.
    There are also possible reasons for such a signal from the operator and to find out, please call the MTS help desk.

In the modern world, you constantly have to call either to resolve personal issues, or because of important business tasks. Everyone has probably heard different variations of the notification about the inability to get through, and it is not always clear what the matter is. So, many users have a question, what does “This type of communication is not available for an MTS subscriber” mean? And doesn't this mean that a person ignores a specific subscriber.

General alert information

In the MTS company for each of the cases of lack of communication with the subscriber, various voice notifications are provided. Information from the answering machine that the called number cannot receive incoming calls due to the unavailability of communication is one of the most common and can occur in a large number of cases.

There are no funds on the balance sheet

The first and most common reason why such an alert may appear is that the called user has run out of money in the account. If the subscriber has a negative, and in some cases even zero, balance, the operator stops providing full services to him until the funds are deposited into his personal account. When the user makes a payment and the SIM card works, he will receive notifications about missed connections.

In order not to find themselves in a similar situation, the company offers its customers to use the Auto Pay function. Regular customers who actively use the paid services of Mobile Telesystems PJSC are provided with the possibility of service-loans from the operator for using communications for a short time after the end of the funds.

Important! When a client uses a tariff plan with payment for used services after the fact, to unblock incoming calls, it is enough to deposit a small amount to the personal account. When using prepaid packages, a full monthly fee must be paid to activate the card.

SIM card blocked

The user has a SIM card blocked. MTS provides for 2 cases of card blocking: permanent in cases of termination of the contract or non-compliance with its terms by one of the parties, or temporary, at the request of the client, for example, during a long trip.

With this blocking, it is impossible to know for sure what happened to the called number. Therefore, if there are alternative communication channels, it is better to try to use them. Even if the SIM card is temporarily disabled, in this case, missed call notifications may not come to the addressee.

Attention! In order not to miss important calls, when voluntarily blocking the card, it is better to set up call forwarding to an active phone number.

No network signal

Such notification also means that where the user is at the moment, there is no signal from MTS. The situation may arise in cases when the subscriber moves around the country in the coverage area of \u200b\u200bpartner networks or abroad, without connecting roaming services or disconnecting them on their own in order to save money.

Most of the tariff plans available for connection have roaming options set by default. However, there are contracts that do not provide for such options. In order not to be left without communication while traveling, check the availability of services, and if necessary, activate them before leaving the country.

The telephone is switched off

Some mobile devices, when disconnected, continue to receive a network signal, then when dialing, an alert will sound that the device is temporarily unavailable. If the phone of a potential interlocutor does not support such functionality, then when you call there will be a voice notification "This type of communication is not available for the MTS subscriber."

Attention! In order not to miss important calls when the phone is discharged or off, it is recommended to set up the “You've received a call!” Notification service. With its help, after turning on the device, the user will receive messages about all calls received during the disconnection of the device, indicating the contacts.

Network failure

Sometimes the mobile operator itself has malfunctions caused by adjusting equipment, testing new services or, for reasons beyond its control, force majeure. As a rule, temporary interruptions in communication are eliminated quickly even in emergency situations, therefore, in order to understand the reasons for the lack of connection and make sure that there is no connection with the phone number for reasons that are not the provider's fault, it is recommended to make several dialing attempts at different intervals. ...

Internet tariff

A similar notification occurs due to reasons such as using a telephone set as a modem or SIM card on a device that does not support telephone conversations (some types of tablets, modems).

Users who rarely speak on a mobile phone, and more often use Internet services, transfer the phone to special tariffs with maximum traffic, while not providing for conversations. This case can also be one of the reasons for the notification of the unavailability of the type of communication for the subscriber when trying to get through.


A message that this type of communication is not available for an MTS subscriber may indicate different types of blocking or restrictions on the called subscriber's phone number. When the message sounds at a number that does not exactly fall under the blocking, you should try to dial a few more times. Often, notifications are sounded when a subscriber is in the metro, where the connection is unstable.

What does it mean that this type of communication is not available for an MTS subscriber? Many people are at a loss when they hear such words for the first time and cannot understand what happened. They try to call back and get the same answer. The operator blocked it, something happened to the SIM card or some other reason, how to find the answer? One question is alarming, what should be done in the first place to restore mobile communication. Let's talk in detail about common reasons and solutions.

Main reasons

The MTS company in its practice often uses such methods of blocking SIM cards for a number of reasons, but the main one, nevertheless, is considered to be a zero balance on the phone for a long time. In this way, the operator is trying to stimulate customers to make periodic replenishment of their mobile account.

And that's not all, not only is it impossible to make an outgoing call, in the case of a negative balance, strict restrictions are imposed on incoming calls. The only way out of this situation is to immediately replenish the main account.

The reasons are indicated by such common factors:

  • negative balance on the number, in which even incoming calls are blocked;
  • the owner has blocked the SIM card on a temporary or permanent basis;
  • network failure during technical work in companies providing communications;
  • problems with the SIM card (it is old, the surface has worn out on it);
  • poor coverage area, weak signal for connection.

Negative balance

On the phone by zeros or the balance in minuses is a fairly common reason due to which the operator completely blocks the subscriber's SIM card. The only correct solution would be to instantly deposit funds to the balance.

  • The subscriber uses a tariff without a monthly fee, then to unblock incoming calls, you should top up the balance with a small amount.
  • The tariff is based on a prepaid calculation system, to unblock the number, you will have to top up the account with an amount equal to the monthly fee.

In order to avoid an unpleasant situation, many Mobile Telesystems subscribers subscribe to the convenient Autopayment service. The function automatically replenishes the balance of the attached number, so you don't have to constantly check the account and worry.

Number blocking

When making a call, the answering machine reports unpleasant news that this type of communication is not available in two cases: the user did not try to top up the account in time or blocked the SIM card on his own.

  1. The company permanently blocks the number in case of prolonged ignoring of reminders that it is necessary to deposit money into the account. Such non-compliance with the terms of the contract leads to its termination.
  2. The number is temporarily blocked by the user. Many subscribers take such measures in order to save money. For example, when traveling abroad, an MTS client does not want to use tariff services in roaming; there may be other reasons why the subscriber blocks his card on his own.

On a note! If you want to turn off the number but don't want to miss the calls you need , the operator recommends activating the option of forwarding all incoming calls to a new existing number.

Network failures

It is not uncommon for a telco's internal network to fail with these answering machine messages. A possible factor of network failure is the user's distance from the city, in a place where there is not a very good coverage area and a weak signal.

In order to figure out what actually prevents you from making a call with a positive balance on the account, we recommend that you periodically call back at regular intervals. If you still can't make a call, you can contact the technical support service and clarify the situation.

On a note! You can try to send a message to the desired contact, as soon as the network appears, it will be immediately delivered. Automatic notification of the delivered SMS will inform you that the network has appeared.

The subscriber is out of the zone

Anyone who tried to call a disconnected number at least once heard such a notification from an answering machine - the subscriber is unavailable. In this case, there is little that can be done to call the desired contact. Is that to be patient and wait for the moment when the disconnected number deigns to connect.

If the service "They called me" is disabled for the desired contact, then you will not be able to wait for the SMS notification that he got in touch. The only solution to leave a reminder about yourself with a request to call back is:

  • send SMS;
  • use the voice service.

As soon as the subscriber turns on the phone, he will immediately receive the left messages. The exception is numbers on which all services are disabled or with a negative balance.


In some cases it is impossible to do without roaming services, in many TPs these services are provided by default. But, perhaps it was the subscriber's tariff package that did not provide for such services. Therefore, in order not to lose your mobile connection while traveling, carefully double-check the availability of all the necessary service options, and if necessary, make a connection.

The inability to receive a weak signal means that the subscriber is currently in a not very convenient coverage area. These can be border regions, on a trip, for example, a bus or train crosses the border of another state, on the territory of which telecommunication services of foreign providers operate.

Attention should be paid to the following reasons:

  • weak signal reception is observed in remote areas with 2G coverage;
  • signals intersect in almost all border areas, an inaccurate coverage knocks the number out of the network;
  • if one subscriber uses an LTE 4G or USIM card, and the second uses other standards, for example, 2G, then in this case a network failure is guaranteed. Before making a call, set the same standard between contacts.

The SIM card is used in a modem or other device

Very often, active users of Internet resources use smartphones and tablets as a modem. The use of a valid SIM card with access to the World Wide Web on devices that do not support telephone communications, naturally leads to the inability to receive incoming calls.

Such a situation occurs among the regulars of the Internet network, they rarely use cellular communication, but they activate TP with the largest traffic, which often do not provide a package of minutes for calls. The solution to the problem is to select and activate an additional option for telephone conversations in the tariff.

On a note! The MTS provider offers active users of Internet services to purchase separate SIM cards for modems that do not accept incoming calls.

All of the above options are the reasons to hear an answering machine in the phone, with an unpleasant notification that this type of communication is not available to the subscriber. Do not immediately give in to panic; after waiting for a while, you need to try to call the desired contact again. Many people turn off the phone when visiting a doctor, salons, communication can knock out in the subway. If the attempt is unsuccessful again, try to contact by other means, through social networks or email.

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