Find out the modification of the laptop. How to find out the laptop model: where to see the exact modification

I am glad to welcome you, dear friends, to my blog. Today we will talk about how to find out the laptop model and I will tell you about several quick ways to check this. There may be several reasons why you may need an accurate laptop model. For example, the laptop battery has stopped working and does not charge, the power supply has broken, the keyboard does not work, etc. In each of these cases, it is necessary to order separate non-working elements and here, you just need your laptop model.

Knowing it, you can safely order the same battery or power supply through the online store that fit your laptop.

How to determine your laptop model

  • Packaging and documentation
  • Front and back panel + stickers
  • Panel under the battery
  • BIOS assistant
  • Command line
  • DirectX Diagnostic Tool
  • Everest program
  • Aida64 program

    1) Documentation and packaging for laptop.

    Try to remember where you have the old packaging (box) from your laptop or any documentation associated with it. This can be an instruction manual, a warranty card, etc. Any of the documents listed above should indicate your laptop model.

    If the laptop box and documentation are not available, go to the next option.

    2) Laptop model on the front or back and stickers.

    Very often, to determine the model of your laptop, you just need to carefully look at the front or back panel of your device, where, as a rule, its model is indicated. For example, in HP notebooks, such information is located on the right, directly under the monitor.

    In the line of Asus laptops, there is a sticker under the keyboard on the right side.

    Sometimes the laptop model is indicated on the back panel.

    So, once again carefully examine your device to find the inscription you need.

    3) Panel under the battery.

    Turn off your laptop, and gently detach the battery from the back panel (it is usually secured with special sliding latches). Look closely at the cleared space on the panel under the battery to find your device model. Here's an example with my laptop.

    You already understood how to find out the model of a laptop using a physical examination, let's proceed to the programmatic methods of determining.

    4) Find out the laptop model in the BIOS.

    When booting your laptop, you need to press the Delete key or F2 several times, in Hewlett-Packard laptop models, the F10 key (there should be a prompt on the monitor screen). After that, you will be taken to the BIOS, where by clicking on the Advanced or Info tab you can see the manufacturer and model of your device.

    5) How to find out your laptop model using the command line.

    Press the key combination on the keyboard:

    And in the window that appears, enter the command - cmd. Click the OK button.

    In a new black window, write the following command:

    wmic csproduct get name

    and press Enter.

    The laptop model will be displayed in front of you.

    6) DirectX Diagnostic Tool.

    Key combination:

    start the window - Run and enter the command - dxdiag. Click the OK button.

    A window will appear where the model of your device will be displayed on the first tab.

    7) Everest program.

    With the program and unzip it. From the folder with the program, run the file - everest_start.exe and wait for the complete download of the program.

    Go to the left menu at the address: Computer - DMI and select the System item on the right side.

    Below in the window you will see your laptop model.

    8) Aida64 program.

    This program is almost identical to the Everest program, but it's still worth considering. So, download the program to this page, and we carry out its installation. After starting, in the left menu, go to the Motherboard tab - Motherboard and in the right window opposite the Motherboard item, your laptop model will be indicated.

    All friends, now you know how to determine the laptop model, thanks to the above methods. Some of them will do 100%.

    And that's all for me subscribe to blog updates, there are many interesting things ahead.

    See you soon!

  • Basically, in itself, this is not a problem. But, there are situations when it is simply necessary to know the laptop model. For example, when looking for suitable drivers. This article will focus on how to find out your laptop model.

    Method number 0. Examining the box or laptop warranty documentation. If you still have the box or warranty documentation from the laptop, then you can see the laptop model there.

    Typically, the laptop model is indicated by a sticker located on the side of the box.

    Method number 1. Inspection of the front of the laptop. Open your laptop and inspect it. You will most likely find stickers that indicate the exact model name. Most often, these stickers are located under the monitor and just below the keyboard.

    Method number 2. Inspection of the bottom of the laptop. If there are no information decals on the front of your laptop, you can identify your laptop model by flipping it over and examining the stickers on the bottom. Stickers tend to retain better here, so this method works in most cases. Also, in addition to the laptop model, you can find out the key from the operating system here.

    Method number 3. Inspection of the battery. If you were unable to recognize the laptop model by the stickers on the top and bottom of the case, then you need to remove and examine the inscriptions on it. In order to remove the battery from the laptop, you need to release one or two latches on the case next to the battery.

    You also need to inspect the place where the battery was installed. It is not uncommon for manufacturers to post information about a laptop under the battery.

    Method number 4. We use. Another way that allows you to find out your laptop model is the "wmic csproduct get name" command.

    To use this command, open the Run menu (Windows key + R key combination) or the Start menu and enter the command "CMD". After that, in front of you. In this window, and you need to enter the command "wmic csproduct get name". After entering this command, the name of your laptop will appear on the screen.

    Method number 5. We look through the information in the BIOS.Also you can see the laptop model in BIOS. To do this, you need to study the information on the first tab.

    As a rule, here you can find out the model of the laptop, as well as its main characteristics, such as the processor model, processor frequency and the amount of RAM.

    Method number 6. We use special programs.You can also find out the model of the laptop using special programs to view the characteristics of the computer. For example, you can use the Everest program.

    In this program you need to open the "Computer - DMI - System" section. Here, the product line will show your laptop model.

    In some cases, the user needs to know the model of his laptop. This information may be required, for example, for ordering components in case of failure of some components or updating the hardware of a portable device. If a mobile computer was purchased recently, then, most likely, its name has not yet been erased from memory, but if a lot of time has passed since the moment of purchase, then you will need to look for the necessary data here. In our article, we'll just tell you where to see the laptop model, its serial number and other information on the device. The manual is suitable for any PC brand: Asus, HP, Lenovo, Acer, Samsung, Toshiba, etc.

    Documentation and laptop case

    When buying a computer, a lot of different papers are transferred along with it: sales and cash receipts, a warranty card, an operation manual. Any of them indicates the model of the laptop, so if the documents are not lost and are nearby, then the necessary information can be gleaned from them. In addition, the details of the laptop are probably displayed on the original box in which it was packed.

    You can also see the laptop model on the stickers located on the device case. Stickers are often found on the front, next to the keyboard and touchpad, or on the back.

    In addition to the model, the sticker may contain other useful information - serial number, mac-address, processor type and other characteristics.

    Getting data from BIOS

    Another easy way to find out the laptop model is to find it in the BIOS. The information we are interested in will be on the main page in the line with the parameter Product Name.

    The name of the portable device also appears in the panel DirectX... To open it by pressing the keys Win + R run the "Run" line and enter the command dxdiag... Then press Enter and in the window that appears on the "System" tab we find the "Computer Model" parameter. This is exactly what we need.

    System information

    By analogy with DirectX, the "System Information" utility is launched, which is also able to answer the question of how to find out the laptop model. The only difference is that in the "Run" window you must enter msinfo32.

    Command line

    The classic Windows command line will also allow you to determine the model of your laptop. We call it using the "Run" window (command cmd) or the Start menu. Next, in the window, enter wmic csproduct get name.

    Using special utilities

    Detailed data on the PC is provided by various diagnostic programs - HWMonitor, Everest, AIDA64. We will not consider everything, let's take the last one as an example. After installing and launching the application, go to the branch Computer - DMI - System... Next to the "Product" parameter, look at the laptop model.

    Device name in HP Support Assistant

    Owners of HP notebooks, in addition to all the above methods of determining the computer model, have the opportunity to use a special utility HP Support Assistant... If for some reason it is not installed on your Hewlett Packard device, then go to the manufacturer's official website and download it from there. You can view the laptop model at once on several pages of the application.

    There are a dozen ways to find out the exact make of your laptop, from viewing the model on the laptop case to invoking device information via the command line. The methods below work on all versions of Windows.

    Papers and box

    If there is still a box at home in which a new laptop was hidden when buying, then the question of how to determine the laptop model is resolved with one glance at the packaging. Here you can see the manufacturer's brand, model name and other useful information.

    If the manufacturer does not indicate specific laptop models on the packaging, then look for this information in the warranty card or instruction manual. If many users throw away the box right away, then the documents for the equipment can be found at home and several years after the purchase.

    Stickers and Battery

    If you cannot find the documents, carefully examine the case of the laptop. For example, on ASUS devices, the basic information sticker is located directly under the keyboard, to the right of the touchpad. Sometimes on such stickers you can not only find the name, but also see the technical characteristics of your laptop. I have an ASUS X550C laptop, here is just such an informative sticker on the case.

    If there are no entries under the lid that resemble the name of the device, then try carefully turning the laptop over and inspecting its bottom. Here, too, you can find a small sticker on which the model of the equipment is indicated.

    If all the stickers have been torn off for a long time or are worn so that it is impossible to make out what is written there, remove the battery and see the model for us or in the battery compartment itself. Slide the latches on the back (there are different types of laptops, so there may be one latch) and carefully remove the battery. If the information you are looking for is not there, install the battery and snap it back.

    BIOS View

    How to find out the laptop model if there is no information on the case? The first method is to look at the model in the BIOS. The biggest problem here is going into the BIOS itself. Typically, to enter, you need to press the F2 or Delete key when turning on the laptop.

    In the BIOS, go to the tab with the type name "Info". There, in the "Product name" field, the series and model of the laptop will be indicated.

    Windows view

    If you missed the moment to enter the BIOS and have already booted Windows, then here too you can quickly see the hardware brand using the built-in tools.

    The command line displays the device model. If the information obtained is not sufficient, use an application called System Information.

    Another one hundred percent working method is to run the DirectX Diagnostic Tool and look at it for information about the laptop.

    These methods work on any Windows laptop. Sometimes information about the device can be seen in the system properties (right-click on the "Computer" icon - "Properties"). But, for example, on a laptop with Windows 10, there is no such information in the system properties. But the BIOS or DirectX Diagnostic Tool won't go anywhere, no matter what version of Windows you install.

    Using special software

    The answer to the question of how to find out the model of a laptop can be monitoring programs that analyze the system, giving a detailed list of characteristics - from the name of the equipment to the temperature of individual components.

    The best monitoring software is called AIDA64. In it, the information you need is located in the "DMI" section in the "System" item.

    AIDA64 works for free for only 30 days, after which you need to purchase a license. If you want the best free computer monitoring software, download the HWMonitor utility.

    Here the brand and model are written at the top, just below the "Desktop" line. Instead of HWMonitor, you can use another free program - for example, Speccy. In general, there are many options, you just need to choose the method that suits you.

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