What the subscriber hears if in the black list. How to add a number to the blacklist

Personally, I somehow never really thought about this, since I am not a particularly ardent fan of social networks. But nevertheless, in today's article this is exactly what I wanted to talk with you.

Hello. Let's deal with our question.

To begin with, I would like to remind you that before that I wrote about how to add a person to the black list. If you missed this article, you can see it.

Most recently, I saw one person scanning something in his contact there. “What are you doing?” I asked, this person. “I’m watching who added me to the black list,” I received in response.
  "Wow, but how can I check it," I thought.

But this is all done very easily, using an application called Blacklist & Hidden Friends.  To go to this application, just click on its name.

And so you are thrown to the VKontakte website. Now click - "run the application." And such a picture will open before you.

  Using this application, you can see a list of those people who have added you to the black list, and you can also see hidden friends from a user.

Scanning has begun. Completely in this application, I did not understand, but judging from the text that was written, I concluded that this application first searches only among friends of your friends. It takes about one minute.

  Then it starts to scan further. I’m watching the scanning process, probably it is so, as it still finds people.

  And now let's try to see hidden friends, which user. We take a link from any user, for example, I’ll select this girl.

  I waited, waited, but nothing happened. Then I tried another person, but also all to no avail. There are probably no hidden friends in these people.

  Try scanning someone from your friends. If something works out, then write in the comments.

Sincerely, Alexander!

Difficult but possible.

There are a lot of programs that block incoming calls and messages. Both already preinstalled initially in the phone, and third-party developers that are installed by the users themselves.

Usually, when a call is made, when the caller’s number is blocked, the usual one regular beep starts first and only then the busy tone. And so constantly. You can check by calling, for example, 2-3 times per hour at different times of the day.

To understand whether SMS is blocked is very problematic. There are no visible results. A delivery message arrives. But it does not say that the message is actually delivered to the recipient. This is simply the response of the mobile operator’s server that the message has been received. But it is already blocked by the program in the phone immediately after receipt.

Third-party programs, such as BlackList, still have a journal of rejected calls and SMS. Other programs have the ability to configure the dial tone that the caller hears from the blacklist. So, you can put a normal beep or a signal that the subscriber is absent from the network.


How do I understand on a call that you are blacklisted by a subscriber?

Blacklisted subscribers simply will not be able to get through to someone who entered them in this list.
  In order to determine whether the number is blacklisted, you just need to dial the subscriber several times. If short beeps are constantly heard (busy) or the subscriber is unavailable, and in some cases the following phrase is heard in the handset: “This type of communication is not available to the subscriber”, then most likely it is. Some on phones do not have a second line and sometimes the subscriber is just busy, talking on the phone for a long time.
  To check this, you need to dial from another number and if the calls are free and the subscriber can pick up the phone, you should dial from your number again. If the situation with short beeps repeats, then the subscriber actually entered the phone number of the caller in the black list.

Sometimes it happens that when you make a call, the dial tone breaks and the network fails. In some cases, this may also indicate that the number is blacklisted.

On a call it is impossible to guess about getting into the "black list".

After all, the caller will hear the usual long beeps (and not short), that is, there is a connection, but as if the subscriber is not picking up the phone. It just happened to me, my friend mistakenly added my number to the black list. I’m calling, he doesn’t answer, I think I left the phone at home, and I myself am on the street. This happened several times, I did not think about the black list. And then he calls himself and takes offense that I have not called for a long time. I reply that I called then, then he looked at the missed ones, there he wasn’t. Then he opened his blacklist, there my calls were visible. So, by the call you won’t guess that you are on the black list.
If you want to know, then call another number or send SMS. Then your “hater” will answer you anyway. Here then find out why you annoyed him that you were included in the black list. Or maybe by mistake, like me.

You can find out about being in the black list in other ways, but it is impossible to call

With the advent of mobile phones, the time for communication has increased, while personal space has drastically reduced. Anyone can break the comfort zone and it is often difficult to get away from annoying people, and multiple missed calls, if you just do not answer the call, can be unnerving. How to make sure that certain people do not disturb at all? How to add a number to the black list?

  Blacklist a number - ways

  • Using the phone’s operating system.
  • Using downloaded special applications.

Before downloading the application, make sure that you can do with the settings of the device itself so as not to occupy the memory in the phone unnecessarily.

How to add a number to the “Black List” using the operating resources of the device?
  For different versions of Android, the sequence of actions will be distinctive.

For Android 4.0 and above

  • Open "Contacts".
  • Choose the desired number from the list. It must be saved on the phone, not on the CIM card.
  • Open the "Menu". You can use the icon in the form of three bold, horizontal dots. It is located at the bottom of the screen.
  • In the menu window, opposite the item “Block incoming call”, put a tick.
  • Incoming calls from an unwanted subscriber are blocked.
  • You can remove the block just as easily by simply unchecking the box.

For Android version lower than 4.0

  • The blocked number must be stored on the phone, not on the CIM card.
  • Open "Settings" - "Calls" - "All calls" - "Reject call."
  • We find the “Black List” - “Add”.
  • On the contrary, “Include in the black list”, check the box.
  • Open "Contacts" - "Menu". To do this, press "Contacts" with your finger and hold until it appears.
  • Select "Add to the blacklist."
  • To unlock the number, uncheck the box next to "Add to the black list".

  How to add to the Blacklist of a subscriber on different phones?

Sumsung, smartphone

  • Open the Phone app - Call List.
  • Select a blocked number.
  • Open Advanced Features and select Add to Blacklist.
  • Delete a number from the Black List: “Settings” - “Call Settings” - “Call Rejection”.


  • Open the Phone menu.
  • In the upper right corner, click on the three dots, in the pop-up menu, select "Call Settings".
  • Open the "General" section and select "Reject call" - "Reject call from ..." and select a number.

If your phone does not have the Black List function, you can install it by downloading the application you like from the Play Market or another source. A sufficient selection, including free versions. There are applications with wider functionality than in the operating system, for example, SMS blocking.

  How to get rid of unwanted calls for Android using the Voice Mail feature

In different versions, it can also be called as “Add a contact to voicemail” or “Immediate blocking”.

The contact marked in the directory with the checkmark “Immediate blocking” will receive busy beeps.
  You can configure Voice Mail to a non-existent subscriber number, then the signal “This number is not served” will be sent to the non-desired subscriber. This method is only suitable if you are not using Voice Mail.

Using this method or installing the application is your personal choice.
  As a result of entering a number into the Blacklist of a blocked subscriber, when making a call, after the first beep, the call will be automatically reset.

Your personal space and comfort will be under your control.

Difficult but possible.

There are a lot of programs that block incoming calls and messages. Both already preinstalled initially in the phone, and third-party developers that are installed by the users themselves.

Usually, when a call is made, when the caller’s number is blocked, the usual one regular beep starts first and only then the busy tone. And so constantly. You can check by calling, for example, 2-3 times per hour at different times of the day.

To understand whether SMS is blocked is very problematic. There are no visible results. A delivery message arrives. But it does not say that the message is actually delivered to the recipient. This is simply the response of the mobile operator’s server that the message has been received. But it is already blocked by the program in the phone immediately after receipt.

Third-party programs, such as BlackList, still have a journal of rejected calls and SMS. Other programs have the ability to configure the dial tone that the caller hears from the blacklist. So, you can put a normal beep or a signal that the subscriber is absent from the network.


How do I understand on a call that you are blacklisted by a subscriber?

Blacklisted subscribers simply will not be able to get through to someone who entered them in this list.
  In order to determine whether the number is blacklisted, you just need to dial the subscriber several times. If short beeps are constantly heard (busy) or the subscriber is unavailable, and in some cases the following phrase is heard in the handset: “This type of communication is not available to the subscriber”, then most likely it is. Some on phones do not have a second line and sometimes the subscriber is just busy, talking on the phone for a long time.
  To check this, you need to dial from another number and if the calls are free and the subscriber can pick up the phone, you should dial from your number again. If the situation with short beeps repeats, then the subscriber actually entered the phone number of the caller in the black list.

Sometimes it happens that when you make a call, the dial tone breaks and the network fails. In some cases, this may also indicate that the number is blacklisted.

On a call it is impossible to guess about getting into the "black list".

After all, the caller will hear the usual long beeps (and not short), that is, there is a connection, but as if the subscriber is not picking up the phone. It just happened to me, my friend mistakenly added my number to the black list. I’m calling, he doesn’t answer, I think I left the phone at home, and I myself am on the street. This happened several times, I did not think about the black list. And then he calls himself and takes offense that I have not called for a long time. I reply that I called then, then he looked at the missed ones, there he wasn’t. Then he opened his blacklist, there my calls were visible. So, by the call you won’t guess that you are on the black list.
If you want to know, then call another number or send SMS. Then your “hater” will answer you anyway. Here then find out why you annoyed him that you were included in the black list. Or maybe by mistake, like me.

You can find out about being in the black list in other ways, but it is impossible to call

It is difficult to imagine modern life without the ability to communicate through cellular communications. Using mobile devices, we can communicate with a person who is hundreds and thousands of kilometers away, and at the same time hear his voice, as if he is now with us. In the context of the large-scale development of cellular communications, a modern subscriber faces a difficult right to choose an operator that will allow him to use high-quality communication at a minimal cost. One of the leading positions in this area is Beeline, which has long gained popularity among users due to its rather extensive set of useful functions. In addition to the standard set of commands, this type of cellular communication includes special additional features. For example, the Beeline blacklist can be very convenient and affordable for subscribers.

The essence of the function

It's no secret that the ability to contact a person hundreds of kilometers away is very useful. At the same time, the Beeline blacklist may be necessary not only in business communication, but also in everyday life, when your phone is tormented by a subscriber, whom you would like to avoid conversations with. For this, the function of blocking an incoming call from an unwanted call was invented.

At the same time, getting rid of an unnecessary call will go unnoticed by your failed interlocutor. The phrase of a mobile robot that your phone is switched off or is out of the network zone will sound in his handset. In most cases, unwanted interlocutors decide that the number of the called subscriber has been changed, and stop seeking answers. The Beeline Blacklist service is very useful only if you absolutely do not plan further communication with a person listed in the ignore list.

Blacklist Features

Like any other function, this one has its own few features, the most important of which are presented below.

How to activate the service

You can connect and configure your personal blacklist in two ways: - through special commands on your mobile phone and using the support center operators. Of course, in view of the periodic workload of Beeline technical support staff, the first option will be the fastest. To activate a free service, dial the following command on the phone: * 110 * 771 # and the call button. To disable the service, a similar command operates: * 110 * 770 # and the call button. You can add numbers to the black list using the following pattern: * 110 * 771 * subscriber number in international format (instead of figure 8, dial 7 in front of the number) # and the call button. To delete the number, use the command similar to adding: * 110 * 770 * the subscriber's number in the international format (instead of the figure eight, dial 7 in front of the number) # and the call button.

How to find out who called

Despite the fact that unwanted numbers are added to the black list, and subscribers cannot reach the desired destination, you can always request information about the number of calls from blocked users. At the same time, you can get quite complete information about the blocked numbers that called you, indicating the number of calls. It is enough to dial the command * 110 * 775 # and the call key on your phone, and you will immediately receive an SMS notification about the number of unwanted calls per day. With the help of another simple command - * 110 * 773 # - you can get complete information about the numbers that are on your ban list.

AntiAON and Black List

Do not forget about such a moment as the caller ID, which is used by most Beeline subscribers. A call from a user with such a service is encrypted, but the Black List service also extends to those numbers that are hidden by Antiion, provided that they are determined via the network. Thus, the barring of an incoming call will be carried out in the same way as if it were not encrypted.

If your number is blacklisted ...

Unfortunately, sometimes you yourself can act as unwanted interlocutors. At the same time, it is not always immediately possible to understand that the number was blacklisted, since the first thing that comes to mind is that the cell-phone of the called user is simply turned off (“does not catch”, “the battery has run out”, etc. .). In principle, it’s not difficult to understand that your number has taken an “honorable” place in the ban list of another subscriber - just try sending an SMS message. If the message about the delivery of the e-mail came immediately - the conclusion suggests itself: your number is blacklisted!

Blacklist for SMS messages

In the event that you would like to completely get rid of unnecessary contacts, you should also try to block the ability to deliver messages and multimedia files (MMS). However, it should immediately be noted that such a function is far from possible for all phones, because to activate it you must have a smartphone based on IOS, Android or Windows.

In the database of these software systems there are special applications that will allow you to put a ban on incoming SMS and MMS messages not only to the Beeline network, but also to any other mobile operator. The essence of the work of such an application is that a letter from an unwanted subscriber, although it arrives on your phone, remains invisible to you.

How to get around the Beeline blacklist

If you are not very lucky to be on the black list, but still need to urgently contact the subscriber who blocked you, then for a start you can try to send an SMS explaining the importance of the conversation. Otherwise, you can call the coveted number from another phone number (regardless of the operator), since the Black List service extends exclusively to those numbers that are entered in the user database that has placed a ban on your number.

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