Bbk tv missing image sound is. The TV has no picture or sound.

Lack of image  on the TV screen - one of the most frequent breakdowns of this type of equipment, regardless of models and brands.

There are many probable reasons for the disappearance of the image on the screen. Very often provokes a malfunction lack of backlight.

Repairing the backlight of the TV belongs to the category of especially complex. Entrusting it with a layperson is extremely dangerous. It is impossible to fulfill it independently, without the appropriate knowledge, experience and tools.

Therefore, if your TV turns on, responds to the remote control, there is sound, but there is no video, the best solution is to contact the VseRemont24 service center!

Two reasons for a TV backlight failure

For high-quality TVs, the image disappears after many years of excellent operation. Unfortunately, the cases when a new technique ceases to show happen at least (if not more often).

It may not take a year (!) For your TV to break if you are not lucky enough to buy low-quality equipment.

Most modern LCD TVs have a backlight LED (light-emitting diode). It is these models that dominate the Russian market of household appliances.

The LCD TV screen is a liquid crystal matrix, which is illuminated from the inside by rows of soldered LED strips.

Simply put, LED backlight  - This is a lot of small diode bulbs located on the TV behind the liquid crystal matrix.

TV backlight malfunctioning options two:

  1. Some line of LEDs burned out.  The LEDs are connected in series, so the break of any of them entails the failure of the entire LED backlight. At the same time, a voltage of about 200 volts continues to flow to the bulbs.
  2. Problems with the backlight control driver (LED driver). In this case, the LEDs do not receive voltage, so they do not light up.

It is not difficult to make sure that the fault in the backlight became the fault of the image. Aim the light of the flashlight on the screen of a working TV. Having forced the backlight, you will see the image.

This completes the self-diagnosis. Next, you need to invite the master, who will diagnose the TV, having disassembled it.

Professional TV backlight repair

The specialist will remove the stand and the back of the TV, disconnecting the cable from the joystick from it. Will become available three tv boards:

  • power supply, on the board of which the backlight driver is assembled,
  • main board,
  • t-con matrix control board.

Board dismantling  - a very painstaking, requiring maximum attention, occupation. Any inaccurate movement may result in a permanent breakdown of the TV (for example, a broken cable). Even a simple touch of the matrix with dirty hands will subsequently result in poor image quality.

An experienced specialist will carefully remove:

  1. T-con. Disconnect the cables, unscrew the bolts.
  2. Protection made of metal with decoders. Loosen the mounting bolts on the sides.
  3. The front frame of the TV. Loosen the mounting bolts all over the circuit.
  4. Decoders with rubber mounts. To do this, the wizard carefully turns the screen, holding the matrix.
  5. Scattering film. First you need to snap the latches and remove the frame from the plastic.
  6. Reflector. Will remove lock clips.

After these actions, nothing will prevent you from starting checking the backlight of the TV itself.

Sometimes the problem of LED burnout is visible to the naked eye - one or more light bulbs burn in the place of attachment, the color of their lenses changes, they melt.

If there are no visible signs of tanning of individual diodes, you will have to check all the LED bulbs.

First, power is connected to each line of LEDs. Which line not  caught fire in that break and / or short circuit.

After that, power is supplied alternately to each LED from the faulty line. Which LED does not burn, and that is faulty.

The lens is removed, and the faulty diode itself is evaporated (a soldering hair dryer is used for this). Then a new one is soldered to the place of the faulty LED. The lens sticks to its original place.

TV backlight repair is over!

After that, the master checks the backlight for operation (voltage is applied) and assembles the TV in the reverse order.

If the TV is shown and there are no bright or dark spots anywhere on the screen, the repair was successful!

If, according to the diagnostic results, it turns out that everything is in order with the LED line, the problem is hidden in driver in the power supply.

Each LED driver is unique. After checking with a multimeter, a preliminary analysis of circuitry is necessary. Next, current changes are made in the LED lines, based on the data obtained and all the necessary repair or replacement of parts.

Did you know that some television dealers specifically set the screen backlight level to maximum  position in all modes to accelerate the failure of LEDs and bring about an hour of repair?

Maximum brightness contributes to premature failure of the LED backlight. Therefore, in a repaired TV, it is not set too large (optimally 75% ) brightness.

Nowadays, a rare person does without a TV. Each year, the models are becoming thinner, larger and offer more and more new and new features. Modern plasma panels with Smart TV technology have little in common with devices that were sold some ten years ago. However, the same thing remains between the old and new generation - breakdowns and malfunctions still happen. The reasons for this can be very different: shock, fall, moisture and direct sunlight or elementary marriage. In this article, we will consider in detail what to do if the TV has lost an image, but there is sound. Let's get it right. Go!

First, it should be noted that such a malfunction occurs quite often in a variety of TV brands. Televisions of all brands are equally affected by this: Samsung, LG, Philips, Sony, Panasonic and many others. Therefore, it makes no sense to blame the manufacturer.

There are many reasons for the lack of an image on the screen, and it is unlikely that you will be able to determine it yourself by eye. Most likely, you still have to contact a service center or another repair service. It all depends on the nature of the problem. More on this below.

It happens that when you turn on the TV, the first screen saver appears with the manufacturer's logo (LG, Samsung, Philips, and so on), after which the screen simply goes blank. In doing so, you can switch channels and hear sound. Some users noticed that after a while the image appears, but when you turn it on again, everything repeats and the picture is missing. In this case, try the following tips:

Please note that all the tips above will only help if the screen is working. This is indicated by the screen saver when you turn on the TV. If the screen saver is missing and the screen is constantly dark, this already indicates that some component of the TV responsible for the image has failed.

There are several components whose failure can cause the absence of a picture on the screen. Quite often there is a breakdown of the inverter, which supplies voltage to the backlight. The lamps themselves can also fail, and this, in turn, provokes a breakdown in the power supply. In addition to the above malfunctions, a matrix or system board breakdown is often found. Also, the problem may lie in the loops, converter and decoder. In this case, non-working parts and elements will have to be replaced with new ones.

It is not recommended to carry out repairs yourself, since modern TVs are quite complex devices, and you risk aggravating the situation even more. The best decision would be to turn to professionals. This can be a service center of a manufacturing company or a private office, where repairs will be carried out efficiently and promptly.

One way or another, it is impossible to determine the cause of the failure of your TV without a thorough inspection. In any case, the device must be disassembled and diagnosed for non-working parts and components. This is best done in a workshop with appropriate conditions, however, if you do not like this option, many telemasters provide all these services at home.

Of course, replacing some parts can cost a pretty penny, but it should be noted that the matrices or motherboards themselves fail extremely rarely. Typically, a breakdown occurs as a result of physical damage to the part, for example, when the TV falls or moisture gets in. In general, you can’t do without a telemaster.

Now you know what to do if the TV has lost the image, but there is sound. You will also understand what could be the reason for this malfunction. Write in the comments whether this article was useful to you, share your experience with other users in resolving similar situations, and ask any questions of interest to the topic of this article.

PV connection with which there is no image on the TV, but there is sound: 8 reasons

Often there is a breakdown when there is sound on the TV but no pictureDespite the fact that a wide variety of TV models are constantly on sale, which are literally considered to be improved relative to the old design for watching TV shows, quite often there are a lot of problems. For example, there is no image on the TV, but there is sound, a horizontal bar is highlighted on the screen, or because of the high voltage, the plasma is out of order. What to do in such a situation? It is worth familiarizing yourself with what kind of malfunctions may be, why they arise and how to carry out the elimination.

TV malfunctions

The reason for a broken TV can sometimes be the most varied.

You can familiarize yourself with the main malfunctions of the TV yourself using the Internet

And most often it doesn’t work because of:

  • Malfunctions in the functioning of the control unit;
  • Burnout power supply;
  • Problems in such details as a video amplifier;
  • Broken radio channel selector;
  • Faults in the module responsible for the color in the pictures or in the clock selector;
  • Breakdown of the color module;
  • Faults in the frame and line scan unit;
  • Damage to the matrices of the TV.

If there are no independent skills for diagnosing the TV, then defects and malfunctions should be examined by a specialist with experience, relevant education and necessary equipment. If the breakdown does not have characteristic features, then repair will not require serious investments. However, if the malfunction requires replacing the part, and not at all cheap, then in some cases the masters recommend leaving the equipment for decommissioning to purchase new equipment, since the likelihood that the problem does not arise again is very high.

There is sound on the LCD TV, but no picture: reason

It is not difficult for an experienced specialist to find typical breakdowns, however, what if the plasma TVs do not show a screen, but there is sound? That is why there is no picture, it is not always possible to determine one's own independently, since LCD devices have a complex structure and many microcircuits, for the diagnosis of which special equipment and experience are needed. The best solution is to contact the master.

Damage can be of another kind. For example, the TV turns on, and then it blinks or completely goes out. Regardless of the type and model of the device, diagnostics are needed, as this may indicate a serious malfunction.

The problem of the lack of image may appear even with well-known and popular brands of TVs

Owners of products of even such well-known brands as:

  • Samsung;
  • Philips
  • Erickson;
  • Thomson;
  • Onyx;
  • Supra;
  • Lji flatron and others.

There are a number of reasons why the screen went blank, but the TV did not stop working and there was sound. The cord disconnected from the socket, damage appeared on the wire, the inverter, which is responsible for supplying voltage to the lamp, failed and, accordingly, it does not glow. There may be a malfunction in the matrix, system board, or backlight unit.

There may also be the following reasons: there are defects in the convector, the loop and the decoder are damaged, the electrolyte in the power supply unit is broken, the electrolytic capacitor has become unusable. In CRT TVs, frame and line scan may be damaged or there is a disconnection of the loop and the matrix.

Why the TV does not work: diagnostics

If there is sound when the LCD TV is turned on, but there is distortion on the screen or it does not light up at all, then a number of actions can be performed that can fix the problem. They need to be done carefully and only in accordance with the recommendations of specialists.

To find out the cause of the failure of the TV, it is necessary to diagnose it


  1. The quality of the connecting cable is checked. If it is damaged, a replacement is required.
  2. On the rear panel, you need to inspect the connection between the cord and the socket.
  3. Further, the volume increases to a maximum, after which the device should return to normal operation.
  4. All mechanical effects on the TV are strictly prohibited, even if they are insignificant.
  5. It is necessary to check the settings of the device for turning on and off the output and input channels.

In case of frequent power outages, a fuse must be installed.

The horizontal bar on the TV screen

If horizontal stripes appear on the screen, cutting off half of the image, then you need to immediately search for this malfunction.

Dash color may be:

  • In red;
  • Pink;
  • White.

If you notice a horizontal bar on the TV screen, you need to contact the wizard for help

Depending on the type of TV, the cause of this breakdown may be different. For picture tubes, a horizontal strip indicates that there is a defect in the frame scan, which can occur due to obsolescence of parts or during strong and frequent surges in voltage. Breakage is not difficult to fix and can be done at minimal cost.

If it’s an LCD TV, plasma orLED/ LCD and horizontal stripes formed, this indicates a malfunction:

  • Matrices;
  • TDKS;
  • Boards called T-CON.

In the first case, a complete replacement of the screen is required, but if it is possible to restore the device, then a lot of money is needed. In this case, you need to make a decision on how to repair the device or make a purchase of new equipment in order to save money.

  • Samsung
  • West;
  • Philips

It is categorically unacceptable that the TV fall to the floor, as this will cause the device to turn off, and there will also be major breakdowns, which are not so easy to fix. It is very important to keep the equipment clean, since dust entering the device can cause clogging of the contacts, shorting and overheating of the cable.

It is advisable that the TV be installed in a place where even minimal mechanical impact will not occur. It is best to mount it on the wall with special brackets. It is not advisable to wet the TV, regardless of its type. The dust is removed with a vacuum cleaner.

Common LCD TV malfunctions and troubleshooting

As already mentioned, TV models can break down to the exclusion, be it: CW71A, EBR73575201, CW62C, MAX9590, TA8750AN.

It is worth noting that the number of faults that exist and can occur is incredible and can be attributed to them:

  • Ripples;
  • The process when the screen is snowing;
  • The lines that are located vertically;
  • Peeps the TV;
  • The screen has narrowed;
  • Color screens do not reveal the tuner frame;
  • The screen either goes blank or lights up too bright and others.

Using the Internet, you can independently familiarize yourself with common malfunctions of LCD TVs

There are still malfunctions that can occur exclusively in LCD TV. Damage to the backlight circuit of the matrix or in other words the inverter of the TV. The inverter is used to convert the low voltage that comes from the power supply to a higher one in order to ignite and maintain the illumination of the lamp that illuminates the screen. Damage can be of various types.

For example, after turning on the device, the screen becomes dark or immediately black, and partially, but not completely. This indicates that it is not the picture that disappears, but the backlight does not work.

Possible damage to the power supply, through which the voltage of each node in the LCD TV is provided. The power supply has several degrees of protection, which may not always work properly. If we consider malfunctions caused precisely by a defect in the functioning of the power supply, then such problems as possible: lack of the ability to turn on the TV, not turning on or blinking the screen, turning on after a long delay, turning it off independently, the device does not respond to the buttons it is pressed or simply does not the task, the image disappears.

The main module, which is responsible for controlling the entire TV as a whole, may break down. That he is faulty says a lot. For example, the lack of functioning of such components as an inverter, timing controller and power supply. The main module board contains a central processor, converters, a tuner device, temporary and permanent memory, as well as software. A malfunction in the main unit can manifest itself in the form of noise in the picture and difficulties in controlling the TV.

Damage to the matrix or in other words the timing controller is considered a serious problem that requires immediate contact with the master. Due to the timing controller, the conversion is carried out, and the signal is fed to the main board, which affects the quality of the reproduced image. Therefore, if the screen is covered with goosebumps, ripples and other defects, then first you need to start the diagnosis with the matrix.

Why there is no image on the TV, but there is sound (video)

So, the diagnostic methods, depending on the breakdown, can be different, for example, to identify the reverse beam path, you need a special device, and to eliminate a crack on the screen only a visual inspection and no more. The most important thing is that the idle TV has an excellent master who can resume the operation of the product quickly and without errors.

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If, when switching channels, the images of their numbers are normally visible on the screen, then it is possible to exclude faults in the part of the circuit that is responsible for image formation or screen performance.

The block of the radio channel also makes no sense to suspect, since there are no problems with sound.

Most likely the reason lies in the matching elements between the inputs of the color signals and the processor of the TV. Such "floating" faults most often occur with faults in electrolytic capacitors.

It is possible to diagnose a malfunction of a specific capacitor as a special device (in this case, 100% accuracy of the result is guaranteed) or visually. The serviceable capacitor has an even cylindrical shape and a flat top end, on which notches are visible in the form of straight scratches or as a mark. Swelling of the top indicates that the capacitor needs to be replaced.

The second reason the image disappears is a software failure. Such a malfunction is eliminated by re-flashing the control processor, but this requires specific equipment and is performed only in the service center.

Samsung technical support usually advises in such cases to update the software via a cable to connect to the Internet. Do not neglect this advice. If the violation does not affect the unchanged part of the program, then the problem should disappear, otherwise, the intervention of the service center cannot be avoided.

Regardless of the brand and model of the device, owners are faced with such a problem - there is no image on the TV. In this case, the soundtrack may work in normal mode, and may also disappear. Initially, you can independently diagnose the device, as well as eliminate the detected malfunctions. However, the cause of the breakdown is often much more serious, then all the work to restore the functional characteristics of your TV is better to entrust to professionals.

Missing TV image: diagnostics and solutions

First of all, you need to determine the nature of the problems. Along with the complete disappearance of the picture, it can be:

  • Periodic flashing of the screen, small ripples.
  • Temporary video interruption.
  • The appearance of light or colored stripes on the screen.
  • Flashing backlight elements.
  • Poor image quality (the picture is blurry, the objects in the video have a red or green outline, the image is made up of small squares).

Some modern models of plasma TVs (Samsung, Sony, Philips) have a function that allows you to turn off the image, while maintaining sound. Perhaps you accidentally took advantage of this feature of your device. If not, proceed with the diagnosis. There may be several reasons for the deterioration or complete disappearance of the picture:

  1. Network problems.
  2. Damage to the power cable or its partial disconnection (especially relevant in CRT TVs).
  3. Failure of an electronic amplifier (inventory) that supplies voltage to the LCD backlight.
  4. Faulty power supply elements.
  5. Damage to the matrix, system board or backlight unit.
  6. Deformation of loops, convectors, decoders.
  7. Swelling of the capacitor housing.

Your steps to resolve the above problems may include the following:

  • Restore the connection of cables and wires, in case of violation of their integrity - replace with new ones.
  • Go to the settings of the device and check their correctness.
  • If the device is connected to a Wi-Fi network, make sure the signal strength. If necessary, reboot the modem or optimize its settings.

Often, a simple technique helps: increase the volume to maximum, and then lower it to the desired level.

If all the elements of the display are normal (the screen works, when you turn on the screen saver appears and the channels switch), one of the above actions will most likely help to eliminate the lack of image. Otherwise, you will need the help of a qualified craftsman.

Both sound and image disappeared

It happens that when you try to switch channels, the image first deteriorates, and then the picture and sound completely disappear. In this case, check the connection of the plug to the outlet - the contacts may be disconnecting, and therefore the power will turn off.

If the socket and cord are in order, and after turning on the TV you see only a black screen without sound, it is quite possible that the motherboard has burned out or the power supply is faulty.

Be sure to also check the condition of the cables and the integrity of the speakers.

If you used HDMI as the main interface when connecting a computer or laptop to the TV, but the image did not appear, pay attention to the following indicators:

  • Check cable integrity. If possible, test it with other devices. It does not make sense to repair a deformed cord - it is easier to buy a new one.
  • Check the condition of the ports for visible external damage.
  • Go to the TV settings. Make sure that the exact HDMI port that you selected as the video source was occupied by the cable. As a rule, devices of modern manufacturers (LG, JVC, Samsung, Sony, Philips, Toshiba) have 3-4 such ports. If necessary, make the necessary settings.
  • Go to computer settings. Check if the video card is set to transmit the image to the TV screen.
  • Do not write off the human factor as well - perhaps you just incorrectly connected the computer to the TV.

If all the settings are normal, and the cables and ports are working, and there is no image via HDMI on the TV, contact an experienced specialist who will perform a complete diagnosis, identify the causes of the breakdown, and repair your device.

Do-it-yourself TV repair or professional services?

A liquid crystal or plasma TV is an expensive and complex technique that requires careful handling. Naturally, in the event of any malfunctions in its operation, it is necessary to carefully examine the external case for visible damage, and if necessary, call an experienced craftsman.

If you change the settings of the TV, check the connection to the network or computer, you can replace the cords and cables yourself, it is better to entrust the experienced master to replace the components and parts. Specialists of our service center "Repair" professionally perform prompt repairs of any brands and models of TVs:

  • In our state, there are craftsmen with the knowledge and skills to quickly repair even the most complex equipment.
  • We work only with trusted suppliers of spare parts, so you can be sure of the quality of the installed parts.
  • All types of work are covered by the warranty.

In order to leave a request to call a specialist, call

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